Cherokee phoenix, and Indians' advocate. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1829-1834, April 08, 1829, Image 1

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Gwy IMUOvja. CHEROKEE PHOENIX, ANB I5b T 5>IANS 5 AB VOGAMU.- rift PRINTED UNDER THE PATRONAGE, AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CHEROKEE NATION, AND DE\ OTLD TO THE CAUfeE Oi' INL jANS. ♦ E. BOUDINOTT, Editor. NEW SCROTA, WEDNESDAY APRIL 8,18‘i9. V OL. 1I.--..0. ... PRINTED WEEKLY BY JNTO. F. WHEELER, At $2 50 if paid in advance, $8 in six months, or $3 50 if paid at the end of the year. To subscribers who can read only the -Cherokee language the price will be $2,00 in advance, or $2,50 to Tt>e paid within the year. Every subscription will be considered as Oontinued unless subscribers give notice to- the contrary befoVe the commencement of a new year, and all arrearages paid. Any person procuring six subsCribeni, •mil becoming rasponsible for the payment, shall receive a seventh gratis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven- ty-fiVe cents per square for the first inser tion, and thirty-seven and a half cents for each continuance; longer ones in propor tion. |CJ*AU letters addressed to the Editor, post paid, will receive due attention. Q W.y JJD Ii»i JEC.IU. V®AVXo®a TA-AJ* U<V* JIuTnAJ )K4<>i>a. BOAE ahWU(»y KT.0. D^P TCTZ TEdBO-J" Dej^I^-l. TGr-Z t»tyP T«aO“A TB D9J^>c»P'(a.T, KT DtA 0°®.1B.I Iv4oe.I. D»a*<»EZ TB yiV D®JJbXb'ibJl, (WJIT DfP 0°ejBJ P4o®-I. ©vvyz (pan aucj)h-i(»y, wp.v* dj-r 0«etB-l I-4c* Jt Tcrz TEiDO-fl** DO" ktaz d$p ©osyA- o>aaB" D®j*oeK(jea. AGENTS FOR IHE CHEROKEE PIKENIX. The following persons are authorized to receive subscriptions and payments for the Cherokee Phoenix. „ Messrs. Peirce St Williams, No. 20 fdarket St. Boston, Mass. Geoiicje M. Tracy, Agent of the A. B 8. V. M. New York. . Rev, A. D. Eddy, Canandaigua, N. Y. Thomas Hastings, Utica, N. Y. Pollard 8t Converse, Richmond, Va. Rev. James Campbell, Beaufort, S. C William Moultrie Rfcin, Charleston, S. C. Col. George Smith, Statesville, W. T. William M. Combs, Nashville Ten. Rev. Bennet Roberts—Powal Me. Mr. Thor. R. Gold, (an itinerant Gen tleman.) Jeremiah Austil, Mobile Ala. Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury, Mayhew, Choc- 'taw Nation. Capt. William Robertson, Augusta, .Georgia. RELIGIOUS7~ THE BOOK QF JASHER. 'The Book of Jasher, mentioned in the following letter,, will be regarded as 8 literary curiosity, & it ^s even possi ble that it may be the one spoken of in Joshua and Samuel. It seems to us barely possible, however; for Jo bary, vvhorpresented oie with it with-, out knowing its value, and 1 am now translating it into E.iglish, and it will be published shortly, with the He brew on one side and the. English on the other, with notes critical and his torical—and what is rather extraor dinary, I was this day busily engaged in translation, when a glance at your paper rivet ted my attentipn to this singular and unexpected paragraph, as I had made many previous inquiries concerning it to ray literary friends, and they had never heard of its exist- ance. The Book, U seems, has been preserved by the Jews in the East, and some few copies were print cd in Poland twenty yenrs ago. ft is written in that plain and beau- tifulstyle that will sufficiently testify its great antiquity, and which is the chief cause of my publishing it, with the Hebrew text attached to it; and however much I venerate the sacred Scripture, and however infinite I con sider the distance between this Book and the inspired volume which we possess, I am still bold to declare that its language is equally beautiful, aud throughout one hundred and sixty pages it keeps up the chaste, elegant, and historical style as that much ad mired part of t|ie Scripture—the his tory of Joseph. It commences With the creation of man, containing very copious accounts of Jewish records, not at all mentioned in Scripture, and reaches as far as Joshua. The. turn places in Scripture wherein the book ot Jasher is mentioned, are beautiful- ly cleared up throughout this Book, particularly that in 2 Samuel, i, 18, “Also, he bade them to teach the children of Judah the use of the bow; behold it is written in the Book of Jasher.” It also elucidates many other parts of Scripture, and will set right some of the most perplexing parts of chronology. But I do not suppose it has come down to us as pure as the sacred vol ume—and I have uot the least doubt that some few parts of it are of a la ter date than the body of the Book; but even those comparatively modern parts bespeak an antiquity of upwai’ds of two thousand years. I have already translated one half of the Book, hav ing been encouraged to the task by some Christian friends, who possess a fervant zeal lor the house of Israel,' and an attachment to Hebrew litera ture. When I return to Liverpool, which will be shortly, 1 shall issue forth the prospectus of the work, and it will be published by subscription. I should therefore be glad to hear man of letters, viz: the Book of dash er, mentioned in Joshua, chapter 10, % and 2 Samuel, chapter 1. and it ivas procured at an immense expense by Aleurin, the most eminent man of his time, from the city of Gazan, in Persia, I beg leave to inform you for the satisfaction of those biblical stu dents who." may read your paper, whether Jews or Christians, that, 1 am in possession of the Book of Jasher in the Hebrew language, which I did not procure at an immense expense, but accident threw it.‘iw my way in mdflijpa; with an Israelite from Bar- in the Persian or Hebrew language Respectfully yours, M. Samuel, of 104 St. James’ street Liverpool. Kelso, Nov- 14, 1828. THE sephus apd Philo evidently knew no-'I something more about the copy that thing ol its existence, nor is any ac- { AIcurin obtained) and whether it’be count of it to be found in the liabinic- al literature of any age. In the tenth and two or three centuries, there were many Jews distinguished for their literary researches, and w ho kept up. connexions so extensive a- long the shores of the Mediterranean and iu the East, that under this title, had it existed even then, could hardly have escaped them.- As. to its char acter, due allowance must be made for Mr. Samuel’s enthusiasm as a dis coverer.—AT. Y. Obs. , To the Editor of the London Courier. SiK^-Having seen in your paper of the 8th inst. a paragraph extracted from the Bristol Gazette, announcing that an important and interesting dis covery id'biblical literature has been recently obtained, which will excite the attention of the Christian and can give to another, is to consult God; and the best turn that any book can do its reader, is to refer him to the Bi ble* * Let us seek to know more of the Bible; but, iu doing so, let us remem ber, that however much vve may add by study to our knowledge of the book, we have just so much true knowledge of God as we have love of him, and no more. Our continual prayer ought to he, that our true notions may be come true feelings, and that our Or thodoxy may bpcome holy love &. holy obedience. This is the religion of e- ternity; and the religion of eternity is the only religion for us—for yet a few days, and we shall be in etarnity.— Erskine on the Frecness of the Gospel. “I JIM.” By Bishop Beveridge, “When the Lord speaks of himself with regard to his creatures, unu es pecially his people, he saith, I am. He doth not s;-.y, I am their light, their life, their guide, their strength, or their tower; but only i am. He sets his hand, as it were to a blank, that his people may write under it what they please, that is for their good. As if he had* said, Are they weak? I hm strength. Are they in trouble? I am comfort. Are ' they poor? I am rich. Are they sick? I am health. Are they dying? I am life. Have they nothing? I am all things: I am justice and mercy: I am grace and goodness. I am glory, beauty, holiness, eminency, superem- inency, perfection, all sufficiency, e- ternnlly Jehovah! I am whatever is suitable to their nature, or convenient for them in their several conditions.-- I am whatsoever is amiable in itself, or desirable to their souls—Whatso ever is pure and holy; whatsoever is great and pleasant; whatsrever is good and needful to make them happy, that I am. So that in short, God here represents himself unto us as one universal God, and leaves us to make the application to ourselves, according to our several wants, capa cities, and desires; by saying only in general, I am.” rilBLE A WONDERFUL BOOK. Wc are accustomed to the sight of a Bible, that it ceases to be a miracle to us. It is printed just like other books. But there is nothing in the w r orld like it, or comparable to it. The sun in the firmament is nothing to it if it he really—what it assumes to be—an actual and direct coinmuni- aication from God to nan. Take up your Bible with this idea, and look at it, and wonder at it. It is a treasure of unspeakable value to you, for it con tains a special message of love and mercy from God to your soul. Do you wish to converse with God? Q- pen and rend it. And, at the Same time, look to him who speaks to you in it, and ask him to give you an un derstanding heart, that you may not read in vain, but that the word may be in you, as good ground bringing forth fruit unto eternal life. Only take care not to separate God from the Bible. Read in the secret of God’s presence, and receive it from his lips, and feed upon it, and it will be to von as it was to Jeremiah, the joy and rejoiciug of any one fricud INTEMPUHANCB. Of death to overflowi.ig. This is the master sin—the giant evil—the burn ing curse. It is not enough to say, that intemperance is greater than ihts or that individual calamity. It is prob ably not too much to say, that this sin gle injury upon the physical, intellec tual, moral, and eternal interests ol our country, than all those evils which are ordinarily deemed special calami ties, combined together. Yes: mar shal in one dread army, under one flag, all the judgments that ever des olate this devoted world of sin aud death—blasting, mildew, hail storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, epidemics, famine, war, conflagration, sbip- wrecks>apine, murder--blow the trum pet long & loud. & call them to one com qined universal, dreadful onset—let them bear dow-h ivithfell purpose&w ith unwonted wrath, upon this terrestrial citadel of man, and strew their path with ruin as they pursue their onward march: and here is one monster—one plague of plagues—-one scorpion of scorpions—one curse of curses, that can, single handed, out do them all.— His name is Legion”. His spirit is fierce as a wounded tiger—uncontrol lable as a famished wolf—and malig nant as a desolating fiend. 11 is foot steps must be arrested or tlie nation is undone. --JV. <S. <S. Ft man, Intemperance a great national evil.— Upon our national wealth it eats like a canker; upon the heart-strings and life-blood of our citizens, it preys like a vulture; it breaks up the very foun dations of immortal intellect; it ma tures depravity into open and fearful crime; and it buries the deathless soul in the. depths pf eternal w o. A nation of drunkards cannot exist. In temperance would forge chains strong and heavy enough to hold in bondage a nation of giants. Let this evil diiiuse itself through ihe family circle—let it prevail at the polls of your elections— let the drunkard be honoured with a seat in Congress—and reel into the senate chamber—and nod on the bench—and doze in the jury-box, and liberty is at an end. I tremble for the fate of my c.onntry when I reflect upon the prevailing intemperance of the present day, in connection with the freedqm of our institutions and the expression of the elective franchise. If liberty.shall here find her grave, that grave will be dug by drunkards’ hands. If the knell of departed free dom shall here toll, it wii 1 toll amidst the revels of national intoxication. If the march of intellect, in this Western hemisphere, shall be arrested, it will be arrested by the swolen torrent of intemperance; and, then, these heav ens will be hung with mourning, and -this earth be wet with tears. Should ignorance and despotism and all their attendant evils prevail, they will pre vail through the influence of ardent spirits; and then, this air that is full of songs, w’ill whisper only sighs.— Do you ask where the dangor is?— I answer, it is every where. In eve ry city, and through all the country, nrpent spirits are filling the channels The duty of temperate men, espe cially of Christians, in relation to intemperance. It is not enough for Christians to be temperate; refor mation will never take place, till the members of the church ol God banish the bottle from their side boards anti their bouses. If it is kept at all, in their habitations, let it oc cupy the saint* shelf with the phial of laudanum, or the solution of arsnic; and be sure to write Poison upon tin*, label. But Christians must go one step farther. 1 am convinced that deep and thorough reformation can never take place while Christians, for the paltry consideration of a little money, furnish others with t lie means of destroying both body and soul for ever. It is easy to make the stale plea, that men w ho love to drink, will have their dram, whether Christians sell it to them or not. The same might be said of dealing out poison, i<i any shape, for the destruction of human life. There’ are other ques tions, tar more important, to be set tled. Is it right—is it for the glory of God—is it for the good of the church—is it for the salvation ol'souls? These questions ought to bo answered upon the Christian’s conscience and upon the book of God. The time must come when a professor of reli gion would blush to publish in the newspaper, that he is a dealer either in wholesale or retail drunkenness-—that he is a vender of Cognihc Brandy, of Jamaica Rum, and of Irish whiskey! Would to God, that the merchants in this city would take a stand, on this subject, which would render them an example for the imitation of the world. Let them just resolve, and carry this resolution into immediate effect, that they w ill neither buy nor sell another barrel of this article; and this one act would reform the city and the surrounding country—it would render modern Troy more illustrious than the ancient—it would carry down the streams of mercy into the ages of the Millenium—and continue to do good till the Judgment Day.”—Ibid. It is not enough that our mechanics, our laborers, our strong men, our gift ed and our youth, are engaged in the great work. Our women must be with us, or we cannot hope to prevail—our mothers, our wives, and our daughters —thc.other half, and in sueh matters, by far the most influential half of our whole population. It is not enough that wd confederate together abroad, as men, to discourage the use of strong driuk, in our workshops, in our taverns, or in the highway—to make sobriety one of the qualifications of a ruler—to encourage the culture of the grape, or the use ot die ip ami sale wines liiat would be accesoibie’ to tiie poor, i...d not lead to a for uiiy tiling e..n- gerous—to labor infill a..d uay lu ( .ne overiluow ot tlie Lesunyer—it is ..ot enough that we do all this, if the wi.ts aiiU mothers, and sisters ol our I oi.ii- try, continue lo iiu.m. om very liem.,s a snare to us, evety amiable coin.tig together; every iuttnev, every joyous event, an excuse lor t. m- pering will) tin? shadow, or p! y ag with tiie skills of the em my, As l\. p wiiai we may tio— “We but w 3i- > “Our strength aWay in wicstl.ngwitL .‘ha air;” So lo.ig as women persist in pot. u.g the fiery drug into the 1 audit-.uj cf tiie babe—mingling it v. ith ti e Ar f the infant—substituting Icvei lor iuu tli and sorrow tor strength—coui!*.i a iug the stream ol pearl, and hiti.n. the treachery with flavor, and color, and peitume; for all these things are to be done, before the. youthiul purity of taste can be perverted. What are we to do, when we have, muter r e pretence or another, brandy mixed with our very load—our saut es—our j> in- lies—our cakes and our pics—with whatever is intended to he better anti richer than usual? What are w<. to do, as men: alter ue have been mad© to relish the flavor ol ardent spirit iu this way: from our cradle to our giave: accustomed to it in ot r pn;i] taught in our very childhood, to sit t:j) to the table and throw oft'a glass cf wine, like a man', ol Portuguese w .tie too; such as (lie Portuguese tin tr*v selves never drink, for v\e. like 1 o English, have it with what we call q body 10 it, in other vvouls. overcharge ed with brandy: in a gloss of our (v»q too; for where is the child without a w ine-cup of his ow n? I illy years ago, vve had few or no drunkaids. Now we have hun dred thousand. Fifty years from to-, day; if our youth should persevere, taking counsel together, not to it-prove the aged; for they were unworthy cf tlie cause; not to stay the Destroy vvith a wall of brass, or a sword of li' c ; not to trv the gathered brow, nor the strong arm; but gently, and pa*< tiently to discourage their younger brethren, I heir associates and all that are w ill) them the great business of life; 1 do believe, judging by what is already done, that in fifty years from to day, this onr great national re- 1” oat I) would be no more.—Meal s Ad dress. mEL&KS. From tlm Christian Watchman. REMOVAL OF THE INDIANS. 1 his subject is one of great import* ance, not only to the Indians, but i< our own country and government. V< < hope nothing will be done by C ongiess which will not bear the strictest sera tiny of the great rule of equity,—“At ye would that men should do to you do ye even so to them.” Feb. 18 Mr. McLean, from the Committee 01 Indian affairs, to whom Ihe plan ol re moving the Indians westward had beei referred, made a Report on the sub riect. In this it is remarked, that tin United States Government cannot- ii justice to this dependent rn» e, reasi to exercise over them a parental guar diatiship, and that no means should hi left unemployed, which promise a elevation of their character, and si in crease of their happiness anil prosper ity. Some assistance has been ren dcred them, by feeble efforts, to res cue them from vice; “hut in doin tliis,” the Report observes, “we hov not fulfilled our obligations, whirl grow out of our relations to them.’ *- T be Report then continues— “The condition of tlie four souther tribes, the Chickasaw*, Choctaws Cherokees, and Creeks, has Lecem ex trendy critical. There does ap pear to have arrived a crisis in whir the salvation or destruction cf thofc tribes is involved. Some of tbp §t»tC