The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, September 27, 1871, Image 2

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THE DAILY SUN *0- Office in the Sun Building, Weet tide <f Broad tired. Second Door South qf Alabama. *oT Nmo AdeerUeemenU alicagt found on h ire! Page ; Local and Bueinete Notion on Fourth Page. T a Uwycri. We publish in fail, the decisions of the Supreme Court; also the daily “Pro ceedings” of the Court, end keep the “Order el Business” standing in onr oolumns. _ _ _ ~ «l i|i>* for Thr See, TBOM4S IT. Bormem, TbomssvUle, Os. iAUm Mass Sun, KsoxrlUs, Ties. DATS BUHL. A Unas. Os. Joss T. Bobsbts, AUsnU, Os. «. ». L. WsasST, WoodatacS, Os. ». O. Thomsen, Os. *. O. iMLISe, Dslwa OS. W. a turn it.. mianSsn, Os. Tim* Hast A Oo.. Whlta PWss, Ones Co.. Os I L Ban. oestsnosjs. Tses. 1. C. raasuu, LsOrsnso, Os. R- A. TlBxsno^ XbomssTillo, Os «.e. assiAAua Csisa wti " _ Chss|o or Osr astir>l|>l Ion Fries. We nak attention to our new terms of subscription in the first colsmu on our tot page . ■SmsIs *«>*■« rt Ihl Set FsrSsUsI ... BgPTKMDga 27 l.ook to Voir fMgkts!—Let the People Arouse!! Let no one fall to read and carefully ponder the Tory Important article of “Titus,” in Thi Son this morning. It is from the pen of one of the first men in The people mast arouse and watcli their public servants, from the least to the greatest. They most pat an eDd to the day of trading politicians, and gamb ling for public offioes. By such foul and corrupt men and means, the people of Georgia have been plundered and crushed under the iron whoels of a corrupt bayo net despotism. These, trading, gambling, corrupt dem agogue piacticea moat be stopped, and the people must stop them. They cen do the work if they will.— They must be listless no longer, and must no more let oflloe-holdcra and offlce-scck- ers lead them by the nose, blind them, hoodwink them, or deceive them; neither must those whose aim is to put money in their pockets, at tka expeusc of the pub lic Treasury, be allowed to quietly accom plish their wioked schemes They must be met at the threshold of their designs, and sternly fought by on aroused and in- diguaat people, and publio vengeance moat be summarily visited upon the heads of selfish patriots, axe-grinders, and men shoes votes end influence are for isle. There is now on foot a vile combination by Bullock and his friends, to oover up all the frauds and rascality of his administration, retain him in hia place, and secure to Foster Blodgett, or some ono no better thun he is, a seat in the United States Senate. Of this we havo evidence which cou- viuooe us of the fact; and the peoples’ money is being freely used und promised, to accomplish the purpose. The carry ing out of this programme, or even a part of it, would bo a sore calamity to the State—especially would such an in itiation be almost unendurable, if lioapcd upon the top of all the wronga and bur- dona which havo been laid ui>on our i>co- ple and which they hare thus far borne with commendable paticuce. There is a point where forbearance ceases to be a virtue, and where tyranuy and legalised plunder must stop. We call upon the people everywhere to aronso from their lethargy to (how forth iu their majesty, their strength, and make known their deter mination to bold every member of the LagMateie, «ud every officer whatever, to a strict responsibility—lotting no one escape; and to make their indignation too hot far tbs country to oontain any one who barters away Die people's money or rights, or who lends his influ ence in say way to theryooomylishnisnt of unholy schemes of any lind. THE NEXT LEGISLATURE. may be traced, in nearly eveiy instance, to the influence of comoioatioo*. Monopolies—so detestable to a free peo ple and a free government, because they seldom ever cease to grow, and as long as they grow, are grasping and tyranni cal—ore fed and keptjalive by tills spirit of ccmbinution. How often are these alliances funned to advouoe the interest of one man, no matter how unworthv he may lie? How often have we heard the remark, “If you, from a certain section, will sup port our man for Senator or Speaker, Ac., we will vote for your ap propriation bill,” and vice verso, when the election of snch a man and the pas sage of sncli a law might be very distaste ful to the people ana ruinous to the in terests of the State. It is to be regretted that so many in ferior men force themselves into office in this way. Grant ia a noted instance.— His nomination and election was the re sult of combination. True he was a sue ceesful general, but bis snooeas was not tha result of superior generalship, bnt of overwhelming numbers. He acoom plisbed no mure then the humblest pri vate could have done, with the same force and surrounded by the same ad visers. It is well known that he was out generaled in every campaign. Still, suc cess mode him on avilalile tool in the hands of combined conspirators, and he crawled into the Executive Chair. He reminds us of a atory that appeared in one of the papers a few weeks ago, where a serpent, of the ]>oisoD00s spe cios, hod crawled into a gentleman's par lor and colled himself npon the family Bible. Grunt lias coiled himself upon the Constitution of his country, not to receive light and warmth from its burn ing truths, but with his bayonet-fangs to dnve off those who would open its sooted pages and point a misguided people to the only sign by whicli a nation can bo saved. Thank God, tbe Divine flat bos gone forth 1 It will be obeyed. The seed of woman shall braise tbe serpent's head. Bullock’s election affords another ex ample of the baneful influence of com binations; and while we have great faith in the honesty and integrity of the next Legislature, we sometimes fear, that u combination will he formed to urreet the sword of impeachment in its righteous descent. We are op]>oeed, bitterly opposed, to combinations of every sort. We will vote for uu man for Senator, President of the Senate, Speaker of the House, or for any other office, who stands forward os the candidate of a combination. In tho election of a Senator, we would simply say that we shall bo governed by two rules iu eastiug onr vote: 1st. We will not vote for an inferior man, while we havo men of the highest type of stutesmauHhip to select from. 2d. As a matter of principle, we will not take into consideration the question of eligibility. We lielieve the people of Georgia aro pretty well united in their indorsement of Mr. Stephens' pro gramme, w hich is to insist U]x>n all of our Constitutional rights. We have elected Senators, and they hove been wrongfully and unconstitutionally re jected. To aend those who have bcou made eligible—merely because they are eligible—would be begging the question, ana an admission that Congress has the right to make eligible or ineligible our Representatives nnd Senators. It would bo a “dopartnre.” It would l>o “acqui escing in and accepting” tho fraudulent and illegal ridings of Congress. Let us lie consistent in ull things. Tm' The geUaua HmoMltllltlei Kestlag Oa It. Editohs Atlanta Daily Sun: It is souse of anthusisatie joy to sue, most be to every true man, that tue Legislature will' be largely composed gentlemen and Democrats. The pub attention will be fixed with hope am Jlisctllffnrons. T.~<Or. V SZI O TKT D R, Proprietor Excelsior Flsstsring Work*, P. O. Bo* 400, ATLANTA, OA. sag28 flm. __ i,.-5<>o Btnmaui Red Rust Proof Oats AT Mark W. Johnson’s, orroerre Cotton Warehouse, on Broad Street. ALSO: 300 Rush. Selected Seed Barley, 250 Bush, seed Bye, to am re, 600 Bush. Seed H'heat, 210 Btuh. Red Clover, 215 Btuh. Bed Top or Herd* Gran. 224 Btuh. Orchard Grata, 100 Btuh. Tall Meadow Oat Grass, to arrive, 175 Bush. Bleu Grass, and all other useful Grasses, he, 500 Cut. Fresh Turnip Seep / ALSO: lOO Tons Sea Foul Eliwan and other Guauo, for Wheat, Etc. ALSO; 500 Uixie Pious and other Plows, from $3.00 to $1 00, cheeper then home made "Scooter..'* ALSO) The Belter Patent Grain Britt, For sowing Wheat, Etc. Mark W. Johnson’s, P. O. BOX 230. Atlanta, Ga. A GAUD. 1 O meet tho demands of an INCREASING WHOLESALE BUSINESS We have secured large and commodious store rooms In the Kimball House, fronting on Pocatur Street, nearly opposite Moore ft Marsh and Silvey ft Dough erty, which we will ocoupy ON 1st OCTOBER NEXT, d where wo will be glad to receive our friends and customers. With these increased facilities for doing a Wholesale IIrug Business SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS to the trade. Uutil 1st October we will sell our present stock of Drugs, Mediciues, Paints, Oils, &o., at reduced prices, PKMRKMTOJY, TAYLOR* CO,, augSO lm Atlanta. Oa. Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political Editor A R. WATSON News Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. Twelve MonthM Six Months • BEST WHISKY IN GEORGIA! ronfldenoe upon th* action of that body. Whole.nle Lbiuor IIoum*- Convention—npon whose will devolve queeSons of such vital im portance to tbe people of tbe State. Measurer, fraught with great good or ir retrievable rain, mutt be grappled and mastered. He is an unworthy member, and recreant to his high trust, who doss not lose sight of himself i> the immen sity of tbe issues involved. When we look at our Federal relations, we ore appalled at the black and gloomy enshrouds bur fu We woujil link into tbe impo- st»h<ssis w* not buoyed up toner of despair by tbs hot, Wt will be, it bat for a bale while, iu the hand, el diSMWet sad patriotic men. The time baa at rived—the hour is st hand—when selfish feeling, local preju dies, patty strife, a disposition to legis late exclusively for one section or for one interest, to the neglect of other asotioOB and other interests, should be ignored. The old of the “greatest good to the greatest number" shook! be the guide. Favorit ism should be exaluded from legislative halls. Not the most popular man should be preferred, but the moat meritorious;A' not tbe man skilled in the management” of men, and expert in the art of manipa- lating, but tbe man whose character is above reproach, and whose adltoreocc to prineiple is unquestioned. Combinations for the occomplinhnient of particular schemes, or for the poUUcul advancement of any man, ore loathsome, and shonld be shunned. The unwise and unwholesome laws, which may generally be recognised by their sectional features; by their partiality for particular interests; by tho extreme exclusiveness of ilowers Created to individuals and corporations. IHtscellrtncons QVbticrliecmcme. J. UAIlAth: >N. | J, A. llllCt'l IIAltALrtOM A HltUtlE. Corner «t Marietta md llroul atrrrH ATLANTA, UEOKU1A. GEATERAL .1 VCTtOJF JtJt'B Commission .Merchants and M*Ae/<-.vafr and Itelail Beaters In IVlIlrf, R. II. BAPTIST, Auctioneer CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. CASH ADVANCKS.ON CONSIGNMENT’S IN STORE FOR AUCTION. llKrKitENt'Kfi-M. <». Dobbin*. President Georgia Hanking aud Truat i'.omi»auy; Mnutr*. Crane, Boyl- •ton ft On., Wholt-Hfila Dry Good*; Mrara. A. 0. ft 1». F. WyVy, Wholesale Grocers; Mt-aem. Oordoi Willi* A Oo.. Itankara. sepUMni Musical Instruction. T)ROF. HUTCHINSON. Musical Director or th« Beethoven IWIety, Atlanta. Tcachor of l’iauo-F Organ and Melodeou. Address—Oar# Inwall* and llaynra, Whitehall ■teacl. or r O. box ML aagK- Store House for Rent. I OFFEll FOR KENT A FIRST CLASH BUS NKHH HoUNK. For |>»rtii-ii)ar* apply, by lelh x n porno , A K 8KA00i, Corner Fotajrth aud Mitchell street*, aeptG-lm A Atlanta, Ga. Liquors ! Liquors ! Ales, Wines S Liquors! AT KENNY’S iicago Ale Depot of all kinds ofLRit’ORS, which uill be sold at the .Host Reason- mpU, Os AdmiiilNtnitoi-'N hale. Btatk or Geouoias i Tauaikbro County. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of aaid county, will be aold oo the fleet Tueaday in November next, 1N71, betwreu the lawful hours of ■ale. before th* Ciart Houae door In GrawfbrdvUle. in eaitl county, the Plantation wheroou Mr*. Doxey Cleuimou* reatded at the tuao of her death. The situation la haalthy, aociety good, couveoleut to railroada. ohurchea. milia, and poat oflbw. lau.i •ulted to the oultnre of i-orn, cotton, or amaU grain. In good repair. Mr. Alaaaudcr Clanimone U place, aud will take ploaaure In ehowiug it peraou wishing to purohaa*. Term*, twalv* montha ‘ nie, with approved paper*. Thi*. September ». n\. JAMES M. TRIPLETT. —pi I -Id* Ad—HileMtkor. A.<l»iiuiMlt*utoi*'M Mulo. Run or GkoboiA, I Taliafkiuio Couamr. j of Ordlnaiy i Irak l ueaday ■aid county, the plantation • • ‘Aaron Wo „ ia plantation la well adapted to the healthy, society p«xod. Convenient to railmed. juiat Mr Janiei^V Grtw la on the place, and will l*k-> pleaaura ui ahowing the lamia to any one wishing to to a— it Hold in lot* to suit tbe porrhaaera A plat of each aurv*y will be exhibited on day of sale. Bold for the benefit of tte helra of eaid deecaseal. Term*, one and two year* time for approved paper*. Thin, September 11, It7l. JAMEH M. TRIPLETT, Admlnl*tr. da bonus non* with the will annex<d. aeptll-td* PORTER FLEMING. COTTON FACTOR COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSON STEKJCT. ■ • AU0V8TA, OA. CvnunlMloa tor belling Cotton. 1 -* 1-rr COIL Hguatw WoeKly-Per Annum $ Slniglo Copy , , . 3 OO I Ton Copies • • • • 15 OO Tlireo Copies • • . 5 OO | Twenty Copies . • 38 00 Five Copies . • , • H OO | Fifty Copies • 05 OO One Hundred Copies • S125 oo “Pride s Pennsylvania Kyi” FOR HALE UY THE IMIILADELPHIA AND ATLANTA WINE & LIQUOR CO. No. 3 Granite Block, BROAD STREET, ■»«IfflllH |. CUTHMAN. Agent. TO THE LADIES! Grand Display of Millinery! M. HOLBROOK truly uiaguillccut stock of LADIES' BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, Wliloli Is Now Heady tor In* speetlon. The moil F'adhlouable aud Latest Style* of Every thing in this line can bo —cured st hi* Store. Com pc tout LADY MILLINERS are In attendance, who will take plcaeurc in ehowiug GOODS. FURS! Ill, Slock of LADIES' FURS t, ooiupleto. II. ha* them at ALL PRICES, and to suit all age*. ta- LADIKH* DEPARTMENT up Stair*, over the HAT 8TORE, proper. eept25-Ct MBROHANTS1 BUY CROCKERY and GLASS No. 47 Peachtree Street, -FROK- T. 13.. RIPLEY, J^klPORTER AS1) JOBBER. Sf XSTABU8HX11 31 YEARS. -RS Keep* a large stock. Oca A'ic* THREE FLOORS—30x120 feet ludiaccmeuta oflbrrd to cash buyer* F.tfual to any .Varket. Atlanta, Ga., August 2,1871. sug 3 2m. To Parties Desiring to Build 1 7HE undersigned would respectfully inform tha clUseo* of AUanU that he ie now prepared to kfigfWatoMl th* Rwitdtmtr md WwhMf, er th* PMtkftr ShpmrimtmI outjy. *f mm* Ptr*I CUm Emm th*p mg nh* to Ant He ha* at hi* command a picked set of banda, and feela confltlent in giving general mtiafaction. tor REFEKKNOE -OoL John L. Grant Long lay ft Robinson, and Fay ft Corput, Architect*. JO UA' C. A'lCHOt.S, (FFICR IR SIR*LIFE ROOM. PRYOR STkXXT LANUSBERG’S LUMBER YARD, OPTOSITE GEORGIA RAILROAD DEPOT. ATLA NTA.GA, fltawod Slxlugloto Mud losaXlmm, White Plxia SMh, Wlndowm <*> All Binds ot Bressed and Framing Cumber. fcbSl-ly A. LAROUBXEO k 00., PmpriMon. Itlama Son {Iroepecine. THE ATLANTA SUN! DAILY AND WEEKLY, Live Paper on Live Issues’ PUBLISm-IP BY THE! ATLANTA, GEORGIA. IIKSl.Y MM I Til, I Proprietors, PERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily—Single Copy. 910 OO I Three Monthw • 5 OO One Month • Olulos For Daily-For Annum s 35 OO j Ten “ 43 OO Hlnyfle Copy 08 OO H4 OO 5 C’ts Weolsly for Six Montlis: Sliitflo Copy Til roe Copica Five Copies Ton Copies No Subscription*, U All subHcriptione mi time paid for expire*. 1 OO 12 50 4 OO 7 50 Twenty Copies Flit y C 'oplcs One Hundred Copies Hlntcle Copy 15 OO 31 OO 05 OO » shorter pc r Vodka when tin CLUBS: Namt's for CLUBS must all be sent at the saino time, and lake tho 'paper for the H*mo length time, aud all be at the same Post Office. Each subscriber's nxuio will bo written on his paper—tho saino in Clubs as otherwise. To Kt cnro 1 advantages of Club rate* it i* only necessary that the term of subscription for each one shall begin « ,ttho same time, and that all be takou at the eauio Post Office. Sow to Remit Mom, y i the loss of the pereon sending it. No paper will be sent from the office till it is paid tor, and t an paid for expires. flL%. Persons sending money by Express must prepay narges. s will always bo erased when the time To Oorreapondents i Mr. Stephen* will remain in Crawfordville. Hi* connection with THE SUN wil l not change hi* tdeace. All letter* inteuded for him, either on private matters or connected with the Political Departmcn- of thi* paper, should be addressed to him at Crawfordville. Ga. AU letters on business of any kiud, connected with THE SUN, except ite Political Department, should be addressed to J. Henly Smith, Manager, Atlanta, Oa. The Weekly Sun Editorials appear in the Weekly THE BUN is the organ of th« People, the Advocate of Justice, the Defender of Popular Rights, and the opponent of burdens heaped upen a tax-paying people, and Oppressions of all kinds. It will adhere to the old, safe, time-honored landmarks of the Democratic Par ty, and sternly oppose any “Departure" therefrom. Mr. STEPHENS is thoroughly enlisted in the work, and.will contribute to its columns almost daily, We ask the friends of liberty, everywhere to aid in extending our circulation. Our Weekly ia a very heap paper, and ite Club Kates are particularly favorable. The Presidential contest for 1872 will be the most important In volvod aro momontooa, and all that patriots hold at stake. THH SXJ3NT WXXjL DNDBAVOiH To disseminate truth, sound doctrine, ud correct principles—laboring earnestly and zealously NOW, BK- * g, say-nothing, be-quict, dead-aaleep policy ... e currentpft’hich ia ruahing into the whirlpool of Radicalism, Centralism aud Imperialism. The Radicals, with the aid ol bayouota, have thrust upon ns the unconstitutional and wickedly oppressive measures of the a6-«alled 14th aud 15th Amendment* to tbe Constitution and the Reconstruction Acts of the majority Faction in Congress. The Radicals havo asked us, aa Democrats, to pledge ourselves to ac Ally for us aU to go with them, a few others are advising us to hold obr peace lest we disturb and distract the counsels of the Democratic Party I Verily, if we should hold our peace, “the stones would cry out" We cannot remain silent. We cannot thus counsel our people to accept and welcome their owu ruin, and thank God for Uie privilege ! It ie of the utmost importance that these issues be discussed now ; for tbe adoption of a time-serving departure ” by the General Convention of the Party will be, not only wrong in principle, bnt in our ‘ EUient it wiUbe total in policy. lelity to the Constitution is tbe true test of Democracy in every State of the Union, and we recognise who ia a true friend to that sacred instrument, as a co-worker with ns in the great cause of An Liberty. Tbe righto and liberties of the whole people are jeopardised—not any more so in the Horn in the North; and we of the South have no interests at atako in the momentous issues of the day, while re uot common to North and South, alike. We respectfully ask a toir share of public petrougo. All communications or letters on Business should be addressed to J. HENLY SMITH, Manager, ATLANTA, OA, *%. We reepeftly ask onr Weakly Ixchagocs to publish or notice this prospectus. UJiitdics, Jrnelrj), <5tc. FATiTi TRADE—10*71. SHARP & FLOYD, Jewelers and Silver«Smiths, W E HAVE RECENTLY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED OUB STORE. MAKING IT THE Handsomest Sale-Room in tbe Booth, and addod Fresh Attractions in I" I N E WATCHES, Or Sterling Time-Keeping Qualitlea, Elegantly L'aaed. Denntiful Opera, Vent and Gaai-d Chains. AN UNEQUALLED DIAMOND STOCK, “ u “ ,ou,,! VERY F,NE Sterling Silver xvnro lor Wo<l<lin$j Prewonts En* (jrnvod without Ohnr$jo in Superior Stylo. Fine PUtod Ware, rrcncli, Mirble and Bronro Clock., Wedding F«nj, drtletlc Bronze, eto. We ere Agents for the DIAMOND SPECTACLES, Tho Best Aid to Impaired Sight Known. We givo personal attention to Repairing of Jewelry and Watelies, And have the Finest Workmen in tho City. We take Pleasure in 8howlng our Store and Stock to all. If V Otter Greatir Inducements than Heretofore to Purchasers SeptI8-dtf SHARP & FLOYD. JssfiTtWH (lomjjanji. “Seven Per Cent. Interest Paying Plan The Missouri Mutual Life Insurance Company OF ST. LOUIS, MO. JFothing Concealed—ATothing Exaggerated—ATo False Expecta tions Raised. T his company offers the public a new feature peculiarly its own. which how- EVER, doe. not depert from the old, well-tried and eefe principle., which underlie ail Bound Life In- surauce. It guarautoc O F SD VDN F ID K O 33 KT T . On all cash Premiums paid to the Company. IhU Dividend can be used To Reduce the Amount of the JText Premium—TO Increase th Policy ; or, Can be ll'ithd awn in Cash at the End of any Pol - Fear. This Is Realty a Se~en per cent of .Honey at Com pound Interest, Coupled with the Advantages of Life Insurance. There i* no uncertainty about the AMOUNT of the Annual Dividem sum, fixed iuthe face of the Policy, being Seven Pc-r. Cent. Compoi ney paid by tho Policy holder to tho Company, and left in its hands. All Policies Non-Forfeitable After Two Full ANNUAL PAYMENTS ARE MADE. forfeiting law in adopted by the Compan is Preraimn, the cash surrender value 01 Policy and keeps it in forco till the surrender value is exhausted. If the full annual Premium is paid every year in cash, ami al! Dividends or Interest Accumulations l ft in tho hands of the Company FOR NINE YEARS- the Policy will bccomo SELF-SUST AIKTIKTO For all time to come, and keep itself in force for its full amount WITHOUT ANY F URTHER PAYMENT • Tlio*o Advantages aro not Offorod toy any otlior Company. Another equitable feature iu the Company is tliat all its premiums taken in Georgia will bo invested in in State, to assist iu building up its own resources. This Company is not confined in Its operations to the Seven surauce upon any the well ectablished plaint that may bo desired. For Further Information ArrIy to C^UStOn & StrObhai*t. General Agents for Georgia, AimuKP2.-i.lm Decatur Street. Opposite Kimball House. Atlanta. Ga. ^arbroare, (EntUrn, 0mte, #c. W. L. WADSWORTH, Atlanta, Ga., OHAS. WYNN W. L. WADSWORTH & CO.* Importers and Dealers in Hardware, Opposite JnmcM* Honk, Whltoliull Street, Scptomhor 10-ly ATLANTA, GA HVTf. MACBIE, G. B. ROOBS. I PONTIUCTOR FOR BRICK AND i. bl. rtd'-iSSS^toSi. oraim«ntti work'Btoni'c b . P1 *“ w,n « “<* favors, and hopes by attention to business to merits ni inf. tU 8 * ** continuance oftbe asms. apMUlw I Griffin. G*.. May 12.1871. UniHcrsitn publishing gTompanp. F b k below Forsyth. Apply next door to ll-2w TO RENT The Palace Dollar Store MRS. D. C. O'KEEFE. A. Postponed Sale. K. 8BAGO HAS POSTPONED HIS RALE of 30 improved and unimproved LOTS, at Bellwood Depot, oa the Western ft AUautic Railroad, until Wednesday. *7th September Hacks will Ctr l’ visitors fm>. Free lunch at 12 o'clock. septttotmday _ | nos. aimion. n. n. i i—i. 9, a. nanaocm. j Brake's Creek Mils. j A. BARBOUR A CO., I jEALEBB IN FLOUR, ITS AT. % SHIP STUFF, VM.I.S'M I. f.V. .XVTff.r. r highest puce paid fob wheat. -s» .1 produo. dclir.rod at th. <topol fro. ot chlm*' D L. II. PIKE, PROPRIETOR. N. B,—.GOODS SENT TO ANY PART OF TH COUNTRY. aoglfl-lmE UNSECTIONAL, UNPARTISAN, UNPOLITICAL 8CHOOL-BOOK8. The freshest series of Text-Books published—containing the latest results of discovery and scientific research. OfflcioUr adopted by the Virginia and Georgia State Boards of Education, AND NOW LAUOKI.T IN I KK IN EVBIIY SOUTHERN STATE, And in many Not thorn Stales. Ifa ^toiverntg fuMislting (to., An Association composed of many the several Southern States, feel- School-Books which should bo en- vnpolitical, which shoukl present science—aro now issuing a com- Text-books by the cannery* schol- whic.b are the of the most eminent citizens of ing the necessity for ft scries of tirely unsectional, unpartisan, and only the fads of history and pletc series of School nnd College ors and educators named below Cheapest* Bar, and Most “ Beautiful School-Books . Nflw published. The “ University Series” embraces Maury’s Geographical Smies, By t^OMRoddre'M F. MAcnr.of the Virginia Military Institute. A scries of books which Bi«4(AMM)hoiu‘th<.' study of this science, ami which, iu the wonts of a well known and ac- cotppiiihed SouiherudCaclicr, " are characterized by a felicity of arrangement and simple freshiMWof at vie which must ever render them Attractive to the young, and which will be usvxl tyjui who wish to teach Geography as a science, as something to make pupils think, and dB£ttu.rcly us an enumeration of dry facts.” Holmes’ Readers and Spellers, ^ F: Holmes, LL I)., Pntfensor of History and General Literature In the Uni versity «f VityliiLi. A series of Readers unequalled in cheapness, excellence, and typo* 0Vaphtc.1l lienutr. They are steadily progressive in character, bright and fresh in their ; flrieetkms of prose and verse, and illustrative of Southern scenes, incidents, and history. Venable’s Arithmetical 8erlee v Uy Charles S. Vknablr, LLD., Professor of Mafhemfltfcs In the University of Virjriuia. These books arc received everywhere by intelligent teachefi with the satiilfaction. as being most admirably adapted f>r mental drill, as wall as for business educa tion. Their methods, rules, and reasonings are clear, distinct logical, and comprehensive and the scriel rs'caifrully graded throughoui. HpPRS?!- History of tho United 8tatM, Bv GwnrmE 9 Holmes. LL.D., of tlw Univemity of Virginia. It is enoach to say of this adiniitldeyvofk, interesting, impartial, nnd truthful, as well as pure and rracefal fal style, that it is tha only History of the United States which ia strictly mmartmm. It comes down to die present date.’ Also, De Vere’s French Crammer, Readers, etc., Clldersleeve’a Latin Series, Carte/!* Elements of General History, .Holmes’ English Grammars, Leconte's Scientific Series, Johnston’s English Classics, Dlintonlan Writing-Books, eto., ate. S. n.1 for our new ll.I.I STRATKI) DKSI HI PT1VK CAT aLOOCE. wnlch wfll be maiM frve to any ir irltrr... a hooi otiia r. It tell, what teachers think of the books, and coninius specimen page* of each. Adtiruu UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 155 and 157 Crosby Street, New Talk. W. A. SUAYMAKER GENERAL AGENT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, JTjQjvjoi-19, Office: Cornoi’ Mai-ietta and Peachtree