Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, June 12, 1865, Image 1

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IDUli IliDDD r , T ‘‘* LiT ' r P°° 1 «>»ton market, on the W.*hii*ot*k, Jam 5.-Tk» Mexican 'ERF. PRESIDENT—HIS PERSONAL I ‘in r n 20th May, wasiclive, with an advance of Humtlun oncomore attracts attention. H ABITS AND PUBLIC POLICY. M. on tbe belter qualities. Sales on that ^.M° re **l n Ministers are perplexod, nnd Wa»hiugt<m Correspondenco of the Cincinnati dav 20 000 bal»« win probably as* an explanation for thu rp. . ’ sendiug of thirty thousand men to thu ^“e ^«och of the United States Htu Grande. aTiirrMiiUS. c;a., JUHI* IS, ih«3. District Court, which, it is said, will prt* : -*-♦*— COttJMBV*' , side at the trial of Mr. Dnvi#. wlRbeoom- CJVILIAMS AND oFF! OF LATE NK\Y8. of Carlton of Ohio, Judge 11 1 Crifn EXTRA. All person? their po;sossii stores will at c Commercial. .Vresident Johnson lmt- not lasted l.ous or malt liquors, te-tmanual winu or ,ltor ® 1 ^ Lier,” since the 4th of March, ami doej* headi p’lCfiRS IM. root keen any intoxicating drinks about, lint House. Hi? health, though it was Mt* u * Olivarof K-nTi.r,*LV'a T.iX.TwuJ1 A northern journal tufnialia? the follow- ^ry seriously impaired during his mi- T«.a War Department d«i it-a the state- ... V. Kentuc< J» *»“* Judge Wiley ot , nK o| c^ilen* a , n i ^u-ers now in don*:** •“ Naslivule, as Military Governor ™ " _ J h „ tnl .n tli.t hi. di.netche. v ' r K ml *- confinement, tome ewait'uijr di'po.iliiili ... <•) 'EenNW.ee, i. now quite good, and iiu. meet of Oen- 3 ' * . Washington dates of the 2d in»t sev eoldiare and other* a* criminal.: already acquired tn« repuinuun of dispu- North Carolina wero purpu.oly . . . T «iugof buimew wild rapidity. ^h.ld from publication. The di.- 2 ,‘ P _ r " d *?‘ h “ need, demand. on ‘ .. . . He ^ of cour«i, beau by the prolific ( eUieel navar received h* for indemnity for fco deprtde- Jeff. I)»»ii, ex-Prcsident of the rebel tribe of flatterer* of place and power,who - . ,*tchaa. It ia aata. y tioni committed by the Alabama and on < '°nf-' ler, CT- , ..... Miuad hie praiiaa with exceeding vigor; thniuKb the uiu.il* uf the linited 8ut*j. .i),p,rtmeiit Mr. Mantun'e course „ , . ioe Alexander H. Stepheos, ex. Vice Pre.i- end 1 mention them for the purpose of „ Elio xov.rnuient nositute nil) be pnid hr the ■ JfcTnoo to the agreement between Spa ■> Mr the surrender o. tharamStoae. dent of the rebel confederacy. saying “do Z. deriv'd, iiKueu W.M L?Sherman and Johnston has been ] * .. . John H. Hsagan. ex-Ponimaster Uane- about him from tlmiu. i»«u;.nw«i,ty-Uve cents tor eachsmglVlSisror t** 0 ** 0 j x-».i.j_.a A Washington dispatch says that no **'• M .. ... llut the putlory constantly lavished by <»ie nail ounce, the same amount being added •Wtton W. Uarnson, rnvate Secretary those who hope lo reali/.o personal ndvnn- * or l t?ac: h nali ounce additional, and in ail cases the oily or tirinily havioj In uny ordnance or nrduanra c turn over the Mime to theta bo tubjuri lo aired and putt- lnncnt lor ditohedience of orders. By order of J. C. bAMSON. dune 12, lSA r >.—tf C*i>t. t'mnra.ind'a Fast. SOUTH RUN KXPHKSH I MlllfAIlY, / ,• AvntmTA, bA., dune ^ l*f\ > The Agents of the Southern Ksprewi i’ompa than ever to'use, ami of course V1 —: olini. . . ronsg* i j r Sanator R. M. T. Hunter, of \ irginia „ »ill use it in preesiiiK im edrenUge. The Mecon Journal and SUnengrr, of , ll)ho K t’empheU, of Alibeme. the »rne psper's speonl Washington the evening of the 0th, steted that just as • t , SIJTI „ A!pr axsiasis. mnAeh says that the.President’s procla- it was going to press a private dispatch I l...tenant R U Ander.en ef mot him ami talked with him, stale very -•*- *—— - f v - - * * ^ —• i—“ •»—i-«.i t — *i— -i»- —i-.iL-s “!/%,»* k Oaenlinu ' eumuflly ihu lavorable impression that people in their <’hu making them known. (Gentlemen who have of the Fresident, ami who tealion (or the reorganization of North hed been received in the city say lag thet South Carolina. ('aroliea is regarded there «s dellnitely Uon. Joshua Hill hed been appointed ’ * excluding negroe* from suffrage in the tlovernor of Georgia But later dates deutbern States, and a, “delegating" to from Macon contain no confirmation of the people the decision of the matter.— the report. Pk.ra are elreadv signs of an active po- ■ iiTiusade by the radical, on this * y R0 « THK NORTH. ‘ ^ Through iht kindnew of Major General qiMSBCw- ; Wilson, we have be^n placed in pos?<*«- Tbs following Hp|>cmilim‘nls lor North g-, on 0 f m )^to Chattanooga Gazette, of the Carolina have been made by the Fre*i- Hih inst., which contains dispatches from the Northern cities as lota as the Gth. The Tribune’s Washington special says, it is reported on good authority, that 8«c- afpt: U. S. District Judge, U. F. Diolt; Marshal, W. It. Jtufht^df-on; District At corner, Richard Mason; Postmaster nt retary .Stunton has resigned, 'i'his it not Raltifb, Col. J. K. Rust. All the?a ap- positively conUrmed, but It ia known he A “ r '** a ' has determined to leave the Capital. There Alabama, i report aiieat that this desire ha? been Lieutenant Central R. 8. Kwell, of Ya. MAJOR OKN1CI141 n. Major General W. R. N. Reale, of Mls- *11sip pi. Ma}ord)enera\ Edward Johnson, of Ga. Major General Joseph R. Wheeler, of Alabama. nRiaaoicn qemcralh. Brigadier Gtneral Rufus Rarringor. Brigadier General Seth Barton, of Ya. Brigadier General Corse, of Yw. Brigadier General Basil \Y. Duke, of Kentucky. Mumped Envelopes will be furatahei to each ■ neinal olheo mtsonn un they nan beobtaiued. r further iniorinntltn enquire of A|«ou. MJb 111 URN KXPHRSB COMPANY, ue 12, — made upon them. They'describe him _ ... n T. S. SPEAR ns dignittml, reserved on questions of pub- WOLLD announce to hia o|d oiutomen and iic pul icy under di.cu.siuu deeply .Ins,- ble ut ^the greet weight nnd rxHcurtg ue- luudeiph straeu. ' ^ Wutchee, Uloolu end Jewelry reptirel in the best manner, npd warranted, 1 ,ts. Perseu. hastuKuaefutarttctea baloaxtnr o suitably n<t ‘ — tf.-t^y COFFEE. MASOl lure of the responsibilities of bin position ; not elated anu made tlippuni by his ele vation, but solemnized by il. '1‘be "sur- Brigadier General J. U. .Ion**-, of Ya.* Brigadier Goneral Richard L Page, of pointaes are North Carolinians. Hon. Judge Catron, of Tenn., Associate M ^jjited by a violeut collision between the .lodgeof the II. 8. .Supreme Court, died President and the Secretary. Both be- ” '“ r i New York May COth. ing strong willed the former indulged Brigadier General F.drnund C. Rucker, Brigadier General Thomas B. Smith. Brigadier General T. VY. Frazier, North Carolina. (OLOMLS. Col. Saint Leror Grenfel, of England. Col. F. R. Lubbuck, ol'Tennemeo Col. itobertOuld. Col. Harry Giiinor, of Maryland. Pkemiucvt Lincoln 6 Firry Caih- net.—-The New Y’ork Tribune, iu /.punk' tug ol (he formation of Mr Linooln'd Init Cubinet, make the following re- iiiiiuii, uui nuiamin/.i'u uy 11. iub .“Ur- ....... i.. ..Tl.li’ — r v . 1 lac. indict,on.” aruatt jiood that ho yvill fh,!m to !,,y .tir^- ”** rd * d y do his work well nnd be ••idem in hi* ^ * *■* - high office.” Apprehensions are felt tlml he will in* aist upon an unfortunate degree of sever ity toward Confederates undoubtedly whippet!, and possibly repentant. These are not likely lo bo ruali/.ed. Even Jell. Davis will be tried by u civil court, and it in probable tlml we have seen the lust ol Uials, by military comruiBsiotiH, of civil win*, in States wncre the proern* ul the courts is unobstructed. Hut if JutVorsou Davis should be sentenced to be hanged, t i.- extremely unlikely that Andiuw .lohuson will pardon him or modify the sentence. Many auppo.mGov. Brown, ul Georgia, has been harshly Ueuil with, ami the henevoluht and forgiving think of ilm Governor at languishing in a loathsome nungeou. A gentleman who c«||,d on the President, m the evening, a lew days ago, wits tty him tuadu acquainted with ‘ Governor Brown, of Georgia," who wai going about tbc city in a hack, without a guard, and bad called at the While ilou.il!. The restraint that he is under re sembles that placed upon Gov. Aiken, ol South Carolina. It wus probably a moans il'eguaid in victim;' V’jT r^ mJ Tv" • . if i . hia brisk manner, took occasion to inform A dispatch from Cincinnati, May ..1st, ,| |ft j R n ur that be wa* Proaident of the says that the Amnesty Proclamation was United Slates: but il is said thor# is not rfcalved there with ureal .atifclnetieii hv '>“ lch . i» tbia lor the PreMtleat told a Ma- . , jor General ye turday that the separation toe ley a i men. .... wae ouly induced by the prostration of TheN. Y. Times' Washington special .Staulun. Owing to bis exhausting labors says that “at far as 1 card froip, llm per - Stantou bud beeu ottered by the Presi- ten. elected tu the Virgin,a llqu.e of dent the npiwinl.uonl if Minuter to Ber- _ . A , . . . , , 1 id. But this place i» not deemed *ufli- DeJflgMes Lave been either aclivofabol doutlv imnortanL sympathizers or downright rebels. Lii New York cotlou • as quoted at 40c ; , Secretary Sevrtml, in compliamje with gold 1301. * . ,, , i , President Jobnsou lias reuiitled the sen- marks the direction ot the 1 reside it, bus issued of Congressman Harria, of Mary- Mr. Lihcolg, upon bis receipt of Alex- of aQuuni'g li a circular regulating the admimatratiun land, and ordered bis releaae from conllun- ttfl J #r u. stepbous' drat grout Union Washington, whore his pos iblo utility, of the amnesty oath. It mar bn admin- ment. speech in Georgia, uear the close ot 1800, us uu instrument to bo used in the groat hr anv commisfci<uiod officer « iv il <Jov * ba “ U T* U arraaUal aad hiu» irvut ttpriogUoid w lulUr, 'WorK ol lecoii-lruclioii, could bo deter- isteraa y y . ' ‘ ’ taken to Charleston. A great body ol wherein be •tt’erud him, nay pressed upon military or naval, iu the Mirvicu ol the re j.p®ctabie citiaena waited bn biui, ox- him. a choice of all the position* within J hose best acquainted with the view* of Uliud SlMo*, ur iuiv civil or miliUry prcsMnp lyniputhy ind r.grut. ihe l’re.id.ul'. gill. Mr. Bl«|>han«, vfhuu lu» L’robid»iil willatlauh uio.l mipuruuua affkir of a loval tStnlu or Territory, wbu N.wbcril wdvloe. ,.j Ih* result of Ilia 1,« ruuuived thisleller. had rosolvud to “ K „ W thu billowing cluu.u ot thu Amnusty ornwro aioymn.utu , i ^ ju.llci.l iuvu--tlg»Loi, wt Toronto, .how. with bu Stxtu," «nd .»dxcliurd the tru.t- I’rouln.iiuUoD Ju.l usued : by the Uw* thereof mey he qunllttud tur tt| „ t y«||ow tuvur cutting lut .uuiiuer, i u l proffer. l’rovidod, 'iu«t»|,ucml «p|,licat,on rnuy edmiaiilering thu oath. Tramcript. of introduced by the inl.mou, Or. Aflur he lied reeched Weshiuglou, Mr. be made tu Lhu Pre.idonl fur purduu try the oath, to ho given, to the iiersuns tub- UlacLburu. Liucoln uttered a .eat iu hi. Cahiuul to “J'T I'unon hulunging to thu exueptud ... . ,| ..ri.innl. to Im Tiibuua 1 . Washington ipectal lay., it u Uou. Juhu A. Oiluier, of North Carolina, c husus; and such cluoiency will bu litior- .crlbing them, and thu originals tc n n(jl lruo th>l UHvj , ud , )#eu broufll w i, u |,k«wiee duuliuod it. Webuliuvuhu ally ux.undud as may hu coual.tuut with . trae.mittod to the Htato l)u|mrtment, , rom Kortro.t Munroa. The Prosldunt uade .iuiiltr oroffers to othui umiuenl U>« !»uts ol the cam end thu pe.ee and i _ b 1 e i t _‘*'. 1 .* 1 llr - K 'f“’ lr whore they will bo preserved. on .Saturday told a CongroHsmaa, that it Boil-Evaretl Unicuistr of the South, but dignity id the United States. 1 Advice, from Mexico say that the seamed desirable that Jell' Uavi. be tried with like re.ull. iheru is no doubt.that •clemency will Advice, trom mexico say vna.i c ^ civil courts, for high treaaou as a per- he liberally extended," and "ju.ticu tem- . Preach garnsous at \ era Cruz, 1 uobla reminder. s .,, rl . or w ._ ... pared with mercy." aid ether place, wero very small, all o„v. Brown baa beeu released, and will “ T n. vJL V...V Ou the iiupuruuil question ol negro sul- troop. that could be spared being .cat gn home under pledge le work eeruestly ■ l,.u,fir of the r.m rttonewali '*» tb« lU.urKontblales.l am assured troop. I g ?or the restoration of Georgia. M.u/ v k . re.eo the iVcideut lias been anxiously deliber. The Loudon Owl .ay., the question of tlv.* ^IlM^lha fint uua^that we hive ut "* K ' “ Ul1 “hhlsm'mi. His thu Alnhama's deprodatiou reached au i* y 'n JL that a # Si,Ul^*or imtmnaodl? eonelu.iou i., that he will not Insist u|wu Taking tho oath is progressing rapidly unpleasant point. Great Britain having had tharghtlouiak.agov. Ki*'''«tho tieedmeu the right to vole, a. • i. : i rutused indauiuilv. 01 « tmiii uau iui ri|uv u uu»h » lui Hio fudispousable coudlliuu ol rttcoimtruc- in Virginia. . T^l'arii Mouiteur confirm, the order •{““•H 1 , T *“* 1 *l ,r,Mu t ^ »i iy b', ,,ly - lion and^ the restoration to the Union ol 0.. L. X. Bates, of Charlotte, N. CL. , iia H,n«.u)toK^erlllu^iugIn French U ° ^ h '‘? l ' iu ““ fu ' 1 iu f 1 '* r « bu1 ' harbor?.-Sloeon Telegraph. "• ru,.ubll^.i torn, ot U, STILL LATER. (•'INK COMBS, is* ad SteMdi WHITE tVOThl DAPS*, .^KKDLKS, PANtY ROAVf Ac* ljUK BALK AT * , r Juno 12—tit ^ T. 8. 8PH}AB*fi. WANTED, SEVEN NO. I MULES, roil TUB USB Ok TUB CITY i Abu, bid.-* tu make SIX NEW CARTS, And ;u do ilio repaid* uuuo»?ary on tb# old Carts and llaru«A*. Apply t*» tho CuuLruct t’uimuittee. •I. C. POUT Bit. ) ComaUtav L. II AIM AM, > oa Con- W. W. KuJIhltSON, j iraeti. Juue 10, .18f.fi,—2t Koil HALdK, riUVO hundred curdu DRY PINE WOOD. * 1 • J. F. WINTER A L’O., - June 0—31 No. b 1 } Rr^ad *t. , WAWTHID, WEN Imircla SOKUilDM ,SYRUP. « jj*. I J. F. WLNTNM kCOZ ZT Juue U —lit No.8ti Brwi .1. Ir*. MURRAY^ H AH »• cmuiii^iI til* «vurk, at the a!4 tlnliil. Juno H, I8ti5.-liu SADDLE AND HARNESS \\ E uro uow ,1'rePared to furuD^th*public oxuGUted promptly and neatly. RENT A CO. next door to Bradford k Snow. »tillGfjly out aft«r guorrillas. Juarez’s troops wore appearing in all quarters. ft bo For Sale, line Chawing Tobacco, Soulfuloti Sujokiuf Tobacco. ” If il lio lluwlugH Muoking Tobacco, uhuutieleer Smoking Tobaoco, urs Hue Huutt. R. F. DURAN, b|i nude a publication in which lie *lato£ that Jeff. Davis expressed hia gratification ever President Lincoln’s amaruination, ' Govern- DENTISTRY. D R. R. NOBLE bavins removed to bis old uUiiid iu Jones' buildini ** ral Farragut would be onsitled to give his *. oi»nn fluf-*bip lo tbt Bultttu of Turkey, Gapl. The iwoclamution “tocarry out and on- UVibud ru jTiuea’iruiidTafT’ovir’Mr,Speer’s ... New Yobk, Juue 0.—lhe limes Wordeu bis uiouitor to President Juarez, fopoo tne obligations ot Urn United rt kales Jewelry Sture, uud hiving prepared bunself end said thut if the same was done to Washington special say* tbe Military and ell our other officers could lollow suit, to tho people of North Carolina,’" is tho with a good stock of gold and tin foil, would .. ; -«—«—’-• 1 — —-»*- —i..- .......,i ...a ih.. * 1 oustruction Thdt pro rwpoctluily sojicit tho paironoft of all who Bocretarv Nunton Comoiiulon held t Mcret wuiou yMter- goiug round euil giviog ew.y the vc.aela # of ,«» nncretary nunton, dB „. 0M of the rwuoa. ualgaed therefor ol the United ritela. to whom tliay ploaso. J,|.i, llon ri)CO gm plate I WM e publication, on Friday le.t, in the Tbia i.ell uoni.n.e. X’hebtouowell i. tho ,| uct imi» all who Andy Johnson and tbe job would be complete Attorney General 8poed, in nn elaborate Cincinnati (Joiuineftiak of b synopsis of property^of the United btates, and^ Gapt. rocognizoa as disqualiliod for the right, uj* stairs. were not qualitiod prescribed by the constitution ami laws ot Aim tStatu of North Carolina, in force with to luvor him with a'call. Pirn room* < short notice, on R. NOB LB. CITY FOUNDRY. “ Artitioial tooth supplied tho host pluus kuowu to the art- May 2i>, 18tio.--tl 'IMIE subscribers would respectfully inform x their Ineinis auu tho public generally, that they have REBUiLT their FOUNDRY.and are now prepared to doauy kind ot L'AtiTINUH of Brass or iron; suck as bugar Mills of tbo most IMPROVED PATTERN, and aoy dse: - which we will WARRANT to hTAND: 8YRUP e KKTXLKa, BARK MILLS, U1N UEAKINB. 1 any kind of mill work. tnuimenL maintains that tho nower of the evidence taken in the first! wo day* of Page bad no ngbttogivo, uor thoGaptain argument, m P t trial, known na the tuppreMed teeti - General of Cuba to accept her as a pros* immediately betore the 2Dtb day of May, tbe President to pardou and utue a pro- Illonj 0 I Ben. Pettiu, confidential clerk ent. buoli an act on the part ot General A D. lbtil, the dale of tne so-called orui- damation of amnesty are derived Irom to Col. Burnett, Asst. Judge Advocate, Duke is ill-timod and indiscreet, nud will Imn ce of secession.” tbe clauses of the Constitution and act of furnished tbe Commercial with a copy, lend greatly to complicate our relations That excludes tho negroes from tho Congress He favored a liberal exercise The Judge Advocate, to-day, on hearing with Npain. The result is, however, very p 0 || B , u the election ol members of the Congress. Ue fa%ored a liberal ^ beRn douei ordered the publica- plain. I he ram must be at once daniao* J onve ntion which is to bo culled. And of the power. tiou u f u,* oppressed testimony, which dod and surrendered raipediately, other- Uie p rua itxmuLion goes ou to say : Tbe negroes in Virginia wore returning was given to the Associated Press. wise thn Bpauiardt will got into a peck ol -And me &aid convention, when cou- •otb.pUxxt.tion. end turning work. «*®£ c “j uufi.-'ke Ph-ulx & W ^t'uiuT » r pi^enl^tbe r-- k - ‘Vi* n , JTZiZ c-opiein. M tb. buxt. i. ov.rruu with ..lend of Cube." !juebU^lof of .Kr.Vd L Cbitay ZZN-mtii'StfWUfS; the 19th ult., in answer to queries whether robbers and thieves. '• • ^ " of persons to hold office under tho consti- and iu luct any thing iu our line, bis attention had been drawn to the procla- L&rpe quantities ol cotton and tobacco Rgjf§iu.g ApvtOlK.—Jacob Rail, a col- tution and laws of the >Stute, a powor tho Iu connection with our busines*, we have aiation offer im? a reward of $100 000 ft»r are being brought t*» light at Monigom- ortd minister, in preaching to nis cougru- people of the several Niatos composing SEj'mi? m b,it PAT ’ l.n i .'/ir., iluT;' ery. A brLk fred. i. J»ingc.rrjed on by K , tlau „ n ButUr Greek ye.ferdey, .dvi.ed ibo Feder.1 Union beve nghtluily oxer- I V“.r/aU?m.k^.aUr« / L.ort mU .t of Jrft Davis, and whether the Ministers g t«Hiners running thence to Mobile. them to stay at home aud work, for the cised Irom the origin of the Government HULLOW-WARE; such* us r Vo?5 u^KSS, were prepared to make any ropresenta- New York June 6.—The Commar- Q overnra# , n t would not feed and clothe to the present tune.” &K1LLET8, HPIDER8 and Llpti. * LL^rru^rnl^t 'riV:uSrx U ci^L , ‘vCxe«: iS:; wi ^:b l . 0 i , r d ^"r U or.r!:‘ r eu b d" t i:,V: iriy is not a doubtful proposition. PORTER, McILlIENNY A CO.. _ Near .Steamboat Landing, __ May 19,1B65.—tf Columbus, us. ellinncn between New York republican. iVud'uponlTy ell pertiw!” """ ' The.upervi.or of iredeet Sevemieb h»« ITT, rr , ” sent wax receivsd with cheer., end democrat, for offen.iva nnd defen.iva r [Augusta Transcript. been ordered to collect » u. ol three per I Ifl.lIV Hfl.P.lf TO IV1 fHllirntflftrg cent, upon ell income, upon reel o.teteof „„„rP- u “ six hundred doller. end upward., end " v,r,v ■«»»»"«« tion. to the race to the treatment LordPnlmer.ton uld tbet "Her Majesty'. rW ecpiog change of official, in tbnt c Government beve no intention of attempt- Thurlow Weed i. here bu.y on tbet §ub~ »nd common, like bog*. Liberty did not party i. not e doubtful propoeniou. ing any interference in tho internal affair, jeot .. „r . ^„rlnn. nnlilical m< >» n latine... nor freedom ilealiriK- We ,.r iT.it.u Kt.i.. ” There ere runeora of ncurioue po ucei trim that Jacob', .eneible view, will be of tbe United 8tete>. Ibe announce .ii;. n ce beLweee New York republican. .-,^1 i,. .n n .,riM FROM UNION SPRINGS. P.rix advices ley that tbo news of the operation, aud public plunder. _ openingff recruiting offices for Mexico Texx.CoencxsTOK.-We mention- - CZ Mon- in the United State. crc.t«J an immense s; “(jotton wa. dull, with a downward - 1 ?' tw0 *¥/i^amount are required lo make return m<•* ^ Jay morning, May 27th, to run a Daily nation in France Napoioon wa* ub- .J . .ant from Paria, end ou account ot Ibis “'.'‘(jo*' Oorernmentfordepre- .tend from one of the commi.iioner.Hiat intelligence bi< return waa longed for by 7hVTThe the amount bn. now reeched the large llmu. Bkeb*utHDO*-There ie r..xon .gv* . ... . . doltons oi tne gxiauama, j / *»y - eighty thousand dollars. Ths to balievo that John C. Breckinridgs is \Tr\rnr/-in iOs Empress nod tbe Ministers. Thegenb* matter rests where Linooln left it. ot&cs is new closed on account of the hot one of tbe party captured io Florida. rel impreoion we. thet tbe Emperor Sir J. ^***** *i'* weather but will be opened early in the Tbe McCullough named i. belieted to riiUUb. J. STANKoitU, No. so Breed 3t., I, "would not .tend it, end would direct tbe 0^1we “in. “^Gen Mood TeTf. wh« e.till l.«.r .mount l.lxpected be tb. men who pr.p.red the combu.ti- *u„n. -f, •*- Trench w,i.dron to intercept any rein- «fl 9 .u *L<ir4 w tf.7^DeTid.« t? L r^WwL-/o-. JUy.i (i. U, X'» ble. io burn Nortb.ru cltim.-Aupu.la ‘« ^o.me.t. lot Juarex. ' May 31«u SruiK W ' Hack Iruiu Uuion tSpriugu lo Montgomery. Apply for paioago at tho Oil Mill, opposite UoluuibuH, or at Union Springe. Y 4 tiU. A. ZuKEUWiKV