Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 23, 1865, Image 3

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^^JEW8JTEM8. KJ.CillHKn. EDWARD PARSONS i. th. Mthorind * of th. K»<l ui f» r AlUnt *' ““ Mlowlot named lentl.men are As-lit. »Icovlin Abb—* i “maFPowm. seal.’Station. *« I.ey. Hatehaohubbaa. « E.fianbom. UurtTille. £ fl. Waltar. Paraona. T W Bank*. Goarrjrton. a c. Baker. Su«pen«lon. W 0. Andrew., Chnnnannnaa. n 'a Smith, Union Sprint#. Si W. A. be#ier. Villnla. ,Thomaa J. Burks. OlaonrUla. £'l. Jenkin#. Midway. tr The followimr named ( anUaman are our Jttmtaaltbe.ereral depot# ou tbaMuaao«aa Station No. 2. Col, J. A. L. Liu. At Box Sprint., H. D. WlttMU. Xtlleneva, 0. J. O’Nial. At Butler. E. B. Wxtaaa. At Fort Valley. J- U. Btiuotok. At Jouea’Crosalnt* J*»« W. CoTitoeoit. ti ,ou want pretle and cheap tooda oall on _ . Parker. No. M Brood atr.et, who baa u.’i rooeired frdm New York a large and bean- nr.l asaortment of Cloak and Dreaa Trimmlnga. Coida. Real I.aoee. Bugle Trimming. Dreaa Silk.. Dreaa Button#. White Good#, alj kioda. and a Boa lot of Dreae Uooda. which wll ha add a# now aa they can bo purohaaed any where in the eity. dee IT tf ^ ■ fite reading matter on every page. 'hKAU-RUARTI[R*i l MU.llAltY oKGANIEATltiM.* The Commiaaione 1 and non-eommiaaioned oflrara. will meet at Capt Ivey’a head-quarter# thii morning at id u'clock, A. M. dec 22 It Laiiet I if } ou want to see the prettieet •nd bc«t atao.tniuut of real Valencia, thread and tiimpure lace, jaconet edging and in-erling. dre«« trimming# all etyles, dreaa alike, and drea# good# of every de. tcriplion, call at No. 64 Broauf Btroel, where you will find good# very cheap. Their imAUr ia, "quick talea and small profl'.,” and they aro determined that no ODD .hall undersell them. They aro selling shoes, hats, table cutlery, and genu' furnishing good#, for a great deal lets than they can be bought tlaewhere. [Dec. 23—If New Advnrliaementa. D. T. & K. Ellia will buve a large sale to-day of furniture, cane ayrup, oana- burgi, horses, mules, Ac. Jewelry of a ■uperior tirade will bo sold also. J. w. l'enso has a Hit of articles auita. Us for holiday presenls. Nothing is more tpproprisie fur such occasions than hand- ioraa books. ; Regular meeting of Ogletorpe Lodgo to- nijlit OUlcers are to be elected, and a full attendance is desired. Tbe officers of the new company aro re quested to meet a*, the headquarters of Cspt. Ivey this morning at ten o’clock. Mr K T. Shepherd's horse was stolen today from the post to which it was hitched in the sl ot Ho will pay one hundred dollars for its return to him. Stppingion, D-ws A Uo. have a lino lot of good# Sou hdverlUement. F. M. Brook.,, the present first rate Clerk of the Superior Court, ii announced u a candidate for re-eleotion in January next. Mr. Saunders has a school notice that Quit be read. Tim present vacation will soon wear out, und hi# pupils will want to know when lo Sturt again. Our River has been slowly falling for two or three days, but there ia yet a sufficiency of water for steamboat naviga tion, and we lenin that heavy rains have fallen in the up-country, giving us assur sueoof a rising river again very soon. Neither of tbe boats expected had arriv- ed st our whnrf when wo closed Ibis report lost evening. Tbe Indian left Apa- ltcbicola on Monday evening, and the .Maiianna on Tuesday morning, both of them hesvily laden with freiiht for this city. The latter, we understand, bad threo thousand barrels of freight for Columbus. Vnivertitg of Georgia.—We are sure llist every Georgian will share with us the ples.uie and pride experienced on learn ing that the State University at Athens is so Men to be re-opened, and with such a distinguished and competent faculty. The faculty embrace several of the first men ol tbe Stale—eminent not only for their learning and experience in tbe training of youth, but for ihcir piety and other quali ties that ennoble manhood. The I'rosi- dent it ono of the roost successful and ro- ipeclt d teachers in tho whole Union min ol deep research and varied learning, sad in private life ono of tho purest and best men ot tho age. Tho other members ot the faculty have boon for a longer time residents of Georgia, and are too well kaown throughout the State to require eny introduction or eulogy from us. No beuer nton could have been selected for their positions, ii the whole State bad been searched over. Wo coincide with the Athens Banner in ilsopinion "that a new era in tbe life of lbs University will begin with its ap proaching session. The energetio spirit in 'ho Board of Trustees; the watm and tsslous co-operation of Us numerous A nmni; the indications of the newspaper I-'eu and its earnest ndvocacy of the claims of th- University upon public con Udine-; and ub-ve all, the profound con- rictiun to general among tho cltiaens of beorgia that wn now need, more than cv. •r, the advantages of a fully-developed University ; all these are unmistakeable l| gn# t! at this Institution it destined to »»t»r untne lialely upon a career of ca. “rged usefulness. Assured, as wa are, ol this fact, We congratulate the State on the cheering prospects of her University; and •tth ail our heart, (and uttering front the ran the fervent wish of nearly one Ihou- *»nd Alumni,) we bid her God’s speed in inspiring the young intellect of Georgia with the nuns and aspirations of .a noble, Christian scholarship." See the announcement of tbo re-open- cg°f the University in our advertising columns. FA« grandest display of pretty dolls, I * of *i* hinds, and good things iunurn- Lm I* 1 U> * t w “ e,er * wn i° Columbus, "iil be exhibit* d at tbo Ben Hive to-dsy. splendid Cht is trees trees also. Plenty s«#°l *** • cierke now—to that you will * hlt * tu Wait as heretofore. It ttsht'.^J*"^ durived by the Govern- Macon, Georwia, from the duty of Per pound on ootton for six aain..'«, P j* e ® <lln A lh ” 1st ®f November, . u J * l II. III. IV. V. ®d to one hundred and fifty thou- STtlJi U * N ’ f n<l 11 *• an Imated Out the thai m '• r, '’nd from the seme source at "wliiJfl***, 7' 1 r “ c » ■’“re Una half a --. U ° a «/ dollars additional during tee “*“** •» Nueeanber end Bsssate. [For tbo Enquirer. .V. FOUGHT KOT THK POOR. Forget rv t the root-. Hut open your dour. And welcome them in to the fe*?t: Not now ns of yore, When plenty und more, Their joys oi Cbriitm/w increased. Full well do we know, The father lies low, Who living, them plenty could give: But the b .11 of the foe. Or the musket stock blow, Made the father at once cease to live. 1IU little one s now, In agony bow, To sorrow, to want and to grief: Then open your door, And ask in tho r oor. And give to tho needy relief. Our Father above. The source of all lore, Will trebly tbe donor repay ; Then open the door, And ask in the poor, And feed them on glad Christmas day. J. T. S. HOTEL ARRIVAL.?. Cook’s Hotel, Dec. 21 t 1805. A H Rowell, Ga; B V McGinty, Piko co, Gh; J Darby. Auburn. Ala; Geo W Hall, Lexington, Ky; A P Git son, Macon, Gh; Thos W bteel, Wctumpka, Ala; E H Smith and sister, Talbot co, Gh; J A L Lne Gh; Mrs M A Lee und two childron, do; M P Wyman, Union Springb; Jno O'Neil, do; M Tatum, Macon co, Ala; W H Mathew*, Chambers co,‘AIh; llufu* Peterson, Wilmington, N 17; J J Ali»)*cn, Miicon. Ga; J C Cozatt, 8W1I H; Jhn F B »eoy. Russell co, AU; G W Morgan, Gh; E B Morgan, do; M Cole, do; Mr Watson, do: Gho W Diakn. Union Spring*; 1) L Cohen, Pensacola; J W Brown, Nnshville; S Pruitt, West Point; .JnoT WnroHiid wife, Ala; tl P Truland, Tuskogee; D Curmieluvl, .SHlem, Ala; Mrs J)r Riley, AU; Mr»* Gh; Mr (Jrndy and wifo. Fla; «)no Kilhro, Opelika, Ala; B U Rutherford, do; Jno W Brooks, Gh; M S Thomt)S«»n, do; Thoa J PullUm, do; Wnt \ Mcl)-iiignld, do; •I N Lnnd, Macon, Gh; Jno W C Denson, AIh. MAUKKT ItEPORTM. CiKciNFATt. Dec. 19—Flour continues dull without chfimre in nrioel; for superfine$6.50 (•*. 7 75 ; extra $7.75 ^ 9 : family 19.25 10; fancy $1(1.50 ($ 11 50 Whout is dull at ^1 97 for prime old red, and $1.75 for m\v Corn in ’ 50<«j>53o; Out-* advanced to 41 m elevator with a good demand but e w'd supply, llye steady, 7d <«v 74o tor prime, liogs rather w«ak without oeSontiai change ; $10,2.» 10 .V) groHh ; and drovers uro indispos ed t • accept these rules rouddy ; receipts 6,200 head. Provisions very dopressed and prices are tend ing downwards We qu*ito Mess po-k at #26.50. green uioats 8^ to 14>i for shoulders, bans and sides; bulk meats are entirely nominal; no quotations can hotdvcn. Lard offered at 1 io., with small pules of prirno country at I6U0 Cotton 45Va ("> for middling. Whisky steady, $-.25, Hold 145?L The Tribune*# Wa*tiington special say*: General Howard's official report, concern ing tho operations ofotno Freed men’s Bu reau and ti e condition of things in tho South, is Ftill in tho hand* of tho Presi dent, whom it bH8 been for seven or eight days, and it* publication bus not yet been * The 5W“(frfbl)S!CHRlSPMAS WILL BE HE^IoON LE CRITIQUE EST 4ISEE ET L'ART EST DIFFICILE i & J. PALMER & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED t Another Large Lot TJ UNTIE QTTO.XJZIX) CliOTIUNG, FOR MEN AND BOYS, F.NE BUSINKSS COATS (Sacks and Frocks); FINK SILK-MIXBD HVSCSKSS SUITS; DOESKIN PANTS, and CASS. PANTS; BLACK FROCK COATS; DAHLIA FR0CKTKS, etc., etc.; LINEN COLLARS, PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS; SHIRTS and DRAWERS, of all aorta aud (isos: | A FINE LOT OF BOYS’ CLOTHING FROM 3 YEARS OLD, UP. Our long oxporienco in thin business haw oua- bled ua to sctact a FIll^T CLASS Stock of gooda, nud WE WILL MAKE IT TO TBE ADVANTAGE OF THE PUBLIC TO BUY FROM US. Como and fee a* und you will bo AntUllcd of thi*. RBNEMUKH S. & J. PALMER & CO’S, 167 Broad St., OPPOMITK COOK dec 15—tf S ilOTKL. GO T0S. tSi .1. PALMER & CO’S And got one of thuwe elegant little suits of Boys’ Clothing! Tho moht SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS PRES ENT you cun buy. dec 15—10t L. MEYER & CO?, 4frj# OPEN On Monday Morning, -AT- MULFOIID’S OLD STAND, A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS, Juat purchaBOfl in New York, nt reasonnblo prices, eonniatinu of PLAIN IRlrill POPLINS, andothor stylea of Ladioa' Drufa and Cloak Trimmings, which they offer at reduood price* for cash. P. 8. All persons indebted to John H. Mul- ford. oithef by notos or accounts, will call at hi§ old stand and nc'.tle, or they will be placed in (ho hands of uu attorney for collection on the 1st January. dec 17 tf delay ia nsorihed to ilJJL ill M 1 pormittod. containing Bor.'imtMith concerning thospil*^ A fl T T\ Tl “\T f|l C\ Hnd conduct of tho people in rebel Statos, | /A I; I . I II Ii. I Nlculaled to show that ti wi hdrawal of Federal control from those States would endanger tl.o interest* and safety of freed- mon und Union peftple. Disqrackful am* Bariiakoub.—Tho * Uniorn-ip” «*( Enst, Tennessee are pur suing with a bitter hatred and persecu tion, in many section* of that part of tho State, thoso who did not ngreo with them during tho war; driving some from their boinoa, preventing those HWay from re turning, ar.d in many instance* commit ting cold blooded murders. Now we do not believe in the Gcnerai Government intorefering too much in Stuto mutters. Tbe less it n** to do with them, as a gen eral thing, tlu- hotter. But as lh<» existing condition ofiiflairs in F#ast Tennessee wore caused by the war, und ”fi tho members of the present Gov-rnruent of that State will not stop theso outrages, but from act?show that they rather dL-grucoful deeds of vio lence would go on than not—in a case of this kind, under such circums:ances, we do think that somo power should interfere lo protect tho lives and property of the re turned Confederates who are willing to become pCHCeablo Hnd law abiding citi zens if pormiUed *o to do. The deeds now being committed in Emt Tennessee w>uid disgrace barbarians. And wo cannot see bow any one who has any claim to civil ization can be guilty of perpoirHUngthem. ^ ^ ^ [Aug. Chron. A lady nam^d h» r s-on the other day, Petroleum. H»»r reason for so doing was that when she had occasion to whip him ?hc might “strike ile." <v The most extensive brewery io the world is at Dublin, Ireland. It employs 300 men. It turns out about 1G 000 hogs heads of beer per day. Each workman it alined ** quart per day. Tho brewery was in 1780. ClllClifj All* Columhuh. Ga.. Dec. 19,1965. For the purpose of protection of the person? and proporty of the citizens of this place during the Christmas week, the following regulations have been thought expedient, by both Military and Civil Authorities: I. Ail person? found upon the streets after 9.30 r, M-, from Dcr, 24th. 1865, to January 2d. I860, will he arrested nod brought before the said authorities to give an account of them- s elves. II. No persons shall be rxeinpt from this reg ulation except mil.tkiy end civil officers, on duty* including the Mayor and Aldermen, who are supposed to bo ou duty nt all time* Added to this, all PhyMchus are exempt und are re quested to apply to the Mayor for panes to cover tbe time. III. There shall be ?ix stations, in different parts of the city t ouch elation to be the head> quarters of the l'utruls und Police assigned to it. When a person viobitirg the 1st paragraph of this order is arrested, he shsll be conveyed to tne head-quarters of the district in which he is arrested and he subjected to the inspeetion of tho officers, civil and milifaiy, on duty a that post. IV. It has. for powerful reasons, been con sidered biSt/or all saloons and bar-rooms, aud places where liquor is sold, to he closed during all tho time above alluded to. This order is peremptory and will bo obeyed. In default a fine of #100 will be enforced, aud also take pos aeseiou of the bar-roem. It ill i*u seen utoucc by all order loving and law-obeyingeitixene that thtse regulation*. It properly enforced, will have tbe effect of pre venting disturbances of any magnitude in the oitjr. Let every person, both citixeu und aoi- dier, consider bim-elf bound to use the influ ence he may have, to secure peace and quiet during the time above alluded to. It is not the Intention of the authoritiee to curtail any of tbe libet lies of tbe citisene. except in oasee of extreme necessity, and this seems to demand •■ch a oouate. By order of FRENCH WOODALL. { Col. Cotn'd*g Poet. V. G. WILKIN*. Mayor. I 4 m SO—U AT HOME OR ABROAD. THK OLDEST IN.SURAN ;E COMPANY IN AMEFIIOA, WITH Double the Cush A?svtu of any otb*r Company, IS THK TRAVELERS’ IN SURANCE CO., OK IIAKTFOKU, CONN., CASH AS.'BIS. $600,000! Over .TOO claim for compensation have been paid during tho pail year, nud $20,000 polices issued, No Me dir u l.xaminut ion Madel AI.L QCBHTIONB AN8WKRKD. ASn rOLICT 1HIURD IN HVK MINUTKS, Life Inrurnuce w:h never before so cheat) und beneficial $25 gets a $5,000 policy and $25 weekly com pensation. $50 gets n & 10,1100 policy and #50 woekly com- pensut NO IMPOSITION! Direct Importation of Habana Cigars. I^ONDllKS 1'RINUII‘E. of VV.lles; Londrcs Inlimidad; llrevas Ingenuidad; Londres .Sculapio; Concha* cl VLijero de Lima: Wholesale and retail by R. F. DURAN, Corner llnndolph .slid Broad street?. THE LADIES THLE DRUG AND CHEMICAL HOUSE. J. S. l’KMBURTON. DR. A. M. WALKER. ARK KKQ.UB8TKD TO VISIT THE BEFORE Till GRAND RUSH Thereby lmviog more attention pai them, und saving their dreseee and pa tience. Tho HIVE will ho kept opon till 0 o'clock nt night, in order that Motliom end Fathora jnay come and make tlioir eolootiouA' quietly. TOYS! TOYSR TOYS!!! TILL YOU CAN’T UEST! FireWorl||l Fire Works!! Warranted to Make ti Noise ! CANDIES! .Snpposed to ho Sweet i ' ' ALSO THE FOLLOWING DRY GOODS, &C, SOLID DELAINES and MERINO*^ MAGENTA, CRIMSON, WHITE, * -v ASHES OF, KOSES. MAZARINE BLUE, ficc, SONTAGS nod NUBIAS, Plain and Embroidered SETTS, Ladies do Tl’d'k’fs, do L. V. do. Buttons, Braids und Trimmings, Brown Sna Island Domestic, 7-8 and 4-4 Bleached do Superior Linen Tattle Damask, HI-4 Brpwn nud Blenched Sheeting, A gcud lot Stoehrihlmd UMBRELLAS, Ludies' und Miaaoa.' SHOES, POET MONNA1ES, Ato, MOHOCCO BAGS, In great variety, Are,, Ac,. J. 8. PEMBERTON & CO., Wdfo^ESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTURING AND DISPENSING CHEMISTS, NEXT DOOR TO J. jUTNIS St CO'S IIAROWARK STORK. S 20,000 INVESTED ,he UAttOFST and FINEST owortmsnt of SELECT DRUGS dKDtCINLb, Kuropeiin «nd American CHEMICALS, Pereian and Franoh IANC\ GOODS, PKRFUMKKY 80AP4, Ac., Ac., over before ollhroit in Columbus M ANY of the GQ6D4 fN ORIGINAL PACKAGES AS IMPORTED. That part of ourltiik now being opened coosieteof the followiugurtiolee: Jnglish Break fast; English Alcohol, high proof; tefined Borax, Kngmh; (SUw, ■wtunria; . .monia, ft - #: Nine bulc,fff; . k I’eppor; -..-AUtpioo: 20U lbs Kaoo Ginger, frtsh; 50 Ibf Cinnamon Dark; 25 oases Olive Oil; lnO lbs Cabinet Gluo; 50 lbs White Glue; 9^0 lb* Di Carb Soda, Liverpool 5 100 lbs Corn Stai'on. new; • 100 lb* Lorillurd’s .Mucaboy Suufi; yfi 1 La i>m Ouyeuno Pepper; ro Creuui Turtur; ph Qulk.ine; pa n Morpbme; Mass; ioniu; ■ 1 groxs-YiebdcniJIub Saucoj 24 gr,.*8 Putent Pills, assorted: 1 gro«* Davis' Pain Killer ; •. C .do* Sozodout: 12 doxSuiMparjilaj 20 dox Capsule?, Cop. apd Oqb.; 6 gross Brown'* Kssenoe Jamaica Ginger; 36 doz Glass Hyringed M and T; 12 ilot helf-iiijectiiig Syringes, improved; 8 dox Cod Liver Oil; 6 d«*z pair To *tli Porccp?; list irrot* Pill Hoke?, und fancy Jo: 1 gros?Englishaod ffrepvb liuir Brushes: 3 gross 1 It Dressing Comb?; 5 gross rine-tooth Comb*. Ivory ; 5 gross Coat Plaster; 5 gross Tricopherus; 12 dor, B iy Hum: 12 dox Knglifh Honey Soap; DO lbs Puro Essence Oils; 100 dox ink, assorted sizix,; 50 reams Letter aud Note Paper ; 12 M Opaque Envelope?; 50 lbs Gum Arabic, dolcct; Bridal Proaeuis; grow vtal oor as ; • lbs Turkey Rhubarb, true: 50 ibs India Rhubarb, powd’d; 100 gals East India t'astor Oil; 1 case 50 lbs Turkey Opium; 25 Ibs Pul Ipccao, new; 25lbs Pulv. Jalap: 5'* lbs Iodide Potassium ; 25 Ibs Iodine, resub; J gross Keidlits Powders; 1 gross MoMuna's Elixir Opium; 1 gross Steer's Opodeldoc; 1 g.oss Ba Oman's Drops ; 20 do* Congress Water ; 25 dux Vermifuge, assorted; 25do* Mustang Liniment; 1 gross Tarrant s Seitser Aperient; 1 gross Drake's Plantation Bitters ft gross llelubold’s Buohu ft gross Uosteiter's Bitters ; ft gross Ayer's Cherry Teotoral; 1 gross Duarlem Oil; 1 gross Ayer's Pills; 250Photographic) Albums, beatiful styles: 5opr Egyptian and Franoh Toilet Sets, oithe most heautiiulstyies and oolors; 6 doz Puff Boxes, Chinese; 12 doz Lubin’M Handkerchief Extracts; 12 d« 1 Night Blooming Ceretu, Ax tract; 6 dux Egyptian Kxtraot; 36 doz Freuch and English Perfume : 75 dot Colognes, Euglish. Freuch, German ami American j 50 dox Kt sc ilair Oil; 86 doz Bear's Oil; 1k» dot Flavoring Kxtraot assorted ; 25 d z Egyptian and French Pomades; 12 dt z Lubin's Busp; 3» dos Fine Toilet Soaps, fancy ; 12 doz Military Shaving Soap ; 56 doz brown Windsor Soap; 2u boxes Batin's Barber Soap; 36 doz Fruo Pocket Knives ; 36 dux Porltuouie?, Ladies' »ind Geutleraen's; lUUdutLily Whito.all kinds; l2duz Koiosene Lamps; r*u dux kornueue Lamp Chimneys : 1 (X>doz iveroxeuu Lamp Wicks; 6 doz Portable Kgg Nogg • 12 dot Concentrated Milk, in cans ; 12 dox old Reserve Imp. Wedding Wine; fU gats V. 0.1\ Cognac Brandy ; ■“ Sherry Wine; ure sluice Madeira Wine; CO gals Old Topee Sherry Wine; erialPu * klingM. 12 doz li.dd'-iok Champagne Wine ; 6 tibls Old Bourbon Whiskey ; 12 M Havana Cigars ; llulidny gift*; 50gals import— 6 noxSparkling Mascbelle Wine; iMek A LARGE STOCK. OR Druggist’s and Physician’s Furniture. EXPECTED TO ARRIVE SOON: 10,000 lbs. Pure While Load, in Oil; 2,000 lbs French /Hoc, m Oil; 5,(XX) ibs Cottage Paints, in Oil; 1 labia Furuituro Varnish, No, 1 • 2 bbl? Japan Varnieb; m ah thing lu 1 I 2 bbls Conoh.Varnish; I 500 gall’s Linseed Oil; 59 boxes Window Glass, assorted) 10,000 Ibs POTTY, aud a general assortment o I PAIN IS and colors. JUT Remombur the Sign ol ibe GULDbN EAGLE. No. 9S Broadstveet. next door to J, F.n els A Co’s Hardware Store- Ja 8. PaMBKItTON A> Co. nov *i2b—tl dec 17 tf W. II. II. PHELPS. WILDMAN, YOUNG & BR0., Having liouglif tliu Kynolmrt Bukfry, I nm prepared to get up any Hort ot CAKKS, in uny Rort of style, nt short notion. Fresh Bread every day (oxoopt Sunduy). I am wa king a superior article of Crackers, to which I invite the attention of the pub- lie. W. II. II. PHELPS, uov 30 tf BLOUNT & CHIPLEY, YSTo. 48 BROAD STREET, GROCERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS Valuable City Property FOIl KALUs 'HOSE tw<« very valuable brick s*ores. Not. I 152 und I d. Ifrt.nd moot, udjuimug Cook's II tel, they 11: 0about 18 feel 1'iont, inc udiug an Alley ol C fee), next to Cook's Hotel, they have beon thoroughly Ircpnirol «nd renovaie.1. and arc now rcntoJ to tiiet-oluHM tenants,paying 20 per criit «>n too price nt>kod for them, —ALSO— Those two brick storos and one wooden tene ment. Nos IM), 142, nod Is4. tlroud sireer, just below Cook'.- 1 Hotel, iuoudiug met udj. ining the U fit at <8 A-fwiii • ( lU’c, This properly \b about06 l*;cl Lent. h:i' 1 lie , rivilege ol the Al ley in the ro?r. running out into« rawiord street, and is paying*.6 per cent, on the price fuked —ALSO— That di'Siroble «iwelling house end lot on CraWford Sire t oppotite the old Prebbyteriuu Chuiob. uccup ed i»> F, G dden, F^q„ contain ing four Mum-, large paesngo und pantries, to gether wub .t>> uevee-ory outbuilding?, ginlen und brick w. .1 of water. This property w abu n.ithig 20 pe» coni, on the price a?hod for it. Fariu.’ tne puicu.i“e ino-vy for ell or any ot the above prppeit) may reui«iu on mortgage fur on* youi. . . Fur further parUouicrs apply to JDS. K. WEBSTER. dec 17 tf Election of Delegate for Georgia Convention. I N Confoiinity with instructions from h!s Ex cellcncj, Jisiii’i Johufion, lVovi?lonul Gov ernor ul U "rglii ' here wifi bu un efecLou on thoflrxl W •■•In.'diy iu January next for one Dclegaiolr ni Mo cogae cuiii.ty-to fill the va cancy oco*i-b.md '•> the death »>! the lion. Iline? Holt—lu th*- Convention of Georgia (It the law should be »>• haug«*d as to hold tho oleo tlou for oouuiy offi 'ers un uny other day than that shove named the eloetion tor Delegate wi I be held at ihe satno time aud places a« ibe •loction for oouiiiy ullicera ) _ _ _ JNo J. McKENDRKE, J. I. C. JOHN H lVBk.sl. 1. C. D. D TU0MFSON, J.I.C. "W anted, A GOOD TANNKR, to wh in good wage* and oonslaat employment will be give*.' fly immediately to the undoraij>i»^^ doo 21 Tt* ' Midway. Ala. A. W. PERSONS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GA. W ILL practioe in the Courts of (he Chatta hoochee Judicial Circuit, also, the coun ties through which p:ns«? ibe Muncogee and and S W. It. It. Also, the counties of Macuu, KufsoII and Ji irbour, in A'nbams. Will give prompt attention to all business iu tbe military ujurts. I tun prej’Hred to reduce to shape all claim? against the Government, to he finally menaced by u ilihtiiigiiLhed b gal firm at the cipital. Spemul pardons procured lor the lAvJOO clast ut short notice. Office on "freof. _dco 15 VL Admihiatrators Sale. Valuable Cotton Plantation. B Y virtue of an order granted to me by the Probate Judge of Mucon county, as tbe administrator of Uriah Paulk, dec a»ed, I will *eli to tbe hiftit-i bidder on ihe a .lat day of Jan- Uury next. • t Ibe premises ot said deceased, Aluies. llorais, Cattle. Hogs. Wiigons Plan- t.1(1011 Tool,, Corn. Fodder. 1 Piano. 1 Gold VVatch . nd other articles. Also, ut tne sumo lime and place, I will sell tho Plantation of intcjtate. which embrace*' 1 bout t 20 acre? of Innd. un excellent Cutpm Plantation, nndir good re pair and the moat ot it fruMh, situated MX in ilea west of Uoiun Spring'-. Terms of sale Cash. r u n unvv dec 21 Ot* It. O. HOWARD, AJui’r. FONTAINE & HUGHES, \VAKKUOUSK AS6 OBSEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. A LL busincts snllusUd lu Uiciu stinll rro.lvc ITuuipl allentiuu. JOHS FOSTAINK, w. a. uuuiiKn. C.'lumbus. Due VI. ISAS—if All Concerned Take Notice. I?OK the ensuing municipal yekr. for the eon- 1 veni-nee ot the puulie, I will undertake lo furnirh Colha?. liearse. Carnages, aud wall up aravea, if called on. The Coffin*, lieurseanu Can i»gen will he furniabed at cost. Graven Criokea at less than piu-enl charges. I will oi«o keep burying lew io complete order I h ve made all arrangements to do all paintigar r d hrii-b weak Hinbor nfttioe. Wbeowork eompletod tke Money wilt he required unless •^r«ny« H ~y V ' OKERS, OLD OFFICE MECHANICS’ BANE AGENCY. GOLD, SILVER AND EXCHANGE * ’ b ' f» BOUGHT SOLID. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BANK NOTES. GEORGIA. „ , « , Bank of tielum — Central Railroad Bank #**! (Jo tr.il Bank Georgia Railroad and Bunking C« mpnny... w Cumtuereial Bank ...- Bank of Middle Georgia 1 Ka?tern Bank - Marine Bank - «»ii Northern Bank Bank of Augusta 30; s ou ;horuBauk AugustaInaurauce H|j fc*OUT3Ei O AHOLIN 4 Bank or Athens 37 0 | Cauiuou Bank ol Columbus— 15,. titank uf Charleston —— Bank oi Commerce 1^ Bunk of Chester Bunk of the Empire State 15‘ li.mfc of Georgetown - Bank of Pulton - 30 of Hamburg Bank of Favat nah #**o ii an ic of Newberry —— Bank of (he .State ot Georgia 27;! Bteiik of the^tmte of 6outh Carolina City Bank of Auguxta v,ommeroial Bank —— Farmers’and Mechanic*' Bank ^’Exchange Bank Mechanics’ Bank - — 1*,^ Farmer*' and Exchange Bank - Merchant.)'und PluUter*’ Bank 12' Merobaut*’ Bauk Planters' Bank - M People*’ Bank Uuion Bauk Planters’ Bank of Fairfle^d - Mauuluclurer*’Bank - « 15;! planter*’ and Mechanics'Bank— Timber Cutters’ Bank— 12; sta e Bank AL A. B A. A. " Southwestern Railroad Bauk of Mobile - - 7S Uuion Bauk Bank of Montgomery 95 gyr FOR QUOTATIONS OF OTHER BANK NOTES ENQUIRE AT OUR OFFICE October 31—2m Buy’g TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON! We are tmir jfreparod to forward Cotton and otlior Merohandia# to aud from the Nortliorn cities at our proaent REDUCED RATES. Alt consignments to us through our Agent at Aurusta, Mr. Wat. H. Davison, will bo promptly forwarded by our line of Pint Clast Kiver Steamers, untlor command of tbe oldest Captains and Pilota o* the river, aud by os promptly turned over, at rtavanuati, to the N<-w York, BoaUtu, PalUiuore, or Pliiiadolpliia Steamers. Consignments to our caro, from Northern cities, will be forwarded immediately on arrival at Savannah, and should there ba at any time an accumulation of freight, an extra light draft Iron Steamer will at once be put upon the line. The greatest possible dispatch and economy will be exorcised in getting consignments Utough, and our arrangeinunts are such as to warrant us in saying, entire satisfaction will be given to all shipping by our line. INSURANCE AT THE VERY LOWEST RATES. 1 • ERWIN & HARDENS. Vor fhrther particulars inquire of W. B. DAVISON,|Agent at Augusta. December 6, IMS—1« ^ t GENERAL INTELLIGENCE IOB. ... yo. 65 BROAD STRWlT,' ’ coLUMjius, ga. Success AtteLds_ the Diligent! OPKCIA'L NOTICK.— I beg leave to call at'entnin to ihf copiiuliet? of our comma- nfty that I have on my t’ook? a laree number of ilous t, Lot*, hriii>, Plnnfaiions nod other speciQ-* of i>ro|<crty which d''ea not appear in ray column in iho ncw-iiapers. My adviea is to all thai it you want to buy oall flrstonmo and too if wo cunT trade, thm go (-Isrwher*. J. U. tilKES. , FOR SALE, f pHAT. very rie*!ruble residence in Wyuntou !, * w W ch *' lr ‘ Yloumoy now re?ido«. There is 18 a«’rcs of land. The bonne contains nine room*, well fi n huf: iwo double kitohens, good gardens, d*il inu- wi>h two rooms, stablea, smoko houses, qiurngo house, &o. It i* one mile from t«>wn; ha* onr of tho best gardens ia this septiqn: good water. Tbe trout yaid ia finely Uni off and planted in trot:*, shrubbery, «o , in abaudnuce. Apply to __ _ „ . J-U. SIKKd FOR SALE, A nice lit Me ulaoe. capable of fine improvo- ZXffKH* 1 ?]*'** 80 , u" c L M 01 ,an <£ tw0 small framed house?, wi’h three room*, 4 miles ea*t of Coluinbu*, ou tie ht«am Mill road, at present occupied by P. llooun. A haroain can be bad if application bo made at once to __ ^ J- H. SIKES. -To Rent, , The bstutlful ro.iitcnro ul ■ lit- lulu l) m . Hull, ia Summerville, Al„. luiltsfrom Columbus, it oontuin* five r<i"nia, ha* il large garden, vineyard and orchard. Apply to J. H. RIKK8. W"anted, “ * ’*KR can Wanted to Buy, A NICE little rp?iden'o rituated near th* City. Propos ti* received at. ray offio*. J. ti. SIKES. ou FOR RENT. A SMALL brunt! ou broad street, which eun be Und ut rea ouablj rates, if applioa- tion be made at uuce to J. H. SIKES. FOR SA, E. A TIUCT OF LAND, in-st of wbleh Ls cleared, acic-, Talfapoona river, 20 miles from Monuomery; the M and W P.R. R. runnimr through it. The land* li" well and are very Productive. There is a large barn, gin h u?e and eorew and abundant out house*. This PJontnii’<n i* nt a railroad depot, at whi'-h a warehouse c >uld be kept and made profitable. The receipt* of c«»f »n af that depot being u-ually t orn 0 0 to 1500 hale*, and its oonveaieiic to Montfuiuery maker it a deaira- lle p*ace for a D.iir^ term, tho range for stock being excellent. Apply to J. H. SIKES. A GOOD BREAD AKKR can find steady employment and good wage* by api-lying at CARTER & FLOURNOY, WBOLKSALB A>D RETAIL LKALER8 IX DRUGS, MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Perfumery, etc., etc., No. HI, West Bide Broad Streets COLUMBUS, GA., TJAVK ON Ii \ D and ore receiving a flue AJL Slink "f U\ FRY IHING pertaining to a KIKsST CLASS DRUG HOUSE, which they wdl *ei\ Mt. a* CIlKtP rules as they can bo bought for in th- vity. We call especial atten tion to our fin* T'-n-. as * ell as to our select as sortment ot cine W in-*. Brandy ami Whiskey. A tew * lendid English Lancets, also, Trusses and Syringe* of tbo Utert and must approved styles. NU HOUSE .SHALL UNDERSELL US. Prescript ion* CAREFULLY prepared at ALL bour* ol tho Ui and night, SUNDAY INCLUDED. Carter Jr FLul/KNOY. 'ec 21 tt KEROSENE OIL. A PUKo Article just received at No. 142. , , W. P. TURNER ft LO. dw?j2 tf MCE. 3 BBLS. Prime Carolina Rice nt Na. 142. , . W P. TURNER A CO. dee 12 tf 200 ] Notice. Mules! Horses!! MulesII! te 3ft /Si | HEAD of fine laonei-ee Mn'es and Hor*- *^1/ •#, for sale at the L'veiy Stab'eaof ... . it HAlst-8. MetiEUBkJkCO. This in all good *io.-k— free from brands of any sort, ne» er Having beau worn down in army aervio*. Call soon. dec 16 t)K. J. PINOKARP. Kentucky Jeans, S UPERIOR Article instore and for sale, or will be exchanged lor Wool by BLOUNT A CHIPLEY, dec 6—lm No. 46 Broad st. Columbus Manufacturing Ice Company! CAPITAL STOCK $75,000; 1,500 Shares at $50 Par Sh«r«. ONE UAI.F OPEN TO SUBSCRIPTION For further rartienluis see Circular with Ool. Jno. P. Iveri’-n, (at the Drug Store of Dr. Thomai II Dawson,) who will receive subscrip tions lor Stock. GIRARDY A BUJAC. dec L< 2m ^ City Trade. inn BBLS Y XCR A F NK FLOUR, bought r U ^xnressly tor bo oitv tr»de. for rale at d*eJS5w BE' Kt.T. * CO'S CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Femalt Regulator, Cure SupprgtHd. Knc+ttiv* and J‘nin/ul Meuut million. Grton SicJtiiw, Xervoun und Spinal At- /•* Hon., taint in <A« hack. &&• J/tadiuJit. (jiddintt*, and all dis ease* that spring fmin lmgularity, by retntiving the causs ana all tke earcts tliut arlsi‘ tnua It. They are pi-rf><tly safe In all ceses. w- <•*//( tMrn fo> bidden by diret- tiirtiand are easy u> adinlnbter, »s tiny are nicely near catted. Tli*y chould be in tb« hands of every Maiden, Wife, and Mother lu the I .ud. L idle# run address us In perfect cohfld.-nce, and state tlsetr com plaints In full, n* «« treat all Feuule Complaints, and prepare Mt-dh-ities sniUlde lor ail diseases tn wlilclt liny ft)o aubjfvt.—Thirty-lwu|«f* pamphlet, In a sealed env do •»-, free, Tbe Cherokee I'ill* ar» *nld by all dmggtats at $1 per box, or six tm.voa fur $5; or they ara sent by mall, free «.f p<-i»Ugo, ill an ordinary Utter, free from observation, by addressing tu« Mule protirletur, Dr. W. B. M.ERWIN, 37 Walker 8ft N. Y. . N. IL—Cherokee Pill* No. 8 are prepare*! tor tp+cial cii.et. when milder medicines toil; these are sent by mail, fr*-p of puetage, on receipt of #5, 14* price </ #«<cA bom. Dr. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, JEanrnce or Ctiro, General JUbilitv. WMk. W y tie*", Hyeterict in rerruiUt, / < js.ipitution of the Henri and oil .Veiwas Dieeatn. It re- g^r stores new Iff.* and vigor to tho ' airvd, railing the hot blood of 'At the PHrntm rj.t* ( A covrso the veins, res- HZtoSStM trih ,oriu K the Organ* tf Gtnorm- n.,0 <“*’ ’ lmpoU.eya.ii Ihh Ktixlr I.jur," lJelUity. ••"taring Jtanlintu opercomt due ate “ Ktieeir the voting, mlddle-aivd.atid rginl. there isne greater boon than this - Elixir af Life." It gtves a new lease of life, causing the w-cak and debilitated to have renewed Mn-ngth amt vigor, and the entire system to thtIII with Joy and pleasure. PHe*-. one bottle $i; three botllea $5; sent by express to any address. Our medteinea arc sold and recnmmcnda*l br ail E ctabta drugefhts in every part of the defused ; some unprincipled dealers, however, try to va th*dr customer- by »k lltngcheap a*4 worth- Use oetntetunds In order ts make money. Be net decfdvod—aok f*r titeea medkinea and take na otbera. If tha dmggi t d«vs not keep them, write to us. and we will s. nd them brjspMmearefui^r cached, free fr»>nr ohservaflen. wa will be pleased lo raaetea letters with toll e»ate»enu tn wgard to any dlseaaa with which ladira ur geuBarasaare aflioted Addresa all leuar. to» madTci^#, para^h- iets, of ad rlee, to the sole proprietor, t u. W. K. «*WU, 17 Wsifcs# as I. T.