The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, July 03, 1871, Image 1

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" 1 niAs A (HMflO VOL. IL ■■■ . t ■■■ ATLANTA,’ GEORGIA, 1 MONDAY, Change of Schedule, ACCOMMODATION T*ATW—XVARD, Ltavea Dalton 6:38 *m Arrives at Atlanta 9:10 a in 45T" The above schedule goes Into effect July 9, SOVTHERJT DEPJi KT*Ti EJ9TT Liverpool and London ! in K)A>- Globe Insurance Company. GKN. U'.SsWALKUK.Af't, Atlanta,On. CAPITAL, flnrplui. and Reserved funds in gold, in Gibb* DritalR, UDrttxl Staten and Canada $90,889,079 Daily fltaft ltewlpta in <k*d 90,000 Investments in Oeqqgi% Virgin a. South Carolina and Alabama oesc.... 100,000 W. 8. WALKER, A^ntfur Atlanta. Office corner Marietta ana Broad Street*. June 96th-dlw. bobtT h. So^x. mxxtt hubblc HOWE & HUBBIaE, J M POUTERS OF AND DEALERS iu all kinds of FOfttlftM AND ftOMESTI IjIQUOHS. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SOUTHERN TRAD*. .re. Hi *5 sail SO. yes*rt Nlrtfl, cijrcrArJrJtg, *mi 0 . ' : ~ NsySt-Hm Lookout Mountain, FROM ATLANTA, OA. miCKl.T8, FOB THE BOUND TRIP. NINE DOL- 1 LARS AND SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS, inclu ding Stage Fare, can be Lad on application to J H. Porter, General Ticket Agent, Union Pas-eager De pot. Atlanta. E. B. WALKER, june.m-lLB Master Transg»ort*tion._ ' LUMBER! LUMBER!’ w three selling at reduced prices. 'Offiou and yard Forsyth and Hunter Street*. june27-dlm. MURPHY ft MLRRIAM. . HKNBT O. BOTT. DARWIN O. 40MBS Lata Teller UR. Nat Bauk HOYT & JONES, Bankers and Brokers, ATLANTA, OA., Dealers in Gold, Silver, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, Domestj^nncl Foreign Kmhange, Railroad and other Securities. Special Attention GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS. Refer to Georgia Nation,! Bauk, Atlanta, and National Park Bank, N. 7. aprl-tf SULPHUR SPUnTGSr^ Near n.iatattua, HaU Couir, GW(l>. rilHIfl Delightful Summer Resort is i mautio Sosnsry around the Springs, cannot be paused in the Southern States. The supervision of tfc* Hours will be under the imusediata con tret of Cot L. P. Thomas and Lady, who aw too well known to the traveling public to need further oommsat 49* Mo palaa will bo spared to render tbs visit of guests comfortable and happy. It, R, MctiMY, June 10th, 1871.-lm. THE DAILY SUN. (Mice center #» Broad aa* ikkarW Published bj the Atlanta 8» llnuGr H. HtfeMa, * - - ijalrkb, Hnl, (milk. THE CRRVRNT WHOOIy Annnal Exklbitioa—Prises,Dec- tamatlMi, NhIIci and Mow- ai.klkald H. I, Alexander H. Stephen*, A. K. Watson, * - • J. Hrnlj Smith, - - fysvsUog Agent* t EL W. HILL. A W. JBAIR UOW TO ■■BUT ■>*■! We will ha respoasiWe lor ths safe arrival af a|l asonev seat ns by Registered Letter, by I by Draft, but not otherwise. If money sent It an unregistered letter is lost, it must be the leas of ths persou sending it No paper will be sent from the office till it la for. and names will always be erased when the paid for eaplree. The school of the Convent of Our Laly of Mercy, gave its annuel exhi- bition on Friday evening, before a _ laige and fashionable apdienge, at DeOive’a Opera House. The excr- m began at S in the evening, and ware under tke supervision of Bev. Thos. O’Beily, who never looks to boiler advantage than when reward- ing merit The exensiseawere most agreeable, ’ had the pupils drew enconiums from all present The French Dialogue was well rendered, and the stranger To Onr City Snbicrlben, We respectfully ssk our city subscribers to notify ns in rase of failure to. receive Th* 8cn. We have recently made some changes in the city delivery, sod in coosetineuce of this, some will probably be ■ for s few days- until the routesure perfectly 1st by those iu charge. For s short time, we beg our oily readers to ba pA- tieot sit they can, iu case failures occur. Wa promise tlieiu that the evil will soon ba tattsfertorUy rame- riied. We are resolved to t.« that Tbk Sub la frith* lully and promptly delivered to every mb-rtm. ■aka np Clubs. We shall make Tn Run lively, fresh and I eating—containing sU the latest news. Wa till it with good reading matter, and shall bars In each issue as much reading matter as any paper In Georgia, and we shall soon enlarge sod otherwise improve it, so as to give it a handsome appearance and make it easily reed and desirable to hat* lB the family. We ssk our friends to use a little eflbrt to mal a club for ns at every post office. See our club i A very little effort is all that is needed to mate np a large list. To Correspondents. Mr. Stephens will remain in CrawfordviBe. Bis connection with Thk Bun will not change his resi dence. All let 1 era intended for him, either on pri vate matters or connected wi«h the Political De partment of this paper, should be addressed to him at Crawfordville, Georgia. All letters on business of any kind, connected with Tub 8dn, except its Political Department, should be addressed to J. Smiih, Manager, Atlanta Ga. Terms of* Hubm«rlptlon« DAILYl Per Annum ff 04 Six Months 4 “ Three Mouths 9 00 One Mouth 74 WEEKLY PER ANNUM : Single Oopy 9 00 Three CopieA. 4 50 •• 14 00 Twenty •• 96 00 Fifty *• 60 00 /Hurls Cartes 5 Ctwis. WEEKLY—8IX MONTH8: BiuglsCopy, Six Mouths 1 00 Three “ •• ** 9 96 Tan •• - •• 7 00 Twenty «• ** " 1690 Fifty “ •• “ * 97 60 No subscriptions, to the Weekly, reoeived for a shorter period than six months. All subscriptions must be paid for in advaMa ; sud all namcH will be a: rickeu from our books vhsu the time paid tot expires. Terms of A.«l vortlMtnRf. , Proprietor. 4th of July Grand Picnic! Running and Trotting Race* OG LKTHORPE PARK. rvjri' Mvsrc t .wars/ O N the Glorious Fourth there will be s grand pic Uin at DgMAmrjp Park, given by Mercer k Peel. IB tfc#aftrt>o« them will be aevOral trotting and running racte. paffifcularso: which will be given hereafter. Wear- pr-fariugfot a regular old lash- loned Fourth of July celebration. Admiss oa 25 cents to all parts of the grounds. Trains will be run for the accommodation of the public. Suitable ora tions will be delivered by several geutleuieu. The Declaration of Independents wi 1 be read. The civil and military bauds Will be .la attamtaace. Special attention will be paid to the comfort of the ladies — ( apt. G. Whit Auden^n will bo on h»uil with hie special police rotes to preserve order. Roadies and ruffiiaim sxrliuksd from fee eut tosure. July 97-d6t. - Auction. & Commission. W S hereby notify the generally that we and oemwiastou business Th- Dugss Building, mm Hill street. oi property, deal right and make prompt returns of all sates. <'»usigume*)|s solicited, l iberal adwatsesa made On goods In atorm to be Sold at auctiod. Ref> lll*r al.-il.yii, W«Jueia.T, »ud IWMoT Rial Relate pramptl) attended So. J. A- OH KURT, Auctioneer. McDOWKLL A 00. GRIFFIN, GA.. May 19, 1871. m »****„ Dutch Pete’s Restauiftnt, UttOer Jam**' Han^W j_£AB BEEN RECENTLY FURNISHED WITH A No. 1 OOOK, And an other asodstu appltaaoes; «9. meals supplied at all hours. 43. REGULAR BOARD PER WEEK 43. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS WILL ALWAYS w U <m 18 00 90 00 I 99 O0 94 00 97 00 40 00 | 16 yO 1H 00 20 00 29 00 24 00 27 00 SO 00 82 00 86 00 48 00 Ttr 15 00 18 00 94 00 5S 83 00 MOr 64 00 40 44 49 00 Advertisements in the Local Column marked with su asterisk, (•/ will be charged 26 oenta per line aaoh insertion. Advertisements under ths Special Notlos head (leaded) fbr lesa rime than one week, will be charged 15 cent# per line. 49 Advertisements, except for established busi ness houses, in this city, must be paid for la ad- No reduction will be mads on the above rates fbr quarterly, semi-annual or yearly advertisements, Day Passenger Train leaves .. fl.tWUi-w CoU«se Commoupement. 8TJPT8 OmCt Onili'll RAILKUIX I ATLAlTT/, Juue 12th, 1*70. | a iHR comnHonfurr wmmamm or col LEG EH will be held at CXWiNGTON, Jane MR, 14TL OXFORD. July MR. W7L ATHER8, JRiJ Arrivals «n«l| Departures of Trulus to stud from Atlsmtu. THE WKSTKUN A ATLlNTIC (OB STATE) BAOJttAD. Night PMsenger Train arrives ■ .'.V.*.n!!l**..9:90p. m . 4:15 a. m ( srtcrsville* Accommodation arrives 9:10 a. m Cartersviiis Aooonuuodatiou leave#.........6:00 P- IB, THE O BORG LA (A0OCSTAI RAILROAD. (No Day Train an Sunday.) Night Passenger Train arrives ,.;.4:40a. m Night PsMMiiger Train leaves 6:16 p. 4> Duy Passenger Train arrives 6:»P- ■ Day Pss-enger Train leaves 7:10a. m Ktone Mountain Accommodation arrivee...88»a. m hUme Mountain Accommotlstion leaves....• :46a. m MACON AND WESTERN RAILTOAD. Night Passenger Train arrives lO^lOp. m Nigtit Fsseeuger Train leaves 6:96 p. ■; Day Passenger Train arrives *:10p- m Day Passonger train leaves .6:00 a. ay ATLANTA AND WEST FOUL RAILROAD. Night Passenger Train arrives.... ■••97 a. ■ Night Passenger Tram leaves... 9:46 p. m ,... .ft:00 p. at 7 :10 a. n Day Passeuger Train arrives Day Passeuger Train leaves. ATLANTA AND RICHMOND AIR-LINE RAILROAD. Regular Passenger T.a n arrives 4:60 p. ta Regular Pass«*u„cr Traiu leave#.. 7:60 a. ta Rush villa at. Loots, Memphis. CHhMsuinmiis Orest Csatral Through Lins. Chattanooga train leaves....9:60 a.». T ■ arrives...2.0ft p.m. and6:4* a.aa iuopki.ttG.i~vM « imvM uid,.-«op.A gt. Louis train leaves am. t—r" s»»“ M. TttMui i I'l tt-.iwl ****5'J l Ji , *il trains run daily. _ Western Railroad of Alabaa LEAVE mom g< * . 7 ^? ARRIVE AT WEST POINT. ABE1VE AT COLUMBIA, LEAVE WEST POINT. *5*2 •• ARRIVE AT MONTGOMERY .vi a w LEAVE * A REIVE AT OOLVMPUH. ■. - dll6 liuti A Aifittt lUllrfei Lsavs uugweto aft i • imn* a J* u. o|th. 8OT.J,, . ATHENS. Marriage Fe»tiTlties~Uuivenl- tf, Newt, Etc. dropping in would have imagine! XAlOxA. aud although large and com- himself transported into tome Pari sian salon, surrounded by the grace and beauty of the French Capital. Later in the evening an English dia logue was performed, In which Miss Ju|ia H«jtor admirably sustained the roll assigned her. The musics] exercises were profit fiueccessfully conducted, with the simple exception af the time being rather fast, but that may be accounted for in the trepidation felt by the children in ap- l>earing before Bitch a houseful of folks. Several young ladies, whose names we did not ascertain, acquitted themselves in a manner highly cred itable, Among the younger puuijj Miss Maggie Crankshaw and Miiu Julia Hector, deserve especial men tion. The distribution of prizes was not the least entertaining port of the pro gramme. Between W50 «nd *300 worth of chotoe volumes wseiy awpfd- ed, and the recipiepta looked in every way worthy* . n The presentation of the gold medal to Miss Emma Bntt^ was a pleasing incident This young lady is the first graduate of the school, and in leaving it she carries with her the love and admiration of her companions, as well as the kind sisters. Father 0’- Reily made a well-timed presentation address Mias Butts also reoeived the first wreath for general conduct Her valedictory was pleasing, and clothed in elegant diction. The exercises were prolonged to a late hour in the night, and the schol ars and their friends had a most agree able evening. This school is qne of the best con ducted and most success^] in the city. It is rapidly taking a front rank, an^ will, no doubt, soon have to enlarge its capacities to meet the. extended la bor it will be required to perform. VI BT ARMIfi. Oocaslwa mi Italas <kU En»pg>r, a YmUth Endeavors to Make M Move Se. On the excursion to Gainesville Friday, one or two incidents oocurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion. On the way, a number of mm rushed into the ladies’ cat; and some of them took seats. Mom ladies coming in, the conductor requested one of the gentlemen to give up Ms seat The young gent got. his beak up, and drew his pistol. A scbffle ensued, during which quite a “flight of doves” was witnessed. The affair ended without material damage, how ever, and the cry was, “all quiet along the Air-Line.” Cade James Harris la Tkaaked. Our worthy Sheriff, J. O. Harris, Esq., presented to the pulpit of Payne’s Chapel—Bev. IX 0. Cox, Fac tor—a handsome Bible, a very clever and very acceptable present At a regular church conference of the membetohip, the following resolution of thanks Was adopts i Whereas 1. 0. Harris, Esq., has pre sented to oar Pastor, Ret. P. D. Cox, for the Payne's Obapet M. B. Choreh, a Aos Bible, therefore Resolved, That the mstaberehip of retry tender Ma tstr hesstiek thanks .for donation: and we thk Ohureh do hereby moat auaere sad beast Tsxaxm&emm bounds of tin*, s * O—Wwcn*fgkm w mra Csttt-a. Ws intend this new talas of issart- iog aoticss is the amst conspicuous col umn in our paper, as aa accommodation to than who wish to InseH shSat sdrer Sash aoticss aanst, in at aum, bs*o- by the cash. Wa es*noi open aa secoant 00 oar books, makqWot a MU. Ml asad round a collector, fur iQflh udeU niw “iltui ;nc i iimnwnccaMt oh. l-tlUJal)9u 0> K# J OHM LOW, 8np’t. Apply at tha kassiares o4re of TmBsw. Atiiekh, Ga, Jnne -M, 1871. ‘Oh! married love I each heart shall own, Where two oongenial sou's unite, Thy golden chains inlaid with down, Tbjy kas^ with Heaven'a <^m splendor Editor» Atlanta Sun: The nup tial* of Miss Bella Hardeman and Captain Brumby, in regard to whoi Madame Rumor, with her thousand tongues hud proclaimed so many reports, were finally solemnized and consummated on the night of the 29th instant We repaired to the Methodist JULY ir^. Bipbcd number, “ you I Tnrve/Tng uriong recently in a * I -fils if Atom «f Bs^raMekflu will RxmJL when Lmwiliun it, a htale etnm^e seefiou, I overtook au old totmj ’! f . . eoew-that.vcchrred when, jpu.wo * 1 twedty^ve rears agio. H > gem Um*x—thk time,' solil «jy.horseman”—was on his baol to old Virginia, to revisit homo of his iihimhkbd. modious, still was filled to its utmost capacity. We there found u collec tion of beauties uot to be excelled of States,” and settled m ooAUty pfcwjem-a before. HU eldekt son, at the period mentioned, had 1 just attained his majority: And beifig presented ' With, perhaps, his' first none, handsomely caphnsoned, he set out across the mountains of Eastern^ Kentucky, horseback, pro vided with the necessary adjuncts of that mdde of travel, a pair of saddfe- breft and “ forgings.” This was before the era of railroads ill Kentucky) and hsncq the jopng gentleman did not suffer the tediUm one would experience oil Audi * jodf- aud Surpassed even Ly ancient Athens n#V how—for going add coming, not 1 only horsemen, but wagons, buggies, cahnage*. Ac, relieved the monotony, in her palmiest days and in her gol den age; for, as is well-known, Mod- _ i r ~ • . ..i . ... . , „ and furnuh»d a number of those tn- JSIB-AihKWSja.X6UU.\yjl£!L.fct th? iliug incidents SO grutifying to’“soli- quisite beauty and surpassing loveli ness of its ladies. And very justly does she enjoy this proud and onvian ble reputation; for, whatever they go the palm of beauty, malotii at nr tut m, i( aooorded them. M we digress. This fair assemblage was waitiug with anxious andfoverisli exiwotalioiv the arrival of tllCj bridal eortegit.— This had beoorne twin fill and had al- t attained its maxiimim hoiglit, eo as the epithulamuiui Was being sung by the choir, ably supported by the accomplished and elegant Mrs. B., in swept in stately procession the party so long and anxiously looked for. While thoy were nuking slowly gild majestically up the aisle the or gan disevursed *'piV)ftise Btmins with unprenieditaled art.*' The music came o’er (he ears of the audience ‘like the sweet south wind that breathes upon.the bank of violet^, stealing and giving odor.” Although Miss Susie B. admirably sustained herself and Atlanta's repute, and al though similar remarks are applicable to all the attendant*—situ—^with all deference to the ludie* in question— the bride was preeminent among them them all The bridegroom was-the very picture of bliss. Tile omamontB and all accompaniments of a bridal fete and festival were unexceptionable. Mrs. tee Hentz, in “Mardus War- land,” one of her boat productions, remarks that the ladies of the South are unsurpassed in elegance and ex cellence Of floral taste. That obser vation was truly and happily exem plified in this occasion J for the table, which groaned under rich delicacies and tpopical fruits and was beautiful-), ly deooratod, and the atmosphere was redolent with the perfnme of flowers that were tastefully suspended In fes toons, garlands and oanopies. Not evert Mrs. Harriet .Beecher .Stowe’s famous “Mire Prissy,” who was » Roscius and equal to any Admirable. Crichton in this line, could have-made a single suggestion .of 'alteration .for the better. Everything was faultless ai(d “went merry as a marriage bell.” The seniors, who have been sub jected to the examination pf the visi ting board appointed by his Expel- lency, are at length lilierated from their rigid scrutiny. We are happy to state tliat they passed through the fiery ordeal ” safely. The boys are highly elated ut the creditable exami nations they passed, and particularly at the panegyrics showered on them by said committee. Saturday there was moot court. An interesting case was brought up, involving some nice points and discriminations. Judge Underwood presided and charged the jury , and heard the case debuted, and WB^gratitied at the proficiency of the joiing amateurs of lllackstone. Hamet. and two or three children, whose woe begone and squalid appeacanee indi cated not only poverty, but almoet ah? solute starvation. ■ {t was a poorflMmly moving West.' 1 Having become com pletely bankrupt foViivInla, by sudden failure, they had gather what. iittja of household goc sheriff had left them and start Kent ucky. The two skeleton-frames of horses which were used for dr*w- .ilig their little store Of plunder were" Lady’s Dress Searched by Llxhtalog. ' A member of the- fhMily of Capt. Joshua Hale, While walking out dnr- iag a thunderstorm the Jattar pai t of 9 ^8^ 4k clcOl'HOlty which moBMittarily numbed her, but, recovering almost ijistantly. she con tinued 1m While b*vm<-. £ Orl i all‘h4ng there she found I list the lightning- had actually struck a fold of her block idimca dreis, hear the ground,' when- it was wet by the shower. ,uui had xcorehed the udge of tin- li>ld and theu leaped off to the wet ground. The burned pfcoaolthadrere *m cut,out and has been handed in to this onice. It tea curiosity the like of which is rarely seen, and It Is well worth pres ervation. The electric fluid burned a streak abonteight inches iu length, and on its edges the peculiar zioz*j| course of th« flash is clearly —burning into the fabrio—as U is seen painted ta a black cloud iu a thunderstorm. The surrounding tloth having been dry *» *he time of the occurrence, and cou»eqm.'n(h^a lad Vs escape from death wm very re el r partiality, I Woman in me boy on your way to Viivhim frelal it). • ft kab you who saved my (<«t. Wise’s Coasts* snd Ohickre ' CliotPMi * • ^...... trying. tarj horsemen" generally. These Wire then the only modes Of travel over that route, and long wagoh trains of thmilies, and evsp of whole neigh borhoods, setting west, werepnsstpycry Vhllr crossing the mountains, one evening, a few miles bayund the Vir ginia border, he camf Act to face with Sriifi the reoeltt numher of the ing, l*<»bt,'0ontainhig.■ xtracte from the energetically endeavoring extrijet sustenance “by the skin 9f,t,heir teeth - from the barren soil, as the young you win amuse ulnae unmanly * suid he, wewping freely ta he [ at the little hungry innocents Ihrt otamwl aim ' • "' 7 eusteui -from man rode up. As onr hero drew the rains for a few momenta’ohat with' this “beg garly account ” he was saluted by the “head * with the Masohleiiih,'Aich being himself a .Mu»du. be at oned recognized, and returned. The poor husband aud father thus meeting the first frieud he had seen since tearing home, poured out his whole < heart to tibe young stranger. Ills story begat a.lively Interest—reveahnm as’it did, a tale of misfortune without grime. Our hero was soon impressed with the fact that, notwithstandiag outside appearances were deoiderfly against this “ brother,” he was not enly a remarkably bright Mason, but a gen tleman Of excellent mappers, good leducation and high breeding. “ Wheal tell you that my poor wife and children have scarcely eaten enough to keep them alive for three days, yon will excruse these unmanly tCHTBj Anil]' LA wnemina #a— ■litre- Ud ho •W. . clinging around aim. The youfig traveler wee moved to tears and could not ddifot his own eyea, though tho picture Was one he had not expected to meet, and one which he had, perhaps, newer met before. —to He at once handed the unfortunate husband and father tab, almost jive last cent of money he hod. retaining only sufficient to take him to th* enu Of his journey by a scant allow ance—not caring to keep any to 1 '-re turn on. The stranger insisted on receiving only 45, trusting to Ptbvi- deucc for enough to oomnfofo' hts journey to that part of Kentucky whither he waa moving; but thp young man’s heart was too large not to have given five times that amount •f he had been able. Besides this (as ho himself relates it) his eyes filled with teqrs, as did those of the (tthef and mother, while the goof, hungry children literally devoured the frag ments of a lnnch which the young Samaritan had brought with him from his last break feet Amid the tears urd blessings of the little circle the kind-hearted Itrtvnger rode off, thanking Clod that it hail been in his power to bestow so. much ]0Sta' scripts made ’ ready* for the press, troared the continent,posted through New Xork city, set toe beck Boston, and 'sailed for r.ugii where, In 1 Linden, ft! his owii' e£ ' MU ■ tarn pfihse/andwitboitt the hid of a-pfifo ii*| With a. each OF ffiehl on his sliofhler. Approiu-hing him nearer, be itkreuf, ilnw ld fl —mul said; A from starvation. She has tolfo 'fi^- 'tS.Ook here, stmigey, I don’t know •® time and again that never itul. a >001 hut my naftfe'ft'msft—am a ‘J ,worse]. of food taste so sweetrrto cotain of <f»V. Wise, pf Virginia, tort e .utterly delicious, as tlmt yougav;e her noik-tter WVJIfat moSsirf; yet Thave . , . , T Ihqn. Slie was but stx veacs 61d at ToUid a c^yloiu cure for chicken ad;moved to Kentucky from “the (hat time; but When she saw yrttfr ehhlaea, and as 1 wont to do all the name, during the late canvass, among Rdofl f" enfr, i’ll tell you how to pre- the promiuent pn-lailile (vmdiUales lor vent and cure tire disease. Mix up the Kpenkefehip, she ‘laid down,.tire Tor* meal with |r’ ’' 1-*“'*- *" K..u t .-.a.. This js of mush, add a gi law’ as to how i was to votL' all. Neither she, nor her f&ther and and fed to. j'oui fowls two or three mother, brothers and sisters, nor my- times, a' week, ws -n preventive, and self, odn ever forget you.” twice a day us a cure; and if your —-. ■■.»»«,.!... .. fowjffWW net too far gone to eat, ewry Th* Coining Poet. ota.will be cured! ’*/-Hafcfftried this iMncoreN.oad.iia.TiL. N v iv.nin p~. fot y«ue. and never foiled to nagaioaawre o.«r than i. * sies ta^ cure, or,prevent the disease in those Joaqum, Md|er, the auddyniy risen that diff not liave it Now, stranger, California poet, who,-'unknown a.M ^ a C0U)jin of 0oy ^,^15 grimly huggjng |ns_niantf- sfink,rtiurT-ff»ii‘t thtnk'Hmnur (*er for that, And dofft thug* you ma tnrongn anything for this information, only ^ck,against r.hit vou will tell all tout ueighborii ■ Vit and the rest of mankind you mar you may ,^et that this will cure chicken I..-.. » . . .... * K i oplera, andT ahfa cotrsfn of Gtov. Hsher, he brought out. «u edvHon tel ItW-of-.Vmmtia.’’ Rural Vew five hundred copies of tveollectiun.of, —^ural Jnew original forma, w]hk]i mice eroai^i.j ‘ ilrrL .. - the great metropolis, A Brave Little Girl and Brave Uesctter. Mew a sensation, iu the great metropolis, and won rohg columns of praise frdin the tedding Condon'fcritie»M>llllf%uf' -' UHI aday ago unknown JoieiuniiMiller i« t’A fo-w mornings Btnce, “little Ef- iust now talkedtfismt mid aakod shout lie,” ii brighf-cyed,* curly headed, five here with as much curiosity and in,: years eldv bslengiug ta Me,and Mra. terest as Was Tii'ct Harte a while ego, T’ai iu»r«»,iinwu^^Ei rninEi Msjtook a “pliihge 1(8th* that came L>»ttanreviews,auitiiBW^ies-Htheia- asm- .resulting .iatally. There is a reJVqa wkteb. immediately fojfowud, tfoep' well ou the-place,, holding some. i crmrs dflbo town” ntid effort?' ybetn made to Hscertain who and wtiat the next poet is. Letters from London, received to-day, have a good deal to any about him. Iu some com r prehensiblc way, they Btiite, Miller got at olitw; 'Bfter 1 nis artdval, into ihe very midst of the Rosetti ami Nwin find water is drawn by means of W rope.- “Etfie” had been watching Mr. Thmna* drawing water from the well iu a bucket), winch she called a -‘kettle.” The roiie broke and the “kettle” went- to the- bottom. This ttonhted thk Httte -efiot and afterward; iW heating iiito thti well, looking for barite oliquas of Lolnltas, and thence.' :Ylit( kettle, site Just her balance, and 4*»jhitiia* lnc , * bun among tfo- fitly, Yttfeura. He is said to be an u^a- dtllteratriT American of the west, a rou^h, “ttnvarnlslied’ Californian, an —forty-ui n nr, at id a-geniite.- has: lived, a good imrt of his days Maxipo aad Caliloruia, uud ! troaglted it &\ the niiifes and led u life *k uiffike that bf a |>oelV as orid'ciin Imagine. ‘His admirers in LoSfdon* welt.”: Mr.Thpmas was at the well looked for, aud then compunsuiia may be itade with the poems of 11 ret. Harte, J’ohh Hay and the Michigan Carlrton. Cotton and Rain. Foaled eo often—tooled in every thing heretofore in regard to cottpu, We think it foolish for a man to ven ture an opinion in reference cither to the price or quantity of cotton in fu ture. CWttott’ne**+' works itetlf up *o catenlat ion. It is the miott ad I fit I efactl- happineM and so opportunely, - Years passed by sod the ineidant was ttbtini forgotten, when the benev olent young gentleman reoeiydd a letter, inclosing a *50 bill, gratefully recalling the circumstanoe above re lated, au uoimcing that the family had rcaohed tlieir destination in South western Kentucky, and that the Es ther was again a merchant, making money and living happily. Almost another decade, including in its whirl aud turmoil the bloody story of tho great civil war, had once more about (hot ant all memory of the oecnm-nee, when the hero of the story,now longrinebgrowatomnirt estate, and become ®»tingnMjdfl in this political history of Kentucky, wad elected hi the Lower .House of the legislature His tak-uts aud infiu- eiuw were saoh that with bat little difficulty, he wm eleotad Apeak if of the House. During the contest Over the Npeukership, Im bad noticed thU a stranger—and n mcvulicv of the Itad- ical aide—was one < f his roost active supporters. Meeting him A few days after the accomplished Bpeuker re “ Mr. , I have been enrnias to khow why yon were among lay vsvy warmest friends daring, tiw eldfitidV Ig aU Vou conld for nje. I never 4 mat you befora in my life—your vtr j name is unknown to mo—we are op posed in politice—and, while thttk- oall iiini tho IWnm bf Amei-ies, and ta* of them, Itowtti, 1 believe,-‘has “ r m ,)f “ volume of Wall Wlutnum s poems, inscribed •emothing after this fashion: “This relume-*f the works of the best Ameri can poet is presented to the Second best American poet.” It is said that Fryude, the historian, is pre paring a cai'oful and enfrtgistic review of the new poet's poems for Fraser's Hwinohumo for the Fort-nightly Keview. and Uusvetti for some other periouieal, uud Jeau .Jigclow and William Morris are talk ing to evenbody enthusiastically •bont them. Ho has chosen, it Mnibe, the Messrs, Kobe it Broteers, of this oity, as hi^ American publishers, hav ing ih the meantime, with ft clear eye to tint main chance; proenred fot-liim- iolf the America* copyright. Amer ican editions may, therefore, soou be then bo ficarce uud high priced, that is, i ’ present wppeonness be significant, iThe people, who are however, much given to “ hy per bole,” and all the tailors, aiul even the preachers, spy that cotton is ’ 6nt off a( feast one- third, by the great flood set in last February and now on the increase— that at tout yuo-eighth less is planted, it looks like one might yenture to predict 30 cents per pound next win ter, bnt there is no telling. Cotton is * more fiokle r than a woman and not half so lovely, aud much harder to como nL~-U]tAtku Xm Era. »-•-< :— Oesersl Cnpmn Vo ro to Japan. The Washington eorrespondeut of the Baltimore Sun, writing on the tfith, says: non. Horace (’apron, commissioner of agriculture-, to-day tendered to tho President his resigna tion, Wliiok takes effect August 1*1. This is iu accordance with a contract entered into two months ago witli the Japanese government, thfmqfii' a commissioner sent to this com* rwfor tho purpose of introdm ing and do- velopuig in that Wo g lom tl e I lie in dustrial ideas of the L’liio-.i states- He is empowered lo_ procure monels of agricultural und nidnstrial machi nery, even to the appliances of rail roading, and wifi take With hirq geologist, engineer, and of members of a corps for scicutilio industrial investigation. The miss: is preliminary to possible operations still more extensive, and is regarded hy the President ami the Cabinet as .one of great importanye both to Ja pan aud to this country. M r. (’apron is to get !2d,tK)0 per anmim. pfonged heud first inly the well Her tabtliyi- heard lielr scream as She top pled over; fab iwtothe yard, and hap- fieueft, by‘the merest ohi*n(»,togla»oe •into! the well, saw “Elite” as she come to the surface the first timA jPowerles herself she ran for Qie livery stable; shouting ‘at every step, “l-lrfe’s in the well, Effie’s in the in ivp time, and without a moment's thought, to how he was going to get out, plunged in, braciug himself its licet he could, against the smooth walls nS he wefit down, and reached tlie water in time to meet Effle “ on the way up ” the second time, and of coarse, rescued her. As soon us the little one could get water enough out and breath enongh in (o speak, she said to Mr. Thomas: “Jack, I have-found your ‘kettleit wus clear down to tho bottom,” and, sure enough, she hud the rope tightly clinched fn her little fingers. We hardly know which most to admire, the bravery of the man who risked his life to save that of the little girl, 0 ' the coolness of the child in hunting up thekettle,” when fourteen feet under water.—Cameron (Mitmntri) Ohnenmr. The Tobacco Tax. Tho Washington Chronicle says that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, in a reply to a communica tion desiring to know whether he would give his sanction aud support to any measure which may be pro posed to Congresg whereby certain parties may obtain relief from the, payment of tax on tobacco, snuff an#* cigars manufactuasd priorjto the pas sage of the present tax law and re maining unsold at the several dates mentioned in the same law where all ttolnicoo. snuff and cigars mast be thjug in the world ami aloes cXBnlly what it is not expected' to do and What it ought not Fo do; bitt it does . . . , _ , . „ , look now os if next Full cotton would ^.' wn j! od ^ u * e ., be, “? ° r . offer “} for side, states that their action would he just and meets with his approval Bewitched. A Chicago dispatch of the 27th contains tho following: The town of Frankfort, Perey county, Illinois, is greatly excited over what the citizens regard as a clear case of witoh- eraft, reoently developed in the vicinity of that town. Two young ladies, daugh ters of Jamrs Williams, are the victims. Tt has been thonght by the neighbors for sums time poet that something wm wrong witfe die girls, end * few days since s physician was oalled to visit them, bat he hi led to discover the diffl unity. Sinoe that time immense crowds have visited Ihe girls, averaging from fifty to one hun dred each night. They are perfectly sane duriug the day, hot at tbu approach Of night they beoorne frenzied and ancon- tollable, performing feats that would ffnwdmss acrobats c acrobats to shame; seeling they will dance aud gyrate oe b of the roof with perfect ease put < the ho and impunity, uttering at the some < the moat hideous and frenzied Very frequently, while perforating suoh feats, they fall perfectly rigid with spasms, bnt they never fell off, however near the eve they may be. Durian the day, at whioh time they are peneetly banc, they seem modest aud reserved. The spell comes upon them both at nearly the saaae time, generally during twilteht when they both breuk into a run. Tbey always rnn north, in the direction of the house of a lady, who they rap hae be witched them. These spells eye pat K them, they say, on account of their g something that sbs forbade them to do, and that ah* and- a cot ore with them on their house-top dance. Their conversation, when laboring nnder than ' s.ielta, is ta na unknown tongue. They catch and rat all tho flics they on* get P f uatilnsusea is produced, when -r~ J boBl Vomit at the same time. What For sheep printing go to th* Sea Job rate dees the other doss at the asms time Office and bare it neatly end obeapVy (hey seem to bemovodby oneoootroU- l o