Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 03, 1874, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1874. I Cits BXirttcvs. LOCAL HH Wt'H. Cotton Yesterday. Hales ;u bait's. Receipts r.rtl bales-lS l.y H. W.R.U., 124 by M. & O. It. 11., 0 by river,:il»:t by wagons. 1H byN. AS. K. It, 13 by W. It. It.* SOI bales—ISO by 8. W. K. It., 0 by W. It. M., 12 for borne connmuptiou. —The HtreetH wore filled with cotton wegens yesterday. —There is enough du t floating around to build forty castles in the air. —‘’Kents are enormous," as the loafer said when looking at the holes in his pants. —Mr. t.’li a vies Meyer is to have charge Ham® day last year sales were (>2 bales : | both of the Western Union and Southern receipts 1U7 ; shipments 17(i. The weeks operations, with the tabular reports of Liverpool, the ports and inte rior towns, nmy be found in our commer cial oolumn. fhrouyl, Cotton for Savannah and Sc tv York. During the cotton week ending* last night, the Western U. 11. of Alabama brought to Columbus eti route for Savan nah and Now York, 9 JO boles of cotton— 63 from Mobile, 288 from Montgomery, 842 from Helms, 257 from Opelika, West Point and other stations. 0 from Vicks burg, 0 from New Orleans. The total through movement by tins route, ainoe September 1 st, is 2,40*1 hales—988 from Mobile, 785 from Moutgoineiy, .344 from Selma, 50 J from West Point, Opelika, Ao.,0 from Yioksburg, 0 from New Orleans. Indo.m to Sew Adrertisements. Mornovrtl—J. Kyle X Co. In Bankruptcy—W. N. Clements, Stew art county, Ga. Change of Schedule To day—Mobile X Girard Railroad. Mix-room House for Kent—John Black- Auuual Mooting of Stockholders—John Kiug, Treasurer. Dissolution—E. C. Hood X Brother. New Firm—M. D. Hood X Co. To all Concerned—Lou Sturdivant, Ad ministratrix of John Sturdivant, deceased. Fresh Fish—John L. Hogan. Small House for Rent—C. J. Frederick X Bro. Cows Strayed or^Stolen — Sec Notice. For Clerk Superior Court—George Y. Pond. Removal of Office —William J. Fogle. Dentist. Trinity School. The exercises of Trinity Parish School will bo resumed Monday. Number of scholars i% limited to folly. Mrs. Dillard will ugAin be the teacher. />« You Know ? That, at the Now York Store, Landaeur has received a splendid selection of Span ish lace scarfs, jot brimmed, jot veils, jet buttons and Now York millings? If you don’t know this go and sue for yourself at onoo, and you will bo surprised and de lighted at the magnificent stock he bus on hand. tf I la.ic Hull. A game was played, last afternoon, on the north commons betweou the Beal- wood and Columbus Clubs. Columbus won by a score of 85 to 9. Bouiwood was outrageously beaten. Better luck next time. The Hemnins of Mr. N. II. IVarnock. The remains of this gentleman, whodird last week in Flushing, New York, were re ceived early yesterday morning by the Western train, and lust afternoou were forwarded by the Mobile «V Girul’d Road to Union Springs, where they uro to be buried. Mr. W. was only forty-one years of age. Some account of his li f u we gave last week. A lleantiful Offering. On the arrival of the train uu the Mobile and Girard Uuilrocd at the Broad street depot, on yesterday morning, Miss Fannie Meyer, ouo of the most ntuiuble of our lovely maidens, laida beautiful wreath of flowers and two hudsomo bouquets upou the burial casket containing the re mains of Mr. G. C. Piuckard, an u tribute |o the Hook and Ladder Company, iu whose charge they were being taken to Opelika for burial. and Atlantic Telegraph office established in the Southwestern Railroad depot. At night be takes press at the Western Union office. —Sneezing is natures provision for scratching the insido of the nasal organ. —Two engines, Forest City and Gate City, built at the Southwestern Railroad shops, are now drawing trains—one be tween Macon and Columbus, and the other botwoen Macon and I’ufaula. —For the cotton week ending yesterday the thermometer has averaged seventy degrees, and the rainfall amounted to ten- hnudreths of an inch —The return ticket system oil t he Central Railroad has not proved a ft nan rial success, but if is to bo continued nn til January 15th. It has increased the re ceipts at Columbus and oilier points where I here is a choice of ionics, but less- euo 1 them at others. The Central lifts fairly demonstrated that our population is not sufficient to uiuintuiu travel at two cent® a mile. —The echo of the tack-hnuimer re sounds throughout the city. —Mr. Epping has an “African Buidaiu" chicken that is tlieganiest old cock iu the city. Hu is about ton years old, aud goes for the chicken, man or boast that both ers him in the least. This is the stock whence the best game chickens come. —The ohani-gung, fourteen in mind is now at work improving the roads lead ing to Columbus within throe miles of the city. —Ill the p.»st nine years Columbus lias warehoused 517,580 bales of cotton, which have sold iu this niarkot for #48,990,050, or about $4,800,000 a year ; and yet the country is poor. Just think of it. —Wo had u call from nn indignant man who wanted a local item corrected. He was represented as having been arrested for getting drunk, but ho insists ho was gelling sober. Thin will explain matters. —The hoys say the chimpiepin and chestnut crops are poor this year. Per simmons are plentiful and awaiting frost, to become eatable. —The happy children continue to eat water melons, an 1 yell for paregoric and such at night. —“Wo all owe something to our coun try” is the thoughtful expression of busi ness men, when they read tax notices. —T. W. Grimes, Esq., and Judge W. F. WMliaius started on their canvassing tour of the county yesterday. All Dem ocrats should remember that the election Iftkes piece next Wednesday, and unless they pay taxes and vote, two negroes will ho elected to the Legislature from Mus cogee. - -Did you over pause a moment where a gang of laborers \4ere at work without beiug asked, “Boss, what lime is it ?" —Currency is becoming very tight iu business circle#. “It. was ever thus,” with Personals. Mr. Louis Newman, recently the New Orleans correspondent of this paper, and now one of the editors of the Union Springs lltrnbl, gave us a call yesterday. We are glad to see him looking so well, and to learn that ha is pleasantly located. He is with a most excellent country pi per. well deserving the recognition of our business nmu and others. Mr. Hansard returned from New York yesterday. Mr. J. I. Griffin leaves for Jacksonville, Florida,where he will permanently locate, to-day. Mr. Quin, who has been connected with his establishment, leaves for Virginia next Sunday. Rev. Dr. Lovick Pierce reached here yesterday on the Mobile X Girard train from a visit to Troy and Union Springs, where he preached with almost his accus tomed vigor, although now in his nine tieth year. He will be hero to-day and to-morrow. As we mentioned yesterday, his grand-daughter, Miss Sue K. Wiggins, of Sparta, a graduate of Wesleyan Fe male College, has this week been added to the faculty of the Methodist Institute st Troy. Mayor’s Court Yesterday. Martin G. West and Bcttio 1 lari ell wore charged with disorderly conduct. The olTeuse was light, and they wore dis missed. (.ins Simpson, colored, did not feel inclined to appear before Court to answer tho charge of bad conduct, and was fined $5. Stephen Dixon, a blind man, Jiad thrashed a lewd woman who had cursed him. Ho was dismissal. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL • 111 Mils -••lliuji checks i ri.iVrfim th. COLCMBl ?, O.I.. Oct 2, 1874. imuMcld lulls uu bew Vo (n Boston \' x p«r cei Pnvaniiah Chit . lwl> pi per cent. Banks •w York at */4«. premium; Montgomery, par. ent. per mouth. Gold t —Tb» l u te I States I*.it, ie. hi- 17,7.50 more bulm; the export* ; 1j ii ... tli- -lo.-k 15,221 more: Columbus re- pi, .eij more : . Iiipmenta 2.50(1 more: stork 1,905 |. -- I ikIht nliipiuniit*. •iuce January 1st, 1,151,000. .tgim-t >7 .i/oo. Cotton ill sight 1,847.043; against 1.7*4.070. show in,' mu in. reuse of 62,973 bales. Tat Coi rox f ituition*. — Account* continue .il' .ut 111 -aiii— Jn«t Week. Ill tlio lust fp w.* >ks T<• • a- ha* ton iiiucli ruin, ami the duin- suart MtoBfftii.—Nu. 1 v Lb!$l5<§*ii: $14: No. 3 $11.50^*12.40; No. 1 * kit $1.4G<§$3. Pickles—Casa y doxsu pint* *3.3 Is 00. Potash—‘f* case I* to Ik. Potatoes—Irisb f. b**l *4 5o*>|5. Powdkh—TP keg 17.30; % ka< |4; % $t Ji, t* Cotton Soc; Matthias Magatiue. Roar.—Manilla f It* made Meal—bushel $1.20. Molasaks—N. 0. Y gall. tec. Florida 0; reboiled 75; common 45(j$oO. Oats—Y bushel 80c. On.—Kerosene p gallon 25c; hinsaad, raw *I,20; . lot o^in will I*** linger tIii*'i Inst li ngia tin* estimated de FI >*i*l i ri port* advanced yield over last year, aud ► . <lo<n Alabama Other Htutus ilo not promiHe Uoth th<* c >tton and woo’en mills of the Hast, nl lemt nm-t of them, have ngr-md to run one-third time until .Ian *ary. They have already to** niun> g**o*|s for the demands of trade*. 'i’ii- weather nuinot I*** Improvod for gatherirg coft**n. Picking is progressing rapidly, and all the lit tihibl* f t*- l.-ing in tin* Helds, checks the mi- rivals of cotton. Our receipts exceed those of the s.tiimlai** lit't year; hut it must he remembered that at lit s time in 1873 tho money panic wh s lmrdly any currency with Inti iiig .*ept*•: inIk-i* Columbus warelioitnod 4,h4<i 112 the same month in 1873. ml huyers havejieen in the field, Addition to Julitorlnl force. On Monday next Mr. T. J. Jackson resumes his former position as local edi tor of this puper, Mr, DeVotic taking charge of the nows and commercial col umns and superintending the general city department. Mr. Jackson is too well known to our readers as an excellent writer and diligent collector of current news to need praise from us. Mr. Mar tin continues as editor, Tho staff is the same as heretofore with the addition of Mr. Jackson. rs Ml** willing to sell. The I* < I*.r pickiug. tlio s imples nr <-/ III** «0.«k have*, been very • I **ing most I v for New York.' lor lit** pa-t two days have been ithttr being very fine, largo, tlie lithe round deft- ilflcntl* Tho ftoulli Atlantic State stiffen* * ien- \ of on*- inch of rain from tin* uv« rago iu th** first sixty-twi* day* of •iituiiuer, nrd during August tell siii.j i :jo inches of th« average of tin* mouth. Tin: Wt.vrm.n —Thermometer for the week arer- ug"*l To • Light rain Sunday. Cold next three day.- V* v warm days aud ool nights. : last r.-t —The following shows th** prica of New York hii*1 Liverpool, go|*| at New f Miildlings in Colinnhiis eaeh duy of Up. Or. Up. Or. Gold. Col. 7< h 8»; 10*., l»i 7 '4 10» 7 ^ v ~_h a*, lo*i:»uar W**iln«*silHy. ir,% no’ ’ 8'-; in'?ilfl-ti \ WA mi , in 10^,110*4 i:j» i.jAtf id ino.’s rpool iidv.incoil *^d. New York Columbus declined lie. '.*k l.i Yk\r.—Liverpool—Lplauds Or- York—Cplands 18%; Orloaus 18% lumbiis—Mhldlings 13%. olumlnis uiarkft to-day active! — . Th*.* following a tv the wareli is. new classification : Add rein in Itrowuccillc To-Sight. The people of Brownevillo, Ala., and vicinity, will be addressed to-night by Uol. Taul Bradford, the Democratic can didate for Congress in the Third Alabama District, and also by Col. W. J. Ham ford and others. The unterrified will bo out in force, noil brilliant efforts may bo ex pected. Tho Executive Commiltoe has requested tho candidates for county offi cers to uttoiid these appointments and peak to the people. Let the whites iu numbers attend this meeting to-night, and have a grand rally, as an eucotirage- eut to friends aud dofiunoa to the black and tan, scalawags and Southern traitors, who have raised tho race issue. Tho whites are rousing everywhere to their duty, and let this meeting bo a great and impressive deiuonstralion. As no kouso large enough to contain the vast assemblage oan be secured, a pi at from is to be erected just beyond the upper bridge, aud the meeting hold iu open air. Those of Columbus who desire to attend have only a short distance to go. —A grocery firm on Broad atroot took in $2,500 cash, Thursday. It advertises liberally. —The aged mother of Horace King, a colored man possessing tho esteem and confidence of hosts of whites, died iu Gi rard Wednesday, having passed her nine tieth summer. Over forty years ago she come here from .South Carolina. Change of Schedule. Commencing to tlio passenger train on the M. & G. road, will leave Columbus at si. and arrive at Columbus at 9:15 a. Freight train will leave Columbus Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Unloosed on Mlutul. Aleck Bollard, one of the colored par ties charged with being concerned in tho •hooting of the man Fauntleroy some time since, was, on Thursday, brought beforo Ordinary Brooks under a writ of fuxbw* corpus, and released on giviug u bond of $150, with three good securities, for his appearance before tho Superior Court. Fauntleroy is walking about tho etreets and is nearly well. Uetlgious Mutters. Tho Columbus Baptist Association, at its last session, raised about $150 for luis- niouary purposes. Good considering. The Broad Street Quarterly Conference, in session tho early part of the week, passed the character of S. O. Lloyd as an exhorter, aud renowed his license, ‘the third Quarterly Conference of St. Paul Church will begin to-day. There will bo services this morning at 10J o’clock and conference to-night. A Hood Swallowing Snake. A email kiug snake was fouud on a bush in the country yesterday, captured and brought to the city. After being placed on the sidewalk the master of snakes dis gorged a moccasin about a quarter longer than himself. This was witnessed by a number of persons. Tho king snake was living when we saw them. Dr. Wni. J. Fogle has the two preserved iu a smell glass bottle, and if any one does not be- liava the story, he cau call at his office and see the two snakes in spirits. Ueolh of H. C. I , incknrd—ltcinainn Cunt Through Columbus. Tho remains of Mr. George C. Pinek aid, sou of Prof. T. C. Piuckard, of Ope lika, late of Greenville, Ala., passed through this city on yesterday for tho for mer place, in charge of Vice President Sidney Herbert, Assistant Foreman K. G Chaffin, Engineer W. F. Parker, and Messrs. J. 8. Copeland, W. «l. Sngars, I. vega Hill, James Murpkree and Willis Nall, of tho Troy Hook and Ladder Com pany, iu uniform, of whiok the deceased was a member. Mr. Pitiokurd, although not 20 yen age, was iu charge of his father’s hard ware store at Troy, and was a young man of most exemplary habits, aud highly es teemed by the entile community, died at the City Hotel, after a brief illness, oil Thursday afternoon. Services were held at the hotel a short time before the departure of the midnight tram for this city, and were of u most impressive char actor. After appropriate monks from the Vice President, tho Rev. U. Wuverly Briggs offered prayer, followed by a brief discourse to the firemen, the city author ities aud a huge number of friends who were also present at that late hour lo pay t-beir hist tribute of respect to tho hon ored dead. Tho remains were then es corted to the depot by the comp my in full uniform. Although tho doconsml was unattended in his dying hour by any- of bis kindred, he lacked for no comfort or attention that love aud affection could suggest. All that a mother's gentle hand could liavo done to smooth© tho pillow of his final rest, was done by Mrs. U. II. Park of tho City Hotel, than whom there is no better land lady. Cotton at JLufuulu. During September, Eufuulu received 1,855 bales and shipped 8,1587. Stock on Thursday was (588. ’ Low Mi'lillm**-* Mi.lillhiKH Hri.-i Mi*Mliiis» .10 @11 .12 @- .12%® I a 112 l.alt** —700 N llieru spinner*,5« tor New York. 0 lo >n, 0 for New Orleans, Talliissee mills, l) for ,!»7-l —1,771 for Northern spinners, •>ik, 2i)o for liouw* RoniHumptioa, 15 ThIIuhsoo mills, 0,000 for r Cii.irloston, f*0& for Now Orleans., It. 1* .is i, v •-> reeeipts 251'J kilos,HgHilihl 18*1!) lh« previoti* I :*7H tlio i-niT.-spumling week last kousou-52 It- 72ft liy M. A li. K It., »5 by Opnlikn riv.'i*. 1*21\ by wagons,55 hv N. & ft R.U. .055 IiiiIoh—l/.iiWby 8 \V It It. 5(» for option, 0 by \V. It. It. WKKKI.Y STATEMENT. 1H7* .. 1,o: u-t week 2,510 ive.l 5,s:j2 iv***l. iiii-tu'lillt* stock... (i.Sfift Ht \vp**k 2,035 p«**l 4,81« o consumption 200 4 2 2,050 2,402 MOOES OF RECEIPTS. ftuutb'v** M**hilo a \\ ••'tern lorn Kail mail *1 tlirar*! Hailioaii i ll* aiol Fontb I’niliimii SHTBMKNT PllKUEniNU YKIRS. 1893-70 1870-1 1871-2 1872- Stock, Auk. 31, 126 1672 1550 16 ! :t05S 3480 2350, 67274 75007: 40050 68108 , 3208000.435231712974351\3030508 Pouts —UoceipH for the I 45,184 last week— 28043 tho sumo week last year. Hood Things. ) tn the Ruby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Gftmo, and all things good to oat. oct!5 tf The liar-room Remedy For all ailments is Rum Bitters, sur- hargod with Fusel Oil, a deadly element, ♦Mulcted more active by tho pungent as tringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak and liver or bowels disordered, strengthen and regulate them with S'in ko ah Bitthrs, a purely Vegeta ble Alterative aud Aperient, free from alcohol and capable of infusing now vitality into your exhausted system. sep22 tw Depoaitors in tho Eagle and Phouix Havings Department will please hand in their Deposit Rooks, that interest for the last quarter may be eutered tlieveiu. G. Gundy Jordan, oct2 2t Troosnror. Woek'i i*xp*>i*t» i Totul exp*M*t«J t< 1874 108,152 59,002 154,797 20,241 1,019 31,323 3,418 ,741 150,873 3*2,025 1,474 34,099 111,049 4,170,388 ttliow* llit*ir 13,857 42,202 19,890 1873 29,897 13,330 20 27 0,713 6.401 24,394 Halt—f» nick $1.85; Virginia 12.25. Tomcco— 1 Cninmon t*. th 45fc50c; M«*tium lirkht 70c; Fiu-* 75c; Extra $1: Navy «e@03c; Waccaboy Kuuff 75<<585c. PiloT—f» Hack *2 50. {iaoAK—CruaheJ and Powdered Y ^ L'*#14; A 13*:, 1112,’.;.: Extra 0 10fdl*2(« 11 V$r; S. Yelh.w Clatifind 13; do Wliito l4fiJl4V^. goi*A—Kr*g 7c %*. Ih; box t Starch—y fi» 8c. HKY.EOUUI. Print* TAltHjv-1 % hleauhe*! <v*tlnn 7V^<8tlOc. 4-4 * loeanc. 8»*a I»lan*l *• 8(*ylC**. Conti’ and Clark‘s npool cottou... ,70c. Tickings 10@3-V:. 9-1, 10-4. 11-4. and 12-4 brown and blenched Hheetings 30td.50c.4l yard. Wool flannels—red and irliitc 20«v75c. Canton ilniinelx—brown and bleached 12jjj^*25c. ” Lawyer^ JOSKFH F. POU, Attorney at Law, aud tledge of County Court* Practices Iii all other Court*. Oil;- - over •run* ut W. Ii. llukirti L Co , Broad St, SAMUEL li. HATCH Fit, Attorney at Law. Je* 1 Oflloe over Wittfoh * ItiumTs J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practices in courts of Georgia and Alabama. r 0. A. lie M k Co Martin J. Crawford. IN«RAM A lltVWl OKhH, . Attorneys at Law, Will practice in tho State anil Foderal Courts ol Georgia. Olflce over Prcor, Illges Ac Co.’s st«i»*M, northwest corner Broad and St. Clair A. A. DOZIER, Attorney ami Counsellor at Law, Practices iu Stata and Federal Courts in Georgia l.inHeyn I5<gp.l0c Kontucky .Joans 15(|*C5i:. *• t'olnnbus Miiunlnetnred Goods. loi.K ♦xi) Piikmx Mills.-—gheoting 4-1 10*.jo. shirting ; oHiinburgs, 7 **z. ; 13 1 ".**.; oz, It',; \ drilling 12c; bleii.lT.d sheoting ami drilling 12r*i.| 1}^*:.: Canton flan nels 20c. Colored Hoods — Stripes I (>(.*• lie.; black gingham chocks i2'r,w l7c. ; Vlxie yluhln for fi*-l*l work 17**.; cotton tilankets filfo 4 50perpuir: blcarhcd lun kuliai k towel- $t 4e per doxeu ; yarns t** Is. por bunch *>f 5 pounds $1 35; rupa 25c. to .: seniug thread. Hi ball- to tlm pound, 50c.; knitting thr*a*l, 12 baits to the pound, bleached, unbleached. oi»c.; wrapping twine, in bulls, 40c. Woolen Hood* —Cnsimores, to 70c.; joaus 2t)r MiiftcooKK Mills.—"J Flint Itivor, s' . to : l"*r 10 \/* yarna $1 33. Collmm s Factort.—% Rhirting 8'^c.; 1-4 sheet- inglOlvc.; Hewing thread, unbleached, 50p.; knit ting, do., 30c.; wrapping twine 40c. irnv —Plaids or checks 12e., -tripes job Mark. If. Blanufobi*. Louis F. Garrard. llLAM»FORI> A GARKARI), AttorneyM anil Uoucieellorn at OllKi* No. 07 Broad »ti«*t, over Wltticli & Kin- Jas. M. itt'HSELL. On as .J. Swift. KI SSLI.I dr SWIFT, Attorneys and CciiuBellors a*. Law. Will practice ■gin (Chattahoocheft Circuit; Broad street, Columbus, i jftl 1,. T. DOWNING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. t: —Columbus made, 20 inch, 75c, $2.80. Tea— G roe ii 75c; Oolong 03c. WmsKRtr—Be.:titled >t gallon ♦l.(#$2. Bout 1 $2«**4. White Lead—^lh ll(^l2j^o. Vimku tR—^ g il Ion 40.\ C'oiintry ProUnce, Wholesale. Gosheu But tor $ 40 Country “ :«) Fiying chickotts .... Irish potatoes Sweet potatoes Cow peas 20@25 •ii' p k 80fg 90 80(a 9o bu. ELEGANT CUSTOM CLOT MING Made to Order at Stock friers Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our Mr. Thomas has just returned from Now York with a choice line of New Samples, aud we are now taking orders for Dress aud Business Suits, hav ing made satisfactory arrangements for tho manufacture of our Custom Clothing with special care aud at short notice, by those well known luauufActurors of fine clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell A Co., of Newark, N. J. Give us your orders early, aud wo will do our best to please you. being determ ined that our friends and customers shall not pay any Broadway tailors fancy prices for having their clothing made to order. sep!7 tf Thomas X Presoot r. Dress Goods in just received at Diagonals, Serges,*Ac., T. E. Blanchard's. Seed llVipflf. Tennessee Seed Wheat, Rye and Oats, Cheese, Crackers, Bagging, Ties, Ice- Ctued Meats, and a good assortment of Groceries, for sale low for cash, by D. Ayerktt, sep.'lO eodlm] under Rankin House. Up lYith the Times. Warrior Coal from Alabama Mines. tjfli.JO per ton at the yard; Monlevallo Coal as low as tho lowest; Anthracite Coal and Coke always on baud. Call aud see mo before purchasing. 1). E. Williams, Agent, Rep.'K) :\t at M. X G. R, 1\. Go to T. E. Manchard'o To buy best Ribbons at 15, 20 and 25c por yard. The best Black Silks in the market, and the famous “Banner" brand AlpAcn. sep27 tf PEAHUDY «fc BRANNON, Attorneys at Law. Gfhok over J. ltxxts A Co.'s Store, Broad St., uovl8J Wert Sirs. K. J. MOIB9, Attorney uml Counsellor at Law, >'*»7 Jy) Doctors. 1MI. J. A. I IKlUIlAItl. Office removed to the Drug Store of K. U. Hood & Brother. bleeping apartment at former residence, on the corner ol KiinUolph unit McIntosh 1»K. C OLZi: Y.J ideuce and Oltico corner of St. Clair aud Ogle- M., 12 to 2 i*. M. t 8ftp27 dtf tliorpe dts. Oflice hours—7 to 9 .< DR. H. H. LAW. OUico corner Broad an*l Hamlulph streets, Burr us’ building. Residence on Forsyth, throe doors below St. Clair. Dentists. W. F. TIGNEi;, Dentist, Opposite Struppor’s building, Randolph St. tcb22 <U\v T. W. 1IKNTZ, Dentist. Over Joseph A Brother’s store. W. T. POOL, Dentist, uov23] H»1 Bro id ftt., Columbus, 1 Hotels. FLAXTKBS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbus Bank Building Porters at all tho trains. i*»3 MRS. W. F. SNfPKR. Pj.. l(l Builders and Architects. J. 44. CIIAL9IEUN, ISoumc Carpenter and Huilu^ Jobbing dune at short uotics. Plans and spccilicatiuus furuUhbd for an .. . -•t hulldirurs ja9 ColumbuH Livery and Sale Stables. KOIIKIIT’ t lllMI I NO.V, Id very, Bale ami t:\cliHiig-e Sfabi^ f OaLXTHORPK, Nortu OF RANDOLPH Bis., ocClO . Coliiinbiis, Ga. A. GAM1ISX4 " I.lvrry a.«l -Hie Ntnbl.n, OtiLETUORPE St., Columbus, Ga. of'siock" 1 " “ U -' ,ti0 " sir '*" *° Tcding Hml ,,1, Fresii meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. JJ and 18, Market House Fr„L M,,,. or every tad «d l«. always on lmiui. J. T. COOK, I'rcNli Meats or All Hln,|» Stalls Nos. |5 n Gun and Locksmiths. I’Ull.ll* CUT.EK, eock-wuli, Criiwlord siroo jjisou’s lortiL'i*, Columbus, t; WILLIAM SCII ODER, a,", avjl L,.ck,B,|t|, eua dealer in Ounn.n* Sl„ Opposite Enquirer Ollicu. Grocers. Deal K o charge fi 1 r il ray ago DAX’f, If. B1ZE, l ,? r ri ‘' 3 ,’ ,lr - v " n “ireot.lie • 11 UgletUorpo x Jucksou streets. J. II. HAMILTON,« mill iirinll Urocer, Oglethorpo ftf*. sept I Tailors. G. A. KtEHNE, Mei'chanl Tailor uud Cutter. I full Block of Froncli and English Broaddoths Cnssiim*r*'8 and YuMinrs. epflfl No'. 131 Broad Blreet. HENRY 8ELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning: and Repairiii}' >*»m* in the best style. npr24j Corner Crawford and Front Sis. Boot and Shoemakors Dealer .t ( 1VM. MEYER, Boot ami Shoemaker. 1 Leather ami Findings. Next to C. i ’s. Prompt and strict attention give Tin anti Coppersmiths. Druggists. JOHN L. JOKUAN, Druggist, t *o doors below Geo. W. Brow n’s, Broil*I Street, Columbus, Ga. Nicht Bell right of south door. Cotton Factories. Sheetings, Shirt Inge*, and Sewiug aud Knitting Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Coru- Oifios in roar of Wittich A lviusol’s, lluudolph st. jam It. II. CHILTO.V, President. Ml'SCOOKK MANll’ACTUKlNG 40. Manufacturers of 81 IK ETI NO 3, S111HTIXG3, YARN, HOPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Troasnror. oct31 ly. Watchmakers. Hornes. It may not be generally known that Mr. G. Elkin 1ms now At Gammel’H stables a number of splendid Kentucky horses, suitable for draught, saddle or carriage purposes. Call by all means and see them at onco. septhi-lw _h'*y have rnceivnd thin weak ’*,220 last year, aud have stocks 93. The following; shows their 111,341 4,443 A large lot of Bleached and Brown Domestics, bought since the decline, just received and for sale cheap, at Blanchard's. An Old Citiscn to Leare Us. , Stealing in the Country. From the Visitor we leant that Dr. I Some thief broke iuto the stable of L. Ww. K. Schley, for many yean u leading ; T. Dowuiug, Es»j , on his summer place physician in Uolumbus, 1ms routed a bouse iu that place and intend* establish iug himself permanently in Humilton. Take Sat ice! By buying your Clothing at tho Balti more Clothing House you will save money. A visit to that establishtuont , will convince you of the truth of this assertion. oct2 tt‘ i Liverpool —Tile following i 53,580 ttd**grnph*ni 1874 .73l,ti(Nl .228,000 .-210,000 . 19,000 7.0(8) 1873 045.000 180,188) 210.000 29,000 The Webster White Shirt, the best cus- ’ tout made shirt in existence, ut the Bal timore Clothing Hottfto. tf Auii-rimn... 8,000 , 80.OOO 7.0(8) The Courts. Tho latest novelties in Nook wear at the ; Baltimore Clothing House. tf logging ha** declinM '.jo, bulk inoai.s '.,«*. 1111*1 niHohin** inadi* i-<*pi* 'jo. Item oral. Dr. W. J. Foglo has removed his Dental Office from tho Georgia Home building to his new place of busmens, over Wittich X Kiusel’a store. Here ho will continue the practice of Operative aud Mechanical Dentistry, and will be glad to meet his friends. act 2 tf Wholesale Price -Current. t'orm’lMl Weekly By rhanb«r #r 4'oniinerre. bn reel, $3; peok, 75. • fti.le'i p Ih OOo; Clear Rib Sides 13o; Siigar-oursd Hams t8«; Plata liA'KilXu—17018c. Bulk Mi.vts—Clear Bib Sides 15^. •slion V *t ,,c ; Country 80s. Hats in endless varioty at the Balti more Clothing House. tf Brooms- 1 -* duzeu $2.50r*f'$J 5 Candy—9t:rk r t 7 ’ l*‘*f. Cwxkd Goon**—Sardine* V cose of ltd bo: Silk Hats at l|p.00 and ^5.50, at Strat’.se X Gcldsmitii’h. Buy ene of those fine Suits. They very cheap at Stratoh & GolhsmituV I iu Summerville, Ala. Entrance was made j by breaking a padlock which secured tho ! doors. The skirts of a saddle were cut oft' The Doctor’s wife was a daughter of the j and carried away, and also a pair of hnr- venerable Rev. Dr. L. Pierce, and has | noss. The rope, collar, and bell were loug since been dead. The Doctor \h a taken from a cow. The remnant of tho « If you would rather have Clothing made •on of ex-Governor Win. Schley, who was gaddio, the cow, rope, and bell were fouud to order at short notice, Strnuso X Gold- tneuguratod Governor of Georgia in 1S85. j j D the woods near by. It is thought nn \ smith’s is the place. They have u splou- W« wish the Doctor and his daughters a attempt was made to ideal the cow, and did stock of Piece goods. Their tailors plOAHlut residence iu their new home. the bell was taken oft’ to avoid making a are plying the needle vigorously. Stop ,m stop :: noise; but the purpose proved abortive. | oetl tf Have you seen tho new and beautiful Miss Anna Tyler will resurao her school ^ ^ The exercises of Miss S. K. reas- ft#ok of Goods at the Baltimore Clothing for Girls and Small Boys ou Monday, dale’a School will he returned on Thurs- x—Yellow Mi: cur lofi*t rates i j*—Domestic •1 V blisliel $1.10; Whitt, fi 1,000 $20(JfS5; Havana W; F.nni'y. city crennJ, V bbl a t* ,v> 11 ?r.j •: 0 $v, Fancy $10. li itp\t4*k—Wide Iron V R* 9*-; KefiuM Sc; Rad lions .** *. Bar Lead 12’ 3 c; Castings SW'; Plow Sttei Uc; >|ii .iu .1,.. 12'.,c; Cast Steal 25; Buggy Spring* 2>v; ll>o*o a*, i Miilo Shcts ty lb 9e; Horst Shot Nail* 2’»c: Nail* V keg $5; Axes >* dnx«n $150117. Hat—f* cat ft.40; Country 4<*(tf30r. 1 Rox Ties - Y 9* 8(*79c. • — d—Prinm Leaf, tit ret, V lb 17c; halvtt and Mouse, W Breed sU'eet. #etober elk. eep27 4i day, Oot. let. French Calf Skint tULMi.bfj 30 ; . , , . .n.ericHii do $2.50<^S4; Upper Ltaihtr SL>S# L»ep2G bl $3 iii; llarae»« do 4ic; Grata 4a 4)<%t. He who would always want a smooth aud well-shaped Shirt Front, mind buy of thOfte New Pattern Shirts at Stru’se X Goldsmith's. A 1 »lot of (vents’ Scarfs at Strauss X Goldsmith's. C. SOUOMBUHG, Practical Watchmaker aud Jeweler, Successor to L. Gutowsky, 105 Broad street, Columbus, Go. jull C. H. LKIJUIN, Watchmaker* 134 liroail stroot, ColumhUH, Ga. Watches and Clocks repaired iu the best 1 r a rid warranted. Tobacco, Cigars, &c. VIA ILK DORN. If you want to enjoy a go id smoke, go to his Cigar Manufactory, lU'iwouu Georgia llomo and Muscogaa Homo C. LOPEZ, Dealer in wml Mumil'acturer of 1'fne 47 i Kara, Jh9 Near Broad fttre**t Dopot. NOTICE! New Samples fbr Fall and Winter IH74-H A large and elegant amort meat, em bracing all the latent Novelties for Gents’ Wear. Call and see them. Orders solicited. Measures taken aud satisfaction guaranteed. Thornton X Aontr, nng20 tf 7* Broad St. A lot of Virgiuia Caosimeree, from the Charlottaville Woolon Mills, received to- day, at . nep25 tf Blanchard’s. KNOW ALL MBS That at the popular and loug established Restaurant and Saloon of Chao. Hey man «(- Co. the best of Meals, Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept constantly on hand pro bono publico. oetl tf Fresh Oysters D AILY RECEIVED ATNEW-^ MAN’S RESTAURANT, andC?\ served up in any desired stylo. Also sold 1 y the measure. No. 00 Broad Street. oct2 3t T. NEWMAN, Prop’r Reich’s Restaurant No. 112 Broad St., to la.v before its guerts and patrons a BILL OF FARE BQUAXj TO AM'S*: Barbershops. LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to 11. llonns,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Building. Prompt and polite barbers in nttendnuco. Js26 wm. it;e, Worker in Tin, Sheet Iron, 4'oppcr. mptly RttenU**l t*». No. 171. Broad Str**il. Order Painters. war. snow, ,jr., a co.. House ami Sign 1‘aiuturs, Old OgIt*tliurpe corner, (just 1101 th of postofiles Columbus, Georgia. Will etui tract for House and Sign Painting n ivasunablo pri**os, nn*l gimranteo sailsfncLiou. Rrfor t.* Win. Snow, Pi*. LAWYERS. FERN M. WOOD, Attorne.v rsl lanv, Opelika, Aiabarna, •XirlLl. I’KAOTIOE IN Til !•: I!IJUN m:s > V (d Loo, (Mmnibcr.s Tullapoos t and Kus- fell, tho Suprciuo Court of Al.» limn, and In tho United States District (Joint at Mont gomery. ' sepia Ufcwtjapl W. F. Williams. Cuab, U. William*. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, Attorneys at Law, 4'OI.VMIILX, «A. W. A. Farley, Attoruoy-at-Liaw OUSSETA. OlIATTAHOOOHKB Oo., (D. AofSpeclal attention given to collection*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney sit Law, HlHIUOIt’, UA., W":t II. « Ab’J'LltMAN. H. CASTLEMAN & CO., General Insurance Agents. REPRESENTING THE Jh8 t:i». TERRY, Barber, Crawford 8t., under llankin House, Columbus, Ga. Dress-Making. MINN 91. A. IIOLLI NGN WORTH, Dross-Maklnc, Cutting and Fitting. Termscheup. Kosidonco ami shop in Biownevillo. Feed Store. J4HIN* FITZ4.1 BRONN, Wholesulo and Retail Dealer in Ilay, Oats, Corn Bacou, Ac., Oglethorpe 8t., opposite Jnl Tuniperanco Ilall. Confectioners. I W G. STKllTEK, Candy Manufacturer AXD DF.ALLR IX All kind* of Confectionery and Pruitt), Stick Candy IS cents. Full weight guaranteed in each box. Boots and Shoes. WELLS X CURTIS, No. “3 Ilroart Street, Huve always a full stock of Hoot* and Shoes, Upper, Sole nod Har ness Leather and Finding* of all kinds. Relialda Roods ! Uoasonable prices ! N. B.—Special attention to orders by Express, C. 0. D. iy* LIVERPOOL & LONDON 4 GLOBE And other Strong Fire and Life Compunfv- OFFIUEOVEU FREER, 1LLGES A COS STORE, 119 BROAD ST. ang 20-tf (TART IN LIFE'. 1 BRYANT, STRATTON A SADLER BUSINESS COLLEGE No Vacation—Enter Any Time. tti-I’or IldL'Mllents, Mullet, S|i0Cliaen*. Fnt runs and Terms, Address W. H. SADLER, Prcbiilont, 4w Baltint'»re.^ HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? ARE YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated? Languid that any < 111(1 HUM IIUJ limn .vee fuel c»r«W' Arc .von of making ? Then try JlIBUBEBA, tho wou*hrjul Tunic aud Invigorutor, which acts so bi*m*la |Hl *. secretive organs as to impart vigor to»» il forem.. It is tlio vital forces. ... s no alcoholic uppeti»**r, wldcli stimjd* ^ ior a short time, inly to lot tlio sufferer fall lower depth of misery, but it is a vegetable ten acting directly tin th** liver and spleen. It regulates the Bowels, nerves, and gives such a hcuftliy tuna to the " system as to soon make tho invalid f*»*l liken 111 ' person. Its operation is not violent, but. « chsract**n/.e<t by great gentlcncfes ; tho putiou periences 110 suddou change, no marked re imt gradually his troubles “Fold their tents, liho the Arabs, And silently stcnl away.’’ f This is no new and untried discovery, bat } been long used with wonderful remedial *' a . and is prououured by tin* highest medical »>* ' ti*s “tho most powerful tonic «» “Jlem* 1 ' Piano Tuning dec. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianocs, Organs and Accordcons. Sign I’uiutiug also dono. Orders may bo bo lsft at J. W. Psaso A Noruian's Baek Slurs. supft Ask your di ugg Tor sale by scpt'22 4w for it. k™'Kv* YNIIAM COOPEB'N Grocery Sloro continues its well-earned P 1 ^ larlty. Country produce bought and soin. r uaaiIii ulurit'a nnliiiml. Till) old PluOC.