Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 06, 1865, Image 4

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•Matiumowaj*.—A fmv evening* ninco, nsonr Comity dork wn* about leaving liiHolbw*, lie wjmi nocoHtoil l»y a voruant hwdring youth, whoso vr*ry loug logs wore roiuiut'il through a pair ot ?ory short and very tight pantaloons, with the inquiry, "I w»y, stranger, ho you tho man that givea Jioenaes for folks to get married?” An nflirmutive rchpounuhav ing been givon, cjoojded with mi inquiry as to the age and whereabout* ot* tho in tended bride, who was not visible, Oiecny stepped round tho coi mu - of the oflico and soon reappeared, holding by tin* hand a blushing damsel, who gigglod and hung her bend hushfully, and finally, upon being accosted by the urbane oili cml, drew her sun bonnet over her face leaving only one eye exposed, with which tdie cast furtive glances uromid, As though tearful of n eurprise. “Now, Mister." said tiro gqxHjns swam, “liurry tip them licenses quick as you know how, for Manor’s dud is after us, hot foot, and if ho ketches us bo’ll play thunder with us, cnuHo lie huilit williu , fur the mutch." The words were hardly out of his mouth, when the girl gave a howl of ter ror, exclaiming. “isird! there he name now;" nnd seizing her beau by tho arm they both struck into a dead i .ui toward tho Licking biidge, closely followed by tho enraged “pnrienl," flourishing a huge eaue, and culling out at tin* ton of his voice, "Stop 'em ! stop ’em ! that’s my gal; stop her!” Tho youth in field pants, the girl with the sun bonnet, and the old gent with tin* big stick, Wisaj'peared round tin* corner, mid the clerk traveled homeward, revolv ing iu his mind the adage, “tho course oft rue lo vo never did run smooth."— [ Cuu innati (fa:rttr. T. S. SPEAK, PRACTICAL AND EXPERIENCED WATCHMAKER -AND- JEWELBB, Corner Broad and Randolph Sta., AT lil, ODD STAND, NEW NEW GOODS! N(fKNICK KNACKS! NO TRASH! Whoever Wants Full Value for their Money Must Come to FOR SALE AND RENT. Fi:n. We inuku In extract from a Van ) ail cell while •John Van Huiikn's the following iaughul speech made by John canvassing New York : I have been engaged in an nctiv vass in this Stale. I have had tin Mid ill (he met I do carpet fort ima—and it i-a good Ibrt days of railroad disaster ami to iih et no accident. I fm loss, except last night when hag was stolen from tin* cun mean to say that it was stolen by a r«»- ? ublican. Hut I do mean to say that no )emocrut ever would have taken it. It was not a case for any lin-take, for it was mark,id with my name in various places, and the contents of it would dis close to almost anybody whose property it was. I by no means intend to charge upou thi 1 Kepiihlicaus having taken pos sesion of that bag; Least of all would 1 attribute the taking of it to (Lieral Kil patrick, who has been here. I desire to hay, ill defense o| (ien. Kilpatrick, that lie is inueli more remarkable for losing Ins own baggage than for taking the baggage ol an} one else. Nor do l bold him entirely to Maine lor that, because, if 1 can depend upon the representation* ot his soldiers umi officers, (lie quantity of his baggage requires a vast deal morn watching than I have cvei been able to give to mine. Mention was made in the I'nion, yes- fordoy, of the fact that the lebel Captain F. 11. (JUtley, anndemiicd to ho hung on Friday, the 1st ilist., for the mnrder of (Seu. McCook, has received u respite, at tho request of Union men of Huntsville, Alabama. 'Phis lespite will give the tYinnds of the prisoiu'r an opportunity to present to President Johnson what claims he may possess to executive oln- meiioy. We iiuderstniul that it is stated ill his baliall tliMt, altlioiigli ho killed Mi ‘onsidered honomh! Ho* now open a new and rich stock of FINK GOLD WATCH KS, RICH GOLD JKWKLRV, STERLING SILVER WAUK, FINK PLATKD OASTOUS, CUl'S. KNIVKS, FORKS, SPOONS, VICKLK STANDS, SYRUP CUPS, «fca. A L80—A fine a*s<»rtment of Silver mu I ‘odd TRIM1ILKS, Gold and Silverftl'ROTACLES. HAIR WORK, Made to order, any design or pattern. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silver and Steel Kramer, WATCH WORK and Jewelry repaired by «ood gltd responsible workmen. MR. JAS. FRICKER Hit. charito of tbs Wui'lt Department. wliieh in i'.ull h uUUAUANTKH llmt the work will bo iloii, in tho bout poMlbio liiatimir, Pvriniin hiiviiiir 1*1.AIN Wntc'ties con have tlioiu .1EWKEEKD, either in Ruby, (Jhryrolitc. (lured or Abtiaiimriiia. MR. INGMIRE, Who la too well known to need any reooinmen- •Intluii fruiu uio, huscharge of tin* iran* of Jewelry, Diamond tutting, Engraving, A«\ (let 20-II Sun ropy. GOLD PENS. 'I'HK I’|NEST AND REST ASSORTMKN'I 1 ul ll..1.1 1‘KNH. 0 T. S. SPEAK'S. Ilr t ;;n If _ Sun i-.i|.y. ltni.lr.vwM Alcu—Mei'lutiicu Kvirjbudy SHOULD INSURE AHA INST ACCIDENTS!. THE ORIOINAL TKAVELERS INSURANCE CO., OK IIAI1TKOKO, CONN.. Capital *500,000. IMU'UKIi AUAIN.T Accidents of all Kinds, liking Uoillly Injury or of Life. IT IS CIICAP. A Policy for ♦'hhn) in ease of fatal accident, or $£»pi'r week iu ease ot disabling injury, costs *26 to 4:sn per yoar. Any 4'iOO to $10,IM wifli Ft to $60 weekly Compensation. si propor tion)) to rated. Polices written for five years- IT IS irNIVCRSAI*. Ttilh Company Insure* uiruinst nil florin of no ri«l« a iils. whether they occur it;[traveling, work inK iu the shop or factory, walking in the street, Nuiiuming, riding, huulftig, fishing, Ac. It ih •ue* polieie: for all persons in nil parts ot tin United States and t'anndiid, nnd grunts porniib to visit any part nt the world, ’ibid instilui,v« id sought niter and valued by all dunes ul men. rich or poor. IT IS KI2IJAIILH The TRAVELERS .ft Hartford is th* oldest accident insurance company in tho « tilted Strifes, and cttfiiblialivd on a linn Wi*. It lum issued many thou.-aml policies, pays claims fur eoinpeni>atioti almost daily, and its business is steadily ii.rreudinff. ltd capital is ample, ltd lory ot tho kiiKltont oburactcr. and if lm« h.i(fu mi/tinu in with fur th «i of No Medical l.xauiluutloli Ktqulred t>d"TtlRKF. ('knta a Day will imutro a in: for ♦ JA»«», or 410 weekly couipumuitiun for onu your. J, H. Pattkiihon, Prodldont. lionskt pKNNlH, Secretary. •V' A|»p)icnUons received and pnliclcd isdticd it once by D. V. WILl<OoX, Attont. doe J U S. PUMP & CO., No. 23 Broad Street, (HUNTER’S OIJ) STAMD.) i store and ore daily rccoivio/r n Jaryc tut ortment of STAPLE AND FANCY- DRY GOODS, Dress and Cloak Trimmings CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, NOTIONS! Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, CENTS’ AND ROYS’ C L () T H IN G, dents’ FURNISHING GOODS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, TAILORS* JEANS, TRIMMINGS, »nd all kind, of Honda diiitublu for (I died' and Child ran'a wear, which they offer t< the citizen* of Columbus and vicinity at tb lowi st market rate ' Tho edpecinl nttcnllon of Country Merchant is invited to call and examine our stock bcTnn purehnding ulsewhero. MiF* Liberal Diwouiit allowed to the Trade. MU. THOMAS CHAFFIN. Sr., (fornuwl: with Redd, Johtihoti & Co.,)end MU IlKuIhlK MFUKDITII. (formerly with J. Kyle .1 Ci would he pleaded to seo t heir old friomls n patrons at tho above address, whom they in rest nasured they will ho treated with tho mu fairness and kindness which characterized th doalinva with them in former times. Nov K 1m II JACKSON’S, lri3 Broad St., NEXT DOOR TO ROSETTE ic LAW 1I0N. The Largest aud Best Stock of DRY GOODS -AND- CLOTHINC, Con iHiajf of the following article*. I offer now to inv friends and customer*: CALICOES; UKI.A1NES, ALPACAS and U'STHEH, .HlCttlSfOS—Frenef* and Rngllkh, fdNK.NS, IlliKAClIRD MVHLiXH and S.i KP.TING, UDIES’ CLOTH CLOftKS, io liite#t stylo; and a great many other arti- to «n(io utlully invite my friend* unJcus!oin- unlry Merchants will do well to lay it applies at my store. B. JACKSON, i-fjanl 1S1 Broad itreet. Liquors in Cases. 000 Uaso3 Choico Whiskey and Brandy, Baskets Champagne, 100 PRAIRIE PLANTATION. Lunds, situated in Macon county, AlnViUi rlx miles north of Faion Springs and sixteen milts south of Tuskejee, lying on Cubabaiohto Creek. aorex cleared land ill a high State ol cultivation : good framed negro cubina for 40 hands I fm inert iu the last four years. An artccUn well, lur- nbhing an inexhaustible supply of water, These Ian's have long been < onsidere l tho most desirable in tho Suite, for their DU LA BILITY and FRODUCTlVISNttSS, yielding remunerative crops of corn and cotton. Corn, foil Jer. pork and stock hog«, cattle and mules, cotton seed nnd implements to curry on the farm for Another year, can ho bought with tho placo. Frcodmon on roe place tan he hir- od. Po/newdoh given Immediately, dec 2 lin (J. K. JUMNdTON. Montgomery Advertiser and Tuskogeo Now?, wiil copy and send bill to this office. Plantation for Rent or Sale co., Ala., on tho Mont- I'oiut Uaiiroad,contain- •jHj acres— GOU to 700 cleared; good Dwell ing House, N’egro lloUios, (Jin House, (Jin, Screw, and all other appurtenance* ol u Cr*t elusa place. Aj'jdy t dec 2 liu CAB, R< C3, n cc dtr (he na. McKlS, Old M here 1b^I AG- L.', lil ijiUAL J. RHODES L'.tOWXi:. FOR SALE, CbaUabootheo .. best i M.-.r.nt (••- been ! wit |k Co., ai,ij „;i. ( j^dihlo date, and j Wthojiho MAfsUFlING X)T?f I mill will I DICE | .ilATEHI, COURT ORDERS? G '-v nt «nd lb. .PIKiliitiii.nt at J.ibm aw «wi Dtrutor ot tuijTb. ““ r ?, c h K ™- A4*? .MCK.o anil all other MMoSt ‘‘‘“'‘'HX* Zh5*ll no i Ufi<Hi 10 * h °w SSJJrfrf;; W 5 why the change of AdwiniArit,! 7 u *«lUS tlioulj not be made at il'. t„. t r . ** of the Court of Ordinary! E> So b.uYo'f’^ ‘ Given under my hand n, ^ fur I vemher.lb&t. y nanU tbl< 2htday 0 fs HOT 21 w 6 f N0 ' JOHK S0N.0,din jMied/ordUmUaii'n L, Iherefore It U ordorod that 1 In.I lin ... M V PLANTATION on tb rivor 14 mills above Kutaut . county, Ala., oppudtp Florence, Georgia, c m- | tnining 14H*» acres land, »i00 cleared; 200 of which is fresh und well watoied by the Wiput light i lining through tb if. litre y o it-build- Mill. Graiu i t witn thi plat WILLIAMS. A SPLENDID STORE FOR RENT, A'T'-tVli 7H BltOAp STREET. For Bent, A3?, tToilY DWKLLISG IlnHSK » iih. c.,uveiiient tu the hil.Miics? | .it. ; >ititaolu for a boarding la a iinly. t ,ly o, Dr. M. WoOOKl'FK ll.\ 111) W KLL. rod and tor rale at II. *1 AC 14HUN’S, l.v; Broad Mu*** loo BOXES Fine Chewing Tobacco li. .UOKHONH i:ui IlltOAl> STHKKT. oSl Lit-if SELECT LIMITED SCHOOL, COLUMBUS, OA. T' Cook, in wliut lio couMiilcn tl hoiiom' warfare, lio wan not, a* arolml purtinnii, luUIictrd to cruMty t«» nqilivu*, or tlis|to- iumI to trout Union rifizon* Imolily— that lio froqnontly, in iact. >lii<*hliMl tlinn from n I mm * mill inietroiitinriit. Wliotlt- vr tiii'Ho facia wore ilcvrlojiiMl on hia tri al or not, we aru unuMo to niv ; or wheth er* if developed, they would have Ihmiii purmittod in any‘d» un v to pidliuto tlio j;rave orime with winch lie was cliar^nd mid of which he was finally convicted. Tho iVcsidont will, doiilitless, ^ive them due weight* if aatisiied «»l their verity, and do what his (onviftioiis oi justice dictate.— Airx//r<Y/( / /. 200.000 WATCHES,CHAINS, DIAMOND KINGS, &c. WORTH OVER ()NK MILLION DOLLARS I All to ho sold for ONB DOLLAR each. Without regard to vuluo! I Not in ho paid for until you know what you arc to receive) SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLESl All to bo sold for $1 Bach: ■J.iO Solid Silver Dining Sots to $.l»w ■ >oo Silver Solvers and Urns. >» to j smi Solid Silvor Ton Sots ootiiplolo- - i.'-O RtiHowood Musical Uoxos,22 airs L’tMI Muhogouy Muiieal Boxes,'21 air* 2fk) Gold Hunting Wutahes 2><0 Uidio* JvftHtaolIed Gold Watches MUt Geiitk* Hunting Silver Watches *>o Opun-faco Silver Watches odd Ivory Opera tilHsscs • >imi Mother of l‘earl Lorgnettes. JIM Six harrol Hovolvers • si to :mo 7*» to 2.M» r»o to 'jon 7o to M M to HA to 100 .'*0 to 100 •oo Bligant 011 1’ .. JVO Marble Statuof, Busts. Ac, 2fst Diauioml Rings • o.hi Fhoto. Albmiis, all sixes J.O II Gobi Vast X Nook Chains .(,OUO Gold Oval Band UraceleU ’•.iMitt Chased Gold Braeoiet? J.tMfct Chatelaine X Guard Chains.... 7.0HI SolitaireX Revolving Brooehes J,«*» Laya X Florentine do "»,im*0 Coral, Opal .V Emerald do 10 to •OtoloO fsi to 2IHI ‘Sl to 100 ! cw and Fashionable Goods FOR LADIES: NRN AND COTTON HOUSE FURNISH ING GOODS. Hosiery, gloves, white goods. CASSIM BUBS, 8 ATT IN KTS, JEANS fur Mon's und Boys’ Wear, A Hood Assortment ot L ANNULS AND BLANK KTS, Together with SHAWLS, CLOAKS. BALMORALS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BOOTS. SltOES, t X lava Eardrop*.... ,1K*J (loret A Etuoraid Eardrops i.Ovm) Onlitoruia Diamond 1’inr .mo Cal. Ctualer Diamond IMna i.iMM) sots Solitaire Buttons .V Stud* .000 Gold T'bimbles. I'eneils, Ac ... 10,0t IIiHiVinn-KKA t an m Cuiu:i».—The { dantcrs hlnmt Juukaonvillc, Alu.. have ieen tsulVorin^ pretty extensively t'lvinling cholera in the pant inoutli or two. A !»*• ceut discovery has now put u complete nlteck toil* mvngert wherever tricil. It ia simply this: lly examining tho mouth of the animal atVected, you will timl very black and very olio naive purusiM formation uttaoheil to the jaw-bone, re- mnnhling a splinter, remove this ami the hog immediately recover*.—Home (’ IHHaToot! ,t*U plain Gold Rings :>,iMMI chuaeil Gold Kings I lo.ikk-Shield A Signet Bings 1'Mhm California Diamond Rings 7, <ua sot* Ladies' Jewelry, jwt 5,U0*)»*Ui Ladies' Jewelry, coral U» ■/Oil M ‘i tO 1 t. Ladies* Jewelry, ony _’tx Ladies’Jowtdry, leva-.. _ 's a n>ts Lmltoft' Jrwolrv. uiosaie. P'.tKXMlohl Pens with Sil. loddors S.«M*M4eld Pens with Hold h«dd«rs "0*i Gold l’ons A holders, super't ,UM» Silver D«.blots A Dr in King Cups Sever Castors A Wine Holders Fruit A Cake Baskets... AKK1NKON A Co., No. J fork, Kgifnsivo ManufoiHu ituporters of many «it the leading a fosaionable styles or Watehes and Jewelry, do- siring to iucrmue their buxines* to un unlimited extent, have r**<d\%d upon a Great Gift Sale, subject to the regulation* li'llnwinvi Certificate* naunug each article and its value. Baton Rovuk Ankcootm.—\Ye take the following from itm Advocate. 'Pomp muit bu tho aatno darkoy who said h«» had -• ‘-iqrf known tho river ever kiacy was a amall creek . Our old reliahlo *ay» that ho aupportod an old darkey om e ul ia not polito i*> .-ay owned) who hail lied about it ho often, that ha actually bc^nn to believe that ho had baen a body servant of Gin'ml Washing ton. ‘Wore you at the surrender of Corn- waliia?’ he in»|uirod one day. *Yaa, aar.’l replied Pomp, 'oh course 1 was dar. Ole Miuta George, he rode up on top a big black hois, with de (ail bobbed, and wid one rad eye. Alassa Cornwallia, he coin'd up on a little buck pony, wid a wall eye.! an' be looked mighty sheeny when Iu* hole out his «ole sword to Mam Uoorjre.’ — What did your master say, Ponjj*?’— by he curl up his lip ntul ho wave •Sny Y why fr ‘ lip ana uo wave his band from Mass* Cornwallis to'ard ma, and he say, 'hand it to my sorvaut.' Old Pomp nnd another old darkey wore one day disputing over their respective ages; *1 corn’d here when tho Ma>sn*»ippi was so narrow you could jump across it,' asserted old Dick. ‘Oh, *hnw,’ replied Pomp, 'when ] fua- corn'd from ole Vir- ITony, I had to tote water lur the hands M war digging It out!' *)IH‘* W any addros* on receipt of tweuty-five ceiiL*.| All Articlss S»M nt Oat Hollar cn«A, irif/«uin| rwnrti "(Ih receipt af thecartificute you will soe whatl you are going to havo, aud then It is at >gi|Al option to send the dollar and take tho nrticlBI not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch Diamond King, or any set of Jewelry on outl list for One Dollar, and in no case can they get lieu than one dollar's worth, as there are rauM Mii tka ecrtaiuGes. Tho priee of rertifieates is as fol lows. One for t’> oaets j five for *1) olevi i'J; thirty for with elegant premium : limited t. " pupils: and all will be cx- I'vclotl, .liter entering, to fouttnuo the renn.lndcr *>l the j. ut. Hie H‘holii.-tio year will he divi ded Into three terms. Tho pikht term now i.r igruMtini: will end the 2.'»th of D HKiMisn, will begin tho first ol "d the last ot Mtiieh; tho rill Hit, lir.q ol April nml und the InH of :itn duo lor ouch term ut Ha bo- __ln, und th inmnliiitoly i u 2,4t* eh pi TO OWNERS OF COTTON. ATS, CAPS. Jkc. .1 MO. ft. CAUDI 1,1. & ( tl. 21—tf NEW SHEET MUSIC. hi nnsirrr to numerous inquiries from tihrodif wr uvultf sit]/ that ire are prepared TO TAKE CHARGE OF, ti t in oitdick amj ship Any Lot of Cotton in the States of l»eorgia% South Carolina or AltiUanui, as we have hx'al agents al nearly every toivn and a corps of most •fo iful mni, selected Jin integrity, eapaci- y%and nperience, to lake, charge of e"cry tot. H e will also pay all Taxes anil ( liai ses of every description, hi sliurt, wt ipill lu/.e cluir/fe <>J the Cullim •ten and /five (he Owners no Trouble Whatever ('lam Hie tilin' we receive il unlit suld and ’rturns made hy our luniscs, WATTS, CRANE & CO., S’ew York, or W. <J. WATTS & CO., Lirerpool. England. IIV incite the especial attention of non ■si,trnli tv our Jin titties. M. BRUCE & CO iugusta, CSa. Alaha o Mobile und G ('olninbur, at which arc dean land. . . , ii plantatimiH have always neon regarded among tho must desirnhlo in tho htule, on .unt ot their productiveness, and eonccu- nt loeatiun. Each pltuje has the nteersury (building? n r -Mi to Mi laborers. Piuviuon?, incut.:, can bn bought at mar ket xalu** on tho phnes. Negroes un the pin- ay bn hired. Apply to K. W. SIS A BROOK, 1'A'f’.M A iiLOY—lly Dion HnovlnvnU: BKAHTIVHL ISLE OF THE SEA- Ey .1, H. Thomas: VM bOVF/8 TINY I'll I LI) TO-DAY- lly K G. It. Holder. LAN AG AN'S BALL—Arranged for the 1'iiuui M > LOV'ST NO MORE-Word* by The A SONG OF PKACK-tly Onssonelln : IN THE GLADE-By J. R. Thomas; TREMOLO (Nooturue)—Riisullen ; RtiSKBDD GALOP; BEAUTIFUL DREAMER-Arranged wi hrilliaul variations; Ac , Ac., Ae. ov 14 tf I. W. pr\s|.\ The luterual Ueveiiue Laws, to Act approvod June J‘<»tb, 1S61, a* amended, aud the Act amendatory thereof, approve! Ma with Copious lisrginol Reference?, " and TABLES OF TAXATION. Just Received by nov 19 tf J. W. T They duel) tho growl I cd.ary iinpuivcuicnts, gin i mrus, >tii'>l« . dwicling aud m Vui clmllcngo buyers to look lerniined to«iB. E. gird iu Eoluiuhu* as Agent lor E. M ltruco A ('•»., I am prepared to take charge of fCotton. I am also desirous of puti-basing, and will pay full market rates, \Y. FICI.1V ALKVAMDKIt, Ag't Oflico 1*5, Broad Street, Ennis’ hardware store. id 20—tf 1UCO0ORF. in Ruts. U, S, HOTEL, LOUISVILLE, KY. Nov. 11.Jy FA8R._ BRAZIL; ITS InhshitanU, Climate and Production*, Juit received by nov 19 tf J. W. PBA$K. Administrator’s Sale. and handsome present to the getter up of the fl *i- AOKNTS W ANTED EVERY W1IKHK, to whom special inducement* are ottered. Ad dress. I’AllKINSON A CO., Importers. 2tW Broadway, AVic York. dec 5—dm ezWU •Trrywhar, ill Sptin. A Meant Ifllur i.y, ihu lr*ini»u-a in from lu.Mlo laduo wall Imwlini out (or » tjpublio. Tl„, otficr, tndiikmj in ,H1 ribnldriM up„i, r,.y,U y , ,„a Ihr poepU »re buying U |i uhi.H#., , 0 th»t non* renioin in tim .lion,. TEr.s nur- obmo* »r« mod, in ,i«w oi» ncacml oit.il- lotion In honor of tho IJumii'. |innt,m'« M oSoioroUo niatton ; nil,l tucli U lin- froolinc which i, proporina for l,nr ,r. Hojwtr whonov.ir ,im »l.»ll ui,k Ioim told to oppoor in th« Pr«d» Dwelling Wanted. A NY person keriog a|dw<*lliug of four, five A or six rooms couvenieutlv situated, can hear of a good tenant by applying at the store of J. Kyle A Co. Possession wanted by 1-t c' * usry uext. .JOSEPH F. PUL’.] vl tf. TMK LEWIS HOUSE, COLUMBUS. GA. ^ NEW aud desirable House on Front street, fx. near the Bridge, tor permanent and tran sient boarders, convenient to the htagen passing the Bridge and to the landiug ut the Klvor. Conducted by Mr*. L. A. Lewi*, who solicits O HN Wednesday the Pith day of December , next, by au order ot the Court of Ordinary. l^wiB seU tho persoual ’property’ ol ’lo?cph“v{ ) \S oolfolk, deceased, lute qf Muscogee county; at the plantation belonging to his estate, situn- ted on the rivor rood seven miles below Colum bus, consisting ot Corn. Fodder, Pea?. Hhuek*. Potatoes. 12 head of Horses and Mules. or ID head of Cattle, among them aline English Bull, several fine English Cows ami others uf mixod grades, bheep. Goats, a large lot of Block llogs, Wagons, Carta, Ox Wagon. Cooking Utensils AUCTION & COMMISSION STORE T^U>N^,r‘WMM^i n oV^E^ At No. I.lt), Hroad Mtrcet, respectfully solieil Consignment* of all classes of Merchandise, whioh they will u^e every f«>rt to sell to tho best advantage. —AL80- We keep constantly on hand at private sale, an a.*.-orluioui of Family Groceries, whioh wo ofi.T for ?»lc at th. lo'wo.t Market COX 1 BROOKS, If Advances on Cotton *DHB Undersigued are propared to make cash I Crtsh AdvhhPW on Cotton consigned to their friends in NEW YORK. LIVERPOOL. *g Ute and Plantation Implement* uf all kiuds. will be rented, f«*r the next >• tho same time % and is not surnassed in fertility by any Dmls in the State. Sale to continue from day today rlv is disposed «*f. W. G. WUOLFULK, Adin r. Vartio? desirous of shipping Colton to points arc invited to give them a call NIVOt GREEN WOOD A GRAY GENERAL SOUTHERN LAND AGENCY 4«S, Notice. Bi Jody. Fleming A .Swift ure hereby notified that they mutt come up and aettlet and those who fall to pay by Arid day of Jauuaiy next, that Gieir uotesaod uccouut* will be put »a suit at once. The kook* and papers ol tbe oouceru are kept at eur olJ stand, corner under IWk's Hotol. VoUt. H.kMlStl X SWIFT, v oiuuibu*. Oct, 31, ImPi.—tjaul L partnership with Msesrs. White, Carter A _j,, ii2 Broadway, New York, and they will very Fhortly lm nrepnrod to Inau money i<>r tho I cultivation of Cotton, Rice and Sugar. They will also uro\ ide white labor tor tho m«iIt gra erally. In a lew day* wo shall i*»ue eirvqlan* setting lorth oil tb»»e things In detail, from «h« i above house. Having formed this arraiii'cuimii wo oau offer greater Ucilitic* lor the sale ot Southern laud than any et>labRithiu«ut iu this ~ ‘ T U E G E M <9* RESTAURANT, (INDKll T. ft. ftPKAIl’ft.) prepared to fur- * oouutrv, We thereflirelollcit the patronage of th«N»e J«'*iniig to a#B land. Prompt attptitlou ' en t«* all busiu^s* cnirastod to our ni.«h ut short notice, at | any hour. D* v «>r N u.ht, :»1l the doticacies of the- seaaou—meb a* OYSTERS; GAME, oi kind* : STOWLH, FISH, Ac. Connected \*uh the establishment i« a H —nt which the purest and finest l.hiuurx ami Wines msy he had. WALTER STEWART, dec l tl J. J. KEENAN. FOR RENT, friend* nr J. M< Kj»Q .1. A. Af 5 - Bug0 : U ITI1 IU.D. J OEEI'J eont- »ti-i i.i I r Eiij>t. J. K. l; '«•«,« i xt' u*i\•ti'UIkI. nfl i .,f..it .1. Mu, II. J. lll'XTEU. :| II Bun nt ll-ir I LOOK OUT! UK KINU i lui» ughrrly • *m corned bo notified to show a ‘* Pfr *<nio... I havo) why ».,ij iulmi,;il,r7j, ui !. ,ir *>ni!' dluniHved nt the noxt M.wrJ. »*2 «f Or.iin.ry to f,. held in ISi'i 01 nnd that tui. order b. publuhlS'XffiS A Iruo extract from the minor,, U Ocjobfr 29. lSd5.ui(in, JOU ‘ Nd0M . Oniiu,,. rj. tORIil A—MUSCOGEE COI\tv VT.ur OoDiOARv, October Trrm T iLr C »fb Am.—bnninol A. Bilim, octal, of Henry M. jirnt.o n U, “ lr * to rafu! |,llod for diatuiaaion : ’ bticfc *>*d. ij M , —. JiamiaaionT '" 1 * - *”' iai. that , .all I aocordin, to law ' '““‘'““vtiiel root from the udpnlct October 29. 0r Etirj, / <EUR.JXA. MUBCOUEiTConiTY=S V, S»M>, udminiflr.itor of .•w ■ jin deceased, hua applied for Inn, ' bp I real estate of said deceased ’ t v ' t0 WIJ, I Ail persons concerned ais 1., . .. I show cause (if any they have) u h v7n C !!iio^ * I the sale of said real estate sb .uld'r' tL''^’ 1 '* ed at the next January .. V-*. tut, n«u a# tl II tl .11 y lei II) III ll 1A ,. •* Ordinary, to b« hebl in and b-r Ji,| i,?"/ her. lfkiT). Octao iiOd; under my lialid’ ihi'.J-.m ■ J-NO.JOUK^I G^ 1 \VJ A irif li:i j ,;u ‘ JI;h voub'rv-'J' r ’ V vo •V.VWk. admiuwtrator of th# *, Joseph W. Woolrolk, deceased boa DiVI It. ... Il lkaa»..l' a . . . 11 * 1 Pilot',. leave tu well thereat estate All person* concerned arc heriuJS 4 - f show cause, (ft any they havo). why l#,.! J 4 * s.iid real estate should not be u«xt January Term „r th.Court‘fOrii^*' be held in aud for said county -Utven under uiy buoatbij |,M J.-'.’. JUUNSOJiCT^ lyint el If Apply In • korv bn.tli) and WtCkt-r. .McClar to. icrmicmh. > E. W. L. W. DAWSON, on tbe promiM** abrook. Cotumlnii. tin FOll HAlsK, two iiKaiiijY mii , itovi:i> COTTON PLANTATIONS. NE, well known ns Ro.tnuko. iu BarK.nl iliama, eleven miles above Ru- y• live below Culuinlius. lylni er In li,, r ,lot and ko, with .to. 11 desiroijely. my larm n>une of the lii-siull par ti-'n'ars Colum- bus. w|j|dn» on, Dew - .vusiuned. dee ] tb,’ Qa. Coined. Oct.tt.'lTijj *"«>•'« K- U. PATTERPON, Ala’. Q Executor's Sale. • Tnaolay iu Decembera««,rL be sold at the Court UoMe in HU'cikoo county. tw„ l.,ts ot land N„. ifljl M> in the luth .li.triet ol said eeuuiv l ountatnin, HU!4 scros. The llu road runs lliruu jh thi< land, one L, ... improved and all well tiurlieied. S«id,;J!| lertuily with the will et Daniel Utdri^l -easod, for the purpi.se ..f dbiribution j.il DANIEL COIUIAT, Kiwr.l. cash. J.O. rim Other III* .f Culeheo, in M »l h bolt I t li r oo u.l Rnilroad.n ctintuiiiing 1,7' ami iteiiig purl III 11 Of 1 2 Uwlii Coluiubm, Land For Sale. WILL hII:j t* bio lor cutt.in II timbcrnl: h. t halt mi!«> nh„ ;m.d i>inu Inn.l, ►' clean tl. I bo bain i the M A tl d fro ivmi immediately il de apply on 11)0 pr J_._A. TU N\ ER.S. THE BEST PLANTATION YKT Ul'-FEHliD. W"fK 50 DIN 0 50 500 UlINO. Anyl 111 laruc list;, &c. C 01 CD SHOT, iUp'BAVI* ' offering for flute onoof tbo un< .-t ns hi ha.^torn Alubuium t-ilu itv.t ranch ot Cowikee crock, tint*c .4, Mobile and Girard I* icrc* of liiini, about . The abut - itli ii mrp .-rod ill till half cleared and «n i ii. These laud* have *1 c la.'t ton your*, und ar it of the State b»r pm o opceially adapted t There are on the pin*’ * h. u< STOVALL X SMI HI. 1,000 ACRES. VALUABLE PLANTATION on sale on BENT. ARE Plantation und Re»id«uco of Mr#. V. H. Walker, In llnrri* county, hi miles above lutubuH, will b« Hold or reuted on the prom ts «m tbe 12th of Ho ember next to the highest . ider. A I*", will he sold t orn, (odder, mules, iiguiiH, cattle, h«>'gp, X?. Torm* oa«y. nov -1 t* 1 * W AI K KB. PLANTATION FOR SALE. jcs. V i;u, Letter ..i'encils, for a Ic JllJi’S. ,lc,vd street. W i of 0. M ty nn the i,)d i Columbus, oil thro* of land, cuwijdder, peas, 1 T.iEUSON If! OFFER FOR SALE MY LOWER PLAN* a «»*) the t'liattsboochee river. 12 miles dumbu*’ The truet eontaius t*"" acree, loU of wlueh ate cl oared. On iha[place i» n oiulortablo dwelling, with a will uuproxed rchard of choice fruit tree*. ter nnd negro bouses arc all trained ami the settlement ono mile irum the tl leading to Lumpkin. This place 1 settled and improved ami great care has betn taken to keep it I'ht* prtuluci th- a high .-late ot eullivatiiB parity of these binds are woi) i ui.ghborhood. Corn, Fcnlder, bo purchased ou the plane, h W.G, NVOOLFul.K. For Sale, M Y PLANTATION, situated in tho county <>t Low ii ton mite* from Valdosta, tho county town, and two miles in>m Ayattoh.— The tract contain* ‘bur thou«und three liun- Ired acn*s. Fourto«*a hundred are in cultiva tion, not surpas ed in IcrtGily in the c«>uoty, of which cloven hundred have been cleared within four years. Tho climate is decidedly healthy and tho settlement eligibly siluaUd.— Appended to tho plantation ts a substantial gn*t and saw mill, entirely now. The build ings are comuuHiiou* and well constructed.— Thu quarters for the laburor* uro comfortable and capable ot accommodating upwards ot tw o undred. There are two large cotton and giu ••use* upon tho plantation. All ot tbo stock will he sold with it, uonsis'iag of mules, cattle, bogs ami sheep. Possussiun to be given on or hetore January, , J. W ALDBURG, Savannah. July’21 — SltWif CHECKS ON NEW YORK, IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. 1 ’Olt Sale by 4 EPPINfl. HAXSERD Jt CO. Pi (for double bed) candl 1 t not make ) in whose Ale* near me, wlitU*, to those band rouy do itheir ■on* or ral>ou. UN3T0N, forty-horse -wtd CIlATTAIIOm ilKK COlftTf, G eorgia, .ciurrsifoocHKi ~coim.- tif ( ir/ium if imii/ roHrem.—3a)ah C Gi dison having in proper Iona appliedts'e permanent lutior* of uduunistralion onu tatoot L (.. Hardison, late of laid n>e*ti t* to ett* aH ond singular the ereJitur*u4ii ot km or L, L'. Hardison to bo np|>*«r».L ofiiec on tho 2,1 Monday in Jutmury litiiu show cause, if nuy they can, why ptrau adminLtrution should mu b„* granted u*m ly hand officially No*.ft > JAMES CASTLLBEh'i. I Drti'iCil all and singular tbe creditors and ot John G. Cat hoe to he and appear*tx>4 oh the 2d Monday in January orxt iet« cause, if any they can. why pennait'iii i islration »h«»uld not bo granted to W.I bee on John G. Barbee's astute. Given under my band officially N,t.si 1865. JAMES CAbTliEBL'KKTl nor 29 w. r >t Orvinn| G lEURUl A—LMATrSMOllCH)* U'UTT -■ all whom it may Concern.—John a if kimon having in proper form applied t * permanent letters ot *diniui»lrati<* s estate of W. G, Wilkinson, dev«sied. ifl said county, this is to cite all and -iritlri creditor* and next of kin of W.U. WruT to be und appear at my office op tbe tin;^ day in December next mol _ all whom it may concern: Hm britton having, in proper firm, api'lis! for permanent letters of odmioutratNiil estate of Charles Co'ussons. late uf )• ) ’ r this i* to cite all aud ingular, theurwnur next of kin of Charles I’ouasoni, Iw n peur at my office, within the time law, and show cause, if any they eau. • luaiiunt administration should not kf to Hyman Albritton eu C'har.e’ Witness, my hand ami official I novl w3tkl JAMY.S CAbTLEBWjJJ N£ v in good double- Uuiance* noces- .-a red in to work. jICK, , Ala., or solumbus. Ga MAURIVE, ,)ALT. -N Ik C0„ road Street. .d! RAfcD K. R. JSTotice. A LL persons indebted to John u. n I of Chatuhuuohee cuuotr. derf^J reYUio*trii to come forward and ,u payment and those holding claim' ‘f 1 * 1 estate to present tbennlMjJt\vm Nor. 4.1865-wot * Jfl Notice (o Creditors A LL persons having claitus A. of Grigsby E. Thomas, nr., f hereby notified to present them caud, within tho time prescribed w indebted to said estate are reqtwKw i immediate settlement. Tll . v ., J U RIGS in E. THOMA Adm r with the • -*■ nov 18 wGw HTBWAHT C0C5TT. nKjJRQI.A-STr.w»«tUolv_tT.-«^| SWKUI A—CT). w A H» w* ; • ■ f .IF. Kirkiey applie* for 'JgJJflCS lion de bonis non on the estat* vl »» late of said county, deceased. * These are therefore to notify ■* These are therefore t ccrned to show cause, 11 J” 7 ’ prescribed by statute. why»a> 1 uot b. granted. . ., \ r Given under my hand in no? JO w5t NOTICE. late of H. 0. deceased, arc he tided at om-e. Ami ell parties indebted k* estate hv n«>to, or otherwise, will please ran ami settle ut once, or l will be Compelled to place said accounts in the hand* of an attorney for cnlUi tioa, a* tins estulu must be settled iiu- mediately. . a J. G. McKEE, Adui'r. Id tf Sun Copy til further natfde. Drs. SCHLEY & RAINES, OFKIOK AT ODD l i:i.LOWS’ HAM., First door to (he right on first floor- Lr load can be , Trewurer. p. Ju.-scli county, /cs ol which is ft'otton finely. Ctlo, aud hogs, I) OF BRO., fine Dissolution. 'I'HK Firm ..fl BOUII ART .V CHAPMAN . .. ‘IjO - ,'<1 l y ntultml f-'ilM iit. All iuJvliu-.l to tho l.it, firm »tli Uti l ihob,-„u., Doles and aooiitinu in Ihu hand, ut K. i. Chun- man. who I, with DR. THOMAS II. DAWSON’, Buggies, IS, LLARS. it sonn. wo will icbxnxo for oot- IfitVt-lf inted. o note* of the rgia, Alabama, riuia, Louisiana! II market rales [AKDER. j llrucc X Co., >ver Ennis’ st. FOR SALE, 80(10 BUSHELS COTTON SEED •IINNKD Tills YEAR. CANDLER, BKuWN A CO., B» v » u 146 Brand ilrMl. At tho old .lund of l’rouhnrt A CbannmnJ whvro Ib.y i>ru|n to L.r i. a uoo.1 .tool, ol DRUGS, MEDICINES, kc„ ud wUlMlI.thaui on im rauonxblourinriu the time* will allot,. IbiiMial attention intid In the PRICBCUII'TI.IN UKPAHTJIKKT, Nona hut fomt.ou-ni A|.otha,-nrUi will bo uu |do|0d tu hi. bU' Novi,Into. lUovJflm) Wynutou rx, twn. The There is a All neces 1 aiuall or- good goydeu. lace. The.e »re thoralore to notif earned to show enure, “ “'hy |«i* lireecribod by statute, whf •« a uot be granted. 11. n«re.S<'*tl tliven under my b.nl 14110Jr nor 30 w5t —-H nKOU.JIA - STkW.M Ij WillUtu B. Stephen* administration ou lh« “'‘ii late of said eonntr. These ere IherelonW„u t xJS earned to .how cause. ,j us** prescribed br statute why | uot be frmntud. ,. A*-' tilreo under my l**nd in ^ Jjiflj voiuber. 18oo. ^ noySuWH G KORO IA-Stsu-a ny.Cb'iliim-J Klisabefb i*trotion on the eitote el J of said county. -aa*i«i■* TL... sun thirolnrt W - i! These are therefore to - pertons conc«r- n ed »o the tlmo preaeribfd by st**»* should not be xrunlea.. ^ Given i • preseriura ■ uot be granted. y *J i under my baud »j* nov 30 w.'t G EORGI A~J*tkws«t uiwr 2 Elisa Catchuifei’^ 1 ^ 3 istratiuu on the - lato of laid county. »Ul‘ These ar« iner**—-; M y.«« eernedto show c*u .. ^ l prescribed by statute. * not be granted. . | B Given under my n*°£ £ Wl**j nov 30 w5t r?TCui>T^ 7 y E0RG1A.bTg"p£Uflf[K (j ns Timm* A** ministration ‘»«i late of suld county. be These ere thereto., to » o.rnwl Kfhow efuoo ‘ , k0 «U, i to show i av by i.w, wby.uld ‘l 1 ;'"*,., \ U ituen my h.uJ nov Si II Ragland SPEOL jy order from I when due. ore ri I gieDt of cotton t— I The 3d Wstriet l; I maDtim: Belter I heoehee, Cr**D lfcrly.Herrie.1 I Miller. HiteheL- ■ me. yuitmeu. R* I .stewert, Sumpter. ■ .-ne-"• | un. Welter end 1 I '» J, I Auiust 22.1S6M Utorsal OtoUllnetryUt I dal from the Cl>m I see Reil I ysniw and all MC I MUf |ade..ll*cU)raldkftr I a permit from )“ | w. Ja«i Aagust 22-tf ornt’K coll Be of Edward Covington. Ih(« «»t said s (m cite kII und singular the cre-Ji'.ur; uruH »f kin of Edward Covington to betniinS at my otHoo ou tho 2d Monday in January tt^H nml show cause, if uuy ih y can, nont ndiuinislratien rh<>ul<i not berntutfl M. M. Ward ou Ldvrnrd Covinytmi’rwu:< ■ Givon under uiy bund nfficiHlIy Xu Afl 18**6. JAMES CAill.LHKKL H nov 29 wf»t Ur iiui H 1 MN AND ■ \J Paippnge 1 Leave Cnluu ■ Arms iu SI ■ Leave Macjl ■ Arrive in t’d 1 Macau aui / J.EOJDJIA, Uu i rr.iiumc')ir aL'vt'»r> -/<■ VJ whom if uiny voacern — W. F. BsrbMtvH ing iu proper form applied to me for itrawfl letters of udiuiiiistration on UieerUK G. Barbee, lute ot said county, tbu nunfl 1 Arrive ut At 1 Usvs Alluu 1 Arrive at Mu 1 HP 10—tt SUPKB ) N and afWj on thl* Ro Leave ColuuU Arrive West t*i Arrive at Moi Leave Monte? Lsere West Arrive st Coh Connecting ’... a! West FoinL%hd ft., in timo iwleoi Atiiotic Kail fiM north, ~ Npt 22-tf r Saratog WBIT4 Nest Door to j (Formerly J aad the public; pains or expeni <lc*irabk resort hare on hand markets aflord; Ladies or (an rooms can bnvi city at reasoud nov 25 tf Advana W odvai K will SHIP N»w T* TA A s« fx tour or Am have her hy i>«yii older expeufts ^■ov id tf late JMyH.-tf /JJ BAB] COTTO HklCRs AH ,: «r»e*^ UROMPT Alt* tuede* watcL UNIT, ♦iEJUEluri I8RAXL i **V4* J w iiSS H&Cil yeonle. i ^AI|! t’urekaeee LARDmS ?Ct 31^