Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 08, 1874, Image 4

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Fm MB^’ton Kpor ref. 'flank on Now York at » 4 V promi lanta an! Uontgom«ry at | 14}!’^ P"f cent per month on Now York per cent. dis- nt : demand HUN iro soiling chocks Pavannah, At- . Currency loans Gold and silver BROWNKVILLE. Hevoml handflotne re*i<leijc«8 have been bnilt during the laat month or two in the neighborhood of the railroad, on the Hummervilte road. The centre of Browno- —The electii est yesterday. ; Perfect Fit si nd Satisfaction Guaranteed. —The hotels are well filled with Nor* Our Mr. Thomas has just returned them drummers. j from New York with a choice lino of —A merchant who advertises appeals j New' Samples, and we are now taking Cottos.—Market H*h of till* ^rehouses quota r rNssificition. iii» on. : - 0- Oriliiiarj: .nil — 0- Uooil Ordinary* 13 0- low Middling 13X013% Middling. 13' :,0— Onml Middling — Hul-. 2113 hul-. R«iid|d. 2.d—nt l.j M A li. It H ; 113 •*.< wgoo»i II by X. A .1 it. R.I 17 br w. R. R.i u by river; 1 by «. W. It R Slilpmenl. AIR Halos—AIG by 8. W. It. li.; o for brunt ron- sumption ; 0 by W It. H. statement. Flock nn hand August 31st, 1874. Received to-day 1.036 2M «.‘*97—7.248 4,204 Klsipped 510 6,254—0,7’ Yr. ah—Aug ur day 281; 1,514 3Nt. 1873 1,177; iptn .'1,885; shipped 2.893; Stock 4,163; sama day 221, total shipineti sales 304. Middlings 16c. C. 8. Poets.—Receipt* for 4 days C2 41»; export, to Orest Britain 13,367; tn Continent 2JO, stack 191.00.3. Index to New Advertisements. For Tax Keciever—T. 0. Jtees. The Arbor Suloon—Geo. W. Lipp. Cotton 15 cents per pound—C. E. John- aon. New Grocery Store—Pollard «fc Harris. Chattahoochee National Bank — See statement. A Slander Nailed —Simon aud John Clarke, Barbers. Turtle Soup—Arbor Saloon. Turtle Soup ami Lunch At the “Arbor” to-day, from 11 a, p. m. Everybody invited. iff v The Jackson left early yesterday morning. The Farley has gone to the lower river alter cotton. Old Itric/i Tenements. Among thn oldest brick tommionts in the city are the two stores owned by Mr. Joo Webster below the City Mills agency, and the corner store occupied by Jtosette A Law lion. The Lyceum Hall also dates hack to antiquity. So says a gentleman hero in 1835. Item ores to Atlanta. Mr. George A. Peabody,Superintendent of Agencies for I lie Universal Life Insu rance Company of New York, will, with his family, remove to Atlanta, and iuak6 that city the base of his operations. Mr. P. is a clever gentleman and popular insu rance officer, and while wo regret to lose him, he will bo an ticquiHitiou to the live mon of our sistor city. villa civilization seems to be gravitating in . directly to the intelligence of the public, i orders for Brass and Business Suits, hav- that direction. Mr. J. Kj Pitman, whose residence near the west end of the factory darn, nar rowly escaped falling in during the spring tnd summer freshets, has purchased a half interest in the old Harvey Hall place on the red bill directly w«st of the upper bridge. This house, occupying a com manding position, was built in part up wards of thirty-five years ago. Messrs. Hall and Preer resided there many years, and before their day the site was occupied by the Indians—chief among them being Marshall, the half-breed. The place has many historic associations and was once possessed of great natural beauty. A school exhibition to bo superintended by Mr. 8. A. Walker, will take place at the Baptist church in about two weeks. The young people are looking forward to it with much interest. A small admission fee will be charged, which will be divided between the Sunday schools. We hope it will be well patronized. In the commercial metropolis of Browneville, called Marshall, are twelve stores, one tin shop, a blacksmith and wood shop, a barber shop, doctor shop. Ac., Ac. All appear to bo making a liv ing, which, these days, is doing well. OIBARD. Ely’s school exhibition lasted only one night. After its close Tuesday night the young people got up a dunce, which lasted until 1 o’clock. Those present say they had a mighty good time. A great need of Girard is another bridge over the creek, on the old sito. The town is now split open by the creek, and crossing is always difficult, and some times impossible. There has been abridge thore for forty years, and it is as much a necessity now as ever. In case either of the city bridges were impassable, one across the creek would be a vital necessi ty to Columbus. We hope the new Com missioners will consider the matter ami put up a good bridge to stand. Charley Moody, west of Girard, com plains that thieves are very troublesome in his neighborhood. GirArd, lately, has become very quiet and orderly. —A dying Englishman bequeathed fifty years subscription to the London Times to one of his kinsman and piid in ad vance. — Old John “Robinson, the circus man, is over Gxty years of age, owns eighty buildings in Cincinnatti, and is worth a milli m dollars—all made in the saw-dust ring. —The Democratic and Conservative parly nominate candidates for offices in Bussell county, Ala., at Seale to-day. Col. Taul Bradford also speaks there. —We heard of several white men, yes terday, who refused to pay a dollar to vote, and wouldn't let others pay it—this, too, when negroes were opposing the whites. —Four gills make a dram ; two piut.s a whoop ; four qnarts a drunk ; four gallons a week’s spree, is the latest way they put — Yesterday was si ghtly cloudy and very warm. Bain is prayed for. —If the assertion that “greenbacks are governlies” be true, we brazenly suggest that we do not object iu the least to their being given us iu any quantity as current i ten Pitts Improvements. Mr. Chanqmyne is erecting a handsome residence on Crawford street, iu rear of Male Academy. Mr. Gittenger is building a large addi tion to Layfield’s bakery. We hope to Him more animation spring up in this lino all over the city. We have not many unemployed mechanics, but there’s nothing like having plenty to do. Off lor Jacksonville. Mr. Frank Golden, ho well atid favor- uhly known na the polite and obliging clerk of the Bnukin House, leaves to-day for Jacksonville, Fla , where ho proposes to engage iu business in the fancy gro cery trade. Our citizens and the public will regret to lose him. May success and prosperity attend him. Another Departure. The many friends of Maj. J. A. Shing- leur will regret our losing him, yet happy to learn of a pleasant business association formed by the gallant Major with the house of Hurt, Blount. A Co., of Atlanta, in the cotton line. We congratulate him on his return to business life, and wish him the greatest success. A genial, warm hearted gentleman, he is bound to make hosts of friends in his new home. Hassell (Jonnttf Items. Mr. John Dick, und u negro hoy about 18 years of age, had a difficulty on the plantation of the former on Monday hist, in which Mr. Dick received a number of blown over th« head inflicting severe wounds. It seems that Dick was boating the ne gro, and tlio latter ran towards a swamp near by, Dick pursuing and overtaking him, when the uogro picked up a stick, turned upon his pursuer ami struck him a number of times. The negroos at Hurtville, Bussell coun ty, have organized a Democratic club with e than forty members. They liavo also clubs at Tray wick X Hoads, Tehee and Hatoheohubh**. Col. Taul Bradford, Democratic candi date for Congress in the 3d Alabama Con gressional District, and other gentlemen will address the people at lichee, Bussoll county, on to-morrow (Friday). A bar becue will he given, and a largo turn out expected. Tlioro has novel 1 been hut ie Hadical vote given nt this precinct. rt JJoets - Neio Tr*al The Supreme Court Tues lay morning sustained Judge •lohusou iu his decision granting a now trial iu the case of • Bhodes Browne vs. the Eagle and Fhoui Manufacturing Company. The jury i the court below gave a verdict against the Factory for about two-thirds of the amount sued for. •bulge Johnson grant ed a new trial on the ground that the diet was ugainst law and evidence, and the Supreme Court lias affirmed thia de cision. The suit is for quite a large sum for services rendered. To be Launched To-Day. The boat was uot launched yesterday afternoon, as was expected. A consider able crowd had assembled. The boat was almost on the ways preparatory to heiug let down in tho river, when soiuo hitch near the stern took place. It wasdocided easier und better to bring the St. ('lair up to tho point, and by hawsers on her, pull the new boat on the ways, thau by jack- screws. So tho launch was postponed until this morning about 5* or teu o’clock, when it will ho readily done. The new boat has been completed to its present stuge in thirty-one workiug days, and she will he finished iu less than ten days. Wholesale and Retail. Joseph .1 Bkothkh have now on band stook of Dry Goods unsurpassed, which they offer to the publi e on the most favorable terms. Everything needed by the wholesale or retail purchaser, which can be bought in any quantity os cheap as iu any house iu Georgia. They have many lines of specialties. They desire all to come and examine for thcmselv All lines of K iglo and Phenix goods con stantly ou baud. oct7 3ui The in-lmrholy 3ays have come, The maddest of the year, ’ io n Northern drummers,with their Corno thronging round us hero.’’ -I)r. Johnson is city, and Dr county physician. Dr. J. E. Bacon at tends to the medical wants of the Poor House. —The funniest thing out iR tho negro congress ou tho posters of Haverley’s minstrels. —“All was jolly quiet at Ephesus be fore St. Paul came thither.” This was written two hundred years ago in John Trapp’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments ; so jolly is not a slang word. —“Spellin’ hooks!" roared a Nevada man when npp oached by an agent : “No sir; but if you’ve got any good plug to bacco 1 guess we kin strike a trade.” —Four negro children were buried iu tho colored cemetery Sunday. —The farmer is the only man who makes money while ho sleeps—that is if he lias farmed aright. —The-o is too much red tape in the management of our river improvements at tho office in Mobile, which has charge of it. The engineer in immediate charge is reported down the river pulling up slumps, while red tape prevents him from building a jetty at Woolfolk’s. —Tho autumnal crop of infantile humanity is reported to ho very large in perspective. —The weather vanes on the Baptist and Episcopal church buildings point at I the same time in opposite direc'ions. To this extout does religious tenots affect tho atmosphere. —Cotton picking suffered yesterday while the darkies wore nt the polls. Look out for potty thieving to make up for it. —Knowledge is power and truth is knowledge, therefore ho who knowingly propagates an error saps the foundation of his country's strength. iug made satisfactory arrangements for the manufacture of our Custom Clothing with special care and at short notice, by those well known manufacturers of fine clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell A Co., of Newark, N. J. Give us your orders early, and we will do our best to please you, being determ- iued that our friends and customers shull not pay any Broadway tailors fsucy prices for hiving their clothing made to order. »ep!7 tf Thomas A PnssooTT. Dress Goods in Diagonals, Serges, Ac., just received at T. E. Blanchard’s. He who would always want a smooth anil well-shaped Hhirt Front, must buy of those Now Pattern Shirts at Strauss A Goldsmith’s. Stop ! Stop ! ! Have you seen the new and beautiful stock of Goods at the Baltimore Clothing House, 88 Broad street. tf Take Notice! By buying your Clothing at the Balti more Clothing House you will save money. A visit to that establishment will convince you of the truth of this assertion. «©ct2 tf The Har-roum Remedy For all ailments is Bum Bitters, sur charged with Fusel Oil, a deadly element, rendered more active by the pungent as tringents with which it is combined. If your stomach is weak and liver or bowels disordered, strengthen and regulate them with Vinegar Bitters, a purely Vegeta ble Alterative and Aperient, free from alcohol and capable of infusing new vitality into your exhausted system. sep'J2 4w Nearly u*J diseases originate from Indigestion and Torpidity of tn-i Liver, und rcliof is always anxiously Bought alter. It the Liver is Regulated in its action, health is almost invariably secured. Want oi action in the Liver causes Headache, Constipation, .Jaundice, Pain iu the Shoulders, Cough, Chills, Dizziness, Sour Stomach. Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of th •t, Depression of spirits, or tlie Blues, and a hundred other symptoms, for which SIMMONS' LIVLK KKQUL Vi OR is the best remedy that has over been discov rid It acts mildly, effectually, and being a simple v< _•• table compound, can do no injury in any quant JOSEPH P. rou, Attorney nt Law, and Judge of County Court. Practices in uli other Court#. )ffice over atore of W. II. Uoburta k Co., Brood 3t. SAMUEL IS. HATCHEK. Attorney nt Lnw. Oflico over Witticli k (tinsel's J. M. McNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. INGRAM & (KAHFOnUS, Attorneys nt Law, Will practice iu thn State aud Federal Courts ot Georgia. Office over Preer, Tllges A Co.’s store, northwest it has be i d foi Tty ye good and g all j arts of tho country will vouch for its heiug the purest and best. Simmvos’ LIVER liElil’LATOR, or Medicine, Is harmless, Is nodi- stic violent incdi.ine, Is sure to euro if taken regularly, Is no int -xicating beverage, Is a faultless family medicine, Is the cheapest medicine in the world, Is given with safety and the buppiost results to Mark II. Uli.'.dforp. Louis V. Gakkard. BLAMH'OKl) A GARRARD, Attorneys and Counsellors at I«aw. No, G7 Broad Mie-t, over Wittich A Kiu- sel’s Jewelry Store. Will practice in f the Does t dnlii Do- erfere -range the sys Ja8. M. Russell. Chab. J. Swift. KC.NSEI.L A SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors at Luw. Will practice tho Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit) Takes the place of Quit kind, Contains the simplest and best remedies. for salt: nr all druggists. fel>5 (ieodftwly L. T. DOWNING, Attorney ami Solicitor. U. £. Cotn'r and Register in Bankruptcy. Ollic J| over Brooks’ Drug Storo, Columbus, Ga. PEABODY A It KAN NON, THE BEST ADVICE ran be give FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. CARPENTER SHOP AT BROAD Twenty-one Since May, etc. A pile of (larkieH who voted yesterday reported they had hoaotno twenty-ono years old last May. They did thia to escape the payment of a dollar tax which they would have had to set lie before bal loting had they become of age in April. One old darkey observed,“If dom white folks gain din lection wo ’Publicans gwino to ’peal.” “Who’s you gwino tor peal ter V" asked another. “MassaGovernor Smith.” “Shah,” answered another, “Yer might as well ’peal to Jnko Bunns.” While tho negroes wero paying poll tax to Tax Collector Fraser, ho found, by questioning, many who owned property Hubjeot to taxation which had not been returned, he would put it all down, and then tell the voter what his tax for 1874 would he, and that certain property would he held for its payment when the time comes for collecting the amount. So the darkies found out they w ill have to pay ft little dearer for voting than they imag ined. They must settle legal taxes. nnd Thomas streets. Apply to sopl7 tf MRS. L. F. MEYER. For Rent. rjMlE PLANTERS’ HOTEL, well adopted lor a Hoarding House; has usually had a good patronage. Apply to sepl3 It __ __ ESTES It SON. For Rent. TN WELLING* ON JACKSON ST.. . near tho Baptist Church, 7 rooms. Empi re at Alabama Warehouse. »ep8 tf W.H. HUGHE8._ For Rent Cheap. ^ PORTION OF THE DESIRABLE RES- ldunce of Mrs Judge Thomas, on ROSE HILL, I witli or without furniture, outhouses, stables and garden. A Do, about seven acres for ket garden. Apply on premises or at Enquirer-Sun office. Sopt, 5,187441 To Rent. .A. ,>EfiIIlA,,LE STORE ON BROAD Fire. Company F.tvdtion. On TiuRelay night Mr. J. J. Clapp wa I'ted 1st AsfliRtftut Foreman of llook l Ladder Company, vieo Mr. George 'ore, removed to Texas. Cotton Classijlcation. iu ordor that all may understand the now classification, adopted by the Na tional Cotton Exchange, so as to make grades uniform tho world over, we give tho following comparison : NEW YORK COMFAUtSON, OCTODKR 1, 1874. American Class. Former X. Y. Class. Ord*nnrv V2% I Ordinary 13 (loud Ordinary. ...14’ A I Good Ordinary 14}^ Low Middling....16 Strict (Joed Ord’y 16 Middling DV4 | Low Middling 1M* Good .'Middling ...16 7 ^ Middling Middling Fair Good Middling... .16 7 < H 16% Fair. Tho grades of Middling Fair mid Fair were not established by tho Natioual Cot ton Exchange, but by tho Now York Cot ton Exchange. SAVANNAH COMPARISON, OCTOUBK 1, 1874. i < 7*1. Culinary nominal I Ordinu Good Ordinary... .13', Strict Ordinary Low Middling 13 % m I Good Ordinary. Mid-Ping ID., | Low Middling.. Good M‘d'K..UVr014\ Middling ah Cl a; Mtealiny Apples. One of our apple hoy dealers came to grief a day or two ago, after this fashion. Hu vna in the habit of putting away his stock each night in a gentlemans cellar, near his stand. An observing thief taking ooguizauce of the fact, took his little chisel Monday night, prise\ the staple from tho collar door, «ud went for the apples to tho extent of a bushel or move. Thief uukuown. Apple hoy not happy, but is still pegging away at his old stand. ailed A Slander .V Having heard that there was a repoi circulated that we lmd voted the Kadici ticket, we desire to say that this wc.i trick of some over-zealous rival iH eutirel false. \Ye hdte never voted any tickt and while wo are determined to uevt meddle with politics, we do claim to 1 the most attentive and skillful Barbers i this city. Simon A John Ci.auk. The relative difi’erence holds good since —the national class being loss thau.tho ie name of tho former class. Do Von Know? That, at the New York Store, Lnndt has received a splendid selection of Span-* ish laco scarfs, jet brimmed, jot veils, jet buttons and New York millings? If you don’t know this go and see for yourself at once, and you will he surprised and de lighted at tho magnificent stock ho has on hand, tf Street. Apply WELLS A CURTIS. Sept 2,_lS74-tf For Rent. F F l C K S AND SLEEPING 4 O FFICES AND SLEEPING ROOMS in tho Georgia Home In- SSImb - • is the* 5 * 1 -* Bulbling, among which litco now occupied by Southern Lite Insurance Join pany. Apply to Charles coleman, nugSO tf 118 Broad SL For Sale. jj ^WELLING ON OGLETHORPE, but woe n Thomas and Baldwin,six rooms, lMMa one-fourth aero ; built in 187S. Cost 4*,5j0. Price 43,200, Apply to JOHN BLAUKMAR, Real Estate Agent. For Rent, SIX-ROOMED HOUSE AT 826 1 mouth. Corner of Few and Jackson «•-< Streets. Apply to oo4 lw PEABODY A BRANNON. For Rent. rpilE residence second Joor south of St. n J. 6. JON KB. to persons suffering fruiu dys- iplnint, colic, consumption, sick nd ague, nervous debility, or of any disorder affecting the stomach, the live * nr kidneys, is to tone, cleanse, and regulate these ha m-taut organs by (lie use dT I)R. 'J UTT’S VEGKT- IlLK LIYEIl PILLS. They act very mildly, yet loroiighly restore the functional action of the Igustivc-organs and the inti stines and renovate* »*• whole system. They produce neither nai griping or weakness, und uiay bo taken at ;•• of diet or occupation. Fold by all druggists. DR.TUTT’S HAIR DYE Iities tin other dye does. Its inootH, anti so natural that it can- 1 by the closest observer. It is plh-d, and is in general usd *y large r dress, $1 a bo ^ O^TUTTs \ SARSAPARILLA : • lJi . VTomb Di-< f the Skih, St. ■<. Blotches, Tumors, Boils, •uni, Scald Head, llingw l Enlargement of the ih Sterility, opsy, Wh "inplai well i i , Mci blood. 1>K> TUTT74 SAltS.IPAHILLA d Purifier known i lical science. It enters into tho circulatic agent; the prodne weight, and all offei the body Keep (he Will be well. I that can tiful < nplex gain flesh Blood Healthy Ollic, alswly OPELIKA DIRECTORY. A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin & Co., hus removed to Chambers street. His friends ftud patrons would do well to call on him in his new quarters, and examine stock beforo buying elsewhere. Prices at panic rutos. ja!8 su&wcdif Doctors. Dlt. JAS. T. WAKNOCK, Burgeon anil Physician. fluughte.’a Drug Store, Railroad h DR. J. W. II. WILLIAMS his professional services. Office over r.en Co.’s, Chambers A U. It. Streul rvniilinery. MISSES WHITE & TUCKKK, Fashionable Millinei-8 and Dremmutkci Gentlemen's Shirts cut by chart measure, u LOTTERY. _ POSTPONEMENT ! SECOND AND LAST Grand Gift Concert A fin » lot of Gents’ Scarfs at Strause & Goldsmith’s. KNOW ALL MEN That at tho popular and long established Restaurant and Saloon of ( has. Reyman »t* Co. tho best of Meals, Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept constantly on hand }>ro hono publico. octl tf It. The Webster White Shirt, the best cus tom made shirt iu existence, at the Bal timore Clothing House. tl' The Courts. The latest novelties in Ne Baltimore Clothing House. A lot of Virginia Cassimeres, from the Cbarlottsville Wooleu Mills, received to- day, at ssp'Jo it Blanchard's. Removal. Dr. W. J. Fogle has removed his Dental Office from the Georgia Home building to his new place of business, over Wittich X Kinsel's store. Here ho will coat in tie the practice of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry, and will be glad to meet his friends. oot2 tf A largo lot of Bleached and Brown Domeatios, bought since the decline, just received and for tala cheap, nt Blanchard's, Good Thinys. Go to the Uuby Hestaurnut for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to oat. octl5 tf llats in endless variety at the Balti more Clothing House. tf Silk Hats at $5.00 and $5.50, at Strauss & Goldsmith’* Buy one of those fine Suits. They an cry cheap at Strause A* Goldsmith’s. If you would rather have Clothing made to order at short notice, Strause & Gold smith’s is the plnco. They have a splen did stock of Piece goods. Their tailors arc plying tho needle vigorously, octl tf Masonic Relief Association or INToi follt. Day Positively Fixed. THURSDAY, NINETEENTH NOV’R, LAST CHANCE. Tills entorprlso is conducted by tho MA SONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF NOR FOLK, VA., under authority of the Virginia IBSO.OOO To too Oivoil Away! One Grand Cash Gift of One Grand Cash Gift of One Grand Cash Gilt of One Grand Cash Gill oi One Grand Cash Gilt of One Grand Cash Gift of • One Grand Cash Gift of 15 Cash Gilt- of *100 > each Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Doing app respect lull Holds Cott Furniture, &c. At Panic Prices. A. O. UAilWJELL, Dealer iu all kimls of Fun Lawyers, A. J. VIUHEBN, and Pumiftellor nt Lnw • * opposite Alabama House. Tailors. h Gifts of 600 oaeh 43 Cash Gifts of 250 each 70 Cash Gilts of 160 each !50 Cash Gilts of 100 each >7s Cash Gilts of 50 each •0 > Cash Gifts of 10 eacli 15.000 14.000 10 750 11.660 26.000 8000 CASH PRIZES, aggregating • fct6n,ouo K. CAMPBELL, 1 ud Making iu the Late pawing uoally done. Dentists. A. A. DOZIER, Attorney and Counsellor nt Lnw, Ollic o und Federal Courts iu Georgia and Alabama. 120 Broad lColumbus, Ga. jaC op* and Federal Courts. jal Attorneys nt Lnw. ffics over J. K.nnis A Co.’s Store, Broad St., .ovls] Wear Side. K. J. NONES, Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Lnw, Doctors. Dlt. J. A. CR<UTHAItT, Office removed to the Drug Store of E. ( Hood 6b Brother. Sleeping apartment at former residence, c te corner ot Randolph and McIntosh street >pp".-ito the residence of Mr. Win. Beach. sepo DR. C’OLZKY.I and Office corner of St. Clair and Ogle- Ofllco hours—7 t Dll. H. B. LAW. r Broad and Uandolph streets, Burrus’ building. n Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair. Dentists. W. F. TIGNElt, Dentist, trupper’s building, Randolph St. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Next to Columbuv ltauk Ruiltf| nt 'orters at all thn trains. * jui.H MBS, U P. PNTDF.R |* r .. Builders and Architects. J. G. CHALMERS, Hon we Carpenter nud Builder Jobbing done at short uotice. Mans and specifications furnished for all.., of buildings s h'v Broad Street, u*>xt to G. \Y. lJ r «»«„-, Livery and Sale Stables. ItOHt.ltT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale nnd Exchange, Oglethorpe, North of Randolph St* eot30 Coluinlmg, da. A. GAM MEL, Livery and Sale Stables, Oglethorpe St., Columbus, Ua. Ivcu to Feediiiu Particular attention of Stock. Horses and Mules boarded iu mouth or day. Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stulls No. 2 ami 18, Murkct Fresh Meats of every kind and l jail always on hand. .COOK, 4 Of All liiml*, " alls Nos. Cun and Locksmiths. i-iiii.ii*, and Lock-.with, Crawl.»rd Mu* WILLIAM SCIIOin.];, id Locksmith und dealt*t in Gu teriais. Opposite buquirci oil; Croce rs. DA.VL It. R1ZE, Dealer in Fain tw.en Ogle;!.. . \ Jacksoustreets Aar No charge* 1 *; iir.i>ngi>. J. H. 11 UtlLTQN, WIioIcKiile and Retail Groce mi & Ogletliur ■ dra Tailors. A full aprlt! G. A. KtElINE, Merchant Tailor ami Cutter. stock of French and English Bread HENRY SELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning; ami Repaii Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker iuTin, Sheet Iron, Copper* Orders from abroad promptly attended to. ? J«7 No. 171. Bri W. T. POOL, Deutist, lol It road 8t., Coluiubu Druggists. Cotton Factories. icctings. Shirtings, and Sewing ami Knitting Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn ice iu rear of Wittich A Kinsel’s, Randolph st. u!8 U. II. CHILTON, President. MlMCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. MumifHCtu IIKET1NG3, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. G. 1‘. SWIFT, President. •y A Treasurer. oct'il ly, W. A. SWIFT Watchmakers. C. SCUOMBUllG, Practical YY'atchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to L., i()5 Broad si root, jail Columbus, Ga. C. H. LEQUIN, W atchmaker, 134 Broad street, Columbu cs and Clocks repaired iu Tobacco, Cigars, &c. MAIEK HORN. enjoy a go.*d sm ike, go to hii Cigar Manufactory, Between Georgia IIoiuo and Muscogee Home. ju8 C5. LOPEZ, n and Mniinluetiarer of Fine Cigara, Near Broad Street Depot. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS' (Success-^ Under Georgia IIoi Prompt aud polite bo SHAVING SALOON, to 11. Ileuea,) ie Insurance Building. :bors in attendance. J*26 Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., A CO., House and Sigu Painters, Old Oglethorpe corner, (just north ol p.. LAWYERS. FERN M. WOOD, Attorney at av. Opelika, Alabama, sc|.16 ilJinljail WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, Attorneys at Law. loi.imuiH, UA. ariev, A. ttoraioy* set OUSSETA, Uhattahoouf Ag-Specinl atientlou given « Xj ; HINES DQZIE1I, Attorney at I^av, ■yyn.L j. HA.nil.Tlto, UA., In tlm ChntUhoodi H. < ASTLEMAN. L. II. CHAPPIU H. CASTLEMAN & CO., General Insurance Am REPRESENTING THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON I* GLOBE And othor Strong Fire and Life Companies I OFFICE OVER PREER, 1LLOKS J STORE, 119 BROAD ST. ftug 26-tf ED. TERRY, Barber, Crawford 3t., under Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. Dress-Making. MINN M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, )rt*sd-Maklng, Cutting and Fitting. Terms cheap. Itesideuce and shop in Browueville. novlfi Confectioners. I. G. STltUPPER, Candy Manufacturer All kinds of Confeclioncry and Fruits, Boots and Shoes. PRICE OF ^TICKETS. Whole Tickets, #10; Half Tickets, 66; Quar ter Tickets, 60; Eleven Tiekets, |d00. NO INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS. This Concert is strictly for MASONIC pur- poses, and will be conducted with the same liberality, honesty and fairness which charac terized the first enterprise. JOHN L. ROPER, President. For tickets and circulars, giving full infor mation, address HENRY Y. MOORE, ftec'y. Barber Shops. WEKI.F.V UAHIUXUEH, llnrbcr, orner South Railroad aud Chambeis strecti dec23 BIGNON A TURNER, UurberK, South Railroad street, uuuer Adams Jlou duc23 Norfolk, Ya. Ay Responsible Agents wanted. *ep4 deodAwtnovl3 Hotels. Go to T. K. Rlanchard's To buy beat Kibbotm at 15, ?i> and S5e pur yard. Tba best Black Silkn in the market, and th* famous “Hsunet' brand Alpaoi, aepB7 tf Merchants of Columbus, Advertise Your Business In the HAMILTON VISITOR, ] F you \t ish to bid for the trade of Harris and J. adjoining counties. Advertising rates reasonable. Specimen coplea sant on application. Addreia J4 W. it. BOULLV, i e«(i JUailllOB, tf*. A DAMN HOUSE. go to Opcdika, be sure ti Insurance. E. BOWEN A NON, General Iiimiiranee Ageufs. . Rail loud atreat, over R. U. Gteeue k Co.’s, WELLS & CURTIS, No. 73 Broad Street, Havo always a full stock of Boots and Shoes, Upper, Sole nnd IInr- ness Leather and Findings of all kinds. Reliable goods! Reasonable prices ! II.—Special attention to orders by Kxp . I). jy4 Piano Tuning, <kc. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pinooes, Organs aud Accordeons. Sign Painting also done. Orders may be be left at J. W. Pease k Norman'. B»v»k Store ...p& Boot and Shoemakers Dealer ii Redd k Co to orders. . WM. MEYER, Boot aud Shoemaker. Leather and Fitidiugs. Next to C. A, ’s. Prompt aud strut attention *lveu jai REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMI St. Clair Street, Gunby’fl Building. , lllges 6c Co. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance. , MILLINERY. SPRING RfllLLINEitY. ii.y.iust ,. ...ti liu -I s»;bi.M' W L A!(i»"NilMUEK JlH.*-*-*' ( hiding ail tlie NOV BLTI W. W. SHARPE & CO., Publishers’ Agent- No. 2f> Park Row, New York Are autliorlmcKl «o CoMlrw* ' vorlUiu. in our l>»I' er * myl4 tf