The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, July 21, 1871, Image 3

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THE DAILY SUN. Fitnu* MoiiKixc Jcly 21 CITY AFFAIRS. nr John T. Robkuts is our authorized agent in Atlanta, llo will canvtcs the city for subscribers, and take advertisements. All receipts given by him will be respected by The Sun oitioo. Au accurate “Lint of Delegates to the Stato Agricultural Convention," and oili er items of interest—all of wliicli will ap pear in Saturday moning's paper. Oxford Commencement—A Correction In our letter from Oxford, on the first page of this issue, the sub-caption “True Manhood and its Dangers at tho Scuth,” which appears as the theme of President Smith’s Baccalaureate, was erroneously inserted in this office, through a misap prehension, aud should not have ap peared there. It was intended to appear os it does in tho letter of the same date printed on our inside pago this morning —being tho subject of the address by Mr. Bufus Smith, of the Phi Gamma Society. Local San Strokes. Tlio goober convention meets to-night- at tho City Hall. “Going np Stone Mountain” is what tho “town boys” now call it. An old toper who knows something about farming, says the best timo to put in rye is early in the morning. Tho “L” in Col. L. P. Grant’s name stands for “Lemuel.” He is not related much to U. S. “The Choice House” is the best hotel in Rome. A Tennesseean jnsfc from there says it’s “Hobson’s choice.” Sowing machines continuo brisk. A young friend of ours has helped himself to ouo of “sweet sixteen.” Our colored citizins aro hibernating in tho summer. A party now propose a trip to Saratoga. Tho population increases. Forty-five births havo been reported for tho present month, so far. An Alderman was seen going around town yesterday, wearing a pair of low- quartered cloth shoes. Well ! Tho magnificant span of horses spoken of yesterday, and bought by Tallula No. 3, was from the celebrated stables of Messrs. O. H. Jones & Co., of this city. If thoro is any ono thing moro than another calculated to draw forth the deep earnestness of a truo woman’s heart, it is tho-task of parting her back hair in the middle. Poor Jenkins. BY IUHNO. Every place, where’er lie goes— To route, or ball, or play— Every plcasuro ho foregoes, Aud turns tho thing to pay. Items, items, every where, And ne’er a hint to drink, It is plain, poor Jenkins’ sphere, Is just to noto and think. MAYOR’S COURT. We Hear It Slated That an effort is to be made to induce tho City Council to go to wire-working and trickstering, to cripple and thwart the building of the Georgia Western Railroad. This is simply an unverified rumor, which has come to us, with considerable detail as to tho plan of operations. Wo hope this is unfounded. Who ever opposes tho building of this road, especially ho who attempts to. defeat it by tricks or deceit, shall certainly bo ex posed and made to feci the weight of public indignation. “Besides newspaper cfiiees, we have several printing establishments. Promi nent among theso is the Economical Book and Job Printing House of V. P. Sisson & Co. The “Economical” is couductod by practical punters, with good material, and the moths is “ncal, cheap and prompt.” It is a live establishment, aud, by ndhe- ling to its motto, has attracted business from distant parts, and done its full share in swelling tho tide of prosperity which has poured in our Atlanta.”—Edract from “Atlanta As It Is,” by Dr. Wilson. July 21-3t Union Point, July 13, 1871. Messrs. Uw. Jlich it Co.: Dead Sins : Yours of tho 11th, stating that I was tho lucky drawer of a Gold Watch valued at Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, is to hand. Please express me tho watch. Remaining under many obligations, I am, Very Respectfully, Yours, Root. J. Bunkley. Union Point, Ga., July 17, 1871. This is to certify that on Friday, July 8tb, I purchased from Wm. Rich & Co., Whitehall street,, near the Railroad Cross ing, Atlanta, On., goods to tho amount of ten dollars aud received chance No. 328 on a gold watch, and that on July 10th I was awarded, and havo since re ceived, the gold watch and charm valued at two hundred and fifty dollars. To the liberal proprietors of the boose of Wm. Rich & Co. I tender my thanks and cheerfully recommend them to my friends nnd the public for their fair dealing. * Root. J. Bunkley. A Khrtil florae I* Soon Carried. Bo it was with the Court yeuterday.— Only seven eases were fresh with three old continues on tho docket. FHANK KENNEDY was drunk nnd consequently became dis orderly and profane. He owned up to the druiik, and the balance of the chargo was made good by a policeman. It cost him only $5. ANNIE TEASTEU was, as the Mayor supposed, about 10 years old. To this supposition Annie objected, or rather corrected, his Honor. She was not near that age. She was ac cused of cursing another negress, and her reason was that sho had stolen her corset, aud it made her mad. It appear ing to the Court that Annio did not have on one at tho time, and equally as plain that sho needed ono, ho let her off for nothing. LAURA FAIR HORTON got to snortin’ loud and cavortiu’,and con cluded to clean out a bunch of her col ored sisters who happened along at this time. She quarreled and cussed to an alarming extent. Sho was arrested, tried and sentenced to bo bung on tho 28th inst; but she got a now trial, and was fined $10 and costs. I*AT8Y HICKS was announced, but she sent in her card stating that sho could not attend that morning—was sorry; but such was tho case. It grieved the Court, and Jonsen actually choked up with mortification when tho announcement was made. Af ter duo solemnity it was agreed to excuse Patsy till this morning. HEAVY ON OUR COUNTRY COUSINS. J. L. B. Carlton was arraigned for al lowing wagons to camp in his yard. Mr. Carlton stated that tho wagons belong ed to somo old war friends of his whom ho had fought with in the army, and who came to town on a trading excursion. Ho thought a great deal of them, and always made them stay at his house while in tho city. This timo tlio wagons were diven in his back yard, and the frieuds slept iu tho house. For this Mr. C. had costs of suit to pay. This was pretty steep. But wo have known and do know families liv ing in town to whom the execution of such a law would be a fortunate thing, par ticularly when their frinds come, bring the family and horses aud camp a week. To such wo commend tho interference of tho Mayor. Then the Mayor and Jonson and a policeman went into a secret session and resolved themselves into a committee of tho whole on the stato of somo offenses, which thoy did not mako public ; but the reporter thought ho hoard'tho old quill pen scratch out $5 and cost. Don’t know —could’nt swear it—but it sounded some thing like that. When this was done, all tho Court smoled a satisfactory looking smile, and went out. t a«* to be iltcitUil Iu (lie Nupi em ill order, July Term, 1MI Court, 1. Blue Ridge Circuit ■ ■ 0 2. Western “ 1 3. Sonthcrn « ... 3 4. Albany “ 19 5. South-Western" G. Patuula “ ...42 7. Chattahoochee “ ....23 8. Macon “ .. .16 9. Flint “ .... 18 10. TaUapoosa “ .... 5 11. Atlanta “ ...33 12. Homo “ ...12 13. Cherokee “ ... .18 14. Northern “ ... 5 15. Augusta “ 10. MiUdlo “ .... 1 17. Ocmulgeo “ 18. Eastern “ .... G 19. Brunswick “ .... 5 GEORGIA SUPREME COURT. An Kx-Kditor Murries. aOMM33HOIAIj IttcDri&e# do. fo llje Public. PROGRESSIVE. A National Park Assoelut I011 A mini ber of influential citizens of this city 11 ml other parts of the State have purchased a large tract of land at Stone Mountain, Ga., for tho purposo of form- a “Cotton States National Bark Associa tion." A race-eourso nnd Jocky Club will form a prominent feature of tho en terprise. This is n progressive stop, and only needs a littlo of tho vim and energy of our citizens for it to become ono of tbo institutions of the State. Its pro jectors aro quietly but zealously working the thing iuto shape, and before long wo expect to be ablo to report more fully as to its progross aud objects. Yesterday Mr. George E. Purvis, busi ness manager and one of the proprietors of tho Nashville Banner, Sj<ent tho day with us. Mr. P. is emphatically the “heavy man” of that establishment, and his genial face, happy smile and great obesity iudicato a clear eouscicnce, flue digestion and a good heart. IIo ex presses himself pretty much ns tho Queen of Sheba did to old man Solomon. The last bo saw of Atlanta until yesterday was after ’Squire Sherman had just got through posting some of his advertise ments in this locality. The last meal ho took boro wan cooked out in the middle of Marietta street,aud he slept at Sprawls’, That was before Mr. Kimball got bis tavern fixed up. Accommodations, he thinks, havo improved some within the past few years. Dnltnu u We loam that a number of visitors from tbo low country are stopping at Dal ton for tlio Summer. A gentleman who was at the place a few days ago informs us that several bad taken roams for the season with Mr. Campbell, of tho Tibbs House, and several families hud engaged to como and stop with him tho remainder of the Summer. Stobeme Coubt op Gboboia, I July 20, 1871. f Argument of No. 12, Albany Circuit— Moses P, nollis vs. John Williams, In junction from Calhoun, was resumed and concluded. Argument was heard in No. 20, Albany Circuit. It is H. Crutohfield, adm'r, vs. George Patten, ct al. — Equity from Mitchell. Lyon, DeGraflenreid & Irwin, Vason B Davis, for plaintff in error. Wright A Warren, James L. Seward, Hines A Hobbs, A. D. Hammond, and J. Rutherford, for defendant in error. No. 21, Albany Cirouit, is John Neal, et al. vs. George Patten, et al.—Relief act 1870, from.Mitchell. Lyon, DeGraflenried A Irwin, Vason A Davis, for plaintiff in error. Wright A Warren, James L. Seward, Hines A Hobbs, A. D. Hammond, and J. Rutherford for defendant in error. Pending argument for defendant in error, the Court adjourned till 10 o'clock a. m. to-morrow. A Big Pic NIc. Wo return thanks to Col. A. Erwin, Dr. W. T. Brown and John A. Holmes, Esq., Committee of Invitation, to attend a “Grand Union Pie Nic”at tho terminus of the East Alabama & Cincinnati Rail road on Wednesday, the 26th instant.— Among tho distinguished speakers who are expected to be present are the names of Gov. Lindsay, Gen. Clanton, Gen, Battle, Gen. Benning, of Columbus, and Col. Hulbert, of this city. As tbo peo ple in that neighborhood are of tho right stripe, and as tho time promises to be “high,” and a good dinner is being pre pared, and on account of various other weighty and sufficient reasons, wo feel like accepting the invitation, but au “N. B.” at the bottom of the noto rather for ces us to halt beforo blindly accepting this kind courtesy. It reads thus: “N. B.—All who como aro expected to bring their baskets well supplied with provis ions.” Now, it takes somo good engineer ing on our part to bo allowed tlio freo run of tho table at our boarding house, and we feel morally certain that a proposition from us to our landlady to fill a bosket well with provisions to carry to an Ala bama railroad pic nio would meet witli a prompt and decided negative. It would’nt pass. Our account for the quarter just ended is rather mixed—in fact, in chan cery—and that lets us out from the pic nic. If Gov. Lindsay and Battle and Clanton and Hulbert are on a better un derstanding with their landladies, they must carry tho baskets. We can’t. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NOON. CiMviN. TX.Jjiy 2>), 2 p. M. —Cotton iu gooddo* mand xml ttnn.luw middling III, middling 20 Whisky Actlvo xml (inn at W. —Flour dull and declining; superfine $3.25, Mr. John P. K. Bpeuce, at ono time editor aud publisher of tho Greensboro* Herald, iu this State, writes us that he has got religion, married a wifo and mov- j ed to tho countiy, where, by strict atten- j tion to his household duties and a reas-1 onable amount of work, he hopes to lay 1 extra * co °* famUjr ***** oW flour 28<a50c ... *ud scarce. Corn dull and lowur; mixed shelled 50c. tho foundation for a long aud useful life. John married Miss Kittie Dunenn, t Pickens county (Alabama) lady, on the 13th of July. I* Atlanta to Have a Fair* Wo were pleased at tho carnontness mauifested by our citizens a short timo since on tho subject of a fair in tho fall. Latterly wo havo had no reports of pro gress. Aro tho dircotors in this impor tant enterprise asleep? Arc wo to liave a fair? Latest Arrival.. Messrs. Phillips & Crow havo just re ceived a frosh invoioo of the latest music published. Among the lot aro some ele gant pieces—waltzes, duets, polkas, songs, operettas, &c. Persons at a dis tance should send for a catalogue, and select for themselves. General A. R. Lawton arrived in tho city yesterday. General Kershaw passed through At lanta yesterday. Ho looks just a shade older, but appears as vigorous as ho did during tho days that tried men’s souls. Down with Protective Tu riffs. Mr. 0. P. Southwell, a traveling agent of tho Free Trade League, has been in our city a few days, talkiug earnestly and distributing the Pictorial Tax Payor.— He is a zealous anti-monopolist and freo trade democrat. Honorary Degree* Fresh Dairy llattcr. Brumby A McPherson havo ou hand and arc constantly 'receiving supplies of fresh Tennessee Batter, which they keep in lee. Dealers will do well to give them a call. j20-3t Tho Boavd of Trustees of tho Ogle thorpe U uiversity, at its recent meeting, conferred the degree of D. D. upon Rev. Donald McQueen, of Sumter, South Car olina; and also upon Rev. It 1 C. Mclnnis, of Oxford, Mississippi. Also the degree of LL. D., upon tho Hon. Johu A. Iuglis ,of Baltimore, Mary land ; and also upon Rev. George Homo, D. D., of tho Thoologioal Seminary »t Columbia, South' Carolina. The premium list of the Fair Associa tion of Augusta has just been issued, and is one of, if not tho most, complcto J. C. Ragsdale, delivered addresses, and replete li-ts, of premiums overissued very clover exhibition of farm products lor any Southern agricultural fair. [ was made by the farmers. Agricultural Meeting nt Llthonla. Tho farmers of DcKalb turned out cu- massmn yesterday, pursuant to tho call of tho Lithonia Agricultural Society.— Hon. Samuel Barnett, Hon. Milton A Candler and Rev. P. W. J. EcL ls,anil Mr. A The Sun Steam Power Prcxscs. Having at last gotten our own press into operation, and aided by the ologant appliance of steam power, wo arc able to present Thn Sun in a much moro attrac tive nppearacco than it has presented in somo timo post. Our purposo is to make The Sun one of tho best printed papers in tho State. This, wo are satisfied, wo will be able to do with our incroased facilities. From R. Findlay’s Sons, of Macon, wo havo recently purchased a very supe rior engine. It is what is known as Bax ter’s patent, and is manufactured by the Colt’s Armory "Works; and, we think, it is superior to any other engine for print ing offices. It occupies no moro space than on ordinary heating stove; is easily managed, and requires an exceedingly small amount of fuel. It performs its work admirably, aud so far gives the ut most satisfaction. ^ Tlio excellent working of our engiue is to a large extent due to tho care and at tention given by Mr. E. B. Merchon.— Mr. M. is a skillful mechanic. Ho un derstands his business, and is, withal, thorough goutlcmun. The Fiudlays find in him precisely tho man they want. We now begin to feel that Tiie Sun Office is fairly equipped for busiuess— having good type, good pressos, aud effi cient motive power. Our attention will now bo turned to making it tho best pa per in Ibis State. This, we think, we will bo able to do to tho satisfaction of our readers. A TIGER CAPTURED. Sheriff llrown nnd Marshal Johnson Take the Animal Alive* Last night, Deputy Sheriff Brown, as sisted by Oaptain Johnson and a force from tho city police, mado a descent upon a faro bank and arrested tho two dealers. The gamo was proceeding quietly enough, and was as quietly brok en up. A bond, each, of 85,000 was re quired, for their appearance at the next District Court, when, no doubt, Judgo Lawrence will tako a Block. Those who wore engaged in playiag were not arrest- od lost night, but there time may come —like a thief in the night. German Hnnday School. On lost Sunday, the German Sunday School, in connection with the Mission of tho Rev. Hermann Bokum, was organ ized by tho election of Rev. Mr. Bokum, Superintendent; Mr. Carl Hannsen as Secretary, and Mr. L. A. Bellingrath as Treasurer. In this school the Holy Scriptures are explained iu German. — Mr. Hannsen kindly leads in singing.— Tho exercises begin nt 3i o'clock. ®lie Clin Dtihgcl. Staf R. M. ROSE A CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealers, Atlanta, Gx. Rubs' Bitters and Schnapps. Also, Shafer's Giugor xnd Cherry Bran dies at lowest figures. junolS R. M. ROSE k CO. #2$“* RUSS’ St. DOMINGO BITTERS is a most valuable stomachic aud tonic, and is &h well known, or better known than any other Bitters, and bettor established. For axle by junolS- R. M. ROSE k CO„ Brood street. V®* AROMATIC SCHNArPS—Tho Aromatic Schnapps, manufactured in Holland for John A. Rubs, havo no superior in tho market. They aro known and used ail over the civilizod world,and "None know them but to lovo them. None name thorn but to praise." For sale by B. M. BOSE k CO., June 16 Bros J street Change of Schedule. OFFICE MASTER OF TRANSPORTATION,) Macon k Wkhtkkn 1Uii.uo.vd, > Macou, July 12, 1871,) DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 7:55 AM Leaves Macou 7:55 AM Arrives at Atlanta 2:10 P M Arrives at Macou 1:40 P M NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. LeavesA'taute 2:50PM Leaves Macon 5:06 PM Arrives at Atlanta 10:23 P M ArrivoH at Macon 8:35 P" 43r The abovo schedule goes into effoct Suuday, July 10, 1871. Julyl3-6t H. W. BRONSON, M. T. SPECIAL NOTICE! EXCURSION, RETURN |TICKKTS. GREAT REDUCTION. Atlanta to Lookout Mouutaln and return $9 75 " Catoosa Springs and return 8 76 •• Warm Springs, N. C., and return. .20 25 Alleghany Springs and return 28 25 (Joyners White Hulphurand return..30 00 Greenbrier W. H., and return. BeernhebaSpring* and return.. Montvalo Spring* aud return... Tickets can bo had at Ticket Ofilco, Paaacugur )opot. Aak for tickets via Western aud Atlantic Railroad. For information apply to Ii. \V. WRENS, JylO-lm General Passenger and Ticket Agent. SAVE YOUR FRUIT! ► SAFEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUIT JARS In tho market. MoBRIDEl CbCO. M A T. F. GRADY’S R. R. ALE HOUSE- 3 3 Alabama Strcot Atlanta* Ga. J UST received, a tine lot of Champaign, Jersey Cider. Families supplied at their homes. A line assortment of tho boat Ult^UOltS, WIN1H and aegars alwavn on hand. Bottled Ale* and Porter ai>eelalty. Alea, Beer aud Champagne Jersey Cider u GradV and away pl« ed. Georgia— Fulton County. FULTON Surmuoa Court—Apsil Term, 1871. Mxrtwa F. Utah) vs, } I.lbsl (or Dlvorco In aaid Court. Georgs A. R van. ) It appearing to the Court, by tbo return of tho Khi-rttf, that George A. Uyan, tho Defendant In the above stated case, docs not reside in said county of Fulton, and it also apj* aring that he doo« not reside In Raid State of Georgia, it ia, therefore, ordered by tho Court that service of aaid libel be made on said Georgo A. Ityau, by publication of this order In any public gaxette in thl* State oue« a mouth for four inoutha, previous to tho next farm of this Court.— Granted by the Court. J. M. Calhoun k Boh.. Plaintiff's Attorney. A true Extract tr tin tho ra.antes of said Court Juno lat, 1871, JunoJ-lamim W. U. VENABLE, Clerk- S. J. KIDD, Olty Auctioneer AUD COMMISSION MERCHANT. Solicits Consignments of oil descriptions. mili.ei>ci:vilt,t:, a a. JMi Oat* dull and lower; prime mixed 03,‘new 45. Provisions—Mohs Pork heavy and declining at $1l.5<). Bscou dull aud lower: shoulders 0.',', clear rib aides 8 S', clear sides 8.*,. Hams iu modorato consumptive demand; sugar cured 10. Bulk Meats dullaud neglected; shoulder* 5 *„, clear rib sides 7 *4, clear aides 7Lard steady with good demand; city kettle rendered 10'«. New York, JulyfSO.—Cotton firm; middling up lands 21, Orleans 21',: sales 3,600 bales, including 2,000 In transit. Produce—Flour dull aud heavy. Wheat dull and doctinlug. Corn dull. Provision*-Pork steady, at $14.60(4,14.02Lord quiet. Freights quiet. Financial—Stocks steuJy aud dull. Governments dull; 5.20s 07(4108 and alrong. State bond* steady, Mouoy easy at 3. Gold ilrm at 12Exchange- long 16*,', short 10\. London, July 20, noon. —Consols93Bonds M0|k Liverpool, July 20, Noon.—Cotton opened firm; uplands 87ad, Orleans 9*,d. Later—Cotton firm and advanced a fractlou; up lands 8 T t (<ji9, Orleans HfQBl{|MM8> 15,000 bale*; export and speculation 4,000. AFTERNOON. Baltimore, July 20.—Produce—Flour favors buy. ers. Wheat active and firmer, price* uuchangod. Corn steady. Provision*—Pork $16.60. Shoulders 7 >4. lard firm. Cotton—Quiot and firm; middling 20>£; net re ceipts 80, gross 89; exports, coastwise, 60; sale* 02; stock 620. Whisky 94*4($95. London, July 20, Evening—Financial—Bullion increased 55,000. Consol* 93 S. Bonds 92,^. Turpentine buoyant; 45. Paris, July 20.—Rente* 53.95f. Liverpool, July 20,Evening.—Cotton closed firm er and higher; upland* Ud; Orleans 9 '«d; haIos 15,000 baler; export aud speculation 4,000. Turpentine buoyant; 48. Cincinnati, July 20.—Produce—Flour steady; new family $6(40.30. Coru dull aud unchaugud. Provision*—Pork nominal; $14.50askod. Bacon, light supply; clear rib clear sides 8 S'. Whisky 92c. Louisville, July 20.— Produce—Flour steady, light demand. Corn quiet. Provisions—Weak. Pork, mess, $15. Bacon— shoulders C? 4 c, clear sides 9. Lard, 10. Rt. Louis, July 20.—Produce—Flour, superfine winter, $4.25(^4.60. Corn drooping; sack* 50. Provision*—Only jobbing demand. Mess Pork $15(4,15.25. llacon, shoulders 7J 4 c, clear siile* 9* 4 '. Lard M%. New York, July 20.—.Cotton firm; Bale* 550 balsa; uplands 21c, Orleans 21,V Puoduce—Flour, Southern, drooping; common to ir extra $5.90(4)0.50; good to choico $0.65(4)0.09. heat irregular aud rather heavy; winter red and ambor western, old aud now, $1.40(3,1.60, white southern $1.48@1.55, new red and amber aouihorn $1.4iw./, 1.45.Corn active; 69>i(§>70}<o. Bleu 8&8> t c. Provisions—Fork steady. Beef quiet. Lard dull, kcttlo 11c. Later—Coffeo firm; sales 400 bags; Bio 13*4(4)100. Sugar steady; fair to good refluod 9.' 4 (<$9\,; salea 750 hbds. Cuba Molasses quiet. Turpoutluo 50(4,51 if. Resin firmly hold, Tallow mo*;. Freights a shade firmer. Financial—Money easy. Sterling 101»@l0h Gold about higher. States a littlo off on secoud Tenn. 72, uew 72; Va's GO, now 72V; 02; lovoon 72; 8's 84; Ala's 98; 6's 08; Ga*s 84 7's 94; N. C’a 44)4, uew 2CH; 8. C'a 73, AnniVED—Worccater from England. Arrivod out, Queon from Suez. Savannah, July 20.— Cotton—middling held at )) a c; net rccoipts 65 halos; stock 6,447. Wilmington, July 20.—Cotton—middlings 19 net receipts 50 bales; exports, coaatwlao, 279; stock 770. Spirits of Turpentine firm, 47, Rc*>lu steady; $5 for No. 1, $0.50 foa extra pale, $0 for palo crude, Turpgntino firm; 35c for yollow dip , 34c for Virginia Tar firm; $3. New Obleann, July 20.—Cottou market rtsoug middlings 20*4(420*4'; net receipts 88 bales, gross 205; exports to Havre 3,005, to Great Britain 1,002 sales 1,200; stock 49,876. Produce—Flour In demand; superflno $4.76<$5, treble $0.50®7 Corn in good demand; white 80o. Oats firm;67. Provisions—Pork dull, offered $16,75. Lard, keg, steady; 11 ?i®ll? 4 c, Sugar iu fair demand; fair lOJtf pgimo 12. Others unchanged. Whisky quiet; 92>.®$l-03, Financial—Bank sterling 24tf; aight H prom, gold 12,V Augusta, July 20.—Cotton market dtrll at 18>,'(<$ 18*i for Liverpool middlings; sales 23 bah coipts 80. Norfolk, July 20.—Cottou market dull; low middlings 19.* 4 '; net receipts. 139 bales; expo wlaoHS; stock 710. Charleston, July 20.—Cotton; middling 19*{® IJfc; net rocuipts 228 boles; exports, coastwise, 614; salos 300; stock 3,911. Mobile, July 20.—Cotton—middling lO.S'c; not :lpU 47 bales; sales 300; stock 9,130. Boston, July 20.—Cotton—middlings 21 *,c; gross receipts 490 bales; exports to OrcatBritatu 35; soloi 250; stock 0,000. Oalveston, July 20.—Cotton— good ordinary 1C net receipts 241; exports to Great Britaiu 2,876; Sales k 130; ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES [cahefullv ookebctbd daily.] Cotton—18 *4(0)19>; cents. Gold, buying, Silver, buying " selling Exchange on New York, buying nt par. Selling IN TIIE CITY! To Merchants. 500 Crates assort ed granite and O C Ware for $80 per crate. Cheapest ev er offered in State. Send for list of con tents. Silver & Plated fare 1 jBnsinesa Norites. I AM GLAD HE BAM COME. Th * Ut,t P “P« Il»n«.r ill flic State of Ucorgla. T Site.?" yo '”' “'id them look #/jFmrmttmrt ft* pmlrlitg, wte., to give satisfaction. Furniture covers cut, made and a lit warranted. Hair and spring mattresses made to order. All kinds of .household furnituro and up- holatery done at the ahorteat notice. I have re moved to DeGive’s Opera Mouse, under Mayaoa a i Marietta street. C. B. BROWN. Late of Richmond. Va. Auction Waroroom, aplS-Cm HITCHCOCK tr WALDEN, WHOLESALE AND SET AIL DEALKBS IN Books] and Stationery 04 PEACHTREE STREET, (POWELL’S BLOCK,) ATLANTA, GA. l^EEPon hand a large and elegant IV stock of STATIONERY, such as Paper, En- volopca, Pena, Ink, Inkstands, Pencils, Slate* Pock* et Books, Knives, etc. Fine stock of Initial Paper and Blank Books. Also, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS and REQUISITES. Choico lot of ALBUMS aud MOTTOES—the latter adapted for Sundav Schools, a targe stock oi Miscel laneous aud Theological BOOKS. Catalogue* sent OF i pr AAr In orilei’liiK (jIoiiiIh, It Mhonlil be re> in fin herd ihut Chase are NAIjK l’ltll KS, Sniull orders cliaigcd .India..yd Bengal yd Kentucky yd Double Anchor yd n> Kxoelsloi Iron Tie* Bacon, Shoulder*.. Clear lb Clear ribbed th Canvassed Hama lb Plain Mama lb .k Meat, Clear ltib sides tb Clear sides lb Shoulder BOTTeR, Goa hen lb Bran— cwt Candle Craci . lb •1* S<H<9 134$ 1' 18(g) Java, common to good lb Dry Goods— Prints, fancy yd MHrown .Slutting* yd ..yd do do .yd Yarns, Asa t Nos jd », Mackerel, No. 1 halfbbl do No. 1 kits do No. 2.... halfbbl do No. 2 kite do No. 3, targe kbbl Herrings, No. 1 .box Herrings, scaled, box Flour- bbl Grain— New Corn, bnsh Oats (few in market)... .bush llAV- Timothy ton Lard, leaf lb Lagku Bker bbl Llquoa*—Not quoted. 8 75 2 23 7 00 Cutlery, Tea Trays, Loolig Glass Plates. 33 000 90 ( 12*4*919 3 60(g) N. O.Syrup,., Mral, fine,... bush Nails keg Sperm. Whale Lard 2 75<£ 9 50 iu# in 1 254# 1 71 BLANKS. 4^522 so aacure BLANK at THE SUN OAm. Attawta, * a We offer the Cheapest and Best line oi House - Keep ers’ Goods in the City. Cut lery, Spoons, Forks, Knives Waiters, Cas tors, Vases & Toilet Sets. In fact, any thing needed in a well kept house. Call with the cash McBride & Co. HENRY CARD,! snip nhom:it f Commission Merchant, etc., 4000MMODATIOB *>111. CHAKUBSTOir, a c. QDKBS for OoHon. Rioe, eta, ok* lKssS TUOI. UAUl-TOX, B. D. BlLHOKd, T. A. B1KBODB. Orake's Creek JtlilU. F. A. BARBOUR A CO., jjtALUS IN FLOUR, MEAL, <c SHIP STUFF, nujmiA-, ttKJTTI/CM f. To Parties Desiring to Build Igned would respect! /Atlanta that ho Is i Huptrhttend thi Building mnd Fhitthinr, »r th4 FinishhtK I/ipmrtmsml only, of mny Firit Clots Mop** they mmy wish to is confident in giving general satisfaction. ___ REFERENCE—Col. John L, Grant, Longley 4 ltoblnaon, and Fay k Cotput, Architects. johjt c. jtichols, OFFICE IN AIR*LINE HOUSa. 1'RYOB STREET TOOTS AND SHOES C HARLIE HUUI1E8 hereby gves notice that the boot and shoo business, heretofore conducted by C. IIUGIIKS A ISON, will be continued in all its branches, as heretofore, by himself at tho old stand. Fresh and good mate rial aud the boat workmen only are employed. Old customers are Invited to oontinue thoir patronage. and naw ones to c a trial. and giro c Charlie Hughes. tP-tw Henry Bischoff& Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ADD DBALEH8 IN Bicc, AViuow, Llquoi'H, So. (fnrw, Tobacco. Ac. No. 107, East Hay Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sauanuali-SI)i)>i)ing Lints. mCRRAY'S LINE-NEW \ ORK tr SAVANNAH. EVERY TUESDAY from naoh fort. INSURANCE BY STEAMERS OF THIS LINE, ONE DECK, with subsistence .DEARBORN, Commander. VIRGO, BULKLEY, Commander, Compose this line, and one of these steamships leavos each port EVERY TUESDAY, ugh bills of lading given by thee# ■ team ships by all railroad connection*, and alao through bills lading given In Savannah on Cotton destined for Liverpool and Hamburg by first class steamship*.— For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER k GAMMELL, 84 Bay street. PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH MAIL STEAM SHIP COMPANY. VUlM^lUELPIUHt JiJrn &A- I'jtjrjtrjut. EVERY SATURDAY from each port. INSURANCE ON COTTON BY STEAMERS ON THIS LINE ONE HALF PER CENT. CABIN PASSAGE $20 DECK, with aubalatenco This line is composed of the first class WYOMING TEAL. Cc TON A WAN DA BARRETT, Commander IS «Wn.hl— A SATURDAY. Through bills lading those steamship* by all railroad connections. For freight or passage, apply to HUNTER k GAMMELL. 84 Bag street. For Boston. THE BOSTON AND SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP The steamships Oriental Capt. F. M. Vicksburg, Capt, 8. H. Mam CABIN FARE t_ DECK 10 66 Through bills of tadlnS given by railroad agents to Bottom aud la Boston by Stoomshlp agents to prin cipal points in Georgia. Ataama and Florida. ttft. Through bills of lading given to Providenoe, Fall River, Portland, Lowell, Lawrente, Ao. Passage lioket* sold at railroad depot, and state rooms secured In advance by writing agents In 8a- BI0HARD8ON A BARNARD, Agents, Savannah. V. NICKERSON A OO., For New York. THE GREAT SOUTHERN 8TKAMBHIP COMPANY. EVERY THURSDAY. Insurance by this Line can be effected under out open policy at one-half per oan\ CARIN' PASSAGE |*} 00 Gen. Barnet, I. O. Mallory, Oom. Will sail aa follows: H. LIVINGSTON June 1st, at5. mac. " 15, 4:98, r. M. " 29 4, r, M. GEN. BARNES June 8th. at 8, r. at. " 22d, St 1, ». IK. hereon cotton and wheat thro, Hamburg via New York by Amt passage or freight, I *~ WILDER A FULL No. 8 Stoddard s Upp