The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, October 16, 1871, Image 3

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THE DAILY SUN. Muedai Maan<ii... ..Ocromni 16. ITete Advert isem&.ts always forma on First Page; IjoooI and Business Notices mi Fourth Page. SUN-STilOKES. Bait- The latest Courier-Journal song is after the following style: Tall dm, y* winged wind*. That round my pathway roar. Do ye not know some apot Where Bourbon* teaae^no more; Some lone and pleaaant dell. Some Talley in the West, Where I can.—freed from atlnga- •• Depart" and be at reat; The load wind beUowed hoarsely in my face Jaha^*r*Ml» whispered "ngqr place !** T^M $M>. thou alien* moon, f f$om mellow «|ht i* ahed, 1$ Store, in all the ground, Ko hole to hide my heqd*. Where Bourbon* cannot come ? Where Democrat* are *hy T Where disappointed men Can hide, " depart," or die f The aly moon " ■niggled" a* it gave a “roll," And amilad.andbUnked.and simpered, "nary hole. 69* Memphis contributed $20,000 to the Chicago acfleam. M- The /allow fever if tampering with. Tampa, Florida. yjuV&iof ten /ears, at Elk ton, Maa/iand, need coal oil to kindle aff. Bmailt aa nafal A colored policeman, at Waco, Texas, piwfed himself a good shot by shoafegUMAIf. Then are fear candidates for Governor of Maaeachnesetts* and no Sutler in the lot, and he wanted to ha a candidate bo bad. “Withdrawn from the Badical ticket,” j, what the Virginia papers am writing after the nunee of men who have been prominent in the Badical party since the war. a&“General Wade Hampton delivered an address in Baltimore last Thnrsda/ night, on the life end character of Gene ral Lee. The address was delivered to a crowded house. A dispatch from Chicago says that, to give the nemes of the cities and towns that have forwarded relief, would require a newJGazottoer of the United States. teir The Harrisburg Journal says “Maeon, Georgia, has a haunted honae. It is hinted that the ghost of the “De parted” wanders restlessly through the office of the Telegraph and Meuenger. td~ The Washington Chronicle says “The bottom has fallen out of the Dem ocratic party.” The people are crowd ing into the party so fast that the wonder is that the bottom, or something -else, has not given way long ago. 8&» The New York Tribune proved thnt Collector Murphy is dishonest, and Grant refused to remove him. The Herald is now endeavoring to prove that Murphy is honest If it succeeds, his head will go off quicker than winking. Shall ■&, The New York Times asks: we surrender all we have gained?” If the Times' party will surrender all it hat gained by stealing from the pnblio crib, the amount reimbursed will go a long way toward paying the national debt ■A. That charity ia a virtue which still survives, is abundantly proven by the manner in which nearly all the cities of the United States, and many of the cities of Europe, have contributed to the relief of dnetfo. In some instances the com. tribufioas havo amounted to almost a mil lion of dollars; while, in many, they are estimated by the hundreds of thonsands. Preachers and laymen have beeome so soenstomed to abasing the world, or the people which composes it, that an outsider would have fancied that suafa a thiag as Christian charity was a stranger to our day *qd generation. But occasion has furnished most excellent proof that one- half the world does not willingly let the other bagsuffer. Chisago has great need to lia grataful that charity is not yet dead. WH-Tbe following lines on the death of General Clanton, are from the Montgom ery Advertiser ol last Saturday : That ko. th« Terr ■ Bator* S, aarlieat fcort. of manhood tall— S, maaSpariah rail to Ik. daath, moat pariah UopalMalr > h, katshtUaat of aland, whooe knlfhttr daada Btaabad a no w BanMrr «l>oa tha warld The type of what waa truest 1 No A deed of £#«'*» Ufclahed. Mere's b4* tern* t Hcre an u W^Bff.;W^^r i JunUaa, here Uea who for yap *oa*e did apeak L, iiCOttOIA MATTERS. Col Sadr/V. hmr is annoaocad to deliver a lecture in Augusta. Alphatvt Bkiulty has ba^U the West Point ShiMtd, and changed its name to the .Vviff. oan do anything well when she wishes. The young Demostheneses and Ciceros of Elberton have organized n Debating Society. The Chronicle and Sentinel has discov ered that sumo ol the mcauest thieves in the world ore in AuguJu. This remark is elicited by the fact that they have com menced stealing street lamps. Up to Friday night 511 voters hod reg istered in Auguota. The Borne Courier ol the 14th announ ces the death of Edward H., son of Bev. B. H. Stillwell, under the following cir cumstances; “Edward, who was but a lad of fourteen years of age, left home to go on a chestnut-hunting. He did not re turn at dinner, bnt still his absence crea ted no uneasiness until late in tho after noon, when the family had gathered for the evening, when a search was instituted and inquiries made, without any satisfac tory results. During the night the search was continued, and up to yesterday at a 11 p. M., when his dead body was found suspended by a small cord around his neck, and his knees resting upon the ground. He evidently did it himself, but hardly with any intention of destroying his life, as the cord would have not been considered of sufficient strength to have borne him. The Dawson “previous conditions' 1 haveacoepted "Shoo Fly” as a revival tune, and they shoo fly away at an awful rate. The Dawson car works arc building narrow gauge cars. A colored divine in Terrell county told bis audience last SnDday, that when the Savior was about to come to the earth he was opposed by three powers, one of whioh was “the devil and fifteen French men.” Dawson has a citizen named Drink- water. He ia the originr 1 Good Templar. CoL J. H. Logan has retired from the Griffin Middle Georqian—having sold his interest to Messrs. Maugham & Hunt. The kerosene lamp explosion has reached Amerious. Negro woman badly burned. Madison county has hod a hurricane. Athens has had a killing frost The Athens Banner rogrets to learn of the death ol M. D.Looney.of Camcsvillc, while on a visitNorth to secure surgical attention for tho romoval of a tumor. A young Cherokee Indian, who was on a visit to Athens, died in that village last Wednesday, of fever. A literary society continnes to delight Thomaston. It gives the yonng geniuses chance to speak at a mark once a week. Mr. J. D. Andrews, of Upson county, while engaged in building a mill dam, had his foot crashed by a falling rock.— I needed, and as I found there the mid dle olaaees mostly, I journeyed with them as a matter of choice, finding snch to be nasally more oommnniootive on sub j sets of interest to a stranger. A. M. B. XHiecclIatuons. JOHN KHELN [BOUNCES TO THE PUB t ret unit'd flow Near York the Largest and CHOICEST STOCK OF DRY QOODS Ever offered by him. Particular attention la directed to the following classes of goods, which will be found to oompriae choice sty lea, and at old prices, vis: DRESS GOODS, IN 1MMEN8E VARIETY. Black Alpacas, of the celebrated "Eclipse" brand, color warranted, (at last year's prioes.) Colored Al pacas. In ersry shade. Black and Oolorsd Yelre- teens. In great variety. Table Linens, Irish Linens. Towels. Toweling, stc.. Turkey lied Damasks, and Napkins, Blankets and Flannels an immense stock. Waterproof Cloth* In Variety. Hosiery, Ladies’ Merino Shirts, In choice Men's Brown English Half Hoee-afuU line; Men 1 Marino Shirts and Drawars—excellent value; a very * aaortment of Balmoral and Boulevard Bklrta. largest and handsomest stock of Shawls ever offered in this store. 44“ An inspection before purchasing is solicited ■ the undersigned will not be undersold. JOHN XEELY, octa-tf Cor. Whitehall and Hunter streets. Cotton /actor* anb Cotton Soot ©nano Ago g, Etc. wiumarokci dak in. DANIEL I AM QLAD HX HAS COM. The Best Paper Hanger la the State ef Oeerfla. I OAN now cane your chalra, and make them look new for the same yoe will pay for a bottom, charge for varnishing chairs when I cans them, a 1 warrant all Uphmhlrrims, #Wmfleers lejNrfrtnf, sir., to give satisfaction. Furniture covers cut, made and — Bsattraesea mad# to furniture and up- — and spring order. All kinds of household holstery done at the shortest notice. 1 have re. moved to DeOivs’s Opera House, under Maysnn's Auction Wareroom, on Marietta street. O. B. BROWN, aplS-bm Late of Richmond. Va. $35.00 Saved! $35.00 Saved! PlilCES AMD TERMS Of WILSON SHUTTLE Sewing Machines. EBTEKD NETT CASH. $10 TB MO. $5 HI MO. Plain 1>ble $ id $ 55 $50. half-ease, pin bz 50 60 6 No. 7. do lhn’y 65 56 1 A. WEtLBOBN HILL. Ac HILL, COTTON FACTORS, Agents Cotton Food Gnano, NO. 3,WARREN BLOCK, OPPOSITE GLOBE HOTEL, AUG U8TA, GA. AU business entrusted to them will have strict personal attention. Orders for Bagging, Tics or liopc and Family Supplies promptly filled. COMMISSION 1 1-4 P£K CENT. REFERENCES: Col. L. M. HILL,t Director Ga. R.. fits County Factory. T. G ARDINEB. 1 atu Merchant I I National Bank of Newnan, Ga. nters* National Bank. Augusta I •a g29-tm 110 WARRANTED FIVE YEARS BY WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO We wish it distinctly understood that theso are oui terms from which we never deviate; and wo guaran tee our Machines to have every point of excellenco to be found in any Underfeed Shuttle Machine, and as durable, made of as good material as any Machine in the world, aud that it will do as elegant work. W. H. GRIFFIN, Gen. Agent, 32 Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Ga. Liquors ! Liquors ! Those that followed were Dot mill dams. LIVERPOOL. Letter from A. M. 8. Art Gallery—Railroad Travel in England—How It Differ* from tlie American Manner. Liverpool, 17th Sept, 1871. The few hours I have spent here, have been full of interest to a novice fromonr Sunny South. So much that is strange and new—such magnificent buildings— elegant stores and thronging crowds— that the brain becomes dizzy under tho constant shifting of the ever-moving panorama. St. George'a Hall is one of the great objects of attraction to travelers, and usually one of the earliest visited. In Ales, Wines § Liquors 1 AT KENNY’S Chicago Ale Depot AND WliolcHale Liquor IIouhc. W'e hare a Large Assortment Ot all kinds of LIQUORS, which will be sold at the Most Reason able Tetms. aeptli-flm THE GREAT GRAND FAIR OF THE SEASON OPENS AT OGLETHORPE PARK, October 10, 1871, UNDEB THE AUSPICES OF THE ATIjANTTA AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. *10,000 IN PREMIUMS BY THE ASSOCIATION ARE OFFERED. $1,000 IN SPECIAL PREMIUMS. BY THE CITIZENS OF ATLANTA. And for the Saturday of Fair Week, a Citizens’ Pune of $2,500 IN TROTTING PREMIUMS The Park Buildings and Grounds ore receiving additional improvements, tho Track being pnt in fine coniUtion. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS ABE MADE FOB SS.OOO VISITORS. The different leading routes of travel and transportation will bring Passenger* and Freights at HALF BATES ; and the indications arc that the Exposition will be one of Unrivalled Interest. ally on« i of the WiiSllV-atTSV^ K&-i.ooverod hi«f*co, M dgal *t it* head. Uoakdataouan* is shout to *a*at a Court Hons* ft tbs expense of $9,2$* Traek-ls/ing still ptngwss an the BrunswisAmd Aftisny Bsflhmt - A Utief sntszed the Albany colored Baptist Ohnreh last Wednesday night, and stole one lamp, and all the oil con tained in the others. Doubtless the thief hod been to Church, and hoard the preach er aay something about haring “lamp. trimmed and barning.” Augusta insists that she is going to have a good Falx this year, and than is no rerson to doubt that rim will. She buildings not for from it, I first saw the famous gallery of paintings and statuary that have attracted so much attention, in this city. To undertake to deaoribe them would extend this letter beyond all reasonable bounds, and I must forbear attempting to convoy tho pleas ure that I derived from their examina tion. My business called me to London, and I desired to see as much as possible of the country through which I passed, I decided to take the slow train on tho Liverpool and London Bead, that start ed about noon, and that ran only thirty miles per hour. On English Bailways there are three classes of cars. No checks are given for baggage. A car is divided into three com pai emeu Is, and each holds about ten venous. They sit faoing oaoh qthor as n the old stage coach stylo, a door open- niog in tbo side. Thero ia no water on the oars, nor any other conveniences snch as arc usually found on board American trains. But at every depot where the train stopa for a minute or two, these conveniences are to be bed. Before the train starts your tiokets are examined, and at each station the con ductor examine, before /lie train starts, the new passe iger's tickets. Every Rail road employees is in uniform, and from observation, I inferred they were far more numerous than on our Railways. One whom, during our late war, I woo'd have taken, from his military dress, to be, at least, a Yankee Brigadier Gene ral, was very polite to me, showed pie to a seat, took charge of my bag- [ogc, and the end of my journey again Drought it to me and earned it for me several hundred yards to a hotel porter, and when I waa wondering at hit polite ness, and congratulating myself that my evident freshness in the count ry had in vited all this attention and kindness, and was fixing up as meet a return of thanks as I could muster—in words—a friend at my elbow hinted that a shilling would bo fat more acceptable to tho brigadier than any thanks of the tougue. I atouoe act ed upon the suggestion, and silently slip- bed him a piece of silver (almost ashamed to offer it to so distinjunhed a looking mage), but tho martial air at once To Parties Desiring to Build T HE undersigned would respectfully inform tha citizen* of Atlanta that ha la now prepared to BupgrinUn* Iks MmttMmp mud WniUUmp. or IA* WnUMn* Utpmrlmgnl only, of esmy Writ Cbm Homo they mmy aciih la Awl. Ha haa at hia command a picked eat of hands, and feel* confident in giving general aatialhctton. 44“ REFERENCE—CoL John L, Grant, Longley 4 Robinaon, and Fay 4 Corput, Architect#. jo ha- c. jrn OmCI IN AIR-LINK HOD**. _ raising hia military cap, he gave —s'salute, pocketed his shilling sad went to wait upon some other verdant traveler like myself. Bat, I cannot forbear here to say, that from all officials and employees, of every kind, serving the public, since I have been here, I have never failed to receive, whenever applied to, answers both gen tlemanly ana satisfactory. I never meet here the gruff, and ol ten insolent, officials, sometimes, and too often, to be met with in the States. It is a doable track-way from Liver pool to London—distance about two hundred miles; the fare of first-class tickets, thirty-five shillings; second class twenty-six, and third class sixteen thil- tings, Tbs latter ware far better filled. Tha second e 1 'w were as comfortable r . Merchant Tailoring. J. LYNCH, Car. W'hilehalt Street and Rail road Crossing. , rjMIK LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK OF Cloths, Vestings I Cashmeres EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY A Fail Stock of Everything in the Gentlemen**! ITuvnisihlnag Line. JTonc but the Best Goods hotel, and A'eatness and Elegance is what I Strive to Excel In. wptlUm J. LYNCH. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT* FOB THE FAIB or THE Atlanta Agrieulturml and in dustriai Association, to be Held in Atlanta, Oct. 16, >71. E xcursion tickets from new yore. Philadelphia nr Baltimore, to Atlanta, GeoSt aad return, via Savannah Hteatnahip Ltnee and At? Matte 4 Gulf, and Macon 4 Brunswick BaUroade (good until Dnc’r l«t) will be aold for $35 75. Freights destined for the Fair will be carried at regular tariff rate* out, and returned to Ea FREE. Consignment* should be marked to the "Secretary Atlanta A. 4 I. Aaaociation Fair, Atlanta, Oa.. cam of Atlantic A Oulf Railroad Agent, Savannah;" Also with the name of the steamer on which the ship? meat ia made. <j. d. OWKNH, General * olf F TJS Broadway, The regulations of the Association are such that EXHIBXTOHJ8 and VISITORS Must find their attendance on the Fair pleasant and profitable. For Copies of the Splendid List or Premiums, please mddress, Samuel A. Echols, 8ECBETABY. Saif Tbo books are open and entries being made, make entries at as early a day as possible. Exhibitors aro requested to oct5- 1,500 BU8IIEL8 Red Rust Proof Oats G. T. ANDERSON, General Western Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. Atlantic and Gulf Freight**^*, y, NEW YORK ocU-lm A SAOAUOV. | m HARALSON A BRUCE, Conn of ISArietU ud Brood iteoto. ATLANTA. UKOIUUJL CLATERAL AVCTMOAT AA'It Commission Merchants and H'hoUsalr and Retail Dealers ia Furniture. U. II. HAPTI8T, Auctioneer CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ruftH ADVANCES.ON CONSIGNMENTS IN STORE FOR AUCTION. Untmcu-M. G. Dobbin*, Praaideot Oeorgla nking and Truat Company; Mesara. Crane, Doyl- ■ton 4 Co., Wholoaale Dry Goods; Messrs. A. C. 4 B. F. wryly. Wholesale Grocers; Mesara. Gordon, Willis 4 Co.. Bankars. *epl9-im 8MTU A TiOJtT H'AJTTEn, B Y a YOUNG LADY, TWENTY-FOUR YEARS of age, from the country, aa house keeper, and aeamatreaa, In a good family. APPJ^ THIS OFFICE. Mark W. OPPOSITE Cotton Warehouse, vn Broad Street. AUK) : 800 Bush. Selected Seed Rarltg, 350 Bush, seed Rye, to arrire, 500 Bush. Seed R'heat, 310 Bush. Red Clorer, 315 Rush. Red Top or Herds Grass. 334 Bush. Orchard Grass, 100 Bush. Tali Meadow Oat Grass, to arrive, 175 Jinx*. Blue Grass, and all other useful Grasses, he. 500 Cwt. Fresh Turnip Seep ; ALSO i 100 Tons Sea Fowl Lliutan and other Gtiano, for Wheat, Etc. ALSO: 500 Dixie Plows and other Plows, from $3^60 to $6 60, cheaper than bom* made "Scooters." ALSO: The Keller Patent Grain Drill, For .owing Whet, Etc. Railroad Announcement SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) Atlanta 4 West Point Railboad, } Atlanta, Oa.. Sept 30, 1871. ) Change of Sohodalo, AFTER SUNDAY, OCTOBER l Daily Passenger Trains will run , 7:10 A. M. gottott toorflime ni Wanking Ca, New Cotton antT Produce Warehouse. »x -m iA WA * THE1 PIiANTEms LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. •ulMOrlbOCl YTI'J ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Tlie Warehouse of This Bixnlf, Cor. Campbell and Reynolds Streets, • ..if _ •, W *( August*, Georgia, |S NOW BEADY TO RECEIVE COTTON. T.mppay. CASH ADVANCES will be made upon Cotton in Warehouse, or upon Bailresd Bouiipl* ' * *■_ I*. Forties Storing Cotton with the Back will be furnished with reolfpis lor same that will be available in thia city or any other for borrowing money. ■W" The Bank ia prepared at all tuna* to make LOANS ON PBODtJOE or PROVISIONS on tho moat reasonable terms. u Parties would do well to apply at tha Warehouse, or ooamaadaale with the Officers. CUAltLEfl J. JUNKINH PnstMnt; JNO,F. KING, VloB-rrcSldetat. T " T. P. DIVAN Oil, Cashier. ' ’ ■fptx-sm BRANCH, SONS & CO., “ A «*' * >l. a !-l M .7/ n t-w COTTON FACTOR8 -AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Offioo at Planter!,’ Loan Ac Savings Bonk Warehosae a Hotter a, ommsa. IBERAL tiSH ADVANCES MADE ON COTTON, TO BE HELD TTEMB, or for Shipment te Domestic at Foreign Market*. ■ SPECIAL ATTENTION paid to the WEIGHING of Cottoa. sept26-6m tDotol)f>< Itwrirp, Cu. SOMETHING NEW. AWSHE & HAYNES, THE OLD RELIABLE. T > OUR FRIENDS AND PATBONS, GREETING. WE HAVE JUST BMelv«d ud openad our 1U1 Stook of RICH AND BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, Embracing all the LATEST STYLES of the BEST GOLD, tad AT PRICES LOWER THAN WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER BEFORE. Oar WATCHES BUN FROM THE FINEST JUBGEN8EN down to the fewer grades of SWI88 AND AMERICAN WATCHES. In loot, we now have a fun, beautiful and almost entualynew stock. Como and Bee U*. Prloe and Be Convinced. «ept!9-d2m T/iVawta of wohodulo. J OnilSon S* I AH AMD AFTER BURDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1871, Doublo Daily Passenger Trains will ruu on thii Mark W. Johnson’s, ff. O. BOX 230, Atlanta, Oa. OfBce Selma, Rome A Dolton R. R Co^ E V. JOHWHON, Local A|g*t, MO. 4. Till H. L KIMBALL HOUSE. ATUUrra, Ga., October 12th, 117L _ D. it. It. and Its connections to all terminal points, aa low aa by any other route, vis; TO MONTGOMERY, SELMA, MOBILE,VICK8BURO, JACKSON, CARTON, MERIDIAN and MEW OR LEANS. K. V. JOHNSON, Local Agent 8. B. 4 D. R. R.. Vo. 4 Kimball House. octlSdif iomas t. smarm*. william v. cp vwroen. Jennings, Smith & Co., OOTTOH FACTORS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J J AYK this day removed to Mo. 5. Me Id to ah stroet, ■4a, Georgia, (opposite oar former place of bus iness,) where we have the most ample and Close Stonge of any in tho city, which is 8trlctly Fire- Proof. OonslYnmeiits Moltcltcri. lUmbcr 1, 1871—eepU-44w3m. Arrive In Atlanta at 6:46 k. M. Might train* run through to Montgomery WITH OUT CHANGE OF CARS, forming a DOUBLE DAILY CONNECTION with trains of the Mobile 4 Montgomery Railroad for Mobile, Maw Orleans, and all point* In Te: and with Train* for Selma and Meridian, Ala.; Ji sou, Corinth, Okalona, Vicksburg, and all point* Central Mississippi, Central Alabama aud Norther* Louisiana. Paiwengor* will find this route 98 miles shorter than the lllue Mountain or any other route to Mont gomery, Mobile and Mew Orleans, and 47 mile* ahort- or to Selma and all potato west of Helms. PsRaenger* leaving Atlanta At 7:10 a. to., Arrive In Selma at 8:81 1 At 7:00 p. m., Arrive in Selma at 10:32 Making doeo connections with Selma aud Merid ian Road. BAGGAGE CHECKED FOR ALL TER MINAL POINTS. 44- Fare as cheap aud accommodation* a* good a* any other route. «%. Aak for Tickets via Weet Point and Mont gomery. 4R. Ticket* for sale at the office of J. H. Porter, General Ticket Agent, at the Union Passenger Depot. L. P. GRANT, Superintendent. oc42-tf ATLANTA OFFICE Southern Department. Liverpool & London Aad Globa loauraace Co. Extract from Report of !Mrector, at the 85th Annual Meeting, Feb. 84, 187L Total ouoing. of Oo.ftttimo l.MO’Tl! Pouud. In U. S. Currency, about $6.000 000 Reserve surplus remains asms aa la D. *. Oniriacf..bit......... .*O0M00 * Ma ^ > %!S5!S The iccamuktlotu SS. tut -Ytinn.l Mra>.„<of IomuimUboImI)....$« jBHi ■oatalMer hr p.,nntof Iom. IT.000.000 Tbta Till Imt. Ik. capital. UKU UOI* ~ -WTO r»4 IU.M0.0M Henry Bischoff A Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AMD DBALEBa Of Rtco, Wines, Uq uuro, Sa. gara,To uaeoo. Ac. No. 197, Eoat Bay Street, CHARLESTON, S. O. a- iiicaof r. o. nu a a. mm. jolfOOm Paddy.—8ay, JTIkey, r rw, iow did yon grow aich fine Parotics ? Mikey.—Ocn! ahuro i n' it* joat by reading tho Bubal Soctkeeker. THE LIVELIEST, REST AND CHEAPEST AQ-RIOUI<TURa,L MONTHLY PubliMhod Anywhere, AT THE LOW tUOl Of ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUAL s£aMa®mgw?aa.>S3Bss=saass—. AAdrru ■ THE IU)nAZ. OaoiFaraww—ao auoaL otuMAwm, | , i AfuirzA ojsmtase WEED. —r.-F.-— j Family Favorite Sewing Machine, SIMPLE, DURABLE. EOONOMioAJu. WHi. DO A QRBATKB VAMETY OF WORK, WITH riiCWtE <**a*ee than any ether maenlne. Sold ok the iutoUment ploa. ia fsjssgsp g, ton dolbri a mouth. Office and saleeroom tk «’•» Blooli, ax start A T L A nr rt A^ GEOR^Lk. prl64m ^ uft- O. V. SHIPP, OnKTAuft. ffntlfrn. (Ktttt* c*r Sarbrnarc, entlerj), (Suit*, w. l. WAoawoxni, au»u, o*., | W. L. WADSWORTH & mporters and hit