Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 03, 1874, Image 2

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■ '—M DAILY EXQUIRER-SrX: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1874. Dni 1 y Enquirer. JOHS M. MARTI*. L4il«r. ct iba** boy* tai.e iu t*t, aj>d tiv«rs* ITid tel » : *i !*e after iili-i faith pr Ki-jcht fact. a D-fro .a :h.- ■ 1 k!e* uadta tie COLt’MUl*. <•*-: HATCH DA V OCTOBKI 38T4 alap. \n\ sr.viv. DKMOCIATK SOM I * ATIOX K. KCLU>«4i AKD WO HEX. The Nt« Y tk 7/r/v ' -f Tu^sr. U - t» kTUclt tn ]**• ; j be let otod the Terer.: eiL:t.:’ «4 cf pitiable we&ksra* t r ••».»-. :x ■•:«. KvI.-.-t*.* fciid Mo&<« It regard* t 4 “.'I tefaqwt^v fabau'd" Mooi.f--.- c, that tc*- who a militia of Hosti t«*t to otf>e < ▼.inch to a /* ..--paiiv •-f Ft* eriJ h ■>- d**-rs Mffiotd toho.j wl a** . ti»3 Mi}» t-hit Kellogg- b> Li- cvutordly coauu'.-t, “made the intfruestm- c*-/z:feiKt>a tbit h> g'*rermjtoiit coaid not Kt«iid fa HrE what S. J. Simmon*. of Boston. «!«▼ without Federal p'vpp'.r g." It b»y*, ' I Donjit-ari.'S* by that par y. confer that he hts Lfo doing lor the that H-~* ^ ii wm of e Stole which */*{'*: It EMOVAU rot oqxokm—romTH m Ttui, HEKltV B. HAHRK Jf-riwelber ro* eepbesektaztera or WKCoorz. Tr<m. «\ Ottilia. " K . F. Wu.mtw. —S»f*‘tp'. tv e«*re celling a: fifty /•- : CeroiiLto itootcpe- p*r bn*t»el in Montgcmcrr. .. it local di^citMW ! —TL* receipts of Montgomery f c: tl < nirJL of September am t i 4 * i u’-* >..f cot'on. or about one fourth vi.I* unoont rtcrjvfcl lari retr. —. t-r»2 of the Derr > r ra'.* • ,.i. ; r it ; for c •.' tv off) :c. t-y tL* It* i.< l1- j! t ul.. ber$ eouiitv. hare dechued the r. • ). KYLE & CO. BANKING AND INSURANCE. LIFE, F-: E, MARINE H A’ >. REMOVED TO EDUCATIONAL. St. Joseph's Academy, Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, No. 106 Broad Street, v heir old Hand The Lou c e •:-:a~i. Cofttumer* will act ■t ol theboaae. ■ In* Radical pailv of Massavhuw-t''-- and erpe- the L+gioeB ootDuiuber the arhitea by cially in the interea*. of Jica. Butler He Ltarly taro to one -, tha* it was not cc/tr ©onfeawB that he. a* an officer of the Gen- vjice bat sagacity ahich forbade Litn to ermneut, reaorted to iutixnidative, fraud plao® the elighUM. reii&nee on them and and bribery to obtain futet f'*r Butlej and that Kei^g bad a aitniiar }>-rfvcj tion of th« Ktodical party. What aaill tb* p«rty . their n»tcr -a-onhieBsaen. The negroea. that punisbw* all anch oflencca fat the •«▼* the Jlrrvld, ‘‘haTfc the n.::]tary quah South under the Enforoement law—tb* party that proneoute* 4 Southern boya for a littia noiw? at a litodioal uieetiug—do about it ? aV,ed tocon- Hekatvje PATTEUHorr. of South t iro. Iina, U reported to have stated at Wash ington that the coining Radical Conret- tw>a at Chattanooga La*» aii«d‘.«r object txrtidea '‘reprevcntiri" th® t ue •' of the SoBth, her troublen and her n»- ' ^ aities.** He aaya that he beiieree ‘‘the Conreution b:11 approve Pr*-*.ident t>rant for a thud terru * «th entL»w*#m.” and that its action “ought to have ridnatioo thinks that (tending atrengthen Lia chance;, materially t third term, that he will be the uoxt nom inee of the liepuhlicun party, and he triumphantly re elected. ^ So it appearh that th*-re are two oath in that meal tub. We <-an only hope that when they discover each other s piefeenee the fur will fly, and that the JiunU wiij he a Kilkenny cat affair. ties of a ierge army of cheep front a aiifa i number of iiona.' 'Il>e Her<i'*I in undoubtedly right iR aaving li»s: Kei-o'-g an 1 Moac-i prac- tical y coaf^.se'l a v akne^s 'bet is both p.iiabl* ted ri-.iec! u«, uni it i< not f».r —The machine fcbops of tLe H*. . 4 e P^ itentiary. rear W^turipha. wer- destroyed hy Lrt on Ihureday morcin/. 'i he log* was about $»•.<> = *. There ;• no clue to the origin of the fire, but r. - thought that it »tv started by v/jitof i.-r con ri eta. —The M'Ltcoraery f F;T- day.saye: Etti; night a d u w . or two i>i captured on bis way to & de.i i- fall with c>tt n belonging to other peo ple ; but Le is fallowed to go, on his *tu recognizance, end the unfortunate j : ‘ uffers tre i —The S<-iiaa Tim* * -.are OUR FALL STOCK 13 NOW COMPLETE IN A 3>0'E:' , W" AC3rE31XrOY REPRESENTING An Aggregate Capital of £30,000,000.00 * cl tL ; *Jnfti:uti< ! resoTLitj this until ihe vr t Mon«jay NOW COMPLETE Every Department. AS GENERAL AND RESIDENT AGENT, The Royal Insurance Company ol Liverpool, England. Total Amount of Assets, - - $13,868,679.60 AS RESIDENT AGENT, that all thepui-ils re ttr to commerce t la*? r, ard tLu- U able to i l’-ally ft»r the Loro,; in Ac&leml? \ c::r. For luriLer ;*au;ci;larf. o.'.dresE I'lUtCTOK.S unHt ACADEMY. t o>r etfa- e uipete nferred at tne end of J** Miss Mitchell’s School FOR GIRLS JbL U i0Gj>ent i oa. Ionday, u is thO! tlully invited to call and J. KYLE A CO. The London Assurance Corporation, London, England. Accumulated Funds, - - - $13,234,425.00 CLOTHINC. The Home Insurance Company of New York. Aggre. gate Value of Assets, ... $4,408,523.75 /fin*! • • ’ ■ I. - :-.. French. Ei .... ikr>. Ac . • ' Inltiou from |^o to *- 0. het.. r .i. grade of the pupil. furling ,,ii| .1 tsto y.t .- yw Tb> inciuu..- rarhuur and other oonUnirent Ail charges payable temi-annually deduellc/oamade, except for ol the fcho 1 are Invited to visit it ? teplt lm Slade’s School for Boys wi i ' in it-, ♦'.‘.lmste of the wir ike cal Executive Conjici-.ifee oft- chata' t-r of the regroe*. B it it is wrong < ■••rgreafaioiifa] DiBtrict havr • ; to ‘lake down Jere Hi’.- *-on . _. IN aupj^iifag lLa: either n^iogg oi e c - ryjj ,j ato of th , t psr t r . hwl t«e hearty Bupjy>rt of th*- negro*’-. of the Civil hi. L’- bi . u:. 1 iu -w Orieaim, do negroes but L.- j/o tnat Dr. -’oh:! H. Henry. * hi e. ;** to «»o Us. DHrn » o A In K-llygg. su 1 h«lf th« “P nl n l- ' l “ Ll ’ R—°®- .f tLe KtM* ... be- -TU« .44«rtb/r f«M- •»-<.- table, -bo*. {tii/j mortality m Montg--icery f ... uuary t<> September, inclu&i • r .vsf SLicl iWfTGiirk The New Orleans Insurance Company, New Orleans. .<![_< M .MOCK, DeSltrOOdS, Total Value of Assets. - - - $755,841.24 ; AVtZ*^ | tu July. *75 00 Eoai.l. Lowest Prices l n, H' ‘ j opa-a. , inved to bfe a Kin uit Lu Iu .-v, ■ BALTIMORE to tiM putr." H« t.,., »be b.Uer p... i. n of ti.< w- »od Ifcj'v. y-or tbodoML-v i ■■■•■. ftl nT5il B !ft 11 f| 11 0 at7nras*a ssasssssas mvSSiJ CLOTHINb HOUSE Policies written on Cotton, Dwelling Houses, Mercan tile Risks, and ail other insurable property, including CiN HOUSES at current rates. Office in the Georgia Home Building. J. RHODES BROWNE, GENERAL AND RESIDENT AGENT. lb. Wr, direct attetitiun to the Albany Aent repirt of th»* trial, »t Cauiilia, (is., of home boy* chhrged with making a tiBiMj at fa Radical meeting' It i* not chfarged thut they hurt or offered violence to any one—only that they made a distur bance or indulged in noiny fun. Of oouiae this was improper, but it m a kind of impropriety of which legal notice ia •eldom taken, no mailer where com untied or towarda wbut patty. Now toutiait thia prosecution before United tttu’cs ofli* ciala with the failure to lake any notice nf many groas acls of violence committed by Radicals at public meetings iu the South—such us the intimidation of the Union Springs Convention by Rust end* friandn, the rcfuaul of a hearing to Tumn <i. Campbell fnogro) at h:« own appoint- mini in Savannah, and tin* killing of one and wounding of another negro at fa late Radical meeting in Montgomery county, Ala. All these acla of violence and mur der were committed by. Radical*, and we hear of no proaecution under the En forcement act for any of tb( ?:i. When Much real pditical outraged are overlooked, and white boys are tried under the Ku- Klm act for merely indulging in a little apoit. we are forcibly admonished thut the Radical cry of “equal rights'' for all elaanea meaua aimply the tyrannical pen- iahment of Democrat* to make party cap ital for Radicala. J l.e llerald gives utterance frttjsm*. tested by whi* h the State gov ernments of I/oniMaLfa end South Caro- buft sie not in oojihoii*nce with our Amer ican institution a, and ought not to !>■; s4i»ttoined by outaiue jMJwer : “Hy the theory of repnblicaii iostitut ous they 'governu.ent w ( expjeis the will of a ma jority of the oitizenH. They imply that every roan who casts a vote is enti led to carry a musket, and that the preponder ance of physical strength goes with a maj inly of the voters. No Sttte gov- , eminent can be s* If-sn-uiomg, and there- j fore no Ktat*- government can bo really j republican in which the preponderance of ' military capacity does not coincide with ihe mij«nty of votes." death roll year. $8 Broad Street. iiiiJIock ioituty AIn./ Jlrinoffall' 4’oiivciilion. Tho Convention of the Democratic an: Conservative party of j>ul!ock county a^ aw oi.ii iiotKi;. Ten year* aftorC'olumhiis waa founded, a dry goods bouse commenced busiiuss here under tho firm nuno of “Kyle <V Bfaruett." That was thirty.six years ago, more than a generation lias passed away »inco then. Ihe niembors of Ilia firm were Joseph Kyle, then n young man of about twenty-six, and John Hurnett a we 1 known an<l much oxtootned citizen. Go- | lumbiis had just been freed from the ai my of thriftless Indians, and was throb biug with the new blood that nlwnyi pours into n new ami promising town Heralded on Tbnntfay at Union K;.ring«. and noiuin itod tlje following ticket: For members of the i/- gislature - Dr. X. P. Hanks, of Knon, Major I. T. Culver, of ltidjnr, nud Christopher Tompkins for Probate Judge—Frank (’. Jiu 1, of Mid way: for Sheriff—Jama* H. Vtilurd; for Circuit Clork —George Williams, the pres ent incumbent; for T«x Assessor—Thou H Mabson, the present incumbent; for Tax Collector, A. J. Slaughter; for County Treasurer, A. H. Strickland ; for County CBiuniianioner*c, L. Sesflions, P. It. ltaldwin. K. W. Sturko and W. Calvin Smith. Of the County Cowmiwionors, Messrs. SessioiiH uud Haldwin had previ- ously been nominated on the Republican ceunty ticket, and their election is thus a foiegouo conclusion. We learn that the ticket is generally conceded to be an excel lent one, and it is to he hoped that it will bo elected, though a heavy negro majority II have to be overcome. Tjik Memphis A */?•</»• the strange marriage of and Mm Mamie Hlosa, j pr*--*»ion now is that Long defr <; •- J fh*. young lady in the hope that by giving her j a bad name iri tho community her parents would be constrained to cousont to bet marriage with him. The AcaWntht aV | says of Ixrng: Mr Long is a man of very go- d family, but was only objectionable on at lus associatioLK. It is only a fe\ ago that, in a fight, he had bis fi eyebrow to chin laid open with a razor, and at the same- time got a hl«v>h across t* 1 throat that came very near resu.tiug in a funeral. A few days ago, while passing from one ear Pi another, be mi - ■> ;d Li- fooliug and fell between the t u -. caught ox* a brake, in which positiouhe u;. . dr-g- , ged fully three-quarters of a mile ere he was re cued. Ail this combined With th- thirteen buckshot which his now father- J in-law gave him. would go to show that Mr. Long in a very tough man—one wb*. would prove invaluable iu Icuding f* wgeF. d..v s u; .iness Suits, tl .• tl... if.t- t Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Coats. Talmas, &c. A complete assortment of Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing.; A line line of White and Fancy Shi its, IFLEIIMIOAr.^IL. D. F. Willcox’s Insurance Agency 71 BROAD STREET. Ihiiitr, txclu-iv auvar.' TOUrR f TH. 1874. M n :kt In October inclutinj: fuel hnd •wel*. bM liTietig an<l moiitu. ilia Ota Tuitk.n and 1 ball February loth, COLUMBUS Select School for Girls cirls ;t home, extensive and c Disci»liue mild ! C tir^e ol study« EEGl'LAR C ' A EG KB FCE SCHOLASTIC YEAR. TnltioD. (half in advance and balance 1st -*5i it» .I50u- 3 Ou So • xtra ohu'ixe f'-r French or CLeruan. ~ favorably known in Colcm. Inrtrumentalj. .Mai. Ba bui and ticiniiy. Las t pa tmeat of Music. Competent assistants ia Literary Departn i secured lor the 1>*. BANK, lias removed to the office formerly occupied by th i w th increased facilities for husioen * ‘ “ offers anew his services t; his friends refully written in oil and rcliabl » JOHN KING r pa t ' th Run-s ibr liberal patron- . fl,, d the public generally. 1 — tr, on all .lasses of insurable pr count of j t moutb« i ice from D. F. WILLCOX. under sum, N«ku«. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE Scarfs, Hats, Caps, ilorn | i b.iltb. Notice. \!l ui/di* warranted to be as represented. HOFFLIN, RICH &C0 M 8'6 Broad St,, Columbus, Ga. The Annual Mee ii>gof Stockh lde • in the Homo an«l Mooliaijlcs’ BuilJli and Loan ABSoclations will tike place on Id day, October 12th, 1874. ocld toctll JNO. KINO, Treaa rer. ••*or Clerk of Superior Court duto for t^lerk of Superior Co '/lfcftfiig the BL'ppurt of the public, ociaeodte (1 ROUGE Y. I’ONl Dissolution. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,364.92 Boston “ “ “ 180.903.89 Total Assets- Gold—January 1st, 1874, S582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Uupaid Loahes ia process of adjustment, or adjusted and Lot due... All other Claims COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1873, of NIr?. Lockhart. Price of boam month <& :e s llcited. Sat sfaction in every guaranteed. Wesleyan Female College, MACON, CEORCIA. The Thirty-Seventh Annual Session Begins Oct. 5th, 1874. rpHE Faculty is full, const time of a Pre?i. X 'ien: and four Profe.-sore. amply arsiste*l by several Jodies of large t*x]7erience an J well- era 1 indies of i ability as tuition have been largely r ouce Fur circulars containing iul. iinl rmation, The rates y ( :• President, or C V,- SMITH. Income, 1872 I.oKfcei Promptly* Adjusted and *’airly Settled by 83 AND 85 BROAD STREET. IlTt’IluN K 'SEWOUD LUFF1XS METALLIC CASES aodCAsKETS, Self-Scaling l aves and €'ai»kct«. While Caves and Cavketv, For beauty of «lc-iun, style of finish, tie ab .vo jr-juds are unsurpassed bv .liyti.ina n Prices as low as told by anv other party in this section. Also cheap Pine Coffins always on Lard. 8i* Night Fell at front door. G. GUNBZ JORDAN, Agent, oot22 iy COLUMBUS, GA. The j arrange and accoi Id stand. Tho JP’iig HoaJnof to make early j ayujcij 1 tits will !/•.• found at tn E. C. HOOlJ A liltO. )*.V RF.dEIYINO THEIR NEW | j-r F.tJI mid Winter ol 1874 and \ ud see their lio ilerHl« Hro. EXCELLENT SAVE YOUR MONEY! i the obi hiioitut -YEWS. - -Thirlydhroo paraonn joined the church during tho revivul in Amuricus. —Hor. W. W. Griffin, mu eloquent am] popular inethodist tuiniuter, died at Stone Mountain on Wednesday. —The Toccoa City Hi juihl reports that tho market for new corn in its section has opened at .70 cents. Some corn lias been Bold as low us to cents. —Th# Herald slates that there are 1, J37 This linn diw WciJ m 1MI, wb,„, tu« I tri.1 ■■»«., nmi 4*i , , , corded on the full docket brothers Joseph and John Kyle organ ized under the Urm mime of “J. A d. Kyle." Tho store occupied for thirty-six years has always heou on or about the name identical location. In lhlb the •tore was burned iu the destructive con flagration of thut year, lot was at once re-erected. Tim loss to the fltiu was uot heavy. In lHIM Johu Kyle died, and im mediately lifter h now company was formed under tho stylo of “J Kyle & Co. Thu members were Josoj h Kylo, F. 0. Johnson, James M Everett and John II. Kyle. This company continued till the middle of the war, INd,!, when it was dis solved, and the firm of J. Kylo A’ Co. es tablished, consisting of Joseph and J. II. Kylo. This firm still existH, and it stands as the oldest hou*« iu Coluiu 1/u*, and represents with Mr. Middlebrook's isUb- lichuients the early comuietciil tulerests of our city. J. Kyle A Co. have just move 1 into the Kyle building, lately occupied by Doctor Griffin, and it is this fact that leads us to comment on the homo of Kyle A Co. Joseph Kyle was really a hoy when ho came here, and here he has spent the prime of a hard-working, Niieeemful lifo. He cau look buck on bis career with a cause for pride which is tho privilege of few. IIih bouse pevor failed to meet promptly its obligations, savo when tho war interfered with commercial facilities, and it met its obligations promptly when the war closed. This house has beau par ticularly noted for the »>ptentity of supe rior linens, which have been directly con signed to it from tho great linen factories in tho north of Ireland. It is a pleaauro for the sake of Columbus to record tbono faots, and we sincerely hope that tho change of location will result in an in crease of business, and that it may bo very many years before tho staunch name of Joseph Kylo drops from tho bill-heads of this historic firm. of tho Fulton Superior Court—in all, l.o73 cases. Veri ly we are u litigious people. —Mrs. Mary L. Kennedy, wife of Dr. F. M. Kennedy, editor of the Southeru (Jhristifi/i Ailvovite, died in Macon on Tueaduy morning. Her remains were bent t » North Carolina for interment. ,ri.<> will e n-UTitlv keep Htaml u lull line ot llie be?: ine, at the very lowest li_ M. 1>. HOOD i as: '.ness Suits To All Whom It May Concern. EOKGIA—TAYLOR COf'NTV.—I he ( J tiled my petition In, and will apply next November term ol th •irant Dress Clothing! John S'.uiMi. ' il county, deceased, lor the , ug With the errditur* <<j - ud LOU M UBDI V i’rx John Sturdivant i.. . dee d. All at Prices Lower than Ever. L»lutnb jp, Ga , Sept. 16,1874. MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Indeuendent. P. AENCHBACHER, Tailor and Cutter. Y 1 ; 1 ; ;v. }i.—\n work delivered until paid for. i:,r ‘hill at my rooms over Peace fit Nor* san’? Hook Store, Broad etieet. 3m EAGLE & PHENIX BAViNOB DEPARTM'T —The Albany JVcic* reports the return of lion. Nelson Tift from Europ*, and nays that his visit resulted in “advanta geous anangeuient iu the intoroatsof J)i- r«ct Trade," tho particulars ol‘ which will soon be made public. Good! —The Atlanta Herald learns from u re liable source that Col. W. M. Xicholls, the into proprietor of the Kimball House, cleared between twenty-five aud tweuty- oight thousand dollars during his proprie torship of tho house. —T. A. Sweat iugor, Radical, announces himself a candidate for Congress in the Fifth District, and announces his plat form j tube Grant for u third term. Swearin- ger now lives in Atlanta, but represented Decatur county iu tho last Legislature. I —A stalk of cotton measuring eight and i a half feet in height Ins been shown to ! tho Gamnville Kagle. it was raised in I iidl county, which until recently was \ RECEIVED supposed to bo too far north of tho “cot UEMOVAL. BDIILER'SCISAR EMPORIUM O N and after Saturday, October hi, ever tills lto id will run av lUlow.--, nenacr Tr»in daily, (Sundays exet maxing close conncctolnu wi h M. s. E. for Eutuula: Leavo Columbus 3:»'0 1*. j Arrive at Troy '• 40 i>. ! Leave Troy ‘1 45 a. Arrive at Columbus u:45 a. j FREIGHT TRAINS. RECD LAB I.oave Columbus Mondays, Wednesday ! Havana and Key West Cigars, *'•! Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol I lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent ETo. 0-1 Bronci Street, Next door to the New York Rtore. the best imported compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. W. L. i N. J. BUSSEY, Pres't. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. <> For Rent. rclllnur and larac kitchen, ere lot, north e.i.ft cornet rmerl BOOM 1) tie-half. n 1 Broad htrootn pled by Col. A. K. Lamar. *23 p Ai<i>iy M mth. uct3 It FRESH FISH ! r R CM 2$ i ’ A LA CHICO!. A 1H1S DAY, BY —Col. Mott’s candidature ami speedy retirement from tho field reminds ur of the story of an amateur pugilist, who, finding several writ stripped for a list end skull encounter, inquired, “is this a free fight ?” Being answered in tho nf. firiufative, ho said, “Then count mo in." end doffliug his coat ho entered the ring. One of the oombattaut* stretched him on the sward. Rising and rubbing his eyos, he again.inquired, “Is this a froo fight" ’•Yes,” responded s by-stauder. ..•i " At Ami lm Wmiehn, belt" for the successful growth of cot- j ton. —-The Graud Lodge of Good Templars | of tho Kta'o of Georgia hold its sixth an nual HChSion in AowortU on the doth ult. i Over one hundred lodges wore reproMont- ol.nmlG C. T. lliokman prodded. A purl statod thut tliero had been an crease of.»« lodges and d,000 members during tho ye<r. —The Atlanta Herald reports a “rich scene ’ in the County Court of Clayton. During tho trial of a prisoner for some misdemeanor, the solicitor and sheritl on gagid in a fight iu the court room, him! the prisouer taking advantage of the sit uation, made his escape, and had not been ro-cnp tired up to tho latest accounts. —The negroes of Bibb county, at a meeting hold on Wednesday night, nomi nated Frank Disvoon and Lee Rutherford, colored, and Dr. J. A. Daiuour, white, for the Legislature. According to tho J\«- graph'* report, Damour made a very nico oqmpoiso to suit both factions of the Radical party, oppo opposed w _ Court. We wonder if he is uot also favor of releasing rogues “ou thoir own reoognizance ?" — Alligators aro so plentiful and lively about American, that tho boys carry young ones in their pockets, and when they meet an unsuspecting but curious searcher af JNO. L. HOCAK, AT LAKE IUK DfcfO \Y ;i«(l I’iirar Holders, Match Safes, Tobacco Boxes & Bags nuance of the ? LOUIS BUHLER, No. H4 Broad St., next to New York Store. : tl For Rent. MALL HOI SK WITH TWt I iuui Kitchen, situated iu- Public School. Apply to J. FREDERICK 1 Crawford St* M ne HRO., r the Jail. Strayed or Stolen. O N E BED lit lw, UNK i<KDA.MlWJIITE Slotted Cow. ono Hu m Colored llukr ait.uut two years ‘ Id. Any Intorumtlon In rt-t- eronev t«< the above will o th.tnklully received at this office. *ci3 tf St. Clair Restaurant, —BY— BARNEY HAWKINS, QN tLo southwest corner ot St, tfialr The above thorough re reception of c _ T he tare a- good ;>» the market TEEMS: IRON WORKS AND MACHINERY. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. Columbus. Gt-eorgria. ROONEY & WARNER, eepla cm COLfMncs, Ga. Ordinary's Office Mcscogee County,? September lfith, 1874 j T the election to "beheld in and tor s,l>l county ot Hosoogoe^n the first Wednes day In Oetobernext, ler tiro Repreter.tatiresto the Legislature, the followin'.'named persons hereby appointed to superintent saul elec tion in the city and different preeJncis ol tlo county, vi7.: C.TY—J. M. McNeill. J. P.. T. .1. Shivers, . P . and George Hunoerf-rd. ! i’atuik—J hn 1». Ohm. J. P, Emanuel Rich an : M. W. H >!i:s. Ogieuee, J. P., W. A. Jones ad T. P. F 8—1*. J. PbilBpF, . J. )*.. and Slaton lier.l a .Mill—E. P. W;i j. s .. K. Wi;.-. J. P a.-. ; ;>ert Mini—, n. t under my •_fit.a 1 signature P.. , W. COTTON TSES. X. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. The trade supplied at lowest mar ket rates. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. JOHN BLACKMAE MAN! ithorpo .-if- taidieLuieut li ni“t:, and i“ now ready f« rd and a so Ledatni? STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, l l.ori'IM. \NI» COTTON MILL MACHINERY. CANE MILLS, toYUL’P KETTLES, HOUSE POWERS, PUMPS, PULLEYS, SHAFTING AND HANGERS. ALLUMs’, GUI.HEN'S, ANTI OTHER IMPROVED IRON SCREW COTTON Till «i-. PRESSES, TELLIER’S and MUHL’S PATENT ICE MACHINES. .»i : : per day.... Merchants of ColumbuB, Advertise Your Bueinest 1 in the HAMILTON VISITOR, v>*u v. it-ii to bid tor the trade of Harris and Art* Ak«-iiIk for THE ECLIPSE DOL DEE TURBINE WATER WHEELS ami PL LSOM KTEK PI M PS. rn 1JV KEEP COK8TAXT/.Y OX HASP HOLLOW WARE, FIRE DOGS, COAL GRATES, GIN GEARING, STEAM AND WATER PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, GEODE CHECK, SAFETY AND STOP VALVES, GAUGE COCKS. STEAM & WATER GAUGES, ami a general assortment ef Engineers* and Machinists’ Supplies. IRON ami BRASS CASTINGS and SPECIAL MACHINERY made to order. Send ~ COLT*Mi*US 1KON VVOKKS CO. Rea! Estate Brokerage & Insurance. MILLINERY. SPRING MILLINERY. K hav. iu-t received a full lin- rf NPKD 1 ' AND SUMMER MILLINER'* 1! * all the NOVBLT1KS ol tho feawn. PIU.tftflNO AN!) HLKAC1I1NU doue in r» ■*t styies, at the sliorte-t notice, ext door below the New York Store. MRS. COLVIN and tl#—1 v *nar4 MISS TUlNNKt 1 > ^ llttJi Perkins’ Antlicm Book W.o. A. CARD. In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern District of Georgia. He nunouncoil himself ; n the matter o 'LF.MLN IS, ounty, Ga In Bankruptcy. >» C) v ‘l KiK>“«»>ut aim r X'' , ^ , f„ r ,, “uKCiJrl"?m t alVuiTtLiS'. *d\ to the chain gang »nt| Umnty ^ va ,“ e undor the Bankrupt Act ,a .M.uvh lOllftt dll fl eiohruttu. “Then •it. 1807, notice is hereby given t<> all pera .n= interested to appear on the 17th • av of tioL Is74, at l »o'clock, a. m„ at Ohara e s of said liistrict Court before L. T. Downing. l..-i , one of the Registers >f said Court in Bar.-rapt.•> at hi.'office at Columbus, Ga., undslmw< why tho prayer of tho said potitn n "t ti t Bankrupt should not be granted And lurt u-r notice is given that the seoond and third l lUoaliouH, ask him to put in his hand lugs of Creditor* will be held at the »u.l .ou wlmt th«y liavo hiildau. Tho hand »° t 'savaanah.Oeurala thl..SOU. day ot t* gottorolly jerk«u out much faster than sept.,1874. JAMES MoPULK^GN, it lit lutroJueeJ. Some of theeo Jays ou* l oolS oaw2t clerk. \ vi 1*1 " ^ildroM Price 41t60. $13.50 per dozen. A new and excellent collection. 1 Perkins. Will le warmly welco Choirs, us the anthetns are not iliffi- arc uist what is needed for “Opcni ‘•Voluntary*’ pieces. The Song Monarch Price 75 cents. Per dozen, $7.50. Tho best book of tho season for SinjfiM and ino*t approved (mHerna, / [SCp20 tt Tho best book of tho season toi y Schools. By H. K. Palmer, assisted by n To Merclmnts. T' HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. IDERS, HINNKK ANll W ASH POTS, and A (iencrul Assortment of HOPS h-Fl KN IS KING GOODS, rhich I will sell very low, ut wholesale or re- . J. W. KYAN, Prop r. FaiNK Golue;;, Clork. ^liSOtl’TK DIV0KCKS OBTAIXKD « courts, of different States, for desertion, No publicity required. No charge until div< granted. Address. M. HOUSE, Attorney, v30 dk ; ill. .'!l t Sli»\ ES. GKATKS and HOLLOW WARE l-y tho Southern Stove Work* of ttxls | . t.. \ih.i i you can get repair* at any time. Ml 1 ud price tor yourselves, or .lers to J. M. BENNETT, ST., t-OLntH, »*. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and -Billiard Saloon, XTsder the It an kin Hocee. myU d,«U J. W. HYAS, Prof-r, 184 Broadway, N. Y. A LARGE LOT Iv<‘iTtiifl£.v Jeans, WARRANTED All. WOOL FILLING, AT PEACOCK & SWIFTS. Gammel's Stables. the i Music principally secular,: t intereiting character. leader ■■ THE Price »1.38. *T-\00 per dozen. The New Church Music BojK, hy II. «• tner, assisted by L. U. Emerson, eu ilemer 'books have been uioro succeR* ful than any others. Please t.vauu» c « American School Music Readers Iu 3 books. Price 33c„ 5Uc. aud ->» randt i an<l W. S. Ttldeu. } in the schools. in Pn- Already'in euocenl" Sold by all dealers. Either book sent l' 5 - I aid, for retail price. . «. Oliver Ditson li Co., Chas. S. Eitson * Boston. 711 Broadway, my2d d'2taw[wcd**at]*wly