Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, October 04, 1865, Image 3

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COAL 8E» S ITim OFFICIAL. The Cotton Flats.—Wo aro informed that nu effort is making, by tnonnx »»f | fe ,.l.«r» ^" n ' 0 h 0 , ; , i UB,,U,W ; t " f* ‘• C , CO ‘ U ; U '!"' T j OFVIIJE COLLECTOR IXTKRXAL REV..1 ve j o’clock jh tho nuernooii, n r» roU nd u few milea below this city, Rkymmuk ji> District, Ukorou. r before-* ot ‘ JJ . . , rl . , ! Mvoon, Ga.. Au;u#t 11. 1*16. J • .^, e ^ ^ _ I afloat again. I hey will no doubt be i ** * - - pi>U THK k ** T !’ named gentlemon are Agenta j | t (, e past tin! shoals that offer ,00*1.1 « „ in Alabama- * ° “. C fv„w">- Seels' Station. • ,u,tebaehnbb.e. 1: Jb«rn. liurtvil'e. a. Weller. *»•“■ ,? B ,„ kf jleenr-“ - • ibkcr. Su<l'eo !1 ""' (■ Chennennreee. d-^ nlon Springe. Lester. VUIuU. ' r "..jUnKe.‘ ;l « r '” vilk '- fc. Tuoui* W. tv. Fi.Kwiai.itx, ‘ V* P : pKU * 8 * m a mas ■ A _ __ _ Ji.*. b, Jolti.®i formerly with ItI I .V Jobn*on. CLQTHIHG EMP9RI0H. — NEW STORE! S. & .1, PPM & CO. f j By order from Treasury Dei.artmont. taxes, soon relieved, tind will ho accompanied when duo. are remitted to bo i.aiil before ship- meat nl onlton can bo made frum this district. Tbe 2d District is composed of the following I counties: Baker, Mibb, Butts. Calhoun,Chatta- I hooebee, Crawford, Decatur, Dooly, Dougherty, Early, Harris, Itoustoa, J.ae. Macon, Morion! Miller, Mitohcll, M< obstructions. I II raid*. Cork .Corrok|iuudciice Ken tan Kxcltemeut .. .. .. | Miller, Mitchell, Monroe. Muscogee, Pulaski nohl'lnV’t? K - f ?T, ! i!-; TI,C s II, ; r “ U |, 1 ‘ a n' I I’ilte. bluitman. Randolph, Schley. S|Hi«Mi« K ! Dublin lefclor, dated September 14, which a.,, 1Vftrf c limri ._, Tll .|, rt . v ,, .* ,yj> the ‘'nations l exedeinont produced ® ' WebsteTand Wo«h ' r ' ' i in irclupd by the r»porU of and extended i invasion hy armed bands or an army of : American Celts, citizens of tho United j SUtlea, intensities and extends every day. 1 i riinuo the closo of tho harvest season, in j I the last days of July ami tho commence* i lulerual Revenue Notice. Official instruction* haviug been iceoivcd this mined gentlemen am our moj.t of August, 1 imvo visited the chief day from tho Commi.*#ioncr of Internal Rcve- jjefoilowiur • ? ou |j lc Muscogee j centers of political information in the pro • u “** v vincos of Aluneter, Leinster and Con- I, ‘tls\'o.2,Coi.J, A - U , ii, p. W11.M Hd'^o'Sut. nut\ Hail Ruadi, Sle.u^ Boats. Express Com panies and nil prr*vm a~e hero y notilicd not | nituglit, and "instituted inquiry us to how to transport any Cotton, , . y B. Water** ^''voiiey J. Ii. Byimtox. ^ KS ° >v • far tho peasantry might be expeclod to i co-operate with tho Hans- Atlantic libera tors; and the result of the investigation i convinces me that they are prepared to dare and do all that men of quick percep tion, resolute hearts, stalwart arms and hereditary love of war and wi#li for glory can do to restore tho independence of their country, and unite it in still closer bonds of friendship, comnmrcG and communica tion with the United hhates. From Ulster, Imretoloro tho stronghold British indnence and interests I have j information, from trustworthy sources, | that tho Presbyterians and Church ol j .England Protestants, of tho middle rank, hose curd id in our do not regard this Fenian movement with Inrtffl grocer* ' anything like tlm disfavor witn which %eW Advertisement*. p. 5 "? T "“t- ofhi , gtoro. the vn unb e ware- of Dillard, Howell »• C°> : of Brili.b inti wn» lie property oJvortixinit’iit- n S. Benedict & Sms, lejir?, D' , ■ ,iiville. Ky jiuiis tins liiurniiig, «ro of; | they bavo looked upun thu notion of otlier ion niercliants. Xbey ore j otbir societies, which worked l»t Ireland, .1 „ii.roli,!nts and La'll- i ® ll<ca lho disbandment of tb« Volunteers n-^nled ns being nterenams nnu gi i I, , TBi That the Irish pousantry uro in vU „f the l.ifriiost rcspootnlnli^y ... - cofniw** 1 " • Waddell, l’robnle Judge of Run- j j justice* of tbe pence is of the first importance. JtAVu.- II.Itemu tt.populrmy know,, their I .•Billy Bennett," assisted by Mr. W. | I po*»os8ion of a large quantity of arms and . ammunition, there is no doubt, although . they are freed to conceal them by ennet- ujitYt Alabama, has u notice to [ i m >nLs of Arms, Acts, State prosecutions 1 co • ce u f that county 1 and pcnul sentences. These arms are fur- ni-hod by Englishmen them-elves—the Birmingham manufacturer*—who permit | their love of commercial gain to uveirido their patrol ism. . , Nightly drillingsofrn**n are had in almost | |M oncnci] u collecting every portion of tho island, nowhere, cow (♦n^wuli, 1 1 .. . huaiiioMa 1 tliero * Thoro is no universal turn out for „ C v in our city• nnu solicit. I such a purpose, the men under instruction lie cives good reference* I at any timo or place, numbering only ] from 200 to 500. Tho musters are held in places almost itmccoieibio to the police, without their advent being discovered; so l>w nrrosts arc* made. Tho drill-fields aro, for the most part, in the neighborhood ol ! the mountnin-rangfs of Tipperary, Kerry * m* liiinfiripL’ nr m list ' that line. 1 could, if ncci'.Hsary, extend tie Hit contained tliu immo ot every old n „f ti, c city. Oivo him your pn- . if yon wuiittbe innney. .... **’ • „ n.TTtij t-r.i hnvp re- or Limorick, or on tho broad plains vll*. < uitiSiV. ho., imveit j Klldll| . l . i Corkt WulCTlerd, W oxford, etc 1 1 have had n ■ move it out of the I 2»1 colb.ctor.il district, unless they fir>t lirocurc a permit from this office or from my doputios. Cotton can bo shipped on any Railroad to Mb- cou. Duty can be paid at Columbus to Richard W. .Ja«iucs, Deputy Collector. , , JAMES C. McBURNEV. August 2*2-tf Collector. OFFICE COLLECTOR INT’L REVENUE,) 2u DiaraiCT **F k Macon, August 14, lRiu. ) Notice is hereby glvon that all Distillers of apples, peaches, grapo#, corn, or other substan- f ces, and all uianufucturers of tobacco, cigars Ac., aro required to tul;o out a lioenso anil give bond. Those who fail to give bond aud procure license are, in addition to all other penalties and forfeitures, liable to pay one hundred per centum additional duties thereon. Notice, luercuuuUi and otliors purchasing liquors beforo the duty is paid, do so at their own risk, n« the law compels mo to seize it, no mutter in whose hands it may bo found. JAMES C. Mr BURNEY. ' aug 22-tf Collector. COLUMBUS, Ga., August 22, 1885. Having been appointed Deputy Collector for tbe counties embracing Muscogee, Tulkot, Bur ris. Marion, Chattahoochee and Stewart, all par- ticscn^agod in distilling spirituous liquors in tho above named counties will apply nt once at iny office, oppojito tho Perry House, and lilo bonds and procuro permits, RICHARD W. JAQUES. Deputv (Collector am 22-tf In tarn a! Kev. 2d Dist. (la. Through to Atlanta, rrci tarn , fine lot of «U0M, leather, find- .. pc^s, tminors’ ami sbuenmk- ' 'rouU*’ Wh tftrtners* oil. Call norni get a aopply* A V. floatrito in now t*pcning, on the , *t side of Broad street, u few doors r the fashbnmblo clothing ostablinh- | utofU. K. Thomas »fc Co., one of most hciiiit'ful arrays of goods for ladles that is in the market. All | rer . of such good* will thunk Mr. j -,tnfo for securing the semens of M tuly, whose genial face has made the | j' „,!iiig of money sa agi^ettbic hcrcto- 7'i { Wethbj I'jitt/itirn'.— Wo have ireda ling of Huhscribori :k!v paper from llurtvlll jketlii* method of acknowledging the -ipt of the money they sent us—nil riof in advance. Wo lire also daily eJ hy others, desirous to subscribe, to we will start tho weekly again. cm not just now fix tho precise day, (we intend to aomnionoo again tho blication of tho Weekly Enquirer in n Dime. The mails are not yet ox-' ded into the country boyond tin* rail- «lf.and nil or nearly all the mails we th&re'hre daily. But we wish to tifythe disposition of so many per- . to take our weekly, and will thore- e make haste to start it again- 1 n the aniime we request our friends to get j lists and send in their mimes. 11 ill bo best for neighborhood a off tbe .ail lines to make arrangements for Mting their papers from the nearest de mand inform us of tho depot to which > wo to he mailed. The price of tho tdty Enquirtr will ho $4 a year, «ir £1 three months, in advance. r nimng, with any degree of accuracy, llm nunit)or of unrolled member* now in the Irish branch of the Fenian organization, but, so far a? I have been informed, they do not fall short of 140,000. The writer then enumerates England’s moans of repression ; Dublin, Cm k. Wa ter ford. Limorick, Belfast, Loadonderry, and all other iuiporiaut points of tlm l-« land, uro hold by regular troops, militia, police, or artillery, uud ti feigutu-of-war, with soiuo gunboats, hover from Ihintoy Bay, on tbe south west coast, to the deso late shores of Connemara, o.i the extreme west, and to the Bay of (lalway. The 1 British force in Iroland might be omuiicr* ; j utoJ, in a rough wuy, thus: 1’reops o. I Li ine, cavalry and infantry, ‘.1,000; artil- lory, 2,500; Veter in Corp4, armed pen-j eioners, J, 100; militi**, 15,000; coiistahul- j ary county police, 14,000; revenue police, armed ami drilled, 2,200—total, 7-VT00. | General »Sir Ilugli Boss, Iv. C. 11 , who j succeeded Jj*»rd Clyde, asCoiuiimfider-in- i j' Chiof of the English army in India, lias j' Sl■ 1*ER1 NTENDANT’S OFFICE, ) Ml'SCOH E RAILROAD CO . - Cm.rMill’s, (Ci„ dept. Uth, ISim, j Mnacogee Kali Huatl Vclualuh. O N AND AFTER MONDAY, llfh inst., the Pasr'enger Train on this road will Lcavo Columbus nt 7 o'clock, A. M. Arrive in Macon nt- 4,lu “ J*. M. Lcnvo Macon at 7.2! “ a.M. Arrive in Columbus ut 4.24 “ 1*. M. Macon and Wnlrrn Ii. Ii. Kclicdnlc. • MIGHT TRAIN. Lcav<» Mavion b.:w, 1*. M. Arrive ut Atlanta 2.^.;. A. M. Leave Atlama U..*hi, P. M. Arrive at Macon -kilo A. M. »ep in—ft W. L. CLARK, Sup't. Alu., and j just taken command of tho Dublin .\1 tnry District, it is hoped, no dnuht, lie will hens successful in his treatment of tho Fenians as ho was in his cure of tho fceiioys. It will interest the Fenians iu America to know that tho ‘•ubicct of their move ment has boon for some months before tho CTmiioil of tho fcUcrod College of Rome, and ofllcial letters just received in Dub- iin, state that tho directions to the Arch bishops, Bishops ami Clergy, from the Holy Father, uro to let- it alone, at least for tho present. markkt report*. Kaahvllle Market*. NA9HV1LLK, Sept. 30.—Tho Inlhtwlna quota tions are lor the wholesale trade. In retail ti inunctions, uu uuvunco of about 10 percent, is added: , , , ArPLKri—Only a retail supply in the marke*. Axks—$I8o»*2U per do%. A mb—Old Kenton 921 per bbl.; Samis 92!. Baooinu—22e per yard. Buttkk and Eooh—But’er Hi"»a5(i cents for choice; eggs SOo per dor by the barrel. Uai.k ltorK—18o per lb. Bitkkts—Fainted, w-VV" J I/O per dozen. Uvoon—Hams plain. 3tk<^;iT>p; dear sides 2?. j (rt.2to; rib sides 2»K«' 2lc; *houhl«-r* 2l"*22e; su- Kiir cured 35c. Brooms—^50i«i8,00 pqrd CHARGE OF SHIFDHJ:. SU1* E HI NT E N1) A N T’S OFFICE. ) M. A- W. I*. U. U.. Montqomkry, Sept. 20, is«n. ) O N and after Friday, Sept. 221, H65, T'liiaa on ill's ltoud vvl.l be run us fullowi: Leave Columhu.s nt ti - > A. M. Arrivo West Point 12 M Arrive at MoiitKouiory e Monttfomery o West Point o i-l Cidouinbus.. CounuctiiiK v.iili trui at West point winch nri M.. in tii 4 A.M. I 15 p. M. ii 4:>. P. M. I A. A W. P. It. It. ch arrives in Atlanta at 7 P. meet vvi’li the Western and l for Cbattnnoogn and point. DAN'!, II. CRAM, p9n*i Sup'r, Notice! TREASURER’S OFFICE, Muscogee K. K. Co., <r * «— • 1st, lSi U. E. THOMAS & CO., -A I- No. 125 Broad Street, Groor^ia,, RESPECSTFULLY announce to the citizens of Columbus and surrounding country that they have now in store, and to arrive, u SPLENDID Stock «f ISHI —AND- RMDT-M1DE CL0T1ING Comprising every article uaually kept in First Class Clothing Houses, CONSISTING or SPLENDID FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, Black aud Fancy Gassiineres, -AND- FANCY VESTINGS, CLOTHING, Fine lot of OVER COATS, Cloth and Oostd- Conts, Full Drcs* and Business Suita of every style. Doe and Cansimorc Punts, and Fancy Vestings. Large lot of Fancy Cassimcre, Lin en. Hickory nnd Merino Shirts; Canton Flan nel, Jeans and Merino Drawers. Fanoy Linen and Paper Collars, dents'and Ludios’ Handkerchiefs, Fancy Kid, h bite, Berlin uud Cassimcre Gloves, Buck. Gauntlet*, Cassiinore Hats, Valiso*. Umbrellas, et cetera. Wo have secured the sorviees of MR. GEO. H. BETZ, in our Muuufucturing Department, who is now prepared to serve his old customer.*, nnd as many new ones ns may favor him (and us) with their patronage. Having just returned from New York, where ho has been enabled to ac quaint himself with fho latest fashions and styles of cutting, he will ho tho hotter preparod to give that UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION which has always distinguished him as ouo of the MOST CELEBRATED TAILORS in tho South. Wc cordially invito tho " Public ” to give us jv call before purchasing elsewhere, ns we in tend to make it to their interest to purchase from us. Our aim will be to please, and it is our deter mination to establish a FIRST CLASS REP UTATION. Having purchased our stock at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES, our motto will bo “Quick Sales and Small Profits.” Columbus, flu., Sept. 27—1 m No. 167 Broad Street, NEW GOODS III OPPOSITE COOK’S HOTEL, C<»luiubmi, (fa , Sold On and after thin date the lTi I wiU bo Ovo cent* per mile. JAS. M. BIVINS,Treasurer, Sept l-4f NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. SrrEHINTKXDANT’S OFFICE, Muscoiikk Rati. R<m>, > Columbus, da., Aug. 11, *65. J Shippers and Consignees a: o hoi\ by nofiiio that this Company will not bo responsible f freights shipped to any Srution on ihi* Rond, 0 r l nt Columbus, after it i* discharged from our I cars. AV. ), ('I.AHK. Sii|.’t. I jiuxU-tf CiNXKn Eboit—I’cachcs, 2 F'J, [,cr lo7... do 3 lbs. $6 per dozen. Ciikksk—'Western Reserve, JUc; Hamburg, !•!,». r lb. NOTICE. OFFICE MUSCOGEE RAILROAD <’(>., I C'll.LMBUH. GA., Aug. 11. l.H'o. / On a Strike.—Wo hoar tlmt many of 0 wgro mcplmnicft of this city avt* on strike fur higher wage S'—some of thorn TnanJiup five dollars n day. This ia uch more than many white mechanics inters included) can make. It is also id that the house servants are inereas- 1 their demands. Tlio freedmon are iuring their own class and proapocts r * coarse of extortion like tliis. It *0 undoubtedly stimulate exertions to tain nhito lnhorers, mechanics and ft age “helps,” and to dispense with lack labor us much us possible. Me- kanics and house servants will first lie ■ported, and before this year is out iFrt vrili be uo other place in which no- cm obtain work hut the cotton and ■OfQ fields. We arc one of the few who Fare ,11 the timo been hopeful that ireed fflw, would accommodate themselves J ^ { situation of tlm South, and redeem air race frum the stignm it has inour- l'Ue»lwio,| ) y identifying themselves ills the iuterests and needs of labor toil sharing with tho whites the hard- •liips nnd privations of the times. Hut Whing is plainer than that they must tong upon themselves emhavrassment offering by demauding prices which *“ le tnployers are wholly uuuhlo to five. Sun.—Our neighbor yesterday '“"hits n]ipoarunee with the added eog- totou of tho Timet— Mr. Scruggs, the PWtM e 'h'"r. having bought the mate- n *i ud good will of the Timet office and' c toi*cted them with the Sun. The pn- I! no,r Called the Pnilj Sun ami 7'. 11. i.—\\V are pleased to we to*energetic aud libernl rellow -citizen, 'pbS. H. Hill, of tho Express Coin- * ,<lC,c ^ ome The Captain X,* n to ^ ew ^* or ^ other places ^ ' an *^ we suppose has niude tir- ta* eftioiency and CASTlNOi—Hollow wnro, - , .#i. Candles—Tallow lrt(«G8o: Star 25"« 2Sc per is. Cokkkk—Prime Rio, t'RACKKBS—St. Louia butter, Foda and sugar 10c per R». Copper—60c per ' r '. , , „ Cnvic Oystlus—2"» cans j >.u0 per u«*z, 1 l' 1 cuiis 93.60 per d«>/.. in boxed- Drugs and Dykhtitta—Wc quote ai» follow* for lca^ling article* : copj.era.* por Ft., 7' *' ilium 14 •’•J"*-: in Ii: > i • . " . tier. (Dutch). 2-7 pt r : cu ib». »r miehinoul per h*, !; quir ine v 4 50; morphine (*n)ph.) per ••*. 41 (gum) per lb. lit; iol. i-tta-b r« r ■*. M: nit. rilver icrypt.) per it. >2 7"»- 1 ■'•U:; nit silver (n|i<-k pure) 92’d); fpntni milt- per lb. 12' Fl.oua— Suportiuu $S0U; e.vr.i, *•' •'*•'■10; elm oo liunily in g<t'»«l tieimtiul m SI l.' 1 * / l'l. Fiau—Mnokorel, in kits. No. 1, ft; No 2. $3; No. ••!. In halt bbla., 9I'»: No. 2, d... >11 ; No. 1, do. $1J; No.in kit.*. 92.75. lliDKR ixii Leatiiiu—Wo quole: Oak pole, .*>"(•; Cinciunaii. 47c; country, Ifv: lleinlook, 4iit’; Upper, zv. "hic; Unruc.-d, l.'u;; Skirting, 'dio; Bridle, 5.V > idj pei do/.: Kip fkin*. <')c; ChB ; —Dry Flint. lU,«.Ue -, Dry Suited, 7 fa* Ho; Greon Sal tod per I*’.. 7.'ye. Sbeep ndig«7 iua l- th. Si: *.9lt« i ■nit I pelt." t*h r 20o. J. * )per‘ ckins, i*'*c. Uii.s—Tnnner’n, .f2.U ): Lard. 92 5ot*. 2.75; C:i*- tor, $5 50; Liusced, S2'i’2.o0; Coni oil, ilf** l,5o per gallon. Ikon—Tonncsrco c tu;m >n bar, lo^c per *b; Pitt-burg, hUj Sbeut, iI lor common: J uniat i a, UiMG&c. Lemons and Guanoes—gl-Hci.jj per box. Lard—In tierces. 30c; keg, :»2c. Molasses—$1.z0>^1.40. ml. Mral-91.30 per biuhel. ~ Mii.k—Borden’s Canned -rd-rf) por do*. Pro vost’s HO). N ails—' J‘ jo per lb. for round lots. Picki.rs—Pint J I) - 93 pur d r., quart do •>!: half gallon SH : bait buriel 9ll. Pkppkr—Black, 48c. , 4 . Raisins—La>er, ■* ■.'•per b«*x : 11.11.,.$*. Fvnri'—Golden. ■>l,40«il.. f '0 per gill »ii. Spick— l5o per Starch—12o per lb. Salt—Seven bujn. in b. lOll b irrels. delivered. ticoAR— N. (J. sugar, in hb If., '2'* '21 • in hlnl.T, M’s* ir-jc; iu b«l.-.. 17 l j cru-hed, grunulateU mol pi*wd*»re*l «t *1 Son %—lit* per lb in casks ; in boxes, 1 * i < i• , 1" ;• r l a' in : 1" U I i'-HACCo—Munul.ietured, according t ty, 76c(«vfl.75 per h*. Tin Plate—I. 0. 1. X - t -U • T TwiKJi—6de per H»; eott«»n twine. ••‘■J. XV HlfKtY—Bourbon, - Lobcrt-on. $4: Rowan’s old Now.-om.9o; Rectified, .>2.1". Wiiitk Lkad—loc per l \ For the Couvcntiou. Wo aro authorised to announce R . h . .51 o T T as u candidato for a seat in tlic State ( onv^n- tion. and Pino Wood by tbe car l *ud. Partin- wish ing same will pleaso make application immedi ately, W. L. CLARK, Sup't. augll-tf Notice to Shippers. # Office Muscogee Railroad, ( Columbus, (4a., July Mvt, lsy*». f The Muscogee Railroad i* now running a DAILY TRAIN to Macon, and ire prepared to forward freight with dispatch t j Macon Millcdgoville, Atlanta,and intermediate points. jtily81 t* W. Ij. OLAKK. Hap’t. Notice to Shippers. TrfdiUBKii'sOfFiCE. Mil '' »geo R. R.Co.,1 Columbus, (iu., July ..1st, 18U*». / From and alter tho 1st August, pro-payment will he rc*juircd for all freight shipped to But ler and intermediate Stations. Tho freight on till good# received at this place from any point, must bo paid on delivery of tbe nrlioln#. Shippers will ploa«o tike notice, u« those rules will bo rigidly ou forced. july31-tf J. M. BIVINS. Treat r. ISJotioo ! OFFICE MOBILE A: GIRARD R. U., ♦ August If*. MW. f An adjourned meeting of the Stockholder# of this Company a ill bo held at the Oflico, Girard. Ala., «m the third Wednesday in '* -t'lbar next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. J. M, FRAZER, aug l'.i-td Bee rat ary. For Rent, y TWO-STORY DWKI.MNi; HOUSE with OPENING AND TO ARRIVE ft WELL SELECTED STOCK DRY GOODS. CALL AND SEE THEM -Ar ea Broacl Stroot, Third D#)r above Manly i lloducs* Corner. SEALS, JONES & ACEE. ill epiitori, NEWS DEPOT, -AND- NOTION HOUSE. 00 U1VOAD ITHEBT, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. GEO. H. ROBERTSON & CO., R ESPECTFULLY announce to the citizen* of Columbus that they have now in store, and on tho way here, a choice and desirable stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, comprising every article usually kept in first oIhss hoar os. Legal Cap, Bill Cup, Loiter, Note and Billet, Gilt, Magenta, Blotting uud Tissue, ruled aud blank papers. White, IJufF, Now Opnquo. Card and Wed ding Envelopes, Mourning Paper, Envelopes and Cants. Arnold’s nnd Butler’s Inks, (lillett’s Steel Pens, Faber’s Lead l’onoil's. Dice, Placing Card*, Visiting Cards, Portfolios. Looking Glasses, Pictures. Prang’s Skoteh Cards. Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes. Hair Brushes, Pocket, Toilet and Fine Comb.*, Ink, Mucilage und an endless variety of STATIONER’S NOTIONS. A beautiful stock of Anthony's Photograph Allmm*, containing from 3 to 2ini p eturos. Autograph Albums uud Drawing uud .Sketch Books. A choice stock ot Bound and Paper Back Novels. Novelletts. Dime Novels, American Tales, Dime Songsters, and Humorous Works too tedious to montiun. SCHOOL BOOKS! Teachers or parents desiring SCHOOL BOOKS will find it to thoir interest to buy from us. Our aim is to please—our determination to ctablish a first class reputation. Wc buy at tho lowest cosh prices and our motto will bo “Quick Sales and Small Profits.” Wo respectfully solicit orders from the conn NOTICU, \1 KUCHA NTS and other.* who dosiro to KK- 1U MIT FUNDS NOUTII can do so WITH OUT EXPENSE by applying nt Agency of E. M. Bruoc A Co., where Northern Exchange cun be purchased at pnr. l'KLIX ALEXANDER, Agent. 108 Broadst„ over Ware’s drugstore. Sept 2»t-tf Dissolution. r PIIK Firm heretofore known as Kivlin I Cargill is this day, by luuiual consent., di. solved. The business of the late firm will be settled by Mr. Cargill. KIVLIN & CARGILL. Sept 20th, l<(tV>—sop2i)-tf FOR KENT, CLOTH ING FURNISHING GOODS, FOR MEN, BOYS AXI) CHILDREN, Equal to the bc#t Cuitom Work, thereby saving the purchaser tho doiuy, annoyance and ex pense usually attending Custom Work. Having bcou engaged In this business a life time, end having secured the rcrviecs of WM. PALMER, tho well know Merchant Tailor of Knoxville, T'cnn., thoy hopo and expect to be a positive benefit and convenience to all who buy their goods. Being accustomed for year* to fuenhh people of MATURE JUDGMENT AND TASTE their entire wardrobes, ovory article harmon ising and olevatiug in its tendency, they locate in Columbus and offer their goods for sale, with confidence in their ability to give satisfaction. Coiuc, then, and make known your wants, and thoso ot your children, and have thorn supplied by those who Iiavo leurnnd themsolvc* nnd KNOW HOW TO CLOTHE YOU. Sept 24—tf NEW STORE! NEWGOODS! GENERAL INTELLIGENCE omen, •W. 05 BROAD STREET, ool,umJjus, oa. Sucoess Attends_ the Diligent! r HA VE opened this Offieo with the view of i making it one of tbo permnnont Inalltution. I oat! i.tiafy the pul>- ltc that it is to their internet to patronize me My adTertucmenU will .how how J proto,.a to serve the community, for «o?o^'l°w '' on " , of,l10 •’toi’Mty which I hot. Valuable Property for Sale, in Wynnton. [ ^V, 0tf o ri . n . f f or-a,e l !i? Cne residence kn own l ns the Butt place, in Wvnnton. Tbe lot coo - The bM 8 l.rxeamt wen fintsbea room*, and thei o is plenty of out w‘*5 2“ 'k® ynrd i« h.nd.omcly l.i.t pH and decorated withchoicc flowers andsnrub- hery. Ibis place is one and a half miles from Columbus, nod i# one of tbe moat desirable Places in this section of country. The furniture may be bought with tho plase, if dosirwJ, F oel J j. ii. sikEts. Ul SALE—The plantation naar Dover, in 11 ..‘.."“'J 1 c °on'y. Aiu., south of the Kailroa.i. u.ffiii” rr , uul Columbus, mi which Mr. R. p. rl i, k! SS*' *' D \,* [ . ,n houses and lha nanasaa- S.°yttu d ( , i h 0 f‘e'h".^ n ‘°" d r ®»‘ ir - Ihi * -'•c. beHv'Tlr«. pl 5r Ution °. n 'T, hlch Major Witn- vli y .a . e *' *'* DCreH * in Russell co . AU. C'OR RENT—Prom the 1st of Oet a very -* ooinfortabio dwelling on Forsyth st 1,2. tweon llandolph and St. Clair street- t rooms large hall; lull acre lot. N. I,. UOiVAllb A|,1,l >' to J. II. sikk.s! F°u R „ 8AI ' E - T J 0 Billiard Tables, with A balls, ques, PooT Fixtures and everything eumpleto. Apply to ,J. R. hlKEfi, * F OR SALE, a Plantation four miles from Columbus, Ga„ in Alabama; acres. 16" acres cleared and woll improvod: a four-room .tSUi'awfui ^i 11 necessary out-buildings: iu ^odeondltioD; large vineyard with about.'(.000 H' W. L. PARKER, (LATE OF KENTUCKY,) AS JUST OPENED at No. G4 Broad Street, first door above Randolph, an entirely New and Well Assorted Stock of Ooods, which he offers to the citizens of Columbus and vicinity at reasonable-figures., Messrs. Tho’s Chaffin, Jas. Thweatt and Charley Shivers, can always bo found at this Establishment, and they will he pleasod to soo any of their friends who may favor them with a call, aud will not think it a trouble to show Goods. The Stock consists of Goods of every description, such as: Calicoes, Wool Delaine*, Half Cotton do. Poplins, Mosambiques, Jaconets, Gents’ Boots and Shoes Boys " " “ Groceries, all kinds, Tinware '* " Snuff, Pocket Cutlery, 'fahlo Pudlooks, Hatchets and Hammers Shoe Thread, Perfumeries, dealing. tir* Anything iriiiitnt nn<! not on iin ml run he supplied within live (liiya. Cull ami sco us. GEO. II. ROBERTSON A CO. Sept 21—tf “The Gem.’ several rooli Apply to .Sept Id—11 Possession giv .. i suitable for bed rooms or oflk PEABODY A BRANNON. FOR SALE, the west !M'lc of Broad street. - _ „ is nearly n* w; lias ovory onvonionco neoossary to the oomfortof a family. (Lis iu every room; A fine well of wutor; all needful nut-buildings, nut) all iu excellent order. Possession can be given immediately. A pplv to sept 13—tf _ «J. M. RKNFROB. P 0 R R E N T, ing two rooms, situ ite*l on thu m»rthea.*t corner of the lot now occupied by Mrs, James II. Shorter. Terms reasonable und possession given l«t October. Apply t<» Sep5—tf MRS. SHORTER. TO RENT, Wynnton with r a family and four oking, elosot ami ser- T it IS OFFICE. FOR RENT, LL STORE occupied . , wost side Broad struct, next above .’emberton A Carter’s drug story. Enquire of A L. T. DOWNING. Sopt 121—tf BOARDING AND SALE STABLE. .. f the city; itiilu Piivaio family. Por torms apply to 1 MR »ct i-tr I, .4V*» 5 25 by the | SELECT SCHOOL. w.i. By a Weil Known Teacher. »3’a 1 : rpHE undonigooa t ropose* to open it school 1 at Wo#ley Chapel, near MottV mill, on the , 2d of October next. Young men wishing mac- ireubu-iue-* eduuation better apply onrly, HPtlie school is liuiitcl to twenty-five scholars. I Tuition ado i»or quarter, ono half iu advance. | sept 21*—1 \i •iuali- TN the , I. 27th in »Y Ma>! pam* el m The proprietor» notified not »o del uodenigned <w Iu S. toAKTWHLL, LOST, .ulumbus on l wareiioui-o •r two bags All t RHt trading f irtlio j warehouse have been tho cuttou cxejpt to the der. H. BEALL. .t 28, lSdo-lw ulcrsigned will i the l^t day ihe » .ion of Horses on hi ..... commodation of bis friend*, and the bublio generally. A. GAMMKL- Tho St a bio will belo* a ate 1 on Knmlolph siroet iu the rear of tho Post Office, GauiiuuU’m »‘ (JmnUut* stuhle. Columbus, Sept 23,18(15—tf UNITED STATES" Sopt 21, lJNB-tf For Sale, A FIRST CLASS second-hand furty-horso »owor STH3-A.1VI ENGINE, in perfect running order. It has a good double- tluod Boiler and all tho appurtenance) Mirv to make it complete lor iminolmti Address A- A. SMITIIWICK, sept 21 -tf . «>r (hi •*M Ihc bm ^ line i; .mi's, of tho fust and pnpu whicli he i, intorostod. Ho LJ 1 " 5 r *P ort * of tUp kindly j '' e *' *k« masses of the people .. ^ Nurt k Row euteituiu for those ol * boutb. The People’s Ticket! Editor Enquirtr: Youwiil plonee ei.nouneo the following named gentlemen a# candidates for a seat In tho approaching Couvcrti-m, aud oblige MANY fITI7.1N*S. WlLEV WILLIAM9, H. L. MOTT, JOHN 4MN. oct 1 2t li(i)i.PENDENT TICKET. ri'UK follnwing uiuuo.l goiilleracn will bo .up- X purled lor the Conveiiluin at th. ek'Ctiuu on \Ve<lnostiuy, Oct. tth; r. l. Morr, lilt. J. F. BOZEM AN. A, It. UHAPPEU.. Columbus Female Academy. RATES OF TUITION. ’ism: SCIIOLA- I IU YIIAIt wi.l U divi.le-1 I into tin t tf'iml Terms. As all the pupils will bo uudr r tho immediate supervision <»l M- :,ni Mrs. S m. but. charged f«»r tu • i ho ti II bo re rut will open xt aud tho raten . $20 HO 20 "sj on the ]*t Mon lay io October I lor it are os follow*: i Literary Department i incidental Fee Music.. - ■ I Voc.l M’Uio » , No extra oh urge lor Latin. ' ll iard fur the Term - 00 j Boarders mud furnish sheets, pillow eases, (..well, table tiapkins and nay extra for wain- | ing aud light*. Tuition nnd ho teJ utustbtjntft , in aavuiirt. R. M. bAUNDER’*, bspt 17—tf i’rtudont. I FOR SALE, AT THE OI.D STAND OF J. B. JAQUBS & BRO., A LOT OF FIXE Top and no Top Buggies, nA.m\nasg, WHIPS AND COLLARS. CANDLER & BOSTICK, UNDER COOK’S HOTEL, H ave ix store III) CASKS WELL ASSURTKD SHOES, At Wholesale or ltotail. AU... at Rota it—Oottonado*, Hliipos, Ticking Umbrellas, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Combs, Needles, Buttons. Ac., Ac. Fresh arrival of COUNTRY FLOUR and COHN MEAL, just ground- All of which will ho tmld lor a small advance. 200 Sacks Liverpool Salt, TO ARRIVE. Wo offer our services to the publio to do a General Commission Business. All consignment* to us will meet with prompt attention. Our personal attention wiil bo given to all Kales. Columbus, (in.., Sopt 21, I^m—2w EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, ANDt ; ALGU IN Paints, Oils. Dye-Stuffs, GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR Virginia, Missouri and Kentucky TOBACCO, No. 0X4 IVCalu. Stroot, Louisville, Kentucky. Lawns, Kronen Ginghams, Chambrays, Bareges, Apron Checks, Flannels, various colors Hair Uila, Cambric?, Pomades, Irish Linens. Brown Linens, Toweling, Fancy Soap Corsets, Shaving do lloop Skirts, C.-avats, great variety, Ladies' Collars A Cuffs, Paper Collars, Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Frouts, Combs of every style, Gents’ Underwear, Hair Nets '* ” Paper und Knvelupes, Gloves, *' '* ll'ona and Ink, Hair Ornaments, Pencils, Hose and Half Hose, Slates, Wide Belt.* and Buckles Dolls, Braids, every sty.o, Pipes, Buttons, groat variety, Caasimeres, Knitting Needles, Tweeds and Jeans, Blenched Homespun, Suspenders. Brown do Pocket Books, Ladies' Hats, latest Calf.Wallets, styles, Children’s Hats, intn styles. Candle Sticks. I'Knughphy Mills. Kazors and Straps, Misses Shoes, do do Childron’s Shoes, do do Gent’s lints, every stylo Boys' Uo do do And n great many articles not mentioned. Persons will do well to call and examine our Stock beforo purchasing. August 28-3m J. ENNIS & CO. IKTOULD remind thoir old friends %nd cus- W tower* that thoy aro still engaged iu the HARDWARE TRADE. AT T H iff IK OI.D STAND 0,1 AND 07 HILO A D NTItKKT, We hope iu n very slinrt time to have a good stock of lmoum, which will bo sold as cheap can ho hfforded. Wc kavo now in store a fair assortment of IROKT, and some other goods, such as TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. FILES. LOCKS, Ac. Columbus, Ga„ Sopt. 0,1805—lm HCTNA. INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorpcatfd IS 19. Perpetaal Clurltr. NET ASSETS $4,000,000! INSURES PROPKRTY OK KVKRY DESCRIPTION RIVER IlISKS TAKEN. L. 0. BOWERS, Agent. Columbus, Ga„ Sept. 8,1865—lm particulars apply at th, Intolliainc. offio, J. H. SIKE9. W a N’TKD- a WET NURSK. a whit, wo- ", , m » n f>°<I health <-an Ond a good houia SSJ.-naS 1 W ** BS b * applying at the Inlolll- Tp'tJ. H. NthKR. 5 AL , B ’~,A Plantation on the M. It Q. K. K., 4 union from Uurtvillo Ala.: 7l'f acre*; .100 acres cleared: 300 acre. fre»h land; well watered: well adapted to cotton; good gin, h . ol fv n _. ,crow ., -V 1 nutbuildines in good ‘ lw ,° ,n, ^ M from Coluraba*; exceed - jngiy healthy place. reasonable terms. J. H. 8IKKS. This place can \ie bought Apply to sept 12—tf J. W. PEASE, Bookseller and Stationer, COLUMBUS, DA. piN-ELKTTKR PAPER, by the .juire or Fine Cap Paper, by the ouire or ream, vine Commercial Note Paper, hy the quire Xdii*feubblted *^b* n * rT „ ** Dressing Combs, w « . Tuck Comb#, Morocco Pocket Hooke. Violin Bows. Leather Wallet., Briarwood Pipe.. t l5 ,,s ’ ilui t Merchamu Vipee, India Rubber Pipes, \ Isitiug Cards, Tooth Pick#, Vio in A Gujtar Strings Memorandum Book#. A LARGE LOT OF CHEAP 1W SHIT MUSIC, JUST RECEIVED BY J. W. PEASE. Sept 19—tf A ?nn, L n V 0T 0F ARNOLD'S WRITINU A FLuID. Jurt received by Sept 17—tf J. W. PEASE. _ PAMPHLET NOVELS AND SONU Book., ScpU7-!f eiv#d by J ’ w - 1’FASE. NEW SHEET MUSia ’ yiOLINS. VIOLIN STRINGS, POCKET J . Book., l ine Pipes. Combs. Fine Letter and Note Paper, Envelopes. Ac., just received et ..... J. W. pkas» Stamped Envelopes, T?0R SALK AT J , J. W. PRASE'S lep 13—tf U,..,k Store R. Z. RUCKER, WITH BLAIR & GENNETT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 139, WEST SIDK BROAD IT, ^^LWAYS ON HAND a full and complete Dry Goods, Groceries, Cutlery, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockory, Boot#, Shoes, Hat*, Domestic and Foreign Liqiftrs, Wines, Ac., 2000 lbs I C Tin Ware, which can be had at lowest market price*— Wholesale or Retail, No difficulty in haviug your money changed, aug 21-tf Cotto hid.' P. H. Liberal a l con>igii»ncitt. WANTKD—Fcathor#, Ginseng. Bocswu Tallow and Rag.*, for whicli 1 will pay tf est market price, either in i or Had ■ept 5 im COTTON! C!< > T ION ! KEI7ST & CO.. AUGUSTA. GA>. COTTON FACTORS, AND AGENTS OF THE NEW AND ELEGANT STEAMER HELEN, Running weekly betwoeu Auguxt.i nnd Sa vannah. H AYING made the necessary business nr- rangcmenls, we are prepared to make lib eral advance* on all consignment* nf Cotton entrusted to them for sale **r shipment to Sa vannah, New York cr L'.veri I. with all the cost*, charges nnd expense* attend mt thei> including internal i ntru: annnb or New York ii :il bj til" hist trip ol tii a uur irieud*. Mo**r*. Si few York, if intended ;«»r < t .ls Id urr.vo in the *h r: Having established a I tux. A t ll 1 il bo f. .i ciin ’worded on m- U.N, mid ent v Dunning, of ii tliit m iiket, ight day*. V,-be- BEDELL WAREHOUSE AND PRESS. MILDOX &. UKDBIiL, Proprietors. YlTEarenow prepared to receive Cotton for tf storage und repacking, having ereoted for the Intfor purpose a lino screw. Aa wc have a large yard, wo offer superior fa cilities for classing. mending and re-murking. Tho proprietors are sworn weigher*. Columbus, Ga„ Sept 8. Ihw’i—lm To the Voters of Columbus. I N compliance with the law requiring the name.* of nil persons eutitlcd to vote at the annual election, for “Mayor nnd Aldermen and other officer*’’ of tho city of Columhu*. to be registered. 1 have opened a list at the Council Chamber, in the Court House, f r this purposi M. M. MooRE, el’k Council. Sept 9,1 Si Vi—2 m Suu copy. SADDLES, BRIDLES, &c. II. RIIDDLEBHOOK & CO., 94 HROAI) MTKKklT, IJAVK JUST RECEIVED and otter for sale SiuiilloH, Hridles mid Martin^nliM, C'tirriugo und Huggy Whips, Lining and Hmding Skins, % Frencli Calf Skins*, ll.iriir.-is Lrutlirr, With a goneral assortment of goods in our line. ALSO. REPAIRING of all kind* done at the short est notice aud in the best innnner. aug 2 . tl 11. MIDDLKBRoOK A (’«>. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, li.VN'DOU'H ST. Sci-t. :>. lV.Vtf New Notice. Buggy and llarnes*. all in lino order: No. 1 Saddle or Carriage Horse, for sale. Enquire at MrKKK’S oot 1 -At i'ari iage Shop. York and Li.cri I, allahip . of Cotton intended for the latter place, will be sent forward without delay, thu* nv" ding the further expenses of insurance and storage while in New York. khiNAMO. Agent.* of Mourner Helen, Office daekson street, aug 28-2m Opposite No. 2. Warren Block. FOR RENT, n^DE Rosidonce of James W. Warren, in 1 Wynnton, one mile from the city, contain- iug 8 acre*; hou-e with 7 room*: out build ings good. Apply toll. I’. Klli-, or this office. Rout $7iNt. Sep W-lw hiixju-t i stock of Misses' French d the b v ......... . .. 1 and HBd untnunmod; A American FLOWERS, Ribbon#. Laces, l'luuies. Feathers. Veils, and many other urticles t >o uiim irous to mention ; all o* which she oilers at l.')W PRICKS. All cariv cal i.« re»pu<-ttully solicitisl. aug 2d—if WATCHES AXI) ti. H. CAPS. VST RKOKIVKD. »flnc r Hunting Cum Watcher. A LAV. j 10,000 Parciusiou Caps. [ aug tl HORSE TAKEN UP. A BAY HORSE with bluok l'oet and legs up to hia knees; blind in one eye, and the other weak. The blind eye appears to have been recently put out- The horse i* about niuo or tea years old. The owner can get the horse by proving prop- erty. and paying charges, upon application to JOftKl’H H, BKOOkfc, ut the plantation of James Emits, Muscogee county. Supposed thut the horse was stolen by n freed- man formerly belonging to J. Knnn, trom Newnan, Ga., or yicinity. sef»t 27—lw PHCENIX FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. f I ’HE undersigned beg leave to inform their i trienas and the publio generally, that they have built a first class Foundry ana Machine Shop on Oglethorpe street, between Franklin and Bridge street*, and are prepared to do anything iu their line of business. We will make any kind ot Machinery to order: such as SUGAR MILLS ol any site, with wrought or cast iron shafts, from 14 inches to 18 inches di ameter; also KETTLES from 20 to luu gallons, and all the intermediate Biros. We will tnnko to order SAW-MILLS and MILL WoKK generally, of Brass or iron, und nil kind.* of CASTINGS, HOLLOW-WARE. PLOUGHS, IKON RAILING, and anything thu public may desire made of bras* or iron. All kinds of MACHINERY repaired with neutnee* und despatch. In connection with our buninei*. we have se cured the services of a first das* freodman. who will take great idea*ure in hauling all Castings made at our Woks to the different depot*, steam boat landings, or anywhere in the city, free <*f charge. o ...... L * HAIMAN a CO. P. S. All kinds of Country Produce token in exchange for work, on liberal term#, aug IS—tl L. H. A CO. CITY FOUNDRY. r PHK subscribers would respectfully Inform A their friends ana tho public gotierally, that thoy havo REBUILT their rOUXDKi'.and are now prepared to do any kind of CASTlN’GH of Brass or Iron: such as Sugar Mill# of tho U10.I lUPKOVSb PATTEll.V nod »nv .ii«; wlii.-h vi. will IVARKAN’Tlo STAND: SYHl P KETTLES. BARK MILLS. DI.N OEA1UN0, and any kind et mill work. We will make any kind of Machinery to or der; such as SAW-MILLS, GKiS'i MILLS, and iu fact any thing in our line. In connection with our business,we have secured the services of one of tho heat PAT TERN MAKERS iu the country. We are also making a large assortment of HOLLOW-WARE; such as POT.S. uYENS. SKILLETS, SPIDERS and LIDS? * | wUI Jirhunso «uiy tliin* in our Iin, for nuy kmA ol Couniry Produ ',. at old PKlChff or MO.Nhi. | Ordnr, ruei-octfuliy aoUrU.a »r,d BromrCy i (isouisJ. * PORTER. M« ILHEXXY A CO M.yl.. , .l^.- l r N ;* r ^ mb c U Jln L 2^;'. : fi. For Sale, I,'"UR very Jcslrnbl. bun,., in llic oilr of . l.iilnulK ii. I onn »iual; l'»ria i„u. mil.. itorlli ol Kulauln. Ala. Ani>l, to W. J. BRA AXON A CO., Auction ami Commission Merchant* * SeptlT-lu* Eutgula, \\+ x Sept 80-41