Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 30, 1865, Image 2

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JOHN II. MARTIN COLUMBUS: Saturday Morning, Tcc. 30. 18G5. Tbc Proposed lax on t’oitoii* ^ It wm the Comptroller t»f th6 Treasury, instead of tho Secretary, who recommen ded the imposition of a heavy lax on cotton. His recommendation was to tax cotton, tobacco and liquors, and ho esti mated that the next year’s crop of cotton would bo two and a half or three million- of biles, the duty on which, nt ten cents prr pound, would amount to $126 OOD 000’• and if the crop should hem f • r reach four and a half millions of hales, the tax might be reduced to eight cent* p**r poutid. and still bring in a revenue of 1>00.000. Wo are n< t sure (f"r wm have not the report before us) whether the Comptroller propos d a direct lex or an export tax. In cither case, it looms to ih, the t* r opo»ition is met by a coiisti'Utiooa 1 d tliiulty. It direct, it ii oppose ' to th.»t pnarisi >t» of the constitution which req ii r **» that "r**p- resentalivet and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers (Federal); and to another clause which provide* that **n» capitation, or other direct lax, shall bo lai«l,^unle*a in » ropor lion to the census or enume-Mtion hen in before directed to bo taken." It could hardly be maintained hy the m*'»i subtil' sophist that a tax of forty cent upon a product of one section only j n Our Relation* with Prance Threat- i J. K. H. Stuart. e«*li»K. | Fro'm a sketch of this groat cavalry of- The Washington correspondent of the tlcer, published in tho Now York News, Now York Nows says: ‘ we clip the following : II, l.uab.d and d.ncd. „nJ ,„ado Franc arocVi-ry day a.-mrimin» iikt, critic d afp-cl. [n lM» pr,a»nt H»te o( at merry wl.c fair., it would not rcqtnr, much to li«i.t up the Ilium,, of a Wj»r b.twoan tlm two countric. Indeed, it will require tl.u ex ercise <d' wisM tUUnoiiKinliip to prevent a wa r a eh Franc, within tlia coining ynnr. . - Th, French Miniatoi anlicipatca cer tain actiun on lb, pkrt of the Uuuan of Koprcaontativca in mention to r. Sehonek’a resolution, which will place th, legislativo branch of th, F. fi. (lovern- ..j-nt in a hostile attilud, toward Franco. In such a contingency, ho d< sin s detlnit, mat ructions from hi# Government. *■<’ has, therefore, probably senllo 1 arts tt -talcum nt oft ho pacilio atlilutlc of th, ox- ocu ivo branch of tnc Go.tuntn- nt, as in dicated in the President's tnaasace. nnJ of th, appar.ntly h«:l:go-cnt aidnol, o: (Jointress, as indicated in tnc viiriuu. rc-o luiiutis in ro(jnrd t, Nlexiio. and ha* prohn’i v acconip itiied it witii a eotnuiunication through the Seep Lcgaliun, curilaining tii, Min » "t -.ftbo Moxitan question generally United State-; tun lomp, of tlm P'ople and of Corigressj lietierul Louan'a "tt p.iintinent, In- refu-al to accept that up- point!!!ft!t, and tho reason# on which that i-nlusal was tmteil; and all other matters that may giveLhH Fr«tich Government ail poasilde light upen the sul j-ct. and, litial- ly, has ashed lor di finite instructions in ease both II uses id Congress sin tt d pas* re-olutions ot a decidedly belligerent chancier. :• h«* wefii. lie would light 1 at night—if inrcuui‘tuner paruiittou—rido ton miles with hi* player and dunce wi h m party of young girl* till the “small hours." If hi* fit- tigiie had b»*»*n gnat lie would h*iri l» »ok on a sofa, fall a-lcep in a mom-nt, ttnd ( wake to dance h» gaily a- bolurta A , greater faulty for bleeping just when he , w shed 1 never saw. Half the time, on j marches, he ► lopt. in tho saddle, and hi- udroitnea* in not falling wm remarkable. , With one knee thrown over the pommel 1 of tin? saddle, arms folded, and chin rest- i ing on the breast, he would sleep mile af- | ter mile, and wake as much ref reshed, ap- j parenll.V, as though he had risen from a good bed. il’hcro wna something of thn cavalry 'will in everything that .Stuart did, his personal nppfi tritnoo und habit was seldom that he dolled hi-* b >o », even in winter quarters, and he invurinbly 1 I dance 1 in hi* spurs. A pair inad EkFKCTS OF EARLY RlSINQ Oil Low- ukvtty.—The Southern Journal says: We have seen the story, but cannot vouch for the truth of it, that while a cen sus was being taken in Germany, tome years sinco, the habits of every centena rian were carefully inquired into. Some of the veterans, it was found, had been consistent vegetarians; others had indulged * in meats; some had, and others had not, u-f<1 tobacco and spirits, but all bad been ••tirlv lirers. As we have said, wo do not know whether tho census above mentioned was u reality or a myth, but we have no ticed in all the accounts of very aged poo- plo which have fallen under our notice that their subjects rose early. James Mc Cormick, a native of Ireland, who died on the 11th of November, at Newburg, New York, aged 114 years and three months, was no exception to the rule. He often wont to work before daybreak.— When young he was a-groat wafker, hav- ! ing once traveled on foot a distance of j fifty-two rniloa in thirteen hours. He married at tho ago of forty-five, and kind fourteen children, nine of whom lived to omigrato with him to this country in 1840. It 1 GROCERIESjNEW GOODS CONSIGNMENT, -xt- ON No. 125 Broad Street. JOilJ the I gold, and richly carved, W'*ru pr*H"ntod to i him; nut these ho on y wore upon "Xiru- ! ordinary uecH-iona. iIsabre was a Knoich one, ri ght, filon l* r. pliubio and light. TJiis inioly left his si i«*. Ilo pre- ft-rred horn's of medium -i/.", rather light — likid nitre.-, and wo.ild never have | s'admns. His horses, “Skylark," ' Star of the East,” "Lady Margaret " "l*ily "I the Vall-y," were all excellent. The equipments were plain and good, a Me- A Heavy Dcumiiatralhin. Monday afternoon a little black hoy • natch«‘d Mime toys from a white child «>n Hllis a.root. The Iniher •<! the child gave rhase and captur' d the little doilfiqi*rt, oiiflitv p, r I tailing Irorn him the toys. Two eomred 1 .oidiers near by, who wm inioxicau d, cunn t«» the r«»ctteoflh« little Ltilhite, of the Union (tho agricultural products I . n ,j | H j ( | violent hands upon the poison ot of the other .ocli..n» boii.it loft ur.tnxvd) | Mr. Jatno. Kovni'ltli, wlirnn th«v fmlvl to would bo proportionate t » the population of the several States The tax Would ; clearly an invidious him! di-prop* rdonatc i one, and as such repugnant t»» tho clansg- i of tho constitution above quoted. And il an export lax is proposed, that too is in plain opposition to the consiffution, sec | lion 9 of article 1 declaring that "no tax | or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State." Hut it so. nn that the radicals in Congress, in view of this con stiiutionsl prohibition, have introduced n proposition to amend the constitution so ns la allow export duties, and they may securo the assent of three-fourths of the Elates to it, by either excluding the votis of tho Slates that wiil have to pny tho tax, or forcing them to assent to it a- a condi tion precedent to the restoration ol their political right* (ao-ealled) in the Union. One gicut ol j' ft that tho radicals who advocate the lax in the rhape of an ex poll duty have in view, is to aflurd further protection to New England mantilaclu rrrs. If the lax is a direct one and ia levied on tho cotton while it remains in this country, the Northern manufacturer will have no advantage, in the purchase cf it, over thb foreigner. But an export duty would givo the Northern manufac turer an advantage ol ten cents per poun 1! IVriiap.- this would be an additional pro lection to the extent of l<>riy or sixty per cent.; perhaps it w»u il operate to the enliro exclusion of European purchasers of cotton from this country, and give the home manufacturer* the monopoly of tho crop and the power to reduce it* price just as low us they choso. Certain il is that this lax, added to the heavy import duties i) w imposed upon foreign fabrics, would effectually exclude all European cotton goods from the United Siatos and givo the homo manufacturer an undisturlu d mo nopoly of the market. And “this ac counts for the milk in the cocoanul." This proposition to tax cotton so heavily should be another argument to our plan- tors against a large crap. J he smaller the general crop, the higher will bo the price per pound realiz 'd for it, an*d the better can tl.e producer pay the tax. A crop of 2,600,(00 hales, ai 26 cents per pound, would sell for $31" 600 000, and with a lux u|Vn it of ten c« nt.- per pound, the government dutv would be forty per cent. A crop of 1.0J0 000 of bales, at 16 cents per pout'd, would ‘Hi f..r only $300UU0.000, and the government tax at eight cents per pound would be ovei filly per cunt, of the amount. Tho true policy of the South, in this change of her condition, is, heretofore endeavored t-> show, to div sify her labor so hr to nu.ke b ss cotton and more of the commodities hitherto in part bought by this section—to divert a large portion of the capital and labor used In the culture of cotton to r» mar ufacture, and thus lensen the crop nihJ mexaso the profits. prompt l.v ground, and bin it him with tin ir bay on Philip Malone fortuna'e v c mg the position of alboi*. drew a pistol, not with the doing the soldier* any harm, but b*r tho purpose of preventing them from 'injuring Mr. Uevnohl*. Mr. Malone llred m low- shots, which had the desired efl-cl "I re- cuing Mr. 11. from the imminent danger in which he was, und of running off the diirkioM, win* retreated Ht a double-qui. k. But Uie affair did not rest here. The Cushites departed hut t^» reappear at a later hour with reinforcements, to rene v the light. Between one and two o’clock Tuesday morning between twenty and thirty negroes, with loaded muskot,, pro ceeded to and surrounded tho rosidcnee nf Mr. Keynolds, on Ellis street, near .Mr. Kinney, shouting and yelling like a fen'k of demons. Having stationed sentinel* at ihe front and bach gale-, and ore at each door, two or three ascended the *t* p* in t'.e yard leading to the second story, while tho balahco were diawn up in line bi h-\v. Tho party who ascended tho M"p* linn demanded, in no voiy polite terms, ad miltatiCM into tho house, swearing ven goaece, the meantime, agninsttliM inma'e ar.d the whole while rare in general. Mr. .1. B. Uoynolds arone, and U'-mand«*d whai they wanted. A8 soon n* he anpearrd a the window four muskets were leve.cd and fired, his wife and himself ha (;icilnn saddle without leather covering, curb bit, and xinglc rein—no martingale; behinu the saddle a rad olar.k' t roll' d in an oil-cloth overall. These are trifle’*, it mav he said, but the world i* made up of “trifles." d he General's seat in tho saddle wa* not only good—it wl* perfect. Hi- figure was -hurt and In avy, hut in tiio saddle hu was a model of a cavalier. He el Qined to “grow there." Ilis person moved with lho movements of his borne, so perfectly that horse and rider seemed one. II" was an excellent swordsman, and would have been—nay, often was—u dangerous man in a charge. A regiment of men like Stu art, with the drawn sabre, would go through or over anything. It i* certain nt least that they would die tr.ving. Thk Awkwardness ov Royal I)y inos.—The L>ndon tradesmen are de cidedly out of luck. They have been been growling for three years ove* the seclusion of Queen Victoria, and the gloom cast bv the persiftent sorrow of their widowed sovereign over their own tills and ledgers. Her majesty had just announced her j royal intention of coming out into the : world again, and all the haberdashers, milliners, confectioners, coachmakers, j tailors, and jewelers, who live by the | luxury of a n>illiant court, were just lift ing up their heads, lik» the August grass under a long delayed shower, when King ' Hi- tpo d must needs shuffle off his mortal I roil, and throw the whole palace back again into the weeds of woe 1 Thero was an amiable old lady once who used to la- I merit that she could find "no convenient i lime for dying." , “If 1 die \n the spring," she used to hay, "I shall spoil Saratoga 1 arid Newport for the girls; If 1 die in the j fall I shall ruin tho assemblies for them — ! it is very provoking, and 1 can’t soe how I can arrange ill" It bourns in be equally difficult for royalty to get out of the world I without inconveniencing its loyal subjects and servants.—aY. World. 200 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT; 50 Bbls. FLOUR, three grades; 50 '* IRISH POTATOES; 10 " ONIONS; 10 " CAROLINA RICE, (new); 50 Boxes CHEESE; 100 " SOAP; 5 Coses (500 boxes) SAKDIK ES; 5 Hhds. N. 0. SUGAR; 25 Boxes GLASS. 8 by 10. 10 by 12. 10 by 14 ; 50 Boxes ADAMANTINE CANDLES; 6 Bales INDIA BAGGING: 25 Coils MACHINE ROPE; 200 Reams Wrapping PAPER (large »ixe); 10 Cases COGNAC BRANDY; 10 " OLD BOURBON WHISKEY : 30 Bbls. Northern LIME; 30 Hols. Northern CEMENT; 15 Socks RIO and JAVA COFFEE: 20 Keg* and boxes BI. CAR. SODA; 10 Boxes Layer and Bunch RAISINS; 50 Drum FIGS; 20 Boxes STARCH ; 2fJ0 Boxes CIGARS, (Havsna and American); 25 Sacks BUCKWHEAT FLOUR; 100 Boxes FANCY TOILET SOAP; G. E. Thomas. W. W. Flkwki.i.kn. 6. & THOMAS & CO. are in receipt of and to arrixe another lot of their CANDIDATES. SItitItIKJ'.tliv, luoonstquonceof HTuahcltk . • uu forth, offlo. of Sheriff tf. iff favor of Mr. Ut^Kut" u k i|^ M.im. nuthoria.it to uni,. JAMES A. BMAItFu Ro “ U ' t ''i uttu candidate for Cour,^ Tr) ™’ ruing election in January. 1 “"it dec 28 td •'or Comity Trr*,,,,,"' ™ c ‘ rc »uthorir<Ki to announce JAMBS D. JOHNSON’ 1 * ; r j, county at the ensuing dec 24 te SPLENDID FRENCH BLACK CLOTHS: BLUE AND BLACK BEAVER CLOTHS: BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMEHES; FANCY LOT OF VESTINGS •*'ur Clerk of the M». Editor: You will anao „ K- M. ML-SORovi ' superior m a candidate for Cl erk of th e iS u r ,.. , ol Muscogee county, at tli. -■ ” nw « M ? nd *?' ln U’. it, and'obi dec 2i te We uro autlmrircd to announce »•'. M. I1IIUOK,, “»ntt,ij VOfBj CLOTHING. a p a candidate for r « viccimu to Clerk of the Superior Court at ij,- - uury elcctid f ' n,0 ^t;g^JWe til Mr. FINE LOT OF OVERCOATS; FINE LOT OF INDJA RUBBER OYER- berricH, Bran<ly Peaches, Salmon. Green Pease* dec 29 lOt From thk City of Mkxo »—TIm* pl«»w in tinivorsal u-n among ttm Maxi- { huh is that U‘»id two thoiisnml year* ago, nothing morn n« r lo^s than a wooden wedgo without u partiidn of iron allachud to it. Th« lion i* a wooden staff’, with an iron spiko in tho end. Arid anothnr ro- rnarkahlo fact is that tho only animal usnd in plowing i* 1 tho ox. A planter may hnvo largo hnrds of mules an l h rso* -till ho will only mo his oxen in tin plow. If you ask why this i-, tho only answ'r I nan givo, thrso pooplo noV"i changn their habits, nor anything c*l-« hut their Govornmont. All tho pa* ion for < liarigo whioh oxi^tb in olliur poo plo, with th»*ni is coni’oritratod in p" itiial « hangMa. It is a pottili.tr cliarafiMrl-tit', which im- tlono much to produce th** prcuu t degrn- d»*d condition of tho country. It i* a ro- markable fact that thorn is nut a railroad in tho country, with the exception of one partially com pi "tod between Y«ia Urn/, and tho City of Mexico, which owes it- beginning to Rngli*h and American en terprise.— (mi\ New York Sews. nn row escape—tho balls ju*tl itig them. In the incatitimn some por-on on Broad street, hearing the run e and di vining the object <d’ the infuriated bind;-, reported the matter to tho policciimn on duty »‘ l the upper market, who. in com pHny with home hall do/, i. otln r.-. imni'* diately ropairod to the scene td* outrage Their arrival was most opportune, a* it in all probability saved tho effusion of the blood of innocent and unoffending citi zens. Tho negroes were in thn act ol bronking open tho door when the party wntelrtng at tho gate gave tho alarm that tho guard was coining, thinking tlm po licemen tlm while guard of soldiers who worn patrolling tho streets Christmas dav, for the purpose of keeping end.r. Tho whole party of negroes immediately do nisted liom their nofarlmi* purpose and ran away, each one endeavoring to make good lii.s escape, without curing what he catno ol tho others. Two of the nevroc* were arrested, and, wo learn, are mav in custody.—11 ag. Const,, 27M. i A special dispatch to Urn Lo ly mis**- i Journal from ludiauppoiis, D • U**i Thk Dkatii ok Govkhnok ('ouwin. A Washington corrcspomlent wiil"*-: No piemonilion of illnc*s had been observe l in G rvernor Corwin at any time in tlm evening up t<> his sudden attsek, Mini il is slNlcil that he never appealed in l citor spirits, and was unusually prolific of amusing and entertaining anecdotes. Throughout tlm evening ho wm* nurround- td by various circles, composed of Sena tors and Representatives, Judges and dis tinguished personages, win m lie kept in ai- almost e ntinual roar of laughter with stories of hi 1 * adventures in Mexico. At ten o'clock Governor Corwin mo rel the s ipper room aMd took a seat upon a bofa, hut did not partake of r* freshment ol mii\ kill 1. Ileie l.e whs surrounded by iri« lids, and at about half past ten o'clock, w hen have j he bad just concluded on* ot his M Tlm Legislature adjourned to-Jav at noon sine die, prnvioii*. to which a resolu tion Mgiinsl the pardon h' d in favor ol the immediate hanging of Jeff’. Davis wa* tabled. It i* bard to tell what the let i* I at u re was culled together lor. Nothing hus been dona that hud not hotter have bean left undone. Tlm Republicans have called a Stale Convention for tho 2*2 I of T'.*ln uary, and the Democrats for the 1st of March, 1800 The Fenian Convention is still in m* .lion here, but it is difficult to ascertain what has been done. It is und'T-lo »d that the dub gutus are strong for O’Malmny. A Mexican correspondent of a New (>riy*ns paper says : I would like to say to pontons who think "f coming hero from the .States, that at present 1 would stn>ngly advise thorn to tlm contrary, especially persons of limited means. Everything is unsottlod. No confidence is placed in any onr; a general distrust prevails, and businesa is para lyzed. WELLS, CURTIS & CO., •l I AVK NOW IN STORK and will keop cou- « 1 stuatly ou huml u lull stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES, look Bironnou lupi AND VOTE KOETLXK WILL ATK» TOC! BOOTS AND SHOES, Wholesale and Retail. PIKE & ROBINSON, Vi8 Broad St., HAVE, in addition to their large and varied 1 assortment of Ladies', Misses', Children's* ..mi.rl.int a 1 th. lo.Jing nod standard styl.s ' U ,y ’' " nJ y ° u,h “' B00TS “ nd S,1 ' JE '' i - IVe learn from the Augusta Chronicle of the 2thh Inst., that G« n Til s<>n, the head of tl e Fr. edm« n's Bureau ir. Ur. r giu. is compelling the n.gn.es to make contracts. H** had pr« vi« us y s gi fled his intention to pur-ue this c.-ui-c, it nccessa ry. It is evident that the Ireedtuen are now contracting mere gen* rui y titan was suppose 1 a short lime since. W o trust that most of them wid aU.> agreeably tii.-- appoint public ctpeciion by imthful !»,- bor. cries., and when tho ring of laughter from his auditi rs had scarcely cegmd, he suildi nly turned ti> th«* gent’etnan at hi-*, •si.le, and *aul in u fruble voice, "l 1 * t«»o warn here !" acompunying tho word- with a convulsive movement of his hand, i>s u trying tit catch U‘dd *»l. something for suppor*. Ho was raised upon hi-* led, hu' l-ad taken only two or three steps, when his strength gave way, and he wa- caried into a bed chamber by H n. J A. Gar field and Gen. Durbin Ward ami oilier triemls. He never spoke again, an i wh< unconsciou- until iio died, except for u few minutes after he became ill. Dkatii of John 1*. FlOti —This com | munity is again culled upon to mourn tin Takkn thk A i.a km.—'J lo- li. Rion Jour nal, speaking of Secretary SewanlV i-lli ial proclamation ot' the ratification of lire con.-tiiiuiimml arnumliiu'nt, *>y.s: It. will not e-cape alti*nli. ii that sonm dgniflctinl implications art* corPaim-il in this proclamation of Secrelary Seward's For in-lance, it is assumed tl at tl •- St-ites of T'-nne-see, Limi-iatia, N• «rth Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia. Georgia, and Alabama (if not other seceded Smt"*), are now ab-oluteiy in the Union; so th.it any H'*t they may do in con-ominc" \vi li Sl i'e powi ia is va'id to all intent- and pui pi se-; and hence their membera of Uongre.-* duly chosen are entitled of right to ad- missi-m, unless individually •!• b-ti r d by puroly personal objection-. This will sur prise many who Dave not thus inti-rpreted the position of tlm Admini*trati »n it gives a now turn to the reemstruction piestmn, which cannot but inve-t Its '-nsideration in Congress with onhutwod n torus t. and uaulities, many of them of our own manufacture. We invito the attention of Manufacturers to our splendid stock of French und American CALF SKINS, oak and Hemlock SOLE LEATHER. Ilarnesc, Dr idle. Kip and Runrett LEATHER Lining and Binding Skins. Brogan and R. I.. Lasts, Boot Trees and Crimps. Shoe-makers’ Tools and Findings, of all kinds Wo have now a supply of PEGS of all situs, und don't INTEND TO GET OUT. We have also, Tanners' Oil, runners' and Curriers' Tools and Brushes, Clearing und Scouring Stoues. Cur Stock will bo kept full by froqueat arri vals. We .-hall alwHys have the best of every thing in our lino. don 30 2w Columbus High School, FOit YOl’Nil LAD1KS. M'lllI Exercises of the above School will be THIS DAY RECEIVED A large und well selected stock of Lollies', Misses’and Children’s Extra Fine Serge, Glove Kid and Pebblo Calf, Polish Boots und Highland Bnlinorals, Also, 1U0 pairs each of Gents' fine French Calf sewed, Pump and Light \\ elt Boots, custom made, which they will sell at prioos that must givo UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. We have aldo on hand a few oases of Whole stock BROGANS, suitable for Negroes, nt $2.00 pur pair. Thoso wishing to shoe their Negroes for the ensuing year, and Merchants to purchase at a slight advance on NEW YORK COST. will save both time and mouey by giving ub a call, Hocauso they arc made of Calf and Kip; Our goods wo warrant not to rip; Or, it they should, why come right straight COATS; BEAUTIFUL FRENCH BEAVER SACKS; BROWN BEAVER FROCTES; BLACK CLOTH COATS; ELEGANT MELTgN SUITS; FULL DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS; BEAUTIFUL CHINCHILLA SACKS; EXTRA FINE BEAVER and DOE PANTS; SPLENDID SILK AND VELVET VESTS; EXTRA LINEN SHIRTS AND COLLARS: LINEN GAROTK and STANDING COLLARS LAMB’S WOOL AND SHAKER FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS; GENTS’BROWN BRITISH HALF HOSE; FANCY KID AND BUCK GLOVES; BEAUTIFUL LOT HANDKERCHIEFS; FANCY SUAWLS AND BLANKETS; EXTRA-FINK BEAVEll HATS; FINE LOT OF UMBRELLAS, etc. Wo cordially iuvite tho " public ” ami our putroua to call and examine our magniGcent stock. We can plo use both in price and qual ity. dec 28 tf Fur Judije ol t|, e \t « »r« nutboritM to annoane, Jl'DCiK K. II. WOKHKLt a. a candidate far r« election to , h , - Judft. of tho .Superior Court of th, ^ hoochee Circuit. . — — —. Jwli Fur lax Hecitlvtr. We are authoriaed to announr. JAMES M. LKN'KaHD aa a candidate far Receiver ot Tax K tlun Mute ogee county at the election l»t HV in January next. Ak\) For Tax Collector. M'e arc uiithoriaed to announce W.n. L.. HOBI.VSUX a cnndidut, far Tax Collector of M, County at the election in January neie dec Id-to For Clerk Interior Court. We are authorized to announce JOHN K. LAM AH tut a candidate lor Clerk of the fr.'er , County Court of Muccogco County,,,4, suing election, dec 10 te Just Received A. V. BOATRITE, 127 Broad Bt, A full and complete assortment of STAPLE <Sc FANCY DRY GOODS, ‘sumed on Tuesday. 2d January, ISOd. Terms from January to April 1st $20 Payable in advauoe. Mr. Isham’s School. and close 1st of April, ltkid. Number of pupils limited to thirty Tintioii payublo in advance $25 dec 30 2t J NO 1SUAM. On Consignment, OTHER SUPERIOR LOT Consisting in part of PRINTS, of all brands; TABLE DAxMASKS; Bleached, Brown Linen and Cotton DIAPKU Bleached and Brown SHEETINGS, 4-4 a 10-4; Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs; Hosiery, Woolen Jean/, Pants Stuffs; Velvet, with white edge; Black and Whito Kid Gloves; BED BLANKETS; In fact a full and now supply of nice Goods CALL AND SEE. T„ 1*IKE k ROBINSON, No. US. Shoe .Maker and Tools there gratis you await. Should this mishap your shoes befall, Here’s where you'll find the pegs and awl; Old ’/.ibo awaits with practised hand—and Kyu to aid what ho can, Hboes that rip, when tuado by man. doo 29 tf Just Received Cbaki.kston and Savannah Uaii.- ttOAD.—The ferry imlohging t• * this omit- paiiv nt tho Chtirluaton t'TmitiiH of Gio v *mo is now in operation. S', gos run regulurly over that portion of tho road not yet ifpalrud.—Aug 1 (/iron , Thk Aiisknck ok Sot thkun 1’kppi.k Kll'*M \N ASHINUTON.— Washington, Pec 15 18tl.'». — Notwithstanding tlm many prn- dictions that have been tuado ol a lively fine at tho National Cnpital Ibis winter, 1 doubt if Washington has over presented EASTERN HAY, At a reduced price. defjlO lw J. U. IVEY k CO. 1ST otioe. Treasurer’s Office, Muerogre Railroad CNtinpany, ) ujjrc n it ii i iir it %yiiui|iHiij , CuLUMBUS, OA., D.o. 30.1805. ) Reduction in Prioes of Wood. O N and after date, this Company will furnish Oak and Pine U ood by_ the Car load of five a more dull and unintoro-ting a-peut, so I t*» Cm • dally «»r politically, than at pr. s uit, and ' ^ uu COXE & BROOKS, (OPPOSITE COOK'S HOTEL.) ON CONSIGNMENT Charleston KkuliuhnoWo are glad to seethe fo io\%u g »i* the New York Uerald’s correspondunce irom Chailu»ton, 18th instant; Kobuibling tho city is about lt> com mence in eanios'. Mi. Theoilore D Wagner will s -on hav, a force of titty t.i I sixty mechanics and lahoreis ' ncacu tho clearing m it cruuin n i» inss on the burnt diptnci Iniri wasto in the KK’«t Bre of ItWl Mr Wu K n. r li„ in „ , yi nieniplatn>n the election ot s«>tu<* tw*> industry be had accumuiatud, lie 1«- of one of its i>:d si and most ergons John 1* Figh, Mf or a Iif • of j great usefulness, evidence* nf w ich will | b visible in Montgoiner> as long n* it h a city, breathed his last on Christmas night I it' ten o’clock. Mr. Figh \vh* aj a ive of ; Maryland, but moved to Tu*caloi>«a in this Stale at an early age, and became a , ntiy.en of M mtgomery m 1835 lie has | rvei since resided here, and-has.lelt many • marks cf his unhid spirit ttnd kindi i ts of i heart. F*»r several month'* past he has i been in Shelby county looking after his interests in the coal business and returnei j here a week or two since. 11" was iron- b od for several years with thedicease that ti rmihatod hi* life—ai\ affection of the lungs. He took his bed soon aft< r reach- day ight. U<> hns a larg> whom have arrived at I in addition to seine prop* rty which by the prospect is rather against than in fnv «*f an improvement. It was expected that the people of the South won d b» here iu lull representative force, knocking for admission to tho floors of Congri s*. and thronging the lobbies a- hi dayaof yore: yet there is very littl^ of exaggi J. M. BIVINS, Treasurer. Large Sale. IT tho la'or Mid ones of B S. Tarver, do- s'aienient that it is nlmo-l a- haul to find a South Carolinian or an Alabamian here now as it was a year or two ago— • ardor, indeed, if we take into consul, ra tion the squads of chivalry that used to pa«a Ihtough every day or Iwou* der eon- v y of a corporal's guard, for - journ nt Cnmp Chase or Johnson's Island. ml tn | ing his home, and lingered until huild- j night, lie hns a large family. hundred handtiome huiidin by the 1st of duly. Others of small eapi- i tal are commencing to char their lot-' preparatory to building The admission j of the Slate into the Union weu d hav- n j wonderful effect on the business and p-o- { peels of the city. Ciudiaiists nr., careful > in investing money umii the Sta'e ami ! her citixens aru rehabilitated iu all iliuir civil rights. them the priceless heritage of a spotles tamo and name, ln his death this cit has sustained a great lo?s. — Montg Adr 27*6. The Haytikn Ukvoi i tion.—The IT. S. steamer l)e Soto arriveil imn l*ort nu Prince on the lff.li instant. Her advicis slate that Gen. Salnave, tie ,lt»r tf tho revolution, i- mi Monte UhrUt<», San l).»- iiiiogo. With his start’ an i S.c ate, recruit ing lii< army, and that In-1- h* ing strongly rein farced by Uesetlers iroin ti fl’iarit’.- armv. There i- gieat exeitomeir at Port I nm’uri' v. I »»u Prince. Ueinrorceuien sare being sent to Caiu» Haytiun, and an attaek is contem plated on the British steamer Jamaica.— Tho packet captured by the rebel Vol- rogue was really an English steamer chartered by Getfrard, ami contained ‘ »ps un i munitions of war. Tnc cup- •eased, will be auld lo the highest bidder, nt | uhlic aucion, i u the lkth and I3lh January, 1HOO. A lino COTTON and CORN PLANTATION. «*«>iitaintriK ab-iut (1200) twelve hundred sore*, locnteii ten miles Ir- in Union Springs, nn the road lending to Clsytou. There are between six and seven hundred acres of cleared land upon the place, in good condition; G50) one hundred a"d fifty acres of which is first clues bottom Und, in a high state ot oultivatiqn. Tho place is finely watered and iu a pleasant mid healthy neighborhood. There is a large an 1 fine Orchard ou the place. AI-". at the same time itnd place will be so4d te ilO head <0 fine Horses and Mules and xt\a tine Jut-k, filO) thirty head Cattle, Personal.—Gen J.**»qiii K Jalmttun, I the beloved commander ot the (ate 1’ -n federate “Army ot T*«-nti.--.-.*!•,’’ arrived in our cit; yesterday m..ruing, slopping at tho Gayo-o Hi> vim was mu* pur* l\ I of business, limiU-d txi a lew May hours— ' leaving, nr h»* did. on the live ..chick L aekut. He was tapnirmi-'y wel« .uu.-.j . V the few "f his ol o m* ad. s who ki « vv of , is being in t >wn, and wh.i i • h good fortune to exchange Lurried greet ing* with him. It is something of a coit cidi ncc that hi , and Gun. Sherman ibould have m.-t bore, the one in the discharge of I.«a ■ rdman’ 1 military duties, and inn oth* r in the pur suit* ol private tusiuuss. Thcr nice;iiig was characterized by the kindliness vn , over inspires the Hue so di- r when t.« »tui ties have ceased. Their previous meeting in North Caro.ina *»« pregnant w in mn- • mentous results. Tnun they met as ene in ins. Now they are friends and lellow- counlrymon, cherishing for o»eh other re spect and kindness. Can. •i tun country einulalo the example ol these two greatest of living commanders ? [Mcmpkig Appeal, 2dfA. I.kk’h Surrknher PrkmKDITATKIi — • Th" following passage i* from the fmili- ! coming volume of PoPaid's Southern history of "iho Fourth Year cf the War’ : ' Thero can bo no doubt in his ry that . General Lee, in taking his army away fr on Richmond and Petersburg, had do- > idi*d, in his own mind, upon th.* In pc lu—nops of the War, and had p~«*.f«*t«»r- mined its surrender. The m.»-t striking nr. of of this is. that on his re.rnat there was ini order publi»h«’d against *tragglinT —a hing u li precede tiled iu all ditipiernte and stragetic retreats—and nothing w hat ever done to maintain discipline. The re*’n were not nnitnaird by the stylo of general orders usual on such oeca-ion*. They straggled and desi r'.ed almo-l at will. An i>i«H ran through tbs Ylrtiuis troop* that With the atMindoninuiil of Richmond the war was l.opelnfs, arid that th.y would ho justidud in refusing to fight outside the limits of their S ate. Nothing was done to chuck the notorious circula tion of this notion in the arm? Tne Vir ginia troops scattered off to their l.o.in s at almost every mile of the route. We have that Pickett was left with only 1 luro is considered ju-iifUble. . « x tv a u ii o Jink, 1.4)1 thirty head Oatllc, one ' yoke Oxen, fort • head Stock Hogs, eight thou- •und pounds Pork, tl200) twelve hundred bush- »-'s Corn. <15,000) fittecu thousand pounds Fod der, teed Oats, l'eaa, Sugar Cauc ami Rice. \imi, thico Wagons und liarneM. Plow Gear, riai'.tutii.n 'I ools of all kinds, one s**t Uurpen* | l!*r and Blnektimith Tools, Hou.-eh >ld and Ivitchcn Furniture, and numerous other things ton tedious to mention. 1 onus of sale: The land will be sold in two payments—one half cash, the remaidder iu twelve month*. , ALL OTHER THINGS CASH. C. H. TARVER.\ Kw . L. M. TARVER. I ori - dec 30 td* 104 Bbls. Flour. 20 Boxes Cheese. 5 Bbls. Sugar, 15 Bbls. No. 1, 2, and 3 Mackerel, 6 bbls. do. do. do. 6 '4 bbls. do. do. do. 10 Kits No. I, 2 and 2 Mackerel. 20 Boxes Raisins, 10 Sasks Coffee, H Cases Sordines, 6 do. Pickles, 4 do. Brundy Peaches, 10 do. Bourbon Whiskey, 5 do. Schnapps, 5 do. (iin Cock Tails, 10 do. Champagne. 20 doz Whittemore Cotton Cards, 20 dot. do. Wool do. All of which we will sell very low to close con signment. COXE k BROOKS. dec, 2y 2t S.&J. PALMER & CO. TIP-TOP" ASSORT- FOIl NilKK1PP. M’e are autlmrized tu ai.nnunce GEORGE W. MARTIN us a candidate for Sheriff of Miucge at the election in January next, dec Id te l'’or Tax C illuctor. We are authorized to unnounca thecii R. W. B. M UN 110 ;ia a candidate for Tax Collector forMaa county, ut the elociun iu Ji.nunry next dec 12 lo Fur Tax Culluctcr. The friends of I. T. BROuKS sdluuim a candidate f..r Tux Collector of Una county at the ensuing election in January i dec 10 te Notice. For the convenience of Cunriicntf-^lfi gouiery and West Point Hail K'-ad, I eat found at tho Nouthcin Kxpnas Office fro* 12 o'clock x. u. and 2 to 5 p. u. Persons receiving freight by this read please call at the oflico before aeii.lir.g u Depot (at Girard; lor their goods J. E. Al’PLEK, Arm. dec 12 tf Now is Your Time TO BUT dec 2S 1 w W. P. TURNER & CO., 14:*^ 33i*oad feit, A RE now in receipt of a well selected stock of GROCERIES, among which may be found some desirable goods, such as: Essence of Coffee, Granuiatod Chickory, Coffee, Sugar, of all grade*. Allspice, ground. Ginger, Copin. Adamantine Candies, Sperm do. brandy. Whiskey, (Jin. Nutmegs, Cayonne Pepper, black do. Mustard, all grades, Choc date. Washing Blueing, Indigo ami Ma'dder, Duruett Extract.-, dec 28 tf Port and Maderia Wine Gray Potash. Pocket Knives, Kuives and Forks, Macaboy and Scotch Snuff, O JUST RECEIVED AM) FOR SU.F. LOW SADDLES, BRIDLES, \U1H MARTINGALES, COLLARS, &c., Ac., Ac. CALL SOON AT MY NEW SI'jKF. t'NDKlt BANK OP COLl** ri W. L. SHERMA) deo 29 tf GENERAL INTELLIGENCI A KkmA.KKA1U.K Cask — A K41amft/.i«» lMichigan) correspondent of the Detroit AdvortinT relates the following : A Mrs. U'lxvlaiid, who has long beer, a rM'Unt of this county, aiui who has la ho| eln WHS SOIlt J For Sale or Rent. ssly insane tor m-arly thirty years, i nt f"''T Gy her hubhnmi in California ' .*• Acinmipanipa by a daughter-in-law, they 1 1»'U here ai d proc< vie i on tl o Jouiney by aiioT. When about V,«ur days out from Now Y’ork, n most violent ►t<»rm arose, which lasted for three day*, seriot sly IhrcHleniPK the dp*truction of the su-ami r niuf loss of all on board. Whon, how ever, tl e storm abate i, what was tue sur prise and dolignt of the daughter to find ihnt tho old lady had suddenly recovore 1 her mind and was perfectly sane! though she was at a loss to knew Imw she waS in the place, and under the circumstances she found herself, on awak ng Ir in such long sleep of the intellectual faculties | WILL SELL OK RENT on the premises, I "ii the Sth of January, 18ts». my Piantati"n. * ‘*i filling of 545 acres, more or le»s, 500 of whii'h aic cleared, situated in Kussoll county, A.iiuama. near the old Federal road, five miles w»*st ol Sami Fort, und seven miles north of lUti'hecbuhbee depot. Mobile and Girard Rail road- There is on the plaoo a eomlortable Dwelling with six rooms, ami a fire-place in cucli room; one excellent Giu Home, ko.; well watered and healthy. I will iilen sell at the same time four Mules, ••ut Horse. 20 head Cattle. Pork and Stock 1}"**. torn, fodder. Peas, Potatoes, House and Kitchen Furniture, a Road Wagon, a out-horse >' ft n uud Buggy, lerws carh dec 30 ids li. fr LOVE OVERCOATS, CHINCHILLA UKAVKH, MOSCOW UKAVKfti Ac. Ac. .Which we now offer, BONA-FIDE, at New-York Prices! UNITED mil HOTEL LOUISVILLE, KY. Centrally located and the nearest Hotel _ i all public offices, places of public amuAi went and churches of the city. STOCKTON & CO., FKOl'KIKTORS. JOHN T. COX, (Late Col. C. S. A.) Chief Clerk. dec 28 tf OFFICE M). 65 BROAD STREET COLUMBUS OA. Success Attends_ tha Dihg* CPKCIAL NOTICE.-I >>•;« O .ttcntlcmto tl i 1 ' 1 mtr.Uni <h»v V ,n .uyi iV; ;k-*!^' - J tich dn Hous'S. Lots. Farin' specie* of property A Partner Wanted X OKSTLKMAN wbo '»'’LV.htiVi'- A in u lnerxHvn '' with a small capital apply to An Auctions r A FIRST-RATE EBIKK cm ' A i' SALT. 350 " iACKS I'U'KRPOOL ^ALT^landing A Card of Importance. Come and see if it i dec V4 tf BOYS’ SCHOOL. AAR. T. B. COVLDINQ will r»- £▼*- open his Schuel for Boys on T( KSuiY, January 21. • School Room over Temperance Hall. Tuition $.0 per term, payable one ball in advauco dec 29 3t* % A VALUABLE COTTON PLkNTiTION Jor Sale, On Consignment. DIHEtr IMPORTATION PROM HAVANA. 45 Boxes Sugar; 25 Begs Coffee; t 5o Boxes Macaroni and Vermicella; 84,000 t ‘igar*; 25 Boxe* Castile Soap ; For sale at reasonable prices, by , ^ McKKNDRKK k KING, dec 2$ 3t Being the Agent of ERWIN k HARDEE'S LINE OF STEAMERS, running between Augusta* and Savannah, and having a thorough knowledge of the FORWARDINQ and COM MISSION BUSINESS, I am prepared to act in either capacity for my former patrons with a guarantee of prompt attention to all consign ments ol Cotton, Ac. WM. B. DAVISON, Ag't. Augusta, Ga., Deo. 27—lm situation, by apply**'* j jj gl’ii-* FOR SALE, rr>UAT very Jt'sir«b> 1. in which Mr* J"** n . *«. - Thore i. li »»«* "I'H*. J..u->* ; iiln, rnnliif. well fini-nel. . • . fa *muke house*, rarriair* gar mile from f.wn; hasone ot f|orl J thi* section : P " '} i ' r<k,fr finely laid off ***d P Jtc , in abundsnee Ibe WJS Touted n tref«.‘ 5 - Apply t® j FOR SALE: A nice Rule place. capab^'Jj * ment*. containing • smal 1 framed hous^«' ^ e »m v ; c r.Unt C o“euT., “a c i-‘ 1'^”;, .«.■ e be h.d if .ppBc.tien be »» Je 5 H . To Bent. (JW Tbe beautiful f „ in Summerville, Ala.. - i . A l*rg« It eonUini* O'® r "V' u kto viueyurd »ud urebatd. A ' ,10 ,i H 51 Wanted. £>i AS^'tS^ ' ,oc " to FOR sale,. Inilal fnuo M«l>U«»»' r > * rbe land. R. runntn, tkroufb it. ‘ ,, j. ".""i'Aqe-tp abundant,^ W. K. HARRIS, Commercial Broker, NO. *V MAIN STREET, Between Third and Fourth, (at John Snyder k Co'*) lv u*e and *crfw Thir Flaotatt"ii which a waryh"U»« SALE. LOUISVILLE, KY. VyiLL be wild un Saturday th. ,Uth of Jan- | Particular attention paid to the I »* uary, 1H-C, utuiy place, on tha rir.r, nine „ r . . 1 hr ten miles above Cel urn bus, t or 10 Mules, a o ^Jraiu aud I r<>au«.e. purchase of handful of uten. Some of tho brigade eoiittnamUr* had not hesitated to .d\i«i» their men that the war was virtually over, and that thi*y had better go Lou)" and make a crop." the ai»loni»hmenl of her hu-band to see her wuom he had not seen for nine year*. «nu whom ho doemod hoiH*lo—ly a man iac, »ound and well, and joyfully reuog- i icing him! Tni* wa* a vmr ago. Lat ter* r«*<^itly received by her friends Imre state that there has been no return of tho »li«ea*o whatever, and that she i* well and entirely cured. ]* there at.other such case vf cure on t word 9 cleared Fine Al»|d« and Peach Orchards. A n < >d trained Dwelling with four rooms and p . v,uv. I•!>; r.bveiueutf gmxi. This place is iioiva 'or iu t roducuven««s, health and good ranae; *U>ut 18 mile* from Columbus. I wifi •ell with tbe place il«,r*e«. Mules. Hogs, Goats, t aitle. Provoions, and everything to make a 1 120 gallons 5"rghum lllorseor two. 70 ben'l of cattle, including a i dec 28—3m* large proportion ot Milch Tows; 75 bend of .MB »n good order, cciefly from three to six months old : 50 or fiO Sheep; probably a few| huutlre,! bushel* ui Corn, ami ok many of Cotton ISeodMw^rag_»n*. one for two or four horaea ; jl i.Stable. The recetP j« at a **'V.vd c.uJd be k«;, u ,t ceil'te "l c ". b*'*' * a 100 *o c.’nTcuiei.i-' toMou^u,. hie pUc. for » B*iry * ,u being excellent. J^n * ..Apply "• __ cot'- 1 ! Advances on tlulif. Mules ! Mules! "Uipli te > utfit. t*v>s*esai m given any time to Also, 25 extiaTsr. e well broke Ten-’ Terms for all lumi of $ 0 and under, cash— neeeee Mulee, for sale at Williams k McGehee’s r all sums over li — —* interest and security. UKNRY deo *9 ids tu* purchaser. Call soon and make ar~ l for all sum* over $30 a credit of 12 months, with Stable, below Cook's Hotel, rangcuienti for a cotton crop to pay for all aud 1 *“* —* —•* 1 VT — * *■ * * * leave a haudsome balance, doc Kirn A. 0. RKDP. L. BENNING. Stable, below Cook's Hotel, on Broad street. Now is your chanoe to get the hind of Mule yo want, K. J. PIN t K A lv I». mllK SuWribcri Cottou. . tl1 -' d« * Kerosine u 11 - O m Y . ..p-rior lC |] a. j- t’f Lri* r k ,t0 a Li Ladi od b read d it* resi si ripti‘ here Tbci rofi'-L cesbi The) utlerj greal lsewh Tbe de o xture ne pi Tbe o»d o or tbe We s isrg ii.K*** dsy* i ferent lure 1; look. tion, ( for in »fi, Cl rate t Tht a s the done fxpec go toe but if tbe t let thi fun Circu comp Sim »how Tbe t Go i Tht D. F wharf s ver doubt She a tbe w The chees Sir, ll ftt Ke Th the are t perse that i Li* i In good *evei the n Tb rill a Circi Hi isle day. «»!'!