Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 17, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred It. Calhoun, l’ROPllIKTOH. Twelvo months, in advance $8 00 fc>ix months, “ 4 00 Three months, “ 2 00 One month, “ 7f>c. Weekly Enquirer, one year 2 00 Columbus inquirer YOL. XY. COLUMBUS, GA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1873. NO. 298. WASHINGTON. CO\tiREKNIO.\.tl, l»KO<EE«I.\f!N. IfOIIKC. Washington, Dec. 1(1.—The House passed a bill to repeal the Bankruptcy llw, but providing that all pending pro ceedings in bankruptcy shall bo contin ued under the existing law, except that •11 fees, costs and charges shall bo re duced to one-half of the present rates. The select committee on Salaries re ported a bill fixing the salaries of members •t five thousand dollars,to be in full of all allowances except for actual individual traveling exponses, and reducing all other •laries that were increased last sossiou to what they had been before, except fudges of the Supreme Court and the President's during this term. An amend ment was adopted, making the redaction take effect from the 4th of March, 1873. The bill was not disposed of. General Spinner was at his desk to-day. He goes to Florida during the recess for his health. The Committoe on Appropriations of the Senate have agreed to report the House bill giving the Navy four millions Without amendment. The Post Master General is before tho Committee on Post Offices and Post Hoads, explaining the relief service by abolishing the franking privilege. It is understood that he opposes any modifica tion of tho presout laws. The Supreme Court adjourned to-day In respect to Nelson. Tho motion to reconsider the confirma tion of Shepperd was voted down. He is now Governor. No other action of the Executive ses sion transpired. The curiosity as to tho fate of Judge Williams as Chief Justice increases. Tho Military Committee have com menced investigation in tho froedman Howard defalcation. Tho Executive mansion is closed on ac count. of tho death of Col. Dent. Tho Finance Committee agreed to re port adversely on Clayton's bill imposing 10 per cent, tax on tho circulation of banks other than national. Senate. Tho Finance eominitto report adversely to tho bill authorizing a partial payment of duties in greenbacks. A bill placing the telegraph lines con necting tho Capitol and Departments un der the control of Gen. Babcock passed. A bill removing the disabilities of Wil" Barns, of the State of Texas, was referred Morton made n long speech in favor of Pinchhack. MoOreery speaks to-morrow. Beuale wont into executive session. ItohbIckT *'THr. COM HI ITT E E DEVIDEl) AN TO WHETHER Hi: IN EN- TITLED TO If IN NEAT. Washington, Dec. 1(5.—Tho Committee .on Privileges and Elections are divided Upon this question whether Pinchback upon his credentials is entitled be sworn ip. Morton's resolution that the creden- #als of Pinchback for a seat in the Sen- ante for the coming six years, ending March 4th, 1879, boiug in regular form, be is entitled, under the law and usages Of the Senate, to bo sworn in, and that Whatever grounds of contest to his rights should be made hereafter. FREDERICK DENT DEAD. r OF THE Pit ENI HE XT'S FATHER-IN-LAW. Washington, December 10.—Colonel Frederick Dout, father of Mrs. Grant, died at midnight; aged 88. His daugh ter, Mrs. Casey, is quite ill at Philadel phia. An unfavorable effect of said news is apprehended. Col. Dent has resided for U long time at the White House, as tho guest of his daughter. Tho Colonel never Abandoned his Democratic principles. Ho ate his breakfast and smoked his cigar . Yesterday morning. GENERAL HEWN. f Ily Telegraph to the Enquirer. 'The Carlist insurrectionists in Spain •re decreasing. —The steamer Bicton was lost in the iediterraneau, with twenty-two lives. —A dispatch from London says tho ; weather is tempestuous. Much damAge is reported. —The ex-Empress Eugenio visited Queen Victoria at Windsor castle yester day. taL —Tho Madrid Impartial reproaches tho United States for permitting mootings in New York lor organization against Cuba. Ev —A special from Paris says tho Con servatives of Franco are dismayed at the Republican successes in the recent elec tions. '-The official journal of the Carlists at (From tho Danbury Nows ] THE CERTAIN FIXTURES. The most exquisite article of domeatio torture is tho modern window-curtain fix ture. Years ago, before tho deseemtiug hand of inventive geuius was reared, the wiudow covering was either a green shade hung by hooks, or a simple piece of uma- lin nailed firmly to the upper casing. Now tho cm tain is uniformly of cloth, with a fiat stick at the bottom and a round stick at the top, and a complicated lot of bn ss cogs and ratchets at i he endta. It isn’t much trouble to fit in the fiat sticks, because they can bo measured the right length on the floor, but it is getting tho proper leugth of the round sticks or rollers that plays the mischief with a man’s temper. We are not quite certain but that it could bo done without much bluster wero a man’s wife to go off to the other end of the town and stay there until tho operation is over. She doesn’t, how ever. She keeps right close to him, and enlivens tho performaee by such observa tions as her judgment nnd experiences teach her aro tho best calculated to turn his hoad. The window-curtain is general ly put up in tho evening. This is partly because the man has then more time, and partly attributable to his desire to put off' tho ovil job until the last moment. The first thing to be done is to separate the parcols and borrow a saw. Every family keeps its own screw-driver (point broken) and hammer (handle loose). You instinctively saw the fiat pieces first, because this is the easiest, and afterwards tit the rollers, which is more difficult. Then the curtain is tacked to the rollers, which keep turning over and breaking the tackR, and catching your fiugors under the hammer. This done, you aro ready to plant your feet on tie best caue-bottom chair in the bouse, and put up tho fixtures. Here your wife says, “Well, if I ever saw anything quite as idiotic as .” You then get right down, while she starts for a wooden ar ticle, and by way of showing that you have no feeling in the matter, you kick tho cauo-seat iuto the middle of the room. Once mounted on the chair, the brack ets are put up. To do this requires that you extend your arms tho full length, and while in this condition, with a couple of screws and a screw-driver in your mouth, fbo hammer in one hand, the other hang ing to tho fixtures, and the ourtain with the unwieldy roller across your shoulder, you make the sickening discovery that you havo get nothing with which to punch the hole for the screw. Then you got down to tho floor again to remedy the defect, and find there is nothing for that purpose but the advioe of your wife to drive the screw till it sets. You mount again. She holds the lamp so she can see if the woman has cleaned the corners of the glass, and, as you have your mouth too full of hardware to artic ulate with auy freedom, you find yourself obliged to kick her elbow to iudicate that you actually demand some of tho flame to set the screw. The artifice is lost upon her, however, for, likely as not, sho will set down the lamp to rub her arm, and ask you what you meun. No one has yet sot a bracket to a ourtain fixture without either dropping some of the implements or a remark well calculated to engross tho attention of tho party holding the lamp. The awful strain on the arms, the wonderful vacillating humors of (he screws, tho incomprehensible imbecility of tho screw-driver, the obstinacy of the roller, and the astonishing perverseness of your wife, who will persist in moving the light at the wrong time, make putting up a modern curtain fixture the most sub tile of household grievances. And when the curtain is finally up, and secured so it won’t fall on your head when you touch the string, and you take hold to draw it up, tho experience as it waltzes off to one side, and tries to stand on its drunken head, and failing iu that, stays right whare it is,and obstinately refuses to budge either way, has never been truly analyzed. Weeks after, when you are leaning back iu your chair engrossed in momories of the dead past, that curtain will suddenly come thundering down upon you, causing you to spring into the air and lifting your very hair almost free from the scalp. —The Grand Duke Nicholas, brother of the Russian Czar, has sent to the Sul- tain of Turkey two stuffed hours. When his Imperial Highness was in Constanti nople he promised his Majesty some trophies of the chase, and he has kept his word. One of the bears was killed by the Grand Duko's own hands. It is an immense beast, jet black, and tho taxider mist has stood ii erect and made it clutch tho trunk of an artificial tree. The other boar is a brown, and it holds a plate be tween its paws. We suppose that whene ver tho Sultan looks upon his stuffed pets, ho will bo reminded that the Russian hear has teeth and claws, and that it will bo prudent not to put his head iu its way. Tho Czar, as is well known, has a greedy eve on the fair domain of tho Turk. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, Deo. 1(5, 1878.) Probabilities.—For the New England and Middle States, light uud general Southeasterly to Southwesterly winds,and partially cloudy weather, with less pres sure and a slight riso of temperature. For the Southern States, partly cloudy woathor aud possibly light rain on the coast, and tho temperature rising with diminished pressure. Tho winds gradu ally shifting to Easterly aud Southerly for the Lake regions. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS ANI> DEPARTURES. New York, Docember 1G.—Arrived : City of Galveston, Croscent City nnd Hol land. Arrived out: Galico. Savannah, Doc. 1G.—Arrived—Hunts ville, San Jacinto. London, Dec. 1G.—Arrived at Liver pool—bark Brilliant Stur, from Wilming ton, N. C. New York, December 1G.—Arrived— Tyboe. MARKETS. IIY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. London, December 1(5.—Erie 37; street discounts $ below bank rate. Consols 91 >91J. Paris, December 1(5.—Rentes 58f. aud 50 o. Liverpool, Dec. 15.—Noon.—Cotton firmer: advanced a fraction; uplands 8{j: Orleans 8;); sales 15,000—for speculation and export 3,000. Cotton to arrive steady. Lator.—Uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in November and De cember and January ditto, nothing below low middlings, delivered in De cember 8 5-1G. Sales include 9900 American. New York, Dec. 1(5.—Gold opened at I1§. Stocks active, but irregular. Mon ey, 7 bid. Gold 12$. Exchange—long 9$; short 10. Governments strong. State bonds strong. Cotton quiet aud easier; soles 1003; uplands Uij, Orleans l(i£. Futures opened as follows: Jan. 1G l-32alG$; Feb. lG.^alG-j; Mar oh 10$; May Flour quiet. Wheat quiet nnd firm. Com steady. Pork dull. Lard heavy. Sr. Louis, December 1G.—Flour firm ; fair demand, especially for grades below six which are source. Corn held firm but inactive—mixed (51 in elevator. Whisky scarce aud higher at 75. Pork quiet at $* 14.25a 14.50. Bacon nominal—shoulders (54, clear rib sidos G : ,‘, clear sides 8{a8$. Lard 8.18L Louisville, Due. 1(5.—Pork held at $15al5 50. Lard steady at 8r8.4 for stoam. Corn in good demand at 5(la(50. Flour quiet $7a8 75. Whiskey firm at 944. Liveupool, December 1(5, p. m.—Sales of Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, shipped January and February, 8jjd. Yarns and fabrics quiet and unchanged. New York, Deo. 1(5.—Cotton—Net re ceipts 557 bales, gross 3534. futures closod steady; sales 22,800 baloR : December 15}, January 1(5$, Feb ruary 1(5 19-32a$, March 1(5 15-1G, April Cotton Factories. MUSCOGEE MAXUFACTUR1XG CO. Manufacturers of SIIKKT1NQS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, R01‘E, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, 8ocretary & Treasurer. octal ly. Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPKOX, Livery, Male ami Exchange Stable*, OflLRTiioRPK, North of Randolph Sts., octal) Columbian, Uu. A. GAMMEL, Livery and bale Stables, OoLKTiionps St., Columuus, Ga. Particular nttcution given to Feeding nnd Sale of Stock. Hoihkh mid Milieu boarded In stables by tbo month or dity. oct2l» Doctors. ■til. J. A. I'lUlI IIAllT, lc- lit 0. ,1. Uuirott'a UruK Store, Broad air. Residence on St. Clair, between Broad aud ior5 Front Sts., Columbus, Utt. DR. COL2EY. Residence corner of St. Clair nnd Oglothorpe Bts. DR. J. O. COOK. • Ellis A Harrison’s Commission House, Dentists. w. T. root., Dentist, V28] 1<>1 Brpail St., Qolttmbu JOB PRINTINC. ) BANKS. THE ENQUIRER j " 'MERCHANTS’ & MECHANICS’ BAMKL, Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business, DEALS IN JOB OFFICE W. J. FOGLE, Dentittt, iu Homo Building, Columbus, (In Lawyers. L. T. DOWXIXG, Attorney and Solicitor. U. S. Com’r uud Register in Hunkruptoy. Oilico iiov29] over Brooks’ Drug Htoro, Columbus, Oh. PEA1IODY A IIRAXXOX, Attorney* at Luu. Office over J. Ennis A Co.’s Store, Broad St., iiovISJ We Pudding Sauce.—Four tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of butter, one tablespoon of Hour beaten to a cream. Add tho white of an oggbontan to a froth, and pour iuto tho whole a gill of boiling water, stirring it very fust. Flavor with lemon, rose-water, nutmeg or wine. Fritters—Take two or throe eggs: a little sweet milk; stir in a littlo flour, and beat it well; drop with a spoon in a little pork fat; turn iu a second or bo, as they cook very quickly. These are excel lent and very hearty. Hemedy For Group.—Half a teaspoon- full of pulverized alum in a little molasses. If is a simple remedy, one most always at hand, and one dose seldom fails to givo relief. If it should, ropeat it after one hour. —The French war indemnity was, says the Epargne Franchise, paid in tho following manner: — 1. In cash, 750,000,- ()()0 taken from the bullion in tho Bank of France, and 1,(500,000,000 drawn from tho circulation of the country and re- -10. Buyone announces that the town of Utica I l )!ftc ©d by bank notes. 2. In German . • has been oapturod by the ltoyalists, under coins,7.»0,000,000 which the German ar- •Triutany. I uiies had spout iu France. it,. —A Paris correspondent of tho Lon Ion Himes says Bazline intended to put him self at the head of (lie Aiphonzo forces ^iad his senteuco been commuted to ban ishment. JB —The Democratic caucus of California (nominates J. T. Farley for United States Senator for the long term, aud Judge | Ilerger for the short term. Both are [ (claimed us anti-railroad men. -A dispatch from Sheffield, England, yesterday, says that city was visited by a erriblo storm. The wind blew a hurri cane. A large number of buildings aud ■chimneys wore blown down, and many fpersons were killed. —The funeral of Professor Agassiz f took place in Boston from Appleton Cbap- P©1, on the l(5th inst. Several paws wore •served for tho family, which otherwise •re open to whoever comes. The formal Attendance of several societies, to which deceased was attached, was declined. By the ces- on of the eastern railways, 325,000,000. 1. By the export, of goods from Franco to many, 775,000,000. 5. By the sale of I G foreign stock. 800,000,000. PROVERBS FROM THE; FRENCH- —Not every one that dances is glad. —The worst wheel always creaks most. —It is loving too much to die of love. —‘Tie a long day, a duy without bread. —Every man to his taste. -Not every dog that barks bites. —Every one should sweep before his own door. —Every to-morrow brings its broad. —Every potter vaunts his own pot. —Every medal has its reverse. —The coal-heaver in uiftuter at Lome. Holders meet tho demand freely ; July Money 7 a fraction commission. Ster ling weak at 9. Gold 12a 12$, reached $ during tbo day. Governments strong and higher, considerable doing. Statos strong. Boston, Doc. 1(5.—Cotton quiot ; mid dlings 1G;( ; net receipts 18, gross 1053 ; sales 400 : stock (5000. Norfolk, Dec. 1(5.—Cotton firm ; low middlings 15c. ; receipts 1810 ; exports coastwise 1032 ; sales 475 ; stock 11,871. Charleston, December 1(5.—Cotton firm; middling 15j*al5$; low middlings 15$al5$; strict good ordinary 14 , l ; net re ceipts 2911; sales 2000 ; stock 5(5,7(57. Mobile, December 1G. — Cotton quiet; Savannah, Doc. 10.—Cotton firm; middlings 15jj; net receipts 3004; sales 2093: stock 112‘710. Wilmington, Dec. 19.—Cotton firm; middlings 15 J; not receipts 525: solos 50. stock 0(537; Memphis, Dec. 10.—Cotton firm ; mid dlings lGalGj: low middlings 15$; receipts 5312; shipments 1998; stock 51,937. Augusta, Deo. 1(5.—Cotton strong and in good demand ; middlings 15 ; receipts 2.3(57; sales 2257. Galveston, Dec. 1(5.—Colton linn and good demand: good ordinary 114, ordina ry 13; receipts 2,424; exports to Conti nent 1.32; sales 2,000; stock 70,800. Baltimore, Dec. 1(5. — Cotton firm: middlings JO: low middlings 15$; strict good ordinary 114: gross receipts 21(5; ex ports coastwise 375; sales (501; stock 1(5,310. New Orleans, Dec. 1(5.—Cotton firm and good demand; middlings 174; low- middlings 1(5$; strict good ordiuary lljj; net roeeipts 11,12(5, gross 12,50(5: exports to Continent 3,8(59; sales 4,000, last oveu- ing 9,000; slock 190,300. Musical Presents! Finely Bound ! Useful! Entertaining ! R. J. MOSES, Attorney awl I'oiiiiMillur at Law, Georgia llomo Insurance Company building, sec- oct7 lyj oml story. LOUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney and C’oiiiiNcllor at Ijiw. Offlco No. 07 Broad street, Columbia, Ga. Will practice iu tho State nnd Federal Court*. Special attention Riven to Commercial Law uud ruses in Bankruptcy. sep4 <11 AS. 11. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law, Colnnibu*, Ga. Will practice in any Court. Office over Acee A Murdoch's Ktoro. [novlU Grocers. DA.\’L It. BIKE, Dealer In Family Groceries, on Bryan street, hi tween Oglethorpe A Jackson atroet*. No charge for dray ago. doc7 J. II. H im LI ON , Wholesale and Retut 1 Groeer, ISIIAM COOPER, Family Grocer and Dealer iu Country l'roduu H0p5 next to “Enquirer” Office. IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, Having recently been Kefnmlilted with a large aneortuient or tbe l ineal New Type, Borders, Curvatures, NEW PRESSES OF IHK I.ATKMT AND MOST APPROVED PATTERN*. Kxelmnge, Gold. Nil ter. Stock*. Ac. Special attention given to Collec tion*, and prompt return* mode. New York Correspondent: Ninth National Rank of Xetv York. SAVINGS BANK. DEPOSITS received in *nm* of ‘J.Y cents ami upwards. SEVEN percent, per oiinuiiij in tcrcNt allotted, payable 1st Janiiarv. April, July and October, compound ed four times anniiallly.) D E POSITS P AID O X DE M a'x D. IMHECTORS: W. L. SALISBURY—Fur marly of Wurnur.k A Co. A. I LI,OKS—Of I'rucr, lllges A Co. W. It. BROWN—01' ColuiuluiH Iron Works (’--. 0. A. REDD—Of C. A. ltodd A Co. 0. I,. McGOL'GlI—Of John McUough A Co. ortl'J SKtf UUNBY .IORDAN, ?oo\v A Trout OFFICE OF THE RAILROADS. Change of Schedule. Fresh Meats. J. T. COOK, Fresli Meat* of All Kind*, ■ Stalin Nob. 16 nnd 17 Rags, Hides, etc. JOHN MEIIAFFEY, Dealer In Rag*, Hides, Hccmwux, etc., and all kind* Of Junk. Corner Briixie and oui.etiiohpe Stb.. H0p5 ColnuihUH, ()a. Druggists. j. i. gkiitt.y. ion iir»»ti at. I'ltrinlaii i'resviil,, 1'urio.Ule., OrnuliiKiital ali>l I.iiMful, jnat ri’t.lv.il, d«ol7 f* H- PALMER. Druggist, Near Rrornl St. Depot. Physicians’ Pres riptlotiB nmd. a specialty, doc 17 j Night hell rn loft -.1 door. JOHN L. JORDAN, Druggist, Two doors Li-low Goo. W. Brown’s, Broad Stroet, Columbus. Ga. Night ll-il light or Mouth door. Hcpr. FOSTER s. CHAPMAN, DriiggiRt, Randolph, rant of Broad «"P* Colli , Ga A. M. HRAWO.y, W*.t Si Of, Umn» Sran.r, ColXMllira, (Ja., Wliulc.nlu nnd lletnil Denier it Druu* nnd Hedleinc., Toilet Article, nnd l-errnniery. Dental Notice. QR FU KLI-8 hart ieu.ovod hi« office I'rohliytorlau Chur OPELIKA DIRECTORY. CARD AND PAPER STOCK 18 LAKUK. NKW ASI» INK BEST. Wo aro prejisrud to l-’ilnt ail fl«m »r JOB WORK. In the Neatest Style of the Art, At New York Prices. Business Cards, Bill Heads. Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills EAGLE DPHEI Manufacturing Curap’y, ColumbuN, Georgia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE UAIUT OF SAVING ON THE I’AllT OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PHOVIDE A hhU) ami reliable arrangement for tho beneficial accumulation • f tho earnings of artisana and all ouh. r Hasses, this Company ha* eatabliwhrd, uniter SPECIAL CllAKTKU FltOM THU STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages arc offered to Depositors of either largo or small amounts: 1. I’EKFECT SECT Ki n . The iihhoIh ul the Company wore on the 1st of January, 1873 1,79-1.459 13 uuil are steadily increasing. The Reserve Fund is $297,7GG 92 All of which property is smmi.v Pi.KimKD by act of the Gontnul Assembly for tho protection of Depositors; and in addition, by the samo act, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company aro nmdo 1N 1)1 Yll)- AIjLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion t their shares, for the integrity of tb Savings Department and its eorlilieates of Deposit. 2. LIBEHAL 1NTEKEST. Unto allowed Seven per cent, per anuiim, eomponnded four times a year. 3. DEPOSITS can ho withdrawn tit mil/ thne without hotter. Depositors residing out of the citv ran dr t\v deposits by chocks. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, and all desired informal ion given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS Riven t.. depositors. t), ft All accounts of J)cpohitors iriU be con sitft red strictln private and conlulcntiol. DIRECTORS: X .1. BGHFKY, W II. YOl'Nii. W. K. I'A HIM Mold;. M.FUJ11) I. YOI Sit. niABI.KS (IKKLN. I'n-rtiili-nt of tho 8.iv.tiiH.i)i Bank nu<1 Trust C-.n. rany • mli'^1 O N ANU A FT HR I>K(J. WKDNK8DAI Tlfk-J Offioe nt Broad sti-rt.it Shed will I,.- FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION heave Columbus Mondays, W-dnusday* and Fridays at - . v Arrive at Troy, llo;, hi 1 ., vi* Troy oh Tm*sduys, 7Jiursdnya aud d-cil coda I W. L. CLARK, Sop t. Western Railroad of Alabama. I'yi ■; ]BBjij<¥kTijgt 53:; HOURS TO NEW YORK Now York and New Orlean: Mail Line. Palace Sleeping Oars Hun Through from Opelika to Lynchburg, WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLUMUUrt, Ga,, Novauibor loth, IhV,:, TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, . . . KISUa.m. Arrivo at Atlanta. 6:40 r. For Montgomery, - - .voo p. », For Solum. . . 5l Arrivo at Moatg’y, 10:40 i*. >i , j;MU a m FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Tlmo GU hours and 46 miuuto*.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 a. m. ARRIVE ut Op'dika 12:27 p. in., ul Atlanta 6:4o p. m . at Wiirtliingt.m 7.20 a. in.. New York 4;26 ... m via I’lilliulolpliia and Baltimore. Sleeping far* Kim llirougli fruiu Opeliku to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - - - UAU p. w. From Montgomery at 3:50 a. m p. M . Tho 6:01) m. Woetern Meii Iraiu runs Uuil), connecting with traiiia for Now OrlcaiH, Mobile Looisvilb-, Ky., and St. Loitla, ut .Moutgomaiy, u„ | t Solum. On this train alccplii/ It rough front Ojudlka to N.-w Or- York Expt UK at Attn R. It. • VickH Tlo mi Sunday. No dele. Opelika bv any I. Ticket* for nub) at Union PitMengor Depot. CM AS. I'. BALL, General Suu’t H. A. BACON, Agent. [nov21 It <d M'-odolH-iolit Life of ltD.wln cle. \ All bu pOrtt -pH O’.ivor Dit:cn & Co., Boaton. rtepli dMtnwaw 3ha:. II. Ditson i: Co. 711 Broadway, N. Y Doctors. of New York, or any other J>K. J. W. K. WiMstAAHH Oilers hit. proh-Hiion .1 - ■. sir--t. Office over R. M. Green A Co. s, Chambers A R. It. Streets. city, j Insurance. Programmes, Bills of Fare. K. 1. ItOWKN A SON, General lusiirunoo Agont*. Olliee. Rail toad Street, over K. M. Greens A C«.'*, P08TAL CARDS i IN VINO VERITAS! Ol »IK OWN II KM ION, HETT11 It I \R. MOFFETT has now on Hand, tor l-'itmily JL/uud Medicinal Ure,, u | m... k of Native CATAWBA uud CONCORD WINES. They nt" Purer and Better than the great. . | art ..t tbs high- priced Native Wine... Tit Them. * nov2tf TIIAH THOSli n'KI'IOHKI. AT THE Rr.un.3it oiti. dk. a NOTICE. .'UI.TY. Orders frous 4k* t-euntry solieiled. ! 1 N tlio,,' l’.ul.- »o art wILiia lo liol)iall ! 1 our Irinmli tli.it will li. li. ntlv, IS .•.•ilia tor Miildll.iK «'ot- ton in paviii'.iit fit .-le.-uniiM m - .In-, and ur K e ' »n iuJol.1 a ii.-* ; „„l n , III.. In,ut.ili■ | etely. JOHN .HeGOIGII A (O. 1 Us.7 dlw*w2t Hurk t usrsutrtvU. Mve us a rail. DOORS, SAGH, ETC. Our Seventy Pcn'o lllustm- ■ ted Catalogue of j DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. STAIli RAILS, NEWELS, l'ANCV GLASS, M ,d. I i REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY To THE SALK BENI' AND PURCHASE ol REAL ESTATE in (he City and counlry, and will advortlae ib- ‘nme (at private aale) FREF OK CHARGE, uiiI.-m (be pioperty id Hold. For Exchange. Twenty Valuable Unimproved Building Lotn m the city or Omaha, and nixty-Hix Iota iu IMall. mouth, Nebruaka. A portion or the wliolu will ba exrluinge.l for a Southorn Plantation In Geoigia nr Aliil'iim:,. .'ll vi.ry term-. IT Valuable Plantation at Auc tion. WILL UK SOLD AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. On the 2!lth day of October, in Girard, Ala., wi will Hull tliu \ aluablu Pluiitntiuii, belonging l III- eMUte of G. ,1. A. Ab. rcrombie. on the I'bnlta hoo.-h.-e rive., sis mil.-.-, beb.w Coluiubna, contain inn i,< ('•' acred, ubmit une-half in . ultivatioii, thu huUnce heavily timbered. isplii For Sale. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, Hitnated in tl. biidllioNH centre of tbe city. \\ ill Hell at it g,..«t bargain, or to an acre,,laid- party an .indivl.Ul jut *[• Dio property cau In nmdo to puy .. large a desirable risidknok in B.aiiw,,.i, A HOUSE AND LOT, with 2" ucr.-s laud alt... b .-d, .i mib-rt fioin the city, in a good neighbor! and voiiVfiilMU to a good hchuol, churthei, A. . A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten lo rcd ground, in Linwond, one mile tr.nu S. W l; B. depot ; a very comfortable and deniable In.m... For Rent. ONE DWELLING with three rooiiiH, ' •Mind, ,1, Mclut.irth Street. Ural tin oiindrt. Good water, etc. A STORE HOUSE in the Valley ofTulbut « a tbiee it,Him of H.o Ciu.i ringrt. A very .liable loculi.m f..i III. a genteel family ill a daiinibl- part ..f t!i • i.v. TWO L A IU. K ROOMS, with tbe line ul I. , 111 Led I irl.Ji , kill Io n and ub|... Rent v d FERTIL5XERS. Guano Notice to Planters. I KM Y OF PACIFIC GUANO Coll MtIUH, . 1. 1« ^ i -i -I I 111.! P V«■ 11- 1C GCAV-. hit. • n (!.»' ! oi.ts"pei IhVoc Low'MiddllngJ! ' " l otton u ill lie I'pcolvod by me and all my Agput* iu uccordunre nidi coutriM t until nmtiirity of *ueli ob- ligntioiih. ultor uliioli date till* |n-i\. I Kuo will ion*!*. Those owing Dm than a bah- will ship tb.. b..l« to CohunbiH, Ga . and tin- balance will h- i..iun,.-1 Deliver Soluble Pacific Guauo for Another Season T" “•> promi.l |i;ij in« ru,i,ini.*r.. SAY i: ills li OK loss itv iiri; AMI loss l\ \SllOHi A'Om hi ! ai- • noil d to the h.-u- til ol am I-cud | i i .. in, l-w middlings .-xc.-ed ti11*..<••» i , W. H. YOUNG, A’t-t Pacific Cuano Comp’y, IU llrmul Klrrrl, 1 um nuw .1. liv-ini; 111} »vll know II “Rust uud Smut Frooi ” Soed Oats, conuinlng 3 «' U « per bushel, druyago tree. " M '• |> i; N > ISO N ’ H nrii 11 u > t mi i r i* i > (. t \t, > • \ B . »\ f*ic TWO HUNDRED MlLl.lwN- •n ...Id u.thill the punt in , . ' ' tupla.iit ..f lots by Tiv l ™«V >'«"o rhnuj Cotton Itale* th<t,t )»// to,/ in n»e. All K*p.e»rt In mi old b) Pi Intern and tttatlouer* rt«r» where.