Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, October 31, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS Of Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred R. Calhoun, P.IOPIIIKTOII. Twolvo mouths, in advance $8 00 Six months, “ 4 00 Threo months, “ 2 00 Ono month, “ 7!io. ('v'f.eklv Enquires, ono year 2 00 A. A W. SPRAGUE. THKIil MXiXt’UI. CONIUTION. rnovinENCE, October 30.—It is under stood that A. it W. Sprague in this city do not suspend to-day, notwithstanding tho failure of the New York House. Upon application at the office of Mossrs, Sprague the information is furnished that the committee of investigation into (he affairs of A. it W. Sprague, appointed by representatives of the city banks, will Ini prepared at a meeting to he held to morrow morning to mako a report, which, it is thought, will be highly satisfactory to the creditors of A. it W. Sprauge and Iloyt, Spvagno & Co. The surplus of uvailablo property at low valuation over nil outstanding liabilities, upon the ac ceptance of Hoyt, Sprague it Co., it is stated will be not less than $11,000,000. A plan will be presented at the meeting to-morrow, accompanied with a detailed report of the situation of the firm, which will, it is believed, if carried out, render (he embarrassment of A. it \V. Sprague and Iloyt, Sprague it Co. of temporary duration. New York, October ,'10.—Tho failure of Hoyt, Sprague & Co., caused a heavy de cline in tho values on stock exchange, and a depression outside. Tho restoration of •ponfideuco previously going on has re ceived a check by this event, which can only bo looked upotr as a public calamity in the present condition, to advance tboir rate of discount to-day, which caused a (Ucliuo bore in both gold and foreign exchange. No change in the monetary situation. Cull loans still being done at 7 to 7 1-32 per cent. Associated banks to-day gained $732,000 legal tenders. There is u fair activity in railroad bonds at lower prices. Tho stock market opened steady but soon becarno weak, and eou- tined to decline until tho one o'clock board, when an upward reaction set in. The deelino ranged from one to four per cunt throughout the list,and tho recovery, up to two o'olock, from one-half to three quarters per cont. Since then tho market Ims weakened. ANOTHER Sl’Sl'KXNIO-V. Loyd, Hamilton & Co., have suspended. They have large interests in Pennsylvania. NUKPENSIONMIN PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, Oetobor 30.—Morgan Young and A. L. Stephens it Co. dry goods merchants, have suspended—liabil ities $000,000. They will be ublo to pay 7. w i or80 cents on the dollar. Tho house sold $2,000,000 annually. Win. M. Lloyd, a Banker of Allentown, 1ms suspended. Lloyd has some half doz en offices throughout tile State. SUSPENSION OF MILLS. ’ll ASSAOUITSETTS COTTON .HILLS O RUN ON HALF TIME. Pall Rivek, Mash., October 30.—A mooting of representatives from tho dif ferent cotton manufacturing corporations in this city was hold at the Board of Trade Rooms lost evening, for the purpose of Considering tho qnestion of reducing tho working time in the mills. The various ills were represented. After having read reports from tho dif ferent establishments, and a discussion on he subject, it was voted that on and after Tuesday, November 4tb, to run tho mills on half timo—four days of each week, and eight hours a days. • All of tho mills—30 in number—came into this nvrangoment except tho Mechan ic and Border City Mills, whioh have con- rncts for the month of November, and he Itobeson and Full River Print Work Hills. These mills employ 14,000 opera tives, and when in full operation their bouthly pay-rolls amount to nbout $450,- (oo. MORE SUSPENSIONS. STHE FERXAEEN IN PENNSYLVA NIA SUSPENDING. New York, October 30.—A dispatch ^rom Pettiburg, Pa., says tho blast furnn- of Moorelioad it Company, on tho unonguUela river, havo suspended, and ; is said the suspension foreshadows tho posing up of the remainder of such fur- ices in this city and Mahoning and She- njptfftf VOL. XV. COLUMBUS, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1873. NO. 259. STOKES' TRIAL ENDED. VERDICT OF HANSLAEGIITER IN THE THIRD DEGREE. split cured t„ Four Veers* Hard Labor. New Yonii, October 30.—Stokes' ver dict is manslaughter in (he third degree, and the sontenoe is four years' hard labor. Judge Davis said : “Iu rendering this verdict, Mr. Stokes, the jury have exhaust ed, and more than exhausted, all mercy in your case. No appeal to this oourt can diminish the sentence from the highest penulty affixed by the statute in the de gree iu which yon are convicted, and that is too light, and apparently trifling as compared with tho great crime you have committed." Stokes was surrounded and embraced by bis relatives, ami thou hurried to the Toombs. BAZAINE. PROGRESS OF HIS TRIAL. Paris, October 30. —Iu the llnzaine trial to-day, Mr. Flokant, a messenger, testified that under fear of capture by the enemy, lie swallowed a dispatch which he was carrying from Thionville to Motz. The dispatou was received and delivered to the officers at the headquarters in Motz, on the 28th of AugtiBt, but was by them thrown into the fire unread. Laeut Nngures swore that he fruitless ly attomptod to deliver the Buzaine dis patch entrusted to him on the 23d of Au gust by tho Empress. He admitted after much prevarication that ho was also bear er of a dispatch to Gen. Bonrbeki. SUIT FOR DAMAGES. W.H. E. IIRITTON vs. II. F. BCFI.ER. New Yoke, October 30.—Tho suit of Wm. E. Britton agniiiRt B. F. Butler to recover $13,000, the amount of two drafts seized by Gen. Butler in 1802, while ho was Military Governor of New Orleans, came up for hearing before Judge Wood ruff' iu the United States Circuit Court to-day. Gen. Butler was present, and ad vised tho United States Attorney, who de fends tho action in behalf of the govern ment. The counsel for Mr. Britton statod that iu 1802, a man bearing two drafts drawn by a firm of which Britton was a partner, doing business iu Natchez, MisH. Ho was arrested while attempting to cross from the robel linos into New Orleans. The drafts wore then valueless, but Gen. Butler compelled Mills, Judson &Co., who were agents in New Orleans for Brit ton & Co., to endorse them and then got them cashed. He claims that Britton was not au onemy of the United States ; that his property could not, therefore, bo con liscatcd by an agent of that Government. WENERAL NEWH. stone of wonderful beauty and clearness of \ wator, and worth n small fortune in itself. | Tho writer’s memory of gonoologieal facts i is n it strong, and as tho earlier editions ' of tho Almanneh de Gotha are at hand, ho \ D}' TelC|[rnpli to the Enquirer. -Ex-Mayor Phil Tompert, of Louis ville, Ky,, is dead. . . . ... ... . , , caunot say whether the lady accepted her -A dispatch from Vienna states that j ))rincely / uitol . but it is v / ry oer £ in th(it nho accepted the egg, for it is still in tho the Empress is daugerously sick. YELLOW FEVER. V FROST —THE DIS ABATING. Little Rock, Oct. 30.—Iloavy frost and clear weather allay yellow fever ap prehensions. Memphis, Oct. 30.—For the twenty- four hours ondiug at six o'olock last night, thero were nine deaths from yellow fever and nino from other causes. Tho Board of Health officially notify absentees that they may safely return. SAVANNAH. MORE HEALTHY THAN USUAL. Savannah, Oct. 30.—The mortuary re port shows Savannah to be more healthy than any previous season, thero being six teen deaths this week from all causes. Reports from Bainbridge states there are five new cases of fever. Bainbridgo is 232 miles southwest of Savannah. thiTweather. Department of War, > Washington, Oct. o0, 1873.) Probabilities.—For Friday in tho Golf States, pouthoast winds, veering to oorth and northwest, with lower temperature o valleys. Thero ere eight of these Bnd clmul - v weather. For the South At- prnacos employing about 10,000 men. FAILURE IN LONDON. I DEALING IN ERIE THE C AI NE. | London, Get. 30.—The failure of a base which lias been dealing in Erie lilroad shares is announced. The Poll |all Gazelle, in alluding to tho oecnr- nno in its financial article, says the luse lately received an order from Jay puM it Co. tu sell .70,000 shares of Erie, Id it took slock personally as buyers. Tin ANOTHER HOMICIDE. PRIZE FIGHTERS—M'COOL KILLS MAI.ROY. St. Louis, October 31.—Patsey Malroy, was to have had a mill in the same ' with Allen and Hogan, was fatally in front of McCool’s saloon. Mc- nl was arrested. Fitzgerald saw Mo- P'l sll0 *»t Malroy. Several others were s tel. Allen and Hogan's fight hns adjourned to Canada. lantic Slates, southeast winds, partially cloudy and hazy weather. marine Intelligence. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. New Yoiik, Oct. 30. — Arrived : str. Algeria City. , New York, Oct. 30.—Arrived: strs. Australia City and Dallas. —The /* rceman e Journal reports tho death, at Coolavin, of Charles J. Mac- dermot, Prince of Coolavin, in tho 7.3th year of his age. The Dublin paper adds: “The friend of O'Connell, his follow laborer in the great work of Catholio emancipation, a true-hearted Irish gentle man. he lived and died loved and revered by the people as chieftain of a clan who, even in their dispersion, paid him an unswerviog allegiance." —In England the population is equal to —The Philadelphia Age newspaper is advertised for sale. Advices from all parts of Bengal, re ceived ut Calcutta, show failing crops and famine. The railroad Rhops at Hartford, Ct., have reduced hours and wages twenty per cent. Theodore Tilton has been expelled from Plymouth Church for refusing to testify in the Beecher scandal case. —A Madrid dispatch Bays it is ascer tained that sixty-six fives woro lost by the sinking of the Fernando Colila. —President Grant has accepted an invi tation to be present nt the laying of tho corner stone of the New York Museum. —Saville, chief clork of tho Treasury, goes to Europe on business connected with the syndicate. Sooretary Richardson says if llio forth coming debt statement does not shmv over live million dollars increase, ho will not be disappointed. —Judge Davis, addressing the Grand Jury, New York, directed them to inves tigate complaints against lottory and pol icy doalers. —The last span of tho great interna tional bridge at Fort Erie, Outurio, was placed to-day. This completes the struc ture. —Capt. Dougherty, chief clork in the post-office at Wilmington, N. 0., has been bailed in tho sum of five thousand dollars for a three thousand defalcation. —A dispatch from Richmond, Ind., says a fight with small arms and six-pounder cannon is progressing in that county over the location of the eoiiuty seat, and pos session of tho county records. —Tho suspensions of Williamson, Schmidt & Go., prodnoo oxp rtors, and Hoyt, Sprague & Co., New York, are an nonoed. Hoyt, Sprague Co. do not deny their failuro, but decline to mako a statement about their condition. Tile I .list German on Frcneli Soil. Franoe beramo, de facto, free from German occupation on September lllth. Thero was some formulity observed in tho appointment of a “last man" bearing Ger man nrmR to quit French soil. Ho is a solid Brandenberger, named Augustus Wolck, twenty-three years old, and be longs to the tilth Regiment, lie stepped across tbo line with tho utmost noncha lance, and muttering against tho weather certain exclamations in direct contraven tion of tho imperial military discipline. Tho sole civilian spectators nt the fine wero two Fronchiuon, one in a gray and the other in n blue blouse. As Welck strodo pa.-d, tho French spectator in gray stooped, picked up a ffag-stnff', unfurled tho tri-color, nnd wnved it aloft, with n shout of “Vive la Franco!” in which he was joined by the blue blouso. General Mnuteuff'el, who was standing just inside tho boundary line, and to whom the shout wus apparently ail- dressod, then rode away. Already French soldiers stood on tho frontier lino us the German commander turned. Gendarmes, who had been concealed in ndjaoout woodR, pushed on iu doublo columns to intercept the Germans iu case thoy should change tlioir minds and nttempt to ro- cross. Bnt (hey did not. They made their way across tho grnvc-ffockod battle field of Gravelotte, wliilo Manteufl'el and his cortege passed on toward Motz. Fort Mantouflel, formerly Fort St. Julien, thundered a salute to the chief from whom it takes its new name as ho crossed tho Point du Jour. Such was tho formal ter mination of one of tho most important events in history. Julin C. llccnnn. A telograjili from Salt Lako City under date of the 2(ith inst., conveys the following information to the Herald: John G. Hooman, the prizo lighter, died on Saturday morning near Ruwlius, on the Union Pacific Railroad, while on the way to Sun Francisco. Ho was a victim of consumption. His body was brought to Ogden, whore a caskot has boon sent from this city for the conveyance of it to New York. The name of the deceased will be long remembered by tho Ameri can people on account of his prize ring battles with John Morrissey and tho lulo Tom Sayers, the champion of England. Heonan was born in Troy, N. Y., whero his father was employed iu an iron found ry. The young man worked fora time in tho same establishment, but ultimately throw up tho Klodge hammer oi iron for the slodgo hammer fistic practice of tbo “manly art." He obtained consid erable notoriety iu this lino during a few years, and then engagod Murrissey on tlie Canadian border line, but wa.sdefeatod by the latter before a dozen of rounds wore (ought, lleeuan sustained an accident during the light, to which his baektrs at tributed his ill luck. Tho grout pluck and endurance which he displayed during (he oncouotor with Suyors—when a stranger iu a foreign land—commended him to the generous sentiment of tlio British people, with whom ho has sinco remained popu lar. Some years ago Hoeuan sustained a vory serious injury, by reason of an acci dent which occurred when on ono of llio English railways, and for which the com pany compensated him by paying a heavy bill of d images without going into court. His physical system never completely re covered from the effects of tho Hhock which it then received. So, after lingor ing with moro or less bopo since, John C. Heeuun has just now passed away from life. How l’rliiccii Tell Tliclr Love. It seems that at one timo some stripling of a prince, with ample means, and who knew that the thing had got to be done up handsomely to produco au impression, decided to send an Easter egg to the dam sel of his love, who, in this case, happen- ed to bo a princess of the royal house of Saxony. So ho called a skillful jeweler to his aid, and the order was giveD. The re sult was an Easter egg such as had never been seen before, and lias certainly never sinco been equaled, which to-day is pre served in tho Green Vault. Frinco and princess have passed away, hut the in genious trinket remains to tell how tho scions of royally told their love in tbo days of old. To tho ordinary observer it is an egg and nothing more. Bnt close examination reveals a lino of separation which oncircloH it, and fur ther search discloses a spring. Touching this the egg-shell, which proved to bo one person to every 7,340 squsre yards: gold, enameled to represent a shell, opens in \\ ales one person to 18, <77 square j and reveals a chick, fledged, with every strong rooms of tho house of Saxony, n curious and coatly trinket. —A Discouraged Editor.—Yeatorday we engaged n new “local”—that is, a now assistant. The old ono we had last iveok evinced almost human intelligence, but as a general rule his timo was so fal loy occupied in trying to throw four sixes against some barkeeper's tray-full that we didn’t receive much benefit from his la bors. Wo can’t say that as a purveyor of news the new one is much bettor. He was out all day yesterday, and after the paper had gone to press ho ruBhed into the office with his first and only itom. Wo give it verbatim : ,Startling Accident..—A horse run away about a half hour ago, bitched to a bug gy. If Romo folks who was crossing the street awhile before ho came along they would have got hurt at a tremendous rate of speed at their logs, etc., would have got broke, if they hadn't got out of tho way.—Stockton (Cal.) Gazette. MARKETS.'" BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Liverpool, October 30.—Cotton quiet anil unchanged;salt s 12,000;for speculation and export 2,000. Uplands—basis good ordinary, shipped in October and Novem ber, 8 7-10; do., November nnd Decem ber, 8j; do., delivered in Novomber 8.J; do., low middlings, sh ppod in Novembor do., shipped in October and November H 7-10; do., delivered in Docouiber 8 7-10; Orleans good ordinary, shipped in Octo ber and Novembor 8j. Later—Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped November and December 8 .3-10. Later—Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped in November and Decembor 8j}. Later—Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped in December and January Sissies include 0.30 American. London, Oct. 30—Noon.—No chnngo iu bank rate. Erie 33 J-. Bullion has in creased £10,000. Paris, Oet. 30. — Routes ,37f. and 0.3c. New York, Oet. 30.—Stocks weak and irregular. Money very dull at 7 per cent, gold to 1-32, and iutorest 8j. Exohaugo —long 100J; short 8. Governments dull hut steady. State bonds quiet; nothing doing. Cotton steady; sales 318 bales; Uplands 14ic; Orleans 13jc. Futures opened as follows : November 14 3-Uial-I jo ; December 14 O-lOal-t j'c ; January 14 I3-I0al4 1 <3-100. Flour quiot and steady. Pork quiot and steady—new $14 8i3al.3. Lard dull and in buyers' favor; stenm 7 8-10a7j}o. Liverpool, Oet, 30—3 r. m.—Cotton, Uplunds 8$d: Orleans tljjaOjd. Cincinnati, October 80.—Flour dull at $0 7.3a7. Corn dull at 42a43c. Pork scarce for buyers at $12 <30al2 75. Lard, kettle 8}e, generally held higher. Bacon steady. Whisky 88c. St. Louis, Oot. 30.—Flour quiet aud weak. Corn dull and lower. Whiskey stondy at 90. Pork lower at $13al3j. Baoon dull, business small. Lord dull. Louisville, Oct. 30.—Flour and grain dull and unchanged. Provisions nominal. Whiskey 87. New \ ork, Oct, 30.—Cotton stondy ; sales 719 hales at 1.7 ill5jc; not receipts 2.30; gross 3,972. Futures closed barely steady; sales 30,- 400 bales, as 1'ollowR : Novembor 14 7-Ilia 14 j; December 14 2.3-32al4 13-16; January 15 l-32al.l 1-16; February 15 5-16, Monoy market closod unsettled, nt j commission. Sterling weak nt 6j. Golil 8jjn8L Governments dull and some lower. State bonds quiet. Liverpool, Oct. 30—Evening.—Cotton, Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped October and November, 8 7-10c. Up lands, bnsis low middlings, delivered De cember, 8 7-lfld. Boston, Oetobor 30.—Cotton dull and oasior; middlings 131; gross receipts 1, 200; sales 150 ; stock 6,000. Norfolk, October 30.—Cotton—net ro- ceipts3,041: exports coastwise 2,901; sales 100; stock 8,055. Baltimore, Oct. 30.—Cotton dull and lower; middlings 14j; low middlings 14 strict good ordinary 13jal3$; net receipts 16. gross 424; exports coastwise 90; sides 605; stock 5,598. Livery and Sale Stables. K4MIEKT T1IOMPKOX, 1.1 very. Nnlc ami Exchange Wlabl«*, Oolithorpr, North ok Ha.idoi.kh Sts., oct30 Columbus, Gn. A. GAMMI.Iq I.ivcry nnd Hale Stable*, Oolithorpr St., Columhus, Oa. Particular attention given to feeding ami Sale of Stock. Homos ami Mu Us iKiarilml in stables by the month or day. oet 20 Doctors. DR. J. A. URQUHART, icc at C. .1. Moffett's Drug Store, Broad street. Residence on St. Clair, between Broad and «l»n Front Sts., Columbus, On. mi. POLZEY. IcHidouce corner of St. Clair anti Oglethorpe sts. Oflioo uoxt to residence, on St. Clair nt. _sop27 dtf l>ll. J. t’. COOK, over Ellis A Harrison's Comm Union House, eopfl first door to left. ted Kingdom, as u whole, the population dimensions. This, also of gold and also is one person to every 11,935 square ! enameled, opens like the first; and now yards or about 260 persons to tho square j WO come to tho kernel of tho whole affair, an elegant solitaire diamond ring, tho Philadelphia, Oot. 30. 760. -Gross roeoipts Savannah, Oetobor 30.—Cotton steady; middlings 14Jo.; net receipts 4311 bales; exports coastwise 1262; sales 2094 ; stock 55,436. Morile, Oct. 30.—Cotton in fair de mand and quiet: middlings 14;/; low mid dliugs 11; strictly good ordinary 13.1: sales last evening 500; stock 16,171. Galveston, Oetobor 30.—Cotton not receipts 1,788; exports coastwise 73; sales 950; stock 10,199. Augusta, October 30.—-Cotton stoady; middlings 14; receipts 1,722; salos 1,334. Memphis, October 30.—Cotton weak; low middling 14j; receipts 1,30.3; ship ments 1,23.3; stock 24,296. New Orleans, October 30,—Cotton lower and rates irregular; low middlings L* ; strictly good ordinary 14jjal4i ; good ordinary I4al4.j; net receipts 3,749, gross .<,012; exports to Groat Britain .*!,- 72.3; sales 1,000; stock 57,692. Charleston, Oct. 29.—Cotton, more steady; middlings 141; low middlings ill: strictly good ordinary 13J; net receipts 2,237; exports coustuiso 148; sales 800; stock 29,473. GUNS. SINGLE GUNS, DOUBLE GUNS, At tu.no, $7.50, $10.00, $12,011, $15.0(1, $20.60, $25.00, $30.00, $1(1 DO, $50.00 t.i $75.00. lirooch-Loading Doublo Guns, At $40 00, $45.00, $.75.00, $00.00, $75.00, $00.00, $10o, PISTOLS. riuiitli A Wesson, Colt's, Allen'*. Sharp's, Whitney and other kind*, ut manutui tutors' prices. AMMUNITION AND IMPLEMENTS or Breech-loading Guns, at small advance on co«t of importation. fietallie Ammunition for Billes and Pistols At lowest market priced. A complete anaortraent »*f all Sporting Good*. Priced aud dodcriptiou Bent on application Got*du shipped l.y KxpfOM, C. O. i>. POULTNEY, THIMBLE «fc CO., IMPORTERS, No 200 W. Baltimore Ht., Baltimore. Kiclinrd'd, 0'Ujgul’d, Greetu r'd, Scott'd, uuJ other celi'ht,iti<1 mako of gutin on hand and imported to order. pwlo dtiod*w ly Dentists. W. J. IOULE, Ueutlit, rgia Homo Buildiug, Columbtid, Uu. Lawyers. K. J. M08EN, Attorney nnd C ounsel lor nt l<nw, Georgia Homo Iiidurauco Company buildiug, wee- oct7 lyj ond dtory. I.OUW F. UAHKAKI), Attorney nnd t'oiinnellor nt I.nn . Oflice No. (17 broad street, Columbus, Uu. Will practice iu the State aud Federal Courts. Special Attention given to Commercial haw it ml cased in Bankruptcy. nep4 Boots and Shoes. JOSEPH KING, Wholesale aud Retail dealer iu ull styles liootn, Shoes, Leather, Ar., 104 Broad Street, Columbus, Uu. >\»7 J Special Inducements to Retail Ito&le' Crocers. J. H. KAMII.ro.v. Wliolemtle nnd Itetnll Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts. No ohurge tor dray age. sepl4 J. A J. KAUFMAN, Wholesale Grocers nnd UoimnlNttlon Merchant*, No*. It nnd 16 Broad Mtreet, ■«l»5 COLUMBUS, UA. I Ml A M COOPER, Family Grocer and Beater in Country Produce. eop6 next to “Enquirer" Office. Fresh Meats. J. T. < 0014, * Vrosh .71 cal* «r All Kind., «*iai Stull* N.ih 15 unci 17. Druggists. JOHN I,. JORDAN, BruKRldt, Two doors below Goo. W. Brown's, Broad Stieet, Columbus, <la. Night Boll right of south door# gaps l OSITIt S. < IIAPNAA, DniftKiNt, Randolph, east of* Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. A. M. IIItAWNON, WE8T Side, Broad Strkkt, Columiius, Ga., Wholesale nnd KeUtll Bonier In Drug* and Medicines, Toilet Articles nnd Perriimery. ««P» JOHN W. IIKOOUN, Wholesale and Retail Driijfiflnf*, 107 Broad St'., toluiiihuK, Ha. Physicians Prescriptioi compounded with great ado a specialty, and nnd dis|>titcli at si! h«1>7 Dental Notice. D U. I’ll KBPS lias rei idenco on St. Ola Preshyterlau Church. RAILROADS. Western Railroad of Alabama. '[/I" 53il HOURS TO NEW YORK New York and Now Orioan: Mail Lino. Pa’.aoo Sleeping Caro Ban Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WESTERN railroad of ai.ahama, Columbus, Ga., October 17th, ls7.i. TRAIN'S BRAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - lU.oO A. M Arrive at Atlanta, - 6:40 K. M. For Montgomery, 4.0'i a. m , «:46 i*. m Arrive at Montg’y, 'J.10 a. m , fow a m For Selma .... 4:06 a. m. Arrive at Selina 12.30 k. m. FOB NEW YORK, DAILY, LEAVE COLUMBUS lb:60 a ut. KKIVE at Opelika MiM p. nt., at Atlanta 6:40 p. rn., at Washington 7.20 a. in., New York 4:44 p. m, via Philadelphia aud Baltimore. Sleeping 4'nr* Kim TliroiiRli from Opollkn to byiirliburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, • * * H:20 a. m. From Montgomery at 3:20 a. m , 2:30 k. m. Tim U.*. a. m. Western Mail train runs daily, conmUing with trains tor NYw Oilcans, Mobile Loiiinville, Ky., and St. Louis, at Montgomery, aud for Vicksburg at Selina. On this train sleeping ears are run through from Opelika to New Or leans. The 10:50 a. in. New York Express train runs daily to Atlanta.eonnectiug with W. A A. R.R. and Georgia B. It. Tho 8:43 k. M. does not run Sunday. No delay at Opelika by auy train. Tickets ft.r sale at Union Passenger I). put. CHAS. P BALL, General Sup’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. [oqtl7 t! JOB PRINTINC. THE ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS Rags, Hides, etc. JOHN MKHAEFEY, lh*nl«»r In llnjfn, Hide*, BeeNwux, etc., »«d ull ktiida 411 Jtiuk. Corn jut BR!D«i* and Oolkthoup* Sts . 80 P° Columbus. Ga. Having recently been It^luriilNlied with a large n«ftorliuent nl llio I'iiiCNi Hew Type, Barters, Curvatures, NEW PRESSES «F Till. LATFKI' AMI 1*41*1 A !*PK4)V i: II P ATT I; It VS. CARD AND PAPER STOCK IS LARGE, NEW ANII TIIK BEST. We are prepared to Print all Ciusset of JOB WORK In the Neatest Style of the Art, At Now York Prices. Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills of New York, or any other city. Programmes, Bills of Faro. POSTAL CARDS OF OIK OWN DESIGN, IIKTTEII TUAN THOSE I’L'KITI ANED AT THE KEGI'I.AR OFFICES, A SPE CIALTY. 4)rder* f rom Hit* cuuiitrj aolicHod. Hull g ii a ran Lcetl. 4iive nan call, BANKS. W. L. SALISBURY, President. A. 0. BLACK MAR, C'oaliif r. MERCHAHTS’ & MECHANICS’ B AKTK., Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business. DEALS IN lixchangK, Oold, Silver. Stock*, Ac. Special attention given to 4'ollcc- tloiiN, and prompt return* made. New York Conkp.skondent : Sinlli National Hank of Sew York. SAVINCS BANK. mi:POSITS received in sum* of 33 cent* and upward*. NEVDX per cent, (per annum; lu- ftercMt allowed, payable l*t January, April, July and October, eouipound- d four time* annually.; DKft*OSITS PAID OS Dl-IMASII. DIRECTORS: W. L. SALISBURY—Voimerly of Warnock A C’«> A. ILLQH8—Of Preec, Illgc.s A Co. W. R. BROWN—Of Columbus Iron Works Co. C. A. REDD—Of 0. A. Rodd A Co. 0. L. McGOUGII—Of John McGough A Co. OCtl'J SEtf OFFICE OF THE EAGLE AND PHEKiX Manutacturing Comp’y, Columbus, Georgia, Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HAHIT OE SAVING ON THE PART OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A anfo aud reliable arraD^omeiit lor the beneficial noocmnlutivU < f the earninpR of nrliHarji end all c-tlur classes, thin Ouiupauy has e.tablielied, under SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho fuhuwiu^ advantages aro offered to Depuaitor* of either largo or aumll amounts; 1. PEllFEUT HKOUIUTV. The aasots of tho Company woro on tho 1st of January, 187;» ^1,7<>4,4oD 4o and arenteadily incroHBing. Tho liOHerve Fund i« 70ti !IL > AU of which property is hpeoiali.y pledged by net of tho Gonerul Asaouibly for tho protection of Depositow ; and in addition, I>y Iho sumo net, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company aro tuado INDIVID ALLY ItESFONdUiLF in proportion to thoir HhnroH, for tbo integrity of tho SnviugH Department and itn oertidoaten of DepoHit. 2. UDEKAIj INTEREST. ltate allowed Seven per cont. per aunuiu, compounded four timuH n year. 3. DEPCLSI t’iS ran ho withdrawn at a at/ time without notice. Depositors re&idiug out of tho mtv can draw deposith hy chocks. 4. HOLES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, and all desirod information given. 5. HOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depository, 6. All accounts of Depositors will be con sidered strictly private and confidential. DIRECTORS: N. ,7. BUS8KY, W. H. YOUNG, W. E. PAltRAMOKK, ALFRED 1. YOUNG, of Now York. CIIARLK8 GREEN, Prefiilftnt of tho Saviiinmh Bunk anil Truat ConiJ A Bio BATTLE Inw boon going on for y ; *r» be- twoon tho C'ouatitution of the Bb k t on one sMo, ami ull tilt Active Polaona, falnoly cullod reiACdioe. on the oihor. Tin* Poisons have had the last of tin. fight, ami u long list of llio killed may bo foiiuil in every remetery. But ut lait, common •min in putt auk u ht.ij. t.. this i*emiciou8 conflict. At IttYt TUB PRISONKR8 «*f • In* snk room havo discovered tlmt in Tarrant's IhmtVLHClSNT 8Li.r2KK Ai’ihiKNr they have a tout.. a lobriliigo, a laxative, a diuretic, a corrective, a regulating and unlibllimis mpdlduo, t-nua! to all ordinary exigencies, and good for every ailment of tin' Btomuch, tho bowels, the nervon, the muscles, aud Iho secretive urg.wi*. fi^old by all druggisls. job 2 taw Aw liui COLLECE AND SCHOOLS. CO L.UMBLIS %/U (Branch of the AUbutun Bueiticss College) Broad Street, Columbus, Ga, A. T. CLARK, A. M., Puxkczpal. Design— To EuuATg ^ oc.no Men rug BisInko.-. r pilK above College will opeu October l.itli, aud 1 will be in session both day and eveniug. The «:ouis»* of ;>.$ ning will l>*- thorough and prac tical, and the uiiv.ii.tagi's otb red lor obtaining a thorough bi'N.io^B .■In*mi ion unsurpassed by uuy other School of th» bind in any of our cities. Out line ot coilr*- s.une as laid out in Catalogue of tin* A Is I mm Uuhiimib College. tor Cat.ib^ues, Circulars, &c., apply at pease -, tl. ok More, or address A. T. Clark, Columbus, li.i. sepjn tf Taylor Cotton Gins. W J K HAVE ON HAND TAYLOR CWT(>\ Gins, from |u to CO daws, for sale LOW . COLUMBUS IKON WORKS CO. i‘28 dcodtf