Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, November 15, 1865, Image 2

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f JOHN il. if A ft TIN COLUMI3US-. Wednesday Morning. Nov. 15, loan. Tlit* Kltetloii Tt»-!>•>• Let no voter f 'get that ono of thoniori - Important oln< tion* ho ever bad an oppor tunity to ’pnrticipitr In f« to i-rtnie <•!» to day. Happily, we have ono oftlio vory t>*ct and puroat turn in Urn country it enn- 'didate for Clovtiraor, und with out opposi tion. W-‘ trurt tlmt the voto thin tiny fjiveo Vo Cbhr'.c* J. Jnukii* X9\\\ bo tho Urged over cast for any candidate in Cloorftln. L'A. it attest the devotion of tho united people cf Georgia to a policy chu* inctoritoU by "wisdom, justice and mod- ©ration”~a n»o'to at once ©nnblcruatic # of the State and of the .■•tat A ?man whom **ui p<K.ple propone tbi.. day to elect as their Chief Magistrate. Numbers ef good men nro running for Con trot* and tho LogUlulurc, and the poople Lave no luck ol candidates from •whom to rnsike a good choien. Let them, In tin 4 Important election, nxeni?o the 'right of sulliag" wiioly and discreetly. A trying ordeal awiuL tho Congresfuien who may bo cdoetod, and tho Htato Icgiflatora wilt have to deal wivh qwutitouft of tho gratout and u.oj-1 nioieoutou . coudorn.— Lot tho capacity of tho people ol fleoruiu for iolf-goverinneiit bn nobly a indicated, undur tho cinhurrn-fiing < irciimstuntu* by which they are aui ro’. iidocl, by the elot- tkrrol to day. Tta« Vfnrftiorn ICIert folia. The rarulbi of tho fall elections in New York, Now Jnr ey, end other ‘Halos, can not ho regarded ar tho triumph or dofeut of any principle or measure, it wo except tho "constitutional niuendniont" in Now Jersey, for no ln-uu iuvolving any ftuch principle or measure wns made Tho#o result* cannot,tlmro/orn, bo regard ed us damaging to the President's plan of restoration. Hut they frhouJd oervn to admonish us of the Mouth that so far ns tltl party nUachinents arid diflors/H'C* uro' Cuncornod the Hnpublican is »till the dominant orgum/.ation at the North, and that a prudent and wiio circumspection is yet needed to t rente ruch u diversion a.~ will hereafter uemro the ntcnnrtanty of those most friendly to us in tho Northorn fttnto?. In our opinion, the people of tho Gout horn .Sluton have only to ml here closely to the l*iundent ami hi* policy to Peru re their lull restoration to all their IoeV politievd rights In n short time. Tho time is rapidly upjuonchiiig when the lte- pubtieuns imeit oitt er come in lo the ?i*|» port of the policy of the Administration, or mnko with il an i no which thpy have Xiot yet uiudo in tnich a chape »■* would admit of a populni verdict open it They Lave to net upon the queslions involved during the approaching sonsiori of Con- ftro**, nod it they do not sanction and curry Into ott'oet the President s policy, it will go before the people uf tho country lor approval or rcjoction at the elections of no*t year, if the groat mass td that party is so hostile to tin* .Southern people «*s to load Ilium to reject the plan of resto ration proposed by the Adluintstralion, hio\ \e nxeiude tho Honlhont bValet from fellowship in the I'nhm until new cxac- tionn are imposed and extorted, wo have tho utmost cohhJei.ro that n policy harsh and vindictivo will not ho rtuHainod by tho American people. Tho ikmios of Holt year will then ho sharply drfinod and brought lo a direct mid derisive con flict. No bttaeliinent to mere party *uimrs or to pidilu al organi/.alioiis that tivved then vitality t** Unite* now elliito find bhoved out of the way, can avail to PCH ure u mere party triumph. A great practical ipiostion -one of tlm greatest that lias ever engaged tho minds id Amer ican slate .■■men or agitated American par ties—will then coiuo up for Miltlcmont. its claims for prompt sotUonn-nt upon its own merit* will he urgent nnd impera tive. Wo have no fear that the people who for four years earned ou such obsti nate and Htupondous war lor the preser vation of the Iniion will llion com out to Its continued dm upturn, cither in spirit or foiui, at the behest of any party lead ers. Col. Hattie is said to he certainly elect ed to Congress from tho H«l district ol Alabiuna by n tmijonty of one thousand or flitecn hundred votes. The latest re port* m® still tavoiablv lo the clot lion ut Air ratton as Governor. John II. Christy, ICsij , of the Athena Hs re Am an, hij.I lion. Junius Uillycr, of Walton county, ruo candidates for Con-* gross in the «»th district. Lbttsu va.»\i Jkkfkhsun Davis.—I Tho liouiivills Democrat puldisiics tho following private letter to a Irioud in that city, which wait not for publication, and which, tho Democrat says, gives tlio sin- corn views and tooling!, of tlio author at that time . 'WAausNo'ioN, JammiybM. lkf»l Dour Sir. I have the ploa-ure to ac- khowlodge voura of tlio CTtli oil. I mu cm the ovo of it departure fur Mud-wippi, In obedience t.* I.r. «omtuatid, and in ac cordance with toy own views of the no- Ceasily of tho South. To you 1 need not ®ay that oxent in to me a painful one ; hut there rouiait» ti» inr the c.msoUtion that l have failed in nothing that promisod to preservo tho Constitution, *ml thus per- pMunln the I n ion our lathers made il. fAfior some remarks on piivalo mat ter*, h« added 1 1 holm Kentucky, the land of my nativ ity, will soou take her placo in tlm South orn oolumn. I'ho union of the South can How alone preset vo peace, and in tlio uni led strength of the Soule is tlio only hope for justice und a reconstruction of tlm Government upon a basis that will secure the end* tor whnli it wux oiiglually t tablifhed. # « [SubrcnbiKl] Your friend, .Ikh. i>AYia. A Wushiugloii dispatch, ol tho lfth, •ay** The Secretary of State at Washington, to-day telegraphed Horry to continue a* Governor of Mouth Carolina, until roiiev- I'd by the 1‘: ... -idil. 'I'Lc l*f.-l- denl regret:- that neither the convention, fior legi-luture has r. pudinled tho war debt, and that Sjuth Carolina mm* in a to decline tho congressional amondiiient i*f the Fraioral coneiitution. aUdi»hing slave- ry. Yesterday. Secretary Seward t«dc- graphed Gov. Horry tor the Hrc.idont, ati early adoption of tho umendment 1i deemed peculiarly imp *rtant, and c*« |H>ciallv di**u abio with reference to the ■anoral attualion * t ike Union ; and tho x reaidoDi s opiim'ti Lahore t xprcMcd, ra- jnaina unchangod. Tic I’rcod. nt to-day responded to tho delogato* from the North Carolina dole- 8 alien, and raid although the State had one well in the uccnplnncu of the con* Uroasional anil-slavery niihundmciil ns po culiaily impoVtant to »uc(mw«IuI r«wt*'ia lP>n. Holden ha* hw a iu.Viu. tad \*» ( ,m- tinua governor until r« li«\adhy eiprc* vrJor*. -ff # 0 ol*«('li,ppnH'« romnrk*'in thf •Xlfctli 0 f),i. Inmentod collesRun. It wrfi ; in ll<*' main n rnrrn 1 repnrl, tint in«>mp Inultv, nml wc tlinrrfur# \lic folf lowing ri!|iurt, wliicli bos biidii oorroclwl l.y tho nuthor: , Mr. 1‘rmiiU nt 1 ri*-to norform h ml iluly -to ntinounoo tho inwannholy inot that mv fritnil nnd rolli-nKUC, thn H"i>. Ilinof Ill'll, » iluloRalo from Iho r.iointy "f ilu.. .>h«o, u no nioro. U. (o.—“O this morning, «t Iwonty ininutM bororn llirco o'clock, ro softly, no trnnotlilly ibid lliosc who wori. promnt ooulo scrpoly rnaliz'i tlmt bn hail mmlR tlm front transition >n whlrli wo nro nil anHitv-il. Co). Holt, Mr. I’resi'lnnt, had loo* boon i» declining hoi.lth. For n coiirttltn.l.lo time the iiironiN of dinenno upon Inin, liinuuli slow nml gradual, hint tn« uoo marked mi l Bttraotnd-ofttui tho anxious obsnrvnlion of bis frirrnls. \ ot bt; »u<» combed not, loit kept up blsmual In.lolls -it life und alU-ntlon lo hn«lno«---ao that wlu-n tlio time camo to elect deteiptb■. to this Clonrer.tlpn, bo determinofl to obey the call which liia follow iltiaena made upon him to represent thorn in this body For, sir, ho wn* «>no of lhose who inl< a U6a- 9 ly appro? ialod tho overwholming impor tance cf tho nrCHint crisis, and ho felt that, in such a rnsi 4 , no citizen had a right to r-tu*c himself t«* his country. A Aw duy c t>oforo tlm meotlng of the Convention a very unfavorable rovuDion in Ids health took place. It was believed, however, that it would be very tamporary ; and it wild oven hoped that, coming hither, he would derive hermit from Un* ohungo of nu and scene, from the animating otlVct of great public affair;’, am! from tho t>lonnurn ot meeting many old amt valued friend 4 and *c many of tho treat and ablest innn ot tin* State. Such was the hope of himself nnd hi* friends. Hut, alnat howdulusivOl lie came here hut to look upon this lardy, occMHionfllly, for a lew days, and to die! And now tnat ho is gotio ImncO and can never again parlii-ipate in sublunary scnrun, the melancholy comfort i° dear to uh ot conteruplaling hip character and virtues, and paying a tribute of houor and sorrow to bio memory. Jle whotn wo deplore and honor was net, air. an ordinary mat;, nor was his an ordinary career, IIa wa* horn in this county, within a few mile** of this Canitol, and onjoyod in early life the h«r-t advan tages ol training ana education which up per Georgia presented. Ho was u forlei- child of that venerated AluiH Mater of ho runny of tho noblest aons of Gc>>rgia, Franklin College. And well did h" profit by his happy opportunities. For hi-» tine natural endowments wero well developed by discipline and culture, and that sternly upright and hoiioruhlo toim and temper which ho inhutiUHl with hi.-? Mood wa« over maintnined and mnnifeHted. A young man of such a nature, character nnd fjunl- itications, fired by high ambition and napi* rations,throwing himself Indore tho people of upper Georgia forty years ago, could not fail of success in that most intellectual and demonstrative ol professions, the Law. Nor did Hines Holt fail, lie rosq to emi nence, and throughout, his long career at the bur was ono ol iti bright ornaments. Nor was the former hi; only fluid ot honor and distinction. As far ImcU a« u quarter d a century, he represented Georgia in (the Congress of the Unitod States, subse quently ne was at one limn u Ltuto .Sena tor, and it is Ireah in the memory of all that at n recent period ho was a member of the Con federate Congrcr.* at IGohnioiid. This was liia lust public service until his follow ciliaeiiM uf Muscogee county aunt him hero a* n delegate to Hfisist in (lie great und momentous work in which the Convention is engaged. Had it pleased tlio AII-Wise to simro hislifo end to have restored him lo adcnuale health, you, Mr. President nml gentlemen, would ere now have known lor yourselves inure convinc ingly than 1 can tell you tho valuo of him whom wo linvo h»ht. L know him from Ids early boyhood, and the bright beaming countenance which lie then upturned to my tailor form is still vividly imprinted within me. It was net unlill long afterwards, late in Ids life, l noted aeloud lo BQllln on that coun tenance which never entirely cleared away. 1 knew, 1 loll tho cause, it was thn sanm causa which opprcMnd with gloom so many of tho host uioT\ of tho Mouth. When they saw their country rent m twain at last and the divided parts "stand m lixod ferocity,’’ marshalling thuir forces tn plunge into the most stu pendous civil war tlm world OY<T saw, they left deep anguish of m»uI. Hut no in nn did I any where soo or Ijiow who tookitho deeply to heart as (jol. Holt. He had loved the Uniou all lus life and loved it to tho lust, and it was net until his mother, Georgia, pronounced her liat of * oi csMon, tlmt, bowing to hor t-’oveicign naihesl, he not only gave up the old Dnion, hut throw himself fully and un- ll inch nigh’into tho support of that great revolutionary attempt which ho had vain ly etidonvurod to prevent. Hohold, here, how true and linn the man, high and sa« red his senso id duty nnd his devotion to > piinciples and his country. Co) Holt, Mr. President, find reached a mature ago. Jlo had attained Ids sixtieth year -a lacl hard lor me, hard for nil his ftrly friends lo realize, to whom he seem- ,1 always young. Tium had indeed Idanched his looks—but hail not cbillod hu» manners or his mind. His mousuro of Ki lhly ellort and usefulness was, accord ing lo tlm course of nulurc, nearly lull— und it U one ot the comforting reflections -Minct led with his death Hint it found him ngaged in tho great work to which bis heart w »- so much devoted—the restora tion ol Georgia to her prestitip rnlationa to her sister Mlulc*. Hut it was uot permit ted to him, and it muv not bo permitted to many uf us to .sen the Anal accomplish ment id that work, its sale pastage threugn its ulterior stage*. WhaL, remain* lo us, Mr. President, is to chorfsh tlio roineiu- hraiico of his virtues, to hedew bis grave w ith our tears, and to pay duo public tri- huto of honor and grief t<» bis mommy. To wide it end 1 ask the adoption by the Oonvonlion of the following resolution. upward,tqndarp v. f>ales fur throw <Ii 1n l u(i).|jHriaHituffli firm. Wheat a tr higher, rrovlsions sUady. Coiisols elograpln nhor 1SL—Turifif, Om.grrftl, the Hnloigb , n-e oath, is ,0’iWvd ^ ,eU,cl * wVCr Lmuhaii, w)..* < an. e Nkw Yokft, Nov. Id—The steamer City "( WnH irgton, ffiu Liverpool on the l-t, In. ariivi-d at iJuoor.Cown. - i - ' that Npi^n wil' inatitulp ot*- Wgatn. *h'A- uf'W t* supprt>>» the Flnvc trade. . . Uatho 1st Aiucrjtob.. fc-’tlon in Liver pool AwlineJ Mm, p.-nny, cl mg with an » .. ^-- - Sale* fur three day* trille _ toK 8»J to H9. Unitod SU*to« 6 yi«i-t to The very latest Liverpool market* to the 2J show saleH for iv.-o day* of 12,OW) halos, with a decline «»• one penny; tho market closing with ar. upward tendency for A'nfrlw.o Sale-to ox potters and : p ?ulat*>r# •***) ban with an a! parent dcclioo *f two P'-nnys in fdiico «•!'ono penny on .Monday, Wednesday and Thur?day. • f J'he Paris corn^poiidor.t of the I imes «ay*> il i geimr.illy re)iortc l in Paris that the Fiomdi army is to ho withdrawn Irum Mexico. . , G«n Kilpatrick bo« boon appointed Aliuialcr u» Clillb —oj» ♦ - —- The t-'d»***Uoiifc and tl»** l-Hfect on the l*i t MlUcnt'a t'ulicy, I Special DDrueh tntho Cincinnati Hneuiror.J Wabihmotok, November 0. Much interest hr., bent, matiifcited to know if tlm result o. ti e rec«-i! olections will (Ibg'l any modillcali -u rit the policy of the Adihiitiwl atiun i;i reform.* o to ro- cnnatruclioD. It nay he positively a**' , rte I that Q<» chango m this policy will be induced by such cmw:»u> u loivc been hcrvloforo stated in this coiroiipomfnnco. -Mr. .lubneon has ragnrilod tho u olectionn, except in Now Jersey, n* more of u personal than a po- lltieaf struggle; hccaiiao, both pnrtic.* had strongly inaorEcd him and hh adminifi- tration, and wltatever the result, it would still h«* an ndministratiuij triuniidi. In -Vow Jersey the strong feeling lavor- Ing the miufilion of the nnti-flavory iiumndixieot Ui tho Gotiatitution over- siougbod the DonnMuals. i lie adoption of tfif amendiimnt in danced by tho Ad* ministration, nnd the result fn Now .ler- Fuy was hi »< cordanco, and there i» no rea-oii whatever tha' any change should be made again! t the Prcsidonliftl policy. Mr. Johnson, however, will have the most stronuou* opponflion in Congress iioxu the radical wing cf the ll' uuhlicnn nutty. Chaile- Duinncr bnd.u with tho I’rosldout whiei lhe latter made his speech to the eurnniillec «-f imgro proachers. and told them that freedom tor lb* m meant the liberty to work for thotn»n)von arid earn their living by I bn sweat of thuir blown. Mr. Sumner baa recently written a let ter to Washington, in winch lie solemnly declares that be rcgn.ds the present ns tho darkest days ot the llefuiblic- ovon mo-e gloomy Mid pregnant with niilional mi^* fortun*'than tin* day utt- r the llrtl bntthi ,.f Hull Kun, fttm to- ia euming to tlm t'aptul '•> renew Urn light and light it out. This la tho tokon . ! a radical war upon thn Adinimstrati 1« will on perhap. quite ns much embit tered us tlio debate in Congrc*' which (•receded tho sen i.*n of the .Southern Slate*. A syMf ir uf ic «-l'-»rt \v:!i he made to drive Johnson from his platloi to n-illify his ('’construction policy, but il in now holievod there will be found con- acivatinin Piiougli lo sustain him and carry him bravely through the ordeal. Mil. McPlI KHSOfjT and tub Gruani- /ation of TUB Houck—Wo I,mo Int- ■ly had go«>«i nnuons lor Dm belief that tho cuirent rumors ns to what Mr. Mo- Phprson, tho clerk «»f tho House, proposed to do m n^pect to tlm otganisslion, wore orroneous. Tlio mat lor hiu. assumed surli gravity, and the drill of opinion ol con servative and business men »* so unmU- takaldy in lkvor of calmness, moderation and liberality, that wo could not perMiade oumdvoft that Mr. MePhorson, coming a* he doy.s from a State instinct with that energy and enterprise which liar littlo *viupathy with fanaticism or ultrai*m in any form, lia.l, alter a whole view ot the situation and a llioiough investigation of tho law npftn tho subject as found in the Constitution nml in the several statutes, commilied himself either in writing or by veahnl uxprossions. Wimt ho may lisve said ha*tily long since, and upon msutU* cieiit data, is not to hind him a month hone.) when representatives appear in Die hail from all the cvn'liUioticie* of a reuni ted people. - -AsfisiNil InttUiffHC* . Til.) Mexicali Geesflon Anticipated xx fthdi uu ;il <•! ITciicIi Troupe from Mexico. Tho intention of the French Govern ment not to conli'mo the occupation «,f Mexico beyond wind i» nhsoliitoly neces sary, and ihmub.v to remove rill c,oi*cs of dirtputu with thn United Sluto* »> »s,*o ,o - chtr.il thnn ther. This intciil iu' has been tttrongllionod by «iillurcnt nctft on tho part of tho Mexican cabinet, and more n*p<>- ciallv by the reception which tin* financial inistdon .*i M Langluin no t with. It ip even said that the tq.eecKfrom ini* throno at the next meet me *»l the French F'ham- hers will •iunnuurr 1/n miwuil-iU nml cm-I tirv nuicuntion ( / Mi.cicu /».,/ the French I troops. Hut il i- 4 curtain that if Franco ! should withdraw her .support of Mexico, ui should oven indicate the time when she would * case to protect it by her ***>ldiorfl, tho work. .1 Franco would he compro mised. Tho Kuipcror Maximilian is per fectly well n\Vaiv of this, nnd whether spontnne«>unly.or f ir the purponi of inlhi- oncing Dm rV*oSutions of hi 4 ally, he line already intimated hi* detei niinntion to ro- n*‘unco the throne if any Uind of S»q»t»«m- her copvonlioii tihonUI l*e imposed on him. However strong, therefor**, may he tho desire of Franco lo gut rid of iho burden td an expedition which, up to Dm presortl time, bus brought with it more ombnrrn-s* incut than advantage, tdio will think twice hofuregiving olicet t • her.intcntions. fbuttpemli icc lidtjc. TIIKHTunY AIIOIIT MU HKUAUH'h "I’l.Tl* MAT!)XI '—TII1C FAOT.s IN Til K ( ARB. I have reason •»» know Dial Dm informa tion given by your New Vork eorre pontl- ont in In* loiter of Du. I'.li insl.. relative to tho enrollment of Egyptian troops for Mexico, if, in spite *>f the contradiction in the lSitrio nml the incredulity of oilier Paris papers, vubslnntin.l.v •■.•rfet. The hietfl are Ilioee ; Tho Aineric.vn tlonsul at Alexandria notified hi-. Gorcruiu.'iit that tho l*asha had boon asked by the French Government to place ut it: iKposal a tain number (liow many I 1* not know) of negro soldiers for sertic* in Mexico, probably without any jcfrrei.m t,, tlio wishes of the man; in i tM il . enrollment wur to ho compulsory The Wa-idngton abinct, who porliup* thought this mode of recruiting lor Mexico did not .Siller much fiom the »,< ns on the coast of Af rica, trnn*mUlert u copy **i the Con.-iil’i dispalvh t*» I'arir, aeooirpanic 1 with i >mmuni< ati*)n t.» tlio Kr . , li (i..\ern« merit, remonstrht ng, not quite in the per emptnry term* M Ur A auuovon od. hut still in terms that left nomhtake a* to the im pr«’h*ioii produced at Washington. * The comiminicati* n was prcicni* d In du course, ami several day*-, a week at least, elapsed before any reply wu; mu*tq by tho French Foreign Otlioo. Wbcs* it wa* made it wait to this elTcct - that while llic Ficitrh Govorniuent refus* <\ to admit the right of any ono to prevent it Ma king or receiving a<«dttance Iroin i'» alil*> wheii- ovor it required mu h a* iatuneo, yet that | in Die pr. s ent iiihtai.ee there wn* no oc casion for remonstrance, a ui » on*, quonce ot the insurrccti«*n which had broken out in Soudan tho l'utdin »■! F.^vpt could not spare any of his troops lor # th»* -ervicca a foreign power, and cons* quoaiiy the af fair was at an end. Nothing more has since been hoard of the b rek c *ntii»gcnt. Tho l'atrio now admits tlmt a eommiini- ration "nmininiitg the oljeciions, in the mo»V reierv.* I terms winch Die project ap peared susceptible ,-f. may have been made t*»th«* Govtmnu nt, hut ,-i* the com munication i* without cbji*ct it has since boon abandoned.' Il*aris (or. London Time*. AVi « onsin ^rc about 7.000 Uivcr o«l by prohahly^HM if. largely n«publi* i^ ^ _ ***, Wo take the above from thn Chicago Tribune, Republican. Ily "universal snf- frage” is mount negro hu If rage. Tho qu ti'*n wliuDmr the negro should v*»t«* was ruburittu.! directly by the U».l lCepuh- licnr. L'gi.-latuio of AVisconsin in thin smooth way Extension of sutlrugo, yea I Kxtenrion of suflVugc, no! Tlm people of the .State, nt tho anmn election whore the Republicans sucroodod by u iiiHj.irity of 7.000. voted down negro .•mirage by 10.000 majority. Thus President Jonh son’8 policy, so iar as it oppose? negro suffrage, is indorsed by Inrgo veto in Whcondn The same question of negro suffrage submitted in Now Yolk, Pennsylvania, Now Jersey or Ohio would Iiavo been repudiated by majorities that would have counted by ten* of ihoufi&r.dtt. Thoro is out a North* orn Stale, with one or twoexenptions, that will allow negroes to vote, yet tho ltcpub- lienn members of Dongresa from most of them are endeavoring to forco it upon tlio people ol tl»o South. It Is eortainly tho height <*f impudence and effrontery. A large Number of tho votors ill Wis consin who are opnoiod tn nogro sullraga, have boon roducou und eheatiid into tho -upport of an organization that favors it, and who:-o influoncQ is thrown aguirut thoir wisbos.—Cincinnati Knqu\rcr % AVooden Gugrow nicn.—Capt. c ohultz« »»1 Hor 1 in, formerly of Iho Pru&aian Ar tillery, ha* mtnhluhod a nmnu flu lory ol hiu ncwlv-invonlod gunpowder, which Mem 4 to ho tiUOCAssful. This gunp*4sJcr is made by Mib-lanliaUy applying the proeOs* for run-cotton to weed. Dolton lihro nnd wood an* identical in cliomical •'.n-tilution, both'being composed ol cel lule**’. the one in a loose llhrou* form, the other closely eoiiipactud. In making hia guiipow*l-r C'-aptain Hchultxo ruts a leg, preferably of hooch wood, into vck(*crs ncrosr the grain. Theso thin snetion? are thor**ughlv dried and reduced to agranu lar form like saw dust. Thn granulated wood it* then subjected to tho action of nitric acid —the details of tho process being socrtl—and on being washed und dried becomes explosive. Tho lir*t advantage of this powder Is the altseneo of all danger of explosion during tho preparation, i. hcmanutuo.ture of the cominou black powder is a long and complicated process, and there is consider*, aide danger at every stage of it; wtiorona Dm Schult/..) powder doe? not become ex plosive tdl the whole procom i» nourly completed. Hesi*!oi thi«, it would never ho necossary to keep a largo Block on hand. Ono uiugH/.ino of eruinlded wood and another of chorni* n).° would he equally innocent. A fow hours manipulation is M|tllcienl to convert these hriimless Ingro- dinnls ir.to theoxplosivc product required. Hut, indepuudontly «»f tho safety »»1 its preparation:;, tho wood powder in itself iio-homo* runny advantages over tho blacfk. It iiurn;. with a brilliant flainu, and leaves hardly any residum. What it doos leave is only a little light feathery dust, which •Iocs not rake, ami therefore docs not foul tlio pun. This i.j a point of the gr«mto f t iinporlancn for brooch loaders, in which cleanliness h the first desideratum. Uo- •*i«fcj 1 lii**. it produces no ptnnll and no smoko. A discharge of artillery there fore would neither suffocate tho men nor obstruct their view, it does not try the gun a*- gun-cotton doe.?, and its power is uniform, and therefore admit? of accurate calculation. If soaked in water, it needs only to he dried again to he a? good as before. (,' un pared with black powder by weight, it is about double tho strength compared by volume, it it about the same •drongth. it is a littlo choapcr than black powder, c.insidcriHi with regard to tho re- suits. Tlm brilliancy of tlio flame and absenen of smoko well mako it valuable for pyrotochnical purposes, as also lor hla.lmg in mines or tunnels. GOODIES! NEW STOCK OF GOODS No. 125 Broad Street. JUST RECEIVED, An Astronomer’k 1'raykil—These are tho last word* ot Kopler'a "llaimony • if Dm World Thou who, by tho light of nature has kindled in us Die longing after the light of thy grace, in order to raise us to tho light of thy glory, thanks to tliec, (Jrrtnlor and Lord, that thou lolled mu rejoice in thy work?. Lot I have done tho woik of my lito witli Dial powor of intellect which thou bant given. 1 have recorded to men tho glory of thy works, as far as my mind could comprehend Dour infinite ninjcftty. My senses wore nwakoto enrrh, ns fur a* I could with puiity and faith fill no-*. If 1, a worm hetoro thine eyes, and hern in tho bumfs of .-in, have brought forth any thing that i« unwoithy of thy cohuhcI*, inspire mo with thy {Spirit, that 1 may correct it. Il, by Dm wonderful beauty of thy world*. 1 have been led into hold- nesp; if L have nought my own honor among men i.& l advanced in the work which was destined to thino honor, pardon kindle s* nnd charily, and by thy grace grant that my teaching may ho to thy glory und Iho welfare of nil niou Praid*’y« the Lord, yo heavenly harmo nic^ • and yo that undor*tand the new harmonics, praise the Lord. 1’raiso God o my soul, as long a* l live From him, through him, and m him, is all Dm umto- lial a well a* tlm spiritual; all that wo know, and all that wo kunw not yot, lor there is much h* do that i.* uiul*'Dc. A Man Attacked hy ax Elb- miabt. — A cireun^lnnuo recently occur red at Maiilsliino, England, which i another proof of tho sagacity t»f the ole pliant, an.I its desire for vungoatico when \*r*.v»‘Ued: A tino elephant belonging to a menage- ilo with poino camuln, was drawing acara van through Maidstone, when the process ion halted for Did purpose of n*corUuntng tlm correct route. A boy in thy crowd oll’otod tho elephant an apple, when or i*l tlio men in nttondanco interfered. Tho animal, which had for some limn irtiowu symptom? of anger towards this man, b. cornu irritated, ai d a. i^od him around tho v.'iii.-d, dashed him to Dio ground, nnd en deavored to gore him with his tusks. Tlio man, however, r-ucceedod in crawling aw ay. when the animal again seized him with his lrttnj<, and da-lied him agains: Dio wall. Tie* |»o* r fellow Was at last re- cued by Die crowd* and wa* found to he -crcrcly irjtin»d Ncvrrn!of his rib* broken, an arm end a leg were fractured, und bo was hruis.nl in suveral places. 11 now lie. in a vory precarious condition. Jenny Lind Lozenges, rya tali zed Fruits. Jcovice Gum l)v<q*s. ream Slicks, 'ort Wlno Urnps. • Canton Ginger, Suporior Cordiul Sujjar Almonds. Cron in Strawberries, Cordiul Filberts, Cordiul Fancy Hinga, Mr. ration, who, wo think, i* cleet**d Governor of Alabama, in a recent addrest* to the people of tho Statu oaul "This is a while m»n * govoiiiiiiont, and wo must keep Dll’* a while man's Slate We will, in good faith, give freedom to the negro; wo must all make up our minds to thta— but tho Dolilicnl power ol the State we mu-l und will k«n*p in Dio hands of its white ciluons. Thu absurd projiwt ol conlerring tlio right ol sul^iago upon an ignorant and »umi«barbarous population *»! suddenly emancipatod slaves we can never commit to, nor do l hcliovc it will ho insisted on i*y the Northern people whun they givoitasoWr second ihouKht" [hfobi/a TVthunc. A s|NH*ial Dihpatch from AYisUiugton to thn llaltiuiore Sun, say* it i* now pretty clear Dial the l*ic«idcnt ha^ at heart the adiiiiosion of Die {hiuDiern Con^ruosmnn, and will make n a measure of hit idiuurV i-linIi**n Those oppo ing it will he re gard* *1 as hostile to tho uifsl lualen.d points ol it» policy Exthaoudinaky Dins un 1‘auty.—A New Yoik corrcstHimieiU of Die India- na|udi<i Journal says A quoor parly rat dow n to .1 inner the other Jay at i>ulin*-in»M .*. embracing AW. li. Stop lions, Horan l. ** \. KogoJ A. Fryor, Tliiaiduie Tilton, «»l the ludo* pendent. John II Resg n. cx*pu.*tmastor general ol Die Confodenioy, tUiver John- son, tulitor ol tho Anti Slavery IStanJard, and Her.i f War.1 licvh. I I long and animated convolution n\)*»utthe war, roconslrucMon. and the futuie of tho country, and reamed to agroc admirably in thoir conclusion*. Tho late rebel lion threw men into strange positions, but I uo not think* a greater variety of diccoidaul demon!* cowul nave b**un asiomblcd # together, than was in that coterie. 1 ho most ultra and lifo-long aka Jit i'>*'i*t met ai\J fT.!ersiz*'J with tlio mriht violent socessioiiisU. Tho old fable «•( D,« lamb and the Imn lying down together i«* nyl fialf so remarkable a» wa* tin-cong'.*)uicration p 'liter.I uU* t podet liitn\d M cnro recurved by way of Huvairu in relation to Dm negro insurrection in Jaiiiittx'i.. stnlev that the disorders hegart lu the district of St. Thomas, whore mar tial law has been declared. Tho loader ol the insurrection i? named Paul R,.gh* Tho Government ha* offered $2000 for hi arrest. Two Spanhh war versels, the Santo Lu cia and tlio Andelu/.n, had left Santiug *lo Cuba on Die lull ult., to pr**l* «*t th Spanish ctlixtu)* in Jamaica and offer aid t * the aulhorilics in suppressing the re volt. Notice to Bridge Builders 1 AM directed by the Court of County Com iuib»K*uor« for Hu.-soiI county to advortiso lo: CwlumW ; on the Little Vcher. a b* ro the road fruia CiawforJ t*. Uirard crosses tbut crock, known ns the Turnpike: and the llridso at tho run **! (JirarJ. boated |*roi*.MaU wilt boro coivcd by uio at Crawford until tho it>d instant. •a tu-u (Uo ►over.)I contracts* will he let cut for I’Utl.lina tho s:lUia iimnodiatoly, to the l«*wo.-f bidder lor cosh. All the hridwer* arc t*. l*« c*'ii- hiructtsi in aovordnnec with the jdan of tho loroior bridscs coavtructe l at the same place*. J. F. WADDLLL, t>.*v in *0t Jmlqo of Probate • I OUIIIA- Taylor Coaaiy. Cei ar »n Ohopiauv for said County, Novt iulu r 4ih, Iso**. \\ IlKHKAS. Mr*. Nancy NVibon appilc* 4 * » t u*«> lor lottcn* «*f »,u tr<tiun»ni|> l« H lv- Xancy Ann, Sarah Ann, William Hn.jn unn a.'.ii Jo.-cph L Wi *«■«• orph »n* of II. L N W (i»tin. late of 'fay |.*r c.-untj, docciwod. Thiii thcrotore to cit* all ceuevrued to file thoir ol-icvnou* of any they have* why UtU *noul<t not bo franted the applioant in ten of tie Id*, " uness my hand otlciallr. , J. T> UUFF, Ordinarr Bov lVwlm U oClRIlA, Xatiuh Csi'KTi -J*o months alu r dato, 1 -i-j iv to the Court *•! t»i • ' *1 iimry nt .4i.| county, lor lca\f u< »«*ll all the trA *»iiip .it Martha Newn.un, Lto of «•«».| c**antr. *4*-. e4re*l. for the benrtu Ol (he h*-lr- JObttt A NKUsON Adm'i FRENCH n|H i, e. ms ico. HAVE THIS LAY received an EntfroPtock OF i NEW GOODS! Consl;tliu of ni.ACK OLOTIIS—Prenek ami Knali.h: PANCY CASSIMKUES an4 VKSTINOS, VKLVETS—Black Silk. CLOTHING, SPLKNDJI) LOT of UEAVKll OVJiHCOATS. BLACK CLOTH COATS. BEAVEK COATS AND SACKS. BEAVER ANU IlOK PANTS, FANCY CASSIMERS PANTS. FULL DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS. SPLENDID LOT OP BLACK AND PANCY VESTINOS. PINE LINEN Sill RTS un.l COLLARS, oltra, (IENTS' FANCY SHAWLS and BLANKETS, HUNTS’ FANCY SCARFS AND TIES. LOT «r SOLB LEATHER VALISES, ate. •d- Havina SOLD OUT ONE ENTIRE STOCK of CLOTH INC, wo dotire to return our friend., and tho ” Public ” our moat grateful neknowledaomcnla for Ibe liberal natronaim they hove bestowed, and aolieit a coutinuanco of |.aat layer.. novlll w FRESH ARRIVALS GROCERIES. \\7F. IIAVK Jl’Sf RRCKIVKD and offer * ▼ for nAlu r **TH0 Ihf. Western Ilue<»n Sides; l f <Wlb* l'rline Wcrtorn Lard; »'• Rackets llcidsiok Champagne, »i*ts and ■I Case** Crciuo do Boiay do; Fronch Rnmdy; Puro Old llourbou IVhwkey; Holland (iin; Scotch Whiskey; Porter; AIo; Crunho'l and Coffoo Sugar?; Itio Cofloe; If bis No. 1 Cider Vinegar, Jtc., Ac. BEDELL & CO. nor H 2w auction sals by I). p. ‘ CL»f El.iw. Llwl„„ ton fine caru Iaqe about tho city. 1 no ,>0f ‘ Car-;* 13Y t). Cl,ato Ullij. Li, .n M u,„ 1 _ Maj. Dillard’s Roaidr 1,011 0Tss»i,«ste 1 j L «.'.., ul iny auction room, R t l 'id,|« . PfaiKft “^lir •mill) l'mtneln> Sliolls, Irumu 1 lente I’mnclum, renin iTituchr impcriiil, KosoUvb, Apricot Slii'.'r., Mnrelunnllim Drops, lolly *inm Drops, Hoar Lozcugex, 1‘inc Apple Lozen^.m, I'eppeimiut Lncly Drops, Itiwo Daily Drops, Omngo I,oily Drops, Demon Lady Drops, Eg}; Slices, English Peppermint I^izeiif-es, Are.. Arc., Arc , Arc. • uov 1 r. if Just Deceived, BY WISE & WATT, A FINE LOT OF * SUGAR CURED HAMS. ji^G5 4t__ ^ Bobbitt's Concentrated Potaeh, VJ t-PKKltiR to any other saponifier in Uin O market, ono pound making fiUeen Rallona of aott eoap. For onto by nuv 15 ti CARTER k FLOUENUY. Bazori's Celebrated Barber's Soap, A DLLliHlTFl’L Article for either bhaving •»r wushing. For *«ale by nor 15 ti CARTER Jk FLOURNOY. Marchesi's Female's Catholicou, ' I 'Hi', very licet uaslicine that can be ui*ud fur 1 the complaints l**r which \\ recommend ed r.«r sale by nov 1& 11 CARTER A FUH’KXOV. NEW SHEET MUSIC. found KV ANOKLINK—Song, hy J. ]{.Th >iua?; THU SI’ MR ALL IN ALL-Words by Tcn- PAT M A isLOY—Ity llion B**uri«‘.iult: DKAHTIFt;L 1SLK OF THE SLA—By J. 11 Til Ob M*. A SoNtJ OF l’KACE—By Cawonella; IN '1 UK. tll.AHK-Uy J.U.Thomn?; IKKMoLo (Nu« turue>—Uusellen; llOKKRUh OAldiP; BEAUTIFUL DREAMER — Arnnuod wilh hr il limit variation? ; Ajc , Ac., Ac. nov 14U J. W. I'KASK. FRESH ARRIVAL! Mcnn’ And llnyA* llats, Ladich' aud Mi*s**s’ do.; (Vnpo La^trcf Flaid Shawl.-*, Floak?t; llod lilunkotn, English and Fronch Print*, French Percale*, Merinos—nil Hhttdes, Upora Flanuol?, Ualiiioralrf, from § 1,00 to §18— Very handsotuo I>osid<’s many other choice goods, At SEALS, JONES A ACEE’S, r.2 IIroak Strkct. Not?. HAV—'Jtf A Card. Editor Exquirkr : Moina of iny kind friend’ having announced my mime a 4 a candidate for th* 1 L«:gi?latur** to repreaent this county, I take this opportunity to ?;»y that 1 am not a candi date for ro.LS)Dfl that justify mo in coming to this conclufioii. JOHN QUIN. nov I i 2t For Deputy Marnlial. Wo are authoritdl t** announce the name of JOHN a UOVJ^LACB an a «’an«lidut*’ for re-election for the ofllcnof I »cput_y Marshul. nov 14 to ROPE. JLTST arrived COILS HE41V LEAF lloFE. For solo by Nov 12—lw J.H. IVEY «0O. BY 1>. i>. KLl (Late El Hr, Livlng#u»i» A l\ LAIlWR pale OF MULES AND HOBT ()N THURSDAY. N,„ , , city ol Coluinb u ; S ' ,uctl "“ »*- *'* ,,KAU 1IOUBV.S. Hornet and SaddJv; niu „ very fi no flock. It* UKAI) t»|.' LIKKLV Sim good condition j romc •Jck^ U “ “° 0< ' “•’DOrtutttlj- to rti nor Ti 4117- ''' *’• BY 33. 3». 3iLL (Lato Kills, Livlnyuon i VALUABLE PROPER at auction IINT COJLXJlvIX3Uti, g ■/Jf 4 .h he gold on tIn- iTt-miM* .v ft bidder, <m IhurtdRy n»* l ifb .i^i f her next, at UoViock .*, ui . f f with all tho right.*. '. i ,u l.^!? f;rw"R««.''. npor.itives Hmi*u* #**i l.oih -i.tr-- ,,1^ * hot^hoo nrer, together with thn-. - the Water L**t Oi.uiyao it*|.* rty nil more partlenUHr -tc cri! *i ui - On the ojct mile uf (h<* rr. - i and tlm^t U L..n with ut w .* f|u (,,: "”"i;“' h “" r : i.witi'..' privilege* ; fhrci* (.’,i l*n*-k nml tw buildIngM, r*intainui< in dl i Wu sixtoon room* lor **i er *tivu And tbreo^-fourth ini* r .t m tl »- ConipnnyV | report). j-i-iir.p . Wu'ur L**ts. All tlio above Lot# are 72feet fr-»i. On thu west -*nlo of tho nv* r. t<n l ri/er bank, and nine \.i,.\ Twenty-mi acr*- lut.d, j„ „ it IlwrlliriR lion*.*, fort) eight «.|>iruti.« ami ono work h«’ l. Tlio 4i|le will bo without r« r*. orty will ho shown to vcrvoi. w- cha»«, at any tunu provuau, t<* Ui" Apply to It. M. (lirfiia Shalleuberger's Pills, ^DllK >ure*tremedy lor foyer sndacuoihat J him oTor been introduced to the public. Fur *alo by CARTER A FLOl HNuY. nov 15tf Letter Paper and Envelopes, / \F a Superior quality. For sale by V3 hot 15 tf tAU f KK A FL0CRN0V. Hegeman's Pure Cod Liver Oil, L-OU Rale by r_ n,.v 1’, if CARTER A FLOURNOY. Mrs. Allen's Oelebrated Hair Re storer, 1 ,-0R Bale by nov }., u CARTER A FLOURNOY. SIGHT EXCHANGE ( )JN' NEW YORK, FOK SALE BY nov 15 .It M. V. ELLIS Ac CO. BEDELL & CO„ Orocers and Commission Merchants, (.Yearly OJ'iw.,;, D.'a* , f Col.mi).I, OOLUHBUIS, Ui„ K K.LP can.Untly cn h.nd itROCElUta and IbONiK) ) Koi>l'CK,i| every kind. Colirtsuiuono ul Mordiaadi-eenUoited. rr*>ui|*t aticnciuit jruon t«i thu purchase a 'iileot Uoods of ev^ly description. W. A. litCDKLL. .is A. tt. BJtDKLL, julyll.—It C. t> HARKIbuN ISTotico. them will m ike payment t>* them alone, or their nuthoriiod agent. KIl\VAKl> BAl'tHi. Nov 12,1VA-I«v WANTED, 5000 Pounds Pork, 1000 Bushols Corn, 1000 Bushels Monl, 1000 Bushels Poas. COl'NTH 1 PHODt l’K gfevcrv dcacrip- t’rnn bought and nold *»t No. IQ Hroad Street li) .1 KFFKKSuN A HAMILTON, nor 12 2w J. R. IVEYU COTTON FACTO! \V aroliouso, IKCKIVIS6. VaRWAklllMi \M i Commission Mercbi with nnipto uttir.u to do tho Waridiuii-e, \ an<l Ootnmbvuon Uu?Iium*- ia *i. branches- Wonrcalfo prepar'd n.lv.r nn*l Mcnqinndise In store, hl*1 • shipment. Consignment 4 soli cite*). Opposite Fo.it Oflice J. k IVE1 Columbus, Oh-. Nov. Advances on Colt oct /T-tf J IkJVt'i COTTON yjii it/ I) ARK prepare J t T1 in any *iuuntity Th* v kin*l ef c ittnn and wairanted fi l\»rtin.- at u di. 4 tuncn Can »•« lari'- «*<’l I in J I . I ADVANCES ON COT DKHSONS thwiriiu' whip . I YORK • r 1.1 »• I' t*» first ckss h*’U«c#, uu i •» t • plving to W. h. Uct 24 tf SIGHT EXOHAHi ON N EW YOl FOR SALE, In Sums to Suit Pure OetMf *'• "• | SIGHT EXCHAKfl ON NEW YOl FOR fAU LV JOHN KIN nov 5 Ire **_' WANTED* Vrorgia, Alabama. >nufb * na and l.«uid*w RANK IN ANY OVVNTlf^ ^ OBoo >t Iho ull Matin to' "■’t li in Bank Notos Wanb 1 AM nuthorixcl i »r ■ li *11K* in th** Stales --I '*■ North an*l South »‘.*i.*lina.' • * an*l Tcnneaoee, and will I L ** !o,«h«...n., w FKUX UKW Mj Rcckaway For Sale. A SRCOND-UAND UOCKAVVAY. good n. non, will ho sold low It u|,|,li«U lor at nn A. HAMM ELL. KSi'ABLISED IN 1TWJ. T. MACKENZIE & SONS, NO. 44. BATIMOUE HTUKKT, (NEAR CHARLES,) BALTIMORE, MD., IMl-ORTERS AND DEALERS IN COACH, WAGON AMI SAHDLIkl HARDWAKK AND HARNESS MATERIALS. FKLLDKS, Sl'OKES, HUBS, BOWS. SHAFTS, AXLES. SPRINOS. ENAMELED AND l’ATENI CANVAS ENAMELED DASH AND COLLAR Li li) A T XX B n, COACH VARMSIl. JAPAN AND LEATH ER VARNISH. URN7.01XR, Uarnw. Oil Dlackimi, Ail. HrMM. Carriuo Bolt., Band., 0(1 CKdti, Buckle., Terrel., Hook., BiO>, Ornament., Uamo., Lara. Fringe., Ac., all at tbo lowvct price, * FOR CASH. Nov V wtttu aVik.P oct 2d if Sun copy. FOR SALE ao«0 BUSHELS CUTTi* HINNED Till-* VE * 1 , CANDLER. l*' w ' U. S. HOTI LOUISVILLE Nov. 11. lw - —D Just Kecei*, a FINK LOT DO* FI-** A AMEiii N iMN Rtenudsl-'i. ■ HOT II tW ■- .r* A Good Tanuor w | WILL pay a food I'*' 1 ' 1 for tha noil year , Apply J" l* nor lliw