Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, June 08, 1865, Image 1

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COLUMItl/ti. (i .\ .n f n NORTHERN NEW.' Nxw York, AUv 31.— CottoiMB card Gold ia:;. New York, May 20.—-Th* Herald'.- correspondent gives fu*I particular of tli* liK^t at Ba.secha. Texan-- tha laitbatlle .v the rebellion. The national fore*, I'NlTtO.'l' Th« varied- hind 1 , ‘ecuritioi*, i> , j, >f t Iip ‘20th 1 I. The ir re no It ■GUN'l^SHi K|)N |.;ss. •n-rV, .1Ho— r jptjTe of the v —p Imiifii* Mid ■WhrV* York Tl,„e. Col. Barrett. wh« only three hundred 4 .h'jvoii*^ STATES DIRECT itr 7 n *\ It »tart;*d for foraging purpose*, rent . THE U. . tax' * aud surveyed u ;eb* I reran at Palmetto but with me'-.p * ... . . . ' ranche, end we®, in the rnnamencement men] of imv' 1 .' The Lniied Mato- I.«x ( omnusMoner ( ,f the movement, very •uoo*9?ful, cep- tiniaAtto'ct'^'j i« at work in Charleston. A writer in the Hiring the camp end making oth*r value- thirties" i» Jr'■! g Courier mawor* many inquiries which bleaeizure*. Col. Barrett's troops kept „,t_ which lb* 1 **i* dudv -And him At loiiow. • pushing on. driving parties of the rebel* note* hmr,l-'U * tt ‘* before lh«m, till finally they found them- each $10u, or^e ow hemp coi- telvcs confronted by about a thousand and thirty A re in Charles- rebels, and were obliged to retreat. It o. The Urn 1 t ap- appear* that Col. Barrett had cone killed to the U permit ea.VniH'w*' , * ,'utiiMla''- y ^ (.loiyOl'l in ♦ > v -r, ftl*ro «ent the(J The United hint Icicted by the commissions ton is levied by an af. of proved August -V lBtil and is a part tax for the year 18«il, upon the entue n a estate of lh (ration. The quota of th s then in rebellion not paid. "«WI. lit gold, jfc . Tlv l iin Willi- ► Jtfcntl* Ka-Ateor int<*r- A*"ey«>•*>- convertible por <]'ny on •V r * ^,,>^von Mtollnr* Nj.wkIi V-'lwdilU RKOONSTHI't'TlOX IN VllUil.NIA. A reconstruction meetinp* wa* reconM'v held at StHiinfon. Vs . a».| predd-.| o.,m- Jl ® n ! A - •(- Stii.-tri, hi which the l"..owing rtfirniitsotis worn |m*sml : ’• newilvnl. Tint w« Im.levn w« t-j )>rt*« ih» thorough t-nnviriinn of tliu pen- Auifiiitn iimnty, when wo (WUru "I'l' , ”'ti > " 1 •» tlio Hllthoiity 01 til* I ftitod n.hio- witliiiuhU fount,v i? «t nit on.i, unci ilmi Ihnral* no t.urpose on tlio I ,l> opJi* to ntuunpt any rnnoivnl aowioa, _ \ 'or,furor ", .'I'' >. 1 illmnnf To Swap, f It. county, n the light, and only a i«.w wouudod.— the United M' 1 Seventy of h»» man were raiuior many half-yearly 't\ -f them, however, afterwards made their ~u:A. :. ur. estate of lh' tratiou. I he quota ol the ot them, however, afterwards made their which iniy I’ lo« tates then in rehollion not Having been (ucape from the enemy, and returned to. Government 1 '' paid, an ad wa*pa-..«d i' 1 dune 'approved camp. The rebel loss ii not known. Rnv »ll^ the. *tth; la'.j, extending the provisions of Great excitement wa< cauiedat Browan- improbabUi'vi the tax law to “in-urredicnmry disti l* 1 t" ▼ill© by tlio movement* of Col. Barrett's be offered thiv t*» *d. That the people of August;. tcognip.itig that the (lovnrmnent of V itiin hliould be altered «•» h * to conform to ..... ™ (, onMit«tlnn and law- oV the United l" 1 •Sir.il ii#<u : 'JilK'l state*, a I'd prepared to eo operate in good > • *w """ ion -V V *Xyat'w'ily- the cfl^ 1 ^“obj^ ° f A (Uiltsr. four years oliV, :or rwo koo'I Mil-h A «<»v >, with their \blve*. i\.|| *| f vli.'i i w ; jim;'3.:' ,n,r ' 1 ' >n«.» W'iXzr SADDLE AND HARNESS . _ r iiuynt. , t , n ;ulrrs ; st r ci«S»'bvTi.“V*^ ...W or,f ? , { "I""' ,0 * nl the »V*i n U—4-w loarv at a t.’Ti&v «»e appoint- propo.-cd, (t. is under th j ebfuary< i tie comtnii By iu pi , ami .March i I 7*' ■ • , . MO in* jl men (led foraging party, the rebels there taking it cbeaour i»t" 1 '||i • n».i, that for an advance on that place. ;* Theterfl’d « are now prnccediiir . N kw York, May &’•. -Th# following is ihe per renifrt •»“*».* "oon a.*, lint national a synopsis of an important order juat ii- United Swlhl , military authority u n>tabiihhed «»vcr hiia» *ued from the War Department relative p oni , Hre mli'i political iubdivi ion of a State, the law 1 to the mustering out and diurbargR of which may to go into etlbct. The commiaiionera are volunteer*. The several division* of the to the lioldm', ic directed to as«*M- a dm* proportion ol the variotu army corps will he kept intact, ; r , poin' j ur upon each piece ol real e-tate, whether md commanding General*, iinmediately should bo i>K\ in town or country, ou«n an office, and on receipt of order* directing any portion loan, at a lei' 4 give notice that the tax U payable and of said forces to be muttered out, will < ent. |( , they are prepared to receive it. The at- order tha tame, if not a.ready thereat, to 4 Thnl«nl • eismerit to l*« made on the la-t valua- one of the following placet of rendezvous ; -rold bearinf 1 tion made by the Slate prior t<> January Uirat, troop* of the middle army, and of cents of IfHll/l iFt, 1851. or in default <»i that, upon .such the army ol the depart merits acting there- Gtyvarnmoni’y' iilher valuation asthocommi.siomirrt may in, will lende/.voue in th* defence* of until afterlb ,, » 1 inW , — IcrUr*'* 'u npp I 'umJ to m II Imrinf b*knus of the hAiiili lid 1 -yearly cou- 1 iff yearn, but ^ uuolfiri jptiaed, .011 notice ^.wyiime^l’ tH-ten year#, ^'pii 11" (ioven linnmii'w y on : x)Io( iiU*f'*> -t 1 liun x is to b* Washington, Harper's Ferry, and Cum- mwi dcdnl'V giving ol the berland; tboae ol the military divitioo of loans.ae a fbcprrjiH he beet able to ascertain. Th received sixty days I . — notice, without inlerc.-t; alter that pjnod the Janie-, at Kichmoud and Old Point interost attaches at iho rale of tori per Comfort, Virginia. These of the deoart- cant. per year from the 1st day of July, ment of North Carolina will assemble at trt»»2. Newbern and Wilmington; the depart* K«oh ta* payor ia to appear at tb*j office moot 6f South Cundina at tbarl^tor. and of the commieeionor* in person, or in caiu havanunh, the military division west of <ul to go to Richmond ami ascertnin whetliflf the militury authorities of the United State 1 - will interpose any obstruc tion to the election, As-einhliug and ac tion of such a convention for the purpose indicated, and (lint tho chairman of this meeting b« the chairman of said commit- Ticnt tec, new ■>. That Ibis committee be also author* . per i/.ed to confer with similar committee* to l><* appointed in other counties, and P» cent, adopt in concert such measures a* will he.*l promote the object* herein declared. Thu nrocending* of the meeting were marked by groat solemnity and dignity. lil#l, iCHWMihft thia tlio The assemblage embraced a Urge tharo of the 1 Tjiited Slate* the intelligence and might of the count v. STOr-EN it. fan 1 dei nndi and thiol', .At Manley jTYlodr paid for the dolicerjr or niilier. K. K. DURAN. Id "tAn t. Cor h^nlc , V^oaiiitiofi * uf li percent. U known the ti per iV»th rfdesemed by the •tcojll by porch fine Cliewii ScKlTuleli > Billie Bowl L’lia ritielcer no Snull. %i u. f. nr it an. Af Manley A llodvr•' , olu st4t:d. ; Tobacco. okiriK Tobacco, r.- Smoking Tobacco imoklna Tokwxcoa, he cannot so appear, then by liia attorney either in factor legally appointed, nod Uni attorney must show Hint the peioou wlm. e ti*x h* applic* to pay either has not eo • gaged in the rebellion voluntarily, or h taken the oatb of allegiance l >'»tat-e*. . it On the expiration ot l• property on which th 1 — S 0 v eo-Tb |f ; # 2— -Five*Twf* 3— Ten-KofUlii •t - -Sixes "i' the MUtistlppi at Mobile, New Orleans, and V'ickaburr; the military division ol Tots! Mihsotiri nl Little Bock, Ht. Louie, and [ fJ t. m currT' 1 Y- -oa »the United Fori Leavenworth; the, department of th« Cumberland at Nashville, Knoxville, and Memphis, Tenn.; thedepartioeoiof Ken tucky at Louhiville; the middle depart- ixty duyi, all ment at Baltimore, is unpaid ia Special orders will be given from the lut. in gold I n adding here (livitdj >>08,8'Jl ol tb*‘ | ot the UniuL roTl 11 olllx low* : *11M Of I,KM - ;»!Ri o4-V,'0K . 172,770,iw» - •3d,raii,kM ^lJiV). 877.1'ft 877,400 Titertet storka will be given Iroiii the , jf 'i office relative to troop* t0 . r ® s J 11 i ,l .% | • ptrliuent of lU..K«t, consideied torleitud to the United State*, Adjutant General and tha cuiiiuiWMonere may sell ibi* eamo serving in the department by giving thirty days’ notice. Dunlin I’cuuaylvauia, Northwest, New Mexico °J A .. l 'y" tax may be paid at any lime nolore the nud the Pacific, a* the lime for the dis- p n ®® r day appointed for sale, by paying the in* charge «f seid troops approaches. In uhcki are i^ ( , tare«t accruing h» above atnied, nnd in ad- case of one or more rogiincuts of a divis* * r ® 01 j|l v dition a penalty cjual to oiiu'hulf the tax, ion being muateied out, the division re* ‘' ren '. U iV which attaches ah soon a* the property i maining in the field, tlio *aid regimoat or *, P *' advertised for sale. regiment* will mustered out at the . » 01 „j,!' 11 ! The interest in Ubarlerton became place where found *erving at the time and ' :0 , nlh ', Lr chargeable alter tho *itli iu*t,« Tho pen- aont to thoir several Statoi. inwrobt e j,* ally will not become, probably, till The Herald's Kichiuoml correhpoudeul November next, before which time, it im ^ayf: iSeddun, the rebel ei-8ecretary of thought, no adverticoment tor lax bales War, haa been arrested aed imprieoned ill be made civ of lb«' 4 4 , After the mb' on a gunboat in Janie* river, •vilh Hunter Uaviog jiliLtK ivc&.ni*"? jytyss“ 1 -S“ SKBS . .1 1 C. ,.ni* Ci.iilli ia alrauitv i milnrtfil VV ♦! filld ill' *V eatinwe‘t-1—neut. #| . ■JV^Undiojg-total* of each Inwi Ok.v. Iona. —1 his gentleman b again at hie home in Georgia. The Atlanta Journal cayti; Soon alter his iirrival at Nsslivillu (ien. (.’old) wh« in formed l.y •t rnarhlial of that city, tlml by h telegraphic dispatch .r un President Johnson, he was directed to relome Lien on his parole, and allow him »<> return to Georgia and report to Goncral WiLen, Tido nowa was as unoxptctod a- gratify* , ing to Urn General. We uro nloinud to tBiiduiff • 1,- tenujy tlint ho wr« treated with groat re- tide peruenu , |w ,. Uod kmdnc-s by every t'cloml „ili- 1,111 r l l *l !",• •-■" r wil, ‘ ' v ' ll0,u (*« caiiiB m contuct fmm ' -h# lime 1.1 liis urrost lo liii ml,.,,,,.. . 1 . [jld *taii'n due. orr-mbH'kaa,” and “li'fjal — — >MWe. .*^11 th.* kiim'ii- Turn.ok.Mii. Uavia. -TIki Now York . nm«.r.-"u*i s'tfl, Imi.iW.i Tribune, in relation to the oharuo tif ,V;.'turnl_.tion, true ol complicity in tliu as.-Rs-inHtiori, aayK, "VYa «»«|||[*| l|. «ar simple or would not liave him tried for it anio-r tin, . \ . —* on th« iiiatu- evidence i. plainly luOlclonl to convict imiflt uf tliioo. *1 per bint.” after I8«H, tlio Ln regard U) tlio tilmrie of trouson: lablo on Lius “And if ho)o to be tiiod, we trust that Months. trial will tin not merely public, deliberate, null invested tvith ull the fotina and mi UKonau — lomilio- oflctjllly nduiinittercd jusliua, but T. S. SPEAR old customer* and ally, thul he haa r«*atu?d corner ot BroaU ami W OULD hu thopubli .. ..... PuMiie.vs ut hO old at 4 Kandolph fit recti*. Watones. Clocks and. Jewelry raptured in ihe bcj*t uiuuncr. and warranted. I'.S. PiTfiuu. hav ink usetul articles belonging 1, will ho Hiiitulily r**w.«rdeil by reiurotoa t Ilf*111 to .-to IHUA.—lit ye lift void in * Vvtiyaii 1 I )KNTIST»Y. O K. It. tNUBljK bavinfc removed to ht-* ol i rtiiml in Jeink' huilvlinK. over Mr. t>pna>r'* Jewelry Morn, and bavin* prepared himoe!' with ;i irood .-teck <»f «uM und lin foil, would ntperlluily illicit tho p.itronawe oi all wq wihhtulavci him with »t-tall. First rooms ou tho ri«hl, up fUirr. Aitil'n i il teeth .-upplied on rhort notice, on the l>e-t. pluiifi known to tho art- May 83.1865. -»t K. NOBLE. CITY FOUNDRY. -N Atiii M* | Jeff. L)avi« i bit* alone in his call, aavo eiaggoralejj, ^ My em wUh l 'int<>rc*l , at"tlio r rute ot 15 pot- .Smith i> already capturmi . ..I nor v.ar Irotu tho tune uf sale. Any . ■ ... ... olrmni an redeem within tliia time. Af- thu two (uarda, who are uot permitted to plantert n . rbor . nrovinc loyalty may ro- addreaa hiui ou any eubject whaterar, of M.itcbci'% Zmt anySim-Yuiiaa ^ otfrom and it .. understood b. ..11 be.iv.ono th.tr work; ... lwo veers, varying in length ac light. loete bsyii',,, ( onedimr to their elaHK, w hether aniemuije It ia eaid that diaeloaures have been At atalioni'' h.womt -ear minora, etc., nnd aceordinR made on cxainininf the captured rebel tho nesri'd m the discretion of tho ta i comrainsionera. documents, impltcatin* prominent north- tho towns • An anneal may bo mailo trom the de- era men, whose loyalty heretofore bar The inert > . ision ol the tax r ointniesionera to the not boon questioned. miudi that' ,, l-nit.d state* t'uurta Adric.a from Matamoras, Mexico, to keep mum- 1 ' The certifu ate- of -tile, however, iaauod tbo 4th, say the Imperialists atill hold that home of * hv the comraisfionora, can ho ettected in place, and it is boliov.d that the nopub only one of throe ways 1st, by ahowiu* licans, undar A ignett, are withdrawing, no tax was chargeable; Id, by paymer.t of tax or, property. , The commissioners arc empowered t bid in, under certain regulations, | men ti 1 '! i I, flying- tri, Liorh lif^cn been grontl.v . Hi* <ur ^miti » of tbo Xo^tiiKJ-'- In lift whole t \.v,liut h i \ nogrooo left Nn-tjis xml tiiroo *»/ VhIhuDG now i*t wurk. Kirrifnms nro located, So ol*1 li | 'v»-<}ii to oouip in 'Mi.inr aruuHnd tbo btrwit^. Linade up their ^•Tflionipe ll«dtu work t<» Vxr.uidoboey ' till! UlllUl tlml il will l)i.*pr«hi(lc(l ov Ju:lir« ot tl|4 Unit0(1 HIhIOa. I Ii o (TTiYiocf /Snlet! will j like numbo)“defeud tho ease, and Hint MVHr.y quortion properly itivuvod in the sue vrilj be raised and decided. Wo triond.H atnl the public Reaerally. that v« KLBIJIIaT thoir FOUNDRV.ftod propurod to do nuy kind of CASTING • >r Iron; licit *«tSui<arMill*of‘ u ~ IFIIUVBD PATTERN, and any • owiH WAIUIAKT to STAND: SYH KS, BA UK MILLS. GIN GKAR1 ,,,r »v« Y1V. U | 1 nnJwny kind of mill work. alO'-. VVd irii-'l >V =3 will mukoany KiuJ of Maebinary to irouccutc, and h amt .TTraetTuT &IL LL4.. o of the beat „ nuntry. want h di«lirjcL poiitiv.i adMTcHtHin of lIOj?LOW-WAR^f 1 * 1 * ,a Ur,c ®-"* ort “ lucotion with •ojourci the fiorvieed of o '1'BitN A1AKEKS. iii tho ukui* i - v..n,.»w, .Ujuuicaiwn Ol iiuUjUW WAKE; «-ufth as POTS oWVs iuinud r, if ht ot a btata or .States to bKIt.I.BTb, SPI UERs and LID.-. " ' witliu mi \v IroP, tho union at ploa^uro, hh Waiwill exchauge uny thiua iu our liot» for alflo on til itir alleged power lo absolve their H P y «.A M vr .“*- Country Produce, ut old PHTCh: citizens from their ailegiantw to the Fed eral Constitution." MONEY. Orders re.-pootfully solicited and prooaptly showing »*i, redemplioii of Monteroj, auu Caiuargo are in pos“e*- sion of the Hepublicans. San Francisco, May ‘JO — Examina tion was made into the circumstances at tending the conspiracy to seize the T*aru rv forth" United ritHtu* nt the tax sules.*— vian ateaiuer Colon, at this point, reveals proper con 1 The nropartv «o bid in may atU-rwanlr ho these lacts, that partiaa on h.ard tu« boat, wav thsr rc»old iu <iuhntitie« not to exceed three numbering some lour hundred, enlisted crops wn. ( Dome uj have nlropr, their n^ l|t stores ar# 1‘lis‘l will' I, comlort i' i,. tb« crops s' - ^ well. Ou' 11, r Ptiu'T II 1 ' Vst.ind'-tucy I'lieorfully. Spiuhkpeb or the IUm .Stove ,^,1 inlUj^ntial j.laiUcrs wicu-imoUiKeuco hav beau received at *J.|«ei|u»a hie tt-rtin. with Naval Headquarters in this city, says tho ^ >-»w Orloaa- Times, of the 1st inst;. that !Vi rj.tlis^tnc^jy 1 ;IJ liitg essary ^^U.Wt aritir* resold iu i|Uhntitu' hundred und twenty i baser. At these six- ^Idiers, sailor* and murines, having laith fullv served in the army, navy, or niarini corps ot' the I'nited States lor not lees ostensibly to proceed lo Arizona, out foriug really to’land on the Meiican coa"t in liie liulf of California. A man aamud Wil- r marine liann was th» ll.nsral commandinit tte expedition, and another named Hunger ford, of the Army of tb, Potom-- - than three months, era entitled to buy, ford, of the Army of tb. Potorna., wav bv paving one-fourth the purchase money its Colonel. Williams and others con- down’ and tho balance in three years, ceived a schema to aer.e the C olon on !ne 1 *' ... a ' l . W., net 1 ranph/>mn >n*rp4 without interest. sea to privateer against Trench commerce. Coder certain other regulations the ,‘iome of the leading parlies in tha con- commissioners are required to hid in land* .piracy were formerly Known aa _rebel at the tax salts for various government sympathizers^ l h “ lJHfHtMt In the tl 1 - 1 day isrt H' Cornm'i’tM,' bllli No.I'' M cd. PORTER, McILHENNY Jk CO.. .. . Near »Stcaui)*(»ut Lauding. May 10, 1805.—tf Cola cabin, (is. . „ - „ ,- - .mat Daily Hack to Montgomery *y bo Mip- thu rotiel rani Stonuvvall ha 1 * Nurr<<iidi>i-i-fl ® ▼ ll-ir at Havana to the ^nish aiSfide' hKOir U * IOy W™*- ctuMi iho miriender wia made on the iiUlli \ r PHE uudenlgoed will ootnmeuos. on Noo- jiounnm ic • ami proiiiiee demand lor the huirender had nreviou-.lv ,da y morumg, M» y L7th, u» run I;;;;^ .... I v'tr Lf,1,,„? ofl that port, l’lto nows eomna Son Office in Culiuuhus, oi at hnion Springs. MPaniid, abundant by urn way ol (ialvc-ton, Pi which point mayE> A. ZOKKOWfali i’ A CO. It was dispatched by tlio Ifnitod States flnp-of-war lo La, and w*. brought to UrletM by the fort daclcsoo, Oapt. 11. f. Sand-, commatuliiiK the West dull' rquadroo. Duil/ fhaMaxicao Gen. Vtgfk elect rntt or;ty"l"; rUo a bill n! minority a aline IIU cnitl IVI immu- r, w ■* X* • v- "J >* . i UIUIUIH.Y ' and charitablepurpn.-es. -More than one- agent ot the Juarez Government, made ,- rnra th,j both Her 1 in* quail'A, The r.V half of tho lands sold for taxes iu IK-att- large advances of money to 44 illtnuni as fort District have been so bid io. Some leader of the emigration irbetxe, and as- of these have boon et apart lor military certaining that the moosy was l.keJ.v to purposes, but by far tho larger share haa he misapplied, gave ^formation agamst willl |i seen reserved for schools and for 'Tioads "Williams. The men selected by Williams w’here I' of families of the African race,'’ to whom for the enterprise wore sworn in P'l’sl*. Jr »nchl'.ni>' they have been sold in stuull parcels not on the blade of hit sword, to carry it Tfaer,)!/' exceeding twenty ac re- each, at private through, rhe parties arrested are in (»• , ol er, thsi 1 ' salt, and atthe nominal price of one rlol- City Prison, charged with conspiracy to ,. ro> . tmij' lar and a quarter to one dollar and » half commit felony, and will ha examined be- RInfinMl |il l ' art acre loro the police court to-morrow. on |, el ,!k * anecr. The trial of tbo Panama (urates con- th J tet( rf<| A gontleman who traviJud on tb« Gen- tiaui**. Th* latter uf the rebel Necrawry E (j 0 n snJi tral road yestorday, iuiorm* he met Mallory shows what w»» to be dene. Its trt *n orl ,1 ,* *■ • - • .1 .dmittar^ Tb» txPiitnnern . ./!' i, \erv little V^iipat-I. MufOT-w Tfhr/rjj)h. Sl'Mf NWIIT IN Tk.VsVKPSKE.— \e.«^»»intasuivw, <»n iMon- fro[«i the J udiclary r..r.>ltoiU«a Hou«e, Hour-* ii lA i0 r- *M«MV.LC tutru* fftHPurtert ?roantbc „ » hill in Jiau, Mllyng thu_j view^ of thn S iUBHiitt—A*, »l(ko n bill *ppoiote,| by ) ori.Jef I * tit diaFranchia- Salt, Salt. oxchanxe lor BACON. LARD. FLIUR, _ • i»roduce <»t any ciofcrinlion. Mav V ii. M. KENI UOE A :0 T°< (Jeneral Lo* ami his family ami most of the people in Richmond nro living on nv- tio!i- supplied from tho Federal «;nve«. BANK NOTE QUOTATIONS. Murine Bunk j Bank of Savtiunuh Oeiilftil Railroad i<uu . i Bank ut .Middle BaaL ot Augu.'ta >J) dL. DISBOXjUTIOIV. HK COPARTNEKSlf IP heretofore vsieiin^ I in*, under the mime audatjt* of KAitt*. La whon »t Co., ia th:-« * Ia^ JD^Ivod t*v raiuoJ consent. l'urties bavins: fund • in our hood*. Ait thosa owing uh. will pleu-oj f'Kil for smlernan KOSUTTE, LAW HON CO May 2th 18*'.r».— lilt * ssnial * — tae great ditfi- St^WeTIt^. Vo as.ttaj ireit, when, bnul; ol tifvrgts • * iilwe“x _ the linn of di*- Bank of^Aihen* - >.5 «'!^.[»fi , " r « i .»[tb; ...... Vo t»fAMVwill in <rood laith > \ V . r. It. (new i*sue.i ^ Inittd Mate 4 , and the All other railroadsuinir inMielm yuidisB *1 lb« .Huts It am , , a ro i.ivx.ib mu tin uni tevetive franchise j- n j nn j 1(>n | h q *>'*' nesty l-'rocliiin- .South W esteru’Iti Ri ii’k.''Cha.-' Vd ftidoiK snd intelligent hatjiernBuuk ofAlabama do. so die. SU di?. CAUTION, i LL per.-one arc warrted ugaurtt aid ng for / i x an y note-made pays bio to J»y oi« r, or '*■" dis- iue or hearer, as my no re* find oderw war* nominal ttt ken trom tue vault iu Hr. Koboft Carter'* •notumal Drug Store duruiK ib« raid. Anv 1* havlai •par. >ur |i |,.,|,erfl in their |.o.-5es;irra m| do •l' ur - kindne-s by returning them to •pm- «enoe t<« Mr. R. Carter, sxa. May 1,1865. •PC;.; die. to earn uioney. , tion was hlmost beyond desermuon, many of them almost famished, lie a u*. also .aforined that there were many hundred* lav inn iu the wood# in the vkioit.v oi the ail road, iu the amuin Mate ot destitutions The New York Herald's Nassau Torres- Rlxyeatl, ( ponded states that an unknowo sobooner, eminent P ( which vailed from Baltimore recently ou a legitimate cruise, was hailed before get ting out d! Patapsco river, bv home men ol U iieir conduct Vcjvitu l>* - admitted to h11 /minelsfti ve Iran chi*.! ^rt »d vorjite-4 iheex- , ilertiv**# t'rftac'fii.o for iSadt ffU“-«n(Dof the Gov* ...so ; A htb* din. 5 din. >0 di*. Southern Bank Bank ut Mobile For i ox. - A lew ^ule." have been made during lliv »** »-L, but uuder j<rotwt, tbo parti*, ,-ellius Doing uM»-<*d for money. The hii<li«<t price ohumV WH- ]•>•!-; <5tnt8 per pound. L i- worth all of »>iu New York, end therefore theiuile* (DU'FYi , or by formal hore sre uo onteriou to i'. Yiilue. It i* is 4er«H toll* in HCCorw worth 50 in New York it ought to briutf .W< TV I — — , iliTi my <*h * if.M. L. wfaSVM. Notice. ; . rartian or persona having any of our G FURNITURE—f*ui;hL Jura.Tvnc x...« Bottle . Scale*. Mortar*. Grvluate Man ure.-, Fill Tile 4 amt .Spatula*-will he liberal y rewardi-d on rfiturnio^ tbo j ame}t'i our ctor*. Also, any B0OK8 Leioaxinx 11 u . They w* of uo ftorvice to any „ue except fatt,elv•*._*&<* L N D Y R i ind that atone poin'uhr. c moo ia a .ingle wishing to obta,c pauage to Pointfjool:- IVuhdbaUUieJ irooi -tsrvatiou ««M- out. As soon as they got ao bogrd tbey rtlv nWht Huimnitv would dictalo that overpowered thecaptaiu ted crew and put 01 »«»«<% MmathiDK bo don: lo, tho rebel of tbo o thorn a.-horo excepting two negroos, and taraobes. hut uuortuualely our people made ...I with tbo schooner, arriving at Auioi|r- 7-0 not in couditi.u t-> oiu them. Tho Malt Coy, liaharnas, on theI.tb ult. Tho Htvaoiffl J'tion of country i. which they ato tu l*e Auierum Consul uiadii a demaiiU on the ac army#" T!r.nd it 1 owiur u» tie ravage of the war. British outdoritiM fortbe<drr«Jyr uf fba aud traof • 'aimoai destitute of Applies ur ih# white# vessel, but this wm not acceded 4>. f b* f'ranfiwJJH 4r * resident-, aid they *|urn>t po«*i- pirates ware ordered to leave if lib her tu new* iron* * Vy aid tb¥ runaway negroe* twenty-four houi * Tbay did notdoio, in regardV 8 * 7 Mae... TeUatvpl.*th. but r*»aiuea up to .4*te a# letwt acceuBt. Statuupd pi “Njpplinciples.s laid down ^>o o^iaa o r earb of the hills in (IS to bp tho order ‘NnuBJay, i Macon. it in iiuiiovpihlo to carry on oar uaf\nwlvh ACRE A COLLIER. Eagle Drug .Store. ■1124,1886. M J. P. MURRAY J|AS reaunied lilt nork, ]4* reaunied lit* *tand. June 8,18»w‘*.—Id* 41 EQDJof fl#9* Wf io the latest •'•edivef oneitatinxihui •.'LRiuei, vewiih cquipruunl 4 r stsprepifesd ontne coa*t oi * hnriftiT receipt af tb* first •'hitnlBfur in* to Nlapoloon * . u.,iic=>B ot tbo t ailed ”I 1 , m"I.Un'iuku'aYar •SiUH-Vw r.ty.Ma-.l. Hh. Jus. I ia-h-?l* FOK KENT- ORTABLF HOUSE, (upr«r part o the city, fur the moioier,; wnh gouJ »*, them. Coluinbu-, Apr ______ NOTICE rpHOS. J. STANFORD. No. W Broad St.. U 1 my duly autnorized AgeM duriuf my *«• oencefrom the city. aHd rally.Tepr«#« eauj me ;»nd ray intere.-t. J. I-. W1NTLR- liiHyiiVloa NOTICE. fFHE CREUITOK.S. official wad private, ot U 1 late George li. VVadded, Frobate Judge hursell county, Alabama, are hereby aunt to present their claim 1 *, forthwith, t the uni? j.r.mDii ' /