Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, February 11, 1829, Image 3

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responsible cities. On the dose of the Tvar, 1615, they exchanged their swords for the pen, and received appointments in the treasury depart ment. They were located in the s ’.me room, and constantly associated in all the amenities of public and pri vate life. About two years since, Major Wheaton came to'the office la boring under strong mental derange ment; his friend Colonel Benjamin took him home, and on his return said, ‘ he believed the Major and himself were about to follow their companions to the grave.” About mid-day he remarked that he “would go home and die among his children.” He left Washington the next morning; for fS rat ford, Con necticut, and Major Wheaton never resumed his place in the office; thus these soldiers and friends dosed their official duties on the same day; and both, on the 23d ult. sunk to that quiet rest whi. h will only be broken by the clangor of the last trumpet. “So sleep the brave who sink to rest, By all their country’s wishes blest.”- SUMMARY. In the neighbourhood of New pigeons have been killed with their crops filled with rice, collected oy them in the Tielcls of Georgia anu Carolina, the nearest points at which this supply could possioly have been obtained; and it is well ascertained, that owing to their great power ol digestion they will decompose food entirely in twelve hours; they must have travelled between 300 aud 4UU miles in six hours, making their speed at an average of about one nine a minute. < , The Legislature of Indiana have determined to grant no divorces the present session, so that some ui the “paired, not matched,” must tough it out a little longer. The Merrimac river closed at Haverhill with the year. It lias re mained open eleven months lacking eight days: a longer time than ever before known. There is a sign at Boston which reads thus a small hair dresser. There is also an advertisement, which be gins thus: a frost will open u dancing school. An Albany dandy passing one mor ning a house i i one of the., got a gallon of tlisli water poured over bis shoulders from an upper story. ‘‘Don t be vexed,” said a coiniortcr, “it is only a patent city hath.” Exploring Expedition.-Washington Jan. 17. The Bill to provide for an Exploring Expedition, and appropriat ing fifty thousand dollars for that ob ject, passed the House of Represen tatives yesterday. As liu-rt is not much business at present before the Senate, there is no doubt that this measure, in lavor of which there has been such a powerful concentration and expression of the public opinion, will be finally acted on at the piesent session.—Nat. Jour. Jotsiuh. Quincy, late Mayor of Boston, has-been clectod, by tbe Corporation of Harvard College,'President of that Institution. Mr Lelu, a French teacher, propo ses io issue a weekly paper in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in Frenc h with English translation in opposite columns Deaths in the U. Slates Army.—Of the deaths in the U. S. Armv the last .year, one fifth were Caused Ly the use of ardent spirits, and yet Congress re fuses to lake any measure, on the sug gestion of Mr Sprague of Maine, To prevent strong drink being given to the soldiers except as medicdue. Why should not government use the power entrusted to il, to arrest the ravages of this infectious disease, among those who are in its employ ment. Fat Beef.—An ox seven years old, which weighed 2100 lbs. was offered for sale in the Newport market, a few days since, Il j s said this was the fattest beef ever raised in Rhode Is land. The ox worked on a farm in Portsmouth, during the *prin«-. We can tell a bigger story about beef than this. Col. Asa Stchbins, of Deerfield, a few years since fatted an ox which at seven years old, was killed, and sold nt the Boston market, and wfeighcd 2120 lbs. Greenfield London University.—There ji 4©d to be upwards of two ti pupils in regular attendance University. The medical cla •fists of nearly 300. Abduction of Morgan.-—The special Counsel appointed oy tbe New-fork legislature in April last, to investigate the fate of Morgan, reports, as the result of his investigations, that “Wil liam ivioigah, a citizen of tins Slate, was taking from the jail of the County of Untario, into winch be had been committed under circumstances of peculiar aggravation and cruelly; and was from tlienee transported, under duress of imprisonment, a distance of one hundred & twenty miles, to tbe County of Niagara, and was placed in the Magazine in Fort Niagara, situ ated at the confluence of the Niaga.ia, river with lake Ontario, on the mor ning of the fourteenth of Sept, 1827. “Here are the boundaries of the testimony. As to his fate subsequent ly thereto,’ il is not yet developed; nor ean it be anticipated, with much con fidence, to be judicially determined by any tiibunal over which men have control. North-Carolina Banks.—Afer a de bate of several days, in which great ability was displayed, and in which much abuse was cast upon these in stitutions and their Directors, Mr. Poller lias so far succeeded in his de; sign of putting down the Banks, as to have obtained the passage of bis bill on its first reading, 00 votes to 54, directing the Attorney General of the State to institute prose* ulions against them. But though this bill bar. pass ed its first reading, several of the members who voted for it, said llie) diJ so for the purpose of seeing wheth er the hill could not be made less ob jectionable on it3 second reading which was made the order of the day foi yesterday. A letter from the Post Master at Dnylestown, Pen. in the Aurora, men tions, that the mail which arrived there on the lltli, was found tojbe on lire. It was unlocked, aud the fire was extinguished: but the letter pack ages for that office were much injured, and some of the others nearly con sumed. The Editor of (he “American Far mer'’ has received from General Lafayette, two young dogs of the Py renean shepherd breed. They are very large. One lias been sent to Steuben, ill, Ohio, and the other is to remain in Maryland. They are used in iheir native country to destroy wolves and sheep-killing dogs. . There are no less than 2 533 varie ties oi the Rose, of which 18 belong to the A joss Rose, 20 to t he Dog Rose, and 1,2! 5 to the Provence Rose. A noiice appears in the Anti-Mason ic newspapers signed by the Gener al Corresponding Conimitttee, call ing a Convention of delegates, opposed to the institution of Free M sonarv, to be held at Albany on the 19th of this month. k-VV Ai r ~r I !<■ I III I > __JU3Lmn Tsa; ©sp xmma 1829. o-^sg-kt., whi.Uji ts, sz-awi., 1829/ ©. ©u y JoVlUO-JJ 2WlotI-.T, at«v*z. «a“*xaa*** 4 /. XiAtayo-a-tty jtf- auo-a aii-<ftaay cii:.:a.'i. ©iiyu4“*^sz D.ihAa 01/4“ Laop, DX‘tf- SA' 4 ,lz. l)Jb DXJiJAa 1JW. ©A' 4 OUZO* 5F O'GWA' 4 'i CmvT’sij l T#1»T D<f Qfiiss.jtor* siryamy tipCsuki. tspt a- sim/j it^yii esnp i.j o j ©vin«v < kcjf- ota hit. ns..a-* u,*v* spupkga* 4 . d.ig OCi.M>aa4oi.a«V*oiyh i/joviT’otA' 4 JL.OtTyoi I— «.L T.-.-CJliRT ©iiiA' 4 li« DcT Gdv*V* C,h «IS- (Pli.*, u!)IJ.;?Z ayi i v!»C*<r , &Ur& c^OSRoT , Dtf •<*yeto-sa tcpp<»a..iA o-ospop. *- cSPotyn'ynhivta. acei^a^aa i— Xir yesi/oix-aaayxi yuAcfiaaaA ®, gcbrpsa^z hsiT’iy hcxswdseiyzo-. SEO-itsivye. spenvt. ajb^is. fic.4* 4 yopT st»c5iv*, ©aj'^ayh i,s- Ptfto-ef, aue opoixr* ahapr awim- o^lK. bA' 4 TSioiy*V* TKy^BAA tA" 4 <T°J— oiiX^t VtUhtn, y WZ 0-C.W C9»if0-a Tb'4- c*.x. p<syi» miA* 4 aipgw TJoivy *^aip- ^1U Jtrab’o-a, eay.j?z lyeuw bw/ie- '5. CHA^vT^uiyiiZO- ©hyjGr“ DJBAa. Po?yix h^9W’ O-PliVAGT A.IlitdiBoP DC A.t- GPOiSFoE, 0»h^z TSFawiaA IP/iEA-HA- m>». svvye. tspt, TGsvaa^adtj D<rc5 TTcfewpdea. ffCWW R«V*^Gr t»A“ 04VU8. GliA* 4 , oFP/T T.©yb GI> TGTZ UUGGBR© TI-4<n)a JtPSF- <»y^ 0 a ot’S4U <PG\V0-^ CW 4 . DifZO 0 J - <a*wr, ,5y o^/ie o j M'uy 1 r» ^>y gip-ioo-jj /5>y Jbo><»r>3 o-wge rx. o*g\v- 0-^4" GrPf-P«.,I rSO’oi'SO- DPP, DR«V* ^iW- ot)Ee h-y. D4(iA TToOWfota TSPT. T- gtz QP&hiitau »ggii4<*.i G<sy utrspopy Sa.n»^lT Eh bT’liS^lWO-T G«y 4GGI R- T y ' v oJ’^hPOop yw^ip P-G 5 IoP;m1AA i«- 4<»j. :Co,',i iiossy Tar* jg/iRt, di«v* hCPoCXPoOEO KRT. ^DhA G^li^oi.l SfG- X-B4c¥J. EM“>yiV oPAWdr,! SO-.SJ 5 HO:- Tr/l-a HGjfnMiOA-T y>V TLIP VG/iRoX ywz teR Gu)b*4T CsA.l GiA.y iif>t v ^RT yw EkHR TCs.U GotV4- PhEET vIGSOC^oSa TXv4«:vl, hS(T SPAR GwU-4 1, Drf GGO-A, DC O-P" l>yj KRT. Loi-y R«;S«y TB<r ho-sir yiisa.T, Drfty yyewotE Lo®a«y irAyii? ©Rpy. Goiy, TSPT T.lftlVy, CJUP-Ty/lSP 0“- hXAc»a IpSSAI, Uif TSSZU4) lry CTGW O 4 - JIOT s bO-Tjo*-, JI D Ir^lEOTS. AU O-A iS- PET lpO>yj»SJloP MiWO-Jl CKfcl-Jloija ©XP- wl,/l DB DXUO-Ay^). O-USl oiA.iW* AD lrSHW,lAop LWliT G*yZ TK.TGrA.otiS. O^GU ZR© G»ty TKTCTAoiS (f«XWJ lt-H. IrAh IrfAli Oil) AhSA>44. O'otXtf© ^>A4-U oV cr^o-, 6-go-a guw Tiiuy, o-g eywss n>- A4<i D4 i*Po«(rhs«y Goty-v 4 Ahcea-Mov g- m,or TCTZ ^iS.MS JIA<IT. O-Cvli lptjpCT OJtO-A Goiyix) hGPGT4ota ^^1>UT, DtfW St GAT. O-GWCKAotyh GPCT^J P-4«A t- AiT RotSh. G«y, TSPT TC=I‘GrT, - (PG\VO ^W 4 TC=- Tkl-Crj9Gr TGTPoiiVvl^i -4D SA.A, T- GT^Z G-hEfeGT^y OOK cS-SriiAU, dbz llyllIv(^R6.v ,4 4>y, jiwaz 4>hAi:iio?it- jj (po-ny o^iiEeGr^ »&y, tlitz tcxJiPT tsat bo hypcrRey Ay sa^. Eiioty- Ii DB TER DifW fM»E6GT^ G«y RotS A- iiayophEs yWcsyii G^cr di-awop k- ots i yoPotiii/ju tg? i‘4«a yiv«yti uw- A TJPo®A.l l-4o«,I AhZPIi. 0-G\V0'J3.:- ,GT (Pdt'S4AGT DBVXGo-y yw EdtiriiP-UT i‘GVVd6E «1T yw 9o$Wo®ERoP SGWovET. yWotyii xyoMiT’hAvt'O'oP tbx 5 yw lier- ,a><loV D.IZO- Rot6(^yii liSy©FhEI-o?A, c^yii Ar«>a AEJ^PotSotiti c«y hyepotw- tgtt Goty TECvFoiAA x-4oe.r. d- i)o\yh yc-K yt.TFS yiuzrxoei'&a you ..VoWhl.loiAA. DL ye/lWO-A yti/l-lA pkt y.uid®.:a. db Tecjwsoty ay t- heu y nrfci) Topx.'fidbiiy t.y. G«y db- IiA yi.PGT4if,I X.'.J) G© Dll Tytih-tJA. i rf.wvy ,. si y ; .A OAP4o?J. Lotay I T’A A'. yor/l C"4ot'A, DB Slilil'RoP. DC Givy ^Ilrl-CTT. Gdfyy. /1W S TA^A.O JT (PV.XLU.lR, .po^^P.l TS 0-i X. ©, s«ilf 5 SSA AiXJ-q. P (PdfXI-.AJt G0(T ! S DliotSt-9, tetMS. O-y TE(T 5 fclGUTlTS. Ltno (PLdiSdifv O^ot/iyiT 3 , OHlFo’T .1010— ry 14T. -PT ardiJotE© I>4T oT^WoTv? O-l CtJ?. KTy 01,11. >I*TZ CPhhdAlAi ©- AtfPotE©y P4 ©w 4 iirjr. o-ocx= yw o-- Atfj 4. ex<f ©oty cssiiiz/i ty tx- hoeiw.ay. ©a 14 /e- w/1, oy u- ..j© 0 j i Ji4 .is.a^y caivava. o- yo/iTDPi y, tgj y airWoii wot«v‘\ 0 J hl^“ > eaiiL DtOIp o^j^^it. pcxz ©acr t 3 ©- «f ©V 4 OUiZ-114, KTy m,T. TJi(T : y .10- T4, ©W’ J4AT S.a^i, SC iO S/1PT. ©A 14 J- hwPMw'X fGAc^.XA O^IiMTi", O i lilid’ DoifTA' 4 , 0-AAA4ZO-. S©P J14 DhWP. "PTZ OiTtio'vW- .uy Gc^.y Dip/i-u ey-ahs, jatit 1 , d s ip d- ipiuf, Jjy-aii# lrPKy. KTotyu sums i>- i.ho. cp(X.rz o-y xur 5 !,. bius«y sai TEA JIrCl./3. J,cy«y SAi TEA Dlr-<1. W- JIZ GG SAi ©oiy RZA UPlr-:ij9 G^G/A^Z VOC (HiZ~lR KT TtSJli'T 3 , TEA&.T, DtO, Dy-aiiS. ©oty s©ai O'etz^iir’. a- ti-SAO-r<iy scioC s iz s/i?. TEA«.yuzo- Olilid', D4Z Doir’A* 4 . Dy^lIiS ^pi-Ry %>- OSW’ O-A'lp JvRy El-A 11^. DZ T.XI* ysi-StlT’A. G© AfPlr^ BO^TE DhWP, ShZ.l Xr©^,y. ©A-’Z S©GI‘U.-4 CP- liG.t B©»1E DXO-yz ^-loty TtcIiTJ”. 10- U'WA TAA UI‘R, \VP ©otA* 4 OSli^iy, SA- «y Tcr-Ootu, CobiiXiTzo Ay. dc xu Ay. © ©otyA 14 O'diMiAa. © TSPT, (PA^CTRy OCctZ/lP ATot.J O 3 - caXhAU Ir^J^O AX’dtJU. TSPT, ©oiyAS .1- «yz/xx-M;a ATotoi cpdexhA.i. ©, x£«y- hUGl-RZTotoI Ay Al'<«;a DPAPAAT ScS- tf 3 X-t'a.lR. ©, OotyA 14 hE©(P TGlTAvl WOI, ocxhFs hSoiGr ysevy. DB tx.l^ aXATir 1 . ©, TSPT .llrwoy, DC TIpKOCi~J), TG- FhEl. CO (PiP^oiAlA, DcT hO-Of 3 G-V\ y .1- y©AT(P hsjueyh tgtp b«^. - rh.E©Grj» ipy iEoiyh o-CoW TGrpoSAa Ay, eivy WP TGriiT 3 ^ lry D«r OSI-RPAA" ZR SlrEO- CoolR A rota DP/IE D4SP TGQhEJbAS, Dif SOKPsAPotUotyh. © DhotiyhZO- ilpAC.'r 3 AJBP SgEWO-J) D- Xtro^iaA* 4 bliT DC T-HJIP TEXPoiWhTi- c*a, Dif T-qap E<vhiPtd?a Gwy ipsai AJ^TjiT 3 lrO4©J' 5 0- TD.l AJl>I J . IBotyii, y- Waotyii (OGtO-botiA ibh KSiPIi.i tXoXa. ,i®ea, rosa evvy eo-oj’ 3 o j ©tfs. Ehy tlX JaTiT 3 EOJlE DPXh HA JhB- p ©<ity BO/1E ah JATiT 3 DPXh na *TPP o-Zotyj^, uc szofyx 3 •p'Tp so-a- a, ©oiyz Dh 0 3 UZ-G (PZoiyf 3 (PiTO- SSVV- ©;, pa© s^sjbr.x RPiSi-T, Tysac®^z o-- Jxa CP/1C; ©“T’so-a 1-4T, D4Z— w 4 , dcz so-Aa o-cxttf tpiSJC.a-4 ©ay sz- ayay, t,y«yh Alp/iy D^p AGtO-boty DC KIpWcy (PiTo- S81V©i Kywscra, wws D2<i D^P tofXhAiy AGPotlA-Gt, ©oty EO- aE tn»a x-4aa, sj&juirA-^ D«r cp- zdy<n cpai,A«T j.gjbu,, d«t ©ay rtp ua-il D^P toEXhAiT* AGFo®A*«t, SZotyay O'zayr* o 3 sar» 0 a P4«.i. Tka, suz.i, 27, 1828. MA. T0t©T. df>L lpJQOj Gh JOoiJ©, an ir^sd-iia, RA^a y, Jo®xo-^C5it 3 z'icpa. szfoiy an Tyasi ay uu sGAr>. MS 0>U^W0-^. DdSA-aT I. 5. ©a<r xitsiT 3 tPEwc'a .jpx-^t jaA rpt dip^i p»o,a 4©Pet) jatt° o-agc Lera ua- o-pt. irti-'i z uta-aa icri-otwo-a x-4i ItGli JiWlrtra, w./il, J ATT 3 P-4T. 6. ©oiyz tj tv o©to-a x-4T DSW.tT oviiyc-a, tti©©G.a4T hsrr cp/dpa^t, cp- Wl# C^AiVS*,) ©JiotSO-L© X-4T. 7. o-^iuz cpiiiiyr 3 1-41’ a*ah?z ahhi- XiaS©<lA©owEO P4T, TdVVZ 41X- Dl.SLi-l- X-4T. ■ 8. ADZ hCPI-otW/l S^oat/IXT TCTT 3 - J1U hit DSWA/T Cpawoa, ^oilPT AG-4T VtVET. t 9. aoviT ! t as-eisawia Dtr^i fvw r aa x-ii Dyotaoty x>4T scu.Ry g.©<4- jwoa- aa ©viwoa. Id. ©hiTZ (PhG.l E« DOtAPot.Ioil-T AAai*, SGoliiy Dya.iotET. 11. <ppzatfTz tp/iwo-a (po-ttaa, s- Ai-r nsaLap sc.Ry uy«AaA. 12. tg-z 4©p.xi cpAtir cpasauatfT, (P- 0414TZ, 13. D4Z DliO-htot.l CrdSiCT C AOJST- 4©P«) Al-oCaO)E-jSZ liGT’; Gfc* pt taax. ter sap th-, gu sai.iop. 14. ©oiyz WPPllp CoiXF hi'GlO‘toU CPhGCotaZ T’OPPPlr DSO-op. 15. cp-yysaaz epawo-a ds\vo.t, c- otyh cpai-aa Ax-4«;a ’ysf-i* Dawaa, dj* (VEa.i oawaa, u-si-csaz P4a.i c^t- thA (PotSO-Co hl-Re, O-tECottfO-T 3 JSO- T- lit 3 , 10. wiitsvadz jjL'Hra Thw^i aipsw- vtotWh JiiKocx^a x-4o*a o j e©a a epa- wo-a. v 17. ©«yz TEA 1450-RP, RWIr CPtO- twoa dt ©ay cpFUE/iwo-a tt:wu js- •WArta j©to-Aya diisbpj-t tuaxhAai- aa it.aip Dd'z ©zaGraaE© jj,©© 3 aa SGrjrT DhLeeu; jiro-Tot’Aa u© au©e- c.'i y (pawo-a, 1?. eayz 4©Pc© cpc^iTT niro-tiaa, SAZ tSSGuaaWh ao? trSEl'i-Ta^Z, D- xtp D<rz ^p dsep ©y. 19. ©ayz Diro-tia.i epae: o<C4CT Dtyz PTPttp lrAy dswa (pawo-a, c=y- 0-R\K.'lTaA Iio9, Dtf GJGIvSaa ®Z»T 3 , JJD Jyoid 0 * 20. El.A* 4 tcsl-e/ilp ft Atri.oil-oT.I ©h- EGPawaaaa eacr ts ai> aair 3 Dr-ax- <Tot-, b^z Aotyacrtoas raTAT, eay^z D4 (pi-au aaa D4-T tbit. 21. r.&z ECtSa^T 4yFc?, DhwXhA- ax-Tz hAa-iT G.BT epawo-a jvvoaaaA. 22. jqACr.Z JC/IA.IA (PT' Cp©'{- Pi'4'iz (PA.CT 0-otXhAa CP.lWC^a JW ©a- aaA: sa^t.a^^4?z• hseuaE© x-4T. 23. 1iO ; PoTW/1TZ, ©A* 4 TO-'PotXj'G S-T- ©atax-T, ao-xc-4T as.a-aT. MARRIED—On th© 2.1. inst. at Cai- mel,- by thp Rev. Julni Thompson, Mr. Georgs Candy, to Miss Elizabeth M. Bell, daughter oj Mr. John Bell ol Coo- sawatee. sx-scaawa—a-a*?y <irop o-cesuhay HFjy (PXIO-RT, t,1Cv lJCSOJAa 0 ! X1p, Ci.ib- z tpox-ttha o-xip, Jt’jtsjia bj). CHER OKEE PIUENIX, And Indians' Advocate. T HE SUBSCRIBER commenced the duties 01 his station, as editor ol tins paj.ei, with a trembling band and a reluct ant hcait. 11© had no experience to uut huri, and but limited information to recom mend hi into the j.ublic, lie has however jiiogressed so lar, generally, to (he satistac- Uon ol-his readers, lor which heisthanklui. As tlie lirst volume'of the l'hccmx is on ihe eve ot closing, the editor has thouglit best to apprize the public that a new volume will be commenced next month, and that, the great object of its founders, the benefit ol ihe Chcrokees, will still he assid uous!) pursued. It is unnecessary to re peat aiui particularize the principles under which the future numbers of the Phoenix will be ^conducted—-ihe principles will be similar to those which have governed the past numbers. The paper is sacred to the cause ofltidians, and the editor will feel himself especially bound as far as his time, talents and lnlormation will pcimit, to ren der it as insts active and entertaining as possible to his brethren, and endeavor to enlist the friendly feelings and sympathies of his subscribers abroad, in favor of the aborigines. As the present policy of the General Government, the removal of all the Inmans beyond the Emits of orgamzeu States or territories, is assuming an important as pect, the editor will feel himself bound to lay before his readers all that may be said on tins subject, paiticularly the objections against this measure of ihe Government. Particular attention will be given to ju dicious miscellany. Choice pieces on re ligion and morals, domestic economy &lc. will nnda ready admittance in the Plm- nix. ; The original part of the paper will be rendered as inteiest.ngaj the means of the editor will allow. Owing to a want of an assistant, it is impossible to devote a large portion of thepaper to the Cherokee lan guage as the whole mu.t be original—The editor will however do what lie ean. The friends of Indians are particularly called upon to assist in this undertaking by their subscript ions. Thus far, the Phoenix has been a dead expense to the proprie tors. It is highly desirable that there -Imuld be Sufficient patronage to secure it from the like pecuniary embarrassment in future. ELIAS BOUD1NOTT. {Cjp- Editors who exchange with the Phunix will do us a special favor by tu- lb citingth6 above in their papers. TIIE CASKET* Flowers tj Lderuiuie, het und Senlio meat. • A PERIODICAL Miscellan v, issued monthly, cacti No. comaming48 .oyul octavo j ages 01 leiU r press, aim tmbelixi I- eu with one Copperlate, aiiti&cvcial Wood Lngrav.ngs, foiniing, at theenu oiilieytar v oiume oi about 0()0 j.agct, when an > I- egaitt title page aim gcnciai im.. x aie a>j- ded, tt is now three years since the publican tion oi the Casket commenced, anu uui.i'g that time it hassteamiy acCjUi.eo a j aii. i« age that has never before, it is bcl.evttl been extended to any monthly puhhcai.i u in this country, 'i lic }»ian marked out at the commencement oi the last vea hug been constantly pursued, anu such o.ti r improvements adopted and engrafted uputv the original design, as circumstance have suggestco, and experience sanctioned. It is the intention of the publisher to meet) the increased pationage winch the Casket is receiving, by correspondent etiorts to improve its aj jieaiance ami enhance its in- teie^ '1 he sources whence instruction and fmusing articles may he derived, are continually multiplying with the steady e-d mand which the increase 01 geneiai read ing causes; and t lie publisher of the Caii.ct possesses ©very requisite fac.lity lor obtain ing the best s© earliest s lections of foreign and domestic literary productions. I lie plan ot giving views of interesting American Scenery, accompanied with aj> projiriatc, will be continued, with improvements in the mechanical and literary departments thereof} as adeemed apprchation ol such articles has been ex pressed by a very considerable number of patrons ol the Casket. '1 he love ol denies* tic scenery, properly ministered to, maybe made a means ol public gooi.—certainly of rational enjoy ment. Portraits ot distinguished Americans will continue to be placed in the Casket, and such a sketch ol character of the person, or incidents ot his hie, w;!i be lurnisLe,, as shall serve to place his virtues pioroim mly be tore (lie readei} with a view not less of justice to the dead, than of an example to the living. In this department, particu- larly, it will he the aim of the publisher to present such interesting original matter as shall give a new value to tins Cashel; .a fact, permanency to its interest. To the tacts of bicgiaj by, ihe ciesc. ;s- ticn ol existing sccnejt, am: the of past events, will he amice., the instiuct.Ve fiction of moral tales; those esptciai.y which are iuleti(!i (1 to ihuitrate the n.tu.- nets and custems cl particular sections of the Union, and those v.h:ch aie eaic .it d to rtiengthcn viitucus, by (xi..b- ing in pioper liglit, vice and it., permmous consequences, anu shewing virtue a a.- fording its own lich reward. As a x-cil* f to these presente subjects, all due attei- will be given to the light leaning, poetry, anecdote, and those etceteras vv h.oli coi - sUlute the agreeable melange ol an cnti re taining period,cai, anu give a /ert to details of lacp, and the giavcr and se vere composition, moi ai cssav s. 1 he juice oi subscrij t:cn to ihe Casket, 2 uoilars and 50 cents a year 11 pa d in a<>. vance, or Sdoliais ami 50 cents at tbe end ol a year, is scarcely half that demanded for any work of an equai size in the coun try, aud it is not tlie intention ot the ptib- lisliei to increase that ptice, nctv. ithstai. - ing h.s extra expenditures to enhance ‘ its value. \\ ith this brief reference lo the contents ol ihe Casket, and a renewed asstuance that its ty ppgiaphical exci utiori shall be" of the first kind, anu a.iango nier.ts, Generally, sueli as shall insure to.t a for volatile iecej tion, the j ubhshir ol.rrs the work to the public for an increased pat ronage. Agents at a distance remitting six snfc* v scriptions, arc entitled to a copy giatis, and 10 per cent, for collections. Comi lele sets for 1827 and 1828, supplied to order. Orders, free of postage, will meet with I n . < ?. ,n } ,t aHention. Persons at a distance will find the mail a sale convey ance tor or- deiing tlie work and enclosing remittances S. C. ATKINSON, Publnher, No, 112 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. " U Ulf UUKUo ICLE. A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, Published in the City of Washington, By Rolhwell S/-Ustick. npHIS Paper has been established at t Seat ol the General Government, u der auspices which tbe Publishers think 1 vorablc to the encouragement ofa Pc riot cal devoted, as it is, to the diliusion of Lit rary, Scientific, and useful miscellaneo lnlormation. Its object has been, as n w continue to be, to promote th© cause ot L* tors, and to spread, within its range, knowledge of all that may be new, inter©: ing, and valuable, in Science, Literal nr and the Arts, together with the latest Fc and Domestic Intelligence. -Me party disputations are ami shall beseduiou ly avoided, and nothing will he admitti hut what may’tend to enlarge and intere tlie mind, and improve and bcnclit tl hcait. A Summary of the Proceedings Cong a ess will, during the Sessions, be 1 c ularly given. 5CP The Chronicle is published evn Saturday; and is printed in tlie best ner, on a large sheet, (imperial s ze Price $3 per annum, or fc2 50 if paid' advance. * Editors who exchange w th tl Chronicle are requested to give the abov a lew insertions, and the favor will be r. ciprecated. LAWS . of the Cherokee Nation, j ihe years 132G, 1827, 1838, prim aud for sale at this Office.