Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 31, 1873, Image 3

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OPKLIKA, AI.A. I ■WEDNESDAY DECEMBEK 31, IS7J OPELIKA DEPARTMENT. OfBco of Opelika Department of the Columbus En quirer back room of Hodge A Hurl’d Grocery Store, Rail Road street. Subscriptions for Daily, Weekly ami Sunday Enquirer received at tills ofllco. Also, con tract for advertising and Job Work or all descriptions At such prices us defy competition. R. M. GRAY, EDITOR. The Firm*. We believe, religiously, thnt it is a duty lo take advantage of passing gratifications for the senses in a proper way, time and place ; aud, ordinarily, have no thought of condemnation for theatre, opera or circus goers ,* but now and then, there is a want of appropriateness, even to our snind. Take to-day au au example. The town is alive with people of all grades, conditions, colors and sexes—from the grandeire to the infant at the breast of an illy clad white or black mother—some of whom bavo walked miles, facing An ice cold wind, to see tho stroot pageantry of a traveling show, becauso so much is free of charge ; others to go in, and sit and abiver for two solid hours, to witness that which a large majority of them have soen over and over again. Now this may be all right—personally wo do not question it—but writing for tho public, we have a public duty to perform in this matter. We suppose not less than fifteen hund red dollars will be paid to-day and to night by our city aud country people for the privilege of laughing and cheering some happy clown, or dashing eques trienne ns she summersaults around the charmed ring. One-half or more of this will bo paid by our city people Thirty days since a large congregation of Christians in this place, after weeks and months of effort, had to borrow $200 from a kind friend of their cause, to pay their preuchor for services free to the public, and by them freely eDjoyed. A supper may he gotten by our lady friends in tho cause of a noble charity, and the not results raroly exceed an hun dred dollars. Public improvements halt, or if pushed and a few dollars extra taxation hinted at, a howl of indignation goes up. Fire protection is imperatively demand ed, and but a few hundred dollars can be raised for so important a matter. Citi zens of Opelika, there is a griovons wrong somewhere. May wo not be inflicting tho injury upon ourselves. Let us stop and think. Wo are not living for a day merely. Wo should seek to leave behind us some memorial other than the fact that we laughed and grew poor. We played and danced whilst Home burned. Good Templar*' Festival. Daring tho holidays very many pleasant reunions have been enjoyed by our peo- plo aud many hearts gladdoned by Christ mas’ aunual return. But among the many, none ho liberal and generous as that of tho sons of “Love, Hope and Charity,’' has marked tho time. Our people wore out in largo numbers to en joy the good tiino and good things pro fusely supplied by tho Order, free to the public. Dr. Buck, iu behalf of the brotherhood, welcomed their friends, and for fifteen minutes, urged upon the peo ple the importance of their cause. Tho address was woll-timed aud to the point. The lady members, assisted by several fine male voices, added a charm to the evening. Wo went away more than pleased aud satisfied that the Opelika Lodge of Temperance were lively ex amples of tho throe virtues inscribed on their banners. Fire in Datlcvillc. We learn by train yesterday morning that a disastrous fire occurred Monday night at Dadeville, resulting in the total loss of two store houses and contents. But for surroundings and a vigorous use of hooks and ladders, the fire would have swept tho town. Wo could not get the names of tho sufferers. Loss aggregating $10,000. Lot our people take warning. Money Easy. Exchange on Now York and New Orleans buying $, selling at par. Cotton. But little doing at usual rates : Middlings 14|c. Low Middlings 13$c. Received previously 10,487 “ yesterday 100 Total 10,047 5,000 SUBSCRIBERS WANTED! TO THE PUBLIC. Facts Interesting to Every One! BETTER PAPERS AT LOWER PRICES! THE SUNDAY ENQUIRER. $5,00.0 IN PREMIUMS TO OUR FRIENDS! Great DistrMn of Christmas Gifts to Our Sitaritars! THE CA8H SYSTEM IRREVOCABLY ADOPTED. OFFICE OF TIIE COLUMBUS ENQUIRER, 1 Columbus, Ga., October 15, 1873. f TO THE PUBLIC: The promise made and the course marked out by myself when I assumed charge of the Enquirer, I have tried faithfully to carry out; and, as air additional evidence of my desire to build up a paper worthy of this city and State, I have decided to spare neither tinte nor money in order to make a good paper and place it within the reach of all. The Sunday Enquirer is a new feature in this enter prise, and a much needed one. Many of our mechanics and farmers, who are unable, from a want of means to subscribe, or time to read, do not take a daily paper ; and the regular weeklies do not supply them with the latest news, combined with fresh and interesting in formation in literature, science and art. The Sunday Enquirer will fill this void; for, in addition to the telegraphic and editorial matter now given in the daily, issued on Sunday, it will contain a series of charming historical novels, written expressly for it by an author whose stories in other serial weeklies command the highest price. These stories for the coming year will treat of the early days of Georgia and Alabama, and will be of thrilling interest to all who read them—more particularly to those living in the States named. Besides, it will have well-selected sketches of travel and poetry, and Household and Fashion Departments. I am making ar rangements with a Northern house for the supply of illustrations, which will make a decided addition to the value of this great paper, and correspondence will coinc to it, specially, from all points of in terest. The Sunday Enquirer will he served without extra churge lo the regular subscribers of the Daily, viz, for eight dollars per annum, PAYABLE invariably in advance. When taken alone its price will be two dollars and fifty cents per annum, which will make it the cheapest paper of its class in the country. To those who now take the Weekly Enquirer, it can he made a most valuable adjunct. Indeed The Sunday Enquirer becomes a necessity, particularly in view of the extarordinary inducements held out, for I propose dis tributing in the Opera House, in this city, Gifts to the Amount of Five Thousand Dollars to the subscribers OF TIIE ENQUIRER, during the coming holidays. The following plan has been decided on, and the subscriber will sec that in addition to his paper, which will be more than worth the price of subscription, A beautiful chromo, that retails for three dollars, will be given, in addition, to each subscriber, with a ticket that will give him a chance to draw a premium worth fifty times the amount subscribed : One subscription to Daily $8 00, Three months “ 2 00, One year Sunday 2 50, One year Weekly 2 00, One year Sunday and Weekly 3 00, with 4 tickets and chromo. “ 1 “ “ “ “ 1 “ “ “ “ 1 “ “ “ M 2 11 11 11 OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Dentists. J. I.. K. SMITH. Urntist, Does Pluto Work un<) Plunging on reasonable deczUJ terms. Chambers street. Barber Shops. These tickets will be drawn at the Opera House, in the presence of our city officials, during the Christmas week. They will be regularly registered at this office and sent to any address on the re ceipt of subscription, and in no event will they be sent unless ALL ARREARAGES ARE PAID, IN ADDITION TO TIIE SUBSCRIPTION, IN AD VANCE. But those who have already paid in advance will be en titled to tickets. LIST OF PREMIUMS: 1 Gold Hunting Case Watch and Chain §200 00 1 Gold Hunting Case Watch 150 00 1 Gold Hunting Case Watch 100 00 1 Cabinet Organ 150 00 (> Silver Watches, $40 each 240 00 1 Set Parlor Furniture 150 00 1 2 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 WF.SI.KY H.VKRIXUKR, Mnrbcr, Corner South Railroad uni Cbuuibora streets. UIUYO.V A- TF It YF.lt, Barber*, South Railroad street, minor Adam* Ilouso. Hotels. ADAMS 1IO I’.Si:. When YOU go to Opelika, he sure to stop Adana Uoiioe, opposite Passenger liypoi Doctors. Dll. J. W. H- WILLIAMS i his professional servin'*. Ofllco over K Jreeu A Co.’s, Chambers A K. 11. Street*. Insurance. K. C. BOWES A MOST, General Insurance Agents. Ofllco. lUilroiul Street, over U. M. Ureeue A Co.’s $200 Reward! T IIK above reward will b* paid for the appre hension, with ovideuce to convict the person or persons who removed tin* track near Smith s Station, on the 231 in-t., or for the apprehension of any person who uisy at any tiino maliciously place obstructions on the tr irk that would endan ger life or properly. A..I IIKARD, R. M. W. R. R. Opelika, Ala , Dec. 24, ls73. de25 lm Sot Bed Room Furniture 100 00 Sewing Machines, $80 each 100 00 Set of Silver Ware 75 00 Silver Pitcher and Waiter 50 00 Double-barreled Shot Gun 75 00 Diamond Pin *:.... 75 00 Sets of Ladies’ Jewelry, $30 each 180 00 $300 Cash Premium 300 00 $100 Cash Premium 100 00 2 $50 Cash Premiums 100 00 10 $10 Cash Premiums 100 00 In addition to the above valuable premiums there will be distribu ted BOOKS AND PICTURES to the amount of $3,000 00. It will bo seen from the foregoing that I am determined to spare no ex pense to bring THE ENQUIRER before the people, and that I have put aside all thought of immediate profit. It is my purpose to have annual distributions of premiums to my subscribers so that any per son subscribing after the new year will have a chance in the distri bution that follows. All tho present subscribers who have not paid in the amounts due by the 15th of November, proximo, will be dropped from the list AND TIIF.IR ACCOUNTS PLACED IN THE HANDS OF A COLLECTOR. During the Summer months I sent the paper gladly to those who were short of money, and I feel sure that they will come to my assistance now, aud see tho necessity that compels me to this course. No club rates can be offered m view of the groat amount that will be necessary to purchase premiums, but where agents act I will al low liberal commissions. More than ever will the Enquirer be a splendid advertising me dium, and our business men should appreciate our enterprise by showing theirs promptly. I reassert again that the course of the Enquirer will be thoroughly INDEPENDENT, and that no effort will be spared on my part to present the advantages of the South to capitalists and emigrants. To help to build up an impoverished country, not to strengthen any party, shall be my object, and should I live to sec the grand material re sources of this country developed my pride will be greater than any political triumph could give. I will watch and foster the cause of tho Granges, while they work for the interest of the planter. 1 expect in this course to make mistakes, but they will be of the head, not of the heart, and I will ever hold myself ready to do justice to the wronged. All remittances should be made by draft, money order or registered letter. I cannot be responsible for money sent by mail. Very respectfully, yours, .A.. J&. CALHOUN, Editor and Proprietor of the Columbus Enquirer. STIPULATION.—To insure the complete distribution I must have the 5,000 tickets issued, and of this I liavc but little doubt. If the whole number is not subscribed, each subscriber will have a ticket aud a chromo under any event, and a chance at a proportion of the premiums, made by a Committee of citizens from my books. At tlie second distribution I hope to make the premiums in the aggregate worth Thirty Thousand Dollars. CITY DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. FIRRT PRESBYTERIAN. Comer of Oglethorpe ami Rt. Clair atreota—Rev. J. H. Nall pastor. Services at 10$ a. m. and 4 r, m. each Sunday. Sabbath school at 1) a. m. EPISCOPAL (TRINITY). Oglethorpe street, between Randolph and St. Clair—Rov. W. C. Hunter rector. Servieoa at 11 i. m. aud 4 p. m. each Sunday. Sunday school at !)$ a. m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. St. Fhilips aud St. J nines (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Buldwiu aud Few streets—Fathor Patrick pastor. Mass at 0$ and a. m., and vespers at 5 r. m. Catechism at 4 p. m. FIRST DAPTI8T. Randolph streot, between Jackson and Franklin—Rev. C. A. Kendrick pnstor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 8 r. m. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson streot, betwoon Randolph and St. Clair streets—Rev. Dr. J. S. Key pastor. Services each Sunday at 10$ a. m. aud 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 0 A. M. St. Paul—Southeast corner of Frank lin and Troup streets—Rev. Arminius Wright, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 4 p. m. Bivad Street Methodist—On upper Broad street. Rov. W. F. Robinson pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. m. aud 7;} p. m. Sabbath school at 8$ p. M. Class meeting at 0 a. m. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Corner Crawford aud Forsyth streets, llermuu Birkiuthal rabbi. Services every Friday evening at 8 und Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. GIRARD. Methodist.—J, W. Simmons pastor. .Services 1st Suuday at 10$ a. m., aud 3rd Sunday at "» p. m. Sabbath school 3 p. m. Baptist.—Rev. Win. Whipple pastor. Services on tho 4tl» Sunday in each mouth Subbath school at 8$ a. m. BROWN VILLE. Broirneeille Jfaptist.—Rev Jaspor Hicks pastor. Services 1st aud 3d Sundays. Sabbath School at 8:30 a. m. Trinity (Methodist,—Rev. J. W. Sim mons pastor. Sorviees 1st, 2nd aud 3rd Suuday at 8 p. m. and 3rd Sunday at 10$ a. m. Altornato Sundays supplied both morning nud evening. Sabbath school every Sunday nt 4 r. m. colored. Asbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, W. H. Noble pastor. Sorviees ovo- ry Sunday at 10$ a. m. and 8 i». m. Sab bath school at 0 a. m. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Clair (near river)—Green McArthur pas tor. Services evors Suuday at 10$ a. m. aud 8 i». m. Subbath school at 1) a. m. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common, —J. M. Cargill pastor. Services every Sunday at 10$ a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 0 a. m. Second Baptist (Northoru Libortios)— Rov. Primus Stafford pastor. Services every Sunday nt H>$ a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 0 m. 1. O. O. F. Lodgo on Oglethorpe, between St. Cluir and Crawford sts. Regular mootings held every Monday evening, at 7$ o’clock. Encampment meets 1st and 3d Fridays in each month. MASONIC. Lodgo in Burma’ buildiDg, corner Broad and Randolph streets. Columbian Lodtje, No. 7—Meets 2d Friday night in each month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Moots on 1st Friday night iu each mouth Jlopc Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night iu ench mouth. St. Aldemar Cominandcry—Meets 2d Tuesday night in each mouth. B’NAI BEltITH. Lodgo in Burras’ building—Meetings hold on tho 1st and 3d Suuduys in each month. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, centre of city) between Oglethorpe and Jackson aud Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on East commons, loot of Craw ford streot. Opera Ilouso n. o. corner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphun Asylum, East common, near cemetery. Post Office, corner of Oglethorpe and Randolph. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Rooms ovor Griifiu's drug storo, Broad street. Open from 8 a. m. to 6 Books loaued to members returnable every two weeks, or borrower pays 2 per week thereafter. Mrs. J. U. Ivey, Librarian. HOTELS. Rankin House, corner Broad and Craw ford streets. Planters’ Ilouso, Broad street, (east side), between St. Clair and Crawlord. Central Hotel, Broad street, (east side), botwoou St. Cluir and Crawford streets. Homo House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair and Crawford streets. Broad Street House, (east Hide), between Crawford aud Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) u. e. corner Jackson and Crawford streets. No. 2 (wbito fe male) s. w. corner St. Clair and Forsyth streets. Temperance Hall (mixed colored) Ogle thorpo street, between Randolph and Bryan. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—S. 15. Cleghorn. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Cha^. H. Williams. City Physician—D. W. Johnson. City Sexton—Jainos M. Lynah. City Murshul—Mat. W. Murphy. Deputy Marshul—Win. L. Robinson Wharfinger—Jake Burras. POLICE. Chief—Mat. W. Murphy. CONFECTIONERIES CENERAL INVITATION ! Come Ono, Come All, to VV. T. Robinson’s. GET YOUIt FlfKIftTMAM AP1»LEN, ORANGES. I.EMONM AND UOlOANt lS, ( AN. DIES, NETS, ItVI.NINS, I1I.S ANDOVKKANTS, 1>I< KLFN PRESERVED, JELLIES, SARDINES, ERAi’K. EKS A HART GOODS, liRi; CRAC KERS A EIRE WORKS, liarmouicus, Marble* ami Accordion*, too— W.T. Robinson's tho place for you. docH 3w] First door below G. W. Urowu’a. mv THIS HOUSE IS PRF.PARKD TO FURNISH Toys and Fireworks of tho tino.it quality, and everything nice aud cheap, for the approaching Holiday*. ALL KINDS OF Fine French and Mixed Can dies, Nuts, Fruits, &c., &c, My own manufactured CANDY at 18c., In lots of ‘2- r » llm., and everything in proportion. Tlie public is respectfully iuvited to giro ino a cull. All those who wish to get fixed up in the right stylo, should tint fail to step iu, Just liolow tlie Skating Kink. iiovdo dim .SECOND SQUAD, (’apt. John Foran, FIRST SQUAD. Capt. W. L. Cash Kobt. G. Mitchell, John St. Clair, Win. II. II. Wood, Josh Roper, Charles Brady, Whit Smith, Juntos Kobarts. Tom McEachern, John Feagan, John O'Brien. Heury Voight, John Bradv, ROLL OF COLUMBUS 1’IUE DE PARTMENT’. BOARD OF CONTROL. W. II. Williams, Chief Engineor. it. W. Rosette, First Ass’t Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, Secoud Aso’t Engineor. W. S. Do Wolf, Secretary. FIUI# COMPANIES. No. 1—B. F. Coleman, R. Lodsingor, W. H. Brannon, G. C. Sherwood. No. I—John S. Stuart, W. S. Do Wolf, Tom Deignan, Thad Sturgis. No. a—E. L. Wills, A. W. Brantley, D. E. Williams, G. li. Flournoy. No. G—C. I). Wall, John King, A. K. Francis, Stillman Davidson. Book and Jjiidder—M. M. Moore, Dnvo W. Appier, C. B. Grimes, Jl. D. Green. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL—1*73. Accounts—Joseph, McGoheo, Schuess- ler. Bridges and Wharf—Chalmors, Mchaf- fey, Salisbury. Cemetery—Mobnffoy, Joseph, 1‘rcor. Cisterns and Fire Department—ltcdd, lJrnnnon, Andrewfi. City Improvomontsand PublicSchools— Preor, Redd, Joseph. Commons—Flournoy, Chalmers, Redd. Contracts—Brannon, Schuesslor, Me- haffey. Fiuance—Salisbury, Preor, McGoheo. Hospital—Blanchard, Flournoy, Bran- uon. Market and Magazine—Schuesslor, An drows, Chalmers. Police and Gas—McGchoo, Blanchard, Flournoy. Stroots and Sowers—X'-Jrows Salis bury, Blanchard. GROCERIES. FAIR WARNING to Those Indebted to Me! I DKS1KF. to a.iy if you don’t p.»y up. or make SATISFACTORY AKKANUKMI* NTS l>v tin. FIRST OF JANUARY next, 1 l’oftllivcly Will Not 4’redlt You further, ami will proceed to COLLECT HY LAW. To those who have paid, or do pay up by that time, 1 will extern! every Areomiiaodntiou In My Power, and in order to induce NettleniHutu, twill pay my iMt-unur* (on credit bill*) 1-1 el*. fur Mid- IIint? <’otton uutil thu hist ul January next. 1 have iu store and to arrive u full stock of KRtH ERIEN AND l»HOYISIONN, itul propose to sell as low as llm lowort for cash. Very Rouped fully, J. II. HAMILTON. Columbus, On , Doc, id 1st::. |Ut n.lawijunl INSURANCE. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT OFFICERS: Cen JNO. B. CORDON, President. Cen. A. H. COLQUITT, Vice President. J. A. MORRIS, Secretary. J. H. MILLER, Sup’t Agencies, Assets Nearly $2,500,000.00! Ratio of Assets to Liabilities 146.39400 to $100. Has just established a Branch at Columbus, Ga., and oponod an ofllco at tho “GEORGIA HOME” BUILDING. Tho citizens of Columbus aud adjoining country are urgently requested to ex amine tho claims of thiH Piouoer Company to their patronage and support. Investments made and losses adjusted at homo. COLUMBUS GA. BRANCH. R. N. MILLER, Cen’l Ag’t and Manager. OFFICERS: W. L. SALISBURY, Pres’t. G, GUNBY JORDAN, Vice Pres’t. L. SPENCER. Secretary. BOOTS AND SHOES. COLUMBUS FAIR! THE ITU ANNUAL EXPOSITION WILL NOT bn hold Ibis season, but tho lltli Amiiml Display of Boots, Shoes and Leather, IIY WELLS & CURTIS, STYLINII AND Dt'RAllLF. H'OKK, mado expressly for our trade, and a lino ul COMMON NENNi: GOODS, wPh broad soles mid low lonls, for lliom wlm want COMFORT. Wo have also tho bos' brand* ol'OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Calf Shim, Upper Leal In r and Findings generally. It will pay close buyers to look through our Wholosalo Department. In short, we olli r the best inducements to all classes n| buyers. Whl.LS A CURTIS. octlfi dnodawUm 73 Broad Ft. Al. J. CKAWl’ORI), (). W. ninUNUHAM, W. L. OI.AltK, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: ALPltF.1T X. YOIINO, C. A. ItKDD, \V. It. IUtOWN, PETER FREER, S. Cl. MURPHY, H. M. MULFOltL), MEDICAL BOARD: (i. .1. 11 ltlMES, M. I).. I). W. JOHNSON, M U. W I’nlicion in Northern CnmpuuioR enn lm trnnsfnrroil without loss nr ndditionnl ouilny. Full purlicillut'H f»ivmi hy inquiry* ui llm nillon. Keep Capital at Home. Good Holieitoi-H Wanted. LAMBERT SPENCER, Resident Agent. SECURITY—PROMPTNESS—LIBERALITY ! THE RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ! 'I’llK UnJ.Mig.ml Mill ..|,.n orlahlishmont, and be prepare I to sup- ply bis friends with every luxury. octlfidOm A. J. DOLAND. Georgia Nome Insurance Comp’y CONTINUES TO OF FEU THE ■» FUI.lt INDEMNITY apst Loss by FIRE ! Having Paid her Friends and Patrons Since the War $800,000.00, She Wants a Chance to Cot It Back. J. RHODES BROWNE, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, SAM’L S. MURDOCH I'rcHiavnt. Treasurer. Columbus, Oct. lit, 1b7». |<!tf The Cottage Saloon. I ’’li 18 magnificent resort, newly built aud wel furnished, opens OtMober 1st, and eontinu. pen. Choice LIQUORS AND CIGARS u I ways o and. The public are invited to rail, ortl tf J. U. DROWN. MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! IU K have on hand, purchased at the low-il whole- Y\ -.tie cash prie s, a large and wellas orted-lurk of MlLLINKKY, besides OI.OVK-, r ir.nKIS, and everything usually kept in a lira! .-h Millinery Kstablishmeut. We urn sutMied you will he plenum! with our selection ii ym, will hut call and examine. We are next to the N. vt York Flore. Respectfully, MK8. < OLVIN and 118 ly MISS Do.NNKI.LV. SEEDS. AGRICULTURAL DEPOT, eOI.l’NIII'N, UA. Florida Syrup, Florida Oranges, Northern Apples, Onions, Hay, Potatoes, Seeds & Farm Implements, Watt Plows, Excelsior Plows, Ac. ■ lol.sri ill A I II., T. M. JONES, with Groover, Stubbs & (Jo., Cotton Factors —AND— Commission Merchants, AUSTIN & ELLIS, General OomiaiBaion Merchants, w rjAVAiNnvAii, ILL make Advance* on Cott date, for sale here or ship tlii.r pro ir (rivuds York, Hostou or Liverpool. in C'duiubui to Me*sr*. Kpping k Ilunserd. EPPING’S BUCIIU Notice to all Purchacer: of this Excellent Compound Extract of Bncha. riKND YoUR OUllWl.1 TO L. PlhUt K St IT)., )5 t'olumbua, l;«., and you v. ill not tin* Oiumim*, Original Extract. There 18 NO OUT8IDK AGKNCIKS—KITH HR 81'KCIAL OK G KN lilt A L, I tun Individually Sole Proprietor. L. IIERCE. March 5th, 1873. tl FIRE INSURANCE. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY OF San Francisco, California. Cash Assets, $675,000 GOLD! Prompt, Reliable, Liberal! G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, '•etihi ly COLUMBUS, GA. COPARTNERSHIP. rnilK UNDKRSTGNKD JIAVK THIS DAY FoRMKD A COI’ARTN KICMI11* under the firm nmuc > 1 WILLCOX & HAWKS, forth- trim-,., lim. of a fi.-neiul Inniraii.e Dusii.e Mn lit ihi* . ity. . D F. WILLCOX, Columbus, Oct. 13, 1873. W. N. HAWKS. WillcoK & Hawks, General Insurance Agents, 79 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Oldest and largest Insurance) Companies In tho deeding 327,000,000! CARD. rlTIIK uiidiT.igu.l, Imrinr i,tlr..| from » <-rri t Mu tl-m.* Ii ; *,i .• 1. Company, and funned tho count-lion above nuiiM-d, Mdicii# La llm in u him « "h.ue ul he i n- VVDh'an ••xiioiifiii • of l\\ •mv jMininili ninniniiiity as an I'udfi wi iier. In* i■ Ifiilly iffer•- t :: - ”,A\vh. s'. - ... ,*. : ■; 1 "Ai ■ U-f'r 1 rudl.y C"i"i , .u'-, Hi -fr* •'» i*."',v| |.|.4T)X. HATS AND CAPS. ES. E. YONGE, DEALHR IN IIATS, CAl’S, UMBRELLAS, A AT THE OLD STAND OF F. LANDON, IIAS ON HAND AND Id KI.CK1V1N1I HE'.Ul.AlaY UlOM MAM'ACTIRKItS PIUKC I f FULL STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY HATS ! In Fancy Hats, tho “very latost” in stylo and colors. In Staple Fur and Wool, his stock is perfect, ",u Aud l> »Lull I" iu.iiv.il.* >u»i.li' , u »f Pt.ntor*.