Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 11, 1874, Image 1

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Cirltunlm nquirer. OL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FIRDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1874. NO. 290 . TERM8 AILY f WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ,.|8 00 .. 4 00 ... 9 00 .. T5o. ... 9 00 ... 9 SO welva months, in ad vino#.., Si* months, “ Throe months, •• One month, '* (Ykkkly Ehquibrb, one year Sunday Enquibkb, one yeer.. Sunday end Wbuilt Emquirbb to gether, one year 3 00 AdvertlilBf 1st—. fiquare. J WNk, Daily, A » 00 2 *» ‘ 4 & 00 S “ " • SO 1 Month, » • 00 * •• •• IS 00 S “ " .. M 4 4 •• “ *0 00 5 “ « 22 50 6 " “ 25 00 1 Square 1 year 42 00 The above is with the privilege of s change evory three months. Fot yearly carda a liberal dls- w«fk in Weekly will be the aamaaa Daily. Fur every other day in Daily the rate will be one-third lees than the Daily rate. For twice a week the rate will ba one-half Daily ra'e«. Fur advertisements in local or reading oolumna 00 per cent additional will bo charged. The Weekly rate* will invariably be one-third of the Dally. When an advortlecmeut U changed more than once in throe montha th« advertiser will be ebarg- rd with the coat of composition. Foreign adver tiser* must |>»v Jo those at homa. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. By to lltquiaa*.] BOMEkTIO. —Coffee mill bunted in Dnwa itreet, New York. Loan $00,000. —Josi.b Cummins, trunk manufacturer Bt Springfield, Mum., boa foiled. Liabil ities $120,000. —J. H. Deveramux his bean appointed receiver of the Atlantia A Orest Western Bsiliosd in Ohio. —Tba South Oeorgis Methodist Con ference mat in Savannah Wednesday, Bishop Pierce presiding. —The Davenport Episcopal Convention elected Dr. H. C. Potter, of New York, Bishop of the Dioesse of Iowa. —There are now 3,028 national banks in this country, having an aggregate cit eulaiion of $651,927,246 in bank notes. —In the United States Circuit Court Wednesday, in Savannah, Judge Erskine appointed J. P. Fisher, of New York, receiver of the Kichmond and Air-Line Railroad. —A farmer named Klein wes brutally murdered sud robbed on Monday night, ou the turnpike road, two miles from Soranton, Penn., by aix man who lay in ambnsh for him. —The Charleston /feat d> Courier pub- lishes a tabls showing tha amount of money appropriated by the General Gov ernment from the adoption of the consti tution up to June 30th, 1873, for the im provement of rivers and harbors in the Atlantia States. The total amount ex pended is $9,387,173. Of this the North ern Atlantio States received $7,970,097, and the Southern Atlantic States $1,617,- 076. Quite n difference. —The financial result of the great $23,000 race in Sun Francisco, like those of the great race between tha trotting stallionB, will encourage future ventures. The entrance money, ten per cent., amounted to $19,000. and the gate money and reserved seats carried the receipts np to $39,400. The expenses wera about $8,0110, so that after paying the pane and expanses tha speculation netted a profit of $26,400. I'OBEIM. —The Von Aroim trial is progressing. —A number of oopies of the Bonapart- ist almanac have been seized by the po lio# in Paris. —An understanding hsa been come to between General Da Ciasey, Minister of War, and the Military Committee of the Frenoh Assembly in regard to tha army of Cadiz. —The American Minister at Paris has restored to s deoendant of Gen. Lafayette a watch presented to Lafayette by Gen. Washington, in oommsmorstion of Corn wall's surrender at Yorktowu. Tha watch was stolen from Lafayette in 1823. —The Carliata' dispatch says Serrano has arrived at Hagronor. The Carliata deny the defection of the Bishop of Urgel. A telegram to the London Stand ard reports Gen. Lams, with 4,000 men, attacked the Carliata under Megravejo and Egans, near Andoain. He was re pulsed with heavy loss, and driven back to San Bebaatian. —Field Marshal Von Moltke performs his duties as a country 'squire, at his seat, in Silens, most scrupulously, never dele gating them to a deputy except when he is absent from home. The same hand wbioh haajsketobed the boldest campaigns, registers tbe birth of a child, and the tongue which oan discourse seven lan guage# unites oooplea in the blissful con dition of wedlook. CONGRESS. HOUSB. WAsniNoTON, December 10.—Applies- tion hss beau made for placing troops in tha State House at New Orleans. It waa referred to the Houses. Stowell, of Virginia, rising to a ques tion of personal privilege, referred to chargee made sgsiust him by his politioal opponent of having sold a naval cadetship for $10,000 to one scholarship, and of having sold his votes on other questions. He said he had not had an opportunity of denying them before the eleotion, but tha result of tbe election had shown tha opinion of his constituents, but ha had ■ubssqnsntly in a letter to the Petersburg Index denounced the charges of Portsr ss sn infamous and vils slander. He now asked for an investigation by a committee of the House. The matter was referred to the Com mittee ou Naval Affair*, with power to send for pnpois sud persons. Duonell, of Minnesota, introduced a bill for the extension of time to the Winona and St. Peters Railroad Com. pany to extend its road. Referred. Fort, of Illinois, introdaoed a raaolu tion to print two hundred and thirty thousand eapias of eaoh of tha agricul tural reports for 1872. Referred. Kelly’s 3 65 converlible bond bill was taken up and discussed till the close of the day aesaion, whan it want ovar with out actiou. TILTON V* BEECHER. OONOLtTSroM or TILTON S XFrUUYIT. Nsw Yobk, December 10.—Tilton eon. oludaa his long affidavit thus: He, there fore, respectfully prays and insists, in this oonrt should grant an order for particulars, that a clause may be inserted therein to the following effect, viz: “Rut this order is not to be so oonstrned, or ap plied, aa to prohibit the plaintiff on trial in this aotion from introducing evidence of oonfeaieos, seta, declarations, writ ings and doonmenta, which may be ad missible, under the general rules, in evidence, as if this order had not been made, and whioh do not in terms refer to any particular act or time of adultery, but providing by suoh evidence the adul tery or intercourse charged in the com plaint, although it may not thereby ap pear to have been oommitted on any par ticular day or at any particular place. SBNSTn. Wright gave nutioe of a bill to abolish tha Western Judicial District of Arkansas. Edmunds, of Vermont, presented a memorial of the Houston, Trinity and Tybee Railroad, of Galveston, Texas, praying Congress for the railroad lion taken by military authorities for the not of the United States at Galveston. Tbe Senate bill for the Government of the District of Columbia ia fixed for Monday. GERMANY. GEORGIA. TUB METHODIST CONTBBENCB—DBBTBOOT1VB ruuu AT DABIXN AND VALDOSTA. Savannah, December 10.—The South Georgia Methodist Conference, in session here, hes adopted the temperance raeoln- tion by a vote of 61 to 40. A telegram from Valdosta, Os., states that e fire lest night destroyed five thou sand dollars' worth of property, A destructive fire at Darien, Go. Tha poet-offloe and several business bouses were burnt. Loss fifty thousand dollars. VICXSBDBO QUIET—AN BXTBA SKSSION OI THE L$aiSLATOaB CALLED. Vioksbdbo, Dee. 10.—The exoitement is subsiding, end business has been re sumed. Tbe whites ere still picketing all •the approaches. Crosby bee resigned, new eleotion for Sheriff has been ordered Gov. Ames hes issned a proclamation calling an axtra session of the Legislature. Aaaerteaa. Harried Us Raclaad, London, December 10.—Alexander Mc Clure, of Baltimore, wee married, yester day, to Virginia, daughter of the late Hon. James Brooks, of New York, in the Roman Oetholio Church of the Assump tion et Holborn. Minixtar Schenck waa TBIAL or VON ABNIM— THB INDICTMBNT AO A INST HIM. Bbblin, December 10.—Tbe trial of Count Von Araim began Wednesday. The eourt room waa densely crowded. Fifty persons of various nationalities were present. Judge Bieeh announced that the court had deoided that the pro ceedings should be made publio, except the readiug of documents relative to the eooleuastieal policy of the government, which includes papers of the tint alsss, whieh are mentioned in tha indiotment. Herr Mankle, the counsel for the defense, notified the eourt that he had entered a protest denying the competency of this tribnnal to try the oase. The prosecution then read the indictment. It accuses the Count of dereliction in his official duty, describes his age, occupation, eto., his reoall from Paris, and says that when Prtnoe Holenhole succeeded to the Embassy at Paris he found after a striot search that a large number of doonmenta were missing from its archives. These documents of indictment are divided into three categories: 1st, Those which Count Von Arnim oonfeaaes having abstracted and afterwards restored. 2d, Those whioh tbe Count acknowledged having taken, but whieh regarding as his private property he refuses to restore. 3d, Those whieh he professes to have no knowledge of. The indiotment proceeds to prove that the offloial character of ell the documents states that they were partly oommnnica. tions from tbe German foreign office to its representatives abroad, and partly tbs reporta of repreaentativea to the foreign office. Each document, an original draft- of which is in possession of the foreign offloe, is numbered and entered in tha official register. Some of the documents oentain additious of persons of a social and confidential nature, but their offioial oharacter is in uo wise thereby altered. The autograph letters of Prince Bismarok are not iu question. Count Von Arnim kept three journals of correspondence, sent and reoeived, in aooordanoe with the regulations of tbe serviee, bnt during tha last month of his stay at Paris seoretly kept a journal with entry numbers. The indictment asserts that the doeu* ments which were not entered never reached the archives, and that tha greater part of the missing doonmenta were not entered. Then follows sn enumeration of the documents of the first class and copies of tbe oorreapondenoe of the foreign of. floa with tha Count, which resulted in their restoration. The indiotment refutes tbs ides that the Count took these doeu ments merely for the purpose of restoring them to the foreign offloe. The indictment also enumerates doeu- ments of the second clnss, among whioh is a dispat oh dated November 8, 1B72, asking the Count to explain the conversa tion in whioh, aooording to a private re port of General Monteuffel, he, the Count, informed me, Saint Valleird, Nancy, that he regarded M. Thlen’ gov ernment es nntenable. Oer Mutual friend Pays Edna Dean . 84,373. Nnw Yoax, December 10.—Edna Proc tor Dean vm. “Mutual Friand.’ General Butler eroae-examined Misa Dean. But ler said they had no knowledge this lady guilty of anything, and did not mein to aver it. We will pay any reasonable expense* this lady may have been put to, whereupon the “Mutual Friend" waa mutated in $4,875. The Tilton-Beeoher oase will be beard on it* marits Monday. Tha Brooklyn Ragle says that tbe Praetor suit is si an end. Tbe strategy of the proseoation hss prored successful. The defence made a formal overture to the prosecution for a compromise and set tlement, which, after consultation with their olient, the attorney for Mira Prootor oonclnded to entertain. The matter came to a climax Thursday. It was there agreed that at tba opening of the court a proposition should be made by ex-Judge Fullerton to have tbe cose referred, whieh, after some argument by Tracy & Co., should be agreed to, and that ex- Diatrict Attorney Benj. T. Stillman should be selected as referee. It was further stipulated that tbe reference should be oouduoted at tba private residence of tbe referee; that Miss Proctor should come forward and testify that Moulton’s allega tions as to her illicit connection with Uev. H. W. Beecher was in every respect false. It wee farther stipulated that Moulton himself should make affidavit that he knows of his own knowledge nothing whatever against Miss Proctor'* character, and that tbe libel to wbioh he gave utter- ance was based wholly upon hearsay. It was further stipulated that Moulton should make an apology to Miss Proctor, and that he should pay all costa incurred on both sides thus far in the suit, amount- ing in toto to over $5,000, nud that in oontidemtion of the foregoing Mitts Proc tor would claim no pecuniary damages against Moulton, but would rest satisfied with the vindication of her oharaoter, aud that the referee should make a report iu eousonance with these conditions, aud thus end tbs great suit. These terms wera ell agreed to by tho parties. KENTUCKY. INDICTMENT AGAINST THB CLINK OV THH COUBT OV APPEALS. Cimcwhati, December 10.—The grand jury of Frankfort, Kentucky, yeaterday found an indiotment against Thou. Jonea, the present Clerk of the Court of Appeals, charging him with having naurped an oflloe established nnder tbe oonetitution, he being ineligible from the feet that he accepted a challenge to fight e duel Jonea give bond in $90,000. Tbe aet for Tueeday nest. THB WEATHER. Washington, Dee. 10.—I'l'obnbilitiet.— For South Atlantio and Gulf States, dear or fair weather will proveil, with south* west or northwest winds and slight ohangeti iu temperature and preeaure. MARKETS. - BY TELEGRAPH TO EEqilIRRR. Money and Stock Markets. Paris. December 10 —Rentes isr. end Me. Paris, December 10—Specie Inoreaied 11,- 100,0001. London, December 10.—Bullion increased jC30a,< 00. New York, December 10.’—Stocks active and strong. Money 8 per oent. Gold 110%. Exchange—long 485, short 405. Government* strong. State bonds qulu and steady. N»w York, December 10.—Specie shipped, sev«u-elghths of a million. Nnw York, Decoinber 10—Money ea*y. at 2%@3. Storting firm. Gold Ul%61ll%. Gov ernments dull ami strong. State bonds steady. Cotton Morkote. LivanrooL, December 10.—Noon — Cotton uulot anti unchangtd; uplands 7%<$7%; Or leans 7%<®8; sales 12,0 >0 bales, Inoiuulng 2,000 for speculation and export. 2:00 r. M.—Cotton dates on a basis of middling uplands nothing below low middlings, shipped in November, 7 7-10. Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothin* below low ml'idlingd, thii ped January and February, 7 0 10. Sales on basis of mlddllmr uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable In February and March, 7 7-10 Sale* on basis of mid ding Orleans, nothing below good on Inary, shipped in December and J anuary, 7 0-10. 3:00 v. m.—Of sales to-day 0,600 bales were American. Sales on basis of mid 'ling Orleans, nothing below l-w middlings, shipped in January and February, 7%. Nsw York, December 10—Cotton quiet; sales 010 bales; uplands 14%; Orleans 1 N*w York, December 10.—Cotton—1 opened weak »s follows : December 14', January 14%®1417-32; February 14%l Largest Stock, Best Goods, Lowest Prices 1 AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE ! 88 Broad Street. AQrElVT WANTED. January ii-oa; mummy March 16%G)9-32; April 15 9-10@%. Nuw York. Dooembor 10—Cotton dull;* ales 2 028 hales, at 14%@%; not receipts 482 bales. Futures closed quiet; sales 3 ,0rt», as 1 lows: Dec*inbor 14 3 320%; January 14% February 14 13 10; March lu 3-10@7-32; April 16 17-32; May 15%; June 10 310; July 10 16 32. Bobton, Deo. 10.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 14%; low middlings 14%; good ordi nary 13%; net receipts 771; sales 314; stock 10,- ••Ware Storm la England and on th* Continent. London, December 10.—Tbe storm of yesterday was very disastrous to shipping. A dozen vessels are ashore at Whitby, and one is reported to have sunk with all on board. Similar accounts are received from points all around the coasts. MailR from France are several hoars behiud time. The paoket for Ostend was oorn polled to return to Dover. Heavy dnm< age waa done to works in the harbor of Jersey, 260 yards of pier having been swept away. Blocks of concretes, weigh ing aeveral tons, were displaoed and broken. The storm was very severe on the con • tinent. The telegraph lines between Italy, Switzerland and Paris, are down, and communication interrupted. Business Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Costs, Tslmss, So. A complst* assortment of Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing. A fine line of White and Fancy Shirts, Under Shirts, Neckties, 8earf8, Hats, Caps, All goods warranted to bs as rsprssontad, Give us a trial. H0FFUN, RICH A CO., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. . C. If Alt I to sea his It oet2 tf DeodfcW Having had In our .mploy an Agent that wo hnv. dlioovorod to bo .Imply dlmlnutivoly In.lgnlfloaat and oont.mptuouily unworthy, unrolioblo, Indo- lont and follow, through whom an Imprawlon ho* b.oomo ourront that wo ora about discontinuing our buslna*. In Oolumbu*, wo d.slro to .ny that notwithstanding any and *11 tuoh representations that mny bo or m*y hovo boon mid., wo *ro determined to rnako our Maohlno mor. prominently known than ovor. A r.sponslbl. Agent wanted for Oolumbu*. Apply to A. B. Jon.*, G.n.r.' Traveling Agent, at Central Hotal. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. NEW GROCERY STORE. POLLARD & HARRIS, Old 8tsnd of J. K. Rodd k Uo. (nezt door to Ohsttshoochoo National Bsnk.) A FULL LINE OF FRESH OROtfEBIES AND STAPLE DRY GOODS JUST RE* otlved. Having laiught our good* for 4JASH, wo shall soli thorn upon a UA8H BASIS, Guaranteeing our prloes to bo as low as any bouse In the olty. Goods delivered to any part of the olty Free of Charge. Give us a oall, and we will do our best 10 please. Terms Htriotly OmbIxI POLLARD A HARRIS, Mtodfcwly CelembsH, ttsorffls. Lawyers. 1.1 ON El* C. LEVY, JR., Atteraly sad Ceeeiellor at Law. Commissioner of Deeds N. Y. and other States. Offloe over Geor«ta Home Insurance Uo. Speolel attention given to collection*. middlings 13%; net receipts 4,069; sales stock 102,101. Nkw Orleans, Decoinber lo.—Cotton firm; middlings 14%; low mltldlinus 13%; good ordi nary 13%; nei receipts 0,867; sales 1,200. Norvolk, December 10.—tiulet; middlings net receipt-* 200; sales 200. Mkmfhis, December 10. — Cotton quiet ami unchangud;tnl tilings 13%@%; net receipts 3,235; shipments 1,568; sales 1,700. PuiLADKLPiiiA, December 10.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14%; net receipts 306. Wii.Minoton, December 10.—Cotton dull; middlings 13%; net reoeipts 420; exports to Great brltaln 324; sales 2&o; stock 4,001. Moiulu, December 10.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 13%; low middlings 18%; good ordinary 13%; net receipts 2,057; sales 2,300. GALVHfTow, Doccmber 10. — Cotton steady t ono-elghtb advnnce; middlings 14%; low il idling* 13%; gn< d ordinary 13%; net reoeipts 496; ezports to Great Britain 2,692; sales 2,- middlings 13%; low middlings 13%; good or< nary 13£$%; net rooeipts 2,002; salos 1,000. Augusta, December 10.—Cotton—demand good; middlings 13%; low middlings 13%; good ordinary 12%; not receipts 2,071; sales 2,141. Baltimouk, Decomber 20.—Dull; middlings 14%; net receipts 180; exports to Great Britain 10»; salos 300; spinners 129. Frovlalou Market*. Nzw York, December 10.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat firm and quiet. Corn firmer. Lard firm. New York, Docouiber 10.—Coffee firm. Sugar dull and nominal. Tallow steady at 8%®%. Cincinnati, December 10 —Flour steady. Corn in good demand at 72<®7&. Pork firmer; sales at $19.60 on spot. Lard active anil higher; ‘ i at 12%®%, closing at 13 askod; ket no urn. Bacon quiet; shoulders 0%; clear rib 12%; clear sides 13%. Whiskey firm at 97. St. Louis, December 10.—Flour firm; su- erfloe wluter$4 40®4 60. Corn t>7®09, accurd- ng to locution. Whiskey steady ut 08 Pork flat and held higher. Lard opened quiet at 19% Ami closed at 13. Chicago, December 10.—Flour dull and Inal Corn dull and unchanged: No. 2 mixed IIP" 9%i cleai . Lard—I tierce 14%; Pork active, $19 40. Lard ootlv Whiskey steady at 97. Louihvili.u, December 10.—1 lour unchanged, i firm at 73@76. ~ ‘ ... Bacon firm; sbo 12%; clear sides—nono hero, keg 16%. Whiskey 97. London, December 10.—Tho Mark Lane Ex press, In its review of tho breadstuff's maiket, says tho weather throughout Europe the past week has been wintry. Mauy of the Russian ports are closed, ai.d will remain so until spring. Th# European wheat markets have been firm and fluctuations generally small. In some places a rise of one shilling is reported. It Is thought the lowest rates have been past The weather everywhere Is favorable for the new crop. Rosin, *c Nkw York, December 10.—Turpentine dull. Rosin heavy. Freights heavy. ▼•■■■-American Observations ■ac cess fa 1. Washington, December 10.—Observa tions of the transit st Nagiati, Japan,were completely successful. Other poiuts re ported psrtislly cloudy, but the departure from the disc oaught exactly. Twd“ points heerd from have photo graphed the touoh of the tun from pas sage over bia face, and the departure of Venus. Further reports from other point* will doubtless give us the exact score of this wonderful music of tho spheres. The trsnsit of Venus was successfully observed at Hobartowu and Melborne, and at points on tbs interior by English observers. Washington Mentions. Washington, December 10.—Voiney Voltsire Smith, claiming to be Governor of Arkansas, has turned up here. The Committee on Banking and Cur rency is in consultation to day with the President. Senator Lewis is mck. The President sent nearly a column of nominations to tho Senate, including Orlando Brewater, Supervising General of the United States for Louisiana. Cknlern on N hip hoard. Nzw Yoax, December 10.—The ship Forester, which arrived at Demarara on the 30th of October from Calcutta, had two deaths from cbolera-diarrbtea on the passage. The ship Golden Flora, which arrived at Trinidad from India, with coolies, had twenty-seven deaths on the passage. CHRISTMAS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AT J. W. PEASE & NORMAN’S. j* Frames, la-pe slzo, from $4 to $25 e*ch. F ne Edition* of tho Poets, from $1.60 to $10. Work Doxe< and Writing Desss, (some are beautiful) from $1 to $15. Tho finest lot of Juvenile and Toy Books we have ever had, at vory low prloes. Portfolios, Ivory Card cusos, Gold Pons and Pencils, Gaines. Funny Inkstands, Chess and Backgammon Boards and Men, and a great variety of goods suitable for presents for peo ple of h 11 ages and tastes, at very attractive prices. Call and see our stock. .1. W. PEASE fc NORMAN. decl-t deodkw A PROCLAMATION By Old Krimkingle. JOB PRINTINC. GILBERT’S PRINTING OFFICE AND BOOK BINDERY. JJAVING EXTENSIVELY . RE F U £• nlshed my offloe, In anticipation of Iks baslueaa season which la now opsnlng, with saw mats* rial, I am better prepared than evar to de •very description of work deelred by Merchants, Corporations, Sooieties, Railroads. Steamboats, And the Publio Generally. An examination of Prloes and Stock Is ask ed, guaranteeing Good and Reliable Work manship, with Promptness. Georgia and Alabama Legal Blank* Of every description on hand, or printed at short notloe. Railroad Raoalpt Book. For the different Roods, of various sites, al ways on hand, and also made to order at short notice. In fact, the establishment Is complete, and faeilltles ample to doevery description of work, from a Visiting Card to a Poster, ami from a Receipt Book to a Royal Ledger, or a large <Aaarto Voldme. IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BOOK BINDING, Many additions have been made during tbe past season, and It is now very oomplete, and work In that llncoannot be lurpassed for finish and durability. Having an Immense quantity and large at sortment ol Type, seven Presses run by Steam Power, and one of the most extensive stocks of Paper, Bill and Litter Heads, Cards, Tags, be, ever brought to Colnmbns, no delay oan occur, or satisfaction fall to bo given, both ia Prlee and Quality of Work. Remember the plaoe, OLD SUN AMD TIMER OFFICE, (Opposite New Postofflee Building) Rnnctolpli ■ tract, Cwlnnsbws, Css. My Country Friends and Patrons will please remember the above, and send their orders to THOR. GILBERT, aug 264; Coiambus, Go. JOSEPH F. POD. Attorney nt Law, and Judge of County Court. Practices In all other Courts. Office over stors of W. 11. Roberts k Co., Broad St Je26 SAMUEL B. HATCHER. Attorney nt Lnw. JatO Office over Wlttlch k K Inset's J. M. McNKILL, Attorney nud Counsellor nt Law. Practices in courts of Qeorgia and AUbimia. Office 128 Bread fit., (over 0. A. Re id * Co.'s) Special attention given to collections. Jail Watchmakers. V. 8CUOMBUKU. Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler, Successor to 1,. Outowsky, 105 Uroad Htmet, Jail Columbun, Ua. C. H. LEUUIN, Watchmaker, 134 Brood street, Columbus, Go. Watches aud Clocks repaired In the beet man* nwr and warranted. jail Doctors. 99. J. A. UBUUUABT, Offloe removed to the Drug Store of K. C. Hood It Brother. Sleeping apartment at rornier resldenoe, on tbs omner ot Randolph and Molntosh si rect i, opposite tbe resldenoe of Mr. Wm. Beaoh. *ep6 . INGRAM A CRAWPORIW, Attorneys nt Lnw, Will practice Iu the State and Federal Courts ot Georgia. r.Illgee corurr Broad and M. Clair Rti. Ja*_ A- A. DOZIER, Attorney nnd Connseller nt Lnw, Practices Is State aud Federal Courts In Georgia and Alabama. Offloe lit Broad fct., Colnmbns, Oa.Jot Mass U. lusoroatt Louis F. Oasoasd. fflLARDFOfflD * GARRARD, Attorneys nnd Cennsellers nt lew. Offloe Mo. 47 Broad street, over Wlttlch k Kin- aSI's Jewelry Store. Will practice In tbe State and Federal Courts. Jos. M. Roseau.. Cm as. J. Swift. RUHMELL A IWIJfT, „ Attorneys aud Counsellors at Lew. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Cireuil ai*d Alabama. Office over 0. A. Redd k Co.'s store, Uroad street, Columbus, Ga. Jel L. T. DOWNING, Attorney nnd fflelieltor. U. S. Oom’r and Register in Bankruptcy. Office nov’JO) ovsr Brooks' Drug Store, Columbus, Go. DM. M. M. LAW. Resilience on Forsyth, three doors below St. Clair. Barber Shops. LOUIS WKI.I.H’ HUAVINO SALOON, (Successor to II. Uenai,) Under Georgia Home Insurance Bnllding. Prompt and polite barbers In attendance. Jaiirt ALEX d RAM, J*8 Ha asses, St. CtAia Star it. ED. TEMMY, Bur her, Crawford Bt., undar Haukiu House, Coluiubuf, Ua. Tobaooo, Cisare, So. BAIXB Mil. If you wont to enjoy a gojd smoke, go to hie Ja« V. LOPEZ, Dealer In nud Manufacturer ef Finn Cigars, Jat Near Brood Street Depot. Crooers. a. J. HOOKA, Attorney stmd Oenneeller nt Lnw, mrance Corny ond story. Dentists.^ W. V. TIUNKK, Dentist, DAN'L M. MIRE, beater In Family Groceries, on Bryan street, tween Oglethorpe k Jackson street.. No charge for drayage. d< « J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Junction of Franklin, Warren k Oglotborpu i No charge for dravsge. s»»|i1 COLUMMUR DENTAL ROOMR, W. T. Pool, Prop’r, Georgia Home Building, Columbus Georgia, itlt Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, fltalla No. to end IS, Market Uonae. Freeh Meats of every kind end best quality, Jail always ou hand. Builders and Architects. J. G. CHALMERR, Honae Carpenter nnd Bnllder. Jobbing done at abort notice. Plane and specifications furnished fur all stylo- f bhtld Ia9 A. T. COOK, Preala Meats of All Minds, •ep0 8tolls Nos. 16 ami Plano Tuning, So. Boots and Shoes. Whereas, The titno Is now approaching when ull of my little and juvenile friends should know where to find urn this Christmas with my Budget, of Fun ; Now, therefore, I, Krlskrlugle, in the nsmo and with tho authority vested In me by my numerous Patrons, do hereby announce to all tho Little Folks that 1 will make my Head quarters at my old Irlond I.G. STRlfPPEU'S, on Randolph streot, Columbus, Ga. In witness thereof, 1 summon all to appear at my Bazaar during the coining Holidays aud examine my Budget of Novelties. Given under my hand In the city, this 19th day of December, 1876. KRISKRINGLE. I. O. STBPPPER, Assistant. deelO ood2w Scntbem Mntual Insurance Com’pj Atlionn, GPa- AaNctaon 1st of Nay, *74, $501,729.32 Tyoi-ICIES WHITTEN ON ALL KINDS 1 of Insurable Property against Loss by Fire. Dividend No. 10, 46 per cent on premi ums, now ready lor dolivery and payment, t. K. B. MURDOCH, Insurance Agent, No. 9g Broad 3tree BUY ONLY TMK Genuine Fairbanks Scales. Stock Beales, Coal Scale*, Hay Scales, bair)- Bcales, Counter Beales, Ac., Ac. Also, Miles Alarm Till Co.’a ALARM CASH DRAWER! KVKRY MBCHA5T u UllAWEIl WarrwM. FAIRBANKS ft CO., til MMOADWAY, N. Y., 160 Baltimore Street, haltimore, 63 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS! A EWING, Manoni. Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN St CO., 2 Milk Htn-H, Boston. For sals by beading Hardware Dialers. augto chKawkwin WELLS A CURTIS, No. 79 Broad Bt., Sign of the Rig Root, DKALBRB III Boota nnd Skoea, Leather and Findings. Give prompt and carellil attention to ordera b^r mail; pay the highest market prlee lor N. B.—Plasterers' Hair always on hand. Boot end Shoemakers WM. METER, Boot and Shoemaker. Deel*r la leather and Findings. Next to C. A. Redd A Co.'s. Prompt and strict attention given to orders. Ull Tailors. G. A. KCEHNK, Merchant Tailor nnd Cntter. A full stock of French and Knglish Broadcloths Csss l me res and Vesting*. aprl6 No. 134 Broad Btit-et. HENRY SKLLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing bon# In tb# boat style. Corner Crawford and Front Bts. tt£L Dress-Making. . KIM K. A. HOLLINOH WUK I II, Dr#ss-Maklng, Cutting and Fitting. Titihh cheap. Residence anushop ia Brownovill#. novl6 Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, W.rker !■ Tin, IbMl Iroa, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Ja7 No. 174. Itroad Btrent. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuuar of Ptaaoee. Organ# aud Accordeons. Sign Pr‘“*'— Jm —* Ordera may be be lift at J " .k Store Livery and Sale Stables. buhkkt Tsuanu*. Livery, Sal. aad Inkuit>., Oauraoxti, Nona or B.«doifh sm.. octao Columl A. UiMEl, Liver* aad Sal. Btaklra, ftjufioiri It ,, in. Particular .tt.utioa glrru to lardlug aad Hal. f htc k. Horses and month or day. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP MIXES, Gun and Lockswlth, Crawford street, next to Johnson's corner, Columbus. Ga. Ja« WILLIAM BOBOBRB, Gan end Locksmith and dealer in Gnnnlnu Mn- terlala. Rest of Strapper's Confectionary. Cotton Factories. COLUMBUS MANUFACTURING CO.. Manufacturers of Sheeilaga, Shirtings, and Sewing a»«l Knitting Thread. Cards Wool sod Orinds Wheat end Corn- Offlds In rear of Wlttlch A Kinsol's, Randolph at. _Jal8 R. II. CHILTON. President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING UO. Manufacturers of SIIKKTIN08, 8UIRTING3. YARN, HOPS, Ac. OOLUMHCH, UA. ?_• p : *WirTi President. oct3l ly. u. r. ow in, rreeiuout. W. A. 8IVI FT, Secretary A Treasurer. Confectioners. i. a. MTRUPPER, Candy Manufacturer *■» DSALSn IN Ml klada of Confectionery nnd Frulte, SUek Candy tocenta. Full weight guaranteed In eaoh bos. J.M Painters. WM. SNOW, JB., * CO., Houaa and Sign Palntera, Old Oglethorpe coruer, (Just north of postofflee) Columbus, Georgia. Will coatrset for House and fiign Painting at reasonable price#, and gutranteo Satisfaction. Refer to Wm. Snow, gr r IN HAM tWRR'l Grocery Store oontlnue* Its well-earned larity. Country prod uoe bough tend sold, goods alway* on hand. Tha old yUoa. *•$•4 If