Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 31, 1873, Image 2

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Ut) t'OU’JIHl'N: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 1870. Till: I,ANT DAT. The Inst duy of the Old Year ; and there i« much that in comforting, and much that is painful, to look back to. We nro none of us as well off n« wo hoped to bo when the last New Year dawned. We exported all our subHcribers would kavo paid up before this time ; but want—or worse, neglect—ban prevented them from responding. This wo regret, for wo certainly have triod to d<> our duty. Wo offorod, as an inducement for old sub scribers to pay up and now anbacribors to come in, a list of premiums, in wbich wo proposed to give away a large part of the money collected, in order to reduce our business to a cash system, and extend it. We were disappointed ; but few paid their back duos, and our new subscribers were not numerous enough to warrant us in having a drawing that would not ho a beggarly farce. To those subscribers, therefore, who may fool diaappoiuted at onr inability to give premiums, as wo hoped, wo say in justice to thorn and ourselves, we are ready to rofund tho money on application. We do not mean by this that we havo given up tho promiuin system. On the contrary, we Will push it next year, and givo all those who have paid for a part of tho coming year a chanco. Wo kuow that our paper is alone more than worth the prico of subscription, and the premium list is simply a substitute for tho clubbing system and another inducement for new subscribers and cosh in advance, which honeeforlh will bo onr business motto. THE VIIMJIMIM- Tho Virginius has had a strange record, and Rooms to havo boon followed by a strange fatality. Her wild expeditions and many arrests, her last pursuit, and capture, tho tragic fate of her Captain and crow, her surrender, and now, tho last act, her destruction, nro startling epi sodes in tho career of a ship formerly no- tod as a blockado ruunor. Thoro is a mystery about her sinking which tin* poo- plo dosiro to hoo cleared up; indeed tlirro is a mystery about our relations with Cu ba ami Spain, and this lust act may not make matters clearer. TUF. HTltlliF.N. The newspupors of the country aro dis cussing tho present Jongineers’ strike. Tho following from tho Philadelphia Hal- Id in corroborates our remarks of yester day, and gives briefly the cause of tho presold trouble: “lu Pittsburg, rocently, souio members of tho Into Printers’ Union, who were active in organizing n strike for tho an noyance of tho new.spnpor publishers, wero pronouuced by the Court liable to indictment for conspiracy. Tho princi ple is a good one, and it. may servo us a foundation for proceedings against, the iuon who lmvo brought about a more for midable strike among the railroad otiyi- noorx, firemen and othors on the Pan Handle and othor railroads running west of Pittsburg. This striko affects not only tlin railroad companies, but tho whole business community, East and West, North and South. It cithor stops entirely, or seriously impedes all traffic and travel on the principal railroads iu Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. The whole postal buuiiiosH iu that region will also ho interrupted, ami, of oouruo, this will cause very grout iuconvotiionco to busi ness men, newspaper publishers, and peo ple of ovory class aud occupation in ©very part of tho country, “Tho managers of tho Western rail roads, iu pursuance of a policy of re trenchment and economy made necessary by the late liuaucul panic aud tho de pression of businous, n solved on a 1 educ tion of the pay of engineers and other em ployees, which took eff ect on tho first of Poomubor. The reduction was uot an un reasonable ouo, in view of tho state of business ; for it is doclnrcd that engineers of passenger trains still can earn on an avorago a day, while freight engin eers can earn an average of $4.AO a day. This appears to be good pay for any time; but for hard times it ought to satisfy any roasouable uieu. Hut thoro is no reason ing with men who bind tliemselvoH in n “Brotherhood," which is only a euphoni um for a Trades' Union. They nro sim ply rebelling against their employers, to whom they have been long indebted for tho means of subsistence, and striving to coerco them into terms with which they cauuot comply. U is u repetition, ou u grand scale, of tho organized rebellion of the Pittsburg printers. In this last named case tho rebels were ho quickly and de cidedly “floored” that they were soon on their knees, taking for work ou any terms. The same result, we hope, will be arrived at in this striko of the railroad men. There are thousands of competent wen out of work, who will be glad to take the places of tho Rtrikors on the terms of the com panies. When tho difficulty is over, wo trust that tho conspirators who havo brought about the strike will be brought to the bar of justice and punished accor ding to the plain principle prououticed bv the Allegheny court iu the ease of the striking printers.” ALABAMA NKWN. —T ho Marion Common wealth bus re duced it size. —A nmsonio lodge is to bo orgunixod at Opelika on tho ‘J‘Jd prox. —Ratio Putnam is umusiug the people of Montgomery. —Ro«e and Harry Wutkius have recent ly concluded an engagement at Kufaula. —Only one case of small pox at Seale. Dr. doliruffonroul is still in attendance. —Montgomery now sports three very creditable looking daily newspapers. Can she sustain them V —We received but few Alabama ox changes yesterday and thoy were destitute of news. —A residence occupied by Messrs. Loebmsn and Hash was burned in Mont gomery Monday aftoruoou. —Mr. Dsvid Milton married Miss Ellon Whetstone. He is likely to become a sharp fellow. —Some forty of the ladies and gontle- inea of Selma visited Montgomery Satur day, to witness Jefferson s “Hip Van \\ in kle.” KI’IKITl AM-SM. This subject is ever interesting, evon if we look upon it os a humbug, and most sensible people do. The following from the 'limes will havo interest to those in terested in tlio subject at this time: “After u lapno of twenty-four years, Rochester promises to becomo once more a centre of attraction to investigators of spiritual phenomena. In 1849, what is known as modern spiritualism may bo said to have had its chief start in that his toric city. Tho Fox sisters, after having raised' the spirit of a murdered peddler from tho malarious atmosphere of a cel lar at ilydesvillo, Arcadia Township, Way no county, N. Y., proceeded to Rochester, as they asserted, by spiritual advice, and opened public seances at Corinthian Hall. A committee of respect able citizens was appointed to inqtriro os to tho nature of certain noises which wero heard by tho audience, and a report was rendered to tho effect that, although a thorough inquiry had been instituted, it had been found impossible to discover tho source of the noises. This was ac cepted by thousands of persons at the timo as proof positive, thut the spirits of tho departed might,under favorable condi tions, return to earth and do unlimited table-turning ‘stamping,’ and bell-ring- ii»g. “The Foxes, Laving thus cunningly ucqnired a reputation for wonderful 'mudiumship,' wero onubled to visit the principal cities in tho country, and to draw a considerable amount of gold into their purses. A few yoars subsequently, mysterious noises were heard at a house in tho vicinity of Rochester, hut they wero soon forgotten, tho curiosity and as tonishment produced by the Foxes elso- whoro having proved the greater attrac tion. But now that tho fame of theae ‘girls’ has been so thoroughly eclipsed by other ‘mediums,’ tho Amorican Spiritual ists may tind it profitable to make use of Homo ‘manifestations’ which aro said to bo at proseut iu full operation at the idenco of Mrs. Gascoigne, in tho lowns- luml of Chili, within u short distance of Corinthian Hall. Wo havo it on the authority of tho Rochester Union, that Mrs. Gascoigne, ‘with ltor family, con sisting of herself, her son, twolvo years of ago, and several smaller children, have boon driven to the very brink of despair by tho nightly occurrence of tho most torriblo noises during many mouths.’ “Homo yoars ago, it appears that the mysterious mansion at Chili becamo the property of a person, tho initial of whoso nnmo has been published by the Union He made it his rcsidenco, and, for a rea son which hns not been explained, took Mrs. Gascoigne into his sorvico oh house keeper. In this capacity she continued down to nbout live or Hix mouths ago, when Mr. A. died, leaving her in posses sion of his oil’octs. For a fow nights af ter his demise ‘the stillness of doath reigned.’ Scarcely an eutire weok had passed, however, when Mrs. Gascoigno’s reposo was disturbed by ‘tho familiar footsteps’ of the deceased. At llrst she, of course, thought it was f/incy, and tried to composo herself to sleep, but it was no use. ftho distinctly hoard tho croaking of tho door of tho room which had formerly boon occupied by A., aud presently she was still further uiarinod by the bed-nlata, wbich Roerned to yield to the pressure of a human body. Thon sho hoard what soemod to her like sounds that would bo produced by a person ougugod in tho act of putting on tight boota. As soon ns the last stamp was given to tho lloor a noise was made ns if somebody was asoonding tho stairs. “On tho following night tho manifesta tions wero more varied. Tho chairs aud tables in the parlor wore tossed about rather freely, and at cortaiu intervals ‘a siuglo whistle, of an apparently human voice, shrill aud distinct,' was heard by every person in tho houso. Mrs. Gaa- ooigno adits, that night aftor night a little dog which hud belonged to tho deceased responds to tho whistle in the most eagor manner, but never gives ovidetico of see ing anything. To tlieso singular pranks, doubtless lost they should become monot onous, tho ‘ghost’ very often ndds the moro oxoitiug ono of snatching tho bed- covering, with lightning quickness, from tho almost paralyzed body of the twelve- year old Gascoigne. Four moil, neigh bors of tho Gascoignes, it seems, have re peatedly undertaken to solve tho myste ry. Gno of the number states positively that a form, which in ovory respect ro- sembled Mr. A. in tho flesh, on one oc casion passed before him ns ho lay upon a lounge. Ho immediately jumped up, and had just begun to pro pound a number of questions, when ‘tho spectre, if such it wore, soon disappear ed.’ Mrs. Gascoigne remains in tho house by tho advice of counsel for the purpose of making good her claim to it in law. Otherwise, sho declares sho would profer to gather her children around hor and take shelter in a barn. “Surely facts like those cannot bo al lowed to go uninvostigatod. Tho ped- dlor's depressed spirit in tho Arcadian cellar,Jas material for an ‘excitomont,’ whs as nothiug compared with the whistles, clothes suatohiug, and boot pullings of this Chili ghost. The opportunity afford- ed for a revival at Rochester of the scenes of 1849 is decidedly tempting, and wo shall be very much surprised if it is not taken advantage of. Moreover, it would bo doing a kindly service to a much nffHuted family to relieve it of the pres- ouoc of one of tho most trying of uunoy- uncos." —The Janesville Gazette says consul orable stir is being created in Milwaukee over an ett'ort to close the gambling sa loons. The officials claim that they would hurt the.business interests of Mil waukee if they closed them up, as country merchants who come to buy goods want some place in which they can “have a little fun," and if they can’t find it there they will go to Chicago. Recently at Highland, Iowa, tho family of Mr. Kimball were poisoned by drinking tea coutaimug araeuito of cop per. The tea was takeu from tho bottom of the chest. Timely medical aid was all that saved the eutire family from a sud den death. —It has trauspired that Captain John McKinistry. who died in Mattoon, 111., ou Feb. 1MJ, 1 sr.S, was murdered, ono of tho witnesses being unable to longer keep the crime a secret. Irish Potatoes and Apples. I HAVE IN STORE A J.AKOE I.0T Best Seed Irish Potatoes, Of DIFFERENT VARIETIES. Choice Eating Potatoes, Apples, Nice Tennessee PORK SAUSAGE, ANS~.-i 4^4-?, 8T0CK Crocerles and Provisions, FOR RALE CHEAT FOR CASH. W No Chnrgs for Draysge. J. H. HAMILTON, Junction Franklin. Warren ft Oglethorpe St*, doc 31-dGt. Executor’s Sale. O N the first Tuesday in February next, T will ■••11 at public outcry, before tho auction house of Kills A Harrison, in Columbus, between the usual hour! of sale, tho following i «*| estate, to-wit: One undivided lmlf intercut in tho promise* known us tin storehouse lately occupied by Hull Moses, and now by William Beach, us n hurd- Also, an undivided half interest in tho store •use next tho corner on Broad street, under Con cert Hall, and an undivided fourth interest in Coucort Hall. The said property being tho interest of the Into Jacob I. Mos h. Terms cash. dec31 td ISAAC I. MOSES, Kxeeutor. PHOTOCRAPH CALLERY. THE IEP L O B I WILLIAMS’ GALLERY OF 1 ART, 81 Broad Street, Columbus, Ca., H AVING recently been enlarged and refitted with all the latest styles of Instruments, and having r-ngarred extra assistants for each department, can now *uy. without fear of contradiction, that the RENT K*IIOT<HAKAl*IIN, PORCELAIN OK FEIIREOTYPEH, ever takeu North or South, cun be luruiahed ut this Gallery. The COLORING Department id under the charge of PROFESSOR JOHN L. DUFFER, an Artist late of Washington and New York, nnd the highest testi monials as to his superior Ability as a Colorist can bo shown from the first citterns of those cities and from Columbus ; nnd with this asaurauce, we can guaranto*- to furnish the I cat Pictures of any kind, from Card to Life-Sire, the art is capable of producing. COPYING and ENLARGING OLD PICTURES by a new procoss, reproducing thorn as correctly as if takeu fretn life. PICTURE FRAMES aud ALBUMS of every character constantly ou hand and for salo. Tho public aro invited to visit tho rooms and examiuo our work, whoro every attention aud infor mation will he given. Remember that WILLIAMS' GALLED 1’ is over Carter'a Drug Store, Columbus, Georgia. foctl'J d< odswJm REAL ESTATE AGENTS. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Strayed or Stolen, 1.1 ROM my premises, on the night of the 28th I. inst, lour miles from Columbus, on the St. Mary’s Road, a large BAY MARK MULE, tenor twelve year* old, with blemish In ono eye, collar murks ou shoulder, shod ull round. Tho mule formerly belonged to J. M. Fletcher. T will pay Twenty-Five Dollars for tho mule nnd thief, with proof to convict, Ac., or a liberal reward for tho mule. JNO. D. RIDKNflOUR. decJl doodlwAwit. FOR RENT. J W. WRIGHT having failed to givo security . for tho Rent nr the RUSK PLACE, belonging to the estito of Job* King, this place will hu re routed at Ins risk on TUESDAY, January Oils, 1874, at II o’clock, a rn., before tho Auction House of Ellis A Uni rismi. W. L. SALISBURY, JOHN PKAHODY, dec 31-td. Assignees Jnu. King. Notice. I EFT my plantation, ah nit flvo mi 1j in Alabama nnd cutne to this ci a medium list'll mouse colored Mi Mule, about eight your-t old. Any information thankfully received, and liber ally rewarded if furnished forthwith. U U. TALIAFERRO, doc.'11 tf Columbus, Go. CITY TAXES. ( COUNCIL positively directs that executions ho J issue I against ull persons whose TAXES (REAI, ESTATE, SALES AND LICENSES,) aro unpaid on 20th January next. Pay now aud save cost. JNO. N. BARNETT, dec 3l-dtd. id Tr Plantation for Sale. 1 OF FEU for salo u Plantation of 320 acres, . within four miles of Columbus. About ro acres of this laud is river bottom, tlin balance is the host '|uullty of oak and hickory uplands. All necessary improvements are on the plate. decSO codlit K. 1). OTJNBY. H. F. ABELL & GO. HAVE NOW IN STORE Early Rose and Pink Eye Sood Potatoes, Hussett Potatoes for Tablo Use, Fifty Sacks Ground Pens, Forty Boxes Florida Oranges, Twenty-five Barrels Florida Syrup, Family Flour, (all fine grades) and Groceries of all kinds, dcc30 sopC tf Merchants’ Building and Loan Association. r PHE first unuunl meeting of the Stockholders I of the MERCHANTS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION will lie ludd TUESDAY. JANUARY 27th, 7 P. M . at the office of the Sec retary aud Treasurer. The unmuil statement of the Secretary and Treasurer will he made and OFFICERS elected for the ensuing year. . WM. N. HAWKS, Sec’y. N OTICE is hereby given that tho following Resolutions, amending tho Constitution, will ho nib-rod for in option at the meeting: Resolved, 1st, 'That the time for holding the annual inei-ling of the Assn iutioii tie changed to tho FOURTH MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, or as hi on thereafter us practicable. Resolved, 2d, That tho salary of the Secretary aud Treasurer he fixed at $250 per annum. G. W. ROSETTE. December 27, 1873. tw $100 Reward. S TOLEN from tho mtdotsiguod, iu Columbus, on the night of the 22d inst., $25.00 in currency and the following papers: One note, N. N. Nicholson, for $2,300 no. “ “ George A. Ibimfou, for $1,300 00. “ “ Willi un BagJy for $loo oo. “ “ P. Stephens and S. Dillard, for $700 00. “ “ J. S. Brewer, *or$l,a.M) oo. “ “ 0. J. Wooldridge aud John W. Howell, nbout $220 ro. Cotton receipt• for 30 hales cotton In Fontnino Warehouse, and 6 hales in Planters' Warehouse. Also, two bonds of North and South Railroad, oi $1,o«hi each. I will pay for tlin dslivtry to me or to E. 0. Kniford, K*<| , Columbus, the above papers, $50.00, ami the additional sum of $50 00 for the appre hension and dolheiy of the thief with proof to id the public likewise tu II.’F. MATTHEWS. For Sale, For Sale Low. ^ SCHOLARSHIP IN TUP. MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA, novf. tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. IV. .J. BUSSKY, AGENT FOR American Cotton Tie Co. A LL APPROVED PATTERNS OK IMPROVED COTTON TIES, furnished in any .jnanilty, at lowest markot rate*. Adplv to 0. GUNDY JORDAN, Eagle A Phenix Mau’fg Co. M tf Wanted, H V a young man thoroughly uc-juaiuted with the Grocery Business, a situation hs Salesman in a reliable Grocery lion*". I Us had ten years’ experience. Has an extensive acquaintance, aud can give A 1 references. Address BUSINESS, dec2.t lw Lock Box 215. Columl ns. Ga. 0* WIIOII, WOOD! MUSCOlIKE MAXI FACT Nil ('0. Rags, Rags j WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE 100,000 lbs. Cotton Rags! delivered at the Railroad Depots and Wharf iu Coluiubua. Parties will find it to their Interest to commuuicato with tue before shipping elsewhere. Dry Hides Purchased, for which tho highest market price will be paid. JOHN MEHAFFEY, COLUMBUS, GKO. ELLIS & HARRISON, Ileal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE HALE, RENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE in the City and couutry, and will advertiso the same (at private sale) FREF OF CHARGE, unless the property is sold. For Exchange. Twenty Yaluahlo Unimproved Building Lots in tho city of Omaha, and sixty-six lots iu Platts- mouth, Nebraska. A portion or the whole will be exchanged for a Southern Plantatiou in Georgia or Alabama, on very reasonable terms. [sepl7 For Sale. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated iu the husiuesH centre of the city. Will sell ut a great bargain, or to an acceptable party an undivided interest. The property can ho made to pay u large interest on the investment. A HOUSE ANI) LOT, with 20 acres laud attach ed, 3 miles from tho city, in n good neighborhood, aud convenient to a good schoul, churches, Ac. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AN!) LOT, with ton acres ground, iu Liuwood, one mile from S. W. R. R. depot; a very comfortable and desirable hotne. For Rent. ), »4 acre the Fair seplO A STORE HOUSE In the valley of Talbot county, a cross-road, three miles of the Chalybeate prings. A very desirable locution tot a Dry 1 ’ ’ y business. s< pl7 Grounds. Good wa Goods aud Gn With a genteel family ill a dasirahle part of the city, TWO LARGE ROOMS, with tho use of fur nished parlor, kitchen and stable. Runt very rea sonable to an uceeptublo tenant. ■ep9 tf FOR SALE AND RENT. M Y two For Rent, iSIDKNCEon the Tullotton road, . rom the cltv. with f tillable land. button road, ty , "' ith 4,1 jiii Alsu, the place known ns the “Marlin pluoo,” •pposit" ili» above, containing 10 or 12 acres. For particulars apply to me. doc24 tf 8. C. LINDSAY. For Rent. milR FONTAINE HOUSE is for rent. Well situated for a Boarding House. Can be bad partly furnished. Possession givon Immediately. Apply to CIIA8. II. WILLIAMS dec!4 tf For Rent. building. Possession givon immediately Also, Sleeping Rooms in the sumo building, and one Room in the laisemeut, suitable for a sleeping room or work shop. Water is furnished in tho houso, and the rooms well heated by a furnace throughout the cold sea son. Comfort guaranteed. Apply to CIIAS. COLEMAN, Over tho utoro of. Abell ft Co , 110 Broad st. For Rent. M, Enquirer Office. DRY COOD8. STILL CONTINUED ! OUR ENTIRE STOCK Dry Joods, Shoes, Hats, (Mil, Notions, &c., AT COST FOR CASH. t goods in our lino will do well >s of the oxtraordh ary opportuu Peacock & Swift. L. D. DEATON & SON, No. MIG, Under llaukIn House. W E havo removed to tho lnrgo and commodious store ouo door above Messrs. Watt ft Walk* Broad street, where wo have iu sturo aud aro rc stautly receiving a large and well selected stock of Staple Dry Goods AND GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GL/SB, TIN, WOOD AND HOLLOW WARE, STOVES, aud HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, fte. Wo aro offering our goods at prices to suit tho Union. Thankful for past patronage, we hope for a continuance. Please call and examiuo our stock Columbus, Oct. 19, 1873. deodawJm DOORS, SASH, ETC. Our Seventy Pa^e Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, STAIK HAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., M lilt .1 tu nnjr ono intprpAtoil tit building, on r.n ijit of stamp. H£0GH & THORNE, 344 k 350 CANAL STREET, * Jyll dAtvly NEW YORK CITY. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney a-t Law, HAMILTON, GA., Blanks for the Granges. B LANKS of every description constantly on hand. ORDERS KILLED FOR UEORGIA. ALABAMA nnd other titnteN. Apply at the office of the Uoliibus Enqui rer, by mail, or othorw ise. uovtSX tf IN VINO VERITAS! D U. MOFFETT has now on Hand, for Family and Medicinal uses, a Fine Stock of Native CATAWBA and CONCORD WINKS. They Purer nnd Hotter than the greater part of the hi Grand Raffle! 200 COOKING STOVES! FOR SALK AT PRICES TO SUIT HARD TIMES' W. H. Robarts & Co., Who Invite the attentin of tho public to their large aud complete stock, consisting of Cooking Stoves, (Charter Ouk and other first class patterns), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, SILVER rLATED AND 11HITNNIA GOODS, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery of our own importation. Manufacturers of Tltf, COPPER AXI> SHEET lltO.V’ WAKE of every description, ftitr Prices iw fow m tho lowest. sep7 codOra J. M. Henxf.tt. Southern Stove Works, Columbus, Ca. J. W. DENNIS & CO. \\rEare manufacturing and YY soiling at Wbolesal.. a good assortment of STOVES, GRATES, l lltC MOMS, COUNTRY AN l» STOVE HOLLOW WAKE. Wo guarantee our goods in every respect. •0Baniplo and Salesroom at J. M. BENNETT ft CO.’S, augSl d2taw4wf.ni) 131 Kroiul St. Stoves, Stoves! NATHAN CROWN, WjgM (Opposite Suu Office) Columbus, Ga., W OULD respectfully invito tho attention of his friends and customer* to his extensive •Rock or KTOVES, HOLLOW AND STAMPED WARE, HOUSK-FUUN1SIIING GOODS, Ac. Also, TIN WARE, at wholesale und retail. Roofing and Guttering done promptly and iu tho best manner. lie solicit* a call, fooling assured that ho cai givo entile satisfaction. Prico as low as the lowest. Come and boi beforoyou buy. oct25 oodewtf FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. Co LU mu us, Ga., Oct. 1,1873. rnilK nttoutlou of my customers is culled to tUn I payment of their Notus, Liens aud other obligations giv.-n for SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, with tho privilege of paying in Cotton at rate of fifteen (15) cunts per lb lor Low Middlings. Cotton will bo received by me and all niy Agents in accordance with contract until maturity of Much ob> ligatioiiN. after which date thin |»riv. liege xx ill ccanc. Those owing less than a balo will ship the bale to Columbus, Ga., and the buluucu will bo returned to them at market price. 1 am now ready to Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season To my prompt paying customers. Parties anticipating thoir Cotton Notes and Lienrt will then by WAVE UISK OE LOKN BY IT HE AND LOWS I.\ WEIGHT, Arc., and are entitled to the l.enefit of uny excess should price for fow middlings exceed filtouu (15) cents at maturity of notes. AiF* Eag'e and Pheuix money taken at par. W. H. YOUNG, A’«t Pacific Cuano Comp’y, No. 12 Broad Street. I am now delivering tnj well known “Rust and Smut Proof” Seed Oats, HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. 11YAN, Prop'r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Restaurant, Bar aud Billiard Saloon, Under tuk Rankin House. my21 djtwtf .1. W. RYAN, Prop»r. OITY HOTEL, CKXTltALI.Y LOCATED. Troy, Alabama. R. H. PARK, Prop’r. deo7 SEly T. S. SPEAR, AGENT for Non-Electro Plating, rnr E best articlo ever introduced by tuo, nrlce .1.; / per bottle, for Cleaning Silver ami Plated Wait Try it. For sale at 99 Broad stieet, Singer Sow • J Machine Depot. aplil tf DOES NOT CHECK THE MALE OF HOOD’S EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE. nov22 [oct!9 d6m Attention for Ten Days I A PORTION of the Watches, Jewelry, aud Clocks givou to me to repair, may now bo id w ith me. Also, the unsettled accounts and notes. My friends would do mo a favor to call, settle aud take away their articles. . T. P. SPEAR, Agent, At J. II. ltrumhuir* Sewing Machine Agency, novl J tf | 99 Brood ritt«H»t, Columbus, Ga. BANKING AND INSURANCE. J. BH0DE3 BEOWNE, President. OEO. W. DILLINGHAM Cash! GEORGIA HOME BANK Bank of Discount and Deposit. Deals in Exchange, Coin, Stocks and Bonds. Drafts Collected, and prompt returns made. THE GEORGIA HOME SU MS BANK Offers the greatest inducements to those having idle f un j s for which they want undoubted security, a liberal interest, and prompt payment when required. DEPOSITS of $1 and upwards received. Deposits can be withdrawn in person or by check by those of our patron's who live at a distance. INTEREST allowed at Seven (7) Per Cent., compound, ed January, April, July and October—four times a year SECURITY.—By the terms of the Company’s charter the entire capital and property of the Company and the private property of tho Shareholders is pledged for the obligations of the Savings Bank. DIRECTORS : J. imODES BROWNE, Frost of thj Co. N. N. CURTIS, of Wells,Cnrtig A Co L. T. DOWNING, Attornev-at-Baw D. F. WILLCOX, Secretary of tho Co JOSIAH MORRIS, Banker, Montc’v CHARLES WISE,. may4 eodftwlt JAS. F. BOZEMAN, CapitaliHt, Atlanta. J. It. CLAPP, Manuf’tr, Clapp’s Factory non. JOHN McILHENNY, Mayor. JAMES RANKIN, Capitalist. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. R. McNEILL. G. W» ROSETTE. 8. E. LAWH0N R. McNEILL & CO, AUCTION, Commission Merchants AND Real Eistate Agents, 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H AVING formed a copartnership to conduct tho AUCTION AND COMMISSION business, solicit a share of the public patronage. HAVE NOW ON CONSIGNMENT, UT, OATS, CORN, APPLES, POTATOES 1 3TRESTT BUTTER, Which is offered ut WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, at prices that will be an inducement to Cash Buyers. R. McNEILL & CO. Columbus, Octobor 12th, 1S73. ilOm WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. A. WITTICII. C. M. KIN8KL. WITTICH & KINSEI,, Practical Watchmakers, Jewelers & Engravers No. 67 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JKVEI.Br, STEHLINU SII.Vr.lt A PLATED WAKE, All of the latest manufacturers. Diamonds, Gold anil Sliver SpretsclcN aud Kye-Glussoh, Gold and Sllvev Thimbles, Ladies’ nnd Gents* Chains, l-laln ana fancy Uni,I mug* nr lieantirul worltinantliip. and tyery lorltli of Article found in a First-Cluxx Jewelry Store. Stencil Plates of every description out at short notice. 80LK AGENTS for tho celebrated Dlamoud Pebbled Spectacles and Eye-Glasses, and Agents for tho Arundel Pebble Spectacles, which aro slightly colored, and in high favor with everybody using speeU- cles or eye-glasscH. Watch, Clock and Jewolry repairing iu all its branchos. Hair Jewelry, Society Badges, Diamond PRATT’S COTTON OIVS THE PLANTERS’ FAVORITE! OU 1 ALL ! T HE nndersipned havinp completed anrangemonte for tho sale of the abovfl COTTON GINS with G. W. Dillingham, the General Agont for thiH Hootfofo would call attention to tho fact that thoy have on bund a fulll stock of PRATT’S COTTON GItfS, .. among them the 40-Saw Gin that took tho First Prize at our last Fair, beating » | comptuitura and ginning 24G lbs. sood cotton in 17 minutes. Too much cannot b® Raid in their praise. HOLSTEAB & CO., Agricultural Implement and Seed Depot, mh17 d&wtf 180 Broad Strkf.t, Ooltimbur, ID- MILLINERY. Bargains ! Bargains !! and Fancy Dry Goods at Panic Prices 1 MU&M. ■ WILL, O.V AND AFTHIt TO-MOBIIOW, Of PER I1EU KNTIRK STOCK Of MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS FOR CASH, AT PANIC PRICES ! i respect fully Inritod tu rail and judge f< themselves. AH goods tuUSt D** I m (Columbus, Ga., Nov. 19tb,