The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 19, 1871, Image 2

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THE DAILY SUN. 8inmui Kobkdio Auourrr 19. aW OMtm in the Sun Building, Wet tide if Broad etroet, Stand Door South ol Alabama. MW item AdftHiftmeuU altcays found on FirdFose/■ IjculandBusiness ffiSsme on Fourth rag*. um unto to an* Riot tli" i I U 1 |b»t the (L ![ ft? Under the fbor« titto there appeared, day* ago, in the Augusta (Go.) [<** rOkMi... t*. paUUoel • man to cookU. Is omn, - . 7tote* Martt, xull^r l U|W Out they tee ,,r lli.pc- PBltowwtoitaliMatoBto<*«*» u rated**-«■ I ■ Tki. uu UaportMl mteter. MttradaoM Uro r. ^ wfcca. uartjr u* » unit, ud I AAaroMUMOUafoaUi* "vtclotopolicy" alto. sgssffjsaisssssst^rMi Lmm up the doctrines at the pert j in th« follow- “ W—-ilfoiU* tbeThir- 1 invalidity at ell Out Confederate a. The aecrednesi of pension and bounties. 7. The disqualification of oertain pereone to ■Tkeawwa/igia and nrlvilegsa, including suffrage. 8. And oertain inhibitions on Uio Stated i, chicly declaratory in loorvspoc- no geographical limit*, in which is in volved not ouly the fate of the D*n>«- eratic party, but of the Itepnblia To ignoro it, is trtaauii to both. Like our friend of the ChvuufiSe, wo have no heart for a fight with oar North ern Democratic friend*. We make no such fight with the true Democracy of any section when wo simply assert our unalterable devotion to Democratic prin ciples, and our uncompromising opposi tion to Radical usurpation. We with to join hands with the true friends of con stitutional government of all sections of the Union in restoring the Constitution, id in wrssUng the Government from the Is of Trie fiction of oonwptionMs, pers and revototioniata. We desire it tko men of thu North shall know that the Democracy of the South are trae to the principles of the Constitution, i that they ikmmul nothina mure. We ereunwiUleg either to stultify ourselves or deceive them. We have given the whole of the fore that our readers may judge of the at fupo* of the reasoning on both We do not agree with our ootemporary of Augusta, that the discuseiou of such gacakra, <put apecudht at thie lime, U 1 either ‘Idle 0« useless. M The price <f Liberty te eternal vigi lance " and just of fits lime, when such intidioue approaches by its dmidlieet tom are being made, to the very citadel itself, wo (lihik that every freauau in tlio hmd, well aa every sentinel upon the watch- tower, should bo thoroughly aroused to a of the danger, and active to the ut most extent of his ability, in defeating the wily arts of the enemy. We take this occasion to add, in rc- spoisio to several of our cotemporaries both North and South, who arc so much inclined to indulge in eteep, juti note, and who make such earnest appeals tor "unity," "unity,” and “harmony” in the Democratic Forty that no ouo can be mere in favor of "unity” and “har mony” in the Democratic party through out the United States than we arc. Uut who are tlio disturbers of “ unity” and “harmony” in it? Does this •hd Boats, aa* of tto Baikal. itoiT MlSt why m* aaUa aad pul an and at uaoe to the vIlOlu sammAs'S'iaeni: and fi prufamioasUy civilised pooplo T Wu uk (or infonuUot, find would be glad fot fi response ^Ymfkaow^ ^aad'alt sensible people know, while! good Md wise aw* nay boneatly differ In opinion on almost any subject, yet partyism is pure ly the work of deaaagagnea, gotten up for their own ° ,trr, U^U reapaotnuir. t°m U. B. ttaunarOir oopiwpoudent errs in HtaOog that die Chronicle owl Sentinel sKiRQBst££ts&s, of Pennsylvania, and pnblishod in then* columns some weeks tinoo. Mr. Kerr acoepts all the amendaeata bayunstod to the Constitution by toe ltndictd Oon- grosses, among whieh ire the infamous FUnWWtamRrnttBHRlI Amendments. The people of thgigitoji So net and will notseespt these amendments aa fioalities. K a*5sa,‘«r-?ir*2s Amendment was ratified by tlio Legist* tuiwof < leorgia,, and ws accept it aa a fis Jity—as sotting at rest forever,fto far aa tlio State of Georgia is concerned, thu question of Slavery. Our peoplo do not want the iusistatioa reestablished. They would not if they oould, because they are satisfied that in the end it will be more eonducirs to the development of their re sources, and the growth and increase of tbs State, botttu wealth and population. « toe ripttofiBdffw of the people, poople themselves, havo or will approve the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, because they believe the measures in violoiiou of the letter and spirit of lb# Constitution, and destrnc- tiveof Iks Ubarissaof the people and that freedom o4 action in the enactment of laws sad exorcise of authority so vitally to the well being of the States in their sove reign ohamoter. Whenever the people of the South and North return to the J offer- souian principles upon which the Govern ment was asWaislered iu the better days of the rspahUa, these illegal euactmenta, whieh We obey fig the time being, but do not accent at approve, will bo repealed aud erased Dross the statute books of the oonatry. The Chronicle mul Sentinel is of the opinion that the best interests of our State will be promoted by attending to boasa allair*. The laborer, farmer, manufacturer, mechanic and merchant and profesaioual man, who attend to their private internets, will be better off at the end of the year than those who spend their Mata in idle and naaieas discussions of pafilnnal politics. Let ns take caro of our boau government and aaa what wa can date advaaes onr material prosperi ty. There la abundant time ahead to dssota to e campaign which will be fo on Northern sod and between partie oeutly aatUd ip the conquest of the South, bnt now ariuvad easiest ouo an othlfi II lHU’WTMaBap WprcmacT. - We do noAWbfdhwto tnuMMttba action of that party at the North whom we be- the “new dqgnrtnre,” wado not intend to enter the imvand wage a fleroo warfare against oar friends end U*u only party in the North that we mm ever ho|k< U, do jartiee to the South and the Southern people. We hare no heart for sneh a tar to their hands. $hey will, we tear, r,.*n toO^Kc jotoly lio again at thoso who stood by aim flag and price osre of and ndpanty oar own State Gov- > Ve and esw efforts will l*j directed whan Urn proper til aletoMMMtomfi November. Upon theca " remarka” of our Augusta OLktinrstor), ths aisawanl VN*t*r the l?th tost, couiments aa tallows Onr Desancratic ootemporarics who, tots ahayafi beast rspadmU the bognfi Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, III 1 I to gl to—nil It Ilk r Tir De parture,” yet are unwilling to {strengthen the toads of the hanaat ■■seal ol the a very awkward and tie avtot difference eur friends and 'the only party NodhJfcd nrtfiMK fin* to i the liy-tlm flag and prisoiplea of the party from the time of iU organisation, and upon which alone free institutions can be preserved; or upon those boiler» aud renegade* who are advising not only tko lowering of the glorious old flsg„but thu going over of the entire party en mime, home, foot and dragoons, to the grounds Of the enemy—currying with them noth ing e.rcejU thetr name f And this wonder ful movement under the pretense of saving the country from Radicalism 1 The country, to be saved from Radi calism by the sanction sod approval ol the mosTTnfamous measures ever carried by Bodies! uslrpatioua? Was ever a propo sition mure preposterous ? One of onr cotemporaries, who is so earnest for pcaoe and unity in the Dem ocratic Ranks just note, says, wo should fire upon the enemy, nud not upon friends. That is exactly our positiou; but which of the two was the most daugurous enemy to Troy the bold Achilles or tire crafty, base, in sidioiui Hiuon ? The citadel ol Troy was never taken by open assault. It was on ly by deceit, guile and treachery that its interior walls were finally entered after u tun years’ conflict; aud so it will l>o with the citadel of American free institutions, if the like deceit, guile and treauhery, now resorted to, shall prove to be equally suc cessful with tho too confiding, over-trust ing, honest masses of the people of the State*. A. H. S. Popular iamiln Stating JUactiintt Saoannnt).Shipping tints Rlisttilantona Olbnertienncnto. CHICKERING PIANOS! BtriUiAV'S LINE—NEW \ IRK fir SAVANNAH. EVERY TUESDAY raon teat post. msuKABcxny wriauansor this uk*, oni DICK, with •ubfiUteBC* 10 LBO, fiDEARBOBlT, Ot*mjufiw0tor VIKUO, BOLKLKY. Oomnuiiier. Compofifi tjkis liu«, Md one of Ut«M Imvm «ftcb port KVJtfiY TUKHDAY. Tbroufilt Wll« of Udfotf fiivfeu by Umv* ■(uahmIhv* bjr fill mlrafid couDfifitloiifi, »bd filao thn.ucb bills lsdUkff *!»•» In fisfawsab on CoUoti dsaUnfid fot Liverpool and lUmbfilf by firstoliM stisinskty.- For frsifibi or pssss#s, apply to HtntTKK k GAM MILL, 84 Bay rtM. FBILADSLF8U AMD HAVANNAB MAIL 9TEAM SHIP OOMPAIY, P If/Ll It K f, J* Hi A jUtrU Ai- r-jijrjroiM. EVERY SATURDAY molt bach foet. r _, .•» DICK, with subsistence 10 This Hue Is ortMfXjswd of the first clfias stesinships WYOMING TKAL, Commsntlor. TONAWANfM BAltAETT, Coflsusmler One of these stoMisbips leave each port EVIBY BATUHDAY. Through bills lading furnished by these steamship# by all railroad connections. For freight or passage, apply to IIUKTKB k GAMMELL, 84 Bay street. For Boston. At IN THE CITY! Mount De Sales Academy ran iroujrG i..idii;v ) (OuNUOCnO »T TAB Btmtbbs oT TBB VIbITATION XiTmawr Oatoaavllle, Fir* Mile* Wsst of Baltimor*, Md. commanding an extensive view of the surronu- dtug country—the City of Baltimore, the Patspaco River aud the Chesapeake Day. The frouuds attached la the Academy are axteu sivo. and afford the pupils amide space lor exerclso. The hall for RTUDY AND RICRKATIOX, THE DORRfTOIUES, 4c., have beeu conatructcU with a view to PROMOTK TBB COMFORT of the young ladies. Address f or particulars. MOUNT DKRALKtt. UetonsvtUc.F. O.. BelUiuore Co., M|14 lnt Mai)laud. I AM GLAD MB HAM OOMK. the State at THE UXDEllAlUVED MEINO THE GENERAL STATE AGENT fur Uni WOULD UEBOWBXD Ohickering Pianofortes Is prepared to furaisli these admirable instruments from STOCK KEPT A THIS MUSIC STORE OR DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY, As parties may desire. CATALOGUE HOOKS, Qiviu;; PltlCE, DESCRIPTION and ENGRAVING of aach stylo, »ont, post-paid, to any party, on applica tion. Manufactnrer'>i Certificate and Warranty ACCOMPANIES EACH INSTRUMENT. EDWIN FAXON, Cobmkh Rboab aot» Mauiktta Steket*. augfiu.i AtlauU, Ga. SAM'L II. (STOUT, M. D., Agont for Introduction of Harper & Brothers’ EDUCATIONAL WORKS. ®ce at Phillips k Crews’, comer Marietta nd PeObtroe streets, Atlanta. Ga. Judge T. 8. Foe- ur.bsac; always present to attend to buHinesa lu aifqeuoe. augl-im jf-J. KNOTT, T». D. ^FFICE OVER JOHN KEEIA’S, corner White- ball aud Huuter a treats. RjjMPKNCK—CoUina atreel, between Cain and U E " Gainesville Sulphur Springs 1>0AKD at the HULPHUR MPUINGS haa been re- I) duct’d to the following rate: BOARD PER MONTH • . $40 00 ... .. WEKK - - 1* 00 I «• •• DAY • • 1 00 Cbildreu uudar IS years of age and servants half rirtn.^ H. U. MoCAMY. 1<X|UITABLE Life Assurance Society OF Till UNITED STATUE G ENERAL AGENCY for Middle and North Geor gia. Office comer Pryor aud Wall Mfoeets 1 Kimball building. Applications for Policies of Life Assurance receiv ed aud appointments or Special and Local Aganfca Made by ANHIJCY A STACY. General Ageuta, Atlanta. Ga. ffd' Liberal Cmntuiasiona allowed ENERGETIC GANVAH8ERM. auglJlw. THE BOffTCM AMD SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE Oriental .T!?. ...04>L E. M. BwjlI. Vlt btlmrg, Capt. 8. H. Matthews. CABIN FAR! 880 08 DECK 10 00 Through bills of lading given by railroad agents to Boston, and tu Boston by Steamship ageuta to prin cipal points In Georgia, Alaama and Florida. 8&» Through bills of lading given la Providenoe, Fall River, Portland, Lowell, Iawmat*, 4c. Passage tickets sold st railroad depot, and state For New York. 500 Crates assort ed granite and C C Ware for $80 per crate. Cheapest ev er offered in State. Send for list of con tents. Tkfi Meet Paper Mai !E- new for tin aaiue you wlU » fij for a bottom. No charge for varniahtug chairs wheu I eauo them, aud t warrant all PyAaiilrriHg, Parailaiv Mr pairing, ale., to ftva agUsfbrtiou. Furniture covers cut, mads at a fit warranted. Hair aud spring mattrssaes made to order. All ktads of household furniture endup- holatery done at the shortest notice. I have re aaovod to DeOlve’a Opera Hoaae. under Maysou’i Auction Warerootu, c ‘ atlMm > Marietta street. a R. BROWN, Late of Richmond. Va. To Parties Desiring'to Build rilHE umterMfnrtd would respectfully inform the I dtiseus of Atlanta that ha la now prepared to HMReHhfmff 1 IAf PlmHhtmr IhparfiHMl —dp* sf «w #tn( CfaH Rum Mtg mmp ehA Is He has at his command a picked set of hands, and feels Malihil In giving gmetal setts(bebec. «*- RRFRREMCX—OoL John L. Grant. Lougley 4 Robiusou, and Fay 4 Corput, Arehitoots. JOHJT C. aMTICmOMJL flfFKJ* IN AIR-LINE UOUBn, PRYOR tmtEET *45.00 Ssvod I *45.00 HsrHI J'OU BB bed terms or WltrtON NHUTTLE Sewing BKaohines uBDKnraav aKncaam. 810 ra mo. 84 »a am. No. ». Plata Table | 18 | 85 $80. No. 8, half-erne, piu bx 40 eu 44. No. T. do ma’y 85 aa m. No. f, Folding cove* ID 88 k a. raU Cabinet. \m M8 8, Folding Cover. 180 WARRANTED FIY* TEARS BY WILSON SirWUtU MACHINE CO We Wish It distinctly understood thst these are our ofWfoaHhakM mm*4 igBitMlRBodeiaW JsnnnnfM thu nnjnatsnd: whish thqr thev wot. aa to refute to ratify and adopt that* toaut to msks war aa our Korlharahinnds, tho stc firmly and l topov* . to to hum* to tor u» ItoSn/nlam. itoaTh .-!? Wis tto .ud thu U«>U toa^llfat T* ths rnsple sf Fnltoa and ttorrsaadhc ilsaaths HAVE a select Slock of Family Groceries, Cat- leh I hope to receive la the trne Btmy e»d rtand,oa RmLjftrt ml AagtfdIer, eaaaacwre BLAME at THE BOM OK ea» LhWlWSi County OKee oe, Attmtosti W. B. BONNELL, CIVIL EMUINCER AM) HUBVEIOB, TSprvpaml to exooute with promptness, energy, 1 aud skill any bualueaa of Surveying, Ltfirl- limp, /hilling. Tapogrsiphic Mnpying. eh-., eutruated to nia rare. May be found pro tem at the offico of 8. Turner, 0. E., iu Rail ltoad Rlook, Hcoond tloor. - angl’d lw. MHE^oHCAiisnrs i BUY CROCKERY andGIASS No. 4T PmcUtm Street, —FROM— T. PH.. RIPLEY, JUPOKTXR ANO JOWXB. Of IRTADUSMBU tl YEARS. (.* Kcp. . lorr* took. OcvupiM THREE FLOORS—301110 tod. luiluremonts offered to cash buyers Equul 9mmmq Market. Atlanta, Ga.. AugWet *. 18TV Mg 8 in The Palace Dollar Store THE GREAT SOUTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. KVKRY THURSDAY. In aura uoe by this Lina can be effected under onx open policy st one-half per cent, CABIN TA88AGE $80 C The first class staamara Itrmaa Livingstone, Ohaeasman, Oop fen. Darnel, ... F.O. Mallory. Com. Will sail aa follows: H. UV1NOETON June 1st, atf. T. K. GEN. RARNES l^oi* Baltimore. OABIN RABBAOI t» I- The Baltimore and 8avannaii Htecmahip Co’s. BUaiuera sail from Savannah daring December Mm: SarmgoMS Thursday,February 3d Amerhs Thursday, •• »th Thursday. “ 16th Aaseftaa, Thursday, 8sragosaa .Thursday, nov8-tf BUSINESS COLLEGE 18 DEVOTED TO THE FR.AOTIO Ali, USBFUXi O F young men, fitting them in ths SHORTEST time and at the LEAST POSSIBLE EXPEN8E for a aucoeaafbl future. oouraeet pleasure, and to review at any future time GRATIS. gFor further particulars, Catalogues, Specimens of Penmanship Currency, 4c.. Address, A. R. EASTMAN, Box 884. ‘ Principal. augS lm. HITCHCOCK 6r WALDEN, L. 0. PIKE, PROPRIETOR. N. B.-GOODS SENT TO ANY PART OF 1VX I COUNTRY. jylAlna Lookout Mountain FROM ATLANTA, GA. WE8TERN 4 ATLANTIC RAILROAD. I riMcKrrs. nfFfR*h$$RuBup^fti?!fpQL- I LAMS AND SEVENTY FIVE CENTS, lnche- ding Mag* Rra Purtor. Of-Meai pot. Atlanta. Books and Stationery •4 PBAOHTEMM STREET, tPOWXLL’S BLOCK.) ATLANTA, GA. K EEP on Kant! a large and elegant •took of STATIONERY, such as Paper, En velopes. Puns. Ink. latstamta. Pencils, Slates. Pock et Books. Knives, eto. Fins stock of Initial Paper hud Bhmk Bo _ *l.o, milDItl SCHOOL SOOKBudOKWUCI-Ka. Chdo. 1(8 at * LB HUB ud MOTTOSS-Ul. UtUr oUpUd for tototor *»tooto.. tot*, tooto ol Hlxal- Maeona aud Theological BOOKS, Oatolpguee *awt Run. Pen Lucy School FOR BOYS, «U* WATSMLT, Two .Wes jmrthf Bouttemre. rpHI underatgned. lately a Prefeaeor in the UuL A veratty of Georgia, will reopen hie eeheolfit Pen Lucy, on lvHb Sept'r Next The poetMon le highly hertthftiL and near to eeverai churches. Boys are trmtod as members of the family, and required constantly to observe the de portment of gentlenaen. Tasttmnntala to the school are from the very highest norm. II has afcraye, among Its pupils, aooa of the very beet fraallice of Jy88-lm R. M. JOHNSTON, rumuTUBB nnmnuuMiLT. adctiox ulu at 19 r-T' SSX ““ - a-n-4 SAVE YOUR FRUIT SAFEST, CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUIT JARS OEE thu testimony of Mlaa E. J. Halo, who la O known in Atlanta to be unexcelled in Preserv ing and Canning Fruit: JfatDri. McBride cf Co.: Gf.nti.kmem: My auccoBB in the use of tho “Vic tory” Frail Jar is so great that I desire to thank you for introducing it into our vicinity. More than ten yoarH ago I began cunning fruit for homo use. having usod of every can introduced, from the old tin can and “Arthur's Patent” glass can (1855) till r found the “Victory” And I unhesitatingly declare it to be the clicapent, moat simple to uae, and the best fo keepiug fruit in tta natural state that I have eve Vary Respect uUy, Looking Glass Plates. We offer the Cheapest and Best line oi House - Keep ers’ Goods in the City. Cut lery, Spoons, Forks,Knives Waiters, Cas tors, Vases & Toilet Sets. In fact, any thing needed in a well kept house. Call with the cash McBride & Co. tutetmin Auction li Commission. YXT1 hereby notify the public aud buau auMmmmtmtoa huatoem ton™ opened au Tka Dugan BulMlMi «k HIU at met. where we will be pleased to verve those who mg) seed our services. We propose to sell any apseiee >party. deal right ami make prompt returns of lea. Couaigumeuta eoUMtod 1 ‘iVrn 1 afiwmooa made on goods tn store, to be sold at aaetlon. Beg- ukw sale day. Wedueeday sad 8* Real Batata promptly attomtod to. J. A. GUMMY, Aacthmeer. McDowell 4 co. GRIFFIN, 04.. May 19.18T1. R. /inbian’o Sons iron IDorko. 1 Macon Domes to Atlanta Again I ” FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS Head of Third St., Sign of “The New Flag.” M1ACON.IGEOKGIA. THE LARGEST IN THE SOUTH! Skilled Labor and Modem Machinery, All Work. Warranted. Northern Prices for Machinery Duplicated. steam EjraijrEs of otjrr size. Findlaifs Improved Circular Saw Mill, Merchant Mill Clearing, most approved kinds: Sugar Mills and Syrup Kellies: Iron Fronts, Window SUls and Lintels ; Castings of Iron and Hr ass of Every Uesertption, and Machine- ry of all kinds TO ORDEH. I XI O TV BAILING, Of Elegant Designs, aud at Prices that Defy Competition. Jfii^No Charge for Now Patterns in Furnishing Outfit of Machinery for Saw or Merchaut Mills, REPAIRING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ! FINDLAY’S SAW -DUST GRATE BAR SBOfJLD BE USED Br EVERT SAW-MILL PROPRIETOR, milstonps, Hvltinst, Circular Saws, Steam Fitting*, Rabbit Metal, etc., etc, FURNISHED TO ORDER. TERMS. C.VSH OR APPROVED PAPER. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Macon, Ga, TIIE GREAT ECLIPSE Screw Cotton and Hay Press! Patented Feb’y 27, 1871, by Findlay It Oraig. An ANTI-FRICTION 8CHKW—A MECHANICAL WOXDKH. This wonderful Mechanical achievemeut in point of KAPIOri'Yand LIOHTNK88 of DRAUGHT, STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL, and ia destinod at an early day to auporeodu ALL OTHER Cotton ScrowH, bo they fabricated of Wrought or Gait Iron. OoiapxmoaB, Ga., Datwmbarfil, 1870. B. FINDLAY’S 80X8. Findlay’s Iron Works. Macon, Oa.s Dkak Si&a—Late this fall I purchased from yon one of your Fiudlay 4 Craig EcUpee Patent Screw Cot ton Premts. and, after a full and fkir trial, do nothoaltato to pronounce it tha moat rapid, of lighteat draught, mobt powarhil—tn fai t, the beat (without au exception) Cottou Press I ever aaw. Betwma thla and all other Iron Screw Preeae* 1 have ever seen or used, there ia jost simply no oompariao*. Every planter should uae your Press. JOHN L- GILBERT. 1>. 8 You may ennatder mv order tu for two more of tho above Presses for next season, and may look for many orders from tliia aoetion ; my neighbora are determined to have thorn, a* llfy oau park by baud twice as fftot at any of the other Iron g^rew Presses can by horse power. J. L. G. Since last fall, aud before accepting latent, wo added improvements and labor-saving conveniences— rendering it PERFECT in every particular. The screw or pin, has a pitch, or fall, of inohea s that ia, at every turn of ths scrw, follower block doscemls (or asoeuds, us the oaoe may bo) 6\ iuohas. The de vice of the tube or nut in which the aerew work*, ia such as to materially reduce (lie friction, so neat in the common screw ; thereby rendering it an oaxy task for three hands to pack a bale ot cottou in HALF THE TIME OF ANY OTHKB Iron Screw Press hy hor*o-power. (See J. I*. Gilbert’s certiorate.] Wheu desira ble, un ordinary mule ran be substituted for throe men without change of Qxturpa. .STRENGTH, DURA BILITY, RAPIDITY, LIGHT DRAUGHT, and STANDING ROOM attop of box. etc., ate., in abort, wo pro nounce tt tha BEST Screw Press IN THE WORLD, and respectfully invite a public teat with any and all other Screw Preesoe. To purchasers wa GUARANTEE SATISFACTION or REFUND PRICE MONEY. SEND FOB PRICE LIST.jETO. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Maoon, Ga. CRAIG’S PATENT HORSE POWER, Van muviNO cotton uins. Hiltioifutlou Guarantccrt or Money Bolnndod. 8TCSV FOB ILLU8TBATXD OIBCULAB. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, Maoon, Ga. The New Portablt^ Ht«mm Eiigiiu* For Driving Cotton Gina, Printing Presses, and for any purpose requiring from ono to ten horao Power. i i s " I t s i 11 i l i i - I I 11 rpHKY are aafe. The furnace la enrrounded by water, kxoept at the <lo»>r. The water brtttem Is a pertert A protection from fire. Thar arc safer than a stove, and FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES MAKE NO EXTRA ( HaroE where them engtoos ar< need. . ; There Is PUNITIVE PROTECTION A' SPARK CAN ESCAPE. NO MATTER WlTAT nlng and similar work. R^Mted first premiums by r. to nataral,, ‘ ^ lZStotolM*5?’*M? tor Dcorti*”- CircaUr ud PW. Uak g^-Kim bell's B. k A. R.ll. money received for old XL FXNDLAT*8 SOITB junelfi- Jf TINDI.AY tBOll WORKS. MAOOV. «* A. J. HARATaSON, Fultoto Couatr- Conor Martatta and Broad Briwets OEJTERUL JtliCTlO.r AJU> rOMMtSStOAT MERCHJI.rT ^KD WholeeaJa and Refall Dealer In FURNITURE. Conalgnmcnta settoited. Chnfi advanced on maignmeuta tor ancUon In atom. Rsnsncm—Meaara. Gordon. WUlia 4 Co, Bank- era, Wail Street. Allan to *ug« lm. FofiioM Suruion Oounr—Avail. Tax, Wll. Mattma F. ItTan) . „ . vb, J Libel for Divorce In aald Court. Gronon A. Rta». ) . _ H nppeertng to the Omit, bf the return of tho Sheriff, that George A. Ryan, the Defendant In WJ Sliove stated cans* dues nut reside ia said eoaaly; • Fulton, and 1t also appearing that he fines not reside tatotoOtotoof totollktonlR. >;! public gazette in IMS Bfifie *Mt a mouth for bmr months, arnvtona to tlio neat teem «rf this Court- - Granted by the Conrt. J. M. tuimovn 4 Hum. PtatatMT *s Attorney- A true Kxtmot from the mmmm of midOonri' Juno tat, 1811. juneA-laanlm W. It. VENABLE, Clerk.