Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 16, 1873, Image 1

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T olve months, in advance $8 00 months, “ 4 00 j •ee months, “ 2 00 j 3 month, “ 75c. j ly Enquirer, one year 2 00 ! NEW YORK. yfeatUibnn Qup»tloii-I , in»m , i»l .Hut* ^flprn—Tlie Speculation fever !(!*• BIDK-Extruvnuniicc Still Rum- ^ pnut -••Brencl or A MrhiNtn in tlie Kplnco* pul 4'liurclt—Min- guliir M clamor- pIlOMlfl. COLUMBUS, GA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1873. lo?| ntin Dosi m > an] >stI VENF.K.4I. > OVS, ! New Orleans, December 15.—Cotton I active and irregular; prices nominal; astonishing. The very color of his hair ,st. Phillips Ship Canal, us vocommended has changed. by the New Orleans Chamber of Com* n.v Telegraph to the Enquirer. ! middlings low middlingb rr.von, THE PROPHET. luorce. Htr i ct good ordinary 14^aj; not receipts Huger A. Pryor, formerly of Virginia, : Gordon's resolution of inquiry re- —Prof. Agassiz, cUod yesterday lit Bos-> 1°>033, qrons 11,21"; exports to Groat lias been lecturing about the negro. He govding postal affairs, with some modifies- ’ ton. ” ' 1 *“ —“ * """ * banks. , Britain 17,00(1, to continent COO, coast. [ON! IllOCi l Price! :0. STIC) (mgrlAL I’OJ.BMVOMtXM'K COLL Mil 13 KJ.QUJlKIL] n New York, December 11, 1873. Mo war yet. After all the bombast of Havana volunteers it begins to look that tho murderous wretches will [fetly surrender the Yirginius and the ving prisoners, und permit the terms the protocol to bo quietly carried out. It to to be regretted thut our Government not demand tho punishment of tho Spanish officers who murdered Captain Wxj and his crow. That Burriel and his tool* should escape is as great nu outrage •ft the original oiYensc. FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. FMUuiemlly wo are threatened with a return of tho speculation lover. Congress haying exhibited a purpose not to attempt fftftUtaption of specie payments, und u heavy pressure being exerted in Washing- ton for a furthor inflation of tho currency, Wall street has become bullish, and all descriptions of securities are stiffening in price. Even in New York tho fooling is favorable to a partial iuffation in tho shape of 8-65 bonds convertible into currency .ttii. will of the holder. Elasticity would oertftinly be produced, and tho death blow given to hoarding, but it would send spe cie farther out of wight than ever. nXTRAVAOANCE STILL RAMPANT. So long us wo import more than wo ex port, resumption is impossible. Tho spirit of extravagance engendered by tho wur stilt lives, and while Stewart, and Lord & Taylor, and tho other priucos of tho re tail dry goods trade can keep their stores filled with ludios buying the costliost of goods, they will not stop importing. No body here sees any evidences of a panic. On tho streets the crowds are as elegant ly dressed and the equipages as stylish t,s in the most flush days of tho “late uu- .tdeasantness." Over in New Jersey, how- V **ver, they starve, und in our tenements the poor creatures huddle together with out flros, and with but littlo bread. Up* per-tenduiu may fool anxious, but Mad am Nouveau Riches does not retrench. Her diamonds, her silks and her laces are ns expensive ns ever, and sho still pays •nough for tho food of her Spitz dog as will support a whole family of the lower classes. “bread or blood." As a consequence, while the theatres were never so well patronized, tho soup houses of left miserable^ wore never so v thronged. The extremes of lifo in their most painful aspect confront tho philau- ihiopiul, and from tho midst of tho pov erty, hunger and fllth of the gloomy ten ement, comes the ominous cry of the oomtnuno. Not that tho muduess of a Parisian mob can ever rule hero. Our Metropolitan Police and National Guards would make short work of a communist mob. Still it is painful to hear tho cry ••bread or blood" raised in a community •O utterly unaccustomed to cries of want OH on extended scale. [.• THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH SCHISM. Just at the liuie that communism is gaining converts iu New York tho Epis copal Church is eonvulsod by a schism. Horrified by the spread of ritualism, and fthftpairini? of arresting its progress, Bish op Cummins, of the Dioceso of Kentucky, Mid a number of tho lessor clergy h6re, form ally seoedod from the church and OMOnized as tho “Reformed Episcopal Church." The movement has not awak- OOftd any response from the people. BjfiualiHt.s laugh at it aud bid the soceders “God s speod." Low church people de plore it and refuse to join tho schism, oonfcequeutly Bishop Cummins and his UiUe band stand alone, hoping, it is true, t0 Obtain aid from tho other protostunt de* inations, but thus far not getting any. i*> not believe that the movement will teed. Protestantism is growing tired ffl|j»chismatio movements, attributing to ^jflivisions tho immense progress which iolicism is making iu this country. THE NEWSPAPERS. In tho nowspaper world there is noth- Ig new. The llcrahl is said to be doing U bettor business than over. Mr. Bounott the proprietor, has boon absent iu Europe ovor a year, but tho staff of the establish ment is ho well organized that the paper progresses as well during his absence M when ho is prosout. Tho Tribune wont down frightfully during tho Presidential UOmpaign and for sumo time alter: but it to fast recovering and being now hule- pondeut iu politics is building on a strong- give a paper. What the Tribune was to predicts that tho colored brother will tiou, was passed, absorb the extreme Southern States and j Home.—A large number of bills are uu- br ‘ouiQ famous iu our councils, j dor regular call for consideration, among Pryor is driving at something, i them are tho following: though what it is I cannot imagiuo. j o u alcoholic drinks—amending third Whatever may bo tho future of tho negro, section of act of 13th of March, 1868 ; for 1 am confident that ho never will bo per- the collection of abandoned property in milted to form negro States. If such a j the iusurrootiounry States ; to establish a thing was even possible the country could > light house on York river, Va.; granting not afford it. Pryor, however, is not a prophet, and then lie is sometimes very silly. MILD WEATHER. Thus far the woathor has been romark- ably mild. Sellors of sleighs and skates are iu despair, nud fifty thousand urchins aro moody with grief. Only the poor rejoico, because it saves fuel and enables them to keep comparatively warm at little expense. Astca. WASHINGTON. TAXATION ANII ITNANlTiN. Washington, Docember 14.—Thero is, at present, a general indisposition among the members of Congress to increase tnx- atiou. It will not be dono unless tho ne cessity can bo clearly shown. Tho re commendation of the Secretary of the Treasury iu u rocout letter to representa tive Dawes will be discussed by the Com mittee on Ways and Moans at their moot ing to-morrow. Several members of that Committee said, to-day, thero would be no hasty action upon tho subject. The Treasury department issomewnut pressed for money, not only by tho falling oft' in revenue, but by tho extraordinary appro priation of $1,000,000 or #.'>,<>00,000 for naval purposes, and the early approach of tho redemption of tho 20,000,000 loan of 1858, a bill, iu relation to which, is now pending between tho two houses of Congross. Over two-thirds of thisloauis now in coupon bonds which some of the holders are desirous of exchanging for per cent, bonds of the funded loan. The Senate have set apart to-morrow for tho discussion of the financial ques tion. The majority of tho Committee ou Finance having reported on Wed nesday a resolution having in view not only tho redemption of the United States notes iu coin, but measures which will furnish a currency of uniform value in gold or its equivalent, aud justed as to moot tho changing wants of trade and commerce, tho members of Cou- gress severally aro now privutely discuss ing tho matter of currency. Some of them have already introduced in their respect* v*« Houses bills or resolutions containing such methods as would, iu their opinion, afl'ord the relief nt present required. A large number of them favor au increase of currency, cither by releasing the Treas ury or bank reserves, or an arrangement of what is tailed an “clastic currency, making currency and bonds at all times interchangeable, according to business terosls or necessities. Secretary Richardson, iu his letter to Representative Dawes, reiterates his pre viously expressed views, that it is better to obtain tbo necessary money by taxation than by an increaso of tho public debt by louu. lie says ho selected teas and coffee because tho public would feel tho tariff on those at tides less than ou any others ; and as to the articles of taxation pertain ing to tho Internal Revenue Bureau, tho money could bo collected without addi tional expense to tho Government. Tho Secretary to-day, after tho necessary ex amination, ascertained that tho public debt has increased since tho 1st inst. live million dollars. Senate. Washington, Dooembor 13.—The Com mittee on Privileges and Elections, Sum ner absent, report thcmselvoles equally divided upon thu merits of tho ease ns bo- twcon McMillan and Piuchback. They refer the whole matter to the Senate, and ad; to bo disoargod from its furthor con sideration. Tho Committee is thus divid ed: Morton, Logon, Anthony, Mitohel for seating l'inchback, on prima facie. Opposed: Carpenter, Alcorn Hamilton. Saulsbury. In tho Senate, Morton moved that tho .Senate seat Pinclibaek ou prima fatic. The question comes up to-morrow aft8r tho morning hour. Ferry, arguing tho resolution that all testimony be printed and laid on tho Sen ators' tables, said bo wished to avoid tho contingency of an illegally elected Soua- tt.r from Louisiana legislating in tho Sen* alo for tho whole United Stales, pending the question of his right to perform such functions. Coiicreswiiiiial. Cheney ie installed Bishop of the re- | 4 ’°"° ted Episcopal church. i Ntook 181 ' M " 1 - Savannah, Dec. pay to soldiers in tho Mexican war; allow ing producers of loaf tobacco to sell with out tux ; to establish an iron ship building navy yard ou tho Southern coast; grant ing public lunds iu tho State of Ala bama to public schools and internal improvements; for public buildings at Ox- foul, Mississippi: for tho construction of Philip’s Ship Canal ns suggested by tho Now Orleans Chamber of Commerce. Introduced by Sypher—For, internal improvements in Louisiana. By Dun ell—■-For rebuilding tho Missis sippi lovecs. By Morey—For a canal ovor Muscle Shoals, Tounussee river; declaring tho Memphis City and Kansas Railroad a post road; for improvements on tho rivers and harbors of Florida, aud granting belliger ent rights to Cuba. By Walls—For improvements in Gal veston harbor and buildings at Houston. Giddings —Removing all tax on apple whiskey. There were three hundred bills read. A petition from :'>,(»(*() druggists, repre senting 275 lilies, asking tho repeal of stamp tax on medicines ora modifica tion to contino tho tux to patent medi- Tho Judiciary Committee reported a bill repealing the Bankrupt act. Tre- tnoved to suspend tho rules, but finally the bill was made a special order for to-morrow, and vote alter two hours discussion. Tho first section repeals tho bankrupt law and all its umeudmouts, tho second pro vides that where there aro bankruptcy proceedings pending, a majority iu val ue of tho creditors whoso claims have been provided or aro provoable, to de termine in what manner and ou what terms aud conditions tho estate of the bankrupt shall be adjusted, aud such res olution shall be immediately confirmed by the court. Further sections nrrungo tho details. There was a long debate iu tho House on a proposition ;from tho Committee of Ways and Moans and of Appropriations, to refer back the nnnual estimates to tho heads of departments for tho purpose of having them ruduaod, tho object being to avoid if possible tbo necessity of having to meet the estimated deficit of #12,000,- 000 by imposing a duty on tea and coffee and increasing tho tax on whiskey, tobacco and other articles. Tho party of inflationists was headed by Butler Massachusetts, who favored the issue of convertible bonds to meet tho deficit. Tho resolution was finally adopted, and then the House passed u resolution to adjourn over I ho Christmas holidays, from Friday, l'.Hh December, to Tuesday, 0th January. PROFT AGASSIZ DEAD. Ills I.AMT JIOITIM. Boston, Doc. 15.—The lust hours of Pi of. Agassiz woio apparently past in un consciousness. At 2 i*. m. Sunday ho had an attack similar to tho one experi enced before a suspension of resperation, which continued ha f a minute, accompa nied by other indications of approaching dissolution. Theso were succeeded by an unnaturally rapid breathing, that con tinued to grow fainter with departing vigor. Tho patient lay upon Lis sido, and beyond an oco.isiuiinl convulsive movement of tho limbs there wero no signs that ho suffered pain, and finally it was scarcely perceptible. formed Episcopal church — T here are two tugs towing the moni tor Montauk to New York. —Tho steamer Alaska, from China, is several days over duo at Sau Francisco. —Elizabeth, queen dowager, died in Berlin yesterday. Aged 72. —Maj. R. A. Kinzio, of Chicago, at tached to Sheridans staff as paymaster is doad. —Dr. C. Hohucok was olected President, and Dr. E. Witte Yico-Presideut of the Swiss Confederation at Romo yesterday. —Tho London journals, in their obitu ary notices of Judge Nelson and Professor Agassiz, abound in high praises of them. —Henry Selfepaga Winter Botham, uioinbor of Parliament for Stroud, and un- dor Secretary for tho Homo Department, is dead. —Rain moderate in South nud East Ohio. Great apprehensions of a groat flood. Ohio and Indiana at reams aro booming. —John Wilson, Captain of tho burgs Yirginin, has boon arrested iu New York on tho charge of pushing overboard Ed ward McGoodrlch who was found drowned. —Jolm M. Brush, of Oarbondaie, IU., au old army telogrnphcr, was killed re cently by the proprietor of the IMantor's hotel. Brush accidentally spilled ink on the register, while entoriug his name. —At the Now Orleans races the mud is fotlook deep. Nellie R. won the first— time 3:274. Bay Rum won the second— time 1:57$. Pat Lenard won tho third— timo 1:56—2:284. It is stated that David A. tinge, City Treasurer of Chicago, is #10(1,000 short, the bulk of which is locked up in sus pended National bunks. It is thought tho city is secure from ultimate loss. MARINE IntElIGKNOR. tiueui iitiu, coilsi- ____ -last eroding 4000; MERCHANTS & MECHANICS’ Columbus, Ga,, Cotton strong; middlings 15$; net receipts 0,272; exports to Continen 4,490; ooastwiso 4,687; sales 2,600; stock 109,712. Galveston, Deoembor ir, - Cotton Does a General Banking Business. in modorate demand; oftoriugs light: n good ordinary 14; ordinary 12j; net re oeipts 3,916; exports to Great Britain 1, DK.tf.fi IN Exchange, Isold, Milvor. Stock*. Ac. Special attention given to Col Ice- tion*, mid prompt return* made. Ntvr York Connksiu.xurmt: Ninth National Hank ol New York. 44; coastwise 1,541; sales 1,500; stock 68,585. Norfolk, Dec. 15.—Cotton steady and firm; low middlings 14^; net receipts 5,- 540; expoits coastwise 2,674: sides 425; stock 11,060. Philadelphia, Dec. 15.—Cotton firm; middlings 164; net receipts 657; gross 1,- 147. F j SAVINGS BANK. Memphis, Dec. 15.—Cotton qniot and ! RKI’ONITS received in mm* of 25 stoady; middlings 15$; low middlings 15; cent* and upward*, receipts 4,899; shipments 3,586; stock 48,. 623. Augusta, Dec. 15.—Cotton in good d«- | umnd, middlings 141’; receipts 1,612: sales 1,788. Wilminoton, Dec. 15.—Cotton firm ; middlings 15 ; not receipts 597 : stock 3112. Cotton Factories. MCMCOUEE MANUl'AUTT;KING CO. Manufacturers uf 8IIKKTIK08, Sll I RTIXOt*, YARN, KOl'K, Ac. UOLUMBU8, GA. G. |*. SWIFT. 1'ie.iiilont. \V. A. 8WHTT, Secretary A TruaHirer. octal ly. A Bit I V A l-M AND DP.PAK IT'RV.M. New York, Doceuibev 15.—Arrived : Mississippi, Georgia, Cromwell. Savannah. December 15.—Arrived : Robert Dixon, Oroata, Thoo.us, Van Hol der, Mowrey. Charleston, December 15.—Arrived : James Duncan, Flag. Sailed ; Sea Gull. New York. December 15.—The steam ship Grceco, hence for Liverpool, is ashore on tho fiats bolow Bedlawes. A tug has gone to her assistance. Arrived : James Adger. New York, December 15.— Arrived out —Frisia. New York, December In,—Arrived— Worcester, Morcedita. Charleston, Docember 15.—Arrived: Island Home, Mira. Hailed: Alice. Havannah, December 15.—Arrived : Lexington, Juvcn, Hortonsia, Juh. Ketch- urn, Carmel, Hope, Arcadia, Artuidn. Hall, Delhi, Nellie Starr. Departed : Oneida, Oswego. Arrived : Egarsund. MARKETS. Livery and Sale Stables. IIOKI It l illOMI'SILV Livery, Male and I. *«■ liana c Mi aide*, 0«w Minn pit, Nohtii op Kamuiiimi Sn.. ortllo Columhint, Ga. a. ua».hi:l, l.lvrry and Male Stable*. nuUillORPK Si , COLUMUUS, G A. J'Ai'lirnliii nit "bijou gjvou lo Fig <li ug nail .in of Btook. HlU'rll'S 101,1 Mlllt'i llO.Hlit‘<l ill UMI.Iph l»* II Doctors. DH. J. A. KKUlTf AKT, Gill, .-nt C. J. MolVutt's IiriiK Sluru, Itioutl « Itoaiilencu on St. Clair, lie tween lima,I .o ii*p5 Front Sts., Coliiinlm*, Ga. xepTMltf * Dentists. w. J. FtMd.i:, Dentiwf, Georgia Home lluiIdi, ( YIlKi INI US. Key West, December 15.—Tho Dis patch sailed with four officers from tho Flagship, and an extra crow of thirty-six men to receive the YirgiuiU rf . They will probably tuko her to some Northern port. Sho carries a full complement of officers tL« Virgiuius. THE WEATHER. Department of War. \ Washington, Dec. 15, 1873.) Trobahidtic*.—For the South Atlantic States, and tbeneo westward to tho lower Missouri v.db v. !:<>ht Northeast to South BY TEIiEUBAPH TO KNUllBEK. London, December 15.— Erie 30$. Baris, December 15.—Rentes 0‘Jf. and Frankfort, December 15.—Ronds 97§. Liverpool, Duo. 15.—Noon.—Cotton u shade firmer; uplands SjafijJ; Orleans 9*}n9;/; sides 15,000—for speculation und export 3,000. Uplands, nothing bt-low good ordinary, shipped in November 8, 1 : December and Novenibov same; ditto, shipped in Roc. and January same; ditto delivery in Dec. 8J; Orleans,nothing below low middlings, delivered in December Hj. New York, Dec. 15.—Gold opened at 10^. Cotton quiet; sales 1,385; uplands lOj; Orleans 16'. Futures opened as follows ; Decomber 15 31-32; January J6 9-32, Fobruary 16 9-16tl6,; March J6 5-16al7 1-16; April J7.}al7 7-16. Flour steady. Wheat held 1 coni high er. Corn 1 cent better. Fork firm; mosn 8ii6. Lard quiet and firm: steam 8^nK 1-16. Stocks aelivo and considerable doing. Gold I0 : f. Money—6 bid. Exchange- long J); short 9;. Govoruiuonts strong and active. Stato bonds quiet. Sr. Lons, December 15.—Flour firm ; fair demand. Corn firmer ; business ..mall. Whiskey higher at 93. Pork firm at *11 50. Bacon nominal, at 64 for shoulders; (JJ for cloar rib: 8| clear sides. Ji«rd firm. Cincinnati, Doc. 13.—Flour firm but unchanged. Corn firm—new ear 55; old ear shelled so. Pork firm: $15 50; bid $16. Lard firm; hIoaiii 8j; kettle 8,‘,i9. Bacon quint but firm: shoulders nominuJ. cloar rib 7j{; clour sides 8. Whiskey ac tive and higher; sales at 91. Louisville, Dec. 15. -Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firmer: now mixed 48a53. Provisions oxojtcd and higher. Pork $16. Bacon nominal. Lard firm; tierces 8u8.U keg ,. Whiskey firm at 93|a94. New York, Dec. 15.—Cotton—net re ceipts 1,083, gross 6,719. Futures closed steady: snlos 18,700 bales, asloilmvs: DucoinOt-r lapilAj; January a. i iu. i t.u.ouu.ui- Lawyers. I.. T. IMIWMMI, Attorney and Solicitor. U. 8. Coiu'r ami K*-gim«r iu lUuki uplc) r Bnioki' Dru ; PFAKOllY A oliunbu>. Qit, BBANNON, MKVEN por W»L I per an mini) in lcrv*l allotted, payable 1st Jaunart, April. Jal.t and tfetolier, eoniponml- «‘d four 11 mi** annual ly. i IM.ro.MHM |*A||> ON OFAIANO. . Ull.NHV .IGRIJAN, Of KICK OF Till: EAGLE Hi III Manutautniiiio ('omp’y, Col(*(‘oroia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON TI1E PART OF 1 HE OPERATIVES, AND ID PU0YIDK A sale and reliable nrrnug«unenl for tl.e beneficial ac'.vmuW5/.> i the oaniings of arlispus wad all -v.i r elasi.es. Ibis (kmipany lu»a bed, under KPEf'fAL CHABTEK FBOM THl. STATE OF GEOBGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, iu which the following advantages aro offered to Depositors <>| either large m hiiihII amounts: 1. PER FECI KECUKI I 'i. 1 he assets of the Company wore on the 1st of January, I.KtVI Tiiov, Arhivk 'I'n Get OMi.'i* at Hremi s(i «a( will In- .ipr-ned FltKHTlIT AND ACCOMMODATION l.eavr Cutiiiiil'UN Mumlay*. \>cJ:n*ulu)■ and Friday* ur - - - ,. m. Arrivo at Tmy, . . T u, r. . I.< jive Tii<y mi Tii.-nJayv, '] liuisil/ty* «»*l 8atui‘ila>H at • ... 4 ; oo , »i \niVo at CuliitnbUH, • • • U:2.» r. a. W. L. Ul. VIlK, riup't. Western Railroad of Alabama. ll 1 7 I s V » » » ci'tTf m w 53T HOURS TO NEW YORK l. r 8w VorJi and Kct Orleans Mail Linj. Falaso Sleeping Cars Bun Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. TRAINS MtAYKCOM MRUS DA ■ l.V Fui A tin 11 Li, • 10:40 A.M. F *r Muiitgomury, • • v. .*. Arrivo al Muiilg'y, 10:40 1*. u , f.- ’O t n FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time M lionm and 45 minut*.-*.) LEAVE COLUMBUS ±40 u. in. AlUUVK at A t lam a • IU Yo via l k liiludelpltia ami llaltiiiiui Sleep!nu Cam It 1111 TlironuU Irani Opelika to l.ynelibni'K. ritains arrive at Columbus daily Atlanta, - . iklo r. M. 1 Mmiukdi \\. Mail 1 • dally « Mlij{ at Atlanta vi'illi \ Th-kidi I" It. A. BACON. Annul. 187 701. Attorney* at l,im. B. J. HOMES, Attorney and 4,'oiinwellor at l.au (m-utkIu ILiiua Iiuiiraiiro C(ini|Miiii liiiildiiiti, uc-t7 ly J mid -n.ry. 1.1)118 I . OABBABI), Attorney and 4'ouunollor at lain Olhce No. i.T Broad Htn-t, t ■ lunihiM, Ga. \ lirm lici- in tie Stain and Fudeial Uonit». S|*i- a11Miltion niveil lo CoiiiiM<l< ml Lav. aiel imho Bankriiptry. n | « II AS. ||. Wl 1.1,1 AMS, Attorney at l.au, t’olninfMi*, La Will iMttitiue ill any Court Oltlru oval A* A Murdoi l.'i at<«l 1. , liovl Crocers. 1 wueu OKl.-tlim po A Jarkson si 1. I*- No 1 luirx* for dray*i|S*« J. II. II AM I li'l'O.V, Hliolenale and Itetail <>roe« IMIIAM C'OOBBR, ltify litomr and i<e *(• 1 tn 1 mini r|i'. 11**x t to ••F.n.|inn , i ' uOu-*. and ure stoudily increasing. Tho Rosorvo Fund is $297,766 92 All of which properly ih hI’egiai.ly I’l.EDOEu by act of the Guuoiut Assembly for tho protection of Depositors; and in addition, by the same act, the Stockhold ers of the Company are made 1NDLV1D- ALLY RESPONSIBLE iu proportion to their shares, lor the integrity "f the Savings Repin fluent and if s [•erfifieafes of I lopohil. 2. LIBERAL IN'l EKEST. Kate allowed .Seven per ct lit. per annum, e.m.ponmled four times 11 veer. deposit;- REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Ileal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ' * iiv mid in I**) Fid-: LI. ATTUN'D I* BOM I'TI.Y To Til K S A I. H ItK.Vr .(Mil’l KC’HAcL nt BF.'AL K.iTA'I t City mid L'uiinli), I'll AIHIF.. • For Exchange. N n I ini I >lt* Unnnj.iovid Building I Ouuiliii, and sixty «i\ I>Mh in I ir.iaka. A |i<»rliiio ur tin* wliolt* 1 |u|- a Soiithmn IMautatiuii in G< Valuablo Plantation at Auc tion. WILL B1-: 801.1) AT ADM IN iSl'It A TOR’S SAL) For Sale. ; urn i’Hoj'khty, n- nt (l.o «ily. Wii n an ani-|.tal'li- |mrl |.I**ijim 1 ly ran li inmli AND LOT, with :u 0U8H AND LOT, vitl ullald" aud di-iilalili I witlidru I )eposito a/ f RULES AND REGULATIONS or this Department 1'nrni. U.d upon npplirntioii, and all desired inforinution given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. For Rent. DWELLING villi lliri-i- All accounlti >j J/tpo*ih>r.i Htdeml nln‘et/i/ jirioate anil '■<< DIRECTORSr mill la llillfllli Fresh Meats. J. T. COOK, I'l-i*nil Meat* ol All Kind*, ,-lall. Nog 1 ..,.-1 I ■ Rags, Hides, etc. JOHN NLIIAFI’EY, Dealer in Rim*, llido*, Hrmaai. rle„ and nil kind* Ol Junk. Cobnrk Balb'll ANb -lOLi.ruulirr. Sm . Druggists. DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pago lllustra* tod Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES. BLINDS. STAIR RAILS, NEWELS. FANCY GLASS, Ac.. FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. . Mi- lllt Cotton will »>** received by » all niy Agent* in aeewrdam- eoiitruet until maturity ol' siieli ot> ligation*, alter \% lileb date till* pi it liege will eease. nil -i Deliver Soluble Pacific Guaiiu for Another Season