Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 11, 1874, Image 4

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-r.v- ~ .nquum. ctitnn, onnia: HUN DAT OCTOBER 11. 1874 wnm-iin r»n»». rnoihKS KWU|< to he» •nl«rant ;■> Amoroh. h, Ht)k« -migrant tue* about to •all, f|” hu.i appreclutiv# echo In hU kind ■?*«» mnow to nnn gbor, Duuls, 811 1 bade f LADIES’ DEPARTMENT. ft-i happy, thank til* *T«U hi* Wh't* well lArft; lint r| m iruuhlts fine* he went sway You'll mind, •tick, hud no*er i»y » wr 91 earn uni troubles, eure, we ve * One ( T*#l % tumnior Isn’t always fair. Telljit* thu epottert heller eelved in May ; She (fltd, poor thing : hut that you needn t Kind; , .. . Norliotr thheonatuntra n gMtroyod the liny ; lint lull him God to uhwat over kind, \*d when the fovor eproad the country ffiusuiffiyou toft him hew thu neighbors rum o ml cut the earn and stored It In ti-.o barn ; *1 w. ulvi bo es wellto mention them by u»m<* l*Rt Murpoy, Wed McUebe, nnd Nhamuz AadaVg TInj Da!*, Irom J.ahlnJ tbo Mil: Ami sny, agra 1 - Oh, say 1 miss him still. They osme with r**d/ hands eur toll to sliaro ; ’Twa« then i missed Dim moat—my own right I fuU^afltiiough kind hesrts were round infl Tho^llindestbesrt beat in a forolgn land. Strom: band! bravo heart!—one severed Strong band! brnv By*nuiy*n weary league oi rhnro n And tell film she was with u*—ho II Know who; Mnvonrnecn, hasn't she the wlnsoincet ovi s The darkest, doopost, hrlglitest. bonniest blue I eror saw, except In summer skies; And such black heir—it is the blacko-t That ever rippled over neck so lair. Tell him old Plnehor fretted many a day, Ami moped, poor dog ’twas die, The fussy Woman. f the «no,t special characteristics of a fussy woman, nml one which, wbilo seendtig too trivial for notice, is particu larly productive of dutcotufort to those shout her, is her utter inability to decide for herself mi anyone single subject in the who's circle of life, from choosing a bonnet ribbon to nettling the destiny of her flrat.hovu. However urgently you may he occupied on other matters, the must have your advice; add having ol>. twined it. will pull it to pieces, argue over if, hcout it, revert to her first idea, and p»ns or.o hnlf-hctir in holding it up for admiration m contrast to yonr own, end another in combatting all the arguments which yon might (but doa’t if you are v ise) propound it; sod finally, if yon give in to her by way of ending the 1 '-object, Will return to your view, heai- | tale, vaci Ule between (lie two, roiire to get a third opinion, return more unde cided than ever, possibly nrelt into tears, probably loose lmr temper, and most like ly in ilie end gb off on some fresh sub ject, mi l Jo*vu the question to he gone over again at sr me future time. For in- stanoc, you are busy writing, and your wife, n'fus«y woman, enters the room. ‘•i'hiH l,’' she remarks, ‘ is not fit to wear, f' is really dreadful not to have a bonnet to put on?” N*» answer. “And 1 don’t bkc to buy nno’her just at the end of the hi a on. ily tbo way, though, Mra. Jones has got a now one. Didn’t you see her in i! Just Hunday'(" “No”—veiy shortly. “Didn’t you? A pin in colored u!iu with nuuvo feathers. i d n’t think the feathers were icsl tips though. l‘er« hops she got it ebeap. Wtat do you SUNDAY READING. ftOMKTMVi:. Poor empty eye* k' 1th life's gro *1 o <tliar's coffin, i Into the other's vravo An*l read, *§ tn s b< 1 Writ In the Hunt, wor Sometime. A n 1, if the meet.lug sonjr, Break from the bosom of tho bird for love, No more to listen Ionic One shall he (leal below, one dost above, conic time. I’or both mast lose tt o way Wherein we walk together, very soon ; One In th- duel shall rUy, Tha other flrrt « all see the rlnlmr moon, Sometime. Oh! fast, fast friend of mine! Idlt up the voice 1 love ho much, uni warn To ivrifnc In tat han I* and pine. Tell mo 1 may bo loft iurlorn, forlorn, GROCERIES. D.N. GIBSON HASBEMOV* S\y ] may Ids* through te *' rever fulling mi I forevo. i (Inc 11 bon trout nw«**t vi>* One dear dead leal, c thlukV )f l ( ell ho didn’t but I i i bon- id stltdiod them Crouched t*y the roadtido, how he watcliod the AmUiu’ffod the travelers as they passed him Hail, rain, or sunshine, sure ’twas all the same. He Iteieued lortho loot that no\or came. Tell htn tho house is loncHomo-lIko and cold, 'I ho tlrettNelf seems rohbud o! liulf Its ngiu * Hut may to ’its inf eyes uro grassing ul '• And things look dim ho fore my falling ailin'. For h11 that, tell him 'twus mysoli that spun TUeahlrta you irlnic, •very one. Ulvu him my blessing; moinluK, noon, an Tall Min iay prayers uro ollensl for bin goo< Tha: he may keep his Maker still In sight, Aad (Irmly stsnd ns his bravo father stood. WIT AND HUMOR. —To remove dandruff—Go out on tbo plains and iunult an Iudiau. —Milwaukee parent* nevor whip thuir children. They tie their enra around n bed-pox!. —There will bo no poatofli -ti cletka it« lloaven, tinlesa the girl* mop directing (heir letter* “oatltoornered.” —A New IlumpHhiro woman, when dy ing, mad a her husband swear on thellibto Hint ho would uovev marry a woman with a sharp nose. The Woman's Joiiriitil hohla that il is not lying for a woman of forty to Hwenr that her Age i* twenty-eight, provided she if looking for a htiaband. —A Boston philoHojJber saya that you want to look av man's boot-beela to dis cover their energy. A alow slothful limn never me* hia boeta over at the heelw. peepla, at a rule, like to lie on the aido facing the light. It's different, however, with ft man who comet* home “aiok” from tho club. He’d just nn lief ■hove hia bend into a coal-ecuttle an not. —A day or ao ago the daughter of n German greccr in Avenue A was married. | 1111 Her father p'.neod a placard in the win- ' ,nl dow, bearing thin device s “lhi.s more is closed on aocouut of aome fun in il»* family." —There is a-.\ old Indian in Kansas who is as good ft went her prophet as old Frola. When naked tho other day wlmt the ‘weather would l»o during tho noH week, he replied: “Mebbe snow; uiobbe heap Uhui hot. llettur wait ft little while, you bet." —A young lady wiabiog a aituation wrh interested in an ‘advertmoment for some one to do light housekeeping. So alia wrote to the ndvertiuor asking where the lighthouse was, oud if there w«a any way et getting tv* fchoro on Sunday. —A lawyer, upon a circuit in Ireland, who was pdosding tho cuuso of an infaiu plaintiff, took the child up iu hia anna Hud proaented it to tho jury, suffused with tears. This had ft groat offset, until tho opposite lawyer naked tho ohild what other pi price of t tin tho bill jimt with il ? Dei H “ Many ’ vhen, u ua t xp d got a aheap doub.e what they do Do you rememhar the lavender and—why, I hod •w. What can I have done mo, how provoking! Have n it ? Maty must huve t«ken it ith the breakfimt thing*, or per is on the floor. If you would movo •lira mono nt. No, Mary must linvo tiihen it. ” Woe betide you if you full ill in tho homo of it fusay woman ! for Mhou’d hho be taken up with any hobby, bowev.-r trivial, at the momout, you tuny aolually die without her being oven aware that you are oiling; and this not from uakinilofthH, but I ocuuse, mark you, in- vet* rale fmniucHH cMuiIh habitual aelli-h lios.s—solllshuoKH which is not uoueasari y Kinful, but oonsf(pi»nt on antiro abnouco of all leisure for thought of oilier*' com fort. lowing llowr 14* 1.0ve. omen supposo that they love, fortunately, (hey have not tho of an idea wlmt Jovo in. but i it to you, my dour lady. Lov- admired by a man, loving to bo polled by him, loving to ha emu.-ised by him, find loving to bo plained by him, ia not loving a mull All ILoho may bo when n woman ban no power of loving at all ; they may i ll bo •imply hecauao *ha love* hornedf, and lovi-* to bo flattered, praised, curosHcd, coaxed, no n cat I ikes to be coaxed and .stroked, and fed with crontn, and have a warm earner. Hut all this is not love. It may, to be sure, where thoie m love : it generally does. Love, dear ladies, m oell-Hitcrifico; it i* a life out of at if and in nuolhor. It* Tory e«- is thu preferring of the comfort, thu oftHO, tho wislieH of another to ana’s own, for the love wo bear them. Love is giving, and not receiving. Love is not a tdiuet nl hlootirig-paper, or a sponge, sucking in everything to itself ; il in an out ajHineiiig fountain, givng from itself. Lovc'n motto has been dropped in tliia woibl ns a chancn gem of groat price by Him who H»td, “Il ia more blcased (ogive Ihnu to receive.'' N«»w, in lovo, there are ton receiver* to olio givor. There are ten persona in this wi r!tl who 1 ko to belovrd and love lovo, where thru is one who know* how to lovo. Tlml, dear ladies, is a nobler lit. than all your Frcivli and id dancing. \oti may lone the very power of it by smothering it under a load of M>lf.imiulgi»ftce. Hy living jaat aa yon are .-.dl wanting to Jive—living to lie pelted, to bo fl ittered, to be admired, le ho praised, to have your own Way, and to do only that which is easy and ngreoabla --yon may 1<>hu the power of self-denial nnd KoU'-Hiicrillce ; you may lose the power of loving nobly and worthily, and bun. n tneru sheet of blotting paper all your No. lO BroRct Street, Two door* above his old stand, where he will koep constantly on hand a hill assortment of ono c E HIES, coNSiSTisnor Bacon, Flour, 8ugar, Coffee, Tobacoo, Dome.tio and Imported Liquor., Shoe, and Dome.tio flood., Which he will sell at the lowest market prlee and deliver tree of charge. oct7 det v wain THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & 1. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad 8t., Columbus, Ga., Till u«8t Kiutf. ry meeting oil llio Inland no of tho Harvey group old man Haiti: rojgu of four iuuully at DOUI ftm IIKfTl'KM. I'rv»iiuvin«s uadu him cry. “He pinched.ino awared tbo littio inuocont. —Tho pounding of the stomach for I ho euro of dyspepsia was thu oauao of a good joko tho other day. Two men wore do aoriliing what they had done to euro them- aelves. “Do yon knoad your Htomach ?” “1—I—couldn't got along without il !" raaponded the other iu tho last stage of astonishment. —A lady hiltiug in her parlor, and en gaged iu the droarny contomplutiou of the moustache of the young gentleman who was to eacort h»*r and her aistor tonniU'O- ual fcativul, was suddenly nwakoned by mu ominous whisper in a juvenile voice at tho door, “You’ve got Ann’s teeth, and aha wants ’em.” —A aifcs, upon whose flaxen curls the suns of fourteen summers had shed their golden fervor, came home tho other after noon, weeping ft* though her heart would break, and meeting a playmate, exclaimed, in a paroxysm of grief, “O, Susio, \>o were engaged to be married, nnd now Charley’a got the measles !” —Sir Boyle ltoach, of tho Irish bar, *»‘Ut an invitation to an Irish uoblcm.m of his acquaintance : “I hope, my lord, il yov ever come within a mile of my house, that you’ll stay there all night." Wbon he was suffering from an attack of g til he thus rebuked his shoemaker: “Oh, you're n precious blockhead to do directly tho reverse of what I desired you. I told you to mako one of tho shoes larger than the othet, nnd instead of that you have made one of them smaller than the other. —There ere eyes whoso spoil entrance*, though their shade ho light or dark; much there is in tende# glances. Here ’tis love betrays his mark. Dark eye* arc always grieving ; team become them le°s than smiles; bur such eyes e’en when de ceiving, seem to scorn all tricks and wiles Brown eyes beam with sudden splcudor, gray eyes hide but mystery; lake them nil—tho bright, the tender, blue eyes dearer to mo. There’s a soul within them s’eeping, can I bid the tremble) riso'r Ah, but safety He* iu keeping' watch upon such potent eyes. %vno Nuid It. It was a Seotob woman who said that i the butcher of her town ouly killed k*lf r : beast nt a time ; it was a Dutchman v. i * j said a p i; hid no mark* on hi* car* i except a short tail ; and it was a British | inagist'-ftte, who, being told by a v*ga- ■ bond that he was not married, responded, j “That’s a good thing for your wife.” If j was an Ki^iish r*p jrter wno stated, at a ! meeting . f the Ethnological Society there | was exhibited “easts of the skull of an it.- dividual at different periods of an nd : ’ life to thow the chan get produced in t« years,'' thmi-ii Denn rtwitt certainly iut-n lions two hkulli ; reserved iu Ireland, one j of a person when he was a boy, and the | other of tho a.umo person when he grew! to be b It was a Portuguese mayor who enumerated among tbo mark* by : which the body of a drowned man might be identified wbeu found, “a marked mj. I pediment in his speech.'* It was a French- | n, the famous Curliau, who cont —Tho following ra- ccipt fiom Wiighi’s “Poultiy Book” is reo uimemUid v«»ry highly: To four gul- bnis t>( bulling wider add half a pook of now lime, htininq it hmin littio time. When cold, remove any hard lumps, with a ouuihq sieve, add ten ouncu* of Halt, thi'o ounce* cream tartar, and mix thoroughly. Thu m xturo is then **t.iiid a fortnight before using. Thooggs are to bn packed as clovoW a* jatshible, nnd to ho kept eh*.-o!y covoml up. If put in when new laid they will keep liiuu months. Ari'iJi 1'TiAP. —Prepiua tnrt apple ready for stewing ; Hpriukle wuh sugar. Then lay over it a put! panto of olio pint milk, one or two eggs, oue heaping teaspoonful cream tartar, half teaspoonful soda, flour enough to make stiff paste so as to drop from tho » p » it, t nough water to stow the npp’es solt. Keep the put covered tightly to prevent lie contents being heavy, t Htir, to keep it from btirn- Slnki iug. Gu I )i.*seut. —(.'hoo*o whole soda ciackeiH, uml lav oocli upon a sepdrato small plate. Four upon it enough boiling water to so A it well, and leava none upon the plate ; cover with a diC*siugof awoet- ened or earn, with a spoouful of jelly in the center it y» u elu.o.te, or dip upon it a portion of nioj fruit, eauuod, stowed, or fresh as is convenient. Fi.annet. Bolls. —One cup of sweet milk, whites of two eggs, two-thirds of a butter, flour to make a thick bat At a missioiui of Karatongn, < iu tha Pacific ocean, an “I liive lived duiiug th kings; in the fir»l wo wc war, and a fearful «en«on it was—Watch iug and hiding in fear took up all our thought*. During tha roign of the hbc- ond wa were overUkon with t* severe famiua, an l all expected to parish ; then wo ate tuts and gras*, and this wood and that wood. During the third wo woie conquered, and became tho spoil and prey of tho poople in the two other pails of the island ; thou if a mail went to fish he rarely ever returned, or if a woman went any distance to fetch food she wuh seldom ever seen ugain. But during, tho reign of this third king wo whig visited by another King, a gioat King, a good King, a King of love—Jesus the Lord from heaven, lie has gained tho victory, Ha has conquered our hearts ; therefore we now have pen o nnd plenty in Ibis world, and hope soou to dwell with Hun in heaven.” A Oh|Ufa t’«lIII. A oorreqaindcnl of tho Now York Ncahqflint, relates the following instance of ohild faith : Lust your, coming from Pittsburg, oast, in u Meopirg <ur, my up. pertinent was next to that occupied by a gentlounn, hi* wife, and their little daughter, perhaps four your* old. The lady wa* axceijively timid—not to put t(jo fioe a point on it, tenibly nerVom. Tho Hor*a-»hoe Curve Hoemod to he her spe cial (terror, and my sloop, nnd I presume that of others, was disturbed by her talk ing to her husband of tho peril. The en gineer might be asleep, or (ho switch- tender might bo iisloep, and then the train would certainly bo plunged down the abyss. But it was worth while to be awak#, when 1 heard tho sweat rebuke, not. intended, but real, of ti.o little one: I “Ms, God takes cure of us, mid does God ' sleep ?” Was not this the ordaiuing ! strength out of tho mouth of babes?' Happy for tho mother if it proved I strength to hurjuith ! (•oil iu Nature. All God’s works proclaim His power, wisdom and goodness. Many learned, intorostiug and instructive volumes have been written on ike fntuful theme. Such reading and contemplation nio adapted to awaken grilliHide and inspire trust. Iu the sunshine, air, water und earth arc tha elcmeutH needful foY all the comforts, necessities ami oinnuicntN of life ; but we lmvo no power, notwithstanding -tlio luminous march of science, to combine the elemeuts and produce the needed re- Bults. Tho elements contain blond, but our ohemistry cannot so collect anti com bine them as to produce a single loaf. The elements contain flux, cotton mid ailk, but wo cannot extract from them u ftiugU yard of cloth. Tho element* con tain all the beauties of 11 »ral nature, but we ouiinot make a single flower. How interesting is the fact the various form* of vegetable life are working together for our good. Tho corn, the wheat, tho sugar-cane, the melon vme, tho apple und the peach tree, tho cotton and tho ilax ■talk, are all extracting from tho elements for iu these useful and pleasant things. If these vegetable servants should cease their labors, wo should soon shiver with cold and starve with liungor, although surrounded with illimitable supplies—but in such form ns to bo unavailable. Tlio most powerful monarch could not make a single grain of corn, although the ma terial* abound in tho elements all about u». The most skillful confectioner could not make ono luscious melon, peach or tig. Tlio m«Ht skillful urtist nnd the most Mttionliflo chemist combined could not make oue rose. In view of our ludpleas- nes* and absolute dependence, how com forting nnd kind arc the words of God to our father, ami representatively thiough him to uh all : “Behold, 1 have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon tlio face of the all earth ; and every tree, iti tlie which i* the ftnir. of a tree yielding aeod; to you it shall be for meat. "—7V.r. (7t. Atlv. KkKPS (OIKHTANTI.V ON HAND ABOUT 100,000 pounds Bacon. 300 barrels Flour. From 100 to 200 barrels fugar. 100 bags Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrels Syrup. 200 barrels Whiskey. 200 boxes Tobaooo. 500 “ Soap. 200 11 Candles. 100 barrels Lard. 50 “ Mackerel. 500 saoka Salt. 50 tL roes Rice. 500 reams Wrapping Papar. 100 oases Potash. 100 “ Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Piokles. 100 boxes Candy. 100 “ Starch. BANKINC AND INSURANCE. LIFE, MARINE A 2WETOT A.C3rE33WOY REPRESENTING Aii Aggregate Capital of $30,000,000.00 AS GENERAL AND RESIDENT AGENT, The Royal Insurance Company oi Liverpool, England. Total Amount of Assets, - - $13,868,679.60 AS RESIDENT AQENT, The London Assurance Corporation, London, England. Accumulated Funds, • • • $13,234,425.00 The Home Insurance Company of New York. Aggre gate Value Of Assets, - - - $4,408,523.75 The New Orleans Insurance Company, New Orleans. Total Value of Assets, • • • $755,841.24 Policies written on Cotton, Dwelling Houses, Mercan tile Rleks, and all other Insurable property, (including GIN HOUSES) at current rates. Office in the Georgia Home Building, J. RHODES BROWNE, GENERAL AND RESIDENT AGENT. GROCERIES. J. A. WALKER. C. H. WATT. WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner under Hnnkin House, H ave now in store and to arrive, evervtkino kept in a First Class Provision Store, tow It: 50 hhds. Clear Hib Bacon Sides. 50 “ Bacon Shoulders. 25 boxes Ice-Cured 'White Meat. 150 Bolls Heavy Bagging. 450 Bundles Iron Ties. 200 bbls. Flour, all grades. 50 “ Whiskey. 100 “ Sugar, and everything in quantity and qual ity to suit the most fastidious. Soap, Salt, Syrup, Cheeso, Coffee, Molasses, Mackerel, & c Will have FLORIDA SYRUP as soon as tho season will permit Its being shipped. ^ Don’t forget the place. n.EinvEo^7-^x_,. D. F. Willcox’s Insurance Agency 71 BROAD 8TREET. rpHK undersigned hat removal to the office formerly X BANK, and with laeraased racllltlej tor business, t age Iu thi past, ha offtr* anew hit fervicoa to hia Irienda an Policies carefully written In old ami reliable Companies, on all classes •rty, INCLUDING GIN HOU81£S ANl>CONTENTS. AST Office open at all hours of the day. D. F. WILLCOX. , and with thanks for s and tho public generally, _ .i_ - lasses of In WATT & WALKER. BOOTS AND SHOES. ROB’TO. FOPE. JAS. W. LONG. KTSW ]Jv jjrBOOT and SHOE STORE. nauralde prop- FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. lOOgroaa Parlor Matohea. 1,000 pound* Lorlllard’a BmiflT. 30,000 Cigar*. 1,000 pounds Green and lllaek Tea. »00 bag* of Bitot. lOO boxoa Soda and Paucy Crarfcora. lOO “ Glteeao In teuton. AO barrels Vinegar. ‘40 cMtfk* Scoteli Ale. * IOO dozeu Wooden Bucket*. 100 dozen Brooiua. And everything in the Grocery line, which they oiler to the trade hy the package, na low aa uh) other Jobbing f* iu»-half of a on[i stal i f su.;ur. it. tdd.vl i Mui'li dept i I) ikt t yo$Mt, twt» tab e- U.uho over night; and eggs iu (1m morning ; • flour, making a liinlmr into rolls, und utter the :i> Pciddino. —Seven table- o ’»n meal mixed amoolh i nd stirred into one quart ik ; Ihrej labluHpoonHlul of i.iX'-il with cold milk nnd 1. .k • slowly three hours, s upon the baking. If it too fast, cover over with n seems t dish. Culam Cookie*.—One egg, one Urge cup of 8Ug*i‘; ono cup of cream; one- half cup of sour rnillc; half a teuapoouful of soil 4 ; flour enough to roll. A Simple Disinfectant.—One pound . r»* rat o di«*olvi> 1 j on rod do ally coaco smell*. Or Lou shunt hotels aiul is U))tiiing Si) nit pie green coppe mul rliie oilier pine** foi pio»««t«. fe- house*-, sink **, costing seven cents, ft quart of water and .a* r-rlosaf, will cfl'octii- nud destroy the foulest i ships and stearuboats, >tln r public places, there '• u» purify tha air. Sim- .*•, dissolved in anything > )U lender n hnspitd or *hu suk, free froiu un- T“ flsh markets, *laugh- H. F. ABELL & CO. HAVK JU.T UKCKIVKD A VINK I.0T0V New Weitern Potatoes, New York loe-Cured Meat, Mackerel in bbls., ktga and kito. New Codfish, Fulton Market Beat, Diadem and Magnolia Hama, Cream Cheese and Goshen Butter, Mazeppa and Silver Lake Flour, Piper Haidtiok Wine, pta and qta Arrack Punch, Canned Goods, AND A Full assortment of New Goods. All pnrclineeR delivered. sopltt tf <V>bb A Btnckwetl's I'ickola, nil kinds. Ext in Choice Kid, Ohl Government Java nnd Moclto CotTne. ltoaatt'd t'otTea. llpat hrandit llama aud Hraukraut Stripe. Ht. Loilia Pearl Grita, JO It. for II. Hlackwplt’a Um-ham Smoking Tubarco, 7ft* V Ih. LiOiillard’* bright and l).irk Century Chowing Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, - - $529,364.92 Boston “ “ “ 180,903.89 Total Aaatta—Gold—January 1st, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Unpaid [Jnpai Loshoh in procetw of adjustment, or adjusted aud not due.... All other Claim* COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1878 Iucomc, 1872 None. #22,5118 00 1,015 52 $010,887 78 520,217 87 IsWNBea Promptly Adjusted und *' nli ly Settled by G. GUN BY JORDAN, Agent, COLUMBUS, GA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no trouble to become Indeoendeht. T.iIih Wont’s Kxtra No. 1 Ko Pur* Cider Vinegar, 50c ^ gnllou. > Oil, tOc V gallon. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPARTM’T Lest than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. DRY COODS. ROB’T S. CRANE, id whore lift i ii-kb V’ulKir !l nl! pas. the copper** ami i few days tho f n »Mt, i st or nml Honda off op. doHolvcd ■ iht TIimi keep nd it ' h- l'l ill purify ly laying hi* h .d up.yn i\ large’ stone jnr I N'l i-n and rN f so prounito «iig***tion u* a vni.ornl rulr ; th- coiuiilion* being th»* -.m:-. sin ...1 ' i npa Mini liie ohcosa I. t'i>th to I c eaten at the close of diu- uer; tho ili:;t*alivn ng**nt iu both i* a peculiar oil which bus the properly of acting cbcinica ly on what ha* beeu eaten, nud thus prepu ing il for being the more •»'.«ily appropriated to tho purpose of untrilinu. Many think that the more for a pillow, replied’ to oue who inquired if it uiw uoirtuhur*hftrd, “Not at all, fur I’ve Bluffed it with hay.” It was no American lecturer who solemnly Knid oue evening, “Parent*, you may have chii- dften,or ifu-.t, v«)Ur daughter* invy have. ’ And it was n Germ*u orator, who, v ing with his auhje* t, exclaimed, “ ! Lore l _ is no man, wuimn m child iu tue huuau, 1 thai «. who ha* arrived at the age of tfty year*, which but what ha* f* It thia truth thundering nutne; Ifctoufch tUnif laaii* for cuntutie*." 1 on* and evuu fatal fvrmu <4 nri " —A oorrenpomhuit of the Journal Jen Debats sends to that journal a very touch ing story from tho little town of Lahr. The writer says: “A funeral which ex alted profound iuteioat took pluco in our iuduHtrioun littio town yesterday. U was that of an old couple who had lived iuo«t affectionately together for half a ceulttry. The wife died the day before yesterday, and then the husband in an agony of grief, threw himself on tho bed to pres* hi* lip* once tuoru on here. Tho nhock was too great for him, and he was t.ikuu np lifeless. She was a fervent Catholic, ho a zaulon* Protestant. At tho funeral the Human Catholic priest nud the Pro testant- pastor walked Aido by side, and tho preaenco of nearly tho whole popula tion proved their respect to the departed and their Hntisfnctiou at this indication of tolaraace.” —A captain, observing that ono of the drums did not boat, sent his lieutenant to inquire the re.iaou. “Tell thu captain,’ whispered tho dnmnner, “that my drum is loaded with turkey*, nud oue of thorn is for him." “Well, well,’ said the oap- taiu, “he needn't do duty, it h’o isn't able.” How often, when mou should speak, they nro silent, because they have, or think they have, a solUah interest in. consistent with what they ought to utter. Tho eou*ci*uce and tho heart are often loaded and mu tiled by sinful purposes ami recollection*. Wrong in the heart so unfavorably affects oven the intellect, that it doe* not promptly and plainly rc- spoud to tho stroke of the hand of truth. It only mumbles, when it should ring nnd rattle with alarm or aniniutiou. lie* who I drink* wilt* as beverage, warns against ! whiskey with a very husky voice. A man ah-'uld have hismo’nh c onn from tobacco befo.-c ho opeus it wide ng.-.tusL biandy. Tho spirit of the world iu the heart pie- j vent* one freiu apeaking effectively for Mpiritual-mindednes*.—National flaptist. PiiosrnoRi H a* a Cuuk non Cataract.— Dr. Comba* give* a case of a girl, aged 24, of nervous, lymphatic temperament, suffering from oapaUlo-lenticular catarnct. hardly able to dibceru light from darkuess, Buffered frequent h«:a lachei DRY COODS. REMOVAL. J. KYLE & CO. 1IA>E KKMOVED TO No. 106 Broad Street 9 Three doors below tliolr old stand. The house Is much belter liubted. Customer* will tee goods in auy part of tho house. OUR FALL STOCK is NOW COMPLETE Every Department. IN is our motto. AM are respectfully invited to call and i*x amino our slock. J. KYLE k DO. Columbus, Oet. 3d, 1874. ' 2m solid portion* of the nut ahould not be swallowed. This is an error ; those par- tide* of Holid matter are uot digested, it i* true, but they are passed through the 1 three drop* of phosphotir.ed oil system unchanged, and act a* a mechani- | dropped iuto the eye daily, ard frictions cal stimulant to the notion of the internal of the name used over tho forehead. After - \ organs, n» white mustard seed swallowed ] four month* of this treatment was used ire known to do, thu* preventing ' peneveringly, tho eye improved, color* iistipatud condition of the system ' could be di*tingui*hed, aud the opacity of ‘^variably p.oductive of the lent to far diminish)^! that it could ? I i ' l *°^ ,u f t|> ta aud danger*. I not be discerned at a distance of twdior- [khree paow. TOBACCONISTS. R EMOYAL. BUHLER’S CIGAR EMPORIUM 18 NOW AT No. 84 Broad Street, Next door to tho Naur York Store. THK BEST IMTOUTED Havana and Key West Cigars, SnutT, Chewing Tobacco, ll-Ti! Mrcrsliaum i'ipcs anil Cijrar Haldrrs Match Safes, Tobaooo Boxes A Bags ON ItAXD. Thankful for ths liberal patrouaue hereto- tore oxten ted me, I respectfully solicit * con tinuance of tlit same. LOUIS BUHLER, No. 84 ltroad St., next to New York Store. A NEW ENTERPRISE ! WE HAVE ESTABLISHED A WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE, ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM OUK RETAIL STOKE, -A.t TSIo. 132 Broad Street, AND ARB PREPARED TO SELL Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes AS LOW AS ANY JOItUINO HOUSE IN NEW Y IKK OR ELSEWHERE To convince any merchant that the above statement is correct, wo t-roi ose to duplicate any New York invoiee* they may bring us. N. B —Parti s doslrousof buying at rotall will find our Retail House (No. 154 Broad struct) supuliod with desirable and seasonable goods, which will ho s.d.fat bottom prices. wo have employed competent and polite Salesmen, who will tako pleasure in showing goods. CAWLEY & LEWIS, sepfl) dfcwly Oolumbllffi, G^a. WE ARE REOE1V1NO- AND OPENING- AT 3STo. 104 Broad' Street, AN ENTIRELY NEW STOUK OF BOOTS AND SHOES WK IIEPAIR AM, U11>I‘I.\<;N FREE OF VIIARVE, IRON WORKS AND MACHINERY. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO., FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Columbus, Georgia. MANDXACTDRKU8 OF STEAM ENGINES ANI> BOILERS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, 1‘LOtlKING AND COTTON MILL MACHINERY, CANE MILLS, SYRUP KETTLES, HORSE POWERS, PUMPS, PULLEYS. SHAMING AND HANDERS. ALLUMS', GOLDEN'S-, AND OTHER IMPROVED IRON SCREW COTTON PRESSES, TELLIER’S and MUHL’S PATENT ICE MACHINES. Are Agents for*THK ECLIPSE DOUBLE TURBINE WATER WHEELS uml PULSOMKTEK PUMPS. TUB HOLLOW WARE, FIRE DOGS, COAL GRATES, GIN GEARING, STEAM AND WATER PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, GLOBE CHECK, SAFETY ftNl> STOP VALVES, GAUGE COCKS, STEAM & WATER GAUGES, ftiwl ft general uHaortmeut ef Engineer*’ ami Much in 1*1 s’ Soon tun IRON ftiitl BRASS CASTINGS und SPECIAL MACHINERY made lo order. Send for Prlee Lists. COLUMBUS IRON WORKS CO. A CARD. Tlie Columbus Iron Works Company will furnish Plan*, Drawing* nnif Estimate* for Cotton uml Woolen Mill*, and will contract for furnishing and erecting the com plete Machinery and appliances for hhuic, of the he*l; and most approved pattern*, '■■■■■■■■■■waaMaiinlajRMaaiMmMMMiafeaHamHMBaaBMRBHnMwsaaMHbHaaBanMMBinMMliBLMi COTTON WAREHOUSES. L. M. 1UJIIILS. U. M. WILLIAMS. BURRUS &, WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. Full Stock of Bagging and Ties on hand. the Brown Cotton Gin. *3r Vr. W. II. HUGHES I* with ua «*, nud will lo plenat-d ti* s< Wo also sell * liin old friomls. A. M. ALLEN. PUTHfl PREiEH. "Wherewithal Shall Ye be Clothed?” TO ANSWER THIS 60 TO THE NEW YORK STORE, Thes« good a hav« just arrive* with tlio groutu*t c Notice. I N consiHjUcnce of the election tonlay, ths annual meeting of the Columbus Oh-tuber ul Commeresla postponed to Saturday after noon at 4 o'clock, at the Court House. A prompt attendance is requested, as this is the aunuul election of officers for the ensuing year. By a resolution pasted at the monthly meet* in* in September, the butlnes* men and eapt. ia lists of Columbus are invited to attend the auuual meeting aud join the Chamber. My order R. L. Mott. PreeldenL ^ ivn s* ism UctstM 7th, MTS. 1. Dress Goods of Every Stylo and Variety. 2. Flannels, Woolens, Shawls, Skirts, Blankets, Quilts. ‘3• House-Furnishing Goods, including Sheetings, Table Cloths, Towels, Napkins, and L : nens of every kind and grade. 4. Prints, Bleached and Brown Cottons and Factory Checks, fcc. 5. Jeans, Cassimeres, Tweeds and Waterproofs in endless varloty. 6. Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Lace and Embroidery. 7. Ribbons, Laces, Trimmings, aU the Latest Novelties. 8. Notions and Fancy Goods of Every Description, B«nI> Liw, Bugla Trlnmlng,, Bugle Belli. 0. The most superior article of Kid Gloves from 75c to 11.60. 10. Ladies’ and Genltemen’s Underwear and Furnishing Goods. 11. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, and every article of this klB« to b* fond In th# lugwt houses el the greatest cities. Uiysf^sr 1 "* * •• » l>lea>ure to show ,hat in whlek ssc have s. IsANDAUER, ***** *** *•* arc** Straat, Columbus, Qaorgla. , Fontaine arehonse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants C3k&_ ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Chewacla Lime Oo- HOLSTEAD & CO., General Agents, Columbus, Georgia. rpillN LIME Js pronounced by Eminent. Geologists to be made from tho Finest Rock io X Southern States. It cannot Lo equaled in quality or price. CEMENT AND PLASTERERS’ HA!R always on lianil at lowest prices. OrJers lllle.l promptly. IIOI.STKA1I A t O., tjcsios’isl Ageuis. HOLSTEAD & CO., AGRIGULTUEAL DEPOT Is Warranted Perfect! LIGHT DRAFT, SUBSTANTIAL WORKMAN- SHIP AND VERY LOW PRICE! Farming Implements ancl Machines I • SEEDS OF 1 ALL KINDS! CHEMICALS FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS! UBrsr-PKOOr OATS. ttRlIKUU RYE, WHEAT, BARLEY, CLOVER AND •BAM SEtbs 11 •eptemLer 4-tf