Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 24, 1865, Image 2

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,‘ H ct^CO,, wbitewiieli ulfftirz in’.lie N>dl“ JOHN II. MARTIN COLUMBUS: Sunday Morning, Dec. 24. I860. Plinlalilliff III ^ews Joy Telegraph. |UNIVERSITY_OF GEOBOI^ wiihmit riurnpH tn numhi-ra.ii wndli’innl tr. I wJJr * " j ■*-» a mwv »i » * AJiHlNoTon, Dec. 21.—Ia iho Satiate i tft-day Mr. Howard otTured a resold.ion ' •aTliug oil th* President to inform tha j ithout regard to number** is sufficient to maintain order. The good of tbo ftftuntrr require/* that the force/* kr.pt in the interior,where there arc many freed men, and ckowher* in t*»o j Donato upon what charges Jelfcraon Da- Southern State# than at fort* upon lh*Hwa attompt to wbitawiwn ■“■V."'"J “ypon "the ! coast, should nil he white troop*. The! He said it w*a a d»r. w pj c h he ! reasons fvr lU« are obvious. • Wilhojt I integrity °* l „ ® .rc^uld doubt, no m»L mentioning m»ny of IhonB, the preirnce j »» a committee for reconUruuU Ihou.htno Senator coum n u . . .lately (Uvm, demortzliM. onfined, and why he i* no', brought j to trial. The following Senators gw ©ri announced ; ‘ Fe»- 1 FAOULT" . A. LIPSCOMB, I>. D . Chancellor. P. H. MELL, D. D., Vice Chancellor. MOSES i GO. No. 96 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA., CANDIDATES. "WUh-.r zM pi Minimum the nnm. ^ ». HHUOKl, ”« e«nd:d.t. fur re-i-lcci.un to th. tU-rk of the Superior Coart at thoen.uu, j*.!' uary elect oh. ulu *J*a. LO The Hudleul HI*'' Cow much ho d Wired from lllin in I I' b r; r lS t h b7t“hoir«1lt'lT.;7nd7G7nUhr n * | eon and Williams 1 . .i • “ r...... i« a pi i niminsr nrMcnn ! ‘onden, Grimo*, Harris, Howard, John- m arid Williams. Sumner presented a petition from col- j A. A. LIPSCOMB, Profeseur of Criticism and Political Economy. j P. II MELL, Professor of Moral and Meutal Philosophy. IUrr>ETKR8 AVI. DKALkKS J ** u«ry election. I dee 23 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC KMrfumr'lnr *nd }J A R D W A R E, through rnbapUul ^ vuvn dtmd wftft j Trumbull rcso to ask that tliia do- Resolution!* by Mr. Sumner in tho Son- | bftU) 8b0 ^ controversy *— ate, and Air. tichfock in tho House, pro- no t for tho public inlireU or w. Ifarr bo induc'd with tho Idea that'Aio property of Ida late master should by right belong p.^ing to amend the Federal constitution no an to do aftrny with tha throe-fifth* featurantreprcapnlMtign,» nd to apportion rcpiWp&tivcs oecorVling to the number of actual voters. Statfcm*’ pre portion to amend the con stitution so a* l* 1 f«»rt>id any Stq^fo nmke any ditlinctio lL was then voted tint the report of General ffoburz bo printed, with tho other document*. to him. at least should huvn jno protect*** ed soldier^ Thdro is ili*t|- Tite President's Special Message. To the Semite i\f (hr United States: In reply It* n resolution adopted by the Sen ate on tho 12th inat, 1 have tho honor to slain tliut tho rebellion waged by h portion .w , pf the people against the properly conrit- St oven a’ resolution to Hfnetid tho Federal j tut«d authoritiea of tho Government of the 'United States has boon suppressed j that from the colored "t w ." ~ v. gp.r of collision being brought on by suon causes. My obsurvutlona leaa me to the conclu sion Hint the citizens of tho Siuthorn States aro anxious to return to self-gov ernment within tho Union as soon as pos sible; that whilst reconstructing they want and require protect ion from the 1 will do what they think imposed upon any nation on thin conti nent by tho arms of European power. Referred' to tho Committee on Foreign Relations. rt In the llouso Frick, of Ohio, mado speech against the Radicals, denying Ijh theory of Bteven* that the Southern States wore conquered territory. He condemned any scheme looking to hii interference with tho right of suffrage which should bo enjoyed by tho South. Raymond tohk issue with Stevens, de nying that the South was to be con-idored constitution so h« to strike out the clause . which forbids Congress to impose ox port duties. Bingham’* resolution to amend tho con* glibuMf* So 4a tw forbid the United States or any Slate ever t«» usmiiho any portion pf ihaCqnfederate Stut'V war debt, State ,orCttif.ii.r.to, uhd u> kivo Congrein tho power to legiahAe foi tuu Ststo/ in ref«*r^ once to negroi s. Wade’s bilf 1<» give the right of eullrego to negryef in the D^trict oi Columbia. Suuincr a bi 1 tho ^outlieNi Siat«*a (not ih- Northern.) if the negroes in the Sta'o constitute only ono-sixth of the population, to givo them one-half <»r the jury, giand or pallid Sumner's oath bid, dnquai.fying every \u*S\ in the South who will not take an oath to support, among other thing*, negro <qu»ili y. S ii inner')* m gro suffrage bill—compelling the States '’lately in rebellion” to give tho rig h of Mill</!*;• to negroes. Sumner’s ui'*jualihcalion bill—-disquali fying three-fourths of the while citizoru* of tho Bouth, and < nfranchiaing tho nr- yr< ; also, c« ndnuing indefinitely the provisional guv* rmnenta and rule. Kllintl's Joint resulti'ion iloclaring the Noli them State* conquered provinces, and governing them aceoidingly. A number* foilier propositions, aitnilnr to the shove, Imve been introduced in the two Houses of Cnngrefs. Wc have en deavored above t» notice only one of a batch identical in meaning. Tho brokm condition of the South sceuta io have in»pire*J a large class MOV the United States are in posscsaij.n **r hv- would puriU0 it in goo d faith. It is to ho ery State In which the insurrection exist- I ,, ,„ ri , llH d that there cannot bon greater ed, and that, a# tar as could be, theCourta , Ctl 7 nm i n «ii|, g h t thia time botwoon tho Of tho United Stute. i.»vc been i tlUz ,. nt of lh8 two K0C ti., nR , unit v*> tlcu- pi»lufllei;a r«-i>»tHhh»hcJ, nml *Ih|h Ink ,n . ,, fritruited with the laWrinulling !o put into effeetivooparutioti the revenuo , » ' u * lawn of the country, u» the renult ol thu . .j. moe»uro. Inilluned by Ihu KmcuUvh with „ . . n (iawof inducing a resumption of the w(> ^ |it bty " dono'if”more time hud been lunoliom of tho .Status roinpreliundfccl J { k( m dj , p<WN | Conver.atiunl, however dio irniu'ry of lhohen»le;_ J ho |J‘ i ;;|o“. , j'| „ n (h0 w hi, offluars oorinietml with tho bureau, led me to think that ■■ Government, und will do whnt they think | "5 mg mat ino ,-soutn wus to ne con-.aorea j , f ^eo. Hnem Rent .nd ! n l roicnllilllng to*thmn V es n dlSe»*s n »all I Jeclarin* i.irneoTf opp'osnd'to thTunnflsca- i Iliro.) will be Ki ty Dollar., p.yable in that if such . «.ur» w» pointed ohlW WTX 2Z i 0b ' , "’* d “ TW ' not givo tho operation of the f th»* * r fO' union's Bureau that attention I bended in peoplo in North i,. rollnn, S*»uth Carolina, Uourgia, W1 . u loo uurwBU| lcu i„r »«» hhhr • • Alabama, Mississippi, LoutsiMm*^ ArKitu- | . omfl of tho y tul< , s tho atfalrs l*avd net " ‘* ' n conducted with good judgment and and Tennesson have reorg *niz< d thuir .State Govornments and nro | ....lmontof tho United S^vatvs with morn | whlingnes* and greater promptitude than . under tho circumstance* eouid roa»i»n *bl/ • have bonn anticipated. Tho proposed Hincndfilout to ti*o Con- j stitution providing for the abolition of slavery forever within too limits of the country lias been ratifl <1 by each mm ot 1 these States, with tho exception of Missis j riippi, from which no ofllcial inlo.umtion has boon ro* eivod; and in nourly all ‘<1 . thorn measures have been Adopted, or are j n«»w ponding, to cun for upon tho frood- j men tho privileges which are e-oontial to i their comfort, protection und security. In Florida ami Tnxa« the peoplo are making commendablB progre>s in restoring their .Stale Govornrnont, and no doubt in enter tained that they will nt an early pe. umI be military j in a condition to rrsumo nil of the ir prae- I ticnl relations with the Federal Govern- merit. In that portion of the Union lately in rebellion the Aspect ot ullairs is more ptomising than, in view of all tin* circuit)- stunees, could have been expected. The people throughout tun entire iv*uth evince a laudable desire to renew their allegiance to the Government and t>» repair the de vastations of war by a prompt and cheer fill return to peacelul purMtUa. An ahtn- ing faith is entertained that their action* will conform to their professions, and that in acknowledge tho mpreinacy of the FonMitution and laws of tho United rttnlr cc.onomy, and tho boli'd widely spread Hin<*ng tho freedmen in tho Southern Stall* that the lands of their former owners will nt least in part he divided among them Iia* como fr* m tlm agents of this bureau. This belief ii seriously tn- | .fering with the willingmss ol tho In.oilmen to muku contracts for the com- ii. r year in fomo form. Tho freedmen s bureau i» an absolute tiocessity until law i* cytahlislied and enforced, securing to iho froedmen thilr rights mid full protec tion. At present, however, it is indepen- •til of the military establishment of the * to be operated by the presrivu but unchj^flitm, and that he disposed to do everything that a patriot , should do lo restore peace and harmony between the sect tons. Washington. Deo. 21.—The Secretary of Siata ba* addressed a letter to the Gov ernor and luto Provisional Govornor of dottth Carolina, similar to those recently far warded to the Governor# of Alabama atm Mississippi. Nkw York, Deo. 21.—A hoavy gale commenced hero thi» morning, doing niueb destruction to shipping. B 'SToN, Dec 21.—The anniversary of the* landing of the pilgrims will ho observ ed to morrow with n gruel military dia- play. Nrw York, Doc. 21.—Cotton firm, with I os of 1 800 bales, nt 51 a 02*:. Gold 40fc. Nkw Oki.kans, 21st.—The Screw-tnc Ths exercises of the Unirsrsity. eonprising j the four regular classed of a fall coarse of edu cation, will be resumed January 3d, I860. Am- pic arrnngeinents will be made to accommo date students who may be prepared to enter j upon the curriculum prescribed by the law* Of j tho University. Irregular students will be re ceived as heretofore. Tho term will extend from January to July, ' 1866. and tho price of tuition therefor (inciud- j Boom Rent and Servant 1 advance. Twenty Uol. lars, per month. A8BURY HULL. Secretary. dec23—6t Sun copy. ■ HOLIDAY PRESENTS IKON, PLOUUU 6TKKL, NAILS, CASTINGS. CIRCULAR SAWS, MILL and CROSS-CUT SAWS. SCOVIL HOLS and AGRICULTURAL IMPLKMENT9, Of all kind*. AXLW, SPRINGS. HUBS, RIMS, SPOKES. OILS, *f all kind., PAINTS, Dry nnd in Oil. GLASS. BLACKSMITHS’ TOOIJI. GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT and AMMUNITION. Are A.enU for FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, At Manufacturer*' prices. Order* received for STEAM SAW MILLS, And all kind* of MILL GEARING. _dec 20—tf Bun copy. ' NEW Ju «ke ut the Superior c-u rl ~ W. .re authariud lo nnnoonu. JUDGE E. II. Worrell M»«WUi4atn tor M-election to the Jurfueol the Bu|i*AK>r Court of the * * hoochee Circuit. Kar Tnx'RrceiTer] ' We ar,aathoriifd to atm.iinc.* ,.iahi;s m. lknnaud «» hi xmx Ket urti* *0, M nwoc. county at th.«l«ti 0II i., Wei UJanuarrngt^ d „ Kur Tax Cullertur, " ,W»frf autboriMd t 9 announce 1 ,i V*. l iiobiims * candidal" f«r Tax Collector cf W., I alastinn I.- i .. '-k(| County a, th. election In January U cit dec 16 —tp Vor Clerk Inferior CourT, We are authorized to announco J0I1JJ E. LAMAR wa candidate lor Clerk of the I ofMi „ County Court of Muacuae. County,,t t k, ” S'iiug election. dec 10 U NEW YEAR'S GIFTS!! HARDWARE STORE! H. O. BARROW, itfahngony. Wall nut, and Ivory Inlaid. anil Lnva ,•„{.. intf u , ; .». M hf forn ! thuir loyalty will bo unreservedly given to lKkians with n spirit m.Ncr Be loro | t ,, o ( ; 0 ; t , pnm o n t whoso leniency they van- hibitud in the United Stales—rankling | nol j- n jj to upprecialn and whoso loitering roimtrv, and seems to be operated by U»G .liir.Toht agents of tho bureau according p, th«dr ir*1ivi Jttnl notions ovary where. (Jon. Howard, tho able head of the bu reau, made friend* by the Just and fair in- »tructions nnd advice he gave, but the complaint in South Carolina was, that when ho left, things went On a* before; many, perhaps the majority of theagonie of the Freed men’* Bureau, advise the freedmen, that by their own industry they must ex poet to live, to this end they en deavor to secure employment fur them, and 1*) see that both contracting parries comply with their engngemrnt. In imim j oases 1 am *orry to say tho freedmen s mind does not mom to b- (linabufind ol the i j* a that tho freodmun has the right U> Hvo without care, or to provide for tlie future. The effect in tho belief in tho division *»f land* is idleness and accumulat on in cumps, towny and cities. In such ease* I think it will be found vicoaud disease will >IBLKB, personal maligniiy and in lion ill hohtllity. placable Tnr l<'( , nlaua. 'I ho New Yoik papers of the 1(1.h inst. •port tho arrival there, on this day pro viou6, of Gei n. Mull i'n, tin ■ Imiid of the Fenian “militaty di •paruneni” i n Ire- land. There was mu ich inlet»f>t attached to llj* advent . of till* ofllcei ' ut tin. panic- ular lime, til ltd eftpi.i •tally n6 to Iho aide which hu w 0 It Id (r\ uiuiu i r, till) quarrel that bus *p hi the Broth i rhood The general imp reksiuti xeeiiipc 1 to bo, in view will soon resluro thorn to a condition ! of prosperity. It is trim that in some of the States the j demoralizing elfV.cls of the war are l*» he ! seen in occasional dtsorderly acts, but these are local occurences, and are rapid. t v ! disappearing, as the authority of thu civil power is extended and sustained l'er- plcxing questions wore nitturiilly to be ex pected from tho groat and sudden change in the relations between tho two rno»*?, but systems are gradually developing (lima- selves, under which thqfreodmnn will ro- celvo the protection lo which lie is justly entitled, und by means of hi* labor, make himself a useful and independent member of tho community in which lie has hi* home. From all the information in my p:wsop- sion, and from that which I have recently received from tho most reliable authority, i I am induced to cherish tho bdiot ttiat personal animosity is surely and rapidity merging itsalf into a spirit of nationality, and tliat represention, connected with tend t** tho extermination o* great de^truc* It can ‘ ‘ «»f all the cMrcumriMiic* s of ’me situation,’ that lie would side with itio O’Malmny faction, it is staled that ‘‘the great point, und perhaps the mc.'i important one,upon which President O’.Vl.ihoi.y and tho party rcoresunted by Prtsident Roberts held di- ulrically o|.|n..iia vi,.w», is, unofllclally I'roporly Hd.iu.tcd system nf taxxliun, will . rosiilt in a liHrmonlou. restnnitmn of the relations of the {Slates to the National Union. The repott of Gen. Carl Shuns is» here with ira smittod, as r* quest* d l»y the Senate. No report from the Hon, John Covode ha 4 boon received by the President. Tho attention of the Senate is invited t** ! the accompanying report *»f Lieut. Gen. I Grant, who recently imulo a tour of in- understood to be the plan which conlcn plat*** an early military movement. President U'Manony, i: .* mid, opposes an early inov* mem in in- dir* cl ion con- teim>ial< , d, f. r the reasons given ; while tWnthrr party, under Pi»si*:ent Robnrts, with the advice of iho American Secre tary of Wur, are said lo ho in favor of moving on tho enemy’ little delay an po.-sibl** ” f the colored race. It cannot be .... ted that tho opinion hold by men at tho S Mith for years can be changed in a day, nnd, therefore, tho freedmen requiro lor a lew years not only lawn to protect tlfcm, hut [he font Cling «nr» of those who will give them good counsel, nnd upon whom they can rely. The Freedmen * Bureau, being separated from the military estab lishment of tho country, it requires ull il.o pxpeuso »»l a sepuialo .organization. Ono docs not necessarily know What the other is doing, or what orders they are acting undnr. Jisucinsto me that this could be cor rected by regarding every officer on duty with it oops in the Southern States *» an agent of the Freedman's Bureau, and thon have all orders for the head of thu Bureau sent through tho best commands. Th's would * route a responsibility that would create n uniformity of action throughout tho South, would indorse tha orders and instructions from tho head of the Bureau being carried out, and it would relieve from duty and pay a large number of em ployees of tho Government. 1 have tho honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient sorvant, U. S. Grant, Lt. Gen. laborers have struck, and made ! th.5iimrk.it very 11l.t, no work boing dnna , )I10T0 grai-iis ut loading or discharging steamers. Tho i T ,j| <; on j w mermniilo community U troubled. The market is too irregular lor nuotation, but middling cotton L held at GO. Gold 47. Morii.k, Dec. 22. —Sales of cotton to- dny *ix hundred bales; middling 47. Sales for tho week four thousand. Re ceipts for the week sixteen thousand four hundred and thirteen. Kxporis for tho week ninety-eight to forty-three. Stock seventy-seven to two fifty. Gold forty* seven and a half to forty-nine. Nkw York, Dee. 20.—A Commercial di-patch bays the Presidanl’s action in re storing to Southern States which have adopted the amendment, the err.oyment j of all their constitutional privileges, ex- j cept representation in Congress, pnruliz -b the action oi the radical Republican-, and . produces an lutonsu inlet est. An exciting I contest may he expected, however, be- j tween some of the radicals and conscrva- I tivo supporters of the President. Toronto, l>ec. 2<J.—lion. Geo. >V. Brown ban resigned Id? scat in the Cabl- , a»il; owing to a grave diilhrenctv of opln- i ion on important public quoUions. Pur- j liculars n«*t trail spired. Nkw York, Dec. 20—Tho Kvening Post’s bays the loan market is easy, but J I here is a fair supply of dioengagod capi tal sacking a temporary investment at | seven per cent. Tlie stock rnurkat is ant- mate*I and there is considerable activity, j Government stocks firm; tailroad fharos I are unsettled. The Post’s Washington special, says | Senator Sprague has started § movement! in the Senato looking to an increase of | laritl on ail goods that can be ninnulac- lured in this country. The Western Re* I publican generally say they will not vote PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS— J A ni bisque, Muroeeo Antique, Turkey Moroeen, Pun oiled and Bevelled. Beautifully chase*! and * rnaiauntvd with Pearl and Cameos. federate General**, Celebrities, Stationery, Ac. PRAY EH ROOKS, All j<tylc«. sites and prices. N U A LS AN D (J I FT BOOK8 v A.* W UK l KIcRuntly bound tad Illustrated. WHOLKSALX iSO RETAIL 1)BALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, NOTIONS, So., WMUk.ll Ml., ..r.rr .f Al.b.m., ATLANTA, GA., Tnble Cutlery*. Pocket Cutlery, Shoe Knlvt*. Scissors and Shears, Razors and ."traps, Steel*, Needle-*, Axes, Broad Axes. Atnren*. IlrnceH and B»ts. Hand Sawn Cros* Cut Saws. Wood Saws, Mill Saws, Steel Squares. Gimlet*, Catriugc Bolts, Chop Axes, Haiohets, Foot Ads. Plane*, Chisels, Saw Rjtts Drawing Knives, Hatumwrs, Monkey Wrenches FOR HHKaiPF, We are authorired to a : .nounce GKORGK W. MAKJIN . eaoAid.t. for Sb.riff of Uut w „ 0BIJ al the election in JaHuary next, dec 13 te For Tax € »l lector. W.-Vre kuthorized to snnounoo th, nim , It. W. B. Ml'NKO v . e,ndid.tr for T.x Coilrciur for Mow,,,,, county, at thr oloc Ion in Jnnuar, nnt. dec 12 te |r 0 r Tax Coll*cior. Tho friendz of I. T. BROOKS anDoo-ookin n cnndid»l. for Tax Collccioi of Mu-co,» county at tho nihoinj elrciion in J»nu»ry dec 10 te Notice. . oxes. Pi- o Boxes. Bugjcy Ntilv, Iron and Buggy Findings, flhoveis, Tong*, Fire Irons, Foot Scrapers, llinaei. Butts, For the convenience ol C«*nsiKnefs hy M*.nt- fotaery and West Point Rail Road.Icsnhs found nt the Southern Expreia Offcefrom 81> 12 o’clock a. m. and 2 to A r. u. Persons receiving freight by this road will plrnee call ut the office before Ffr.tlins to th* Depot (at Girard; for their goods J. K. APPLKR, Am.L deo 12 tf Robinson Crusoe, Boy Hunter*, Desert Home, Cliff Climber*. Self Help. £o., Ac., Ac , Ac. Girl’s Book, Lucy Book*, Mary Lee, Crusaders, Great Bear Hunt, Nothing Ventura, rfo*ik* und ttingos, RhsIi Pulllee, Shoe N-til*. Shoe lacks, Shoe Iiammers, Shoe Pincers, Shoo Awl*, fthoe Pegs, Shoe Thread. Garden Knken, Garden Hcev, Bolts, Latches. Sash Weight*. SabU Cord. Toffee Mill*. Slates. Sieve?, Well Bucket.?, " , Sitters. Sa*J Iron-. Coffee Tub*. Cooking Sieve**. Ofiicc Stoves, Fire Boltr, Plat torn* Soule*, Counter Scale*. Bope, Nail*, Curtain Bund*. Bed Casier*, Cotton Cerds, Water Buckets, Jim Cr.,w Cartls, Tm* Dippers, C*m-ou Dipper*. Sauce Puna, Fiying Pan*. Lock Cunins, Intro Chain*, Wnltewa.-h Brushes, Shoe Brushes. Grind Stones. File*. Looking Gia*«rs, Fauoetts, Guu Cat*, Gun Tubes, Sand Paper, Ac, Oven*. Pot*. Tea Keitles, Tlu Bucket*, Tin Pans. Horse Brushes, Curry Corahs, Goody Two Shoes, Red Reding Hood, Mothor Hubbard, Children in I he 'A ood, liouso limt Jack Built, Mot her G o**;, Cook Koldu, Jack the Giant killer. Blue Beard, Ac., Ac Tho Now Yoik Uhatubor of Cotnmoroo havo under uonfeiUeralinn a proposition fora National Cotton Growing Conven- tlwliHho design of whioh is duciarod to bo works with m j S pc ( >iii«n through sovoritl tho Stnt whube inhabitant* purlioipHted in tho ro- bollion. Amhikw Johnson. Washington, D. O., Dec IS, Ifcfifj. UKN. GRANT'S KKl'ORT. IId’qus Ahmt oftiik Unitkd States, I Decmnbur 18. 1866 f HU Krcelleney, A. Johnson, President "to adopt tm-MSuroh lo have the future | of the Unfed Stnta: Sir—In reply cotton cfon* ot tins country equal to that y°t* r note of the linh inst., requo*ltng a nmnrl trDm nn> L'lvintr vutMi Inliirinalion „ . ..... , ; report from mo, giving such intonualton produced the .M-**r before tho war five | ^ j |nHV posbosseil of, coining within Broken National Hanka. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Gh zotto writi' g from Wnshinghm City, re late* the following incident: • Govorn*>r'’ Perry of South Carolina, t Icgruphed Poslumatur-General Dennison today, saying, "We have a report here in the Charleston Courier, that quite ft number of the National Bank* have bro« ken. Wo have no other currency hor<k What shall wo do about it? ’ Govcrnof Dennison sent tho dispatch to the U. Rtaloft Treasurer, asking what nmwwr'hn shouli give. “Tell Governor Perry,” responded tho Treasurer, who always says a thmj vigorously, when ho Says it at all, “tlial, iniUinnsct bhltjfr.” in our opinion, the intciost of the South imperatively r< quires that tho Cotton .crops shall nol exceed half that amount for several years to come. Our reason* for this opinion w* g ,ve the other day. HeW KtC AYc copy e!a wier** Me.-sngo of President J tho scope of the inquiries made by th Senate of iho United Slates in their reio- lution of the 12th inst., I have the honor to submit tho following with your up- j proval, and also that of tho lion. Secreta- | ry <*f War: ’ 1 left Washington City on tho 27th of I Inst month, fbr the purpose of making a ] tour of inspection throughout some of the i Southern States, lately in rebellion; und tho | to sou whnt changes were iKces.-ary in the disposition of tho military lore * of thu ' in i, j. ,, , f i country; how theso forces iambi be ro o,>lh0 19 - h '" ,l - kUu lh ” ,u ‘’ orlof dueodMid expoti,ezi'urmiliKl, *e., nnil L*' J.W. PEASE S BOOK STORE. dec 23—tf _ Columbus Female Academy. pandlu Stick ■. Oil J Shaving Cream anc . ila Ware. j’«n Setts, Spoou* Ladles, i and S-•aps. _ having C UmtuL . . . . And nutnrroue otbrr articles. 1 Wm. R. Bicukll. Bob’? C. Porx 2iT El W BOOT 1ND SHOE STORE. Mi tncrunM. , I riiHK SECOND T.toz nf thlz ln.Ulollon will K, December 20.—Tho Trt* J oi>vn on the second Monday in Jauuary Nkw York. hunu's Washington disputch contains tho I next, following: Owing to tho inoffleiency of tho force of tovenue officers employed on tho Canadian frontier for tho collection of iistoms, smuggling is carried on to n con siderate extent along tho border. The Commissioner of Customs to-day received several communications from officers sta tioned on the St. Lawronce, all of whom complain of lack of foieeto execute tho revenue laws. In many instance the offi cers have been personally aesaultod by hands of smugglers while in the disi-ha' go of their duties, and the communications rocomtnend the posting of Uriled Stales trqcps along the rivor to aid in tho detec tion und arrest ol those contraband traders. Another Commissioner refers lo tho fact that a number of Canadian merchants are engaged in swindling the Government by means of false invoices. of Tuition for the Term—three month*. $25 extra cliurgo tor inruUnhtl rxpmtr*. There ore daily exorcise in Vocal M**ic in which the whole school participate, for which thore id n** extra chiugs. Latin—No extra charge, F ronch—extra $12 German—extra 12 Tuition must Or paid during the jim week. It M. SAUNDKR8, Principal. dec 23 tt 100 Dollars Reward. BEDELL & POPE, No. 166 Broad St., Columbut, (UNDER COOK’S HOTEL), I. Clifton Moses & Co., JJAVE taken out n licence nd Aurtinnrera, Outcry, for everybody who will fu' their patronage, anyth! k and ever)thins,wi oouiiaiMion. nt any place, or any time uiori.ir r, *on or rdgnt. Solicits con&iirmnentb r-f Mernhnmli Solicit* con&urmnentii f t Merolinmiof, of »(,* kind—Dry Gdoda, Clothing, t4-« «-eri*-*. hr.*i» ioun. Produce, Jewelry, A-., Ac. Am- iertcnr* . - — co*t, nt I'll Broad Cook’s Hotel ) .Special attention given to mi tale. 8tucka, Pc-r«ounl l*r«»i crt>, Ac our rcgulur ^ulep ror>n, ml i.rect, tpp i of Itral L everjhodv attend them. N. B. Thin will nut interfere, lot rnther fa cilitate, our pre*ent Oou.iui.-M'-n u our coasignors will have (he advntitxfeol r*o- lie ami private rales. CLIFFORD, WALSH & CO., OENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nn, 47 and 19 (j avifr i:d 22 New LcftcSte. olock. a tlii. ’llOB TAI L HA^ MARB »b..ut irs »>ld—fat—round bodied, nhort l tail, i» foal, branded K. 8- on right tbigl Talbi ‘ niddle. \V us la«t seen on Talbotton road. Tne above reward will be paid for m*Tt and thief. A negro ww seen.on her. KDW’D T. SHEPHERD. of Columbui and vicinity that we now receiving and opening our stock of BOOTS AMD SHOES, and will continually keep on hand every style ol Ladies’, Mieses' and Children’s Shoes, and Men's Boys' and Youths' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and Children’s Copper-tiped Shoes. All Grades of BulT, Kip and Wax Brogans. Great pains bus been taken in getting up our stock, and we guarantee a I work sold. ft#“To Country Merchants we offer liberal in ducement*, and invito them to examine our stock. Also, a flue assortment of Soft and Cashmere Hats. oct 21-tf Tho Tribune'* Washington dispatch says that General Carletou, commanding the Military District of New Mexico, ha> boon designated by the War Department lo command an expedition against that | portion of the Apache Indians who havo for a long time been hostile to our Gov ernment. SHOES! SHOES! HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! this n*on to tho Sen-! tho notes of u broken United 8lutes bank are a d—d sight better and more vuluable than those of a solvent one!” Profane and paradoxical but trus^ though, as tho same correspondent suyi, “it may bootu strango to many Norther} men as it must to G-vornor Perry.” Wh<$ over rrmombon, ho continues, that there are lookod up in tho Treasury, Govern inent bond* for every dollar of National Hank circulation, and That wheaover a hunk fails, tho Treasurer I* bound to soil there bond* to redoum its notes, will ap preciate the curt statement that tbo U*u* Gen. Grunt accompany u. 1 Iipmo pupors i re even more Uv**rabio and conciliatory inwards the So.iihi-rn people than tho tel- j eg rap hie reports bud r.*preseitlcd. The great inflame* »*f G»-»*. Grant, thus dis tinctly exertud in c nr»*cion w ith Hint of Ihe President in b«*na ! of a liberal and inagnanimou-i plan iiati**tul pacifica- iltq is Said \o !•*• pmiculuriy annoying to the ra-Jical t'otigiQ^nn* n. Wo copy fan* Ik# repfu's of the pun e dings of tho 6uLaU*. whak was *aid and done in that body immediately alter the rt-sding of the u*<*'ugo and re|a*M : ;AHer tin* reading of 0**n. Grant') learn as far ns possible lh«<feoliugs and in- | tomion? of th* ctUfteu* »f lh«*se Suites to wards th* goaersl (i »v« rmn«»nt. Tho State of Virginia being so accessible to j Washington Oity, and information from j this quarter, therefore, being readily ob tained, l battened through the Suite with out converting or moating witto its ciii- xens. In lUleigh, N. C., I spent ono duy ; in C'liarleslon, 8. O., two days; and in Si- Vhtipnh and August*. Go., each ono day. 1 Both in leavingai'd whilst stepping l saw much and oonversed freely with tliocpi* ! Bens of Ihoen States, as werl mm with »*11\- cers of the army who have born stationed ; MUioag them. Too fidlowing are tho conclu-ionH come to by me: 1 am satisfied that the mas* f a broken bank arc rport valuable'|lmn * v ^TimC“ OCa Kfti.ATioNa with Franck —Tha departure for Kuropeof the Cbiof Secre tary of the French Legation, ns connected with recent dovnlopuienls of tbo Mexican •juestion, attracts considerable" attention. The corr«“spondent of tho New York Commercial says: “The Lemper of Congress and th* grow ing popular sympathy with tho Liberal name In Mexico, together with tho ap pointment of General Logan, hs* led to oofr.muoicalions between Count Montho- 4or and the State Department, which re sulted in aondin^ a inotsago to tho Emper or f »r defhiite instructions, lt is etatod that tho withdrawal of the Frencn Lega tion from Washington will take place in RADIES’ SHOES. Gentlemon’s Shoej and Hat*, Child ret.’? Shoos and Hats, Freemen’s Shoes and Hats. Table and Pockot Cutlery, •Tens, Thread, Needles, Hosiery, Fish, Vineg:ir, Salt, K. D. and W. R. Cbeere, Smok’ng and Chewing Tobacco, And all sort* of other good tkiage, to be found at tha Just Received. BOOTS AND SHOES, ihozoul ft zo'vflntofie. Tilt)/, lor lUn.tr.-, *“• ,,f lllu <V rm * 1 Hppi.iulni.nl u f « Uni- lion, h«,ut«e. the M.lionai Unnk ol ,Uti.' *f* MJuutW iolUciH.xlcan . i .1., .1.44 .. 4 ^ n UK otavtiift* h tailed six month* ago; but to thlAdny 1 only seven of it* notes have been prexont- | od for redemption 1 Practically Its whole circulation u cutstaiiding—tho notes of the broken l ank circulntrng as well, and being *« g*»od as those of any other. Whoever holds one of those broken i»ot*^* h<*lds, not the pledge to pay ofnbe Bank of Ariica, but of tho Government of the United States Till it fails, tho nut*** ero good. I. O. O. F. EMPORIUM, StPPINGTON, DEWS I CO. doc 23 tf nKGilLAK MEETING ot Mu IV c«>gae Lodge ■•*. It, i. O. O _ MON DAY evening, Dec. 2fl, atT.^^ ■avifisui mo imugo 4im irHiiricTiv nrain* C. G. HOLMES L SON, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MBROBKJn 1 *, APALACHICOLA, - - PLA. C. G. lioLUKg, CuARLaa T. Holmri. oon»Ltingln part bi follows: Ladies' and Misses’ Glove-Kid Polish Ball, " Balmorals. ** *' M Kid and Morocco Bal's, " " *' Lasting Congress, * Glove Kid Congress " Goat Polish Balmorals, *' Velvet Slippers. Children’f Glove-Kid and Goat Dal’a, Man's Calf, Stitched Light-wait Boots, *' ** ** S. B. Boots, •• " W. P. Boots. “ '* Sowed W. P. and Welt Boot*, •* *' " and Pegged Ball, " " Stitched Bal's and Congress, ” Opera Slippers. *' Calf Pegged Bal's and Boots. " Grain Hunter Boots, Youth’s Copper-lipped Bouts. NEW ORLEANS, LA. Orders for Western Produce filled prompt!). Consignments re* poet fully solicited. VIRGINIA TOBACCOS. As Agents for the Manufacturers w* keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Vir ginia Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. REFER TO Misers. Chas. Rogers A Co., Columbus, Ga.; W, W. Garrard, Esq., do. Gen. Harry T. Hays, New Orleans. a- GENERAL INTELLIGENCE :l OPPIOa. . zVO. *» BROAD STREET. i/, OOI.UMIJUH OA. Success Attend^ the Diligent! N0TICK.— I bf» to till BEDELL & POPE, d^;l tf UNDER COOK-8 HOTEL. itj’Th.t l Uzvo on my Bookz * !»r«o Jooft.ft, l.rtt*. Fftrn... Wftnl.imn. *..J «*» IPHU. .1 I rop.ro w^ioh dott tiot^ .,kMn» my column ia th. now..p»|'-r«. *7 •J*' to all th.t if you want to Bos r * 11 , mid m. If «• can’t ir.de, ihco an Hi--””; FOR SALE, 'PHAT rcry dwlrabl. mld.oc. Id 1 iu which Mr. John Flournoy now Th.rcUlTa.rca of land. Th. hojj. win. room*, wall dnl.hcd; two doobl.il'rt"' ,ood card.na. daellin* wnh two room B , amok, bouaea. carria.e hou'e. ,1c. 1 mil. from town; h.aoD.of the Jk ibis section: good water. Jnc ir . ftn.ly laid off ami planted m trert.ihru ic7»n »baudin«. Apply to ^ (( s jgy FOR SALE, A ‘‘ss.iiyv* uiY itth tor«eruu« . ^ east of Columbus, on the r .a present ociovpied by F. Hootj o- ^ U had il-fPplicauon bo made jl;° | J* e S |gRS. To Rent, M. M. COPELAND & CO., 'MKLT A Hat l—If thisuluF-* of v or min ; * of any earthly uee.MsWn is cartainlt 1 i?d. Tin y may lx* m.o;i as iurgu i For Cnuuty Trceaurcr. We aro authorised to announce •TAMES D. .10 UN RON AUCTION SALE kitten,, »• coon .a the atreeta become ; u , candidate for Traaaurer of Mtuc^.e Mr Jium.i.r u,k*d tituiihu report i>f i thinking men of the South accept th 6evrr«t nature ••IJ-cu-d on th* ground \ that >chu i'* to *».t wm- t«*<* long. Mr Spitti cr i.rkc*! that they should be- ! *v> rinding it »» it whs h v»*ry complete i document. Ho iiictHnc-ed tin* fact that a , tuG r- port ct tIn. itfiirs iu Kan*a« was rend in tb»* S»*tikt»*. ht.d tl o prevent report i'he questions which have hitherto divided the sentiments ol the poopie of the l& o sections— slavery and Statu right*, «*r the right of a State to secede trom thu Uni-m —they regard as having been settled lor- ever by the highest tribunal that man can report to. 1 was pleased lo learn from the wnt much no r«* imp *r ant. Ho *aid tho i loading men whuru 1 mot. that they t ■“tag* i*.eet«l*m Johnson wa* like | only accepted Iho decision arrived at >: whit — - ' ” • * • the toiiitewarhing message of Pierc* on kinssiHtfsin, Mr. John on denied thu? there was any whitewashing it. this r port, which was a plain *tai<wi*<ni «-i tacts. 1W Oterk oniouioncnd re«ding Carl Sehprgs rw|H»r., when Mr. Sherman mov ed to print iL . Mr. rsuiunor, nrgue<l that it should bo .Oftidt declaring th «t Scbuix wag sent on a iniasion by the President, ftnd ms usvln it,‘*n • occupy my lino, and extending tbrougli U*U- reiit States, still hau given a lull and truihlul r<-p.,ri final, but now that the smoko ot batik* has cleared away,and time has been given for reflection, that this decision has been a fortunate ono for the whole country, they receiving tho like bi-infil from it with those who opposed thorn iu the field and in the council. Four year* of war, during which law was executed only at tho point of th quiet at uight, searching tho littTurunl side walks tor tbo scattoringR of tho day. The car shed and warehouses are literally arming with them. Every alorehouso nnd private dwelling has iu company or regiment--nnd common House outs “ain’t | nowhere.” The terrier dugs, their great- I rst enemies, hate caught ptui fc|l.eft,:until | captures are to Ncooinpiish&awa to j loso the interest created by the excite- j rnent. On opening ths doors of some •torohouses in tho morning from two or | three to a half Joxsn are “squashod’’ be- i fore they oasi hide ottl.ttid Hugs oasca«Hef ■ of slaughtered rat* areal all times visible j in almost every alley, lt is a great pity that somebody doesn't start a Bologna : sausage factory in Mao<m. [Journal and Messenger. esanry at lbs snsuioc elcotisn. dec 24 te FOK 8HBRIKF. We srs sulhsrixed to announce COL. ROBERT THOMPSON as a candidate for Sheriff of Muscof ee county. Election in Jenaars’, IMd, R. R. HAWES hav ing declined in bis favsr. dee 24 te For Clerk of the Superior Court, Ma-fEuiroa: You will pleaee aanoqnce B. H. MV80R0VE os a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Musootee oeuaty, at tbs election on the first Monday in January neat, end oblige deq 24 te MANY VOTERS. Valuable Property nty, Gearaia. w*H be se the 11th dayef Jaaaarp tuwed nlautmtieu. a let ef Muu>(.|.>e o >unty, Geargia. THURSDAY, at the above nuueil p! Ml’LK^and iloKSKS, in fine order dATTUK .nd tf a ft STOCK lltKlS; vAiius ana onnar i CORN and FoDDKK; Potateas, Faming Im plement*. Carts, Waaona, Toole, etc, -ALSO- FOR RENT, I WILL KKNTto ih. hi ( h..t bldd.r, on th. I Oil ’ Household and Kitohan Furniture, Beds and Bedding, very desirable with other articles of value. Sole positi\e. Terms Cash. . SARAH U. JONES, doc. 20.1W. tdi COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 25 Commercial Place, NEW ORLEANS, LA. \ J. Cakxox. En/nnla, Ala. M. M. Core LAND, Montgomery, A to. dec 22 2ui The beautiful residence SJJiabW- Kunzni.nrille. Al.„z!, lt coottains five room*, na* ** * viaayikil and ofphatd. Api'lfj ^ giRfS- Wanted, a noon brbad i ot■;i 1 ' A »n<' « uo<1 "““. il. Hlkf-'- G. D. & G. W. HOOPER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW -AND- 80LICIT0KS IH MTTITT- 'yy’ILL Practice in all oourts in East Ala- . . bama. Office at Crawford, Bursell County, Ala, dec 22 tf Wanted to Buy A VS* FOR SAtE. ititlai from jkonUromar> . th* ” , „ v «jl if 4 nn* .-AOVMIVU unijr ue r"'j ”» “V ; I ho Legiriatur© of Coloradopn Ui«»l8tb A 3tb day of January next, a plantation eon- b:ivonct throughout tho btnlcs iu rehoi- oleotnrt John Kvan» and deroin* 1 hake I tainin* taiee hundred and eigbt> acres, inure lion, have left the peoplo possibly In a' United States Senators. All lhat is rc-I or less, thirteen inUev from Columbus on < be iiuir«*d*now is the President's preotumatiun j County Line toad, in Muacogee county. The to muk|* Colorado a Stala of tho Union 1 -.-i condition not to yio.d that ready obed eniv to oivil uulhurity the American po<»- ^ . pie have generally boou in tho hehit of Mr. Phrrrnwn adnntu-d that tho report ] yielding. This would render tha pres-, might D* able and iniermiug, but would ' enco of small garrisons throughout tho*e ! Toft FsalVA pfttnb^rpf Ar Georgia L* 11 States necessary until such lime as labor : oxchanget nave puolisbfta a list ot ^*«th- 1 Sumner 1 returnr lo Its proper channel and oivil lain rastnbera of Coftgr Both the Senator.-* are Republicans. place is known us Greenwood, and was loag the residence of Jat. Mcechuro. PERRY K. WIMBERLY. Adm'r. dee 23 M M. l>Kj|itti* ihourht Mr. ptmtA In fjthlio quality his sutemcet that the . authority ia fully osUhiisbed. 1 did not* Washington City-including those from e»e*ge Was intended t»» whLuwash af- \ meet any ono, either those holding p!acos ■ Georgia. \Vs no not know wU»'ro this Uira that aro worse than tl»o*« .»t k insai under the Government, or cirixens of tho thing originated, but presume U was ftop- *!* w * Frank nn t tores He Southern States, who thought it praclica- iod from sotno Northern paper. ® r * Stunnwf onuld n<*t mean that ( ble to withdraw the military from ths There is reason to believe tha*, so far ft* Fox* Sale, A riKB MILK 00W AMD YOUNfl CALK. A • ‘ J.o U M J. A. KUADKOKD. EDWIN E. OVERALL, VROTRIKTOR OF THK Merchants’ Exchange, -AND— NEWS ROOMS, Cwr Jl. Chirlts 8*. uj C MKrchl flaw, House and Lot for Bale. the upper pert of tho city, on Oglethorpe street, adjoining Mrs. Woollolk’s- The lot ia one quarter ot an acre. The bouseiatwostone* aad has seven rooms: two rooms in kitchen ? well of water, smoke-house and good garden soot- Apply on the premises to the under signed. or ut this office. J. LAMBKUTSON. Just Received, A LOT of flue LAMINATED ^STREls DOUBLB-BARRELED BuOT GUNS, For tale cheap at deo J21w miles from , j, , t v#« • ’ R. ranaing through iL are very productive. Ther hoes**- . SSWS* r» r> t hTiSS w ->- (k ’ J B.»St *ak >“ ^ Male School. rock bv, U»J;"Ha parstions t\* uuikn m U. Irb I.IP** 1 " J A|» ui.Wj« ioto'iur teJif. »•>*> jflea - 9 J. KNMH A COU ftd.ir. io lb, Uuuib Wufo wore. Ib.n ibo.e South .1 nro.uiL Tbu wlmo .nd tb. of K.MM. ,, . , „ 1 bl.ck u.uui.11, r.quir, lb. uroUuon of Mr. auiuo.r iidd b. b.d eolfaio, la , the UumI Uov.rnnanl, Th.re u luch j » univ.rz.1 .uquiM«u<j« in ih„ .ulh.nt, Nr. pi.uu dwiwl th.t ti)«r. »u .u/ 'of lb. Uwnl OoT.roin,et throughout th. m.wbci. fr m OoorgU »r. conabr.iul, not on. of ih.m U, or hn. bMn, UWz.li, lotion City. Wo Mow tho) <m at iM-m, •t lout, hu not bus thorn .too* IB® — At Am. k’.UljMft Port Monnaie Lott Lm&qartxi£ smtSmbsM.rtsi radd Ibr lit 4Mir*r7. with oouiwj New ORLEANS, UA. dH It tf ooolMU. zl ihiz luMtz- KICK. 3 “ LS - w '-. u *^YrjHkYco. Street Lamps. OMALKD PnzroMlafnr lirbti., ud kwi»* o .No n, «)u Imm UUuter to lh. gUr, forth, ror UMS. will b. wzinl otlkt Arrangement* will oe brditMd.) wuhip*. cu * , ; 1 l ®V, zj,, ikH b«<tnud.: 15-*/ reasouar hii in i"ro».».nt. nor «• t, I 0UO.I oo.id-' , taz> I •*., SBSSewjSB?-. UT 17 SUwlM