Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, November 11, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred K. Calhoun, PROPRIETOR. Twelve moutliH, in advance $8 00 Six mouths, “ 4 00 Three months, “ 2 00 One month, “ 75c. (Vf.ekly Enquirer, ono year 2 IK) BANKS. VOL. XV. COLUMBUS, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1873. NO. 2(18. STATU SEWS. —The Seniorl Appeal in a live paper. —Griffin repudiates Cincinnati whisky. —Thomasville is in ecstaciea ovor its late Fair. —Tho Albany News publishes a smaller “tender.'’ —North Georgia has more iron than Pennsylvania. —The yellow fever is about played out at. Baiubridge. —Why cuu't ships be built cheaply on tho Govrgia coast ? —Gen. Toombs talked finance to tho Wnshingtouiuus last night. —The Homo Commercial thinks Bill Arp's book next to the Bible. —Mr. B. Camp, with a blow of his fist, killed Mr. Fields at Albany last week. —Elberton is rubbing its joyous palms over a couple of “natral” bob-tailed kit tens. —They have a Moot Court in Atlanta. The young lawyers of this city should get up ono. —Tho Guillott gin, invented by a Goorgiau, took the prize at Macon. Hur rah for Guillett! —The correspondence between Gov ernor Smith and Hon. H. V. Johnson is Kaid to be untlnished. —Governor Smith thinks all tho edu cated negroes go to preaching. Very good, if they work and pray as a matter of duty. —Tho Atlanta Herald has given up its rhyming locals. It could parody no fur ther, all tho familliar poems being ex hausted. —Tho Atlnuta Constitution publishes each day its new subscribers. Wo would do so, but our now Bullock press not hav ing nrrivod cau’t publish tho nocossury sixteen-page supplement that our increase would require. flKYKltAIi NEWS. ll.V Tclcii'rupli to tlic Enquirer. —James II. Lucas, a wealthy citizen of St. Louis, died Suuday uight. —W. It. Wulker Los been appointed Beccivor of tho North Missouri Insurance Company. —Failure in tho ten trade is announced. Thirty-live thousand tons consigned to the North Pacific ltailroad is attached. —Greouloaf, Morris A Co. have notified the Stock Exchange that they uro ready to pay in full. —The jury in the Uderzook caso, at Westchester, Pa., have roudorod a verdict of murder in the first degree. —Kerr & Murray’s foundry, at Fort Wayne, Indiana, burned. Loss $00,000. Many ousted. —A reduction of twenty per cont. in time and ten per cent, in wages has boon announced in the railroad shops at Seda- lia, Mo. —Gen. Crook, commanding the De partment of Arizona, reports the slaugh ter of fourteen Touton ludiana during a recent scout. —A dispatch from Detroit, Mich., says : 'The movement for a consolidation of the Farmers, Grangers and Labor Reformers is quietly approaching consummation. —The Rchoouer Southerner, from Bos ton for Philadelphia, ladon with ice, was wrecked bit the Jersey coast. Captain Thatohor aud a seaman named Miller were drownod. —William Neyle, of Staten Island, com mitted suicide in a Green street, bnguio, Saturday night. Ho was formerly of South Carolina, and lost bin fortune by the war. —Tho old round house of tho Boston «V Albany Hailrond, at Springfield, Mass., with tiftoon locomotives, six extra tonders, and two snow plows, was burned this morning. —Tho printers of tho Journal and Union newspaper offices, at Springfield, 111., have struck under the reduction of five cents on the 1,000 ears. Tho papers appear as usual. —Royal decrees have been promulgated relieving Von Boon of the Presidency of the Prussian Ministry, aud appointing Prince Bismarck in his place, and Herr Compansar Vice-President. —Four hundred laborers have been dis charged from tho New York Department of Public Works, and two hundred more will bo discharged on Saturday. The ap propriations sol aside for them are ex hausted. —The settlers on tho Island of Anticos ta aro represented as being in a starving condition, and a Government steamer has boon dispatched from Quebec with large supplies of provisions for their re lief. —It is reported that tho charges against detective Farley aud others in connection with the MucDonnel forgery caso have boon abandoned by the counsel for the prosecution. Tho counsel for the Bauk of England withdraw from tho case yes terday. MEMPHIS. CUBA LIBRE. MASS MEETINgTn NEW YORK. The People Aroused and Indignant. 830,000 SI ltN€ ItlltF.I). AND 20,000 NAMES UMtOLLUD TO REDEEM DOWN-TRODDEN (1 BA ! Tin* SloiiKhtercil Patriots to lx* Avenged.] New York, November 10.—A mass meeting of C'ubuus was held to-day—Hi- lean Ciscurol, President. Patriotic ad dresses were made, and resolutions adopted calling for a loan for furnishing the now expedition to the Island. Com mittees were appointed to solicit subscrip tions. Tho La Protectora Union sub scribed $2,000 and tho subscriptions from those present amount to $30,000. Tho expedition is to sot out immediate ly to take revenge for tho death of tho pa triots. Twenty thousand names have been put on the rolls, many of them old aud well tried soldiers. Gen. Qucsada is forming another expe dition, und it is said that 30,000 names are enrolled, a majority of them Cubans and exiles. All the various associations of Brooklyn and New York ure active in preparing to meet the increased demand which will be made on their reserves during the coming winter. FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE KII.LINC* OF THE CUBAN PATRIOTS. Key Wert, Novetnbor 10.—A letter from Havana, dated November 5, gives tho following account of the execution of tho Virginias prisoners at Santiaga : The four prisoners were shot at tho place made famous by previous executions, and in the usual muuuer of kueeling close to the slaughter-house wall. All marched to the spot with a firm step. Bambetta and Ryan showed markod courage, although tho former was slightly affected towards tho last. The two others quite broke down before they were baudaged, but Ryan kept up to tho last, never flinched a momont, and died without fear or regret. Bambetta and Ryan were killed at the first discharge. WASHINGTON. DISPATCH FROM MINISTER HICKEEN—FEELINU OVER THE CUBAN MURDERS. Washington, Nov. 10.—Nothing of marked importance has occurred to-day with reference to the urgency of affairs, with the exception of a dispatch from Minister Sickles notifying the Secretary of Stato that tho Spanish government had telegraphed to the Captain General to stay all further proceedings in the case of tho captives now in custody. Minister Sickles was to have had an interview to day with tlie Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, but whetbor it took place waR not known at a lato hour this evening. Execution of Cuban Patriots. The execution which recently occurred is condemned in official circles as brutal. When all the facta attending it become known, should it appear that international law has been violated, immediate meas ures will bo takon to maintain tho dignity of this Government. Bat the Secretary of State has no idea that the Castelar government will be slow to make due reparation as far as is in its power, judging from the friendly dis position toward tho United States aud tho expressed desire to cultivate more iuti- mate relations of peace. The Secretary of Stato is represented saying to-day dur ing nn interview, with reference to tho reported execution of Santa Rosa, ho had not been officially advised of it, but thought that Santa Rosa bad given him a groat deal of trouble. Ho was once beforo condemned to death ns n pirate. After consuming a roam of paper and sending and receiving numerous cahlo dispatches, this Government secured his release*. Only a few weeks ago Santa Rosa wrote to the Secretary saying he owod tho present preservation of his life to him : therefore the Secretary thought Santa Rosa was not wise in again peril ing his safety. LOUISVILLE. REDUUTION OF WAUEN-4,000 ME- UHAN1UN OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. Louisville, November 10.—Wages on tho Louisville A Nashville Railroad will bo reduced 10 per cent, after tho 10th. The closing of various industries around the fulls has ousted four thousand hands. The plug tobacco factories are reducing their force and wagos. Several of the heaviest factories are about closing tem porarily. Robber* anil Murderers Arrested. Two of tho men who wero engaged in robbing the Columbia (Ky.) Bank, and murdering tho Cashier, some time ago, have been caught in Maine, and will be brought to Kentucky for trial. NEW YORK. UAZAWAY LAMAR v*. CHAN. A. DA* AT WEEDS TRIAI.-UU- DOI.PII AND NAMM1N BAILED. New York, Nov, 10.—The Ruit of Gaz away Lamar ogainst Chas. A. Dana to re cover damages for tho alleged illegal im prisonment of Lamar by Dana when the later was Assistant Secretary War, which suit has been on tho calender of the Uni ted States Circuit Court for a long time, has been set down for trial before Judge Sbipmuu to-morrow. Nine jurors have been obtained in Tweed's case to-day. Both Rudolph and Royal Sammis, ar rested on obargo of complicity in the mur der of Kelsey at Hunting, Long Island, wore bailed by the Supreme Court of Brooklyn to-day in ten thousand dollars each. The bail was promptly furnished. They are charged with murder in the socond degree. : the Sunday Knqilit TOWNER. Tie midnight, and the howling wind* Are rattling route und window bliud.. A wintry lotnpost sweeps the sky, And 11 fte her notes of lury high : When from bis horns was forced logo A doctor in the Idling snow. But lately in a quiet dream, He had been roused by knock and srrea And now was hurrying fast to see About what all this noise could bo. But on his way tho Mcreaming still Arose above tho whiftlliug galo ; Lather, mother, children, they In one chorus cried away: Oh ! hurry, Doctor, hurry fast' Or you will be too late at last. And hurry ! still the father cried, I left poor Jenuio nearly dead; Oh, hurry to my Jenoie dear. Oh, hurry on He soon was there, Aud found poor Jcnuie gasping hard— She could not speak a bingle word ; Hut bound iu a lethargic sleep. Aud in oblivion very deep, Cotton Factories. Ml NUOUEE MANUFAUTURING CO. Manufacturers of j 8IIKKT1XG8. 81I1HTIN08, j Y A UN, ItOI'K, Ac. COl.IJMHbS, 0A. j She v of the Around her in that night of snow . Unconscious of her mother's pain. Her sighs and groans aud reeling bra. Unheeded wild confusiou there, Her mother’s meanings in despair. > late, You sci Her pu r breathing c nd she i chlU e, aud hands and all- Yes, .It-nule, she must quickly go; Her eyes are sunk, her breath is low. Ob, Doctor, it you could have OOIBP In t elp my dm y child f *«!)• wild But It Is now too lat And little Jeiinle’H My God! can no one Thus wailed the mo No help for her-slie soon must go ! Last night—oh yes, it must be so— 1 saw my mother’s spirit! Bale, And wan, and wild, she came to tell Me of tills quickly coming blow— For tills she caine, right well I kno 1 Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON. Livery, Sale Hint ExcIii«iiu«* Ntables. A. OAMMEE. I.lvcry anti Male Stable*. OGLETHORPE St., COLUMUGH, Ga. and Sole by the Doctors. DR. J. A. UR4UHART, Hesuleuce co Office n ■ep/7 dtf DR. UOLXEY. ier of 8t. Clair aud Oglethorpe i DR. J. C\ t’OOK, Dentists. MARKETS. IIY TELEGRAPH TO ENUUIHER. New Yoke, Nov. 10.— Gold opened 7$. Stocks dull. Money 7. Gold 7;}. Ex change-long (5, short 8$. Governments dull aud steady. State bonds steady. Cotton nominal ; sales 34(1; uplands 14j^c; Orleans 14 ^c. Futures opened as follows: November I4al4 j}: December 14$ 014A; January 14 1-K5al4§; February 14A all^; March 15$al5$; April 15£al5§. Flour quiet aud heavy. Wheat quiet aud firm. Corn steady. Pork quiet aud unchanged. Lard quiet and firm, steam 7 1-K5a7$. THE YELLOW FEVER DYING OUT- NO MORE ANNINTANUE NEEDED. Memphis, November 10.—The Chief of Police, tbaukiug the police of other cities, announces that further assistance is un necessary. Twenty-seven deaths from yellow fo- ver, and thirty from other causes during (ho past week. Tho city is free from infectious or con tagious diseases. Tbreo deaths from yellow fever, nnd three from other causes on Sunday—ohl cases. Ono new cose yesterday. Memphis, Nov. 10.—There has been two yellow fever deaths up to noon to day. Three new cases aro reported. ANOTHER. P. «• UI.ERKN ARRESTED IN NAN FRANCTNUO. San Fkancisoo, November 0.—J. W. Potter, u clerk in the postofficc and a con- siu to Senator Sergeant, and another clerk named Herrick, have been arrested, charged with stealing from the postoffioe, and opening letters for that purpose. BOOR SPAIN. THE REPORTED UARLINT YIUTO- RY DENIED. Madbid, November 10.—Tho report that tho Curlists were victorious iu tho engagement near Miranda de Arga, and that Lieutenant Generul Primo do Rivera was killed, is officially denied this morn ing. Gen. Primo do Rivera was not hurt, nor was Gen. Morionos captured by the Insurgents. The Government has re ceived dispatches from both these officers dated the Dili. London, November 10.—The Corlists continue to claim a groat victory at Mi randa. They report that Morione was driven from tho vicinity of Estcllo to Loz Arcos. On tho other hand Gen. Morione and his officers report the battle to the Spanish government. Ilo states that ho passed two nights on the ground previ ously held by tho enemy. London, Nov. 10.—The steamship City of Richmond, spoken November 4th with engines broken. All well. —An old lady thinks tho bonds must be a family of strong religious instincts, be cause shu hears of so many of them being converted. Amt, old To- ml ho und ii i tli** Lawyers. R. J. MOSES. Attorney aiul Cotiniiellor at Law, leorgiH IIoiiih liidiirancK Company imildiug, m> oct7 lyj ond ft lory. LOU IN F. GARRARD. AUorney ami Uouimcllor at l,aw. tttlio No. t>7 Broad atrwt, Columbuft, Uu. W Me lg cut and acrot-chlug owt i last night of this to tell— adeed, should have impress Moon fthoiild he dlstrenst-d. Thu# wailod tin- mot her tlioroin pain. Tim doctor, puz/.liug III# brain Above that still unconscious child. Atluftt rose up audaluio#t smiled, But not about the pain and woe That tortured Ji-nuiu'ft parents so ; It wan because lie thought ho knew At last why Jetinie'a breath was low ; Aud quick a potion was prepar'd, And Jennie's head was quickly bar'd, And quickly laved with water cold, The potion given ; and then site roll’d Upou her side, aud quickly alio Had parted with the spirits. Throe Big drinks she took upon tliut uight, lit fore she got in that sad plight, And then her eyes were open'd soou, Aud fthe was well, the spirits gone. This was the cause, as she aveir'd. Why death's dark door hy her wus non Aud not Localise a goblin came To see her mother in her home. Her paroiitft’ bottle she had fouud. Ami quaffing, fell upon the grounJ ; But it was buried iu tho snow, And tliuft had griev'd her parents no. But they at lust hod fouud relief From fright and trouble, pain aud grin 1 Aud othe s of tho dark. London, Nov. 10.—Noon.—Consols 92 to 92$. Fives 89$. Erie 33$. Frankfort, Novombor 10,—Bonds 97. Paris, Nov. 10.—Routes 5 Of. and 80c. Liverpool, Nov. 10—Noon.—Cotton firmer but not higher; salos 15,000 ; for speculation and export 2,<M)0. To urrive dearer. Uplands, basis good ordinary, shipped October and Novetnbor, 8j: delivered in December and January; 8 3-10; Orleans basis good ordinary shipped November and December 8jJ; new crop, uplands de livery 8 5-10. Cincinnati, Novombor 10.—Flour quiet at $(! 25a(J 00. Corn iu fnir demand but firm, old 45. Pork, job $12 50; stock light. Lard quiet—steam 0|a0^, kettle 7. Bacon shoulders quiet, sales 5]faU ; sides in fair demand : sales clear rib 5; sales clear (5aG$. Whiskey firm at 80. Louisville, November 10.—Flour dull and demand light. Corn quiet, hold at 00a02, sacked. Provisions quiet. Pork $13.50. Bacon—shoulders 7, iloor rib 8+n8$, cloor 0jja7. Lard, tierce 7ja8, keg 8$ ; small lots Aajf higher. Whiskey firm at 88. New York, November 10—Evening.— Money easy at 5a0. Exchango dull at 0 Gold quiet at 74a7§. Governments dull, very little doing. State bonds quiet and nominal. Cotton irregular; sales of 1,184 bales at 14$al4$. New York, Nov. 10.—Cotton—net re ceipts 82!), gross 11,101. Futures closed easy; sales 28,450 bales, as follows : November 134a!)-lG; Decem ber 13 ll-lOa;, 1 : January 13$aa29-32; Feb ruary 14$a5-32; March 144a9-10. Lond n, Nov. 10.—Erie 34$. Excep tional rates for advancos of 10 to 13 per cent, has been charged both at tho Bauk of England and on tho stfeot to-day. There aro many rumors of failure. Liverpool, Nov. 10., p. m.— Sales of cottou include 4800 hales Amoricau. Up lands, basis good ordiuary, shipped in December aud January, 8$. Liverpool, Nov. 10—5 p. m.—Sales of uplands, on basis of good ordinary, ship pod in November ond December, ot 8d. Wilmington, Nov. 10.—Cotton quiet; middlings 12;/: net receipts 118 bales: sales 5: stock 2,7515. Savannah, Nov. 10.—Cotton oasier; middlings 13j|; net receipts 8003; exports coastwise 1071; sales 1595; stock 77,235. Baltimore, Nov. 10.— Cotton—buyers and sellers apart, prices nominal; mid dlings 155.1 ; low middlings 13$ ; strict good ordinary 12; net receipts 9, gross 45*3; exports to Groat Britain 2313, coast wise 75; sales 250; stock 7133. Boston, Nov. 10. —Cotton firmer; mid dlings H J ; net receipts 58, gross 2010 ; soles 300; stock (5000. Philadelphia, Nov. 10.—Cottou dull; middhugs 14.}; not receipts 38, gross 497. Charleston, Nov. 10.—Cotton opened strong and higher, hut became quiet ; middlings 13$; low middlings I3ja$; strictly good ordinary 13$a}: net receipts 4,218; exports coastwise 2.047; sales 700; stock 3(5,971. Mobile, November 10.—Cotton oponed firm, but closed oasy; middlings 13jc., low middlings 13jc., strict good ordinary 12:,' : net receipts 2,19(5; exports coast wise 1,034; sales hOO; stock 20,982. Nobfouk, Nov. 10.— Cotton firm, tend ing upward: low middlings 12$; net re ceipts 3403: exports coastwise 2970; sales COO; stock 8012. Galveston, Nov. 10.—Cottou, demand good; ordinary 1 () 4 ‘; good ordiuary 12}; net receipts 1,789; exports coastwise 129(5; Halos 1,200; stock 255,582. New Orleans, Nov. 10.—Cotton strong er: middlings 14j; low middlings 13jf; strict good ordinary 12.'; net receipt 870(5; - - (.rosa 118(17: oxports-to Great Britain ; receipt* 1280 bale* ; aalea 14211 (iUll; to Franco 2.807; to continent 2070; ' Memphis, November 10.—Cotton very ooHKlwitiu 212: sales 3000, lust p. m., .firm; low middlings 13c. ; receipts 3119 2000 stock 77,150. bales : shipments 3292 ; stock 27,481. Croce rs. J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale nail Ketnll Groe« Oglethorpe JOB PRINTINC. THE ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, Him in* recently been HelMrnishetl *144* a Incite R«i#aMiii«ni of the Finest New Type Brim, Ciralms, NEW PRESSES OF THE LATENT AMD MONT APPROVED PiJTKK.YK. MERCHANTS’ & MECHANICS’ BAMK., Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business. 1IKA1.S IX Kxriiauvc, Gold. Nilver, Nlwc-kn, At. NpeeliU at tent ton itlven to t 'ollec- tioiin. mid prompt returns tnnde. N*." V. RE COHRtHrOADhVT Mu tli .\Mtlonnl Rnnk of Ae SAVINGS BANK. DF.PONITN received In Mini# or ar» rent* and upward*. NKVKK per cent, per annum In terest allowed, payable In! Junimrv, April. July and October,'eoni|M»iitid ed lour times minimil> . DEPONITN PAID (» DEMAND. DIRECTORS W. L. 8A i.ISltU IIY—Foruivriy t.f M niiiock AU A. 11.1.0K-i—Ot l'rftor, lllge* A Co. NV. H. fiHOWN—Of Columbus Iron Works C... C. A. REDD -01 C. A. lUUil .V C«' 0 I.. McflOUGH- Ot John .McUoiigh A tv •"i'leUl. OFFICE OF ‘ Li l.'N BY JOB DAN. J. A J. KAUFMAN, Wholesale Grocers aud t'oinniissJon Merelmuts, Nos. 14 ond IB Broad Mtreel. ■«['< COLUMIIUtf, OA Fresh Meats. J. T. t'OOH, Fresh Menu or All Kinds, ;Flail# No#. Ifi and 17. Rags, Hides, etc. JOHN MKIIAFFKY, Denier in Rngs, Hides, lleeswna. etc., nnd nil kinds or Junk. JAY COOKE & CO. Till! FIRST NATIONAL HANK DE- POM1TOKN AT WASHINGTON DRAW PER €ENT« Washington, Nov. 10.—Among the de positors who to-duy received thirty |H»r cent, of their depoftita iu the First Na tional Bank, the first distribution of the assets of that institution, was ox-l’rcsi- dent Johnson, who received nearly $22,- 000 out of the $73,000 ho had deposited there. FRANCE. Pakis, Nov. 10.—A committee repre senting the French residents of San Fran cisco called upou Thiers yestorday and presented an address. Tho ex-President, in his remarks in reply, told his visitors that tho Monarchists had sufferd a check, and that a conservative republic was as sured. THE WEATHER. Department of Waj», Washington, Nov. 10, 18755.» Probabilities.—For tho Gulf States, light variable winds and partly cloudy weather. For tho South Atlantic States Northeast aud Southeast winds and gener ally cioar weather. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVAL* AND DEPARTURE*. New York, November 10. Arrived— Bonder and Cortez. Savannah, November 10.—Arrived— Caroliua and Gen. Barnes. Sailed—Hindoo, B. M. Brookings, and Weloome. New York, Nov. 10. — Arrived : Flag. Regulator and Savannah. New York, Nov. 10.—Arrived : Cuba, Calabria, H. Livingston. Arrived out: West, Peiladelphia, Vir ginia. Charleston, November 10.—Arrived — Georgia, Volunteor. Savannah, Nov. 10.—Arrived General Barnes, Fire Qaeen, Saudley, Chludow. Augusta,November 10.—Cotton strong and good dornuud ; middlings 13jc. ; net Druggists. ffig” Night Dali right ol aoulMoor. I'OMTEK N. CHAPMAN, Druggliil, K.tn Jui|.li, cu-t .jf Ilium I Struct. A. M. URANNON, IVtar Star. Br«ui» Srkkit, C-ilomiilk, i. Wliolewnle nml Retnil Denier Drug* nnd Medicine*. Toilet Article* nnd Pcrtiii i*ry. JOHN W. HKOOK*. Wholesnle nml Ketnll llrujtirlNi. 107 Hroail St.. CollinibuH, On. i.ml.. a ftpocialty, hi, |i|<mI Mill. Dental Notice. D ll. PIIELP8 haft removfil l.i# ..ill.o tu In# re#. idaiicA on St. Olwii fttn-. t, ui oar of tin* Preabjtarlao Ohureb ocl« ti FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. OF PACIFIC OUAS i.I.ligaii ft |tlv. SOLUBLE I* A* * I FI 1 I jmyii AND. Ml.l.llli.g* Uwltnn will he received by me nnd nil my Agent* in nerordnnee with ewntrnet until inntnrlly or *ueh oh. Ilgutlon*. (after wlili-li dntc till* prlv. Ilctfe will cense. Tboftf -v Coin I the > ill I' • tile Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season $4- Eagle and Pl.entx money taken n* par. W. H. YOUNG, A’gt PacIflcCuano Comp’y, 'Rust l.llT-rlnc well known and Smut Proof” Seed Oats, CARS AND FAPKR STOCK IS LA MCE. »:.W AND 'I'M! BkNl. Heart prepand (u i'rtnt all ClaaiM uf .JOB WORK In the Neatest Style of the Art, At N«w York Pricoa. Buoinoss Card#, BOt Heads, LetterlHeads, Circular*, Hand BHIs, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills of New York, or any other city. Programmes, Bills of Fare. POSTAL CARDS OF Ol H on* IIENHM. METIER THAN TMOttl. PI K4 HAHED AT till. Itr.Ot UK OFl'M'liN. A *PVr- Mamilactiiring Comply, Oolmnbnw, Georgia Paid up Capital. $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HAHIT ol- HAVING ON THE PAllT OF THE OPEUATTVE8, ANH TO l’UOVIUE A aafo and roliablo arrangement for tho bonofltiittl acQuniulr.tion < f tho eamiugd of artuiann and all ulkor cIhhsos. thin Company hit a iMtahliohod, uudor SFF.OIAL OHAUTEU FliOM If IF BTA.TE OF GKOllOIA, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, v hi oh rim following advantage* aro uli'erod to 1 •epo-dtora of either large or Huiall amountH: 1. PERFECT HF.OUKITV. ') ho ansolH of lint Cumpany wero on tho lat ol January, 1873 $1,71*4,459 43 aud urohUiadily iuoranniiig. The Kofiorvo Fund in $297,7(5(5 9 ’ All of which properly i* hpboiai.ly by iret of tlm (ionoral Atmembly for tho protection of bnpimiturH ; and in addition, by the Manic act, the Stockhold- •a of tlio Company arc made INDIVID ALLY HESl’ONHfDLK in proportion t«» their uhuroH, for tho integrity of the Savings Department and its certificates of Deposit. 2s LIBEltAL 1NTERKHT. Itate allow* 1 Seven per o»:nt. per annum, ooiupouuded four times a your. 3. DEPOSITS can he withdrawn at an// time without notice. Depositors residing out uf the oltv can diuw deposits by chocks. 4. BULKS AND liEGULATlONSof Ibi . Dopnrtmeul furnished upou application, and all desired information given. 5. BOOKS OEitTIFYINU DEPOSITS given to dep*»sitors. 6. U accounts of JJe/mitvrs will be con aidered strictly private and confidential. DIRECTORS! N. J. 1IUH8KY, W. H. YOUNG, W. K. l'AKRAMOUK. ALFltKD 1. YOUNG, per Lushel, 'iraysK" fr» Taylor Cotton Gins. iiHUy no 1 w*i i i*tj. W' Gins, fr. i ii d«w4U ON HAND T AY 1.0 II V* lobe (••!«#, for ft COLUMUtM IKON rk $UMr»Hie<ii1, Give i i'll A III. KM illLKS GUNS. SINGLE GUNS, DOUBLE GUNS, Ai to UI. 17. ..I, »I'| in, il tm. tl.v.1. tuiMi. U: ■ *»!•». "* |7"|.I«I Crcm-li-J.uiuUiiK liuiiblo Gunn, it ttuil, I.VHIU, tu,.un, turn. f.in, tl • , PISTOLS. MiiwtJi A WflHiHin, G.ill’it, AIIhiV, Hlisrp’ft, VVhitn. y a ml fitlinr kimlft, ui m hin. t*«. to rer#’ pricH. AMMUNITION AND IMPLEMENTS oi Bredoli-ieiwtiiig Uum, ui iiuull n'han-' . i n.ft| of lOIpbtt»tlull. iriallif Amniunilina lor llillrs ami I’isM- At lowmt mntki.I |,rk-u. A coaipleto asHortiui'iit of 'ill B|»oriiiu; Go'. -g- friuw M»d itmcripllon ami *L/t»i# iiiipp»*l I#y Kxpr'-tft, (' •». I> POULTNEY, TKIMBLF..V GO.. 1 >11'OKTBltB, No 200 W. Balt hi i ore St., iialtiiuorr FOR SALE AND RENT. Plantations for Rent. / vWINO to clr« miistHio i-«. I w.li r.-m on n. ■ U Bill • I IiMftini-1 "• *1 f ‘t I'f G.t -1'!"' *#r KiUauta News pico. copy, For Ront. T WO LA ROB, WKI.L > L'ltN Ir’ll LI 1 IILD Uooriift, wltli n#i* of pnr'"i, in «.* ntrai - tlDM.lt*. Turin# titivrwl. AJcl-*.ft tf M. Koqilirnr For Salo Low. ACilOLAH-<lilB IN Till. MK910AL CoL l*VIl.LK. INDIANA AbPLv A'l Tiiitj oui'j;;. (jbiK AT KVA