The Columbus enquirer tri-weekly. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1858, March 05, 1857, Image 1

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_ K &f( \ IcS! TEI b WESE ly m [homas Ragland & Co., Proprietors. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TIICRSDAY MORNING MARCH 5, 1857 VOLUME III.—NUMBER 43. €|je Cri-auleelilii Guguirer, IS PUBLISHED I Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mornings ! AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. I >3T Advertisements conspicuously inserted, at the | usual rates. Cjje (Ultcdtln <£ngttiwr. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING TERMS—Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per an num, payable invariably in advance, or Three Dollars if not paid in advance. j No paper will be discontinued while any arrearage j ia due, unless at the option of the Publishers; and three Dollars will, in ail cases, l>e exacted where payment Is uot made before the expiration of the subscription yoar. ADVERTISEMENTS ConspicuoiSiy inserted at One Dollar per square, for the first Insertion, and Firry Cents for every subsequent eontinu 'uce. A sryiaro In Enquirer is the space of eleven lines In small type, conUthing, a* Hf&A*, ona hundred wordH. r .EOAL Advertisements published at the usual rates and with strict attention to the requisitions of tho law. Obituary Notices over eight lines charged at the regular advertising rates. All communications intended to promote the private ends or interests of Corporations, Societies, Schools or In dlvlduals, will he charged as advertisements. MUSCOGEE HAILROAD. change; or lciiubi'lk. i F ROM and after ibis dale I ho Day or Express Train will leave the Depot at 1 P. M. ( and ar rive at Macon at (i| P. M. Leave Macon 7J A. M. Morning or Accommodation Ti 4i / ** Lenv r LEVY, DRAKE &. CO., CiiKinccrs »ii(l UNION FOUNDRY & MACHIN^ WORKS Columbus, Georgia. W E call the fyecial attention of the public u*.ur establishment. The proprietors arc practfCtd establishment A lv . r> \ i . I Mechanics and of long experience in the business, at 2 A. M. arrive at Columbus at an( j having combined two establishments in one, . . ' they have the largest and best Stock of 'Fools and .. . . II lenvo at Patterns in the State. Their facility tor doing bu- M., and arrive at Macon I9..>4 A. M. 1 giness being so great, they can afford to their cus- vo Macon at 3 P. M. arrive at Coluii* .us tomers the host of terms and tho most prompt ex- J. L. MUSTIAN, Supt Gur Senitfj- partner hnving been so many years Columbus, June 29, 1856 June 28—tww ti j j n thig business ns the practical partner ami propri- jtr sjbs* PC IBILftlOAD. e,or °1 tl’° Ocniulgcc Foundry, Macon, Georgia, A K ' | is well known, having built a large number ot Steam Engines, Mills, and Machinery throughout this and adjoining States. To all ol which wo refer A.ri GENERAL AGENT, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION, Receiving ami Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West Broad Street. #9»P&rticuUrattention given to tho keeping, i ui chasoand sale of NEGROK8. tpn. Administrators and Executors Sales attended to on rasonahle terms. Feb 6 ’6B—tww tf Auction & Commission Business HARRISON & McQEHEE. Auction Commission* Negro Brokerage, and Forwarding Business, NOS. 59 & ttl, UKOAI) STREET, nd pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal a ten it ion to the SALK of Real Estato, Negroe3, Merchandise and Produce. Having ample faeilltes at command, they are prepared to make LI RURAL ADVANCES on Negroes and Mer chandize of every description. . { &£» Particular attention given to Administrators’ Executors’ Sales. July 81,1850—tww tf STERLING LANIER. SAMPSON LANIER LAMAR HOUSE, (F\irmtrly Coleman House,) Knoxville, Tennessee. S. & S. LANIER, Proprietors. Mr. Sterling S. Lanier, late of Lanier House, Macon. Ga. and Sampson Lanier, late of Tuskegee, Ala., will bo happy to meet all friends and customers at the Lamar House, wheie they have ample accommodation for 250 pt O N and after Tuesday, 15th April, tho Passen ger and Freight Train will leave Girard at 2 p m. daily, (Sundaya excepted,) connecting at Sil ver Run with a daily line of Stages, to Villula, Glennville, Eufaula, Ft. G*»nt *. and Marianna, Fla. And at ColhcrW-^Lk/r.-v^^the Stages for Uchce, Olivet, Enon, Chunnei ;i b gee, Midway, Hardaway, Perote and Union Springs. Leaving Colbert at 6 A. M. daily, (Mondays ex cepted,) tlic Cars will reach Girard at 8 a. m., connecting with tho Opelika and Muscogee Trains. #3“ Duplicate Receipts must accompany Freight Shipped. 03* Separate Receipts are required for each De pot. 83” All Freight must be paid before Goods will be discharged. {fCr Down Freight must he delivered at the De pot in Girard, before half past 12 on the day of ship ment. Q3” Way Freight must in all cases he paid in ad vance ! It. A. HARDAWAY, Eng. and Sup April 17, *55 tww tf DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE." Muscogee Railroad Stock. suit purchasers. F.. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Macon, Ga., Dec. 25,’55 Bacon, Bacon, Bacon. "IT WILL have, in a few days, on Consign VV ment, from 30 to 4r,000 LBS. TENNESSEE BACON lor Mill'. lll'C <:s & DANIEL. July 31 *66 tww tf Wanted T ’WENTV-FIVF Nfa;lions lo work on ilia Muscogee Railroad, for v hirh liberal wage* will be paid. J L. MUSTIAN, April 17—wtw tf Superintendent . 8,1868 « Richard Hooper, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Will attend promptly to the purchascof Countrj 1 Produce, or any other business entrusted tohiseare May iC, 1854 20 tl Boston &, Villalongd, and General COMMISSION Merchants, No. 196 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. JOHN BOSTON. JOHN L. VILLALONGA. Referees—Major John II. Howard, B. T. Chap man, A. W. Chapman, Ruse, Patten &. Co. Oct 11. 1853 H tf MONTGOMERY. WEST 1’OINT & OPE LIKA BRANCH RAILROAD. O N AND after July 16th the Trains on this Road will he governed by the following Schedule: DAY TRAIN : Leave Montgomery 5.45 a. m. Arrive at Columbus 11.50 a. m. “ West Point 11.45 a. m. Leave Columbus 8.40 a. m. Arrive at Montgomery 2.40 p. m. “ West Point 11.45 a. in. NIGHT TRAIN : Leave Montgomery at 8.30 p. m. Arrive at Columbus 2.45 n. m. “ “ West Point 2.30 a. m. Leave Columbus .,*...11.30 p. m. Arrive at Montgomery 7.30 a. m. “ “ West Point 2.30 p. m. XT Double Dully Connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta and Nashvillle, and daily to Knoxville, Tenn. Daily Connections arc continued from Montgom ery to "Mobile by Stages and Steamboats. fcr Passengers taking the Night Train from Co lumbus, are requested to purchase Tickets of the Agent at the PERRY HOUSE, between the hours of 10 and 11 o’clock p. m. SAM’L G. JONES, July 26, 1855—tww tf 1 Eng, ft. Sup. guarantee of our work and ability 1 . Our junior is just from Virginia, and having had the manage ment of some of the largest establishments in that State, brings with him the best practical ability and improvements in machinery. We call especial attention to. our MARINE and STATIONARY Steam Engliiesand Mills, both Circular and Upright. We arc now manufacturing the best CIRCULAR SA XV MILLS in the country, being entirely of Metal, at the same price others are furnishing wooden ones. We are now furnishing Steam Engines and Boi! ers of any size; Flouring and Corn Mills; Verti cal and Circular Saw Mills; Sugar .MiIL; Shaft ing; Pulleys; Horse Powers ; Gin and .Mill Gear ing of all birds; Cemetery Railing; Bark Mills; Corn Shelters; Col) Crushers ; and Castings of ev* ry kind—Brass and Iron. (March 22—tww tf "BROWN’S FOUNDRY, COLUMBUS, GA., MANUFACTURES Al.l, KINDS OF IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Dark Mills, Sugar Mills, MILL GEAR, Gin Gear, For Sale. J—|k THE STORE-HOUSE on the corner ol BUSH Broad and Brvan Streets, known as the old stand ol D, I*. Ellis A; Co., and occupied at this time by Messrs. Hull & Bussey. D. P. ELLIS &, CO. ColumbtlB, March 99, 1856 tww tf Henry McCauley’s MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, Near the Post Office, Columbus, Ga. MONUM ENTS, Tablets, Headstones, Marble Mantel lun*ati. Table and Wash- Hint A mri an MAURLE. ST<FW*5S! nous £ Fl'IOfMU-Mi (iOODS, &c. TIIK suhsMber lias just re turned from the north, where he has made arrangements to get goods direct from Import ers and uianuthctuiers which enables him to sell Goods as cheap if twt cheaper, than any hoiiMi in this city. Ho has on hand a large supply of the celebrated Morning 8tar Cooking STOVES, Also, tho IKON WI/-/.AHD, EASTERN Pit F.MIU'I, and several other patterns, all of which can be warranted, A full supply < i,led 1 IGII IMNC RODS ! The testarti.: v,-r ..ffemi to the public lu this or market Orders promptly attended to. tt»). Particular attentlon paid to TIN R OU FINQ r Mate t d ills Ja rders t untry promptly attended to, J. & W. J. KELLY, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. August 2-1,1M50 tww ly CANDY MANUFACTORY ami CONFECTIONERY, T HE undcruignu'l htiv.c 1 'eoa'.".kho Sbire out .lour Norlhol J. J. TonVfo'ii rfio i.UHi 'M.iu nf (Irond Struct, (opposite the Agency of the Union Hank,) whore they will ho pleased to till ull orders in their lino of business with promptness and dispatch. , Terms Cash ! J. It. MARTIN &. SON. ' Columbus, Ga., April 13. ' w ly THE LONE STAR INF! RM A RY i On© rail© South-West of Oussota, Ga. T HE subscriber bus opened an Infirmary for the treatment of Chronic diseases of every form. From 11 years experience in the Reform Practice, he hopes to give satisfaction in every curable case that may he put under his cure. Rheumatism and Dropsical affections treated with unparalleled suc cess. Females nursed by Mrs. Frazier, who is a Lady of moral worth and efficient character. S. .1. AUSTIN, M. D. References—Hon. Jos. Shaw, Stewart co Ga. S. VV. Parker,Colun'-.t, Go. White & Helms ' sseta, Ga. Jno. C. White o*. Andrew, Ala. Mnj. E. Dean. Rockyheud, Ala. Jan. 6, J. R. DAVIS, Land Broker, Collector and General Agent, BUKineBH attended to in any county In thiH Stave. Office corner of Jackson and Kills Streets, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Oct. IS, 1850 tww ly PARTNERSHIP. T HE Firm of J. KNNI8 It CO., will bo continued at the old stand by tho undersigned, who have this day entered : Into Partnership, for the purpose of carrying on the HARDWARE TRADE, under the name and stylo of J. ENNIS k CO., and where they intend to keep constantly on hand a general assort- | ment of Hardware, Cutlery, dtc. Thankful to j their friends and customers for past favors, they would solicit ; mi Wnlor Power is food a continuance of the same. They also invite tLe public gen-1 th £ ( . r fcctlv healthy orally to Kivu tliem a call. tho place is pcriccuy iieattny - J. A. FRAZER. 1 t<w nnrl m fly UNION MILLS FACTORY, TO RENT, LEAbE OH SELL! THIS Factory is situated in Heard county, I _ (leorgia, HI miles tiorili of Franklin, and 20 i HERV EV HALL, from tlie Atlanta & LaGranao Railroad. ! ISAAC 1. MOSES, lltCB COPARTNERSHIP. T HE Business of BARRINGER & BROTHER will he continued at the old stand by the under signed, who have associated themselves together for the purpose of a general BUILDING BUSINESS. Contracts taken for all kinds of Buildings, and executed promptly. 03" DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, and all material used in the construction of Houses, furnished and sent to any part of the country. Also, Plans,'Spec ifications, and Estimates for Buildings, Verandas, &c..&c. MATHIAS BARRINGER, J. L. MORTON. Columbus, June 5, 1855 tw 3t w tf COPARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned have this day entered into Copartuei ship, for tho purpose of doing a genoral Grocery and Commission Business, luthe name and style of ALLEN k (JAMAlt. Columbus, Ga.. Noveveinber 1st, 1855. * A. M. ALLEN, Nov. 0, ’56 T. U. CAM Alt. ALLEN aTcAMAK, WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. lit. Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. W ILL, koup constantly on haml ovury description of Gro ceries; also Bagging, Rope, Salt »«<l BACON, which will be sold at the LOWEST market prices, fy- Particular attention given to the SALE of COTTON consigned to them. A. M. ALLEN. THOS. CAMAK. Nov. 6,1S65 tw 2m wit any in the State and with fine Spring wa ter and pure air. The pluce has on it a small Farm, good Dwelling house and outbuildings, Saw and Grist Mill, and Factory. The Hands’ houses are mostly destroyed ; balance ol buildings generally good. This Factory can be bought on very favora ble terms, or it can he leased or rented, as the pres ent incumbent is not a practical manufacturer, and has business calling his attention elsewhere. For further particulars address the subscriber, or call on him at the place COTTON PRESS IRONS, Water Wheels, Barrow Wheels, Cart Ploughs, Manufactured and for sale- nt BROWN’S FOUNDRY. July 3—w tf 1 Columbus, Ga. eroifilit uiin« M anufactured mi tor Buieut BROWN'S FOUNDRY, July 3—w tf] Columbus, (ja. A Q INCH CIRCULAR SAWS, for sale by 4tO HALL, MOSES & CO., July 3—w tf] Columbus, Go. Orders tor any of the above artirlcs left at the Store ot Hall, Moses & Co., will recrivu prompt at tention. BALL, HOSES & CO., COLUMBUS, GA., K EEP constantly on hand alarge and well assort cd stock ot JEEsl jt d-m-'” o, of every description and of superior quality. IRON AND STEEL, . of nil kinds and sizes. U LTV HAL IMTi-EM EMT^J, in great variety. Corn Shelters. Oat and Shacji aUTTERS ! Of n new and superior pattern. This article will cut shuck containing tlve cob arid corn without in jury to the cutter, performs ita work rapidly and will not get out order. 48 Inch Circular Saws, of the best quality always on hand. Scott’s Little Giant Com and Cob ’Hill. Every Farmer should have one of those AT.Is, for with it he can make two bushels of corn do os much good to his slock as three bushels would d*\ if led without grinding. Wq also cirry on the Foundry'HusilA&s, and mukca great variety of CASTINGS consfjtengin part of Mill and Gin Gearing, Pi.'es &. B al; Su gar and Bark Mills, and beaut lul Iron Railing which we will sell cheaper than Ruiliiitr made at the North. 4CT Window Glass, Paints (| VarnisIi*, Linseed, Lard, Sperm, Tanner'c Uls, and Brushes, of all kinds always «• • hand. WrOur prices are moderate ai.c our terms are ac- iininodaliug. J. P. IIENRICKS, w: A. BEACH. Fresli Garden Seeds ! ed my fresli and complete ns- stork* Ferre Co’s Seeds, such as I have had for the la^t 7 venrs ; 1 have al so LANDHETH’S NEW CROP; also the wel known Shaker Seeds. Being thankful to my friends and the public gen erally for the very liberal patronage hitherto he- Btowed upon me, 1 would respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same. WM. LIGON. Columfuis. .Ian 13. I .'»? W ft NOTICE-, NOTICE. THE undersigned having opened ou a new IlOOT ami SII014 Establish- "ment on Broad Street, in the store he tween Mr. STRurrER’sund and Mr. Lig on’s, would respectfully solicit the attention o those who wish to buy cheap and good articles. I have on hand a good assortment of Gents’, La dies’, Misses’, Boys’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Bootees, Gaiters, Half Gaiter Various styles of Walking Buskins, Slippers, &c. «Scc, All of which arc of the LATEST STYLES. Call and see, nt the Sign of the “liiif Boot,” and if you have any MONEY bring it along ! F. M. BROOKS. July 13, [55 tw law w tf TO THE AFFLICTED ! I HAVE located in Columhus. on the south sid ol Crawford street, near Mrs. Ilnltzclnw’s. wher I expect to continue making preparations (which ar entirely vegetable,) for Chronic DiBoase?. 1 hope from past success, to share a liberal patronage, give as reference, C. J. Hull, M. 1). ; T. Ragland M. D.; E 15. Arnold ; II. U. Merrett ; J. Harrell and II. English, Stoekbridge, P. O. Ga. Also i Certificates below : M. S. JAME Newton*County, Ga., Feb. 20. ’57.—It is for the benefit of the a/llicted that l allow my name to he .-tua v.y ihc -.-.jiidic l htLYKteflii afflicted with De bility and Lheu/n-.u.ii ai»3nT*T y«ai., und have ta ken medicine from 27 physicians; I grew weaker ull the time until I could not walk, and had not walked one step in 16 months—while in that c mil lion 1 commenced taking Dr. M. S. Jam*.' remedies and commenced mending and have continued to mend until lean go from home to a nei^.hor’s house and can walk without any assistance whatever. WM. II. PENNINGTON. Witnessed by: Jas. V. Vinin^II. White. John L. Penning ton, L. K. Prick-U. T. M. White. T. H Morris. Hen C. Morrlss, Calvin Pickett..!. I>. Mnnrti, K. M. ltruwar. Win. F. Davis, H. II. Carroll, T. S. Kills. \. M. Jett, Wm Grant, John Webb. Sfaldino Co., <^a.. Oct. 15, ’56.—This is to cer tify. That I have had the Dyspepsia about 4 years, and have been cured by taking Medicine Iron) Dr. M. >4. James. I havo coined about 40 pounds, am as well as I e er was, and can cheerfully recorn- men ! all Dyspeptics to give the Doctor a fair trial. MARTHA J. JORDAN. Newton Co., Ga. Nov. 17, ’56.—I can cheerfully say that Hr. M. S. James has given my wife reme dies for i y.-qieusia which have entirely relieved her. She had the Dyspepsia about 6 years, and is now’ well. March 3-w tf J. W. HINTON, .1. »Y. WEBB’S Patent Double Rib Gin! I HAVE invented and obtained letters patent for a Double-chilled Reversing Rib lo ~ nn HE 1 tlm DISSOLUTION ! Firm ..I (JREGNWUOD & GRIMES is day dissolved, by the death of the latter, c business ol the firm will he closed bv T. E. keen wood. E. S. GREENWOOD, T. E. GREENWOOD. Columhus, Ga.,Jununry 1, 1857 Warehouse and Commission BUSINESS, vrneti have taken the Warehouse i .v Gkimes, atul will conlinue tit '■pifF, under L Grekswu ider tin c Ol ta-ecnwoml, llartla E. 8. GREENWOOD, R. A. HARD ' WAV . r. !!. ALSTON, arv 7, 18r»7 tw2t w2m rjAflE Fit Aarr tho 15th day of Dissolution. 1 of N. T. MORELAND & GO., nt N. T. M,trelnnd, Moses Cox af consent, dies notice that the debt Jctoher of the firm i a made prov Thi liquidating the Villula! Rites.dl eo., Aht.. Feb. 17, ’57_ _ ItlSSOLI TION : IttK Firm of JlL .XT, 8TEWAHT CO., is this having claims against said firm, plei el sett I.*. N EW FITIM. T M.T. J. tlK.NT b ive thiH d« . assoclatud with them in tl . tiiisin.'ss .1 a M i :s w A i; l. und rtbennm XITTINTT, WATIE cfc Oo. fiV Intend d.Tiling to the lullest extent in STAPLK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Silks. Mantillas, Cloaks, Embroideries, Lans, Ho sieries. Bomnts. Hats, Caps Boots. Shoes, Blanke Giv >ds. Hargaii i-lo ltruad .Street, nuxt doo M. ill NT, JAM I S WA11K, T. J. HUNT, n. 15—twit w3m SEWING-MACHINES Wheeler & Wilson's Improved MACIIINES tor/TManuiactmcrs, ami others. HMIKSB Mm-liiiu-s are sum-sfullv used In every country JL throughout tl»- wm hi. I ' M ity nfr iii-tnii-tlou and f tL lb bln . rw mmend greatt-st l.ii.or-Mving Machine of i. IIAY 1)1..s. their authorized ag. DM. Ilia) 1h* touii'l in :s’ New It lock—Up Stairs, he will > xtiihlt these Machines,» jn them. a uction will he given to any one them. Any Machines of their i order. dies, Thri il. 8itk and all part (’ail and s e them; sign of the ■ id the • ariety of i -boa to le ork dj UKted ol tho Machine kept lied Flag, Jones’ New l or the anted to operate tlm Markin ellencuot there Machines rot llo: No. 40 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. R. G-. JEFFERSON & CO., MA X t F. 1 CTUll ER Sand It ’ll 0 L k'S. 1L E and It E T. I IL A practical manufacturer, wishing to becotnca co- | -fUBS, Buckets, Pails, CHURNS, partner, c Feb 3—w3m Union Mills, (Ja f $100 Howard! RANAWAY from my Plantation in Bar bour co., Ala., last May, my hoy FLU YD, of dark complexion, low forehead, well set, 5 ft. 5 inches high, weighs about 150 or 160 lbs. For his apprehension and safe confinement in Jail, I will pay tlie above reward, lie is believed to bo in Harris county, Ga. JOHN B. I1E\RY. Glennville. Ala., Feb. 7, ’57 twit wtf NEW FIRM. MARCUS & RAGLAND, 77 UKOAI) ST., COLUMHUS, GA. DEALERS IN CIIOICK FAMILY GROCERIES, Have in store, and ore constantly receiving, a well selected stock of all articles in their line. 03“ Call on us,and remember we sell for Cash! VAN MARCUS. THUS. RAGLAND, JR. September 9, 1856 tww tf REMOVAL! W E HAVE removed to Mr. E. BARNARD'S old stand at No. 1‘A Broad Sire si, opposite Redd. Freer A Co. where we will continue to keep r .'apply of the best PROVISIONS and GROCERIES which wo will sell at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES! Thankful for past favors, we respect fully solicit a conUn- wahee of patronage. <07*Terms CASH, or when called for. ta.Cash paid for COUNTRY I'RODUCEt JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. October 11, 1850 w t may $15 Reward! RANAWAY from the undersigned on tlie 1st inst., a negto man named JOE, about 35 years old, very black complected will weigh about 155 lbs., 5 ft. 6 or V inches high, he uses his lef t hand instead of his right, ho will try to pass himself off us a Brick or Stone mason, and carried a trowel with him. speaks slow when spoken to, and hasrather a feminine voice. THOMAS S. MAGltUDER, White Sulphur Springs. Meriwether, co., Feb. 9. ’57 twit wit* $75 Reward! I WILL pay $25 for tlie apprehension of a small negro boy named WALTER, about 12 years old, very bright mulatto, small features, gray eyes, has a down look when spoken to, when talking uses the brogue peculiar to South Carolina negroes. I have reason to believe that the hoy was aided orcarriedoffi by some white person, and I will give an additional reward of $50 for proof to convict any person of the offence. Tho boy will no doubt endeavor to pass for a white boy. VAN MARCUS. Feb. 7 tw3t wtf Runaway! FROM tho subscriber on the 26th day of December last, in Taylor county, one black ►horse MULE, medium size, about 8 years old, was shod before, hnd a while mark from the collar on each side of his neck and a spot on his bu' k from saddle scald—these spots are small and ’perhaps may require close examination to discover them—switches hit] tail when you arc putting the saddle on him. Any information respecting said Mule will be thankfully received and reasonably compensated. Address me at Cuthbort, Ga. Feb. 11—twit wtf D. M. LESEUER. •IJXh Chairs, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Wardrobes, Bureaus, Tables, Safes, ami othor articles for liouso furnishing and domestic uses. All art lulus on sate at our Ware-rooms, are manufac tured exclusively Ly ourselves. Orders addressed to It. (J. JEFFERSON & CO., from COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and others, will receive prompt attention. October 28, I860 -w 6m SOMETHING TO SUIT THE SEASON AND CLIMATE! FACTS HAVE DEVELOPED THEMSELVES T O SUCH an extent that 1 feel to run no risk (from thousands of evidence in the City, where I have lived 11 years, and the county on every side,) in saying that the SOUTHERN CORDIAL Has proved itself to he the most reliable remedy that has ever been put before the public for Bowel Diseases, Flux, Dysentery, Acute or Chronic DIARRHCEA, And lor Small Children while Toothing, &c If I could speak as Gabriel, I would tell tlie peo ple of tho Southern and Western States how and where they con obtain the best the United States, for the above diseases, and I offer it for no otiier than bowel diseases ; hut the Southern Cor- diul is the safest remedy in the world ; is economy itself, and a saving of time, trouble and money. I get orders from iprer at a distuncq. w..oni 1 never saw, asking mo to s, d it to them, thfy having by accident used it, am ,!' .nt more. < Pleasecqll at G! ?V’S CORNER, ;‘ a hoo'o and try it tor yourselves. I will take great'r 1 ,ensure in pMfcing before you such evidence ns wil > Imputable. I never miss a day hut what somdii-V comec up and 9ays, “I am satisfied, it will do. u ti yie more for me than anything I ever used in y 1 fe.” There is a way to prove it, that is to try it 1 03" A liberal discount when ordered hv the dozen. 4 AC I. SMITH, Prop’r#, Guuby’s Corner, Broad Street. Columhus, Ga.. Fob 14,1H67 twit wtf which 1 will county, Ala. The advni minctureal Colton Valley, Macon to do douhh Rib in made ot tit 5 the Cotton crsible so ns ly improved age of my improvemen lists in making them r service. Each half of /ith \lie curve, and tin ic size and shape ; so that when one end t and becomes unfit for use, the farmer can take them off himself, reverse and replace them again, and make them do double the service ot those heretofore used. It will save the farmer the trouble and expense of transporting his cotton gin to some factory and procurin'; a new set of ribs. Any one can take them off’and replace them. All that it re quires is to takeout the screws and run them hack again, unJ then you have a new set ol Ribs. My improved Rib will not he very popular with gin-makers in general, for they say the gins last too long. .Some have acknowledged that it is superior to any Rib they have ever seen. It is tin;farmer that I want to please, and if he will give me a trial, I will cnrtuiulv do it. With 12 years’ experience, 1 flatter myself that 1 can make as good a Uin as any one ; and with my improvement, i know that lean make them last one-third longer, without any ex pense for repairing. All that l ask is to give me a trial. Persons wishing to buy my Double Rib Gin, will please order them, lor it will he impossible lor agents to call on all. 1 will deliver Gins at our Fuetory, nt $£ per saw. Particular attention given to Repairing. Address, J. B. WEBB & CO., March 3-w6m Cotton Valley, Macon Co. Ala. CLAY COUNTY.— Mortgage Sales* W ILL besold before the Courtehoune dour in Fort UainoK Clay county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday iu April next, within the le^nl hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of Land in the town of Fort Gaines, Clay county, Un., containing acres, more or less, known _ ...» — ~'the W-liter T. ( David Hud .. I John t.. Must la: Mrs. it. C. Shnr Nathaniel N ucl- Jan. 27—w tf . Hurt, l’ 1 . 1 *!! AY DEN. Atrent. WANTED! $100,000*2 | )EliNG about to make a change in our business -D all persons indebted |o it* ; arc earnestly request- ielay. Those lain cd to call a nd whom fully notified tlm satisfactorily, bob - past due,; tin Tt ainst hereby respect- jes are settled Cou t without ( A CARD. mUTR PAPER is manufactured at Rock Island PAPER X MILLS. Columbus, Georgia «o-Thm' and u half Cents per pound, Cash paid for CLEAN LINEN and COTTON RAGS. Printing ud Wrapping Paper for sale at low prices July 17 tw tf Nob. 70, 71, 80*and 81, In said town or Fort Oaf property of Maston G. Hass, to satisfy a Mortgage ti fa fre Clay Su|mrior Court, lu favor of Robert L. Mass ton G. B«h«. Property pointed ui Also, a certain pier. <>r parcel i of Land No. 3»5, nt the 6th dlstr Clay county, bounded as follow land, wist by the road leading froi Mild Mmk. - - 'rtgage. nu being part of Lot r or'/.inaTly Early now .rtli by tho McOullock ,rt Gaines to Cuthbort, ;outh by ileurv Denton and west by the street to the Ite. .u Spring, containing 1 acre; levied ou as tlie property of llunry Renton by a Mortgago fi fa from Clay Superior Court, in favor of 0. C. Greene vs. llunry Renton. Property pointed out lu the Mortgage. DAVID JONES, Sheriff. Juuuury 2U, 1857 t ds o obliged to place them in tiou. M.-KEM ROBERTS- Columbus Ice House. 1 HAVE OPENED my Ice House between tho J- Oglethorpe and Porry Houses, Oglethorpe street, where 1 will keep Ice during the season. All or ders front the country promptly attended to. 03"Price 2A cents per pound when more than 30 pounds arc taken—all under that amount, 3 cents. Feb, 18-w3m A. F. LANGFORD. Shad Emporium! T HE undersigned lias opened a Shad Market in front of the “SUNNY SOUTH,” first door above Gun by & Co., and will receive SHAD FRESH FROM SAVANNAH EVERY DAY ! All orders front tho Country will receive prompt at tention. Call and try me. Feb 19-w 2in A. F. LANGFORD. W. M. Cheney, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Talbottou, Georgia, W ILL Frneticc in the counties of Talbot, Tay lor, Marion Muscogcoand Harris ol the Chat tahoochee Circuit, and Upson of the Flint Circuit. $3“ Any buriness entrusted to his cure will meet with prompt attention. Feb. 10 - w jm Flour! Flour ! ! W E HAVE just received front Demnead.ofMa rietta, a lot of his Superior Superfine and Fam ily Flour—the Superfine is made of tho best Rod Wheat, and the Family Flour of the very bed se lected White Wheal. For sale by »Wl!P ’•-ii Corn, Corn! BUSHELS nt Corn, I 1 n ni »' A BUSHELS III Corn, lor snle by 1 U.UU’J SHEPHERD & MOSS, Dec 23—wtf Redd’s old otand. G “"M>UmA. MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Whereas, William A- ' teiwiiH applies for Letters of Administration on the es, tato of John D. Howell, doc’d, lute of suid county: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singulat the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause (if any they have,) why letters of administration as aforesaid should not ho granted to said applicant, at tho Court of Or dinary to be te-ld in and for said county, on the first Monday April 1‘IIERD Sc MUSS. OR sale by Field Peas, SHEPHERD A MOSS. Dec. 23- w ti Corn and Cob Mill. J UST received 20 No. 'Z and il Mills, and lor sale at our Wat July 8, ’56 GREENWOOD & GRIMES. w ly Seed Oats. BUSHELS tnrsnlo by .UUU SHEPHERD A MOSS. and for t July 3—w tin at H 1 BROWN’S FOUNDRY, Columbus, Ga. Seed Oats. 2.000 BUSHELS of fine Seed Oats, for sale 6 to tin."