Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 06, 1874, Image 4

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UNENDING. Thera i$ an end to klsaoR and to sight. There Is on $SMl W Inughltr and to teen ; An end to DMr things that delight our oje A» end to pm—net sounds that charm ou ) the greeted praise of tender friends. Is on end tp all-bat one sweet Uiinn- lore there Is no end. That warrior carved an empire with his sword— The enutOffQV 1« hat like him—a name; sdanRsteirjflssi * ort Now uuAt 1. left bat a.hol, and w. brln| MbnMttmnn, to them w. bend i Toot* ItnM to all bat on* iwnt thtnx— To lorn then If ao end. AU toaaty radw away, or rln, ala* I Mna'I ijm a row dim and they no touuty w* i Th« glorloa. ■ bow* or natur* pure and paw, j£36Rsrr«ar, Hanyutth. »i«w. *od faiwwnil m hi. (rtaadi Threw b an end to nil bat oh* iwwt tblnf— To Jar, there Is no end. | flsr ourselves—our fat her, where Is be ? i. and a memory alone remains; alamo refuse on a mother’s knea r ns, grown old and sad with oares and pains; \ sisterless, our way we wend dark house, from which we shall mot COLUMBUS SUNDAY ENQUIRER: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1874. BcwaluMM In Wnual brown. From Moore’. Rural Naw Yorkar.) Ttaore ban boon conaiderable iota rent excited all oxer tit* country in thn tnovc- ment toward Drew lUforui inaugurated Naw England Women's Club of i. A number of plana for the Im provement of ladiee' ander-waar wart submitted during last winter. In lane an exhibition win bald end n large andi- aae* were aarriad to a pitobaf euthuria upon examining garmenti exhibited by a dreoamaker, Hit Flint. Gbsmllooni hod been already invented nnd wore for ante nt furnishing ntaren. 'I be germeata then exhibited by lira. Flint bnve since been exhibited before the Women's Congress, Utely held In Chicago, bnt aa they ere patented, every man, woman and child wan forbidden to imitate them, either for private wear or public aalo. The grant majority of woman nt the present time manufacture, in their own homes, their own nndergnrmnnts. To thorn we propose to explain a soheiue wbioh was invented, so fsr ne we can yet leant, long before lbs Boston garments, nnd whose claims for heaitbfnlnsss ana riicity oka, in onr opinion, as yat uu- Ninotecn yesrs ago the writer won canton flannel undergarments wbioh wen made in this way:—A loose-fitting basque of tbs material was ont with oost sleeves down to ths wrist. On the lower edge of the basque was sowod the gathers of the drawers, made of the same mate rial. Ben was a suit that reached from nook to wrials and ankles in one pieoe. Such a garment is a “ohemiloon," as they ora called now-a-days. In some pieces ouoh suite con be bought made of knitted material in lediee' sizes. They ere quite common in ehildran's sixes. Bnt if yon bny an ordinary lady's underwear and drawers you can unite them by outting off the vest at the waist Una, ontting it open in front (the ordinary opening ia not long enough) and sewing it to the drawers after the drawer's band is ripped off. You will uood to face the seem on the inside for neatnoss, which will make it strong enough in bold s row of button*, aay sight, at equal distsnoos. Upon these buttons may be fastened th* band of maalin drawers. The muslin drawer's band should be made as large os the elas tic undergarment, at least three or fonr inohe* larger thau the measure round th* psaon. Now we have flannels next the ■kin from nock to hoels and maalin drawers faatoned to them upon the same buttons, over the flannels snd under the maalin drawers may bo buttoned elastic ribbon for those who wish lo discard gar ters and suspend thoir stookings. Over this suit wo recommend to be wom a garment wo oall a ehemijupe, from two Frauoh words meaning shirt nnd petticoat. It looks like a yoked nigntgown, that is ns short os an under skirt would be, aud trimmed around the bottom. It may have a pointed yoke iu front and if tucks ore put down the front of the yoke like a shirt bosom, the dress may be worn with n pointed neck to dis play it. The yoke should be shorter be hind than we should think pretty for s nightgown, and the front should be open nnd buttoned up from the throat to the trimming ou the bottom. It should be fitted exactly to the neck and the sleeves to th* wrists, when the collar snd ouffs may be sewed on—or, if any on* prater*, there may be a collar band and wrist bands. Home prefur collar and cuffs sep arata to lessen washing. But to units in onn pieoe cottars, cuffs, chctuise end un derskirt, save* a great deal of washing, loss of pieees, eto., aud makes a garment more easily ironed than a shirt—whils, if they are all united aud tko new plan of dressing adopted, it will be found to be aa easy to remove all as it ia now to obango eollata and cuffs. Over this garment is to be worn an other that will taka the place of corset and balmorsl ekirt. It is oalled a body ooat and is to bo made of suoh materials, whatever they may bo, as shall make it warm enough for winter without any othor being worn, end cool enough aud attff enough iu Hummer. The upper part should ho a sloavelesH basque, loose- ifittiug, on the lower edge of wbioh should he sewed the gathers of Ibe colored skirt. If tkia body coat is flounced at the bot tom, it takes the place in a measure of e hoop ekirt, in austuiuing the drapery of the dress. The basque part ebould be of the saute material. It may be nude as pretty as one pleases—it may be of col ored flannels, oasbmore, merino line doth, wadded aud quilted silk or satin, may be embroidered or not, and like the last garment should be buttoned up from neek to trimming at tbo bottom, lik* the others, should be at the line where a belt would be worn, from four to six inches larger than Ibe body, aud bav* at that place buttons to hold the band of dresa skirt. Tha band of the drees skirt should b* just os large aud have in it at equal dis tance* six or eight button holes to fasten it ou to the body coat. If an upper drees skirt ia worn, it also should have as large a band with the same button holes. Then, instead of a tight |>olun*iae or tight basque waist, a loose-fitting sscqu* should be worn, or a polonaise with a louse front which might be belted from under the arms; the bell worn very loose indeod, by which wa moan nt least an inoh larger than all the rest. This is the new dresa aa nl*p i —t for wintar. If ohamiloons of knitted webbing cannot be had, woolen or ootton flannel ones may be made, like tkoec described as having been worn nineteen years ago. The last two gar. meats, the ch«mijnpe and body coat, were invented and a description of them printed in I860. To snm up the advantages of such a drees, it gives aa much freedom about th* lungs as the most earnest phyaioian oould desire for a* ; oil the weight of clothing is removed from the yielding abdomen and suspended from the firmer shoulders- it makes fiv* garment* answer the uses of ten, thereby saviug time, trouble and an noyance ; it distributes the clothing more equally, dressing the limbs more, the trank less, than we h»je been in the habit of doing; it la all fastened by buttons and button boles, obviating the need of pins, it Is mare graceful, because it allows un constrained motion; and last bat not Uast, the ornaments of a lady's dress— that is, her collars snd ouffs or raffs and raffles are always on, and always in their exact place. How this plan may be adapted 'to warm waather, or to tbo varying circunutanoea of different individuals, and how one can gradually assume it, without at onoe dis carding all they have ou band, will be ex- “ UoU ' «* “P™ •»- PBIMIMI. —Oereful estimates put the yield of the preatawa metals this year is Vuh at filO,- 000,000. This is against *£,000,000 loot year. —Than art three ladiee ia the stem of '15 at Syracuse University, M*' la th* class of '76, fiv* in the! of '77, and five iu that of '78. —A society for the Introduction of tom- C rane* literature In the public school* ■ been formed ia Ohioego. —A tuaa in Kaox osunty, Ky,, killed ten rattlesnakes the other day right at his own door. A pleasant place to live in. —A gang of boy bandits, whose depre dations have been ou an extensive Seals, have Just been orraoted at Hannibal, Mo, —Several French artiste sent their oheoks to Dejaaet'* benefit in this form, “Good for e picture," and signed their name. Thee* sold for good price*. —At Camp Omni, Arisons, a soldier *e beaten to death recently by an en raged cavalry hone. —For some years part there has been aa Sanaa! emigration of persona from Italy. —A careless boater shot and killed a valuable trotting hors* in Charlton, N. Y, —Nantucket sends squirming sola to Boston, packed In wet Isa wait —Van Fait, th* Ohio apostle of tarn peronoa, hot gone back on himself, and ordered * lot ot lager. —Boston would like n big park well enough, bat doe* not like to put twenty million* Into it. —Ao aalbor's publishing oompeny been founded to England. It ia to ao- oommodete all who wish t* see their ef fusions in print without regard to merit. Now for an svslanahs of trash. —John Brady, of Minneapolis, has had one of hie thumb* amputated three times. It wa* crushed in a mill, and the surgeon twice made th* errer of not cutting off enough. - —Borg* deposits of magnetic send and gold have boss noontly discovered along th* Whit* ltiver, in Vermont. The gold la in very smell particles, and the sand it adapted to th* manufacture of steel and iron. —A four-year-old child in Ttumrora, Pa., hea aotaally died of drunkennees. Its besotted mother fed it with whleky until, after weeks of steady intoxication, it died. —Th* Main* Mote prison shews a. toe- in tan years of atxtt xtean par sent, of ord her prisoner* returning on second coo- viotlons. The rest may have reformed, or bav* learned to avoid detection. —Herr Otto Goldschmidt sod Mine. Jenny Lind OoMeohtaidl will reside at Wiesbaden, having accepted the poets of ly of Uov- CiOD'S anvil. Pain'* furnace beat within me qnlvere, Ood'a breath aprni the name doth blow And ell my heart In aneralst, shiver*, And tremblea at th* fiery glow i And vet I whl.por, As Ood will 1 And In hie hottest fire hold itlll. H "« -me* and lays ayho.rt, all heated. On the herd anyll. minded so wiffiwfeK !U„., IU take* my ftoftened Jicart and beat* It, I he spar*4 fly off at every lilo*; He tarnf It ofef and o’er and heat* It; A-Aa^aa^,^^ .. . ttfCty hand held still. And let* It eitel and make* It glow \ And f 6t * ■ wlll *P? r ’. A1 9«1 .w II lj Why ehotftd I murmur? for tha sorrow. . Thu* only longer Itted wonfd be t Its end may some,and sill, to-morrow, , W ho* Uod has don* bis work la me: »o 1 lay, trusties. AeOod will I Ami, trusting to tl|* end, hold still. e klndteff for my profit purely Aflhctlun’s glowing aery brand, nd all hla heaviest blow! are surely Indicted by a staffer head j And So 1 say, prating Aa Ood will And hop* In him, aud eulfer still —Proa* the German. tha UnhlmAiaees Bone the Be parsed. Wben I wits a boy, my mother used to shy to me sometimes: "UaWitt, you will be sorry for that when 1 am gone," And I remember Jnet how she looked, sitting there w itb cap and speetaoles, and the old Bible in her lap; end she never said a truer thing than thet, for I have often been sorry sines. While we hSVe our friends with na, we say unguarded thing* th it wouod the feelings of those to whom we ought to give nothing bat kindness. Perhaps the parent, without inquiring into the matter, boxes the ebild'a earn. Th* little one who be* fallen iu the street oosnee in oovered with dost, endec though the first disaster wan not enough, oh* whip* it After awhilb the child is taken, or the parent is taken, or the companion ia tskeu, and Ibosa wbo'an left eay: “Ob, if we could only get back those unkind worda; those niikind deads. If we oould ouiy recall them “ bnt you cannot get bo' them heck. You might down over having accept ml the poei K feasors at ths Bbslafaih Aoaaam; ■to, established by the Imperial C eminent. —Thirty Chinese hoys have j net arrived in Springfield, Mess., to be thence sent lo various aobools in that Btat* and Gon- neoliout for education. They brought their wardrobe and trinkets in groat bam boo cheats. —Hassle will henoeforth enlist 146,000 reoruilas year, and the conscription gives Francs 108,000 min. It to anticipated that th* German Government will not be long satisfied with their present annual contingent of 182,600 man. —Ooansotiout seriously foals the drought. Many mill* ere idle for lock of water, and Hartford, Mariden, and other towns are afraid of having thoir drinking water out off. Ueitt, would make work for thoaaanda of unemployed working people. —At th* raaent renoton of tha Peek family at flyracuss there were present sixteen oat of twenty Methodist minis ter*, ell of whom belong to the family. Fiv* of them were brothers, whose ages rang* from alxty-three to eighty yean. —Some sophomores ef Bales College, Lewistown, Me., so shamefully abused a freehutan In a hexing bout thet he may die of hia injuries. The rafflana have oonfeasod end apologized, but wiU not •ave tbemsslvw from expulsion. —A remarkable inatauoe of the in crease in tbs ul* of imported ox tongues la afforded by th* trade don* at Payoandu, in Uruguay. At this little towu during the last season about 160,000 ox tongue* were peaked in hermetically sealed tins and shipped to Hugland. —Tha English aolentific billiard-players want to have the aloe of the table reduced from 12 by 6 to 10 by 6. They say that the true soiano* is better brought ont on the tmeller table. Certainly it would batter salt ths liae of moat houses. —Ths proprietors of the Journal Amu- tanl, Paris, hsv* struck upon the ides of utilising thoir illustrations, snd era menu, factoring paper-hangings eurieked with the various engravings that have from tima lo tints appeared In that paper. —Th* death of John P. Thorndyke'e uncle was not such a sod thing in itself for the nephew, but the consequence was disastrous. Thoradyka was a confiden tial olsrk in Chicago, and whila he wa* awsy et the funeral hi* employer* exam ined his books end found he had stolen *18,000. —It is somewhat remarkable that the United Bute* have uot raised barley enough for ham* consumption. Though a hardy plant and generally e sets arop. It doea not seem to have been a favorite with farmer*. It is trus that there has been a greet iaorease in the growth of barley daring the pest few years, but the consumption has increased even more rapidly, and w* have been compelled to draw upon Caned* to anpply the defi ciency. —According to a Pittsburgh newspaper, the gray iqntrreli in th* Allegheny Valley are *i ' * ' —* “ draw mey I | _ largo numbers, end pursuing an easterly oourae. Old farmer* say that eush s mi gration has not taken plaee since 1846, end regard it os th* forerunner ot an ex tremely severe winner. the grave of that loved one, shd cry, and ory, snd cry. The white lips would make no answer. The stars shell be plucked nut of their sookels, but these influence* shall uot be turn swsy. The world shall die, but there are some wrongs immortal. The moral of which is, taka csro of yonr friends while you have them, Bpare (he scolding, be economical of the satire, abut up In a dark save, front wbioh they shell never swarm forth, sit the words that have s sling in them. Yon wiU wish you had some day—vmy soon you will—per haps to-morrow. Oh, yes. While with a firm bend you administer parental discip line, also administer it vary gently, loot corns day there be a little slab in Bose Hill, end on it chiseled “Oar Willie,” or “Our Charlie;" sod though you bow down prone to tha grave, and seek t place of repentance, and seek It' carefully with tears, yon otnnotfind it.— Selected. lib. , Live for something! ¥<■(!, snd for something worthy of life and its sspsbill- tiea aud opportunities far nobis deeds snd sshievsmsots. Every man snd every wo men has his or her assignment in tbs du ties snd responsibilities of daily life. We arc in the world to make the world better; to lift it Up to higher levels of enjoymenit end program, to make its heart- and homes brighter and happier by devoting to onr fellows opr best thoughts, acitivf- ties, and influofioca. It is the motto at every true heart and. the genius ot every ‘ ‘ ltd- nobis life, that “no mao iiveth to him self"—lives ohiefly for his own. selfish good. It is a law of our intellectual end moral being that we promote our uwn happiness iu tho exact proportion wc con tribute to the oomfort aud enjoyment of others. Nothiug worthy of tha uame of happiness ia possible iu the experience of those who live only for thainaelves, all oblivious of the welfare of their fellows. Tea Mood Friends. “I wish I had some good friends to help me on,” cried idle Dennis, with a yawn. “Good friends! why, yon have fen,” replied his master. “I'm Bure I haven't half so many, anil thoHe I have, ate too poor to help me." “Count your fingers, my boy,’ 1 said Mi. New Advertisement*. with Uhrumoa. Send stamp. DEAN SOU., Nsw Bedford, Mae-,« w S lMATAMT EMPLOYMENT-At bom, t Male or Female, sao e week warranted, o capital required. Parties!%ri and valuable samples Ire*. Ad ran with « cent retain ■temp, U. BOSS, WdUsonbarg, N. Y. 4w A O PUTS WANTED for th* PEOPLE’S JulfeaAL Fonr magnificent mee Ires ’I he moat liberal offer ever made. Send Scent stamp lor circular and sample P. W. ZIEGLER SIX) , til Arch St., Pell*, P*. 4w 11T ni , I—At home, male or Hamate; 439 per W Ul H.W sk,deyorevening. Nocaplisl. m 11 We tone valuable package el IvJJT Illlaoods bj mall free. Add.ess with ten eenta retain stamp, a, young, 1*3 Dream mtrail eirsai hi V ‘ Jam (troariwav, N. Y. ‘‘TDSYOHC mKkft: YUHOMANUY, or SOUL CHARM- . Jfflctlon* of any peraon 9 Tbli altuple mental ao* luireuient all can |soe*e*i, tree, by mall, lor they elujoeeJbitUBtly. quirouivni toll C»U |>UIHN, llOUs “J tura.Sa IDS ibo., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian tirade, lireatna, Hint* to Ladies, Wedding- Night Shirt, fee. A queer took. Addreu T. WILHAM h DO., PttbA, PhlU. , #w JPor Cough*, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY 1N.RI.UR BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. K0I1I by Oruffslau. «w HAVE toil TRIED JURUBEBA? ARK YOU Wok, Nffrvoift, or Debilitated ? Are yen SO Unflid that any exertion raqiiirea more of an effort than you feel capable of making? Three try irilJBEBA, the wonderful Tonic and Invigorates, which acta eo bontflcially tho aacrotive organa aa to impart vigor to all DRY COODS. At Cost—At Cost—for Thirty Days! mo enable at to eommenee th* new year with n new and cloaa atoek, we e ffee our (Meade nnd J. pntrena our entire stock or choice Fall and Winttr Dreee Qotde, White Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Toweling, Tibia Damaik, Wool Flinneli, Jcani, Tweeds, Cauimarei, Shoet, Hit* and Nations of every variety, at oost for co»H. OUB STOCK OF Stripes, Ms, Brown and Bleached Domestics ant Prints Will be kept replenished and sold at the lowont market rate#. We giro tqieclal Invitation to all to coqie and soe ua. CHAPMAN A VERCTILLK. dace ileod&w , ■ A NEW ENTERPRISE ! ,. d WC HAVE ESTABLISHED A WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE, ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM OUR KETAIL STORE, ' _A_t IsTo. 1S2 Broad Street, AND ARB PREPARED TO SELL Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes AS LOW AS AMY JOBBING HOUSE IN NEW Y<JRK OB ELSBWHBBB To f onvltice any merchant that the above statement la correct, we prouoee to dnplleate aay New York invoice* they may brine ve. N. li —Partite deilroua ol baying at retail will find our Retail Houie (No. 1M Broad street) fuunlled with desirable and seasonable goods, which will be sold at bottom prioee. w e have employed competent and polite Salaamen, who will take pleasure In showing goods. CAWLEY & LEWIS, lepao dkwiy Columbus, *• la no aiconouo appetuer, waicn sumaiaici for a short time, only to lot the sufferer fall toi lower depth of misery, bnt It is a vegetable tonic acting directly on tho liver and spleen. It regnlatee the Bowels, quiots the nerves, aud gives such a healthy toue to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. Its eperetlM In net vlelent, but is ALIs I IN •riencee by great gentlenoss; the patient sadden change, no markod vosu osults, but gradually his troubles “fold their tente. Ilka the Arab*, And silently steal away." This is no new and untried discovery, bnt lisa been long nsed with wonderful remedial results, and is pronounced by the highest medical authori- “tha most powerful touic and alterative mown." Ask yonr druggist for it. for sale by WM. f. KIDDER A CO., ♦w New York. First Grand Gift Concert. MONTPELIER Female Humane Associate At Alcxssdria, Vo. Movowber B8, 1874. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gilt 1100,000 1 Grand Oslk out io,ueo 1 Grand < 'ash (lift ub.O 0 10 Cash Gilts, $10,000 each 100,000 16 Cash Gills, » ooo each 76,000 — 1,000 each 60 000 S. LANDAUER, S. LANDAUER. DON’T FORGET—THE NEW YORK STORE. 82 Broad Street, 82 Broad Street, 82 Broad Street. The New York Store, Tike New York: Store. New York Prices, New Y or It Prices OOMIl 090X0, OOBEB AXiZi. „ ,, COMB OlffB, COMB A-ZiXl. lo Ua-h Gills, loo Dash Hilt,, 1,010 Uuli Gilts, Dennis looked *t hi* large, strong bauds. “Count thumbs sml all," added th* master. “1 hsv*; sod tber* are ten," said the lad. “Then nevsr say you hsv* not got ten good f rieuds able to help you on in lif*. 1*7 what the,* true friends nsu do before you begin grumbling snd fretting beosns* you do not get help from others. If you er* not yonr own friend, it is foolish to expaot others to befriend yon. Provi dence help* the** who help tbsiaaelves.” —4)baerter. e peiuter aud th* W« are Christians engaged iu s general migration. They w their raerail* from all points, and r be seen daily swimming Ul* river in —Each one is the sculptor of bit life only iuasiuuah ss wo are the images of our divine Model.—tit. Gregory of Ify»»a. —Conv«y thy love to thy friend a* an arrow to th* mark, to etiok there, not s ball against the well, lo rebouud bank to yon. That friendship will not con tinne to Ibe end, that is begun for an snd.—Enchiridion. —0 these sparks of heart snd faith that lie smouldering, that will hoi, beosns# of their eternity, go out in night, that will not ns* with blase snd warmth worthy of th* divinity that is in them! This some thing in man that is infinitely more than nothing sad isfiaitely less than its desire snd aspiration!—IV. M. Bicknell. Josh Millings' Almlun*. Ths following or* s ftw of ths gams from this annual: Half ths disoorafort of Uf* is ths result of getting tired of ourseivs*. People of good Sense an ihos* whose opiuiont agree with onrs. Intellect without judgment is what ails about ons-bslf th* Stuart psopl* ia this world. To li* about * man never hurts him, but to tell th* truth a boat him *om*timea doe*. Christian* smut to fit* under oov*r, but the devil atsude boldly ont snd dans the world to >ingle kombat. Reason often makee aiiatakss, but con- •hinoc never dus. The man who ia aliens, confessing his sins, snd never quitting them, is the most onssrtin sinner I know ov. Ths man who kan sat himself to work at enny thing on 5 minits not es, has got on* of th* hast trades I kno ov. I hsv* mad* up mi mind that human ha pines* koo mists iu having a good deal to ds, and than k**p * doing iL Young man, yn better b* honest t canning, and it is hard work to b* both. Mi expertono* in lit* ihu* far h*s baan that 7 wont go into A and hsv mnloh ov (anything left over. Abnv all things torn yonr* child to be bouoet and industrious | if th*** two thing* don't snsbl* him to make * Agger in thia world, h* to only n *yph*r, snd never wax intendad for a Agger. Annatto.—In th* two Frsneh oolonis* of Martinique and Guiana, there are mar* than 6,000 sen* nndsr culture with an- natto (Hita oreUana), th* annasl pro- duo* bring 8,000,000 lbs. Although French Onion* has nearly fiv* times the extent of land unitor culture with this plant that Guadeloupe has, it only pro- duoee about two-thirds of ths who)* quan tify. Th* prodsetton of aanstto now exoeeda the demand, as no fresh use* bav* been found for this coloring sub stance. ■ “’.issar anything, ought t® Iwktogs be, without any base Interest! fie W0 oaoh .0,000 too each 100,000 M each 6o,ooo so each 400,0.0 22,178 Cash Gifts, amounting to $1,000,000 NUMBER OF TICKETS, 100,000, PRION OP TICKET*. Whole Tloketa $20 oo Ualvei..................... 10 00 Uunrtert 4..'.i 6 00 AtKhiha or each (Joupooa 2 60 b x /i Tloketa for 100 oo Tho Montpelfer Female Humane Associa- on, chartered by the Leglalature of Virginia -ad the Olrcult Court of Orange county, pro- iwaei by a Grand Gift Ooneart to aatabliah and endow a “Home for the Old, Infirm and Desti tute Ladles of Virginiaat Montpelier, the former realdenco ol Prearaent Jamea Madison. Govrrror'r Oppiob, Riormovd, Jaly 3, ^874. It affoMa^ms pleaaura to aay that I am well aciiualnted with a large majority of the offloera of the Montpelier Female Humane Aaaotla- tlon, who reside In the vloJnlty of my home, and I attest their IbteUlgeate and their worth and high leputation aa gentlemen, aa well he the publlo oonttdenee, Influence and rubkian- Iberally repreaeuteil emong them. J AS. L KEMPER, Got. of Va. Alxxamdria, Va., July 8,1874. * * * I oommend them aa gento of honor and Integrity, and fully entitled to the confi dence of the publlo. R. W, HUGHES, . U. 8. Judge Eastern Diet, of Va. Further refereneea by perml>8lou: His Ex cellency G,Inert O. Walker, ex-Governor ol Va.; Hon. Robert E. Withers, Lleut-Gov. of Va. and U. 8. Senator elect; Senators aud Memlwre of UongregB from Virginia. Keiulttanoei lor tloketa may n# made b preua, prepaid, )>o«lofilce money oider ou Waahlnifton, D. U. t or by registered letter. For lull particulars, testimonials, Ao., send for circular*. Address, lion. IAMBI BARBOUR, Pread’t M. F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. Reliable Agents wanted ovary where. novl2 4w Corn Drop Carrs. — Mix corn uienl with boiling naw milk until you kayo a thick bailor ; pat iu the patent pans at onoe and bake for tweuty or thirty min ute*. AfpIsR Puddino. —Eight apple* grated, about the same quantity of stale bread, three egg*, oue and a-half pint* of milk, ■agar and cinnamon to taste. Bake in a ■low oven one hour. To be eateu with eream. Fnbnoh Orram. — One end one-half pint* of milk boiled; add the sweetened yolk* of three egg* beaten in a little cold milk. Let r)I boil onoe; place it in a dish and throw gradually In the stiffly beaten whiles. Lrhon PuDDixa.—Half a pound apples grated, half a pound fine sugar, six ounoea butter, eight egga, omitting the .white" of four; rind amf Jftio$ throw .femon*, with or without pastry; bake three-quar ter* of an honr. To ba eaten oold. OutiiiMawm.—Chop 4 peppers, Won- Iona, U largo ripe tomatoea skinned; add 4 cup* white vinegar, « tableapoonful* sugar and 1 of salt; bolt hard one honr and bottle In wide-mouthed bottle* when oool. Thia will keep all tho year. Tomato Custard.— 1 Thia ia made by straining linoly at*w«d tomato** through a cotraenieve, an l adding two pint* of milk aud ou* piut of tomstoe* to fonr agga and one teaapoenfnl of auger; bake in «naU enpe quickly. It ia a wholeaome and nutritions diet for invalids and feebla an egg with aalt pcpper> gradually with i Beni up tha folk of *, mix very ten spoon, adding. they i almost drop by drop, four ounoea of tho beat salad oil and tha joioa of a lemon, or a Utile vinegar; put a tahlespoonful of mustard, two well washed, flnefy^ainehed S5S.5M tt£ST«i!Sfc qsyiitJ ot Hrtliff nl- —“ tarragon, jegra, etoi Mix veil, and it ia nmly tor DRUCCISTS^ Blue Drug Store. MEANS BRANNON, AT prepared to furnlth oolumb and vicinity with anything In hla lin« at WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. He proposal to pay ap*oial attention to the JOBBING TRADE, and utter* dt*at luduoe- meat* to Country MorohaoU. Ho keeps only PUKE AND RELIABLE DRUGS. 0*11 and sec him at 186 Broad Street. From this date eash la required tor all goods. DRESSMAKING. Dresa Making. atalre on Broad street, opposite Gawle; A Lewis’, where ah* ia prepared to Cut Fit according to the Latest Vatterna Lai and Ohlldren’i Dresses. Also, will do Hump ing at short notice; and la agent for Smith 1 * Skirt Elevator. Give her novl2 dSw Mrs. M. R. Averett, Dressmaker, "y^TSHES to inform her friends and custom ers that she has removed horn Troup street to th* corner of Bridge aad Broad Sts., fronting Miss Carrie Brown's. aov4 dSwlm MRS. LAMON she Is prepared to CUT AND DRESSES IN THE LATEST STYLES. Their patronage Is respectfully solicited. millinery. Novritl*., Novrittot, Novritin! TK8. OOLV1K AMD MISS DONNELLY ‘ *ully Inform their friends and the prleos to salt the * Mtl,u JQUJ 8. DRY LANDAUER. REMEMBER, The New York Store! The New York Store! GOODS OF ENDLESS VARIETY AMS LOWEST COST! The New York Store, The New York Store, The New York Store. WANT OP DRY ROODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. KOB'T O. POPE. JAS. W. LONG. NSW BOOT and SHOE STORE. WE ARE RECEIVING AND OPENING AT 2STo- 104= Broad Street, NEXT BOOK TO 1. KYLE A CO.; AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES [JR STOCK IS ALL NEW . ers’ hands, and made lor us. WE KEPAIK ALL KIPPINGS FREE OF CHARGE* nd guarantee satisfaction In every Instance. Parties will find It to their Interest to give us a call before purcaslng. TERMS CASH. CROCERIES. W. J. WATT. J. A. WALKER. A Home Institution seeking the Patronage of Hom t | People. j We offer INDEMNITY against L08B by FIRE. ' We have paid our friends for lossea since April/ises I 8922,725.40. WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner under Rankin House, H ave now in store and to arrive, everything usually kept in • Finn Ulsis Fruvtalcu Store, to-wlt: 50 hhds. Clear Rib Bacon Sides. 50 “ Bacon Shoulders. 25 boxes Ice-Cured White Meat. 150 Bolls Heavy Bagging. 450 Bundles Iron Ties. 200 bbls. Flour, all grades. 50 “ Whiskey. 100 “ Sugar, and everything in quantity and qual ity to suit the most fastidious. Soap, Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Coffee, Molasses, Mackerel, &c W* have the l*rg««t lot of FLORIDA SYRUP in Middle Georgla- choap. Don’t forget the plaee. |, °l' ;n lf WATT A WALKER. COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALLEN. PETER PKKKR. Fontaine Warehouse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLCES, Cotton Factors &. Commission Merchants J G-A. Q. M. WILLIAMS. Ucoosr, St»ress*tri**.ltew.ll-s»rs.Kl pop*- , HJS- BURRU8 A WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Alabama Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. Fun Rtoek of Bagging and Tie* on hand. We alee sell the Brown Cotton Gin. . W. H. HUUUU U Willi M M *«!«■.., Md wUI be |>I*m4 lo rerv. hi. OU BANKING AND INSURANCE. Responsible S Liberal S Reliable* INSURE AT HOME WITH THE of* Columbus, Georgia, J. RHODES BROWNE, L. T. DOWNING, Atl'y at L tw JAS. F. BOZEMAN, AflMta. JNO. MolLHENNY, *x-Miyor. N. N. CURTIS, Wall* it Ourtl*. JNO. A. MoNEILL, Grocer. J R. CLAPP, Clapp’* Ftelery. JAMES RANKIN, Capltallit. CHARLES WISE. . RHODES BROWNE, SAM’L S. MURDOCH, GEO. W. DILLINGHAM Prcslitoai. Hoerotary. Tr***«r«r. HOY22 ' , ABLE, LIBERAL and SUCCESSFUL j FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE I Child Assets, * $610,000.00. Losses Due and Unpaid, - - ..... None. Chicago Losses Promptly Paid In Fuff, - $520,364.92 Boston 180,903.89 Seekers of Insurance should see that the Company they patronise is Solvent, Careful and Prompt. toMM Fair), ifiluM Mud Promptly Paid fiy O. OUNBY JORDAN, Agent, OOIjUMBUS, oa. iflej^o-vAX.. D. F. Willcox’s Insurance Agency 71 BROAD STREET. T HE.nd.r.l**«tf bu re coral to the offle. formerly corn p ted by th. JOHN KINC BANK, and with lncruud firellltlci for bu.ln.n, .ml with tlwnha for lllm.l Ifat" u- »»• In th, pMt, b. offer, .n.w hi. rervlou lo hi. frl.mli .nd tha public ureemlly. 1 00of ^ * ORoo opan at sll hours of tho day, sep!6 tf D. F. WILLCOX. SAVE YOUR MONEY! AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. always on hand at priore. . Order, filled promptly.. HOI ATE AD A OO. ftemeral Affents, | .t. lireOolumbu., U». 9BS HOLSTEAC & CO., AB8ICDLTUBAL DEPOTS Saptaafaer 4-tr HOUXEAD dk CO., v , Oslpmbns, — LIQUORS, WINES, ate. ROSETTE & LAWHON, ■ ii ■ • r\ 1 . - ALMOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE 0NE8 SAVE IT! If you will only Save what you Waste, it would be no troubly to become Independent. EIGLE 4 MMiS IPMI'T Less than one year-old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the seourity of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. . • mt od i i. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNfeY JORDAN, Treas’r. Otiewaola Lime Oo. HOLSTEAD & CO., Gfeueral Agents, Columbus, Georgia. T HIS DIME la proDotmoed by Imln.nt GMlo.Ut. M b. mad. from tho Finest Kuuk In tb« Houtb.rn State.. It cannot to equaled In quality or price. CEMENT AND PLASTERERS’ HAIR Is Warranted Perfect! LIGHT DRAFT, SUBSTANTIAL WORKMAN SHIP AMD VERY LOW,PRICE! Farming Implements end Machines l- seeds op ^l kimds: CHEMICALS FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS! RUST-PROOF OATS, GEORGIA EYE, WHEfT, BARLEY, OLOVERIAND GBASSSEEDpll , At thU EiUblUhmoat FUSE aad UNADULTERATED LIQUORS are told. Brandi*., Has, Gin, Win**, Wkiakla* fif rti qffalitl**, ton diffarant brtnd*. .%i I ROSETTE A LAtVHON ARE AGENTS FOR THE ORANGE RIFLE POWD^ Sold at Naw York prlfre,frai(hlaadd*d. aoTl aodawSm ROSETTE fc LAW Hi 1 '