Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, November 06, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF Daily and. Weekly Enquirer Allred 11. Calhouu, proprietor. Twelve months, in advanco $8 00 Six months, 44 4 00 Throe mouths, “ 2 00 One month, 44 I,,c * Weekly Enquirer, one year 2 00 THE ELECTIONS. SEW YORK. Democratic State Tiekel Elected. New York, November 5.—The Timex H iys: The returns, although incomplete, iudicato a probable defeat of the llepub- licen Stato ticket by a small majority in New Y’ork city and county. The Demo cratic candidates for the Judiciary are elected. Democratic Sheriff, City Olerk, and Coronors are elected. Three Demo cratic and one Republican Stato Senator are elected from this city, while eleven Democratic and six Republican members of the Assembly are elected. A vacancy of an Alderman is filled by a Democrat. ltetums from the country districts show tho election of sixteen Kepublicau Sena tors and tho probable election of three more out of the thirty-two State Senators, with sixty-five llepublican Assemblymen sure, and probably eight or ten more out of ono hundred aud twenty-eight. The 'limes says : Tukiug a general view of affairs, wo cannot congratulate the Republicans of Now Y’ork upon the result of yesterday. Tho Republicans cannot elect their ticket without voting for it, and next year may have good nominations without delusive Democratic alliances. The Tribune says : Tho State Senato stands— 15 Republicans; 15 opposition, and 2 doubtful, and tho Assembly 72 Re publicans to 5G Democrats. New York, Nov. 5.—Eric county, (181 Democratic gain; Ulster county, -100 Democratic gain. The World claims 15 Democrats and 17 Republicans to tho Senate, aud G5 Re publicans and 03 Democrats to the As sembly. Newark, Nov. 5.—Tho Republicans have 12 majority on a joint ballot. New Yciik, Nov. 5.—Tho World has a flag at the head of its columns. It esti mates tho Democratic majority of this Stnte at not leas than 15,000, and in this /y at 35,000. "In Brooklyn five Democratic and four Republican Assomblymon ure elected. The vote in Jersey City shows a gain of throe Democrats from that city to tho As sembly. New' York, Nov. 5.—The Keening Ex press says the Stato Senate is 15 Republi cans and 15 Democrats, with two distiicts iu doubt. KANSAS. The Election Close—Result Doubtful. New' York, November 5.—A Kansas City special to tho Times says both par ties iu that Stale claim a majority in the House, and the indications nro that the result is very close. Kansas City, November 5.—A dispatch to tho Tribune says tho Opposition cur ried the State, aud anti-Monopolists have the Legislature. MASS A I'll L\S ETTN. WumIiIhiviic'm Plurality 12.000. Boston, Nov. 5.—Washburne’s plurali ty is 12,000. Tho Democrats have 11 Senators and GO Assemblymen. WISCONSIN. Democratic Ticket Elected. Milwaukee, November 5.—A dispatch to the Times says returns from one-third of Wisconsin indicate the election of tho Democratic ticket. The Democrats have gained eight votes in tho Legislature. MARYLAND. Baltimore, November 5.—Montgomery county gives 4G1 Democratic majority. Hereford county gives 581 Democratic majority. Washington, November 5.—Returns from various parts of Maryland aro scat tering and come iu very slowly. The Democrats carry Baltimore county by about GOO mnjority. Democratic majority in Carroll county about 400. In Carroll county, Williams (Rep.) is elected to the Houso of Delegates ; the Democrats elect balance of the ticket. Tho Democrats carry Cecil county bj’ about 378 majority, a largo Democratic gain. It is said Republicans carry Charles county by a small majority on tlie Legislature and County ticket. Frederick county elects a Republican ticket, except sheriff, by from 100 to 500 majority. Wolford’s majority in How ard county is 51. The Republicans claim to have elected one member to the House of Delegates from this county. There is a Democratic mnjority in Kent county on the State ticket of 1G0. Goldsborogh, re publican, for Comptroller, carried Talbot county by n small jnnrjority. Vulliant, re publican, and Seth Indersent were elected to the House of Delegates, the remainder of the ticket was Democratic. New York, Nov. 5.—In this city 11 Tammany and 1 Apollo Hall Democrats and G Republicans are elected to the As sembly, and 4 Tammany Democrats and 1 Republican to* the Senato. Eater. The returns from the State indicate the election of 17 Democrats and 15 Repub licans to the Senate. Four districts are iu doul^tl hich may alter the result. VIRGINIA. Richmond, November 5.—Full county returns come in slowly, and those that have been received, compared with the vote for Walker and Wells, show the fol lowing gains and losses: Rockbridge county, Conservative loss G‘J; Warreu county, Conservative gain 253: Washing ton county, Hughes’ home, Conservative loss 213; Shenandoah county, Conserva tive gain 408; Hanover county, Conserva tive lo9a 110; Smyth couuty, Contievva YOL. XY. COLUMBUS, GA., THURSDAY, NOYEMBER G, 1873. NO. 2G4. BANKS. W. L. SALISBURY, President. A. 0. BLACKMAlt, Outlier. tivo gain 91; Elizabeth City county, Con servative gain 429; Fauquier county, Con servative loss 192; Honry county, Con servative loss over 100; Nottoway county, Conservative gain Sail; Prince Eilward county, Conservative loss 107: Wytho county, Conservative gaiu 117; N’ansemoud county, Conservative gaiu ::i 1 ; Carrol couuty, Conservative loss Sit; Culpepper county, Conservative loss 207. Tho cities aro as follows : Richmond, Conservative gain 1,540; Petersburg, Conservative gain 709; Norfolk, 908. Tho aggregate gains so far are 4,445; loss 1,132. From tho incomplete returns there will be but little change iu tho Legislature, which is about two-tbirds Conservative on a joint ballot. EUROPE. NEW YORK. SHANKS DISCHARGED ON A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. New York, Nov. 5.—Judge Franclier to-day, after bearing the argumouts in the Shanks habeas corpus case, rendered his decision, lie holds that the first com mitment undor which Shanks was held iu Kings county was illegal, being for an indefinite period^ ^bile the statute w'hich is abovo the court that issued the order limits tho punishment to thirty days. Tho second commitment which was executed tho day after Shanks’ im prisonment and cannot legalize an exist ing commitment. The Brooklyn court commitment declares and adjudges him guilty of criminal contempt; but they cannot lirBt imprison the man and then adjiidge him guilty, ex post facto. The second^ommitmeut ho regards as of no and the first one as illegal. 'Itio petitioner was accordingly dis charged. * Til E CASE OF WM. M. TWEED. New Y’ork, November 5.—When the caso of Wm. M. Tweed was called in the ^ourt of oyer and terminer to-day his counsel handed Judge Davis a paper which was understood to be a protest against that Judge presiding at the trial. Judge Davis characterized tho contents of tho paper and the time of presenting it as extraordinary, aud adjourned court till ho would consult with his associato jus tices of this district. BOSTON. REDUCTION OF TIME OF RAIL ROAD AND FACTORY OP ERATIVES. Boston, Nov. 5.—On and after Mon day next the Eastern railroad will reduce tho hour of labor twenty per cent, and make corresponding reduction on pay at their shops iu this city. Tho following mills aro running on threo-qnurter time: Merrimack, Hamil ton, Appleton, Lowell, Middlesex, Trem- ont, Suffolk, Lawrence, Booth and Mas sachusetts. These mills employ about twelve thousand hands. HOST ON WOOL MARKET. Boston, Mass., November 5.—The wool market is very quiet., and little business doing ; buyers small and sellers nro disin clined to do anything in^the present, disar rangement of the money market and de pression in tho manufacturing districts ; but notwithstanding tho monetary pres suro tho wool market appears to be in a strong condition, and there is very little wool on tho market that could be pur chased for ready cash at very low figures. We quolo Ohio and Pennsylvania medium extra, aud double extra at 48a5l cents. EIRE IN HARRISBURG, PA. SEVERAL LIVES LOST. PRUSSIA. Berlin, Nov. 5.—In the oloction which has just taken place for Deputies to tho Prussian Diet, tho Liberals gain twenty seats. SPAIN. London, Nov. 5.—Madrid dispatches report that tho Spanish Government has advices from Manilla of tho capture by a Spanish war steamer in theso waters of two Germen merchantmen, having on board as part of their cargo two thousand riilcs, iutended to bo sold to Malay pirates. Tho news has created excited foolings iu Government circles at Madrid* AUSTRIA. Vienna, Nov. 5.—The sessions of tho Rochsrath wore opened this morning by tho Emperor Francis Joseph in person. Tho Emporor s speech was pacific iu its referenco to foreign powers. It contains no other matter of geueral interest. MARKETS. Cotton THE KNOXVILLE STRIKE. NO CHANGE IN THE SITUATION. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 5.—The block freight business on the East Tennessee nnd Virginia and Georgia Railroad, caused by tho employees quitting work rather than to submit to a reduction of 20 per cent, on their wages, continues. No freight moved for five days. Merchants aro shipping by express. All efforts thus far to adjust the difficulties have failed. Tho mails aro running regularly. Con gressman Thornburgh meets the eraploy- this evoniug, and will endeavor to ofi’ect an adjustment. Tho company re mains firm. No disturbance. Harrisburg, Pa., November 5.—B. F. Singorly’s State Printing and State Journal office, five stories high, is iu Haines, and will bo entirely destroyed. Tho oporativeH barely escaped with their lives. Several lives reported lost. The Lochiol Hotel is iu great danger. LATER. Los* Over One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Harrisburg, November 5.—Singerly’i printing house is entirely destroyed. There were from 250 to 300 persons ern ployed in the upper stories, which were reached by stairways in the rear. So rapid was tho fire that many of them had to leap from tho second story. Tho walls foil to the ground. Nothing was saved of the contents of tho labt three days’ pro ceedings of the Constitutional Conven tion. Extract copies of the convention proceedings, and a thousand volumes be longing tojthe Stato library are all burned. The presses and machinery are a total MEMPHIS. DEPARTURE OF NURSES-THE CASE OF CECALLA- Memphis, November 5.—Tho nursos who were in tho employ of I. O. O. F., were escorted to tho depot this morning on thoir departuro to tlioir homos in New Orleans, by I. O. O. F., Knights of Py thias aud the members of tho Press iu procession. Nenrly the entire member ship of both organizations participated. The City Council meets this oveniug, when the case of Cecalla will be investiga ted, for alleged forgering of requisitions on citizens and tho Relief Committee. GENERAL NEWS. II.V Telegraph to I lie Enquirer. —Maj. Gen. Delafield is dead. —Rev. John Early, D. D., Bishop of tho M. E. Church Soil lb, died yesterduy at Lynchburg, Va. ; aged 85. —Sterling Price & Co., of St. Louis, have mado an assignment. —At an election for school superinten dent at Cairo, 111., yesterday, Mrs. P. A. Taylor received a plurality of 352 in the city, amt is probably elected, though the country vote, which is strong for Mrs. Brown, will make tho race a close one. Male candidates for school superintend ents received but a small vote. San Francisco, November 4.—Eastern racers Truo Blue, Wheatloigh and Mcathor arrived here to-night, and aro iu splondid condition. They go into training for a purse of twonty thousand dollars. Race to come off on tho 15th iust. marine Intelligence. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. New York, November 5.—Arrived— Russia. Charleston, Nov. 5.—Arrived—Equa tor, Adrionn, Agness, H. A. Dewitt. Sailed—Charleston, Falcon. Savannah, Nov. 5.—Arrived—America. Doparted—\V. II. Parks. New York, Nov. 5.—Arrived: San Salvador. Count de Strzclecki, who died recently in London at tho ago of soventy-Hoven yoars, was in many respects a remarkable man. Ho was tho first who suggested to tho British Government that gold could bo found in Australia. Before the age of thirty-live ho had visited and made ex plorations in North and South America, tho West Indies, tho South Sea Islands, the Javanese Islands, China, India Egypt, New South Wales, and Van Dio- tnan’s Land. Iu the last named island ho mot Sir John Franklin, who assisted him greatly in his explorations in Austra lia. Count do Strzelecki received from tho Tasmanian public, on leaving their shores in 1813, a very Mattering address, in which they record in touching terms how much their country is indebted to his “scientific knowledge nnd indefatigable exertions.” He was a Knight of tho Bath, a Fellow of the Royal Society, a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, nnd had received tho honorary degreo of D. C. L. from the University of Oxford. IIY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. London, November 5.—Wet woathor and disquietude in tho markets. Ameri can securities havo declined. Erio 30}. Paris, November 5.—Rentes 57f. Liverpool, Nov. 5—Noon. — Cottou steadier; uplands 8,5: Orleans P; sales 12,- 000 bales; for speculation aud export 2,- 000. Cotton to arrive—Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped November and Decem ber, 8 3-1G. Later.—Sales include 7,200 American; uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped No vember and December, 8j(; ditto, Decem ber and January, 8 3-1G. New York, November 5.—Gold opened at 7*}. Stocks quiet, off from opening. Money 7; bid gold 7}}. Exchange—long G4j short 8. Governments dull, little offering. State bonds dull. Cotton weak; sales 532; uplands 142; Orleans 14j. Futuros opened as follows: November 13jal3$; December 13 11-lGa 13J; January 13jall 1-32; February 11}: March 14 P-lG; April 15. Flour dull and heavy. Wheat quiet and heavy. Corn dull, slightly in buyers fa vor. Pork firm; new 15. Lard—steam 7|a7 15-1G. St. Louis, November 5.—Flour dull nnd lower; business small; snporfiue winter $3.25a$4. Corn dull nnd easy; 35 for No. 2 mixed at east side ou track; 3G;|a37 iu elevator. Whisky steady at 1)0 o.— Pork dull at $13. Bacon dull. Lnrd lower; kottlo 7{, steam Gj. Bacon shoul ders G, clear rib G, clear sides G|. Louisville, Novombor 5.—Flour quiet. Corn, moderato demand, shollod and sacked. Provisions qniot. Pork $13.50 a$14. Bacon—shoulders GA, elenr rib GA aGjJ, cloar sides 7, packed. Lard, tierce 8^, keg 0. Whiskey quiet at 87. New York, November 5.—Cotton not receipts 1437, gross 10,31)G bales. Fu tures closed weak ; sales 25,050 bales, as follows: Novombor 13}} ; December 13 3- 32; January 13j}al3 21-32; February 14 ; March 14jail}} ; April 14gallJ. Cotton I weak; sales 100G bales, at l4{nl4A. Money easy at 7, gold to commission. Sterling G. Gold 7u7£. Govoriimonts dull and lower. States nominal. New Orleans, Nov. 5.—Cottou active and firm: middlings 15; low middlings 14; strict good ordinary 13^«13.[; not re ceipts G317; gross 71G7 exports to conti nent 4213: sales 4000; stock 73,820. Galveston, November 5.—Cotton, de mand light: good ordinary 12jf; ordinary 11^: net receipts 122!) bales: export coast wise 111; sales 250; stock 20,714. Mobile, November 5.—Cotton weak; middlings 13}al4; low middlings 13}}: strict good ordinary 13; not receipts 811; exports coastwise 771; sales 1200; stock 10,083. Wilmington, Nov. 5.—Cotton quiet; middlings 13: net receipts 313 bales; ex ports coastwise 217; sales GO; stock 2,208. Norfork, Nov. 5.—Cotton lower; low middlings 13; net receipts 2,GOG; exports coastwise 3,083; sules GOO; stock 7,574. Baltimore, Nov. 5.—Cotton dull nom inal; middlings 14: low middlings lOj: strict good ordinary 12$; not receipts 10; gross 2,014; exports coastwise 110; sales 13G; Btock 8,107. Philadelphia, Nov. 5.—Cotton dull; middliugs 14 V; not receipts 13; gross G05. Memphis, November 5.—Cotton quiet; low middlings 1.3}}; receipts 1,010; ship ments 1,081; stock 28,505. Liverpool, November 5—Evening.— Cotton—good ordinary, doliverablo in De cember, 8 3-1G. Later.— Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped in December and January, 8}. Savannah, Nov. 5.—Cotton heavy: middlings 14; net receipts 8301; exports to Groat Britain 1700: exports constwiso 2084; sales 151)3; stock G7,280. Augusta, Nov. 5.—Cotton dull and drooping: middlings 13); not roeoipts 2000; sales 1000. Charleston, Nov. 5.—Cotton lower; middliugs 14 low middlings lOj; strict good ordinary 13{; not receipts 25!)7; gross 2009; oxporls to Great Britain 1780; exports coastwise 187; sales 100; stock 34,001. Boston, Nov. 5.—Cotton dull and lower; middlings 15; net receipts gross 3401; sales 100; stock 0,000. MUSCOGEE MAX Manufacturer! SHEETINGS, YARN, ROPE, Factories. FAUTUltlXG CO. COLUMBUS, GA. Livery and Sale Stables. UOIIEKT THOM IVSOX, Livery, Sale uiul LxcIiuiikc Stable*, Oui.etuorpk, Noirrit or Randolph Sts., oetao Columbus, (la. A. 4.AM MEL, Livery and Sale Stable*, Oulf.tmorpk St., ColumUl'S, Ga. Feeding and Sale . stable* by tin* Particular attention given to »r stock. I lumen and Mali.* boarded in month or day. ct20 Doctors. Dll. J. A. I'RQUllART, m* at C. .). Moftott’a Drug Store. Broad Residence on St. Clair, between Broad ; up."> Front Sts., Columbus, (la. DR. UOLZEY. Ketddonco co Ollieo i >ep27 dtf DR. J. C. COOK, - Ellin Si llarririon'H Commie fimt door to left. Dentists. W. J. FOGLE, Dentl*t, rgia lloine Building, ColninbUH, Ga. JOB PRINTINC. THE ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, Having recently been Ket'iirni%lied witli a large afttortniciit of the Fine*t New Tjiie, Berta, Curvatures, Lawyers. R. .v. MOSES, Attorney and <’oiiii*cllor at Lav f»eorgia Homo Insurance Company building, oct7 lyj ond story. LOUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney and Uoun*cllor at Lav Gllieo No. t»7 Broad street, Columbus, (la. Will torn lieu in tlio State and Federal Courts. Special aTfbntion given to Commercial Law and cases Bankruptcy. sept NEW PRESSES OF THE LATEST AM) MOST AOVED I'ATTDIt\S. Boots and Shoos. JOSEPH KIXG, Wholesale nnd Retail dealer in all at} lea Root*, Shoe*. Leather, tie., 104 Broad Street, Columbia, Ga. aep7J Special luduceiuenta to Retail Deale. Crocers. J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethori. ..pH J. A J. KAUFMAX, Wli«»lc*alc Grocer* and t'oiniiii**ioii .Merelmnls, X’o*. It and IB ltroad Street, Kipj COLUMBUS, GA. ISIIAM COOPER, ily Or mm- ry Prod., Fresh Meats. J. T. COOK, Fre*li Meat* of All Kind*, Rags, Hides, etc. JOHX MEIIAFFEY, Dealer in Halt*, Hide*, IIccnuuj and all kind* Of Junk. Curneii Hridue AND OULKTIIOUPK i b opf. Col limbi Druggists. —A writer in tho California delivers a Sunday school address, of which tho fol lowing passage is an example : “You boys ought to be kind to your little sisters. I once knew a bad boy who struck his little i sister a blow over the eye. Although she didn't fade and die iu the early summer time, when the June roses were blowing, with the sweet words of forgiveness on her pallid lips, sho rose up au<J hit him uvor tho head with a rolling pin, so - that he couldn’t go to Sunday school for more than a month, on account of not being able to put bis best bat on.” —It was in a Westorn hotel that the following dialogue occurred: “See hero, landlord, I belong to the Democrat. Now’, a good notico of your houso in our paper would do you a vast deal of good. 1 have boon hero a day. Suppose T give you a notice and call it square.’’ “Oh, I fniiirtr. i ^on t believe in advertising. that never falling tempera- do0B ftBy Kood . ^a, 1 gnesa not. 1 ‘-lint, turo, cloudy weather, and rain near the see here, landlord, that’s all a mistake: coasts. For the Gulf Statos, northeast you can t live without advertising, and wimls, falling temperature, and cloudy I m >' * il,le ‘“"'T “ Wo11 - U J 00 ' matter, 4l ... . . . | anyhow; the sheriff is to sell mo out to- weather, with occasional ram, clearing up ml , rrow . and a pull can t save me I Thursday morning, gauss I'll take the cash. loss. Tho State Journal office, in tho same building is also destroyed. Singerly's loss is >'100,000 : no insurance. The fire spread to llireo frame buildings and sev eral stables. The Lochiel House is some what damaged. The falling wall struck a brick house on the opposite side of the street, damaging it seriously. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, Nov. 5, ib73. > Probabilities.—For the South Atlantic States, northeast windi SADDLES AND HARNESS. NEW GOODS! Saddles, c Y? Harness, SpS'J Ladies' and Gents’ Trunks, VnllNCN, Travel I i>k Hair*. all qualitiin. Leather and Rubber Del (ins'. Enamel Leather, Pat. Du*!i Leather. Collar*, Whip*, JlaineM, Duckies. ■Id at reduced Pb* all took and prices, ami I.- conviur-d. II. MIRDLERROOK, '• 1 Bi Columbus, Ga. Oct. 1*. 1«7.*J. IN VINO VERITAS! D lt. MOFFKTT bus now mi Hand, for Fan and M-.lt. inal ti'-s, a Fine Stock of Nal CATAWBA WOOD! ’IMIK nnd. mmmd, at N... \] . S. A S. ):.]{ . I on band FIVE II UNDit Hi) ""CORD * OAK HICKORY WOOD, wlib-h Im oilers f r Muik-t I’rit «•. Address WATT A WALKKK, Columbus, Ga.; t T. S. SPEAR, AGENT for Non-Electro Plating, mi' K bait urtlcln 1 } per bottle. " l by m. iirlci nfiiK Silver and Platt* k'J broad afreet, Sin^c IOII \ L. JORDAX, RriigKiNt, Two doom below Geo W. Urowu'a. Broad St mil, Col urn bu Night Bell right *-i south door, FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, DriiKgiNt, Randolph, coat ol Broad Struct, HQpfi Colnmbn A. M. ItKAXXOX, Wholesale and lief all Dealer i Driik* aud Modleine*, Toilet Arllele* aud Perfumery. JtOpb JOHX W. ItltOOKN, Wholesale and Retail RriigK 107 Broad St., f oIiiiiiImin, Gii. Phyniciaiifl Proacrii CARD AND PAPER STOCK is i, a bo r:. xrw ami tim: msi. ..led with great i.b* a apec aid diapu «p7 Dental Notice. D ,; GUNS. SINGLE GUNS, DOUBLE GUNS, At $0.00, $7.. r *o, $10.00, i 1 J oo, $J6.( . *1" . $7.0 Attention for Ten Days! of the Waldo Administrator’s Sale. I ff ILL bu bold at Cioeeta, Chattahoochee .out,- » tv, Gt oiilia, on the n r.t il KiDA Y in l>. r-mb*r ncxT. ur.o Hundred Acre* of Lot Land, N*». 148. and S. v. iily-ln- Acree of Lot Land, No. 14'', in tb- :«d District in Maid county, belonging to tb- it- of WM. W'. BAKHRI K -f .aid . •unity, d-tia*. d, loi distribution. Term a Ca-.li. CORNKI.II S \\ UAKHRKK, ThU Ut N"Vctubv*i 1 .7.1.—td. Administrator. Brooch-Loading Double Guns, At $10 00, $4-1.00, ffiU OO, iM’.oo, $70.00, $00.00, $100, llzo.oo to laoo.oo. PISTOLS. dmiHi A Wphhoii, Colt'h, AII-ii'h, Fharj.'H, Whitney ami other kind*, at mauutucturom’ prlcea. AMMUNITION AND IMPLEMENTS or Brooch-load I n k Gum, at ninall advanco ou cost of importation. lictallic Amuiuuiliuo fur titles ami Fistols At lowent mark* t price*. A coi/iplrt" aMortuient td all Sporting Gouda. Priced and description nent on application. Goodn shipped b> Bxproaa, C. (). I). POULTNEY, THIMBLE .t CO., IM PGRTKR8, No 200 W. Bultiuioro St., Baltimore. Richard's, Dougal’s, Greener's, Scott's, and other ceb hrated make of guns on hand and imported to order. novlu deodawly Saratoga Water Hathorn, Congress and Columbian, At ‘Jft cents a bottle, J'*tl1 d»)ia _ E. C. HOOD A It ICO. Taylor Cotton Gins. \17i: IIA V F. UN HAM) TAYLOR Cui'IUN Vl Gius, from 4" t.. mi ;*a., for sal- l.nW . OH.U.MUU8 fR()N WOltK.^ CO. au.^8 doodtf Wo are prepared to Print all (’lane* of JOB WORK In the Neatest Style of the Art, At Now York Prices. Business Cards, Bill Heads, LottorlHeads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. Wc will Duplicate Bills of New York, or any other city. Programmes, Bills of Faro. POSTAL CARDS I oi' ecu on* iiksiiiv. IIKill:li jrilA.V I IIOS 1. |'t Kl IIASKI. AT the regular oii iiis. \ npe- ; mi.TY. Older* from tin* <*oiiuiry *i)lieiU‘d. 1 Work guaranteed, tilvi uah call. MERCHANTS' & MECHANICS’ 13 W3VTIS., Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business. URALS IN I'.xiiiiuige, Gold, Silver, Stock*, Ae. Special attention given to Uollec- ioii*. and prompt return* inmle. New Yoke Oorkbspondbnt: Xlntli Xatioual Hank ol’ Sew York. SAVINCS BANK. DEPOSITS received iu *um* of 25 eeiilH and upuard*. SEVEX per cent, (per annum) in tcre*t all<»ucd, payable 1st Januarv, April, July aud OctttlM'r,(compound ed four time* anaiually.) DEPOSITS PAID OX' DEMAXD. DIRECTORS: W. L. SALISBURY—Formerly of Waruock &C«. A. 1LLUES—Of Freer, Illges & Co. W. R. BROWN—Of Columbus Iron Works Co. C. A. REDD—Of C. A. Redd A: Co. 0. L. McGOUGlI— Of John McGough & Co. OFFICE OF THE EAGLE AND PHENIK Manufacturing Comp y, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE PART OF THE Ol’EKATIVES, A-N1J TO'FHOVIDE A Miifo HUct ruliable arrangomout for tho Ijonottoiul n.ocmr.rlr.tioa <:f tho oamingH of artinans and nil oth.-r cIrskoh, thi^ Company has eatabliahed, under SPECIAL OnAHTElt FUOM THE STATE OF UEOllGIA, A SA KINGS DEPARTMENT, m which tho followiug advautagoH aro offorod to Depositors of either large or small amounts: i. I’EUFEOT SECUHITY. 'i'ho hhhc(h of tho Company wore on tho 1st of January, 1873 $1,704,45!) 43 and aro steadily increasing. Tho Itosorvo Fund is $237,703 !)2 All of which property is specially pledged by act of tho General Assembly for tho protection of Depositors; and in addition, by tho sumo act, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company aro mado INDIVID- ALLY UF.SrONvSIBLK iu proportion to their shares, for tho integrity of tho .Savings Depart ment and its certificates of Deposit. n LIBEUAL INTEREST. Rato allowed Seven per cent, per annum, compounded four limes a year. 3. DEPOSITS can be withdrawn at any time without nut id. Depositors residing out. of the city cun diuw deposits by chocks. 4. KI LLS AND 11EUULATTONS of thin Department furnished upon application, aud ail desired information given. 5. BOOKS CEKT1FY1NO HEI’OSITS given to depositors. ii. All accounts of Depositors will be con sidcred strictly private and confidential. DIRECTORS: N. .J. liUSSKY, W. II. YOUNG, VV. E. 1‘ARRAMORE. ALFRED I. YOUNG, of No CHABLKS GREEN, min cum* Suitpnm or fUtHon A Co.N New Collec tion ol’ Organ Music, entitled ‘The Organ at Home.” NO MUF1CAI. HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT I Rend, Parlo n)-* Walt/ First . publiratiun, and to l-oardn; $:i cloth. Unjmndbd «nirci>h< H-.I for tb- ivory thin^ of tb- day , Gems of Strauss, uins morally i/nrka, A-., am book ill Amo •day the most •over 20,000 copies Price, $2.5n; In The Standard. This great Chur and 11. B. Paimi likely to huv- d-uM Tiic til- bllli) of < works of • id red tlx hi he gentle d tha Stan- itil -very supplied. died for rii in, >in^i'ig Class, and Couv-ution a Price, Il.:»". Published by Oliver Ditson & Co., Cha:. II. Diicon b Co. \\ Broadway, N. Y. Boston. -plJ d2tawi Notice, rniiE con-vu'> ' 1 PATENT.' If K M V ,»t it-' L-Miisiutm, Mu in. kv, Aikitumt*. M.ss., ..t Texas. . t. ..wish 1 m il.it tb. •■/ Uty Vh rhy* all Muhl mn l.iu-s, Ol :i .d-i.i.d.-' L. t ami California, and a par U) |M . Iniil —r that they nli itige upou d by a party I hereafter in ice machiu- -»v. of whutevi r description, without lufriugiug ...i 4 i. iulof tlie Muhl patents. The propii-toja of the above States and Torrito- ri-^ . i 11ui th- Sears Patent nutub-red 118.040, dut-d August 20th, 1871, and u.^ued t- A. Mulil in 1«72 They also claim th- Muhl patents, one numbered 121,402, dated Noveiubei 28th, l»7l, tlio .titer numbered 121,88a, and dated December 12th, 1871. Each machine built f -i the above States and Territories r .u-1 t -hi th- mark and date* of tlios,* patents, pi...union neglected *• » a, by error of the invent.>r himself, uud of tL Columbus Iron W >iks Co., of Columbus, Gn R-.i.-cifully, oct2i vllm E. FI WRY,