Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, January 04, 1866, Image 1

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ant fS, *k\ agland & Wynne, Proprietors. months * •nth* copies ,nl deduction will be made in favor of iji anil Dealers. 1AT US of ADVERTISING. p week $ 3 60 o weeks 6 00 DAILY ENQUIRER. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION OP TUB CONSTITUTION—AN 1IONBIT ANO ECONOMICAL, ADMINISTRATION OP TUB GOVERNMENT. T 10 It M a UF THE ILY enquirer. Btb» $ l oo - 3 00 6 00 •■10 cents. re*, one week three wouks - ; “ : jL XI % ■ JS Ja .5 5 1 - p c 1 a ; P 1 a | b (3 H 1 x £ * 35 a . „•« ; rt f ^ *o . <£> j P- so “j 2 ; Iji 124 $30 *36i$40 $45 $60$55 $60 $05 $70 J(» 3(i 45 48 54 oo; «»»■ 72 78. 81 90 38 45 52 59| 06 73 * 80! 87 94 Dll 108 jj 65 63 71| 791 87i 95,108 111 119 127 nd 75 85 UQlltfl'lW 117 126 188141 149 ;n ju inn 110 120'180 140 160 100 170 180 .i I 5 I4U'15.»i170 185 2*9 215^30 246] 260 >150 ltfOiJQD 2201240 2BO»31*S0O32O $4t: „ Vi 17 * -W^.VJaO 275 300 325 350 375 400 Irertiseinonts i»ublished less tfinn one square for the first insertion >nU per square for each subsequent tiiicmonts inserted # at intervals to be each insertion. ts ordered to remain on any iUri*itfC, to be charged as new each iu- ...jeinentsnot specified ns to time, will dialled until ordered out, and chargod [ ng \* Advertisers are requested to state iberot insertions desired. u rertiiMacnt®HM>nsi4sred due from the jertiynaudcolledubUjao^^ing^^^ lai ide IN EKEfTING 1.ETTI3H FROM MEXICO. City ok Mexico, Dec. 2, I8&>. of the Charleston Daily News: iriivcd here some two months since rugged, weary and jadod; sore at ,a our recollections of the part ied, an xioup and doubtful, ye$ m>4 hope for the future. I hidldttera Pre*ton, of Kontucky, and other ais(K*d Confederate exiles, some of bold poritions of honor and trust Imperial Court or Council Board. ns very kind to me, and placed jer groat obligation by his polite pus— introducing me to the, various icnt Americans resident here at and afterwards, also, bein^instru- l in procuring me an audience of serial Majesty, as well as with the .;ule Montholon, tho Fronch Am ir. At the palace of the latter I legend fortune to be presented to ill ihiZHino, the Oommander-in- uf the Fronch forces in Mexico. As ter of course, our late unfortunate nd the policy of the United States d* Francs and Mexico, were the ts discussed at this interview, extremely pleased with the Em ile lias a line faco and figure, lie looks rather young for his posi- ry prepossessing in bis manners, :ed, courteous and affable; expresses If with fluency in French, Spanish, loglith, as well as in his native Ger- Jlcbas a tine mind, which appears re been well cultivated. He seems treciato the difficulties of his posi- end U'snxious to shape his policy so give offence to none (if that were ile); to steer clear of tho prejudices to assail him on all aides, and yet to land carry out such measures as he es will lead to the establishment of spire on a firm basis, and to the fur- nca of the best inloreaU of Mexico er people. m end, Maximilian is calling him men of talent from every part world. Jle has Mexicans, Amori- parnards, Germans and Freuch- in his service. Our distinguished oil Astronomer and ruler of wind and Lieut. M. F. Maurv, has here found rabie retreat. He is one of the wliors of Bute. Generals Price and uder are here, winning golden opin- f. Ths former is a sterling soldier and ■druler of men, in whatever position LLA 1. l W as pleased to learn that boon- >te confidence of all who come in ^with him. General Magruder is ne same energetic, impetuous, go- 1 character we know him at Malvern perhaps looking a little more sub- •nd his hair a shade more gray.* He in linn health and spirits, and, I not, will make & name for himself land of tho Montozutnas. Preston and Kirby Smith were fHRiimo ago, but have left again; fuGovernors Hurris of Tennessee, J«f Louisiana, and Reynolds o( Mis* »ro .-till here; and many more gen- “ character and distinctron at who liuyo cast their lot with this 7 I will not hero enumerate all names, as 1 do not think they would ; Mich notoriety. *** not yet seen the Empress. She I ucatun at present, and there met ‘tnofit enthusiastic reception. She Ir f popular with all classes here.— young and vory handsome, courte* •d atninble to those around ner, and •nd charitable to those dependonton °unty. She is the only daughter, hiow, of the King of Belgium, a first therefore, of Queen Victoria, and toother's side grand-daughter of citizen King of France, ,Louis I'Pt*. Her situation hero cannot be pleasant, I imagine. Removed from •r relaiives nnd friends, and from the P»nu>hs of her childhood, in a foreign ir y, whore all is strange that meets ye or strikes her ear. The contrast, Jetwoen life and people in Brussels, l ' r > icniift, and that of Mexico, with nV i m ? rato population, cannot be k 8 ,ou ^ think. But, as she is 8 ' ,e may soon get herself accli- ' a, m hoconie the mother beloved of and nourishing empire. 8 vera Cruz are looked *ri° c 2, n!, iderablo anxiety by manv of . i 1 ho exile finds a mournful solaco i J eUeri or P»PV* he receives frpm was once bis home. Though he has • country, ho cannot divest himsolf _tuost li vely inter,eat for h#r weWafe. ior obvious reasdna, I Vra doubly J 4* i° observe the attitude of the I •*** mates toward this bountry. It >l bo denied that this subjoct is ene e most engrossing among all classes tsilignnt peoplo hore. The French, J, ?° Maximilian, have all aipng bo- , ,n the continuance of pacific roU- tho Unitpd states, and have tu avoid everything Hbat oould , a *°HSt provocation. Thero was a , collision threatened on' the Rio ,, . About a month ago, and serious , 6 **** apprehended therefrom: but I j ® l '»e matter was amicably adjusted ®*' n the two (Generals commanding on *h°ros of tho Rio Grande st* WeitzHl and General Mejia, o appointment of General John A. L * 8 Minister to the RepuVIteof Mex- ^hs the fi ral offl c i a i a 0 t of the United Fnt 1 a ,Jtu nled 10 a . d ®t*nnined, per il hostility toward the Government Maximilian. This policy is most in- »r h 8.« “ 8 -, If lhe '“lootlon h N., ,^“ rd '* to 80ok Kn °P #I > rupture u^ s P h 17, 1 )' ■'• h16 *PP“inlme n t of Gen. 'l*' n »"OU(th. It i. cert.iulv in'vih u' i ' I dunraz Government ^ h .;:,, hu w “ 0 k ( uK .' C f .L , e ,u , lona ' 11 ^ * ‘ ch.oee for mcoett It. uriny is a lawle., mob of robber. enH ™wl,1t "buUerVh 1 ,n >*h ny ° f , lhe offlo « r » "»l H u- lt f- th “ n tho runk »nd file. In. deed iliBcu’hno scums to bo entirely io- nored Guerilla warfare ia tho fSvonto method, ami you know perfectly woll what that moana. 'i be whole clv'liz.od world approvoa the conduct of Kina Vio- tor Emanuol who i, clearing the fcini- dom or NapleB of tho hands of briganik that have, up to tho proaont limo, main, ta nod an armod oppoailion to bis rule At last accounts ho had shot or ox- ecutcd several thousand of them. And rnT/i? brigands are goutlo- men and soldiers, to these savages that profane the name of Liberal and Republi can in their unclean mouths. 1 Hut will it he said that Maximilian dooa not occupy tho whole of Mexico7 It ia easy ta ahow the abaurdity of auoh an ob jection. Mexico contains 712.8S0 aquare RiimiVtn nd w“ po l mlatio| i of »bout K,000,000—about obo man, therefore to every sqoaro mile. When it ia further more remembered how impassable for largo armies a great part of tho country is it will bo Been why the Kmporor prefers to concentrate his troops in a few places ol Importance, rather than scatter them in mountain fastnesses, more difficult of ac cess to their friends, the quartermaster ’and commissary, than to thoir deadly foes the lurking brigands of tho Sierra. ' No! Maximilian and his able advisers know perloctly woll what they are about They are masters of the situation: and tho .Liberals will inevitably work out their own Uestiuction ifthey are lotalono. Look at their soige of Matamoras. For mdmlis they have kept a hundred crew of marauders lurking in tho vicinity of that city, harassing and preying upon tho people ot substance, ovor ths State of Tumaulipns. This, in their military vo cahUlary, is called a siege. As to their lying bulletins, and an. nouncemouts of brilliant victories over tho French, there is no olid to them Here no ono pays tho slightest attention to them I and I am surprised that the shrewd peoplo of the North should he gulled by them. The Emperor has recently issued two important decrees—one of them oxtond- ing (from Nov. 29) tho time in which the Republican soldiers, laying down thoir arms, wore lu he granted amnosty ; and tho other, ordering a draft of soldiers throughout Mexico. Immigrants are ar riving in largo numbors from ovory quarter of the globe; a cheering indica tion nnd prooi of the confidence abroad in tho stability and security of Maximil ian's government. My letter is getting somewhat long, and f et 1 must leave a good deal unsaid. But must not forget to toil you that the so- called Liberals have gone to quarroling among themselves. Another Richmond now appears in the field, in the form of a rival President to Juarez. The new claimant is Gonzaloz Ortega, whoso friends protest loudly, and with all their plight, that Juarez,according to tile Mex ican constitution, is no longer President; that Ortega is now tbo only President of tho Republic. In holding power, alter his term of office has expired, Juarez, they say, is a usurper; and they proclaim him such, and appeal to all Mexicans,and friendly syinpathizersand well-wishers of tho Liberal cause in Mexico, to throw oil' J uaroz, and give their support to the con stitutional President, Gonzalez Ortega. This new imbroglio will only hasten the final downfall and dispersion, or annihila tion, of tho whole tribe of malcontents, and therefore is rathor welcomed here than regretted. This is the day of trial for Mexico. If she can weather the present storm; if Maximilian prove himself a wise, concil iatory, as well as firm sovereign (tho Haps- burgs have never been deemed deficientin the falter quality!; if Franco will continue hor present policy, quietly awaiting the solution ol the problem; if the United Statos will see tho much greater advan tage that must accrue to her in having a nuigbbor with asecuro, fixed government, iusteud of tho continuod broils and quar- COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4, 1866. VOL. VIII.—NO. 3. ■ WU.VUV. vuu VUIIIIUUUU UtWIIB n IIU IJ UBr* re Is of a sot of brigands, such as she has bad to deal with hitherto on tho southorn bank of the Rio Grande; if Moxico shall bo permitted to develop her immense re sources in mining, in grazing, in the cul ture of cotton, and in a thousand other products of commercial importance—6ho may yet take her place in the foremost rank among the civilized nations of the earth. Tho Emperor is a man of enlarged views, and is resolved, if possible, to make Mexico a great State and her people a groat nation. That he has undertaken a most herculean task, I will not deny.— There is ver}- much to thwart him and bring to nought his best laid plans and most beneficent designs. The people are ignorant and superstitious, and, from long misrulo, impatient ol all control. The priosthood is corrupt, and the ma jority of -them, perhaps, entirely unwor thy to fill the sacred offico they hold. They wield a largo influence with tho people; and as they do not consider the establishruoht of tho Empire to their in terest, of course they work against Maxi milian. Then thero aro those firebrands —the leaders of tho Liberal party and adherents—who, in their selfish ambition, hre ready to sacrifice their country for the moro chance of a little brief authority. They aro obstinately blind, and will not see tho inexorable logic of events. An empty treasury, and a heavy debt, with thoir necessary concomitants of large tax''* n n d heavy customs duties, is another of the diliicultios of tbo Imperial Govern ment. Still, numerous as aro these drawbacks, 1 do not consider them insurmountable ; and, again I repeat, if Maximilian is tho man for the place, I feel sure that a glori ous destiny is awaiting Moxico, and that the Emperor Iturbide, Maximilian’s legi timate successor, may yet bo numbored among the proudest sovereigns of tho globe. LEBER. Five Men Suffocated to Death, A day or two ago wo gave a briof ac count of a dreadful affair which occurred in Chicago on Saturday night. Tho de tails arii given in tho Daily Rost, as fol lows : At No. 187 VVost Lako street, a man named H. C. Sohlo keops one of those low saloons and boarding-houses that are to be found in all par s oi the city. This place is principally occupied by German working men, who are packed into a small, close, (jonfinud rooms; as thickly as her- Yings 1h a barrel. The wonder is that men can jive under such frightful eircum- stancos. The rdorti in which the tfagedy of which wo are speaking occurred is a small apartment situated iu tho back part of the house, is about fourteen foot square, with a low, black coiling, and contains four beds, for tho accommodation of eight persons. At nYar midnight «n Baturday, men ontorod the den, ior tho purpose of passing th'h They slept; and it w'ftsnruit l ‘MotTg. deep sleep which knows no waking." On Sundiiy morning, at tho ordinary liroskfast hour, tbo parson, oc cupying tbo room did not oomo to tbo tuuul MS usual, anil, thinking that thoy were ovorslooping themselves, tho proprie tor woqttu arouse thorn. Ho knocked at the door several times, but roemyipg no ,»o»wer l h, became alarmed, and finally burst open iho door. What a horrible sight was there 1 The raotn was filled with poisonous air, and so overpowering was th, stench, that for a time tho room could not bo entered. As the fresb air entered it, however, and the poisonous air o-caped, it soon was safe to go In Several persons then entered, nnd on tho low, dirty beds the six men wore (bund lying—five of them dead, end the : l 1’hnle Leona u serai ssWilllselt ,xth dying. Thoir facos were swollen sud discolored; troth i.sued from their lllelr °y«i were cioBed, I!ii 'i, " w y , , i straight end stiff and cold On examining tho apartment, it was found that tlm "cap" had fallen off i r„,wo U | t , 1 ,i. uf 8n unu3t ' d K»s pipe, and through It tho gas escaped in a large stream into the room Tbo doors and windows homg Shut, and there being not the slight- “V*' r ‘ h “ lle „‘" »ny part of the room, tho K soon filled it, and the unconscious drau P gh' t ’ 9 a 0 t f n death' e8PiraUOn| l °° k in d °“ r ’ About Marry'lug. Matiumony is as prevalent ns measles ond whooping cough, and seems to bo twioe as contagious. Cupid, though a youth of doubtful patoruity, was yot bo- lievod by well informed anoients to have been the sou of Maks, the god of War, and wo ore disposed to believe it, for as soon ns Mars finished his campaign, Cu- PIU commenced liis, nnd 1ms been prose cuting it with grout vigor ever since.— Ai this present tiino, wo soarcely know any one whoeitlior lius not vory recently murried, or very shortly intends to do so. And thoBO who have not married, and did not intend to do so, huve died, nnd thereby given occasion for sides. Mar riages and sules aro therefore the order of tho day, and though separately con ducted, uro very often considered as syuonymous terms; indeed, you will often hear crusty old buoholors, so from ne cessity, und not choice, cliuracterizo wodlock as a sell, and its participants as being thoroughly sold. Hut we nro not disposed to take this view of the matter, unless the mutch be n morconary one, and thon tho resemblance to n sale is soinowlmt strikiug, as overy one must admit. During tbo war, for various causes, the principal of which wus tho difficulty of living, matrimonial ulliances somowlmt fell off. It is a remarkable fact, which has been noticod and commented upon by political ooonomists, that whore a man's utmost efforts uro not sufficient to support himsolf, lie is uot likely to saddle himself with a wife. Here is a case, then, where lovo yields to common souse, and is one of tho few instances where it does ; for if thero is a proposition sus- eoptible of complete demonstration, it is the assertion tliut lovo makes a fool of its victims. And tho wisor a man is, the lurgeris the fool which is made of him. Sir Isaac Newton, Swedenborg, Sir Humphrey Davy, and uiuny othergreut men, have boon also tho greatest ot fools when under the influence of tho tonder passion. Wo know many men in this city who exhibited great wisdom and sa gacity in all tbo afiuirs of life, uulil in volved in love transactions: then they made asses of themselves. There is one consideration to be kept in view in any discussion of this matri monial question, and it is this: that ow ing to tho disunities of war the ladies greutly outuumber the gentlemen, and uftor ull the lattor shall have taken wives there will bo a large residuum offominiuo loveliness unprovided for. This will be unfortunate, but we sec no remedy for it save in polygamy, which wo are not prepared to advocate nor society to re- oeivo. Wo beiievo tliut it is tho appre hension on the part of therladios that tho gentlemen will shortly run out, which has given such an impetus to marriages of into. No lady likes to live and die an old maid, consequently offers have been snnppod at siuce the war whioh would liavo boon rejected had men been more abundant. On the other hand, the in centive whioh has operated in driving tho men to murry has been the fear, on their part, that after nearly all the marriagea ble material hud been absorbed the scramble and competition for the remain ing beaux would become so fierce and bitter that no mpi' could survivo it. To esoapo such u dilemma, tho men are marrying in hot linsto, and without tliut degree oit caufipn and foresight which should enter Into every step ' of this im portant ohuracter. Wo do not think, ill yieib' of tho gront scuroity of men, that it is fair for widows to marry a second time, until all the youug maidens have socured husbands. Tho Legislature ought to attend to this matter, and protect tho interests of the young ladies, for without the aid of legal enactments, tho widows uro suro to play tho grub game. Thoy will therefore have to bo rostraiued by the strong arm of the law. as wus done in tho early ool- ouiul history of Virginia, when the House of Burgesses pussed tin act of tho very ohuracter indicated. It wus fouud that all the young men imported into the col- ouy, were at once cHiight by tile widows, by superior wiles and strategems, with out any clinnoo being allowed to tho modest itud retiring young muidons : so the Legislature tock tho matter in hand, and will have to do so again.—Richmond Times. The Gratkst Salt Mine in the Would. —Wo bod tbo pleasure of meet ing recently wilh the Hon. I). D. Avery, tbo proprietor of tbo immense "island,” 11 lake,” or, "mountain" of salt in at. Mary's parish, as we have seen it vaiious- ly slyiej. Ths salt mine or island belonging to Jud^e Avery is perhaps tho most exton- live in tho known world. Tho salt is of s pure chrystal, and, unlike that obtained from the famous Cracow mines of Poland, requires uo rebuffing. During tho osrly port of tho lute war it was ono of the prin cipal resources of supply to tho South. The name of tho island is " Petit Anco," and consists of a hill, at some points one hundred aud sixty foot high, containing about two thousand two hundred ana forty acres of land, surrounded by the waters of Bayou Vermillion, situated about nine miles from Vermillion bay, in the abovo named parish. Although salt has boon manufactured upon the island for many years, yot tho discovery of tho mines was not made un til 18U3. The deposit seems inexhaustible, and promises to be one of tho greatest devel opments of the ago. Although the pro duction of salt in tho United Stales in lBl',0 was nearly thirteen millions of bushels, yet the importation of tiffs article from foreign ports were very largo,—Baton Iiougc (La ) Comet. A bachelor uncle, to whom bis nines applied fur advioe on the question of oboosing between two suitors, ono of whom whs rich and the other poor—the lattor, of coui'su, being the most ardent, as well as the favorite lover- ecntentiously replied: "My dear, tho question beiug stripped ot ull illusory eieuionts, your choice simply lioa betwoeu love aud,hoof. Now, leva is an idea, while beef is a reality. Lovo you can get along with out ; but beef you must have ; therefore make sure of vour beet." Wn. K. Bxdeli.. Ros'r C. Pori. 1TBW BOOT DID SHOE STORE. BEDELL & POPE, No. 166 Broad St., Columbua, (UNDER COOK’S HOTEL), W OULD respectfully announce to theciti- tcriH of Columbus and vicinity that we are now receiving and opening our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, and will continually keep on hand over, style nl Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, and Men's Boys’ and Youths’ Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, and Children’s Coppcr-tiped Shoes. All Grades of Burr, Kip aud Wax Brogans, Great pains has been taken in aeltleg up our . w^To Country Merchants we offer liberal in- dm-'eaients, and invito them to oxaiaino our Also, a fine assortment of Soft and Cashmere Hats. oct 21-tf Just Received. W E HAVE roceirod within Iho past wook another large assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, contistingin part m follows: La ?. ie8 ’ a .’I d Glove-Kid Polish Bnls, " Balmorals. " " Kid and Morocco Bui’s, Lasting Ceogresx, " " Glove Kid Congress, " Gout Polish Balmorals, " Velvet Slippers, Children’s Glove-Kid and Goat Bara, Men’d Calf, Stitched Light-welt Boots, " S. E. Boots, " *' W. P. Boots, “ " Sewed W. P. and Welt Boots. ” " '* and Pegged Bal’d, | " Stitched Bel’s and Congress, “ Opera Slippers, Cal/ Pegged Bnl’s and Boots, " Grain liunter Boots, Youth’s Copper-tipped Boots. BEDELL & POPE, dec 21 tf UNDER COOK’S HOTEL. HOLIDAY PKESENTS NEW YEAR'S BITING DESKS-; GIFTS! W 1U11JNU DESKS-^ RonvomP Mahogany, Wulnut, nnd Ivory Inlaid. pUOTOGHAPII ALBUMS- 1 A rabesuue, Morooco Antique, Turkey Morocco, .. ... .. . , Panelled Hnd Bevelled. Beautifully chased and ornamented with Pearl * and Cumeod, PHOTOGRAPHS Of Confederate tionerals, Celohritiiw, .Stationery, Ac. I^LEGANTLY^Framed Photographs of ’JACKSON, und MORGAN. T>IBLKS, 13 PRAYER ROOKS. HYMN BOOKS, , TESTAMENTS. All styles, sizes and prices. A NNUAL8 ANI) GIFT BOOKS, ^ Elegantly bouud aud Illustrated. 13ACKGAMMON BOARDS, 13 Chessmen, Dominoes, Draughts. uivauu uvuno, Arabian Nights, Girl’s Book, Robinson Crusoe, Lucy Books, Boy Hunters, Mury Lee. Desert Home, Crusaders, Clift Climbers, Groat Bear Hunt, Sell Help. Nothing Venture, Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac. rP0Y BOOKS, X Cinderalla, Goody Two Shoos. Rod Reding Hood. Mother Hubbard, Children in the Wood, liouso that Jack Built, Mother Gooso, Cock Robin. Jack the Uiuut Killer, Bluo Beard. Ac:, Ac P AFER, DOLLS. Games, Alphabet Blocks! Marbles, Balls, Ac-, Ac. -AT- J.W. PEASE’S BOOKSTORE. dec 23—tf Advances on Cotton. T HE Subscribers respectfully inform tho Planters and oihers, th*4 they have resumed making advances on Cotton to the address of Messrs, Burtng, Brothers A Co., Liverpool. Kerosine Oil, O F a superior quality. For sale by f ' tf CART ER A FLOURNOY ESTABLISED IN 1780. T. MACKENZIE & SONS, NO. X.M BATIUOKB STREET, (NEAR CHARLES,) BALTIMORE, MD., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN COACH, WAGON AND SADDLE HARDWARE AND HARNESS MATERIALS. FELLOES. SPOKES, HUBS. BOWS, SHAFTS, AXLES. SPRINGS, ENAMELED AND PATENT CANVAS ENAMELED DASH AND COLLAR XjB A TXXZ1XI, COACH VARNISH, JAPAN AND LEATH ER VARNISH. BEN/.0INE, IiarnMi Oil Blacking, Axle Groue, Carriage Bolt., Band., Oil Cloth, Buckle., TerreU, Hook., Bitta, Ornament., Hamel, Lace, Fringes, Ac., ait at tbe lowest prloe, FOR CASH. Nov 9 w6m EDWIN E. OVERALL, PROPRIETOR OF TI1K Merchants’ Exchange, -AND- NEWS ROOMS, Comtr St. Charles S». mJ Ciustmil Flue, NEW ORLEANS, LA. dee 15tf T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL AND EXPERIENCED WATCHMAKER -AND- : JEWELER, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts,, AT IIIS OLD STAND, Ha. now open a new and rich stock of FINE GOLD WATCHES, KICK GOLD JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE, FINE PLATED CANTORS, ' CUPS, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, PICKLE STANDS, SYRUP CUPS, A-c. ALSO—A fine assor'ment of Silver and Gold THIMBLES. Gold and Silver SPECTACLES. HAIR WORK, Made to order, any design or pattern. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silver und Steel Frames, WATCH WORK and Jewelry repaired by good aud responsible workmen. MR, JAS. FRICKER Has charge of the Watch Department, which in itself is a GUARANTEE that the work wii be done in the best possible manner. Persons having PLAIN Watches can have them JEW ELLED, either in Ruby, Chrysolite' Gurnet or Aquamarine. MR. INGMIRE, Who is too well knofra to need any recommen dation from me, has charge of the Repairing of Jewelry, Diamond setting, Engraving, Are. Get 20-tt Sun copy. _ GOLD PENS. I ’HE FINEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of Gold PENS. Call anil try them at _ ^ „ r T. S. SPEAK’S, Oct 20 tf Suu copy. BRANDE1S & CRAWFORD, LOUISVILLE), KY., GRAIN DEALERS, A ND Manufacturers of the following brands of Flour: W. W. Crawford A: Co., Choice White Wheal Family Flour, No. 1. Woodlnwn XXX Family Flour, Henry Clay XXX Family hiour, Pearl Mills XX tVui>crlinu. Orders solicited. dec 9 1 in* WANTED, LARD and COUNTRY HAMS. oei81—tf K. L. SWIFT. A. V. BOATRITE, 127 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA., OPPOSITE COLUMBUS BANK, . DEALER IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, -AND- ZBL.AJLTJECETS. JOHN P, MANLUV, Formerly of firm of Manley & Hedges. JOHN W, WILLIAMS, Formerly of firm of G. L. McGough Sc Co nov 5 2m For Sale, i SPLENDID BUGGY, at Ditbrow’s Livery A, STRASSBURGER, General Commission Merohant, \VHOLlfiSALK OltOOKR, 10a COMMERCE STREET, IOS Montgomery, Ala. A LWAYS on hand an extensive assortment ot Liquors, Wines, .Sugars and Western Pro duce. Cotton bought to order. Prompt attention given ‘o all consignments: julyl2.—6m THE GEM RESTAURANT, (ODER T. 8. SPKAIi’S.) l*now preparod to fur nish at short notice, at any hour, Day or Nigh.. all the delicacies ut the season—such as OYSTERS; GAME, of all kinds ; FOWLS. FISH, Ao. Connected with the establishment is a fine BAR—at which the purest and lineBt Liquors and Wines may be hnd. Uuoh M. King. James M. Russki.i.. RUSSELL & KING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, GA. I 1 HE above named having formed a part nership, will practice law in Mu.-cogeeand adjoining counties and in Russell county. Ala. •fty-Othoe front room over Guuby’s store, deo 10—1 in BARNETT & CO„ COTTON FACTORS, (JEOCEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner HI. Ci*tr aud ltroad uti., COLUMBUS, GA. 1JROMPT Attention given to all Consign I meiita and Shipments of Cotton to New York, New Orleans and Liverpool. Liberal advances made on consignment*. noy 17 tt_ NO IMPOSITION ! Direct Importation of Habana Cigars: J^ONDUES PRINCIPE, of Wall,.; Loudrea Intimidad; Brevai Ingenuidad: Londrei Soulapio; Conohai el Viajero de Lima; Wholesale and retail by R. F. DIHAY, Corner Randolph and Broad streets. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! J- ENNIS & CO., AUK AT THEIR OLD STAND, 95 and 97 Broad Street, Where they have in store and to arrive a fine stock of HARDWARE, and such goods as are in their line, which they offer to everybody at as low prices as can be afforded. We respectfully return our thanks to our old customers aud friends who have bestowed on us their patronage, and we hope by purging the same course whioh we have through the past to rocieve your trado. We respcotfully in vite everybody trading to Columbus to give us a call. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. nov 29 tf J. ENNIS & CO. H AVE on hand Plantation Iron, all sizci nov 29 tf J. ENNIS & CO. J. ENNIS & CO. J. ENNIS & CO. U AVE unhand BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, nov 29 tt J. ENNIS & CO. H AVE on hand BUILDING HARDWARE, nov 29 LL J. ENNIS & CO. J. ENNIS & CO, H AVE on hand PUTTY, GLASS. PAINTS and OILS. nov 29 ti J. ENNIS & CO. H AVE on hand HOLLOW WARE and CASTINGS. n ov2Vtl__ J. ENNIS & CO. A RE sole agon's for Howe’s, Rail Road, Dor- mint, lHutiorm and Counter fceulcd. \\ ur- .anted equal to any other make, winch we sell at manufacturer's prices. uov2hti_ J. ENNIS & CO. S ELL Upright and Circular Mill Saws, Alao, CruSd Out Saws, Mill Rock, Bolling O'loiha, W ice for Screens, Ac. _ nov 29 U IF YOU WANT Pocket and Table Cutlery, I, Scissors and Shears, Feather Dusters, Uuus. 1 ldtols. Shot, Powder, Caps, Plated SpouUs auu l urk-; in fuel, anything in the Hardware nue, 11 ‘‘ J. ENNIS & CO. CLIFFORD, WALSH & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 17 aud 49 Giavifr aid it Nrw Lrvet Sis., NEW ORLEANS, L.A. Orders for Western Produce filled promptly. Consignments respectfully solicited. VIRGINIA TOBACCOS. As Agents for the Manufacturers we keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Vir ginia Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos. REFER TO Messrs. Chas. Rogors Sc Co., Columbus, Ga.; \V, W. Garrard, Esq., do. Gen. Harry T. Hays, Now Orleans, dec 13—lm CARTER & FLOURNOY, WHOliKSAl.K AND RKTAIL I»EA 1.kICS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Perfumery, e‘to., etc., No. 81, West Hl«le llroad Stn et, COLUMBUS, GA., H AVE ON HAND and are receiving a fine Stock of EVERYTHING pertaining to a FIRST CLASS DRUG HOUSE, whioh they will.sell at aa CHEAP rates as they can be bought for in the city. Wo call especial atten tion to our fine Teas, aa well as to our select as sortment of Fine Wines, Brandy and Whiskey. A few si londid English Lancets, also, Trusses and Syringes of tho latest and most upproved styles. NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL US. Prescriptions CAREFULLY prepared at ALL hours of tho day ond night. SUNDAY INCLUDED. CARTER Si FLOURNOY, dee 21 tf . J. P\ MURRAY, 40 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia. Maker aud Dealer in Guns, ALL KINDS OF UUN MATKRIAI, AND ARTICLES IN THE SPORTING LINE, Re-blocking and Repairing done with nearness ami dispatch. POWDER AND SHOT FOR SALE. Keys fitted and Locks Repaired. sept 13—tf NOTICE. A LL persons having claims against the es tate of H. C. McKee, doceased are here by notified to present said claims properly cer tified at once. And all parties imiobtod to said estate by note, or otherwise, will please call and settle at once, or I will be compelled to place said accounts In the hands of an attorney tor collection, as this estate must he settled im mediately. ^ J. G. McKEE, AduPr. 16 tf I li. M A HUM AL!.. Kd. Pamova Southern Beal Estate Office. MARSHALL PARSONS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, WHITEHALL ST., (Holland House Block, near the Rail Read* ATLANTA, GA. We make sale* of Stocks, Produce, and col lect Rent-. Debts and Soldiers’ Claims, execute Deeds, Mortgages, examine Titles, eto. Nov 9, 186.5—3m M. R. HK1.L. M. R. BELL & CO., (Formerly Bkll, Moore k Co.,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMIBBIOKT And Forwarding Merchants. MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. Consignments are solicited, which will re ceive cur beat personal attention, and the For warding liuainess carefully and promptly done. REFERENCES: Messrs. S. K. McCamy Sc Co., Atlanta, Ga Silvey Sc Dougherty, do. John W. Duncan, Esq., do. Messrs. Horton Sc Walton. Augusta, Ga. Dunn Sc Mangham Macon, Ga. J. W. l'ears A Co., do. “ Robert Habersham A Sons, Savannah. “ Erwin Sc Hardee, do. " Lee Jc Norton Montgomery. Ala A. I. Roach Sc Co Memphis, Tenu. Marcus J. Wright, E«q., do. Messrs. Massingale Sc Snyder. Nashville, Tenn. ” D. 11. Baldwin Sc Co New York. dec 2—3m P. P, Pease dc Oo P. P. m .Scott’s Hanoi, 3d St., No. 17 Alabama at, Bet. Cherry k M ul berry- ATLANTA,QA. MACON, QA, COTTON FACTORS, - —AND— Forwarding and Commission IMIIEIR.aiET^ILTTS. j/ rc JC--JF-: jfi tv ate .v .* JamosM. Beebe. Boston, Mass: D. Rodney Kiug. Philadelphia, Pa; Wm. Bryce A Co.. New York; R. M. Bishop Sc Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; McDaniel A Irby. Lynchburg, Va; Er win Sc Hardee, Savannah, Ga: Guthrie A Co„ Louisville, Ky; Ward. Sbaw A Co., Montgom ery. Ala; S. S, Webb A Co.. Mobile. Ala: Mss- (■enguie Sc Snyder, Nashville; Wm. J. Taylor, New Oi 1 eans. dec 2 3m R. Z. RUCKER, WITS BLAIR & OENNETT, WHOLESALE GR00EHS, COMMISSION AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 130, WEST S1DK BROAD ST. A LWAYS ON HAND & full and oomplete ji Stock Dry Goods, Groceries, Cutlery, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Boots, Shoes, llats. Domestic and Foreign Liquors, Wines, Ac.. 200U lbs I C Tin Ware, which can he had at lowest market prloes— Wholesale or Retail, No difficulty ia having your money changed, aug 21-tf LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. THE Undersigned is now preparedCto. supply ,tho public with CARRIAGES,HORSES and everything in the Livery Business. Also for FUNERALS- FINK HEARSE. Horses taken on Board and Sale. and every attention paid to them. A. GAMHELL, Columbus, Oct. 13-tf CITY FOUNDRY. 'IM1K subscribers would respectfully inform A their friends and tne public generally, that they have REBUILT their FOUNDRY.and are now prepared to do any kind of CASTINGS of Brass or Iron: such as sugar Mills of the most IMPROVEb PATTERN^and any site; which wo will W ARRANT to stANDjSYKU^ KEXILES, BARK MILLS, GIN GLARING, amt any Kind of mill work. We will mnke auy kind of Machinery to or der; such as SAW-MILLS. GRIST MILLS, and in tact any thing in our line. *4" In connection with our business, we have securO'i the services of one of the best PAT TERN MAKERS in the country. We uro also making a * HOLLOW-WARE; suoh mm * SKILLETS. SPIDERS and LIDS. Wo will exchange uny thing in our line for any kind ot Country Produce, at old PRICKS or MONEY. Oniors rospoctfully solicited and promptly PORTER. McILHKNNY k CO.. Near Steamboat Landing, May 19.1865.—tf Columbus, Ga* Girard Male and Female Aoademy. T HE Exeroises of this Institution for the year 1866, trill open on the 8th of January next. Tbe scholastic year will be divided into two Terms of 20 weeks each. Price of Tuition for the 6nt Term. $20. Each pupil will be cuarged from tno time of entering to thecloeeof the term. No deduction for lost time, exoept in oases or Pretracted sickness. 7W.V* tnul 5« paid quarterly is urfixiar.-. J. R. LITTLEJOHN. Sun copy til further notice. J no. T. U LOU NT, W of Talbotton. BLOUNT & CHIPLEY, No. 48 BROAD STREET, GROCERS . -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS PHOENIX FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. menus auu me puoiie Keuurauj. iuai meg have built u first class Foundry and Maohine Simp on Oglfthorpo street, between Franklin and Bridge streets, and are prepared to do anything iu their line of business. We will make any kind ol Machinery to order; sueh as SUGAR MILLS ot any site, with wrought or oust iron shatis. from 14 inches to 18 inohes di ameter; also KETTLES from 20 to 100 gallons, and all the intermediate sixes. We will make to order SAW-MILL8 and MILL WORK generally, of Brass or Iron, and all kinds of CASTINGS. HOLLOW-WARE. PLOUGHS. IRON RAILING, and anything the publle may desire made ol brass or iron. All kinds of MACHINERY repaired with neatness and despatch. lu commotion with our business, we have se cured the services of a first olass freedman, who will luko great pleasure in hauling all Castings iu ado at our W oks to tbe different depots, steam - boat lauding*, or anywhere iu the city, free ot L. II AIM AN k CO. P. S. All kinds of Country Produce takeu ia exchange for work, on liberal terms. augl.*-tt L. H. k OO. Saratoga Restaurant. WEST 91DK BROAD ST., Door to D. P. Ellis' Auction Room UP STAIRS. (Formerly Dr. Wcodruff's office/ THE Subscriber having a purchased this well known I 'nd po— ° * ’ ould t d the publi pains or expo A desirable resorts in the oity, lie will always have uu bund every del'icaoy. this and other markets utlord. Ladies or lamilles wishing meals aeut to their rooms can have them sent to aey pert ol the oity at reasonable rales. J. C. BAKhuW, nov ik ti !lj^ _ public generally, that be will spa expeuse in making this one of tbe e resorts in the oity. He will ai