Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, September 24, 1865, Image 2

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k §ail]} (Inquirer. JONH II. MARTI* COLUMBUS Samday Morning. Sept. 24, 1866. ••Tlir •Mnlu* of Ihc Megm.” Wo copy i« another column an **diln- riot and a communioaintl arthl« from the ColumLu# Sun of yeetonlay morning, on (liia subject. It in not our intention* at tliin tluio, to take i*»ue with our neigh- Inir upon any claim of fritncliinf or po litical Mainline for tin- negroo*. Indeed w< <lo not find any Mich claim *° ‘lii; 1 inertly made an to define- jw»int* foi c on troveity with sufficient oleurncM. What we now wish to do is to protest against I ho sjnt aging <#f such questions n* are rained by inlmtigatury, in tbe c-loc' tion of .1. legates to tho Convention. All that the Convention in called upon to do in regard to tho negro, in, in our judg ment, to declare Jiim free, and to make it ohligntory upon the Lejnlulurr to pro tect him in tho enjoyment of that Ir* dean. This is wbat the Convention of Mississippi did—nothing more and noth ing loss; and this, we bolievo, is what the AHIminn Convention, now in session, will do. The Constitution of the State of Georgia never did prescribe win should Ini witnesses jn oouits, win should he competent to act ns jurors, or who should he a freeholder. It excluded ihi |H«r«oti. white or hlnck. from the courts, for the redress of grievatia the enforcement of lights. All these matters were left to the Legislature io regulate hy tin lair. The organic law, with which Convention* have to do, wai silent oil these poinY-. The Cunstitiition of Georgia would In a voluiuinmis instrument indeed, if it were extended to such dimuindoiiN ns to r-liilirace a freedmen's code Slid to define every privilege and legal right of a freedman. The "poor whites” of Geor gia have lor about lour score years found nniplfl protection nt parson, properly and franchises with-mt initiate definitions and regulations in tin- Constitution. At nil events, such forms of proceeding as the statutes gave them were nU tliat they liud for the security of life and property. Then why seek, just at this critical time, to make the Convention embody in the Constitution what it never contained 1>Cfore ? Why not leave these matters for the action of tho Legislature, undo n general mnndatory clause of the Con atitutioii reqturitig tho protection of tie freedman in their new status and prop i-rty rights' If our ootomporaiy would iu* more qiartieulsr in tho use of the worda "fre *ch”miii1 "frecdnmi," its menniug Could rhnps he lu tter understood. In five truces it speaks of the negro a* 'Oiiinii,” aiul in one as a “freedman •«*rding to our understanding, the tie- in the South (and in nv*t of th< rtheni States too) is at present only “freedman"—not ii ••freeman'* yet. ehetcr defines UlO difference thus; Kreeihnan—n man who has boon a slave nd is manumitted." ••Freeman- nno vho enjoys or is entitled to a fruticliiiM* or peculiar privilege." We accept the ptatus of the negro as a (itcilman* and Join in the opinion that tho Convention uliould recognise it mid make it obliga tory on the Legislature to protect it. Hut wo do not yet regard the negro as a freeman* or oitijmn, and we an* opposed to tho Convention making him one by conferring on him the right ot ruffruge. All his rights of person or of property, liis standing in tho courts and his privi leges ns a freeholder, can, as we have sold above, he determined by statutes of the Legislature, just as a •white man's rights ami privileges iu this respect are and alwuys have been determined. It«>th the Sun and its correspondent (the lutter of whom, by the way, we take to be a very high "private*) suggest that tho Convention must declare the ordi nance of secession unconstitutional— uot simply rtpcal it. Now we have nev er, iu the course of a loug career ns n journalist, upheld the constitutional right of BOoessiou. XYv have uevor, on any occusiou upon which it was pi-opused to resort to it, failed m oppose and deuouuoe it na a heresy, it would thus appear that no violence would he done to om judgment should the Convention declare the act of secession miooiistitutional. Hut really we do not see the necessity of insisting on such n declaration, when a repeal would have the same effect. W do uot propose to make men do or suy anything simply hecaitoe we know it will be humiliating to them to do so, or even because wo could exclude them from the Convention by such a require ment. H has boon demonstrated that secession is <m .w/s^w/u/iVv, and the State* that resorted to it have to undo their own acts. 1* uot n failure to main taiu it—a failure so signal ‘and over* whelming—a hotter guaranty against nny attempt to resort to it in future thou uny declaratory ronuuoiation could l>e 1 Gov. Johuaon, in his speech in this city Iu July last, expressed the hope that the Convention would make but few changes in the old Constitution of the State; and in his emimeration of the things which it would be required to do iu order to obtain the reinstatement of Heorgia to its old status in the Union, •aid nothing about establishing for the negro, iu the new Constitution, any other rights than those of a freedman. lie certainly did uot iyyist that those rights and privdegiw which are pecu liarly bestowed upon the white man iu Georgia only by statute, should be par- iWularly recited for the negro iu the CoBS&vitiou. IVesideut Johnson lias uever, in a*y of his proclamations or puldic dtH-larati«a»» required the South cm States b> do more, in their C-inven tions, than Mississippi has done in her*-- admit the extinction of slavery, forbid forever a return to it, and make it • bliga tory on fbe Slate legislatures to provtil* laws for tho protection of the negroes in their freedom and its incidental rights. Why can we not pursue the sane- course in Georgia, and leave it to tfie Legisla ture to f-naet sututes for the protection of the negro in all the rights and immu nities of the condition thus recognized hy flu- Constitution ? i fsarh-wl) decide! i they pro . *re ahoy prensri ino Hm rospontibirtty upon those b*ni'>‘ > H null » prop* iv/ do they - g and pre- >ny iri civil News oy Telegraph. ' i »;>.*.*,- you-.. .- pt.-J Between twelve --1 t-> ; alJ *d one »» <*•■% tide morning a f-re broke ol n i out in tho upper part of ’ho American rice ’* do | tn ; j; >*.,. i;,| oj'.h ire*., Wow Dover * ’i s an ,j 4l ,.d l><*f »t'• tno flame# i.uld he •* ec- .q lfK n„d eu.*r.‘;y, badly damagod* live* ' “ story brick, vi'.ti iu centeoti consume4 rretdaen In IMMi. (Jau. C. H. Fisk, Assistant Com in in- rionci of the Freedmen's Bureau for j l-> r Lfcft Federal -hstl be n freeholder. bnil and ship chni ries were ^ greatly dan. s poUfe'l upon aunientiM t‘> ae adjoining 1 hy n >lr. l'entz. grocer Tlo The io«4 v Irjured. and A by the deluge of water building by the firemen. . jld n t Gli ihort of $400,000 around t»i or may b Kentucky. Tennessee, and North Ala bama, lias ptiblndicd a circular embody ing the first instructions in reference to the employment of froedinon f*»r that we Imve yet seen. A* it is proba ble that the general policy indicated hy this circular will he applied to all lie* Bout horn States, we make a synopsis of its provisions as a matter *>f interest to our readers. The following is the form of contract to lx* observed: Know nil .Mi n hy thrar Tiut ot thn County of bints »»f held nod firmly I. . i I io the I'nlirtl Mtai«* of Arnerlr* it, tlo • urn ol -- Dollar*, for the pavineot <.| which- bind ileiri. Kirrutora Snd Admin- UtraloM. firmly, hy then* prefer, t^. In lhi« Co a- tract; That ••• to furnish tb* eer-^i s whoae rwtme* are •uhjoined. (frae l laborer^) <Ju4rteM, Fuel, aah*t«ntial and healthy llathm., all necoiaury .Medical Attendanro and Suppli, * hi c*jie of sirknoM. and the Mioouot net their reapr.'tiv* natnr. |>»r trial i-iiili i Ibiy - ioti will Go .-dinary legi r-ntilletl to a forn our. civil ». II ut nliefis t wita*- in I thii be with tho re A dt niR jn of f#eor- ut» to arise, and Aro men wh<» stK*k . ir Slate Cou rt with d<*ri-*• n nt.J i- iju'otloa? They ,Doii t in duties nnd That ilifferorit surnblks, c flippant icoo rung __ r _. _ nth. during lb* rontinuation of this Contrast—tha Ut*r*r» r t . h* paid In full before the final di*i oral <■! the crop which la to he raise<l hy them on plantation, in the County <d •— etats of... Hat* of l*ay l>sr month. i tola. | Ct . --1M. ,..'rfo n It <iv.y, Nek V' TtB. A .pccial to thn Time-, iU',1-1 V. in.ton, S.)>Umber 19. ,»», tt." J<rt llr.vll tro.iure, brought hero in - 'i.r; o. is . TiMiurr hw heon counle-l i . U. • I r-.-ury otBco, »n<l foun-Uo c milsi -: .--'J iWJJn gold eoln t’.l.fjOOin «iivor lurs, old • —lots! Value, WAttmxorr existing n» ' would odtqA * Kailroad Umd of tho Metro] • *.iy Moxiertn dol- •, tr- of silvaf 100,000. Idref y).—homo doubU course the Government to ti *•; ayiasnt »»f Pacitic th • l*x<-identof the Hank vrlit > now in thucity. t„ the Soc rotary ol the >l.j*ct, to-day, nnd ro- -tsing reply: • • n v DKf 'T, Bept. 19. i- : of t*>-day, axkir.g •; ,on #>t* the Govern- - • ! Juiy : ’ l’VL!, and July m :..m r»arlruction of the t dote or oootln* ,ii. p< rformance hy the radon ot it- 'ddigalioni, la rn up i xaminsUon ot tho «: 1 ti.o various pro to rxrpect to the ixsuo of a ... h i that th* 1 faith :.l ft pi'-dgei to tbeir ro- .• hands of lawful holder*, gard as io whether the «»b* r .ilroid company ore ul- ”» sir » I'uur !><}• I.atcf Irtm bMfope. ahuivaL of sTZAMsfur tiff of »oato:x. hope City of Boston, which left Liverpool at p. rn. on the undQucooMewn the next day, i*rriv**d here this afternoon. Her now* i* four day* later. Confederate bondbolden bald a meeting in London on tbe 4*h, and debated their pro*peels. Some rp*-nkcra even contended that the Confederate Government was ro- spon.-ible. A convention was appointed to meet on th* 8*Ji of October. Tho pi cecdir.gs afforded ao little ground for be that tbe lionds declined 7 per cent. The Liverpool Post points out that trade between the* Mersey and Southern ports ia reauming its old activity. Many ahipi hare -ailed, and many moro aro on borth for cotton ports. Sir \V. Hamilton, the astronomer, is dead. The Kmperor and Empress of France, and King and (Jueen of Spain, were about to exchange vi»iu at San Sebastian and Biurditi. The cholera still continued active at Mar^oiltoa. In tbe French market, rentes were quiet ot hi if. 16c. Joseph Bonaparte, Prince of Musigno, d'rnd at Koine. Tho reported secret treaty betwoen Aus tria and Prussia is denied. There aro vaguo rumors that Austria is intriguing for tho annexation of the Ionian Lies. The King of Prussia visits Queen Vic toria at Darmstadt. The treaty between England and Prus sia l.ns bn*n signed. Nows from tho Capo of Good Hope, to July 2tfth, D reooiveo. Boaquel was pro ceeding vigorously and favorably Vo tree the State. Thu h a ai)tra in tbe Fenian demonstra tion ut Black Kook, near Dundalk, have bw. n committed for trial at the Assizes without the privilege of atrial. Prosocu- instituted by orders from Urn to i -i-i/ial to rk or the i. * tho > former r< im am* by whi< li tho Stale mu tna> bo nut in xunning oidor. IL is to ho done is u question, <-r i!. the ( *nvcutn»n l.w to >. Manj that the amending the State Con>t aholirhiiig and prnhihit: think tution, ety ii. . ry re»;iectfully, 1 • i. ary of Treasury, liuichin* *n, Washington, i* done to Motion in the v* the govern- l* 'til ol thH«l‘ opl0 - 3i.-Tho Herald's d-i*-d September 19, a»b«?r of negro troops •urvice lines the com- wnr, is in round nuui- .• death* and rasualtlex illy '•*eroded the propor- vJ.Hei. and amounted to ity thousand of the ro- r?avo lately hoanordered it in tho tevornl depart- th> onli- this •u| p'» Hup(. of Dbt. Witnc■** | .....rt.!.!!.!”......! H«ati*lero<t ut IV) The foregoing form of contract mnv lm modified U'lncot the individiiAl wautn, wiaheij nnd clrcumMiiiK <>f the con tracting purticn. No fixed rntoa of wagon will be jot-- oerihed hy the i»llio< re of thin Hureaii, nor will any community or combination of people he permitted to fix rate*. Let labor he free to compete with other c«*m modifies in an o|m*ii market. Wage* will be secured by n lim upon the crops raised, or !»y good M'cmitie*. if His* employer’scircuiiiMnucp* are such an to irihko it doubtful a-* to his ability to meet the Contract. Parties can make any trade or ngrc« meat that ih autiMactory to thcmeelvers and ho long as advautuge is not taken of the ignorance of the freed people to de prive them of a fair and reasonable com poiiHiition for their labor, there will he no interference. Contracts to Ih* made in duplicate, ap proved and witnessed hy tlie county ageifls of tin' Bureau, and registered iu a book to he prepared for that purpose. One copy of contract to he given to tin employer ami the other to tin* employe**. In many inMnncos lands will be loosed to the freedmen for a share of the crops, or for cash rent per acre. Such ogre** meat should he made in writing. Ill eounties in which tin* load court* will not admit the testimony of freedmen iu cases involving their rights, the coun ty agents of the Bureau will assume ju risdiction and adjudicate the cases; hut tin* agents not to assume jurisdiction where* the courts are not governed hy laws making distinctions of color. Parents should lie advised that they are responsible for their children, and children for ilieir aged and decrepit pa rents, and must Inher for their support, and in making contracts this fact must be taken into consideration. Persons who refuse or object to make written contracts for next year with the freed people employed hy them, will h» required, should any dispute arise as to compensation, to pay the highest wages given for the same kiud of labor in their neighborhood or section of oouutry. Aged and infirm freodmen, who have i n uo means ot support, nor any relatives to whom they enu rightfully apply for the snuie, will be provided for by the couuty authorities. Xl i!).--Th« rebel -.o n*, confined at Fori b* rci' wxod, nnd will co-oprrsto with ex- •f.- in tho work of re torsion. in that .State. ]»*.. ‘jl.—Gcn. Scho- .:y, but ••xpccU to do* • me li rat of < >ctober - -ibly «>n leave of ftb- - i« a provsiU lhat he a*.. • *( r*. of motion to AUC'i'ION SALES, By D. P. ELLIS, -. Ltvisaarox a c*».) I3EOULAR MEKTIVi. ox M«; - t. IV Sta. 6. I. U.. 41 k. Monday iv*.,. Sent. at7'4p*c*b»ck Netubcr^ol lb* L->-J^e uni tr«i. u b.vifi- ren in **xk1 -lan.lHu: aro rcv:-coitul;>* i. », i • atten I- UKD. ilUNOLUF rilD. P. . DESIRABLE REAL ESTftTE, FlfRNITURE. 4c. () FOR SALE, 10 BARRELS Cl BA SYRIT, By A- L MDItTLEV. ‘’.WFriXEr'IMY, 57ih ?*i»teml*er.«f u- <• I tt » • • *U on the )>ratals, Vjtk«w Ilousoand Lot, s«. U-i WANTED TO PURCHASE. THE CHEAPEST STORE IN COLUMBU?.: ff.ilro.vt, ^ Win* uuadlft. will*i* Hill* v.orth ofOpwo. *-v.-oua teuMaent *»*. n. l aUjut fn 2f D welling Ifouso and Lot, ||for*Tty, fr iMicf .k, •d runoiat l. fc , k room* % i:b k ma! C irj n L opnufite th* f*.• a hrrn yoa will act the-(ulluoii*c rKICK than at any ota«r el lv LIQl OllS.-OW Bourhr.o Whb ^y. ;l ,^ 1 Jnckuy riub 1 •(■>. #1 i>«rb<>ttle, Claret WitioauJ j>. Uum. INCAN^-lr. tion wu- lOftlitutea by ora< aulhoritiet st Dublin Castle. Tho Mnrlriunn Express fear# thatthree- Giurtl.s of tho English wheat crop will prove t<> U» ia bad condition. The cuttle plague continue# iU ravage#. It i* * la ted to havo made its appearance in Ireland, in the county of Donegal. Tba common council of Londoo beaded n subscription with £1,000 to compenxato who are com|rellcd to kill dlicaxed animals. 1. m>tun Money Market.—Tho funds wore generally atenay and firm. Consols, on the *»tb, closed at 90. Tho demand for discount continued, and rates wero un- cbsngod. Livbrpool, SepL 0, p. m.—Oottoa — Tho sales of throe days amount to 00 000 dales—2 8W for export and speculation. Tho market was buoyant at an advance of fc. per pound generally, and closing firm at tne extreme price. Livkbpool. Sent. 7.—Cotton buoyant, hut dosed somewhat quieter; all qualities advanced to a trifling extent. Tho weather has been magnificent for crniM*. Provisions steady. Butter easy, Petroleum firm ; holder* demanding an odvunco. Mace. A -i ire an- ALSO—Jellies, and **aclina'. ALSO—.^UBsr-*. Coll nr, II »:•■► . (luiUrn. Nock lies. Silk Th; - j kinds 8hoeL«cc-. T i| : * • BnftMi... Note Paper, r.i | Watoh Guards, I Sand and Kmnry l’ai •. r. AtW-Aysr'* >.. r ' .; iri ia. Pectoral, Itadwajr*s He • ly r.- ' ALf* 1 )—Comparer*. 1 *; o >: Bro»bw. I’nBiw, O^ok B k-. IktmrJ*. Chcr.'U.rti, I', v 1. - A«rl*. Sci.«.-ors, rf|.ccU.*!«; (*i arti*lf< tot* nuiurru* u* utci.'. Sept ‘J2—4t i^v. !;iar House and Lot, UC 01*1 lot fr iititu t*. t.*-t tr«»ut. rut.mi.p kJ: "•it t garden xr Dwo;iiu5 Houso and Lot, Pu llOUi-J- •ioid and Kitchon UKN1TURJJ Cr*.t-k*rr "'i,, (U* • pk Fullerton for thy office of knowing*.* | ; wdinvnoc | , A A. k i-it'zuu of St. LeuL. war wm engaged iti lid ir known n*» one A Mutant Adjutant y lit* Was, for n long : 7th army corps, nnd • th** mi my hi»r been .nivtt'r Bureau in this Tribune, dm i NS G. n. Howard oft inlcnd* to niHice n on t Ih* I*i e Itadtral. ■li National 20.--A special to tbo hingion hull fnj’e : — Froedinua’i Bureau, orotigh personal in- I ti uffuirs ol tbo Freed* u of Virginia; and, for this *vc hern wi'hin it day * r returning to Washington ho I through nil the Southern ,t* s p.r the •t*!tni pur|x>sM. An t*n lli i .1 1 'cr received he^e, from i • Ifl.-er «.f the brood men's Bureau at M pi. tales that of 22.770 ill j uvslltulu pt' luent. only A U Ubi t -t* i by tho nays; God ! wqite that Andrew J -hr jU;t * hand th t*» grasp •nvicti *ns and imllcv. • Governor Fletcher, ['resident has taken oleb rated d eel a ration ia his •! .v.Lratlon to dierman *tUI n*»t hesi- ilempt fur tho negro he white man ought . '*» ut,' . l lad it!* u invito the ri"gro to nlry, th(.n von give govern it alio. The bu> n right diew John- ks, tho con Ai'd impel i<nix t»* rittug- lol ih* negro, lacks also ly ot Sherman, m l ui- the n.-em In.- -ived the if yi mu»h Sh hi* pur p. ktst 0 cement of putt.! N hit** lloniir f rc.-pcct t »r has hereto- Most of organhiad in that r determination not to any but the State flag, • not ex copied. . :to abo, that regular- - • ! ox-rubil tiddlers imedut \ icksburg vi.it*«rra*sing In every >f tho Govern- p it |. i t» at Stale In, that Ji try, and *.•' in a letter I i. n . f th*- report rroantly el id r.liv with ti e d< r gn of • iU‘C ot tha Maxi* an It -puh- *r.-, d sit'll. '! leaving hisooun* king r. luge here, i* contained ■om that dtslinguifhed ruler. halr» d uaraonol hairetl Freni th* Coluia^us Suu, Vkl ku*t. ’ m .. .i.. ■ Mtalua ol the Negro. mu! Of coursa slavery is dead. Kveryb idy in tho South now understand!-that. But i ‘ tho death of slavery carries with it cartmn j \ [• ' incidents which many do not neetn to un- j dursland. The difiorenco between the status of the negro as a slave and hi* .statu* ’ v * a* a Ireoman, is very great, and will no- ' " bit.«4 i*f T.-nn.-ssoc i*try, uior»l worth, tj’ t-*r tlovelopniont ry, a perpetual ro- TUc Men* . ii urdPm lu Cabinet. Frv'xn the Courier ties Ktsta t'nls. NVe have r. ceiv.-d from Washington k lm following uivpaloh: Tho Mexican *j • ‘li n was discussod at the Cahiii.>i meeting hold *>ti Thursday and whii h \ - i?J ovei l.y Trosident John*.*n. A : the 'tHinhcrs piotent ox* pressed them- H lav. mMo to tho statu iu *rx* -pt Mr. 11 - fin, Secretary of the fr.t.'ri. r. wh«* ! -r- l that Juarez should t-o at b-iit ! r. i;y fiipjiortod. t^iito i iv. ly - n.* • \ pi*, n botwoen Mr. Sew hi l hu l Mr. llarl i i, tho premier telling Mi, Harlan thn*. f • . a< riliccd tho truo in- trusts of tin- . rv to the lore of vain popnlaritv . that it ws# not dignified for the I* r;. n< nt t > id Juarez indirectly, arid that il w - not HJv*ntuffoous to sup* port him openly. 1'ivaidont Johnson fully fSUkindda* v'aioJ that i ■ regr e.' the tpe*ch of Mr. ilarlsn mad ■ me t uio since in public; and lit it ii. !•*•• -t tho Cabuiot ought never to forg S that their words aro always vonstruod a* lo ving boon inspired by tuc Government. 1 !♦» wi«u;J K*m» no o|*por- tuuHy t*» di-avow any such inoonaider* ato speeches tlm h i • a.s lie hnd disco • 1 Miorinan's v *v# by reducing his v t -third Mr John*, n, when the mooting was ib.'ijt br aking up, aid that he woud not l •terniiii u;h*m a tiv.'d policy toward M ..c • b. i -r > thn n- ting of Congress, when he Would i!iaxi Id his nie*«age wha’.nv, r i ; v ,.t nviu l>*«l lor the coud» try. It t« evi t >m tl-»v tho President is nn- tv 1 illiiliuiti IV l/Ui) No. 167 Broad Stroet, OPPOSITE COOK’S HOTEL, MAY IMirouxlit to th* eft/ of Cojunihus. and -f ,« k of i exhibition and offer fur sale a CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, F'iuhI to the best Custam Work, thereby savins the purchaser the delay, annoyance and usually aUmulina Custom Work. Ilavli.c been etutaxed in* this bastnosi a Hfo tiuic, and barias »c«-iired th* vervloes uf WM. PALMER, the well know Merchant Tailor of Knaxrillo. Ttnn . they hope and expect to b* a positive benefi* and e*n\cnienco to all who buy their Lioing ao* tiHloine 1 fur voar* to furnishj>*on|* *.f MAlt HE JUDGMENT AND TASTK their entile wardrobe^ over)' article harui-n i-tur and elevating in iL« tendency, they locate ip ( .Juiiibu# and nfler tbeir foods tor sal*, with •nfi-Diu* iu th. ir ability to five satisfaction. Com*, then, and make known your wants, and tli*-o ol your children, and have them supplici by those who have learned themselves am KNOW HOW TO CLOTUK YOU.I I S-pt *4—If RECEIVED SATURDAY. 28S, « O’CLOCK, P. M. AT 62 BROAD STREET. Mull do do Worsted Dre-» Gooda. Royal Purple French Delaine, o’ TwceSSk Scarfs, Ac. SIC ALB, JOBKI 4 ACKK, FOR SALE OR RENT, Five lliouMud Acres of Laud ! FIRST RATE CHANCE TO TRY TUK FREE LABOR SYSTEM and Columbus. Said Plantation contain* five thousand acres. S,7W of which are rich bottom lands, of tnts quality being cleared and <ier cultivation, and tbe balance of the tract tieing heavily timbered pine land—all well ad.tftolio the production of Cotton and pro- Great Reduction in Freights COTTON.! •I'** pretni I'tei lull* t balan.e i. ,„4j« 1 D. P. ELLIS, LI V t N»t>l**N A lit.) .•pt. -dlh. at !*•'. Quickest ancl Cheapest ROUTE TO •NEW V0KK. opia * !*■' - liu-* Olicwiiip T.il.io.d, 0 d l. lUtrKeO, 15 daz. Mill San Eil.’j, lo ; r . \\ «h*'I Screw.-, 1 I’M. Poln-li, '!• W.-ll lliirkct-, 1 'i • ol.l ItunrKiu Wlii-Vi v, I.nt C’arptintcrV Tool-, Hon .'U ild and Kitchen V’DKNITIjfRE, in' ’u>l n » IS« 1 SJ.Matin Ext. ti,! mi TnMo, Uiniii- J,., , Side ImrJ, dinir-, lit \.’a Mi.!.- ALSO, . II. ■ - i. , Carria-o IIiwim, ALSO, I'jiio Maeliino. Ly D. P. ELLIS, i i'll’OUTANT NOTICE To IVIerchants! I ii:w • j id r« < . iv. 1 *liro *t from iW N* . !t, ri \.*!: a dec ted >t>dc .»f lit* G U, V.bioh f will - il Id tlm BACKMil: ONLY, nt \c > ihxi NK\V YOitK I'BU'KxSyAtid i*x|K*inrx: J • 1*1.! ’ Bl.ick CTotton Ha*, 1 - “ GciitV riliirta, . Uitpt ii : »w». M it's Half Hu U-^Sta u. the Tonnes At Johns >nv id**, on close counecti.in i< maxi of bie.tnu r*. I., bt, Liiuii. TI. the Cotton and pay all * -era** point, and traufi rt it ;. tbruUfh bill of l.> hi . . Ih>uIi the Cotton is trs:. Broad tlaxne. Ml it-iiai roe*!, free of *lr.»v.ap , .ml by : to Now York withuu’ dr pen* prefer the route by * «> <■! ! if* *• • n 1 r. oiccot* of the rltfi.* to New York, wilt i forw ird it all the way »>> Rad. charces. without extra ew . . I V. », villa and Louisville, and the N.udiviite .» ( ..- lain" & * K.-^ i. I- |»ed b> way el John-, uv i e will t t c!i u . can> wt Nashville. Rale# from J<d ' bale: I nun Nu-hviliu lull V. „ ,. are advised.) l’artlc? destrti.c f.. rr t- at Nashville, instead of .T.-fci;#4>ri\d>. . ,■ li .ir option of /.him HR bv Steen; boat to t *ti. • i. i i(i —"the Cumberland Ki\rr b irglnfin! iue* order," it low rati : l . rJ per bale to Ciut-iunaii over three different liu* f K.uir «L at » \ rr bale. CJgUon by either i.»ui.- mu bo i i luv n I'utuli. N in New York fa lumhux or Wcet Point, iu twrl SliipH-T* must raiiiiicn to Steam!...at A ■ ; ‘' M fiiiwii— tlof- t aceuuiiianv enih bill of Johiifonvilie, and to ArciiL ihr- uch Lit or a C.>tnnus!*i«u Mtrelmntat Na hvi lo. tl erument lorruiits i ladiug. It UAUGII, Supt W. A A. 1.. R. >Ui t . Imnlod Mr. set iin*4. Ii iti Chitiun in thn l thn pacific fooling* ns utnjoiily of the Cab- coxeerilv involve a thorough change in our j ' M - poUUcal system. Have our MMiU r. . i cd upon tho coneeqtienco of thi* change, "* ' laying th t’.'it JM-irox has evacuated ail* •; T'*d ti> teko refug** l •' . lha rceiunplion of M zico wpl be ii»n- atul fully propurmi their min da to mocl u ’ For nothing is more cut tain than that » * ... derful in ifall, th. rain i grave questions of policy arising from it will havo to bo clonrly defined, diecussod, and settled before our Rcpraeanutive* will boadiuillcd to scats in tho National Congrats. The sooner wo meet the*© questions the *N*t hotter. Wo accepted the abolition of " n slavery* as a fact which we could uot avoid. We shall have to accept other , facts, incident to this, before wo will be the t .q i allowed representation. If not allowed ndm.lti ^presentation in Congress, tbo Southern , - Smiths will continuo to he held as th.\ man. now are-as revelled provinces wholly mI q . n il.q nU h, of the 1 lib, II ;ry Wnyne, of .! Judge Wayne, of the « : upreniQ coart. and major • Umted ftutn ii.' war, has been pardoned ' tuaerwl Wayne was in • iu Georgia, and never • ^ e part in the war. At tho Oel A 1’. ring beyond the pale of Civil Law, and at the iJtnr —— in 1S»; id N, >Y Con no mly n'.'w • sh ♦maker use*l to give .► « n vow flogging every month, .-t hi.ir.* h went to confession. On ■ •: - * u :»*k‘ d t! >• reason of this proceeding, v replied ihat, having a very poor mem- * , Iu- t-' th.- measure for rafresh- “ nt, h i;i? wife, while undergoing the negation, Wrv 1 s,,r.. t,» remind him of all Durii mercy of llhiUrj- Power, Wo must not onliaacxusiom ourselves , to regard the nogia>jHi frveuinn, entitled to the rights of a framnzn, but tvu must sMi'h all those citato laws, and paru of | rrg,.!ar criminal ciwloa, which contmiiplala him | lonm : High only as a slave. A freeman ia not necot- j three aarOy a citizen ; but Oeemen in every ii\. d >., 1 i.t!i countiy, whether oftililU, iliut **r deni* ' • . zens, are entitled to certain rights now denied tho negro by our civil and |«*ul | vut.i codes. These righu we may grant or not the sole had V * i. L ‘ il tS< as we see propor; but it thej are n**i f tho cu the gran tod, our state will continue to be ruled by Provoet Marshals. Men are aspiring to seats in tho ap proaching 8lale Convention. Have the*** m« n »eriously reflected upon the dutio U be t»erforinad, and the grave respond- hilities to be assumed, by each individual freely ait to the c inter of .!d bare, the knife 1 tbo w'ltoie literally cau- i with ni.rio acid. Tue Governor bore lhose tcrnblu operati >ns with great heroistn. l'or the most part hv refused to t«ko 11 dor of tin, telling the •urgt'on, **w ben you g**t r* «*iy to cut* tell me, and then cut, 1 watch.i u the **)K'.rati**n wilh- .* d ; . *; -try tznd for labor on • > continuous nnd ex- . ..ir g ore sent season that a i i i.\ liv. .u.,ls have found it prof- line ol : ' to .. . Mi,i. rgcnciea in Baltimore wmty* ! ‘" r ' • orit.j: , n^- of negro laborers and ulct’r I distributing them through tho interior .hough i counties of ** un the On the place are three separate naaro qu«rt«M. with bouses for overseers, all in good order und capable of accomuiKtaliDa .IV) ne- rmes. Ab<». barn* for storint ootton. corn, Ac., Ac. A fiot class sin boose, with 12 burse power iicaiu enttue; a fine ootton presa, sutar mill, c.»rn mill—in fact all tha appointments pt a f rat rale plantation. The nec«e#:iry i.rovUipe*. utensils and Meek can be pun-h«#ed ou tbe place at the lowest rates. There are now on the plantation ah,.at 1 «> necrocs nrcastoiued to ita caltivation. who iube hir l Tor another year. This place ma on as. r. lMit.L 1*,* M. . R 1*. . . I!, W. !,. CLARK. * Huilroad. be divided into three farms and would suit _ , . , Kx’rx ol Jos, B. Hill. Columbus. Ua., Sept 34-2w Al oitromerr Mail. Macon Telegraph and At lanta In tellitrcnccr copy and send bill to this oifioa. KO AG IA;-TAYLOR COFNTY.-Two month.- alter date apolitatiou will be made to the llonorablo Court of Ordinary of Taylor c;*anty. »or leave ty sell the lands belonrtnc U ,,f J rLT z '^R t i I ^T^rrt*"' sopt Zl.—Um'« (2K0R0I At-TAYLOB OOLNTT.-Two ' froai aal ® •PPiieation wlU be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Tr-'~- titunt). for leave to sell the lands belonaii I fir nf I'll 1,1,4 A 1 nu.* * - * - * 4 ■ ior io sen me lanes belonrine u !'Vh*’w!-” otChjr:e -' A - Loyi . *"»««44*.-sfi.i •wia-im JKS.-KE ADAMS. Adai'r. To Butohers A LL Butchers and other persons offering for A. halo, cither from #hop# or waeons, the fi--h ot either Beef. Sheep. Goat or Hog, mu>t first report the same, with the ears *f the animat, to tho t. lerk of the M arket, have the brands, gen der and color registered by him. and take hi# M£ifloote of such registry, Indore selline, or *u •jsfsult. be suWect to a fine not exceeding fifty Will k urwen i >no of these Hg.n'.s i- sai l le .vve trAnsporte*l some light hun I red mgoes from Virginia du- riug the last two month# for tue purpose wi supplying he active demtnj for farm hands. A large number of the men who soled «• substitute urukers in this vicinity ut the liiuo i*f Jr.iti* are ti«*w engaged in this pfocurinbiiatnc*. . As yet tbeir op- ••ratiuii* liavi briti i-onducted fairly, and flit* FVroduioq'* Uur**au ita* itnitUonaiicetl their effort t*( employ the blacks, The office ol the Clerk of the Market. Mr J’eter L. Atiderson, wid 1^ at the shop of Me Hartman \ McAnlie, on the oornor ol Broad Til« .ndln.wfofU.trwu, whM, h. m»jb« founi Flftl! 1611011 For SiilO. daily. 1 ^un Jay* excepted) on and after lltb .Sepu, fryiu daylight to 11 o'clock i i ,jf v^nsf Hi 3*. mol 8«rt 12 lot Tta* of c. road JUOd Monday a- oi. one,. VIRGIL l*t»\Y i:tt> Sup S. W. U. 1 li. 1). tv .VI k if. Ltv»no, t N. A N. N. H R Billiard Table For Sale. / YNK BILLIARD i \::LE I r d i.i? upimratu. toiLi let'. Due JKNN\ LIND TARLK, plus, will answer f< r |H> ) , r t;.. Apply at Fldorado t Sep 21—lw « HAixLl.' Lest or Mislaid. Diamon, dvceaicd, sometime in the early part ot Is- are cautioned not to trade 1 «r t .i representative of said deceased n v t t» j same except u my>ell. Sep CRN JAM IN D •It;, e.nnd t‘ X I^.alDWAnE, ;p an i T< i flnooms ^ t -1 !■, i\niv»’.' and Furl;-. I lair 1* "* i Dm* V • (\»inl*ii, iin«*Oonibi, and futiT t . article . Cruslr ! Liiil Ground Sugar, i •/ ; «» nt \it« ii. i-».! • i < v • i l)i|i|K*n*, Vs ivl, in UiU ; ( liiM FC. vHil'i/.. P* nt-l.hi Whisky, l-yr»oU Star ('sindhta. 30 CASKS SHOES, ' • . . till' Intu.-t »l\V, fi’wiii ;..i A N«». I Nurtlutrn man* Uului id -t-*i FOR SALE. i:u«*ry. tnearly now*. No. I LU:4. r !)»,.* . <21 hand), • D . > . j t hko.i). fit! ’ ’ II * nd). t (nei ;.v » > : I a.t.i- Id iro ting, (new not cut), >« .* ! *T . J. KHODKS BRotVNE. HALF,, MOSES & CO, AT TIIKIII UI.U fiTANU, 1 7 :• YJ 11 : I* It! • LIYKD a I d *.f *cryir t • ind \V icloo)• >•!ui POCKET KNIVES, o*«r rat whi* h vv** off-r ;»! n email udranci tv «• bfive ; : • t t w Ooiea ol t'llOlC'K L’HEtVIXti TOBACCO, which hn boon Approve*!. Sept MRh, BARUWELL II MIX4I1ISJEHV. CAM V AND STAPLE GOOHS, Columbus Female Acadeui/. RATES OF TUITION. >pui: it' i..\ rtc vi;ar wiiib, j'.ua I Ini** Ctm C.4U1I Term*. A* all thf a ill I ** th** ii.ri.i iintu supervision «»(Ift- -ion n. 1 ..nr pri.-e will hr. : 7 « rut will sp* l*cr next and lis r.i* ■ f.Mrn. BOARDING AND SALE STA.13LIE. »rllE nndenigued i of OCTOBER nc n on tho Iti — next, a stuo!c i- r the (M il lion of Horans onboard and ale, f**r the u>- eomuiodation of hU iricudi, and th* \ ... , cX2Us.,« :i .iw-u- A.UA.^1,1 I I .* extra Ut •*+ . ri R. :d. >Al N DBkr. ^ . Frw^ijra*- (OIT0N U\ U!'P.\IK!\4it Wl tu.tr,VE Ol' MIlb'DUX. -IT-KUINri:NU^Srs okfick. 1 FOR SALE, A OOOU MIDIIM MILK « a J .L\- PKESS WAUO.N. Ai ;lv ... A i-ffH* ML c. UIUY. i.'var, Sept.£»‘, !* *r rrid.tV.St.pt. L'Jl. W*-. T*** . i;-. d w. l be run as lolkw- a- m. JKK. of CouncU. Medical College of Georgia, i T HK ■■^•"kmed offer# his IMaotati- n A coa^ Lo^ Ain., one mu l a 1 a.i u..i*-* 11«*u 4 j* r *°V u i J! A,,0 1 u D. on the Molmu end !**£* r ® wlc. ihetri'rt * >ntain- 19k)acres, 1 two, huuuitu.rk, the rtmiiudir lire OMIK KKUILAR COURSE OF LKCTVRKS •"fUUiuon.Kill b* camtu.uccj on III, irat MouJv iu Novcmbtr nut uU b, continued four ui«*nths, rep iu-dtawlm L. A. DUGAS, Dean. rair.« *it A. A W. P. p I . A Ban to s» • \ with tbe Weeter* . V,'i, open aud now in cnltivaiu u , with all nccoMary buildings. .. w ... ...., K the tnoet desirable plecreiu thatic^tiuu, bciLk n, uudrr gw* d ku* ny onedusirvus .. . __ me in person veto Grt* uwo***! i. Gi.-tj. « dun bus, Ga. JAMBS I. ,CULl Wood! Wood!! |>LKM*N I. .>• u «*f hauling tbeir * ran 1 >« supplied .... I 14 11. Iha ■.I«1>I«II*IS *»' Di 11 .M I,-tnr, f„