The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 17, 1871, Image 1

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THE SUN. VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1871. NO. 388. THE DAILY SUN. hr the Atlanta Sun Publishing Ceiupanj. Alc-xuiul* r II. K(ruh< Proprietore. Alexander H. Stephens, PullUcal Editor. A. R. Watson, .... Hews Editor. J. Henlr Smith, (tenoral Editor and BukI neasltanaffer. Wm, Estell, Jr., News Agent, flsvannah, keep* Tub Sum for sale. To Tbavxlbbs.—Persona passing through Chat tanooga, will find The Sum for sale by C. U. Glodhlll, Mows Agent. Agents for The Sun, Thomas N. nonuMB, Thomaaville, Ga. James Allen Smitu, Knoxville, Tfcnn. Dave Bell, Athena, Oa. John T. Robkbtx, Atlanta, Ga. J. L. Wright, Woodstock, Ga. J. G. Caldwell, Thomson, Ga. H. C. Hamilton, Dalton, Ga. W. C. Da via, Jr., Eaton ton, Ga. HOW 1*0 KKH1T 9IONKV. We will be responsible for the aafe arrival of all money aent ua by Monoy Order, by Registered Let ter, by Express, or by Draft, but not otherwise. If money sent in an unregistered letter is lost, it must be the lost of tho person sending it. Mo paper will be sent from tho office till it is paid for, and names will always be erased when the lime paid for expires. tfjT Persons sending money by Express must pre pay charges. Hake up Clubs. We shall make The Bun lively, fresh and inter esting-containing all tho latest nows. Wo shall fill it with good reading matter, and shall have in each issue os much reading matter as auy paper In Georgia, aud we shall soon enlarge and otherwise improve it, so as to give it a handsome appearance and inako it easily reed sod desirable to havo in the family. We ask onr friends to use a little effort to make up a club for us at every post office. See our club rates. A very little effort is all that is needed to mako up a largo list. To Correspondents. Mr. Stephens will remain in Crawfordvllle. His connection with The 8un will not change his resi dence. All letters intended for him, either on pri vate matters or oonnected with tho Political De partment of this paper, should be addressed to him at Crawfordville, Georgia. All lottcrs on busineaa of any kind, connected with The Sun, except its Political Department, should bo addressed to J. lienly Smith, Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Terms of SuT>sorlpt Ion s DAILY: Per Annum • » $7 00 Six Months...., * Three Months 2 00 One Mouth 75 WEEKLY PER ANNUM 5 Single Copy 2 00 Thrae Copies * ou Ten “ 14 00 Single Cop let .....••••3 Cento* WEEKLY—SIX MONTHS: Siuglo Copy, Six Months 1 00 Three * 2 96 Ton •• “ “ 7 00 Twenty •• •' " Fifty « •• “ 27 60 No subscriptions, to the Woekly, received for a shorter period than six mouths. All subscriptions must be paid for in advance ; and all names will be strickofi from our books when tho timo paid for expires. Terms of .Advert islng. 9 00 11 00 12 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 21 00 27 00 40 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 22 00 24 00 27 00 30 00 82 00 16 00 38 00 65 00 3 weeko TTST 12 50 10 00 20 00 22 00 26 00 28 00 31 00 68 00 86 00 38 00 40 00 43 00 65 00 1 MONTH. $ 8 60 16 00 18 00 24 00 27 00 80 00 33 00 36 Or 38 00 40 00 42 00 44 00 47 00 75 00 For alcae period than one week, $1 per square (ten lines of solid Nouperell type, or occupying that much space] for tho first iusertiou, and 60 cents for each subsequent insertion. Advertisements in the Local Column marked with an asterisk, (•) will be charged 25 cents per lino each ^"Advertisement* under tho Special Notice head leaded) for leas time than one week, will bo charged Ag-^fvertisementa, except for established busi ness houses, In this city, must be paid for iu ad- No reduction will be made on tho above rates for quarterly, semi-annual or yearly advertisements. Arrivals THE WESTBSN A ATLANTIC (OB STATE) RAILROAD. WIGHT! VABSEtfttKU TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta ™P ™ Arrives at OhsMsnoogs a iu DAE FASSENOER TRAIN—OUTWARD. Leaves Atlanta 8:15 am Arrives at Chattanooga 4:25 p m FA«T LINK TO NEW YORK-OUTWARD. Leaves Atlauta 1^ Arrives at Dalton .:wpin NIGHT PAS8KHOKU TRAIN- -XMWABD. Leaves Chattanooga P "* Arrives at Atlanta l .4. a m DAT PASSENOER TRAIN—INWARD. Loaves Chattanooga o.w,, U! Arrives at Atlanta j:ju p ui AOCOMWODATIO* TRAIN—INWARD. Leaves Dalton 2 :25 a m Arrives at Atlauta j:iuum THE O BORO IA (AUOU8TA) RAILROAD. (Wo Day Train on Sunday.) Night Paasengor Train arrives ™ Night Passenger Train leaves p. n Day Passenger Train arrives « W p. n. Day Passenger Train Icrvob Ktone Mountain Aocommou-*..— Stone Mountain Accommodation loaves... MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Day Passenger tr*iu Laavos Macon Day Passenger Train arrives Arrives atMaoon^.... Night Passenger Train loavao Arrives at Macon... ,7 .65 a. n .246p. n ■ 1:40 p. Ii .2:56 p. t .6:06 p-n 10:26 p. E .8:33 p.t TELEGRAPH NEWS By (lie Sew York Associated Press. WASHINGTON. The Condemned Chiefs- Spencer interview llonl- •cell- What Day-The Tribune on the JVesr Orleans Outrage-fleuglas Mewerteo One of Pleasanton's Her felons— Comptroller Makes a Decision— The Weather. August 10.—The fate of Batauta aiul Big Tree, tho Indian Chiefs who wore sentenced to death, has Iteen referred h tho Governor of Texas. The Indian Commissioners havo recommended im prisonment for life. Bonntor Spencer hod a satisfactory in terviow with Secretary Boutwel) tp-day. Tho thermometer is at 1)5 0 . It is the hottest day of the season by throe de grees. There is a long editoriul'of tin* Tribune. of to-day deprecating the spirit iu the Republican party of Louisiana, in which this sentence occurs : “ But we xejoic hear that the President promptly repu diates the doings of his New Orleans sub ordinates and, us is now Ye ported, pro poses to show’ liis appreciation of their misconduct by turning thorn out.” The caption of tho article is “ The New Or leans Outrage.” The Treasury Department decides tliat vessels propelled by both high ami low pressure engines arc liahlo to forfeit if tho words “Low Pressure” are painted on the wheel-house. Tho Treasury Department ulso decides tliat when the Captain of a vessel is a port owner, he cannot be deprived of his command by the other owners without an order from Court. , The Comptroller of tho Currency has decided that National Banks, designated as Depositories for the now loan are not qoliged to hold a reserve upon the funds paid into the bank upon subscriptions to that loan and deposited to the credit of the United States. Commissioner Douglas to-day reversed the decision of late Commissioner Pleas anton abolishing the, stamp tax on Insu rance Policies, and the old decision, im posing such tax will be renewed. Meteorological. Office Chief of Signal Service, ) Washington, D. C. August 10. J RECORD FOR THE PAST 24 HOURS. The barometer remains sensibly sta tionary at the Rocky Mountain aud Pa cific stations; and an area of high pres sure has advanced into Minnessotn, with rising barometer, from Central Lake Erie to Mobile, and westward. An area of low pressure has developed over Lake Huron, and has advanced to the east and southeast, and is now in eastern New York. The barometer, after rising con siderably Tuesday night in tho Gulf States, is now falling, and is lower than was yesterday. The area of high tem perature extend this evening over Vir ginia and Tennessee. Local storms aro now reported from Louisiana and Texas, and from Arkausas to Lake Ontario, and particularly cloudy and threatening weather on the Middle aud East Atlantic Coast and westerly, with clear weather, prevail from Illinois, northeast and northwestward. South and southeasterly winds ore generally reported from tho Atlantic. Probabilities. No material change is probable for Thursday on the Gulf Coast. Falling baromoter, with cloudy weather aud lo cal rains, will probably extend to-morrow over the Southern and Middlo States. The area of lowest pressure, with atten dant rain, will probably pass over Massa chusetts to-night; and fresh winds from southwest and northwest prevail from New York, westward, on Thursday. FOREIGN NEWS. ENGLAND. Urea I Excitement In Paris—.Jnolher Hero lion .tpp re/tended--People Stampeding fr Paris— The Army to Uelnslate the Empire— The Meeting of the Emperors, etc, London, Aug. 1G.—Advices from Paris say that the city is excited and the situa tion threatening. Trouble is apprehend ed from various sources. To-day is tho fde of Napoleon I, and tho air ia full of rumors that the army will revolt against the Versailles Assembly, declare McMa hon Regent, and demand an ompire. The people ure leaving Paris in a stampede. Thiers has no fnends. He is hated by Republicans, Royalists and Imperialists alike. The crisis is approaching. Iu lionigsberg, Prussia, on tho llth, sixty-two persons were attacked by tho cholera, twenty-two of whom died. The meeting of the two Emperors and their advisers, *nt Gastein, is generally regarded as a pledge of peaoe. The French appear indifferent to the meeting, and prognosticate alienation be tween France and Russia. A ministerial crisis is imminent iu Belgium. Tho House of Commons is rapidly dis posing of the accumulated business be fore it. Tho customs 4 and inland Reve nue bills were passed to-day. Tho miners’ strike iii New South Walls has practically ended. 0-O-4 PRUSSIA. The Withdrawal of the Herman Purees. Berlin, Aug. 16.—Provincial corres- pondenco conlirms the reports that nego tiations are landing for tho complete vacuation of France; but affirms that the provocations offered to Germany by tho French newspapers endanger the peaco between flie two countries. It adds: “If the French offer to make curly payments of the indemnity are ful filled and there be allowed no disturb ance of peaceful relations, the withdrawal of the German forces from French Ter ritory will soon commence.” Night Passenger Train leaves .1:46 p. m DRV Passe Otter Train arrival 6:00 p. ni Drj Passenger Train loaves................7:10a. m ATLANTA AND RICHMOND AIR LINE RAILROAD. Leave Gainesville J A. M. Arrive at^ Atlauta £ M. . 6 :46 p'. m! Arrive at Gainesville Karon k Augusta Railroad. RAT FASaBMRBM TRAIN D ILT. .OT1IA« KWgED. Leave Angueta at * . » u Leave Macon * u 5 Western Railroad of Alabama, Leave Senna s-aqaM Arrive at West Point Arrive at Montgomery \ JJ Arrive M Columbus r m DOMESTIC NEWS. NEW_YORK. The t’rrttlcl lit the W—ilteU C.M .fleetI .t the nireet.n .r the Klee leu llleulil Ordered—I «le>t <tt OrSeethetr. Speaker tthtitte hpatk. et Meet. New Yoek, August 10. -Tlio following xh the t'oronor’s vmltel.iu tlio Westfield Tse: “Tliat tlio deceased, Andrew Coyle, and others, died through a rupture, or explosion, of the lioiler of the ferry boat Westfield,puly 30th; tliat the said explo sion, or rupture, was caused by a Haw in the iron aud by tho negligence of engi- neer Itohinsou, iu carrying an overpres sure of steam; that the Company is re sponsible for the disaster, as the defect could have hoen detected if tin Staten Island Ferry Company had had a compe tent Superintendent, engineer and me chanic in their employ, and are therefore criminally negligent. We recommend the District Attorney to take prompt ac tion iu the matter. Wo also think tlio Government inspection very imperfect as iw conducted,” There was one dissenting juror, Mr. Kirtliuid, who believed tlio tluiv could not have been discovered by an ordinary mode of inspection. Coroner Keenan, after tlio verdict was rendered, retired to preparo warrants for tlio arrest of the President and Suiierin- tondent of the Staten Island Ferry Com pany ; also for tlio arrest of Robinson, the Engineer. _ , . Captain Allair, of the First Frecinct, to whom lias been entrusted the execution of the above named warrants, lias been instructed by Coroner Keenan to make only formal arrests and accept their prom ise, to appear before tlio Coroner to-mor- OooEXsmino, Aug. 10th.—Baron l)e- Csman, who claims to lie an cx Cathoiie priest, lectured in a manner tliat was offensive to the Catholics and tlio lecture was broken up. DeCnman wasprotectod by the police. Ho advertises Iris lecture again. Tlio Irish mob which made the attack upon Do Caman wash'd by Charles Daly, a railroad contractor. The hall whir* the Baron had engaged to lecture in anil for which he hod paid, has been refnwsl him Great excitement exists. The Boron lias published o protest against the 'filiation of free speech aud religious FRANCE. Things Celling a Little Vneasy—Prospect of Trouble. Paris, August lfi.—Difficulties have arisen at Berlin in respect to the evacua tion. F'our departments of Franco are still held by tho Germans. Tlio French government has, in conscqnonee, refused to admit the Alsatian prodneo to the French markets until after tho German troops shall have left the soil of Franco. In tho Assembly yesterday, Birat sub mitted a proposition that tho President communicate with tho Assembly by means of messages. It is rumored that the right wing of the Assembly has offered the Presidency to the Dae D'Aumalo, and that he refus ed it. TELEGRAMS Atlantic and Onlf Mallroad. V.VBOK 0»„ vis Mtsay. Jacksonville I; T-n.»i**aM*L to Quincy. ItoruU: .. 10 J5 P. M ... 1:50 P. M Arrivest JsAssavOI. dally-.. lMV • * Arrtva at Tallabaaae. dally |Suad.y. ax- Arrlva at AlUuy dally Lc«v« iRllfthAS'ti* daily (SoBdaya exesp- ..16:60 A. M 1:40 P. M 340 P. M 6:25 A. M lil>crty. .. c i m • Saratoga, Aug. 16.—Spcakrr llkum* HjK)k<* here to-night arraigning the Dem ocratic party which ho ucctwcd of pre venting the eitobliahinentof peaoe in the country, and mode particular reference to the New York Democracy a» examples of falsity to religious prudence, Ac. A heavy typhoon visited Yokaboma on tlio 4th inst, enusingthe loss of 400 lives. The l’ridc of Thame* lost her captain, two mates and the steward. Heveml otll „ vei-Ls were l.»rt. Loss 8500,000. Tlie Arkansas crop prospects continue excellent. Seventeen dead bodies have liecn token from the slioft at Pittotou, Pennsylvania. Not ono escaped. Ono hundred and fifty thousand dol lars of the 7 per cent. Cincinnati water works bonds have been token at 81 04. Several sunstrokes, one of which was fatal, occurred yesterday at Louisville. Oilicfid reports from ninoty-stx coun ties of Kentucky givo Leslie 40,000 ma jority. Tho Cror informed General Leffo, tlio French Ambassador that no treaty of al liance of any description between Russia and Germany is in existence. The festival of the Assumption of tho Virgin passed oft' in Romo to-day with the customary ceremonies nod in perfect tranquility. Tho dome of St. Peter’s and many public and private buildings ire illuminated to-night. Alleged Removal of lluoys in Savannah Harbor. Tho Collector of the port of Savannah, Georgia, informs tho Secretary of tho Treasury that he has recently learned from parties from Baltimore that some of the buoys at tho month of the Savannah river huil boon removed from their orig- uul positions, and placed in such locali ties os to render navigation very danger ous for vessels, guided by these buoyB, in entering and leaving the port. The Col lector was informed that tho buoys had been changed by some of the pilot* of port of Savannah, who are reported to bo much incensed at the action of the own ers of the Baltimore steamers, who em ploy their own pilots and ignore thoso of Salnnnah. On a recent trip to tho mouth of tho river, tho Collector found two of the buoys drifting, and their appeoranco indicated that they had liecn placed in new localities, and not sufficiently moor- od. The Collector immediately ordered the light house inspector at Charleston to have them restored to their correct pu.,i- iious, aud writes thut ho is roiling every effort to ascertain who tho parties aro that moved them. The Secretary has replied, that while such actions are mode criminal by tho statutes of coast States, the Department is not aware that Georgia has passed any such laws. If sho has, ho Instructs the Collector to cause proceedings to he tak en against the pilots implicated under them. But, in any ease, tho Secretary instructs the Collector to cause a state ment of the facts to he laid before the Board of Pilot Commissioners, or such other body as in Savannah has tho power of airpointing and removing pilota, aud request such action by that body on the matter as tho enormity ol the offense committed demands. — Wmhiugtmt P>t trial. , Tlio Archbishop of Toledo, standing at a whnlow, and seeing u clown Ix-nt his ass most unmercifully, opened the case ment and called out, “Have done, have dene, you scoundrel, else I shall have yon wbippciL" Tlio clown answered, '•Tout pardon, master; f did not know my ass had friends at court. ” Lowe, not tho poor Indian, but the old a ronnut of the Potomac army, is build ing ice factories iu tho South. He has put one in operation at New Orleans and one at Atlanta. If Lowe has ever been here he lies kept so low that no one has seen him.— We liavc an ice factory hero—but lo! the poor Tweedy did that job, and he is en titled to tho thanks of the entire city for it. If Lowe, the aeronaut, had a hand in the business, he lias failed to call out liis keno. Touching Incident. Iu this city lives a poor family, tin futhcr of which is a Catholic, while tho mother is a Protestant. Recently their daughter, S beautiful child of live years, suddenly sickened and died. During its sickness it was attended by n physician, who was accompanied on every visit by his daughter, a girl of fifteen years, who evinced tho greatest solicitude for tho little sufferer. When death camo with its cold, iey grasp, this young lady was there, and with tender h&mls closed the innocent eyes aud arranged tho form of tho babe who had been called heme.— Tho funeral took place the next day, and owing to tho eonllict of religious opin ions between the parents, neither priest nor minister was called in. Tho young lady wont to tho lionso of mourning, and iu company with tho grief-stricken pa rents, followed the remains to the ceme tery. Arriving there tho little body was placi d by the side of its narrow resting place to allow of a last look at tho sweet faco which all loved 30 well. With a low wail tho poor mother throw herself down by it, and with passionate kisses sought, os it were, to recall life to tho cold, mo tionless clay. Every one was visibly af fected by this outburst, aud whon hIio called on the young lady to offer a prayer for lior poor darling, ull reverentially un covered their heads and knelt to tho ground. Tho young lady, without n mo ment’s hesitation, knolt and commanced praying. At first her voice was visibly affected by emotion, bqt as sho proceed ed she seemed to forget self and surroun dings,and poured forth bucIi a fervent and touohing appeal to tlio Throne of Grace that there was not, when sho ccasod, a dry oyo or an unmoved heart in tho en tire assembly. Whon Bho hud finished tho body was carefully lowered into tho grave, above which now grows sumo beautiful Uowcrs, mementoes of the love of tho fair young laely. >■#< Lord Brougham was fund of tolling tho following story : A bishop, at one of his country visitations, complained that the church was badly kept and in bad repair, pointing out that tho rain evi dently came through tho roof, and ad ding, with Borne warmth, an expression which ho was horrified in finding iu tho local pape* next day reported thus : “I shall not visit this d—d old church again till it|is in bettor order," The bishop’s sec retary thereupon wrote, mildly suggest ing that what his lordship said was that Lo would not visit “this damp old church again.” But tho editor, in a foot note, said that whilo gladly giving publicity to tho explanation, he hau every confidence in tho accuracy of his reporter. An exchange recommends tho watering of streets with solutions iu water of de odorized substances as a preventive of sickness. Tho substanoo which seems best adapted lo this purpose is chloride of albumiuum. This salt is liou-poison- ous and free from nny odor; it prevents decomposition, aud arrests it when com menced. It absorbs noxious gaseB re sulting from petrefaction, and destroys parasites and germs. It is also not to bo surpassed as a precipitant anil deodorizer of sewerage, and is only one-third tho cost of caroolic acid. Experiments made with this substance in Livorpool are re ported to havo been attended with satis factory results. Carrio” writes from Brooklyn to a New York journal to say that it is impossible for her to be a sensible girl, becauso tho men won’t permit hor to be so. If, upon a moonlight night, she wishes to talk about the Btars, the malo idiots about her compare the Btars to hor eyes. If she speaks of a rose as possessing a beautiful hue, they say Lor cheek rivals it. Should sho venture to call attention to tho melo dy of the night-bird’s song, thoso mon- key-men toll her that her voice is sweeter music. Iu view of this state of affaire, Carrio” asks how sho can ho anything else than a fool. Tho newspaper address ed replies that she cannot. Dc Orders ( ihu. Tho Charleston Courier says there was great excitement in tho suburbs on Thurs day last, growing out of a report among tho Charleston negroes that orders had come fromWasliiugton, “dot Miussa l’hils- bury should hold iris ollico for teu years, aud all de negroes as voted for Wegener should he imprisoned at Fort Sumter for life. ” A Ridiculous Fashion. Sensible women will never be guilty of the ridiculous practices which some of tho women who are stopping at Long Branch adopt, aud which are thus described in tlio Home Jour nal : ' “A very strange style of dressing the hair may bee seen of an ovoning. A small portion of the front hair is parted off, cut .short, ami combed straight down over (liecyos. It seems as a bit of fringe trimmed the fore head, jast leaving a small sluice above the brow. It gives a rather idiotic expression to tho countenance, and clearly shows to what capricious whim fashionable folly leads the way. This method must have been invented just as Madame I’ompodour rolled ii)) the style of lmir as prac ticed by the women of to-day. Wo men with hair as while as the snow, and skin like withered vellum, roll their scant locks a hi i’um/mduur.— Middle aged matrons wear tho same roll, surmounted with braid pulls or frizzes, until a tower appears ap proximating the style of the time of good Queen Bess. A lashionable woman here remains from an hour to an hour and a half under the hand* of a skillful hair dresser, or the dain tier manipulations of awaiting maid.” The Kmperor Alexander is the hero of the following anecdote : Jle was present at a collection iu l’aris for one of the hospitals. The plate was held out to him by an extremely pretty girl. As lie*gave liis louis il'or he whispered, “Mademoiselle, this is for your bright eyes.” Tho girl cur- tesied and presented the plate again “What,” said the Emperor, “more?’ “Yes, sir,” said she, “I now want some thing for the poor.” Oailn 9ntt Cook anh Job ©See. MARKETS ItY TGLKGRAI'll. NOON. New York, Augunt 16.—Cotton quiet and Htwuly nplauda 18U; Orlcaua 18%; aal*i l,ooo bale*. Flour dull and drooping. Wheat quiet mid heavy Corn quiet aud heavy. Fork dull at $13 50. Lanl steady. Turpentine sternly at 48(349. UohIu firm $2 90 for strained. Freight* advancing. Stocks not quite so firm. GovorumeutM dull aud Htcady. Htate bond* very dull. Money ea*y at 3. Gold firm at 12V Fxchango—long OV. abort l’ 4 \ (Specie shipment* over a quarter million. Liverpool, August 16.—Noou—Cotton opened dull; upland* 83i; Orlcau* 9; *alu* 10,000; export* aud iqicculation 2,000. BrcodatuOa quiet. Lard quiet. Cincinnati, August 16.- -Cotton steady hut quiet; low middling* 16,' t ; middling* 18. Whisky higher at 83, aud firm at the advance. Flour steady with fair demand—superfine $150; extra $5 25; family $5 50. Corn quiet and steady; mixed shelled 64. Oat* iteady with good demand; prime mixed 336v35.— dess Pork heavy aud declining at $12 25; country $*12 00. Bacon sternly but quiet; shoulders 6 Si; clear dfs 7*4; clear side* IfV Hum* iu moderate consumptive demand and steady; migar-curcd 13(g> 4. Bulk mints dull aud neglected; shouldu: dear rib sides 0 V, clear *ido* 6)4. Lard neglect ed and nominal; city kcttlo rendered 9. Wheat steady; prime red $1 15. London, August 1C.—Noon.—Consols 93.V Bondi 03*,. Frank f« hit, August 16.—Bonds 96*,. Liverpool, August 16, noon.—Cotton a shade firmer; uplands k\ ; Orleans 9. Later—Cotton steadier; upland* ; Or. an* 9;«c9*i; sales 12,000 bales; export ami specula- on 3,000. Lard 43s Od. AFTKBNoON. New York, August 10.^—Cotton shady; nth* 225; uplands 1«V •uoduce—Flour, Southern, quiet aud heavy; cum in to fair extra $5 30<«,6 60; good to choice 0 55(3,9. Whisky firmer, at 95. Wheat lH2c. lower; red win ter Western $1 4U(;<,1 42. Co.n l(q,2o lower quoted 07($68. ltico steady at 8.V<i9 V Pork lower at $13 26<S»13 37*,. Lard lower and .active; kettlo •*,. Naval* steady. Money unchanged. Sterling 98(gi98 V Gold 12 ' 4 (g)12*k. Government* rather dull; Jauuarys aud Julys advanced States strong, not very activo. Tuuucssoe 75; now 75>,; Virginia's 03 >4—now 72. Louisiana's 65—new 01. Levees 69; 8s 83. Ala bama's 100; 6's 67. Georgia's 83; 7’s 91. North Curollnas 45; ucw 20. South Carolina'* 70—uu mu**™, Auuost 10.—PnoDUcE.—Flour quiet. Corn drooping, pork $12 25(<$12 60. Lord dull Bacon drooping; shoulders 6 to IF,; clear sides 7.', 7*4. Whisky 89. Baltimore, August 10.—Produce.—Flour dull but steady. Wheat firm. Corn firm; white 75^76; ir 6o(c 60. Provisions unchanged. Whisky 94 |NK> Cottou dull aud nominal; middlings 18.' 4 (sj18>V ut receipts 23; gross 345. Exports coastwise 210; dcs 108; stock 1,196. Louisville, August 10.—Pork ou order* $13. Bhouldors clear sides 7;». Lard aud whisky steady. St. Louih, August 10. —Produce—Corn a shodo lower. Pork quiet; Jobbing lots 13/shoulders 6 i»4 ; clear Hide* 7,V«,» V Lard nominal. Liverpool, August 16—fcveniug—Cotton cloned ttcady; uplands ; Orlcan* 9(£9V Red wlu- er wheat 10s 8d. Corn 30d. New Orleans August 10.—Produce.—Flour dull and lower; doubln$6 25; treble $6 50. Corn qUl- mixed 66(367; whito 70. Oat* firm at 49&50. Hay firm ut $35. Pork dull and uuuiinal at $14 25ay 14 60. Baron weak at 7','®8*». Lard unchanged* 'rime sugar l'J',; choice 12,V Whisky dull at 91 ($•) 1. Coffee 14,'4@13,Y Sterling 22 ,. Sight ' 4 pre mium. Gold 12. ton quiet; middling* 10*® 17; net receipt* 608; gross 684; exports to Groat Britain 3,520; coast wise 326; sale* 700; stock 32,443. MouiLB, August 16.—Cottoniu good demand; mid dling* 17*4; not receipts 61. Export* coastwise 26; *alcs 400 ; stock 4,684. ipolk, August 10.—Cottou dull for middling*; net receipts 125. Export* coastwise 165. Galveston, August 16.—Cotton dull; middling* '?4 J net receipts 33; stock 10,466 Wilminoton, August 16.—Cotton unsettled and uuinal; middling* 18; net receipt* 18; kLh k 629. Philadelphia, August 16.- Cottou dull; middlings 118 V; net r ULK1TON, August 16.—Cotton dull; middlings 16V; net receipts 64 bide*; *aJ< n 60; stock 3,055. annaii, August 16. - Cotton dull; middlings 17618'* i net receipt* 9.1. Exerts coastwise 245; solus 25; stock 3,779. Boston, August 16.—Cotton quiet; middling* 19,',! *t receipts 62; gross 2,401; sale* 200; stock 7.000. Auor.’TA, August 16.—Cotton steady and quiet; Iddling* 16 V- 17; sale* 30; rrceipt* 24. STau ’Aiuiertiacmcm*. A Large Auction Sale. HATURDAY MORNING AUGUST 19, AT 9 O'clock, In frontof the Live Auction House of T. C. Mayson, No. 2 DoOlvo's Opera House. A good comfortable two room House. One fine Walnut Office Desk. Two fine walnut Hitting Office Desk*. Oik line walnut Hat Rack. Fives iug Machine* Howe, Weed, Bartliof, Wilson Ac ("ntcliiiiK a Shark. A party of fishermen consisting of Mr. Wm. Preston ami some others, whose name* wo, did not loam, white fulling for tbo aoulter fry on Friday, at the Isle of Hope, thought, for the sake of curiosity, to put out a shark hook. They did so, and tbo party went ashore, leaving tin ir smack anchored, with the shark line still hanMngom. After a white they perceiv ed the vessel to move oil, and thinking it •as drilling awny by tho tide, anmc oi the party returned to it. They took hold of the shark line, wli.-u it was wren per ceptible that it lmil a fish of soaia kind oa it. llld Pulling it up us soon ns it tea: With much difficulty, they found , ry had caught a shark in deeil. They managed to Iniug the daugurow custo mer to shore, wlivn, lo their astonish meat, they found tliev had caught a shark nino and a half feet long. He was haul ed up and slain, and Iris carcass huDg on a tree for the admiration of all passers. Such a fish would certainly havo proved dangerous to a person falling in the water near him.—Setvtntttali Note., 1 C/A utlrcd < riistrb *. * Round Tahiti* hle-tnp Bureau Augl7d2t i<ly Jars—fancy ami plain. Fancy u.ljai oral s * k of < Fifty Offico Chairs. Two fine ;. Ono fins walnut cxtcnslun dining ip-Hfiit Rucker*. Itodstead*, Bureaux >*, and a general line uf Household iUm J. II. BARRETT, Auctioneer. miU-; SUN JOI? OFFICE HAS JUST BEEN SUPPLIED • with a splendid assortment of the Latest Styles of NEW AND ELEGANT TYPES, And in now prepared to do the Finest Grades of JOB PRINTING! |e<;al Blanks oi |very jfetctfytion FURNISHED TO ORDER. We Lave made ample arrangement* to get up Blank Kooks AT THE LOWEST RATES LEDGERS, JOURNALS, RECEIPT BOOKS, ETC. FUltNITUllE AT PRIVATE BALF DAILY. AUCTION HALEB AT O clock, forenoon, Tuesday* and Friday* until • J alii" sold. A. 1LHEAOO. Dealer iu Real Kttnto and tUno sale* Iu Planters. A largo Stock all grade* Flour, Bacon, Mu!**«ss, Coffee, etc., etc.. In *tor«. augl7dlw. W. li.BONNEl,. CIVIL KNU1NKEK AM) SUIIVEYOR, I H prepared to execute with promptness, energy, and skill any business of A«t»d Surveying. Level. Una. Clotting, T>.i>ogmpkic Malting, sU ., entrusted OITT FLOURING MILLS, ji r/„f.rT.i, aEonaiJt. ir all tilings arc equal, why not pair on lzc home manurnrtiirc ! I HAVE furnished my Mills throughout with NEW and IMPROVED MACHINERY, and am uow grinding now wheat, aud am prepared to and will guaranteo ovary pound of Hour that I soli to 001110 hilly up to rcprcHontatlon; otherwise, it can be ship ped back to moat my exponso. 1 am propanol to furnish tho trade, in any quantity, in sack*, half sacks or quarter sack*: PRIDE OF DIXIE, from choico white wheat. CITY MILLS FAMILY, from*selected red wheat. CAPITOL MILLH FAMILY. BTAIt MILLS FAMILY. BRAN, sacked or unsackcd. J. E. BTJTLER, Proprietor. augllQin HOME-MADE Carriages, Buggies, PJUETONS, cfcc., dbo., cfco., cfe-c. —AT— A. T. pinnoy’s Carriage Km parin ni. NO. 6 IIIIOAI) STREET, JlTleJUl'TJt, GEO Ratal. The Pioneer Carriage Manufactory of Atlanta. H im work EWAI.S If not SUltTAllVKS, lu UuliJi, tho Rest oVorthcm Made WV»r*, Anh in duriMlitv i. VAU SDPUllIOlt - all work ho- ing put up of the very beat seasoned wood and by THE BEST ]\ OHKMEXy While in PRICEH, I can compote with ANY MANUFACTORY IN THE UNITED STATUS. §,) - Call and examine for yourself, or send your rdrrs *63 or AUK.VT for KIMBALL III14IS., Canisffi' Manufacturers, of Huston. tmtk M THO*. HAMPTON, B. D. SALMONS, t. A. DAUDOOn. ftrain'd (.'reck Mills. F. A. BARBOUR Jt CO., JJEALKIU! IN FLOUK, MEAL, i snip STUFF, e/i./.v, #. r.v, AA.vrr.rai'. n- niOHEST I’lltCK PAID FOB WI1K.AT. -«» All prcMluce delivcrcil at the dspot froo of cliarga, aprLLGm Lookout Mountain FUOM ATLANTA,' Cl A. WESTERN A ATLANTIC RAILROAD, 1 Atlanta, Ua., June 29th, 1871. f rnicKrra, for the round trip, nine dol* I. LABS AND SEVKNTV-F1YK CENTS, Inclu- din!,' Stage Fare, ran bo had ou application to J. H. porter, General Ticket Agent, Union Passenger De pot. Atlanta. K. 11. WALKER. jtineiMKJm Ma*tcr TrsiihporUtlon. Dutch Pete’s Restaurant, Umler Jnnirn’ Hank. j JAM 1IHKN UBCKNTI.Y FI USISIIKC WITH A No. 1 COOK, And all other modern appliancos; «•. MEALS SUPPLIED AT ALL HOURS. «w. REGULAR BOARD $5 PER WEEK. *4. THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS WIIX ALWAYS BE FOUND AT HIE TABLES. ray20-8m -/in BUHUKLH NO. 1 HtEl) BAULKY, uewerup #)* TV 5,000 bushels Corn ; 500 bale# choice Ken tucky Timothy Hay ; 100,000 pounds Bacon and Bulk Moats ; 60 tierces canvassed llams; 600 bar rels Flour, extra to strictly fancy. GOLD DUST and ELITE Brands Flour, guaran teed equal to any sold lu Georgia. Solo Agent for the Mill*. Wm. M. Williams, 1 A. LEYDEN, Late <>f Williams A Dro. J Commission Merchant auglO’dlw The Palace Dollar Store as ► 1 SHARP & FLOYD, BOO0ESSOBS TO GIEO. SHARP, Jr. U'MtthaU Ht^ Ullanta, Ua. M ANUFACTURISU AND MERCHANT. JEWELER . DEALERS IN Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. FAIRS. . OOLP, SILVEB ut To .Igriculliural Fair Commit tees. For monthly, county and yearly Fain: Wa are pre pared to furnish you on tho shortest notice possible a full line of PllEMIUMN MaH.Wta .tltyvWUfifWfca x p FBKSAvT HfaWAC. desire to mako any profit off of County Fairs Jnst storting, and will take pleasure In filing largo or small orders. Give ns a call or write for prices. SHARP A FLOYD, augfi 1m. - ■ fiTLAIfTA. Is- Mount De Sales Academy for ravjm Lm/cs, (Conducted it rni Sistees or toe Yikitation Five Milos West of Baltimore, Md. ding country—tho City of Baltimore, tho Tatapsco River and the Chesapeake Bay. Tho grounds attached to the Academy are eaten- tiro, and afford the pupils ample spaco for exorcise. Tho hail for STUDY AND RECREATION, THE DORMITORIES. ko , havo boon coustmetod with a view to PRoMDTU T11E COMFORT of tho young ladies. Address for particulars, MOUNT DE SALES, CatonsvfllOjP. O., BaRimore Co., augU 1m , MsijteBil I AM GLAD HE HAS COMM. Tlie llest Paper Ilancer «m the State #f Qssrgla. I CAN now cane your chain, and make them look new for the same you will rty for a bottom. No charge for varnishing ohaira whan 1 o l warrant all Upholstering, PnnsUnre Me pairing, ole., to give satisfaction. Furniture covers a order. All kinds of ! holatery dono al tho ulovod to DeOive's Opera Honse, under Mayson'* Auction Wart*room, on Marietta atreet a R. BROWN, apl 5-6m Tote of Richmond, Ya. To Parties Desiring to Build 1 MIE umlcrHlgned would respectfully (uform the oitizons of Atlanta that ho la now prepared to OFFICE IN AIR-LINK HO0 May bo U Rail Road Block, : office of 8. Turusr, floor. augl7dlw. To till- Iteojilo of Tnltoii ami Sun-oiindliifc Conntlcs. I HAVE . «l«cl Skwk of I’m-II, “roerri.., < ul. l«ry. Ur«»cktery, Titi-warn, etc , aud a good stock of Pure Mountain Liquor*, winch I will sell at th* lowest cash prices. I return you my thank* for your 111,, rai patronage, which I hope to receive in the fu ture at my old «tan«l. on MrDouongh Road, Just out aide tho corporation lino. A. A. DcLAPKRRIKHK AttglTdlw, L. U. PIKE, #u.-..t»0 saved! M&.0U Waved! PRICES AND TERMS OF ' 1 WILSON HIIUTTLE Sewing Machines. UKDEnrKED WETTCJUnt. $10 TO MO. $5 FB VO. No. 6, Plain Table $46 $ 60 $00. No. 6, half-ease, plnbx 60 . fit 00. No. 7. do fhu'y M 65 70. .. 7, Folding cover TO 80 ,. 8, Full Cabinet, M0 110 >. 8, Folding OoTer, 120 WARRANTED FIVX YKARfl BY WILSON SEWING MICBIW QO We wish It distinctly nndsmtwfiWNft Itev ate onr terms from which we never deviate; ml we guaran tee our Machines to have everyvsint of imiaw to be found in any UndegteedMufiK- Msehfae> and os durable, made of as good material as any Machine in the and that it *(■ do a* elegant waste : BUY CROCKERYandGLASS N*.4TP»«hlr*sam% - —TKOSf— ' .'“Art.'| t. 1=1. mpLiirv, J Mt’Ol.T- K AM) I Km*s stenlt stack- Ooc^UaTHMB teLOOHS—taxlta |Mt *4* HF.T0H. or tuk I lyUteu | InOieStaiSta «<tarrf lo a»b bSyty*' Equal la any .SltyiWil.^j snutatta. Atarwu.isn. ' J USfeh. •V*x.