The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, October 07, 1871, Image 2

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THE DAILY SUN. SATURDAY MOBNDfO OCTOBER 7 ride rf Alabama. Office in the Sun Buildi\ Broad itreet, Seoond Wett uth of lay* New Advertisement* alirays found on First Page; Local and Butineu Notices on Fourth Page. T# Uwyari. We publish in foil, the decision! of the Supreme Court; also the dailr “ Pm * oeedings'* of the Conrt, and k< J. O. (Uumu, Thomson, Os. H. G. linuoif, Dalton, Us. w. C. Da VIa, Jr., Ea ton ton. Os. Terra*, Matt k Co., Whit* Plain*, Green Co., $a J. L. Burr*, Chattanooga. Tens. J. a PAUAM, LeOrsnge. Os, WL A. VASvnsa ThonssrUls, Gs. X. f. William*, Union Point Cksnfi of Oar lafeserlptlna Pries. We ask attention to our new terms o{ subscription in the first column on oor -fTV ▼ ,„>r.r (ale at ojaater. C«W*. CM The Loultville Courier-Journal and it, Proposal to Dlicun with the Sun the Issue Made in tbetjun’i article of the 10th of September, Entitled “Tlte Ureal Iuue, Involved in the Conlq«r «'««*• apothe Uni. ty of the Democratic Party." JJy sumo strong* widraj) tho Ontrier- JoufnrS of tlie 23<1 September, in Which * ni nepithliebed our ortide abovo alluded to, with it* ocmmcuUi upuu it, did not reach usantil within tho last two -day*. 'flH» Pill explain the reason of Uw delay on our part in rcplyihg to those com menu and the propotal therein eon turned to disco** with u* "the iuue nrult” its ear article of the 19th September. It will bo recollected by onr reader* that the great iuue presented by a* in tli*t article, was in tbeae words: "other <iucntioC* ap*rt, the ckitf and vital l**ue In “the political content next year, In the United Btatee, ••will be CuaMitmtiamaUtn, or the preservation of the "Federal Union of Hiatt*, ou the one side, end ('m- “tralism, or the consolidation of the whole 4 ot the •‘Esotear .? UUMShtte>l lwi»>rs on The foregoing is tho distinct Mid square iaeue wo mfide, upon which, it was insist ed that UftOflB should l>o unity iu the Dem ocratic Party. Nothing more and nothing lees. We also, in the article, maintained that a majority of the masses of the De mocracy in thfi Union is with us upon the principles involved in this ieeue, nod that^hure should he unity and harmony upon it. Tho overwhelming evidences aud proofs adduced that a majority of the party is with us on this great issue, the Courier-Journal docs not undertake to assail, except l»y simple denial. That Joumid, however, in a double-leaded ar ticle, assails our position, and the issue thus made by us, iu tho following words, which arc given in ftnl. Tim Imuc. In order that rational people may know precisely whet sort st enterprise they are naked to engage iu, w« print in full the rao*t recent manifesto of Mr. Htepheua against U\o “New Departure." Mr. Ste phen* makea the laane a* distinct aa it can bo mado. lie will have no unity except npon the baala of tho repudiation—no matter by what proceaa—of the Constitutional ameudmoute. He doe* not aak a sue- penaion of debate, aud ha refuse# all com premise with what ba holtla to beau Infamy—that la, the This “New Departure*' aiaiptr propaaaa to leave the Fourteenth aud Fifteenth amendments uuiuo- leated wbaretbay stand in*!* Gonatitutiou. repeal- lu!htlobnbxloaatownsEffhngioMpasaiiVy tbelr ■auction, aud granting unlveraal amuesty. Mr. utspbshswKl apt ha aaMaflad with tote. Mali foi wiping out tba amendment* altogether. Thoae who do not go with him to the full exteut of hla scheme •jtMt »uaoci*b. Anliw Mi-ni rut TUo -New Departure" ia immcbiausm. Tho repudia tion of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amcudiuoat* la tha omit hope of tote wqfffititoltomt iteramiu. ut Thia ia Mr. Stcphou’a iaaue, square and plain; and Wa claim* that tho Northern nomocracy are with Min. He baa Mao ntWnted Hfice onr Awgnst election that Kentucky’s majority for Leslie mean* that and We aru gia<l to hive tho issue thua squarely stated. We conteat it Wo aay that Mr. StophoiiH* entire prteniae lsfhiaa and hta whole plan 1* revolutionary, ruinous and impossible. Hta assumptions in regard to the Northern Democracy and tho proprietary claim bo baa act up aa to tho Kentucky Democra cy are equally wild mod . unfounded. Each of words we wrtto Is measured—they ere incut t* precise, not diaoourteoua—and we propoee hen-after to diaeqaa the question with Mr. HtcpfceiiH or the “ ‘1 view t*f it ia aliaer Inaacy. layretttofil v r that grass < i short, could hot possibly lie _ Democratic party if it had tho pick and choice of all ured by the choice of all Aa a principle iu the lunatic asylum* in the world. A* a principle iu the ethics of government, Mr. Stephans itewSlr os and tea treat* tho wSolt question. A* |«pM B rarv.n gcat.n a law laid dotvu to »tlnug else will suffice. The reinnKs- ueudiuouts is the one sole issue before tha country, aud the only thing for tho followers of Mr.Htephcns IS to Oroide npon tha uwthod. They have ojy to «te term tho wh.-thot they will agitate to Ihponl thote or wbather they WilL declare them null aud void, pledging themselves to disregard aocnc^jf 4 It or th«*> must repudiate it. Wi icftito to accept it. Dd we can ichjr imsmjM its toi^ the smeodaaatoa to do ana thing d u* pat down this wen* wwfear® UOOHsUfimu. r m •’K^w, in our sijlcle, wliiob islicre eu brtMdlj oaKiitnl, wlimt i* there *bonl the Btfmtvo" to.l the eo-enlled Coo- * eWto*ioo*I Amemlmout»f toSjf^Ssafeaa ssraftu Tho foregoing extroot, we burgee, oontein* the matter upon whieh U* pml icated *11 the dennneiation* of Ste Chur ier-Journal against the artiols of Tux Son alluded to. From all Hub, then, it clearly up] Main, to an, that the Courier- Journal never will give it*consent to sup port any Candidate or Platform, which docs not sanction as “verities” and “final ities,” and endorse as “rig/it/ul acts," the •o-e*Ued “Constitutional Amendments.” We thought, from the beginning, that Chit was the meaning of the nnthora of tho - ‘New Departure” movement. It wa* because of our belief that this was their real meaning and intention, that we have opposed it aa we have. The object, as wo undertand thia article of the Courier- Journal, ia therein openly avowed. If we mietmcUnUnd the position of our co temporary, wo wish to be corrected. If we understand the Editors of the Courier- Journal, they arc not for unity in tho Democratic Party against the usurpa tions, npon whieh the “fraudulent amendments” rest solely/or their existence, because they do not believe that they were usurpations. Are we right in onr nndemtnadUg of the position of tho Courier-Journal on tho subject? They propone to disonss with ns the questions presented in our article of 19th Septem ber. Let ns tbon distinctly understand what lathe question to be diseusssed. We have maintained and do maintain that the usurpations, by which the 11th and 15th amendment*, to-called, to tho Con stitution were most glaring, foul and flagitious. Does the Courier-Journal join issue foolish political humbug of the Speaking of M-. Stephens, this able cranked organ of the new.der stnpid sheet, the Memphis Avalanche, that claim* to he the aathor of the most age.-- dclect- orgsn of the new. departure thus blows: “Somehow or other, his voice for open war is no longer heeded tin this way.— Down iu Columbus, Qeorgia, the Daily Sun, of that city, keeps up its firing, bangiDg away as often as Mr. Stephens gives the order.” Here, in less than five lines, two dis tinct falsehoods are asserted. Mr. Ste phens was never an advocate for “open war,” exoept against rogues and royal ist*,” and it U well known bore, what ever may be unknown among the mam mies of Memphis, that we were “firing and banging" at sneh cattle as the Ava lanche years before Mr. Stephens assailed tjie vermin now gnawing and crawling over the social and political bones of the Sooth. Aa an old Clay and Webster Whig we have rooeivod few “orders” Mr. Hte] we dii to “bang away,’’but with him, we never vith us on this point ?. We also hkve maintain maintained and do main tain that tto amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States, retting solely upon usurpation tor its exiitcnce, is a valid part of tho fundamental law of tho land. Docs the Courier-Journal join issue with ns upon this point ? Wo also have maintained and do main tain that, whonever a case comes before any oonrt, under “Enforcement Acts” or ‘Ku-Ktnx Bills,” involving tho validity of these stupendous frauds upon Public Liberty,,it »iU be not only the riyht bat the duty of the Conrt to hold them to bo utterly nnll and void I Does the Courier-Journal join issue with us on this point ? Is this position of ours what ba styles tho “revolutionary” 'plan” of ‘'Mr. Stephens ?” It is trno this is one of very many effi cient modes whiob, os we maintain, the people hsvo of getting rid of the tyronni : cal operation of those measures, but, wherein is it, or either of tho others, Rev olutionary ? Wo want a specific answer to this. Moreover, we ask wherein is uuy of onr premises flits? Tho Courier-Journal says our "adirepremise is false." Will onr cote in pomry show wherein, in a single particular, it is cither false, or nn- tonable ? We bavo noticed the article of the Courier-Journal, copied above in fnl), and accept tho offer, therein made, to discuss tbo questions presoutod iu our article of 19th September, with the sole purpose of promoting the public good; and with no intention of bandying epithets with that Journal. Whotbcr tho truths, ns wc hold them to be,which we proclaim and msiutain, arc in deed nothing but tho omanntious of "sheer lunacy," as onr eotemporary announces them to be, in “measured” and “precis*” langnnge; or whether “the propositions” adduced by ns nets npon “a principle of •etion," “which is a burlesque upon the common sense and ordinary intelligence of the times,” we will, vory contentedly, leave Tot* that intelligence to judge for it self. llut, if the Courier-Jottnud lias no better ansicer at commuud to show tliut Mr. Stephens' plan for -‘tho overthrow of tho Haditfsls,” is utterly "cravy," than tho prophecy mads by him, to which lie rc- fert, thu Editors uf that paper had bettor ho looking to tho soundness of Uicir own uppur story. Mr. Stephens never made any such propey as that gross would grow in tho si roots of New York. Tho 1 entire premise" sif our cutouiporory in this particular, is entirety without founiht- lion. Mr, Stephens never uttered any such nonssgfe as that. Wc, moreover, think our cotemporary will prove to l>o quite aa f mil a prophet, ns ho unwillingly sup poses Mr. Stephens to bavo been, in his assertion that our article would bo "re- published in every Radical nclttjiapcr in the country. ” Our urticlu* arc just wliat lUdicol newspapers, generally, do not republish; aadff our cotomporary baa aeon, or shall, that tme iu a single Radical sheet, from Maine to California, ho will oblige l by scudiug it to us. Wa receive a goodly number of Radi cal exchanges -aa many, perlwps, as the Courier- Journal— and wc have never jet seen a single article of oun republished iu a single one of them. The re publica tion of an article of ours in a Radical sheet is whut we never expect to see. A. H. 8. |R»l the Colmubu. Hull October Srt. lull.) Mn Hteiiheus and Ills EneMles. We call the particular atteutioa of our reader* to a portion of a reply made by Mr. Stephens to a oorreepondent of the Augusta Constitutionalist. The enemies of Mr. Stephens lysing oomploteiy foiled in tlieir pnny efforts on the field of argu- , are now foeoad to tic low, or resort to toe greuteet uiiarepresentotions or the vilest forgeries. Almost every new depar ture parper wa open teems with person al slang and political slander against thia pare man ana patriot, who to-dav occu- ' a the vary gaowad toil lately deaerted his proacut vilhflcrs. They imaf ly, that if the high mark st wl they aim can be hit with their poiaoned shafts, tha* the true principles to law and liberty whieh he illustrates, will fall with him and die. Their shots, of the acorn and laughter of the world, fall short of the object The arrowa sent by two feeble arms to bend tho bows, stick harmlessly ih tha mod, or madly blander through the viewless sir. A small specimen of this nonsensical abuse, more impotent and nonsensical because it is not coaplod with cither truth or wit wo quote from that dirty, fired the first piratical abut into his colors, always floating plainly to the breexe.— We never misunderstood or affected to misunderstand bis position, for bis mind ia so dear, and bis language so terse, that if we did have occasion to misrepre scot we would rather suspect oar own prejudices and stupidity, than a wont of ability in Mr. Stephens to muks himself understood. ItrouMDSiB lass.) MOORE’S SOUTHERN Business University, Cor. IiroucI A Alabama Ht«. ATLANTA.CA. Open Day and Night. THOROUGH PRACTICA course of instruction for Young Men and Adults, Qualifying them for any Position In FinnnoeundTrade, in the iliorteat powrible time end et the least ex pense. Erening Sessions from 1 to 9 O’clock. enter at any time. No t£_ Student* iu olaaac*. fir Cataloguna and Specimen! of Penmamihlp mailed on application. AddreM B. F MOORE, PRINCIPAL. ■epti-lm TO THE LADIES! Grand Display of Millinery! J. M. HOLBROOK LADIES' BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY GOODS GENERALLY, ■\Vlilolt Ih Now Heady for I11- HpOCit loll* Tho most Fauhlonablo and Latest Styles of Every thing iu this line can be Rocurcd at hla Store. Competent LADY MILLINEBS are in attcndauoo, who will tako plcAkuro iu ihowlng GOODS. FURS! Ill* Block of LADIES’ FUH8 is complete. H bu them at ALL PB1CES, and to suit all ages, t*. LADIES’ DEPARTMENT up Stairs, over tb HAT STOUE, proper. sepMS-flt CITY FLOURING MILLS, .1T/..f.tT.I, (9CORSM. If all tilings are equal, why nut pati o ixe home manufacture 1 UlNKltY, .ml grinding new wheat, and am ]»r*| ar«d to and will guarantee ovary pound of Hour that 1 sell to come 1'illj up to rt-iTt M iiUt-on; otlifi-wihf, it >an be tthip- iu MM-kN. half lunJau or quarter aa« ka PltlPE OF DIXIE, from choice white wheat. CITY MILLS FAMILY, from "elected ml wheat. capitol mills family. HTA It M1LL8 FAMILY. DRAM, racked or unbacked. J. E. B T JTLER, Proprietor. auglt 2ni Sow Route to Mobile, Kcw Orleans Vicksburg anil Texas. Bluo Mountain Route V 1 A SELMA, R031E, AND DAI.TON Itwllroa* and lts Caiinrttiona. T>A8SEN«B( LKAVIKO ATLAKTA HY TDE i a'WiAiNkmV^SBZISa at 10 A. M.. tuakiug cloae couuccUou with FAST EXPRESS TRAIN Of Salma, Romo and Dalton Railroad, Arriving at Selma at 8: lo p. M. aud iiteking cloae couaectftoua with train of Alabama <-«<utr«l Railroad, arriving at Meridian 4:00 A. M. Jackson 11:50 A. M. Vicksburg 2:55 P. M. ALSO* make elaaa conscetioa at CALXRA with train* of South and North Alabama Railroad, arrlv- tug a T :10 P. M. T:*5 A. M. 4:25 1\ M. New Orleans...,. The Road has bean recently equipped and Its equipment is not surpa*aed by any tu the South for strength and beauty of finish. No ohange of cara between Rome and Selma. PULLMAN PALACE CARS rjuUhrough from ROME VIA MONTOOMEUV to NO DELAY AT TERMINAL POINTS. bar any other Route. Tickets via Kingston at at tha R. L Kimball Ho Fare M low ns Purchase Ticket Office, or at X. Q. BARNEY, I House. JOHN B. PECK. General F—eeager Agent. X. Y. JOHNSON. Local Agent, •ptlMf Vo. 4 Kimball Hcmee. MERCHANTS l BUY CROCKERY and GLASS No. 47 Peachtree Street, —raoM— T. rt- n.IFXjJD'V, JMPOBTKX AND J0BBIH. SOT BTABLIBBKD 11 TXlRS -£» ■to. tosaWock. OccoplM THBU 1X00113 -Sto 1*) tmL Bsnsssi torn, AUsrket. SUaaU. Oa, Aoxwt X 1ST1. H| 1 bn. On* -Filters. <ftc. ^ EICHBERG & LA.VtitmsSER, Plumbers, Steam and Grs Fitters, Are always Ready with a Full Stock of Gam, Steam nnd Water Fipert! lift and force Bumps, of ail Description; Bath Tubs, H'ater Closets, If 'ash Basins, and a General Assortment of Plum bers' 1 and Gas Fitters' Jltaterials, Chandeliers, Gas fixtures, Globes, etc. Being practical mechanic*, thej-are well prepared to c LOWEST NEW YORK PRICKS. Atlanta San Urotprcins. THE ATLAKTA SON! DAILY AND WEEKLY, 'Live Paper on Live Issues’ PUBXjISBSED BY THB] ATLANTA, GEORGIA. AI.EXANDEB H. STEPHKN8, ) A lt< I 111IA1.I) M. HPEIOtITH, f Proprietors, J. UENLT SMITH, ) Alexander H. STEPHENS, Political Editor A. R. WATSON* News Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Twelve Months z Months * Dally—Single Copy. . 810 00 I Throe Month* . . a OO One Month . . Ciurts h'or Daily-Por Annum: macoti Stott lair. THE NEXT GREAT ANNUAL GEORGIA STATE - FAIR Wthh BK HELD AT 1 itriUn. •pu Commencing' Monday, October 23d, AND CONTINUING PM BIGHT BAY*. PREPARATION ON A GRAND SCALE! THE FINEST PARK AND BEST RACE TRACK On tho American Continent Seven Magnificent Exhibition Halls ! 25 0 SPLENDID HORSE COTTAGES! $10,000 IN CASH PREMIUMS Offered for fast Borses—Trotting or Banning. The fastest Horses in the JTorthwest and South Iu he Present. Superior Accommodations for Stock. GRAND ST CAPABLE OF ACCOMMODATING FIVE THOUSi A N I> Tli roe Copies Four 44 Five 44 4=3 OO | 81nfflo Copy OS OO H4 OO sc*t» Weok-ly-Por Anrmtn , Single Copy • • • Tltreo Copies • • Five Copies • • • One Hundred Coplow 3 OO 9 OO H OO Ten Copies • • Twenty Copies Fifty Copies . • 19 OO • 3N OO 09 OO $139 OO Wooltly for Sloe Monthsu Slnglo Copy Tliroe Copied Five Coplos Ten Copies 1 OO 3 90 4 OO 7 90 Twenty Copies Fifty Copies One Hundred Copies Hliifflc Copy 19 OO 34 OO 09 OO 9 Cts No Subscriptions, to thu WEEKLY, received for a shorter period than rIx months. All subscriptions must be paid for in advance; and all uamea will be stricken from onr Books when tho Ume paid for expire#. C L U B N : Name* for CLUBS must aU be sent at tlio same Ume, aud tako the 'paper for tho same length Ume, and all bo at the name Poet Office. ther'a name will b« Club rate* it i* oul. o time, aud that all be takau at the ■ How to Romit Mont, y i by XxprcF*. _ w the lose of the person sending it. No paper wUl be sent from tbo office Ull it is paid tor, and i s will always be erased when the Ume To Oorrospondonts ■ i private matters or conncctc be addressed to J. Henly of any 1 Smith, Manager, Atlanta, Ua. The Weekly Sun in our daily issue that is of general interest. AU of Mr. Stephen* 1 trnn of th Popular Rights, and tha opponent oif burdens heaped upon a tax-pa ring people, id Oppressions of all ktnas. It will adhere to the old, safe, time-honored landmarks of the Democratic Par ty, and sternly oppose any “Departure" therefrom. Mr. STEPHENS ia thoroughly enlisted In the Work, and will contribute to its columns almost daily, Wo aak the friends of liberty, a very where to aid in extending oor circulation. Our Weekly is a very cheep paper, and its Club Bates ere particularly favorable. The Presidential conteat for 1872 wilt be tho moat important in the history of ilinrirs The taeues in- TTTHl SUN- WXXaXj HNDHAVOH To dissemluate trui TOO| of RadicalUmT^rntraliKm (Uls FORK IT 18 TOO LATK ; utterly repudiating sound doctrine, and correct principlee ■ laboring oerseatly and saakmaly MOW, BE- tec do-nothing, say-nothing, be-qaiet. dead-aaleep policy horuc down tbo curren^wltich is rushing into the whirlpool Uonal and wisSsdiy oppress!' tad the Reconstruction Acta > tioa in Congress. The Radicals have asked aa, aa itomooaaW. to i>UiW« oucaadvea to ac- ad bf, defend aad betid upon these measures forever. Thoae Democrat* who give this pledge of coaree must “depart” from the faith of thair fathers. Boats of team have already gone over to the enanur’s camp ; and white they and tee Radical cohort* whioh thay have joinad are calling out ins til) for us aft to go with them, a few others are advtaiug us to hoM our peace teat we disturb theharmaay and distract the oounsela of the Democratic Party I Yet Uy. * we aheuM hold ear pesos, “tee stones wouUery out’’ Wa osnnot remain sitent We cannot Ume counsel our people to accept and welcome their own ruin, and thank God for the privilege I ' tmr^Hsari tent them teams ba diecwaeed now ; fur fbe adoption of a Urns serving Oenaral Convention of the Party will be. no« only wrong in principle, but in our judgment it willbe fatal in policy. Fidelity to the Constitution is tha true tost of Damecracy ia every State of the Union, and we reeogaisc every one who is a true frtand to that sacred instrument, a* a co-worker with as in tha greal oaam eg Americas Liberty. Tha rights and hbartie* of tha whole people are jeopardised—not aay mare so la tha Booth than ia the North; and we of the South have no interests at stake in tha momentous issues uf tha day, warn» srenot common to North and South, aHke. Wa respectfully ask a fair share ef public patrouge. ~ m should be J. HENLY SMITH, Manager, ATLANTA, GA, e. s. jtoojxs. NVV. JUACH1K, Painter and Oeeo-sdar, ( \mcx Oxen Y. O jKk'a WkltakoU Nnel, r V7 Unullub to OU old pAtrua. for tam I \d Sum. Wort. W Ol . fk.or.. ta>* kopn k, Utaaboo to Union. » n««« Ore»m.Dljl work.ainnOataii*. tot — T^ 77 -- --- vaa-lj nrittod*.. tbrlLMTL QONTKACTOB FOE BBIOK AND GRAND STATE REGATTA! Over $1,000 in Cash Premiums i Boat Clubs invited from New York to New Orleans. Fifteen differ ent Clubs expected. River bank Terraced for One Mile. Ten Thousand spectators can be seated on tho beautiful green-award at one time. Three Newspapers to hi Printed on the Grounds. Telegraph, Express and Post-offlcos in full operation on the ground, day and night, for the convenience of Visitors! AHANDSOME COTTAGE With Private Rooms for Accommodation of Editors and Newspaper Correspondents. GRAND BALLOON ASCENSION! Every Day at 3 X*. M. EDWARD PAYSOKT WXWTOX, The distinguished Pedestrian, from New York, will appear on Monday and Tuesday, October 23d and 24tb, aud Illustrate his wonderful powers of endurance which have exulted tho wonder and admiration of tho world. Others Exhibitions of Rare Interest and Merit! WUl bo of Dally Occurrcnco Throughout tho week. STREET CARS! WUl take Pasasngers to and from the Park to any part of the City every fifteen minutes. FARE. ONLY TEN CENTS! SPECIAL PREMIUMS! Are offered, amounting to over f 10,000. Five Thousand Dollars offered by one man I Arrangement* for Railroad aad Steamboat Transportation at half rates lbr Passsagsrs and Freight hare been made with aU the lines throughout the Country from New Yerk to New Ortons, mad Aram Chicago to Sevan aab. Only $32 from NEW YORK to MACON AND KKTUBNt Twenty Thousand Visitors Tlvpwtiwi Daily on the Grounds. SEND FOR SEVI8ED PREMIUM LI8T* TO THE UHDERSIONED. W. A. HUFF, Mayor.