Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 24, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred 11. Calhoun, PUOPRl BTOll. Twelve months, in advance $8 00 ix months, “ )hreo months, “ ... JOno month, “ f.ekly Enquirer, ono year.. 4 00 2 00 75o. 2 00 NEW YORK. Letter for the I.iw1Ioh—The Fi.tr, knt not rretts Hoi, on Hroiul- wny—How tlio llnntUoine Ones lteport Themselves — Whut Itefcl no Aetrcss—The Fashions — A l'retty Hat—Another Soci ety Scandal. RAILROADS. Change of Schedule. YOL. XY. COLUMBUS, GA., WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1873. NO. 304. MPf SPECIAL CORRESPONDkNCB C0I.UMDUS ENQUIRER.] New York, December 18, 1873. Yesterday was one of the most dia- greeable of the season. About noon a ien.se fog came down upon the city, trapping it in an almost impenetrable Dm and occasioning the usual number if minor accidents, collisions, &o. So liick was the fog that at times it was not possible) to boo threo feet before one. hate in the ovening it lifted, and to-day re aro having a clear day in the city, and lie consoquence is thnt BROADWAY IS CROWDED WITH LADIES. This reminds mo that New York is lingularly barren of really pretty women Of the “upper” classes. During a walk of * probably fiftoon blocks, crowded tfith ladies, I did not see as many pretty wo men as you aro likely to meet with in Columbus any fine day. Of course I saw , §ny number of elegantly dressed women, ^Whoso superb cloaks, beautiful hats and Kpensivc Bilks aro anything but indica- Hous of a great financial criBis. Viuey ess woll, they are graceful and all that, at they aro not pretty. Many of them— poung girls from sixteen to twenty— bear a blase countouauco which plainly tell of Into hours and indiegstiblosuppers, Now and then, as you scan the crowd YOU SEE A PRETTY OIRL Coming up or going down, ns the case may bo. If tojhor charms of face,she adds a little pair of feet and well turned ankles, you will observe that she is scrupulously purticular of the purity of her skirts and in holding them up from contamination displays hor handsome pedal extremeties to the admiring gnzo of the masculine gendor in general, and of the Broadway tatnes in particular. She walks along pith a quiet, but supreme conciousuoss of ber beauty. If any ono among the many aen who gaze at her was to approach and ay, “Miss, I kiss the ground on which ^our adorable feet have trod,” she would receive the homage ns something duo hor ad not feel the least ilattored by it. Calking about protty feet rominds mo of ft comical incident which occurred a few days ago on Broadway, near Bond street. , 4* A OOUrLE OF AOTRE8SE8 v <r-Yi)ry pretty women, too—were return Ing from the theatro (which I don’t caro to stato) where they had boon performing .. at the matinee. * It was raining at the timo, and as they wore trailed dresses, they ■ raised tho skirts to prevent their drag- t ging on the wet and muddy sidewalks, ^'J’The youuger of tho two had, by accident, raised tho roar of her skirts rather too high, displaying a pair of most equisitoly carved limbs. As might bo supposed,she Was “the observed of all observers.” Sud denly, a countryman, nfter a moment’! glare, walked rapidly up to hor, tapped her on tho shoulder, and, as she turned. v Baid, A. “Miss, 'pon my word they’ro monaos • putty, but maybe you don’t know that the back of your dress is drawed up most too i>e h -” “Sir?” Bho ejaoulntod, very much as- tonishod. ■ ■ “Well,” ropliod ltusticus, “don’t mean any harm, yon know, but thought you is;:':,like to know that your lege were a show- 'tj®Ing moBt too much!’ v With a face ns red aa an auctioneer’ flag, the aotreBB dropped hor skirts and ^"hurried on ns fafit ns she could. In a few days my oducation will have beon sufficiently advanced to authorize my paying spocial attention to your lady roadorsin tho shape of A fashion’s LETTED. ■ To-day I must content myself with Baying that tho proltiost thing I have Been is a new style of hut, which is all the rago hero, and which I shall describe minutely In another lotter. I am sorry to see much in voguo a monstrous stylo of wearing tho front of the hair. It consists taking the short hairs ovor tho forehead and literally pasting them down until they reach the oyebrows. It disflguros the face 1 of every woman I have seen indulging it, and is about tho maddest frouk of Fashion yet rocordod. Some attempt has been made to revivo tho very short walk ing drossos of a conplo of years ago ; but trailed skirts aro still in the ascondaucy, and the polonuiso is still the stylo, made in a hundred different shapos. Owing to tho panic, nud tho grout desire of mer chants to realize as rapidly as possible, even at a sacrifice, DnY GOODS AUE “DIHT CHEAP" in all the retail stores, ilauy dosoriptions of cloths—silliH and poplins notably— havo fallen to, in sotno cases, loss than half their former price. As might bo sup posed all tho retail houses are doing a heavy business, their stores boiug crowd od from moruiug to night with ladies who havo money ouough to tako advantage of H the “hard times.’' The dressmakers, too, the loather way, and lives in the meat aristocratic of mansions on Fifty-ninth stroot, noar Fifth avenne. A few days ago his wife gavo a grand ball, at which one or two foroigu noblemen were prss- ont. About ono hundred and seventy-five ladies wero invited, and the affair was much talkod of in fashionable oireles be fore it came off. Mrs. , of Madison avenue, and Mrs. , of Forty-second street, who had been intimate friends of MrB. Hide, were, to their astonishment, not invited. Angered beyond measure at this “cut direct, ” they resolved to -dis guise themselves as waiting maids, and go to the house on the night of the ball. This they did, accompanied by a young dy, said to bo tho daughter of • clergy man. THEIB DISGUISE WAS DI8COVEBKD, and Mr. Hide compelled them to appear in tho pnrlor before the guests, where ho dououncod tho two married ladies in severe language, giving his hearers to understand that his wife bad dropped them from her visiting list becauso they were not oxaetly what they ought to be They were then Bent home. The scandal has convulsed the beau monde. both ladies have left tho city, aud the air 1b thick with rumors of divorce buUb by both husbands, who are said to have just found out that their wivos are not as Ciosar wanted his to be. A gonuine sen sation has been oaused, and nothing else is talked about to-night in “polite oireles.” Astoa. THE VIRGINIUS AGAIN. HOW THE POOIl PRISONER* HADE A CONFESSION. Key West, Doo. 23.—A spocial says: Tho survivors of the Yirginius were kept in ignorance of their fate, aud were visit ed by bogus Priests who exacted dying confessions. They thought they were going to death, and upon the confessions of these poor wretches, it is Baid, Attor ney General Williams founded his opin ion that tho Yirginius had no right to bear tho American colors. Tho Poor fel lows thought they were going to the slaughter house, but the presence of the Juniata and tho surrender to her officers led to tho moat extraor dinary emotional demonstrations on arrival of the Pinta,at Santiago,orders came to the ship from commander Braine for the paymaster to issue all the blankets' and pea jackets in his department to the prisoners, who were hardly fit to be seen in their rags. This was speedily done ; but as there was still great destitution, orders came for every man on board to givo their own blankets and wearing ap parol in the good cause—promises being made that all would be roplaoed on arri val of tho ship at Key West. The officers and men cheorfully complied with this order, only preferring that it should bo issnod as a request, in which oaso they would havo obeyed with just as much alacrity. Every heart was touchod by tho pitiablo condition of tho prisoners. The poor fellows report that they were bar barously treated. They say that when the officers from tho Tornado boarded tho Yirginius, one of them on hauling down the flag of tho United States tore it into ribbons and trampled on it, assorting with an oath, “This is what I have want od.” The situation in Santiago do Cuba is re ported still very serious. A large ma jority of tho population is in sympathy with tho Cuban cause, but the volunteers control everything with a high hand. Spaniel! Brutality. Ouly a week ago twenty-five citizens of Santiago were arrested, and after mock trial had been gone through with out any evidence being adduced against thorn, they wero told to go home On tho way they wore cruelly waylaid und killed, ouly ono escaping. He was rid died with bullets and dangerously wound od. Americans aro continually in fonr for thoir livos, and bitterly complain that nothing has boon done to redress their wrongs. It is not safe for naval officers to go ashore alone nt Santiago. All along tho river line the Spaniards aro erecting uow batteries. Washington, December 23.—It has beon ascertained from a prominent gov erumont official, that tho investigation as to the charaoter of the Virginias, will be conducted in New York, though tho gov erument is powerless to prooeed against Patterson, to whom tho register for that vessel was issued on account of tho etat uto of limitations, therefore no punish meut cannot be inflicted. Two years having olapsod sinco ho obtained tho pa pers, he tuuuot be molested, but bad all tho facts become known within the two years, he would have been prosecuted for perjury. REPORTED DEMAND OF SPAIN FOR THE KK-Sl’RRKNDER OF THE VIRU1NIF*. London, Docembet 23.—Tho Time this morning ulludiug to tho report that Spain has made a domaml upon the Uni ted Staten, for tho restoration of tho steamship Yirginius, and the survivors WASHINGTON. The Unroll Committee—The Non.Illa tion or Williams for Chief Jus tice not, to be Recalled—A. II. htephens on Civil Hllfhts, etc. Washington, Doo. 23.—Messrs. Wilson ami Eldredge leave not later than Satur day. They will be accompanied by a stenographer and a Borgant-at-arms. It is the intention of the committee while avoiding State polities and oomplioations, to investigato every aotion of tho Federal Oourt which it is claimed taints Judge DaroU's ermine. Tho com mittee is not cramped for time, but will remain in New Orleans until all tho faots are elisted. The President stated emphatically to day that the nomination of Attorney Qeneral Williams for Chief Justice would not bo withdrawn, and thnt he had never oontompiated such a tbing. A colored delegation composed of Oeo. T. Downing, Frederick DuuglaBS, N. W. Ouney, F. G. Uarbndoes, D. N. Striker and Wm. J. Wilson, had an interview to day by appointment with Representative A. II. Stephens of Georgia, who roceived tho delegation in a most friendly manner. The doiogation report thnt in the course of the conversation Stephens froely admitted that the col ored mon as citizens wero entitled to tho full protection of their civil rightB, with out any invidious proscription ; but that was the duty of tho rospoctivo Status and uot that of the Federal Government act in order to socure them. lie stated that ho was preparing a spoocb, to be de livered in the IIouso of Representatives, on the civil rights bill, and in this his viows were fully oxpressod. The Supreme Court has adjourned to the 5th prox. .. , surrendered at Santiago de Cuba, says havo “como down from their pedestal “J hllfh Drioos and on the doors of a doz- “¥* “ u °« tho b P‘““ ' vouM of high p to , gave Been placards * >0 pfotnktnre. Despite tho opinion of the of tho I Attorue y*Geuoral of tho United States en fashionable ones, announcing that iu cousequouoo Til for I the Virginius had no right to carry crisis they have reduced Ibeir price for | ^ c __,_ “ tho American flag, Spain must wait until tho United States Court has settled tho enre of tho vessel before proceeding fur thor in tho matter. making plain dresses to twelve dollars . Even tho boot-blucks appreciate the gen eral financial stringency: one of them proposiny to me this morning to black my boots “at panic prices, Mister ’. 80 you eee wo are alilgraduallylupproaching a . , . , ,b . , .. ......liitnl Monday night. It was superinduced by oiebasis and wuxiug demnitiou ocou 4 i f, % t|ouo in her attendance upon horfathor- the n*au monde in-law during hia illness. She was tho have had another flutter. Mr.-let mo daughter of tho late G. It. HossoU, of Ii pall him Ilido -is a wealthy morchaut in j ton I —Tho wife of Alexander Agassiz, son of 1 tlm Into Professor, died of pneumonia. DEN ERA I. NEWS. By Tetegrapl} to flic Enquirer. —Tho President and company returned to Washington yesterday morning from St. Louis. —The Powhattan will leave Key West for Norfolk to-night. Tho Wyoming wuh | inspected. —The Manilln paper mill, at Windsor, Conn., was burned yesterday. Loss, $75,- 000. —Tho Logialaturo of Wost Virginia ad journed Monday, without taking action upon the quostion of removing the capi tal. —There was an orderly mooting of tho workingwon of Louisville, Ky., yestorday, to oonfor with tho city govorumont re garding work. —Tho Proaidout of tho First National Bank of Lowiston, Mo., qccubob tho Cash ier of defalcation, but claims solvency for tho bank. —Tho Bowles’ Bros. A Co.’s bankrupt cy cftRo, in Loudon, has boon adjourned sine die. Tho creditors of tho firm aro iu favor of tho funding projoet. A London dispatch pnyR: There iR no truth in tho report that the British war ships iu tho WoBt Indies havo boon or dered to assomblo in Cuban waters. —There is a rumor current in Paris that Baizaino has fled from tho country. Also a report that Honrio Rochefort has died at tho penal sottlemont, in Now Co- londft. —In the election for United Statos Senator of the short torm, in tho Califor nia Legislature, yestordny, llayn rccoivod 44 votes, Shafter 22, Ilaight 15, Phelps 7. There wero seven members absent. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 32 Broad .Stroot. The beat of Foreign and Domestic Liquors nml Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, Harbor, ivford 8t., under Rankin House, Columbus, Qa. Cotton Factories. NUMCOiiEE MANUFACTURING 1)0. Manufacturer* of SIIKKTINUS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, HOPE, Ac. C0LUMBU8, GA. G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary & Tremmror. octiil ly. Livery and Sale Stables. HOIIEHT TIIOM1WON, Livery, Sale and Exclmiitfo Stable#, E, No • Randolph Sts., ColumbuH, Gu A. UAMMEE, Livery und Male Stable#, OOLCTHOMT. St., Columdus, Ga. ^Particular attention given to Feeding and Sale id Mules boarded in utable* by tin >f Stock. ii tii day. BALTIMORE. THE CIRC UIT COURT DEUIDEM THE 11E<IUEMT OF THE LATE REV. OEO. MORRIMON VOID. Baltimore, Doo. 23.—In tho Circuit Court at Baltimore city this morning Judge Pinkney decided that the bequest to tho Bishop of Wostorn Maryland, in trust to bo used for the erection of mission church in tho city of Baltimore, was void, on the ground of insanity of the late Rev. Goo. Morrison. After making a number of bequests in his will he deolares tho balance I desire to bo left to tho Bishop of Western Maryland in trust, to be used for the erootion of a mission church in tho oity of Baltimore. Whittingham sued tho executor of Morri son to recover tho bequest, and the Oourt says there cannot bo a trast without oestui quo trust, and if it can’t be ascer tained who tho cestui que trust is it is tho same as if there wore none, and the boquest is void for uncertainty. PHILADELPHIA. THE STRIKE OF THE STEVE DORES CONTINUES. Philadelphia, Doc. 23.—Tho strike of tho Long Shore men oontinnoa. Tbo Southern Steamship Company had their regular foroo of twelvo men at work yes terday, and also succeeded in getting six additional mon this aftornoon at the re duced rate. Of those six mon throe were beaten last night after they quit work. As a natural consoqucnco the compauy is without extra stevedores this morning tho mon willing to work being afraid to do bo unless they are protected by the presence of policomon. During tho day they have pretty Bolid assurance that tho strikers will be after thorn at night. This company will not yield, though thoy havo threo vessels in port at present, all being dotainod, and have others to arrive in a few doyH. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, Doo. 23, 1873.) Probabilities.—For tho Atlantic States cloudy weather with rain or snow, and froah to brisk Northwest to West winds will prevail, with a slight rise of temper ature, followed by clearing weather in tho Southern portion of tho last named dis. trict, during Wednesday aftornoon or evening. For tho Southern Stutos east of the Mifsissippi river, North winds with cloudy weather and possibly light rain will provail. marine Intelligence. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURE*. New York, Docembor 23.—Arrivod out —Olympin and Dinau. New York, Deo. 23.—Arrivod out— Poriero, Republico. Savannah, Doc. 23.—Arrived—Magno lia, Montgomery, May Morn. Cleared—Colista, Howe’s Saben, Mosoh, Jno. Mayall, Empiro, F.stillo and Amanda Hall, for Satilla river. Oriontal, for Boston, woslightcurd and gotten afloat to-day. —Edward Schwars Voegel, his child and —Mr. Abraham Biuingor, of Now York, whose wifo was ono of tho victims of tho Ville du Havre, has a letter from his daughter, who was ono of the twenty- three rosouod cabin passengers. Miss Biniuger says she was separated instantly from her mother, who was from tho first much composed. The young lady secured a plank and clung to it until picked up. Herself aud a lady companion who whs besido hor wore tho first ludios rescued. She speaks of littlo effort wado by tho crow of tho Vlllo du Havro to save tho passongers. Miss Biuingor is in Paris with her friends. Mr. B. will shortly sail for Europe to bring his daughter home. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. New York, December 23.—Cotton quiot; salos 1071; uplands 15}, Orleans lGj. Fu tures opened as follows : January 15 1-10 al5 3-1(5 ; Fubruary 15 9-l(5al5 15-1(5 ; March 1(5 l-l(5al(5}; April 1(5 9-1(5. Flour quiet and steady. Pork quiet, mess $1G. Lard firm, stofun 8}a8 11-10. Stocks quiot. Gold 10. Money 7. Ex change—long 8.J, short*.)}. Governments dull and lower. Stato bonds quiot. Frankfort, December 23.—Bonds 97^ Liverpool, Dec. 23.—Noon—Cotton tends down; uplands 8}; Orleans 8}a8|; sales 10,000; speculation and export 2,- 000. Arrivals 1-1(5 cheaper; uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shippod iu Novem ber, 8 1-1(5; do., delivered in Docombcr and January, 8; ditto, nothing below low middlings, Bhippod in November and Do- comber 8 1-1(5. Later.—Salos include 5,700 bales of American; Orloans, nothing below good ordinary, shippod in December and Janu ary, S\. Lator.—Uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in Docembor and Janu ary, 8; ditto, shippod in January and Feb ruary, 8}. New York, Dec. 23.—Gold oponed 10}. St. Louis, December 23.—Flour, low and medium grados scarce; winter scarce and wanted; all grados firm and un changed. Corn hotter—now mixed 52a 53, old do. 55a. r >(5} on track. Whiskey dull and lower ut 93, offored at tho close at 92, without buyers. Pork quiot at $14 50 for small lotH. Bacon held firmly above buyers’ views. Lard nominal at 8. Cincinnati, Dec. 23.—Flour firm and unchanged. Corn steady at 54a5(5. Pork unchangod. Lard quiet; steam 8J-. Ba con firm and scarco; light sales of shoul ders nt 7, clear rib 7?fn8, cloar 8.}. Whis- koy firmer nt 92. Louisville, Doc. 23.—Flour in fair do- rnand and firm. Corn stondy. Pork steady with light demnad, at $15.50a$l(5. Bacon firm; clear ribs 8}. Lard stondy; kettle 9al0, stoam 8a8j. New York, December 23.—Cotton—net receipts 1,542, gross 2,859. Futures closed easy; sales 19,800 bales, as follows: January 15 7-32; Fobruary 15 27-32a}; March 10}; April 10.,‘a}; May 17}a}. Cotton quiet; sales 2,451, at 15}al(54; some sales } highor. Norfolk, Doc. 23.—Cotton quiet and easy ; low middlings 15}; not receipts 2,311; exports coastwise 2,(530; sales (540; stock 19,223. New Orleans, Docombcr 23.—Cotton a shade easier, but in good demand; mid dlings 15§al5^; low middlings strict good ordinary 13$nl3 : {; net receipts 10,187; gross 10,781; exports to continent 1(587; to France 1970; salos to-day 0000— last evouing 4000; stock 237,287. Wilmington, December 23.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14]; net receipts 57; ex ports to Grout Briti m 913; salos 234;stock 3891. Mobile, December 23.—Cotton oasier; middlings 15}; low middlings 14}; strict good ordinary 13§; not receipts 2000; ex ports coastwise 801; sales 10,000; stock 54,454. Baltimore, Docombcr 23.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 15], low mid dlings 14}, strict good ordinary 14 ; not receipts 10(5, gross 845; exports coastwise 475 ; salos 150, to spinnors 75 ; stocL 17,420. Galveston, December 23.—Cotton low er with modorato demand; good ordinary 13$, ordinary 12} ; net receipts 202(5, gross 2020; exports coastwiso 100; sales 2000; stock 83,197. Memphis, December 23. — Cotton dull low middling 14.jal 1]; receipts 372(5 bales; shipments 205(5 ; stock 5959. Philadelphia, December 23.—Cotton dull; middlings 1GJ; low middling 15}i 15; strict good ordinary 15; receipts 01 gross 341. Auouhta, Docombor 23.—Cotton dull; middlings 14}; rocoipta 3,035; shipments 2,090. Savannah, Doo. 23.—Cotton firm; mid- xports to Doctors. DR. J. A. UH4UJIAHT, Oilicf at O. J. MoJJftt’H Drug Store, Hroud stro RoaMoiicc nil St. Clair, Hftwrcii Hroud aud Front 8t«., ColunibuH, Gu. O N AND AFTER DEC. ni>, WEDNESDAY Pa8dengor Train will run us follows : Ri-sldotico c< Otilco i a.*x»‘Z7 dtr DR. iOL/EY. or of St. Clair and Oglethorpe DR. J. €. COOK, - Eliiri k IIiurluon’H Commie first door to left. Dentists. W. T. POOL, Dcntlnt, 101 Brood St., Columbus, On. W. J. FOGLE, Doniint, snpSJ Georgia Home Building, Columbus, (la JOB PRINTING. THE ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, Having; recently been Rel'iirniNluul wit It it large a##«rtnieitl or tlte Fine#! New Type, BitJers, Cnmim, NEW PRESSES OF THE EATEMT AND MOST Al*ft*RO%'ED PATTERNS. Lkavp, Columhuh daily, SundivyHfxri-ntcd 3-00 r * Auuivr, at Titov. “ “ u ’ o‘ . Lkave Titov, l"r* r - ‘ Ahiuve at Columbus, a " a Ticket Ofllco ut Broad niroot Shed will!,». O i.one at 2:30 i*. m. 4 FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Columbus Monday*, Wednesdays and Fridays at .... rv.30 a. Arrive at Troy, - ... .Ryg r> Lonvo Troy on Tuesdays, Tliumiaya and Saturdays at - - • 4:00 a. Arrive at Columbus, - - • v. d-:3 eod.'lt W. h. CLARK, Bup’t. Western Railroad of Alabama. Lawyers. Vi. T. DOWSING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. 8. Com’r aud Register iu Raukruptcj. nov201 ovor 11 rooks* Drug Storo, Oolninuus, FEA1IODY A Attorneys ut l'E over .1. Ennis & Co.’s vl8] Wkht Sid R. J. WOMEN, Attorney and UomiMcllor itt I.ow, leorgiu Homo luMiiiamv Company building, m i oct7 ly J ond ntory. LOUIS F. UAllUAUD, Attorney ttml t'< i*l lor itt liittv. entiun giv ill Lir nd • • Lf IW” MXf 53:, HOURS TO NEW YORK New York and New Orleans Nail Lino. Palace Sleeping Cars Run Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WKSTBKN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Columbus, Ga„ Novumbor loth, 1873. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMIHJS DAILY Montg'y, 10:40 p. M , G:Xti a m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Timo 08 hourH and 45 minutes.) .HAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 u. m. ARRIVE at Opelika 12:27 j». m., at Atlanta 0:40 p. in., Wahliiugton , No York 4:25 p. in Philadelphia und Baltimore. Sleeping t’orw Run Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY Tie Atlanta, Montgomery at 8: 5:00 p. m. West necting witii trains lirtville, Ky., and St. Louin, at M Viekaburg at Selma. On thin i are run through from Opelika 9:10 r. m. l. M , 2:30 t*. m. Mai! train runn daily, train Tho 10:10 a. rn. New York Exprena train runn laily,connecting at Atlanta with W. fi A. lt.R. aud Georgia It. R. The 0 80 i*. m. doet not run Sunday. No delay at Opelika by any train. Tickotu for nale at Utiiou PaHaongor Depot. C1IAS. L*. BALL, Gonerul Sup’t. R. A. BACON, Agent. [nov2l tf REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALE, RENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE in the City and country, nud will advertiae tin. name (at private wile) FRKF OF CHARGE, unlem tlie property in Hold. (HAS. II. WILLIAMS, Attorney ut Untv, UoIuiiiImim, Uii. Will ptactlcu In any C,,urt Otilco over Acoe A Murdoch a aluro. (novlti Grocers. ka.vi. it. iiixi:, Family Glucoilaa, all Rryu i n Oglethorpe k Jin kion J. 11. HAMILTON, WIioleNHle mid llrtnll Groei ISIIA.VI t’OOl*UK, ■cor and Dealer in Count next to “Eiujuirei ” Oibee. Fresh Meats. J. T. 40014, I’rcHli DIeiitN of All RIikIm, i Stall-* Non. 15 nud 17. Ra&:s, Hides, etc. JOll.'V MUJIAFFJEY, Boiler in ItagH, llhlcN, lleeauiix, etc, and nil KIikIn Of Junk. Couneu Bkiu jk and •julbtiiobpb Sts.. HopO ColumliUH, (la. Druggists. DR. J. U. UHUNUY A SON, Druggists and Preucriptioniath. duels Crawford Kn i Ho C. It. I'AL.MLIt, BrugglNt, Near Itrond St. lM*|»ol. t>tj' Phyaiciiiua’ Preai ripti. n.t mad- a npecialty. duo 17 J Night I. II lull ot door. .V. I. GRIFFIN, 1<M> Itrond St. uportcr of Uiitflifth BriiK*. nud itled i’lirlonltlON, ml roceived. U. JORDAN, DriigiilNt, Two doorw below Goo. w. Browi Broml Street, Colun - Night Bell right of aoutli .to..r. FOMTUR M. CHAPMAN, BrugglNt, Ratilolpb, coat of Broad Street, Columhi A. II. HllANNON, Wwt Sidk, Broad Stiiuet, Columuus, Ga., Wlioleitale nud Rctntl Denier ii Brti«H nud Medicine**, Tollct Article* and l*erfiiinery. Dental Notice. D U. PHELPS has removed bin ofli • id-nco on St. Prcrtliyteriaii Ciiuruh. 23.—Cotton wife, recently from Baltimore, and natives dlmgs 16*; nut roooipts 1,11 < ; 1 of Pruaaia, were found in tb.ir room at «*ro»«^ Brffma d,o. ; eoai.ivuao i.-o.. sales tbo hotel on tho corner of Poarl street and *>»443, stock 1-3,10- • Central avenuo, Cincinnati, yesterday. Charleston, Doecinber The two forrnor wero dead, and the latter more stoudy; middlings 15; »°' v middling* iu a dying condition from inhaling ROf(, 14»; strict good ordinary 11 *; net rocoiptn which they had neglected to turn oil bo- 13,097: gross 3,832; exports to I'ruuce *1, foro retiring. I •ales 1,000; stock GO,*507. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, fit [.TON, 4.A., Circuit M tf Taylor Cotton (jins. \V K o!!,W mig28 d«odt >N HAND TAYLOR (OTTO> m to no Snwa, toi rub l.ifiV OLUMBUa IKON WORKS CO. CARD AND PAPER STOCK IS LA 1(0E, NCR AND THE REST. We arc prepared to Print all Classes of JOB WOPLIv In the Neatest Style of the Art, At Now York Prices. Business Cards, Bill Heads. Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills of New York, or any other city. Programmes, Bills of Fare POSTAL CARDS OF OUH BUN DUSI4.N, HUTTUIl TUAN TH4>MU I»UK4|| AMKI> AT THU RK44ULAR OFFIC’UM, A SI*U 4'IALTY. 4>r«l«-rN from the country iiollclled. Work uunirniileetl. Ulve u« n full Twenty Val iu city <d On udith, NH.nv, For Exchange ld« U oyimI Building LotH i, ami Hixty-Bix lotH in Pint A portion or tin- whole will Southern Plantation in Ocorj ry renHonalde terms. [nopl7 For Sale. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, Hitimt.d in tin- iirtim-dd coutro ot the city. W ill sell at agr< ut iirgain, or t<> mi ac-ptald- parly au undivided ibo. • t. Tie- property can In. made b- pay a larpo A HOUSE AND LOT, A DESIRABLE HOUtiK AND LOT, »ith HOUSE with For Rent. with thro.: STORE HOUSE in i eroHd-ruad, tlire ugi. A very dei Is and Grocery bin Chulyhcub l"r a Dm h. 1.17 j.'iituel inmily in a daslral.lu pa LARGE ROOMS, will, the u l..r, kitchen and stable. Hunt an uuvpUble t'-limit. FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. >• (u-*tomora is called to th Notts, Lion* and otlie ILUBI.F, PACIFIC GUANO pay 11 • Low Middlinga. C otton will Ik* r<*4*<‘Ivo<l by mo amt all my AgrulN in aceordauee with eonlraet until maturity of Hitch oh. ligiitiom., aft or which date tlii* priv. to CoJuuibus, Ga., and the balance will l.u rotuni«<l to thorn at ii.mket i ii- -. I am now ready to Deliver Soluble Pacilic Guano for Another Season To my prompt paying customer*. Parties anticipating their Cotton Notes and l.ieiiM will thereby HAVU RIMli 4»F U4>MK ItY FIllU AND liOMM IN WLKilll, Aro., and ar- entitl' d to the li«n*flt of any e.\«. -h Miiuuid price for low middling* exceed titteea (1 '•) ants at maturity of hoIch. Qm- Eagle and Pheuix money taken at par. W. H. YOUNG, A’st Pacific Cuano Comp’y, No. 12 IIroad Street. “Rust and Smut Proof’’ Seed Oats, p.-r bunhel, drnyago free EPPING’S lit ( HI Notice tc all Purchasers of this Escelloot Compound Extract of Buchu. I END YOUR ORDERS TO I.. PIERCE \ CO., Tlu •ill Ret the IS NO i i iid iv Original Ex AGENCIES—EITHER SPECIAL OK gi.m-.ua [unify So/e Proprietor* L. PIERCE. I> i; N N I S O N ’ H V1yNI SHIPPING TAGS VCK TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS the pnst 10 yearn, t complaint of lo li.'tRolmd. Theif lire rlciny Cotton Hales All Ev plena Coni pan