Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, June 14, 1865, Image 1

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ioLUaeVN. 0,% -' *4«* v-os.i,,oiled U, j«avw that h(«U Ih IPu ;. on acoount of his adheranoa to tha Union. Niw Toek. June.9 —A. Washington «>nUUns (ho following: i b£ definite policy of the President will not be mode public until the trial* of the conspirators ar* over. Southwest Pas*, .lu-,« N, *4o A. M 'Special to Ike True Delia). Krownavilla is airaiti in possession of the Fed ora Is, n ’ “ * ‘ hit-h w» publish to-day town UU. t V* n >1HCaTI(j*N act. Thar* lias 1 B/L/, tit Sttppr*** Intir; erf ft runinh Tree win and Rebellion, to .S>,« ••nd C\n\jinr.ait the Proper! < m AVA**/i, and jar other purpose*. Be it enacted br th* Fainto and Houan ot .*epra<*nt*tiv*« of tbe United Stateaof America in <>•«*«»• *«.rraiM«d, Tlx** •rail. Bri* Gin. Brown entered thi r ‘W".™* '.“ tkeh^dof his fnroes at daylight l '" T*i COM f iscATIo>‘ Ar w-n some ditfcrenr, of tAlk ,. Iheaol wk'. h a M'uo'i’ii woaj town at tne need ol bis forcaa at day! ,i.ned by tin- It on the Dirt of May. The Confederatr. „f"ahe'li7«fc: ""•’'ITT, I-"'*,' . »„ «ror *'*»” > HourovHl i« a ! d “f 4 » w » il orrlval, but unoerewo- aV" 1 hl 1 s l» VM - 11 .ill be «*" th,t ' J,U . ", P niously left Ike day Woro, first selling I^V.II ^ d , W Y '""' lo 1 flw v " r .,ucb^ W i‘- " e I'crccire, kowerrr, ibeir artillery lo the Imperialists in Mat- for ,V nl '..■.At:',' r-k »•«•«, i..eu.s -JJJ- a ,„ visrestizigsssaa -r-fjmiiKtiS ■>.'> L/.t?!9SSSk5tS :U S£K.tS , .I”.,« , „XSS! people of the South » it® penalliw therefor* President mtently COM il “ » '**' AfCordinR to our iinderstaiidnu of President Johnson's Ali.nt-ty Proclaim- lion, ho b»f felievad from the penalties o> itii act- (on the e-onditiou of taking tho oalbi all person* engairt-d in" out the rxcrptrJ classe-. , It appears by tbe 13th section of the confiscation act that he was empowered to extend suc h re lief. haring incurred „ u X o n c ^ron l“om ,he interior. ; of the confucalion law. We TlV fo^ o? (S^ wero hereriag '*£*'«•« W— 1 . “«'«««« ■!•**.<* rofisrd it »■ recei.ed ''ft*''™™ lilncoln'e an.i -on e- j^V'kJ^tStT^ toU/S' to Brownsville, on the 3d, that the Imperi- '-°S 1 't "* 'i C ' , , alisls weie driven instaad. if ane kin i U ^itn r B, i‘* 0 ? l ' , l!,t The health of Brownsville and Bra An- ' */{ l ? r , , ' on Ht,,n Incite acton i-excellent. Business in Matamoro. and -Jl.nL *“?k r * , -T l r.!.’ r Bagdad at a aland still. The steam trans- t authority «.f the portPatroon left Bre/.o. at noon on the .l" 1 *' ‘; r . lh u Uieroof or sl.all the rebellion It is romoVed i. Brown.ville that 10 w ualveston has surrendered. MosTOOMnat asp Wkst Point Kail- such eiisling rebellion or insurrection, and he oonvicled thereof, such person , p-r-rw vnoii imvivsnu six- shall be punished by imprisontnent li T it l.hTTER tltUM JaONTGOMt.il i nsriosl not exceeding ton Veers, by a tine Mostoomkri, Ala., June 10, 180o. not exceeding $10,000, and by tho libera- Dear Krujjtirrr : Wa art nearly flsyad tion efsll slaves, if any lie have, by the excessively bet weather, and And be it tiirlbcr onaeted, That , , , . , ' every parson guilty of either ol Urn ol hoar —This road is in running older parched and crisped by the long, con- feujasdescribed in this act .-hall bo lorever Chahsw to West Point en the up- linual drouth. Such weather it seldom iocapebleaiiddi-ipialitle'ltoholdaiiyot. ear section, and from C’behaw to Girard experienced in this latitude, gnd wa trust «ca under the liotlod States. p«r »ecnui, «s ... /.Assi;H..aHam >.(ii Uni' Ui ils.raimi. wtc.4. Auu ou il turlbur «'W*ClC(l, I lint on lb# !<mer. 1 mifm occ«tion»!l.v arrive ,u continuant® will bn ol Mhort duration, lt|i| %cl Hb(kll uol bucor.ar.icd in nny v.«y ^ (iirtrd. but, tbo bridff.' living burned, or in h few (Uy* tbo crop* partially undo r to aftact or ailor the uroacuulion, con vie- t. nn of (ro«*inir ovpr lo Lhia cultivation will Uiuet ourtamly parish for tionor|iuniihinorit(<latirpur»(Mior|M.r- ibore is no mean, ol t ro. nrig over to tbi lbe W(kfllo f t „d hun.ar and .its at ; aoi.a fcuilty of traaeon a^irirt tho Fnitad city. Wa understand that thorn not undant miaeriw will soon bo •xpoftencad .Statoa liolorn thepa^a»rc«dthi>»ujl.mi- runningstock sufficient on tiio road t»ena« bv a population wbo have herotofore baan . las^ such iiert-oii ib coiivictml undor this h|« tbe company to run daily train'* y«t blobied witk a plantaousnaaa of tha naces- ^ k! both West Point and Girard, , 0 '.*!£ ««• «• And In It further aUHCtod, That Wa learn from hat a tri-we«!ily »»uaditj, it'ai Ul paraMial, Shall l.« r'..urul tp bavo Mnn*«d to a iwn-on ani-r.fied ,r. dm rohcllion, <*r who ha* ulvan aid oi comfort ti-trrto, tha name <*|inlt i. ( . cm, d' lnncd as »»npr.ii»v' nrnpartv.and bccun. th * pi oimrty of dm United Sctes, and Ink di*)HH*»d of the court rhall .Ucrnn, «tid t.ie pr**<*-f»d(t thereof paid into Him tren*»iirv of lh« I’nilcft Stuff* for dm j.urpo*'.* .S, a\rsd l»o it forther »nnrt.< d. Tbwi th*» M->nral comm aforepaid -Irnll havo t«'War to innkf» #uch orrIprt-.rMnlilihh *u<>|i form of dooroc and paIo, and direct Midi, dood* and cnveyhimoM to ho oxccutod and delivered hy flio mardiah tlmrcol. where real ostato <*I)h1) ho tho Huhioct oi hs shall fitly and oflioionllv oflhet tho purpo o of thia act, and vo.«U in tli.% pm *dms»r# ol such properly good mol vulid titloa thoroto. .Vnd tho .-aid court -hall Imvopowor to allow Mich foe-and Huir"**- of ihHir ofticom ns <iha!l lie ioH-umhlu mid proper in tho promlrc 1 . 1,0 il furlhor enacted, That all davo« or persons who .-.ImlI Imr-wl'toi uvongaged in rcholliou aunnirt ilia llm- lod State 4 , or who -hall in any way givo aid or comfort tharolo, c.icapiug from such por-on- and talcing rofucu within tho lio«- of tho army, and all slave 4 captured from Mich p r-ons, or do*eried hy tlioni ami coining under tho control of’tho govorn- mont of tho United .Statm-, and all id a of such poraons found or being fot within nnv place occupied hy tho force fhs* l nitod Sluto. 4 , shall h<* duimmd c lives of war, and «1imJ 1 he forever free I heir servitude, slid not again held IInjLDUlTABrRHl*, . VW*pfO*iment of North l\\ro!ina* .■'"M.Chin, Kulcigh, Msy IX.I *'IO lollowing rules are published for the psvornmont of froodr..or, in SorV. f.arolix-1 tiril*l the resforation of civil gov 0 ru mont in the Suite : I I* io common 1mw« governing the do. tm relation.^, ^uch a* ihom giving pa* rt,, *hority ami coniTyd over tba> « »ii*iJV'i,Hnd guardiariH control over their ^•yds, are in A.rco. The parent’s oi h';™"" Authority sml obligation* tsiu- 1 I IP ,V "• tliusRof th* former rnastvr. .. i n,- 1,inner nnutori nr# ronstltutert in- vimrilmiH ,.f minor*, and ot thosgsd » III mill III, III U|„ all,one# 0 f parents or tb>*In r " ” l ‘ vc ' Uiipublo of supporting , , 'men ami women, under ik'.’" i 11 !' V 1 ’?^ uf ***. remain under lr " 1 1' 1 tllp,t invents or guardians inul they bnctiiiie of sge, tbus aiding to -•uppert ttieir parent, and youngtr broth er, and airtora. I I lie foi-nier master, of froednMn msy mu turn away the-youitg or tbs infirm. n 1 r e* u *i to pivo them food and thslter: nor may tho aide- bodied nion or woman g«. away from their homes, or live In Idle- and leave their parents. chlMreW or young brothers or sisters to oe tupported to. i an jirart , merit is daily boaiegad by person! #t ell to inaura the *|»e®dy termination of llm ti e Montgomery Matt clai o* for lood to keep them from appro- present rebellion, it sball be the duty ol ly line ol tour-hoi*e bended starvation. Ho tar aa l have ob- t bll President ot the Uuilod btales to •s hai been out uuon the line be* A® rv °d provisiona have baan issued ta the causa the seizure of alt the e-dwto and nro- w. hH oscn psl I ' »• nnsdy, »nd it is required thwt .11 who p.rlv, money, •tockr, credit, mid ilfect, tfiat city and Chelmw. lhecoacats haucafortb apply for food touat take the 0 f the ptraona hereafter named in thU bats Montgomery, on Tuesdays, Thurs- oath of allegiance, or got i*e aubaiatence. section, and to apply and use th«» same .iar» and Saturdav. 4 , at :t o’clock p. oi., The city ia continually thronged with na- and the proceeds tnereof for tho support j ftpriv - c’haliaw tho 1 ail r.iornine Rro®s trom a circuit of dfty ililea around, 0 f tb e army of the United States, mat ir- »nd arrive at Uieliaw tho next morning. Mlll in lb « number are com priaed thoae to say: first, of any person hereafter act* over four score to tbe babe at the breast— j 0 g a^ an orticar of the army nud navy of — W« loam, all acokiug new horaev or employment the rebel 4 in armn against the Govern* Dxxiu or M _ ...... .. « - « *»ilh re*rot, that Mej. (Jcorgo U. Daweon, from their preyioua owners. The prices ment of the United .States; secondly, of larmar comniandaiiL of H.i- i.o-i undar rule from aimplyfocd ni-d clothiBg, with- any person hereafter acting es Fresidont, termer rommaodniii of tin- po-t under oul to $10 per_ month *nd *11 the Vice Prosidm.t. member of Congre,*; 1,3 ' ll y 1,1,1 usual allowance*, uuodrt’d.* are en- judge of ahy court, cabinet ofliccr, foreign night, of typhoid fever. ^Uior liawaon camped on tbe opposite aide or the river, joinister, coi\imif *ioner or consul of tho was a most eetimabln and gentlemanly will be put at forced labor, without 10 *callod Confederat'i Htntei of America; ,L cn wh(.*p death in the m ini* of man- W T°J‘ pl®ut*M°n»and confl?- thirdly, oi any person actimj Governor tito.en, who oueatn m the piiiuaot luari c ated fisno-. \erily, it seams eve^ one 0 f a Htate, ineuibar of a convention or hood is much lamented hy a large circle wants to come to the city—out many re* legislature, or Judge ( f any court of the of friends. * turn to the old horaea. n ae-called Oonfednrata HtiUos of Amorica; •* ♦ ♦** ' The city Isabelng fast supplied with all fourthly, of any parson who. having held IsATK AM) 1NTEKKS IT NCi FltOK Winds of goods, and the dry good* aioree an offtce of honor, trust or proft *n the TUK NOKTII. aro thronged with ladies, purchaaing United States, shall heraaltnr hold an offii-e dtasses and other decorative parapherna- j u lb# go-called rootuderatn State lie, of which they have become rathe' ifelfrfraj'hed t'» thf Mobile Ni Nfdr York, June 7.—The pret«ura to see Grant was eo great that after his ap* w , . ..w- UBironr. on Iho A tor Moure Ulcouy all Boston and Baris will b. refl.r-twl on tho atitis of AmerieV or '»n.» onhe‘*ereral «*. ..A.., * “"*—i llcniml access. ttrnmi«riud«sK and litli fklkl of OUr CltV. <!■!•. „l ih<. ■■!>> ri.nfuUM,.ii ..*il.* I.... la iia, of which they have become rathe" America; fifthlv, ot any person hereafter lo destitute in supply. In a fewmonthe tbe holding an office or »<reacv under th- l{* fashion* of Philadelphia, >ew York, Uoverutnent of the so-called Uoiifederatn anil t»n-t. Wal kman un.J ,tork«*>f tho u*r*,»aric. of lift-aremakin* noo i-ince 111* Jalt- of ll.e praiondcd or.li- ini-"- wavl> tne I niled ltr *niioUF sttempls to get rich *t oti*e. - nenre of sori-nion of the Slate, or .-halt akin, french troop? Juarez are o; .State*. The Tribune dent will soon writ of babes wry geimnil ....... been quite'lenient (n rule end keenly the 'ijii'siriri' of ciiumble','sbeirhereafte'r I - w alive to the trust of tbe responsible duties ,„ist and giro aid ami <omlurl to ,u.-l. Washington, June,.; -I- reder.ok W«y- „. 1Kifn ed to them. rebellion, end all kale*, trensler or con* ‘ Outside of a poor affair of a theatre veyaoce of any l\ich properly i.hall he there are uo public arousamanU. fhe null and void; and iuiiUil h« a bufliciffct post band diiicoursas muaic avery evening, bar to any suit brought by such person V>ucb to the enjoyment of our Hamtte for the possesion or the use of Hitch pro- visitors and persons from the ruralities.-r party, or any of il, to allege nmi prove The best ot order is enforced and observed (hat be is one of the persons de 4 cribad in in the city, and the town was naver better this section. cleaned and scavangered than at the pre- Sac. b. And be it further enacted, That •ent time. Tl»e markets are well supplied jf any person within any State or Terri- innur, a native of-IhiHton, Iir* h#en pointed C’ollei tor of I nlcrnal Kevenue foi i'harlei-toii, S. C. Uao. M. Uoubton, of Alabama, Jo*hiin Hill sx-member ol Congress from (ieor ««, aa(l George W. Jones, of Ten nausea, I* tve arrived nere. The Secretary of tire Treamiry has di vided Mi'sissippi and .North mid South • •nsnl« .. -Thesteamer Afr from Liverpool, !£*itj, ban arrived. ^Cotton quiet and unchanged. ( Louisvii.le, June A Wash di'patch received hero to-dn.v guys A formal demand has hce/j ninde up( the.Spanish Govornmonl for tin* Mirr'-nd of the (late) rebel ram Slonvwelh NotwiUiktandinir tha lutiiuolion- of il Koglish prewh to the contruiy, it is not the intention of the United Htrucs liiivt-rn- inent to abandon it- demand upon ling- fnr t,,c (, °ll K ’ l * on with vegetables, poultry, eggs and coun- tur ^ ot tbe United sHtaUo, other than , , . w I 1 V " ,,U - T. . q. ,r - v product, and price# rule too high, thos» named as afore*aid,after tbe passage UAiirax, June Ibestuamer A Inca constdariug the graat scarcity of e pircu- of this act, being engaged in armed m- laling maaiura. Tho expected military bullion against the Government of the tariff'of prices will, we nope, regulate United Slates, or aiding and abutting this maltei and all others of an extortion- auch rebellion, shall not, within wixty ngtun *te character. In Major GeieraIHraith days alter public warning and proclama- the people have confidence of biPproteo- tj on July given and made by the Freii* non I'coni insult, depredation and extor- dent of the United States, cnaso to nid. tioh. countenance and abet such rebellion, and ’i’ho Mail has e full sheet, full of adh," return to hi* allegiance to the United and presents quite a comely ypearenoo Slates, all the Male and property, nion- in its new dress. It is edited with the ay*, stocks and crodits of uuch person known ability of its writers, and the bust- bo liable to selauro ar aforesaid, and nenj and medianical department will1 not. It shall be tho duty of the President to lard for indemnity for the pirates com- bo allowed to feg under the special aireo- soir.s and uee them ai aforesaid, or the mitud ui»on American »liipj)ing by anirlo- tion of Mr. J. Carr Gibsop, the seoior prooeads thereof. And all anlui, transfers rebel cruners. nropriutor, and it - energetic foreman, Mr. or conveyances of any such property aliur Ar army lar/re enough l) meet the de- Graham. the eipwa'.ion of said sixty days from the needs of the occatjon, will he kept upon HloamhoaU are daily leaving for Mo- date ol »ucb warning or proclamation * war footing, for Uio enforcement of de bile-railroad trains iri-weekly. H. ebm || i >0 „ u || and void. And it shall he a *snds upon foreign powm>. - — sufficient bar to any suit brought by such It is understood that preliminary m* a»- Gas Vti.i.ow.— 1 This Confederate officer person for tlie pos^oasion or the use of ure* have been taken for the rigid rnforco- returned to his home, near Columbia, such property, 01 aoy ot it, to allugo ana the Monroe doctrine. Tenn., on Friday last. Like many of tin* prove that he )<. one of the pemon* de- me Emperor ol the French ln»- heen once wealUiiest officers ol the Confederate scribed in this section, notified that tho United .States will ;iot cause, he was without money to travel .Sec. 7. And be il further euuotud, That with. His daughter and her two children to secuie the condemnation nud salo of and four servants were with him. The any such prupoity, after the Mama •iiall condition of the party showed to what have boon seized, so that il iua^ bu madu extremitier the trea* >n of the .South had available for tip) purposes afonuaid, pro- brought thuae who were formerly her coedings in rein, nball be iu&lituled in the weallbiest. We cauuot do ether than name of the United Hlatee in uoy dLtrici f-el regret at tbe rerersee the General bat court thareof, or 111 any territorial court, UV ..: K . MVW he- «*xt»erieiiced, for, with all hit eccantrici- or in tho United Htate^ Liatrict Court for tb^ President wore at iha White Hou>e ties, he i» a brave geotlemsu, and has a (he district of Columbia, within wlutli Wiud and geueruus heart. May bis die- tbq property above described or auy part They have abaudohed the idea of rec- lres»ef bring wisdom, and lead him back thereof may be foqnd. or into which thu omnieoding C’ol. Saftold as FroviHioual to loyal feelings towards the laud that same, if movable, tuay first he biuught ; G°'vsroor, and now take up Mr. ParnoD*, once recogoixed in him a gallant hero of which proceedings shall conform as near est be is opposed by Alabama loyal men. the Mexican war, ly §* may be to proceedings in admiralty wbQ recommend Mr W. U. Smith wh^ [Na*hrilU Union, May 28. or revenue oaten and If said property, And lie it lurtbor ohhcUmI. That no slave n. 4 caping into any State, Tern- t'T.v, or the I>i«trict of (.-olumhia, from imy other Stale, •hnil bo dcliverud up; or in any way impeded or hindered of hia Jiborty, except for crime or aoine ofionco MgHinat the lawn, the porron claim ing anul fugitive .-dmll Ural muko oath that the per.-on to whom the labor or aorvini ot >isi'li fugitive is alleged to ho duo in hi- lawful owner, end ha* not hot no arms against the United .Statoa in Mm i»r«wrnt rebellion, nor iti any way given aid ami comfort thereto; and no persons engaged in the military or navnl service of tlm I nitml Hiatus shill uiulor any prutancos wliHtuver, assume to decide on the validity of the claim of any pernou to the service or labor of any other porion, or surronacr up any such porion to the claimant, on puiii of being discharged from tho service. Her. 11. And be it turtlii r enacted, Tlmt tlm President of tlm.United StateH i- an* tliorLod to cmplov ih many persons of African descent as lie may doom noce-ary and proper for the aupproision of tiii re - bvllion ; and for lhi<- nurposu lm may or- guni/.o and use them in «uch inanner a» lie may judge best for the jmlil v well a re. Hoc. 111. And lie it further enacted, That thu President of tho United .<ute* h here by authorized lo make provision lor tho traiiRporlation, colonization and settle ment In some tropical count tv beyond tho limits of the Uuitod Staten, of such per sons ol tho Afrjenu race, made free hy the provision 4 of thu act, a- utay bo willing to emigrate, having first obtained tho consent of tho government of raid country to their prosecution and aettlement within the .-ante, with all the right, and privilege* of Iraomen. Hoc. III. And be it farther enacted, That tho President is beroby authorized, at any lime thereafter, by proclamation, to ex tend to persons who may havo participa ted in tho existing rebellion, in any .Stale or part thereof, pardon and amnesty, with *» we h except ion. 4 , and at such limo, and on Mich conditior* as he may iloam expedient for thu publi* welfare. Alio, that thu President shall have power to ruitoro properly seized under the act to any per son who may ho found to havo been inno cent. Hoc. 14. Anil be it further enacted, That the courts of tho United .State* havo full power to institute proceedings, make or der* end decrees, i.sue process, and do altogether thing 4 nucasinry to carry this act into ctfect. After Ihg forogoing act had passed both JIoiihbs, it was *ent to the Pro-blunt for Gia signature, who, however, disapproved tome features, and had prepared a veto message, when the following resolution wa- passed hy both Hoihcs, in order tp remove the President'* objections to the bill: iU.'olved, liy the Heuale and llousoof llepteftcnlative-', Ac. Thut thu provision.- of the third clause of the filth suction ol an art to lunpreis insurrection, to punish truafton aud rebellion, and to sei/.e and confiscate the properly of rehelt, and for otbof purpose!, shall bo ;«> couHtmud as rml.t'i apply to any act or acts done prior ;r thu puHMgo thareof; uor to include any member of tlm .State Logislaturo, or Judge of any Statu Court, who ban not, in *0- cnptiijg or culuring upon his rifllco, taken au oath to mipport the ConsHttlion of tU„ so-culled CuumderMlo State. 4 ot America ; nor h h it 11 any pinishr/icnt or proceeding-, undor htdd net bn construed u*i to work a forfeiture of the real o»tnte of thu offuiidei bm ond IiIk natural life. — - -ua^-w-uae- 1IKAD-UUAKTKILS POST. by own.,. rv ' •t libortgr to M"XlESX'XZ " r '°y p »n nbhiln prrtjWsmploTinstil; V 11 ll, V *'» »"l l>" "upKSid ly tk» <">1 nrui"«n.,ii"r by lliolr former qu.Urs, uiihws they work. '• It will lm |«tl to the employer and ^*•1 vj.ni to Marrua upon the wages to be pui'l, but 1 roodiiinu, are advised that for iho pri -ont Bnaeon they ought to expect only mod,ji-Hti. wages, and where tneir employer cannot pay them money, the? ought ;<• be conlmitod with a fair share in the crop* to he rained. They have gained thnu prrr'oiial truedom. By industry and good conduct they may raise to indepan* dunce and uvon wealth. 1 All officers, HoUlieri* and citizens are renui -tnd to give publicity to tlin«e rule^, Had to instruct the freed puofdu as totbeir l,nw r >ghta aud obligations. \ All officorH of tho army, and of the county police companio-, are authorized and required to correct any violation of t »u allow* rules within tliuir jurisdiction. district commander will ap- « poml-ii a Huporinti'iident of freedman ta oommtssioniMl officer), with Mich uumbsr ol M-isistants (officers and non-rommU- > io lied officers), as nia.’ be neci’siarv, whoso duly it will bo to take chargo ofait tho 1 rued pooido in In* district who are without homos or proper employment Jho .MiporiiiUindunt will soud back to their homes nil wlm havo ldfl tham In violation of tlm above rub s, and will en deavor to find homos and suitable em- ploymout for all other*. They will pro- vldu suitable camps or quarters for such as cannot be otherwise provided for, und attend to thoir dbciplinu, police, subsist .•nee, etc. 10. Tho 4 uj>orlntendnntA will hear all complainlH ot guardians or wards, aud re port tho facts to thoir district command- ora, who aro authorized to dis^olvo tue oxisting relatiorni of guardian and ward in any cane which may seem to require it, and to direct the superintendent to other wise provide for Mm wards, in accordance With tho above rulor-. By comuiaud of Major Ganeral Hchonkvd. ./. .1. Campbell, Aat. Adj’t Oon Govkrkok ok Georui a.—It is rumored in tho Htreots that Hon. Joshua UiP, ot Madison, has boon appointed Governor of Georgia by the President. [Aug, Chronicle. lOfA. By ELLIS, LIVINGSTON 4 00. O N SATURDAY. 17th JUNK, stiff o'clock, wo will Hull iii trout of our store— fi boxoa Fine Chewing Tobacco. •Wd lbs. Scurfuletta and other brand* Smotiof Topaoco, lbs. Solo Leather, Miiutln mid Double Bu^jjy Harne-r, I,nun lb. 4 . Now Hive. Lot llurtios^. IMowh. Wokc A Now Une-liorse Dray, Lot Nuil<*. kurniture. Book.'. •Misar, Suit, Harness and Saddle Hor-en. foaother with inunv otlior valuable goods. 1 ciimh —Cash iu tirecubacks, end Hold and Silver. Junta 4t H.lil, » . , , »Suta* will not «ubmit to the interference of %ny Kuru- P*an power in the^Mexican imbroglio, and that ha must promptly withdraw ail rreochand Austrian troop- liom M» vi »SO territory. It is not thought that the trial of’.lel*'. Mavis will take place before .September, Purtiou oi tbe Alalmuia dub-galiou to Orders. All nervous in (he city or vicinity having i their |tOM*iivioii any orduuuce or ordunuc .-tores will at once turn over tlrn Hauie to the^ headquarter*, or be tubjv-t to urrtvt and join i.-hmeut tor dboliedi oir* of or<kr>. My order o! J. U. LAMSON. June I'i, lHdj.- if Capt. (Jounuaud’g Pont. r A Night School SADDLE AND HARNESS JSast<v))li«lim«xit. W K arc now iircnitrud to fumDo the public with .SADDLES. BK1DLKS, HARNKSA, COLLA US, Ac., ot the hoct quality. Repair ing executed proiuplty aud neatly. KENT A CO. next door to Bradford A Enow. jr , dill Uj) • For Hale, •t boxes lino Chewing Tobacco, •l Scaflaleii .Smoking Tobacco, t " fill lie ItuwlegB Siooking Tobacco, *• " t/'hunticieer Smoking Tobacco. '* inr. line .Snuff. . R. V. DURAN, At .Municy 4c Hodges’ old Hand. June J. tt T. S. SPEAR 11/Hi LD anuuuuue to hin old cu^romers and if the public genenillv, that he ba* resumed >>ucinoHd at bh old stund, corner o* Hrosd ana Knndolph Htrcct-. Watches, Clock» and Juwalry repaired in the bent manner, aud warranted. I'.S. l'creouB having OKOfularticled belonging to uic, will bo euiuhly rowardtd by feturoing them to my atore. .lune 18, lHift.-rk . day, 10th Church, for the fftpei isl benefit and tbo*e young men v/b»*e sttvllo 4 were i terrupted hy the late wer. Let u|ipti''ant» punoiual. June U—ik Rrv. r. R. STARK COFFEE, MASON'S BLACKING, FINK COM Bis, LEAD PKSSILI. WIIITK NOT AC VAPBR, NKKULKM, FANCY HOAV, *c. DOR SALE AT I JuneTj—Ut T. S. BPEAJMS,