Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 12, 1874, Image 4

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1 MmIMWIm. Kcootpto 836 Ul*—»1 hyH/Ws*. B..1M bj M. A O. K. K., 1M by rivet,470 by wagooa,**ly K. * 8. 1CM, 1 by W. B. R. Ship—khtfilMu* v*»ff by aW. aft., 76 by W. R. a, IT# lor Tto wsufc's opstwrioua, with tto tabular npMbrf Liverpool, Hto parti aud ioto- lier towaa, aay ba foaud ta aar sommar- rtwiy i Dwtag tba aottaa «Nk aadiag lart sight, tba Waltn B. B. of ilabaaia bnaght to Colombo. an ronta for Buvao- nab and No* York, 1,988 balaa cotton— 39 from Mobil •, »T0 from Hoatgowtocv <15 from Salma, 497 from Opelika, Wool Point and otbar atatiooa, 417 from Vioks- barg, « from Jiao Orlaaaa Tba total through movement by thia ronta, ainoa September lit, ii 28,146 baler—1,051 from Mobile, 6,648 from Montgomsiy, 8,884 from Selma, 5,022 from Wait Point, Op*lika,Ac., 8^91 from Yiokabarg, 0 from Kao Urieaaa. Daring ana time the Mobile aad Oi rard Bail road baa brought np 3,378 through balei agrinrt 1,463. /amm a Wow A*oaro Importoat Ansoaaxmant—Tto Howe Ma- eklie Oompsay. For Ceoaty Ti**s*rer~X U. Huertas* Proclamation—Mayor Olaghorn. Dry Gao;*, Shoe*, Factory Goods, fee.—Pm. ooek k Solti. A Maa la Bular—See the remedy. llreeted Poaltry—At Ounby'r. Free Sample to A sente—Bean a Co., Bed. ford, Mare. Conetaat Employment-C. Boee. ♦ per «mk-W. H. Ohldieter. Ptaaoe and Orsane—Ueraee Watere A Bon. For Oonsha, Oelde and Uoareeneee— Welle' Carbolic Tablet*. DAILY EHQEJXRZR * SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DEG ^v" JI R 12, 1874i Sam fh-oey. To-day Oatamban eleeU a Mayor,tnrel re Alderman, a Clerk of CoaOeft, Marital; Dapaty Marubal and Seskm. Tba of aaadUelb are oohuub*. There )■ Baaaaeapt Clerk i Tbi eotlre rote court bon**, where two bosaa have local mmsmn. row Cee'l Jfopiaaer, M Cmm /tap. - i - . . „ . , , T® »" tronMa to the eity orteera, me ■ uihkwSSi * T « ‘bo information that no one ia peafahceyaSUrdhy. 8lra*to allowed to rwgiWer today. Tboaawho trkg Bill -MifT«!®CSS?3L- aad J. B. HcXeit. ™ ate MamratM. f, A. Kliak Tba pella will ba aprtmd at 10 a. m., and aloard at 4 p. m. - Only tboee can vote who bars rtgMarad and paid a ^dl toffof Two dollar*. Aa wa have etatad aetiva Bremen and membam of tha Colnmbaa aud Oitg audcitixuna overahty yearn oP are eiempt from thin lax. ownera ara charged on their amammenta. All other*, who bar* not done at, rouaf pay the two dollarr to-day, or they cannot vote. Tha oanvaa hae bean very exalting, Jjjflt it ia hoped prder will be yrcmurvad. OM- eera mart kaap order and quiet at all hex- arda. Too can't get a better maa for Saxton than “Old dim lyaah." Uaknowa all yoar kindred He bnifikd. another vote. A* M 8*0at* Afore Jfom. The advertieement of the Howe Sawing The old cittxena will remember him. A pronperoua merchant until he aaerifleed everything for the war. Bother ttomarkMU. On yaoterday wagons brought to Oo- lnmbua 470 halea of cotton. They brought the name amount on the previous Friday. Those who owe in anything will please salt and settle. dec 13 Paacocx A Swirr. Jtleer fen. The steamer Bandy Moore, from Apa- lacliioola, arrived laat afternoon, with 126 bales of ootton, 71 banela of Florida syrup, 141 boxes of oranges, 121 barrels of opton, add 17 of flab, AS. She is ex pected to 4a*ee thia morning, abaat tea o'clock. Bttn ra«v «* i A largo stock of Drees Goods and Caarimerea at coat. dec8 6t d. KtlxACo. After (As (Mm, Three ealvas were killed on the lower part of Brood street on Thursday night. It moat have been done by drnnkards, aa the esteems* wars left in the streets. One had its head cut off. The others were butchered horribly. Mollgiomo. Uev. W. P. Harrison is in the city and will prsach to-morrow (SundayJ morning at tbs nasal hour at St. Paul Church. It ia currently reported that Bav. Dr. T. O. Hammers, of Nashville, will preach in St. Luke to-morrow morning at the usual hour. If ba arrives to-day, doe notlee will be given in to-monow'a paper. fowl Ogetore ml Me Jinbg <nM*Met. This ia the very best establishment at the kind in the country, and everything ie retailed at wbotemle pricea. Tba fas stock of Liquors ia being retailed at 15 cants. Call and be satisfied. oot!4 tf J. W. Kiss. Jele e/ Me John King ileal Burnt*. At Ellis A Harrison's auction sale yea* tarday, Peabody and Salisbury, tha aaeignaea, offered tor sale two pieoaa of real estate belonging to the estate of John King, for the following prioea: The W. H. Hughes plantation, 860 seres, with improvements, $4,200. The Buie piece, improved, with 160 aerea of land, 92,650. We are informed Mr. King paid $6,000 for thia place a few years ago. Both are situated three miles outside tha eity. Both places were “hammered down” to T. E. Blenohard. Persona wanting Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., should visit dee12 Peacock A Swifts. agent, Mr. A. B. ffensa, should bo in yesterday. His laat instruc tions ware, however, miaondamtood, and henea tba error. All is now right, aa will be aten by refer an ee to notice. £ ' ( r ' * [ Arrived this moral tig, Frmb Dwesed Turkeys, Chickens, Geese and Choice Bolter, nt U* Guxto's. /Mat* roUoeeno*.' Be oool, ealm and pntdawl todlayl Nip the least indioatien of dtmideria the bad. Tba oitixeni expect peace end qule^ at the polls, and look to the' police fdtee fis oa- enre it. The Sheriff will aim ba off Band and ia authorised tooell out tba | .snlfre aounly to preserve the peace. A greet deal ef needless excitement hae been cre ated ip Ibis municipal oooteet- Alafaam iana have no interest in U, and t£ey, ilka othere, most areata no disorder. i Oar people een attend to their own pity inter- eats. Let our officers' do their duty, and they will be autqiorted.hy. Aveur WAB, whose good will is worth having. Wifelaas and ohildlaas as be is, 1st us keep “•id Jim Iqrnah" gfi Sexton, until he too shell be "gathered in.” Low But. The Central Bailroad ia now carrying ootton from Helms, Alabmne, to -P*vato With erttop wagqaa, trade was brisk, and fhp tor . gpsmp occupied with filing or. data for tha canvassers, who wars treating trilling wntma. • • -flpetiieh law mabm meow) study'. tntilla. It eaanot ba told fatdabt. —Tha Havawaah Poet mas Ur advattiasa postage latteis for J. Bhodaa Brovina, and Mias Choreb Keysoids, of Colamlma, Georgia, aad says U (hay an not called for In twenty-four home they will ba seat to lbs dssd Uttar eflls*. Masse Taylor, of Haw York, owaa 2,05* shares ia tha Casual Bailroad of Georgia. lost year be had 2,090. An- raw Lew, sf ftavanaah, owaa 1,683, the is aa teat year. The other Director* own each leas than 200, bat qssriy all Loid (tea laat yaar. President Wadtay owifl fffiaharrt, agafnrt 10 that year. , —Dr. John H. Carriger, formerly of Colombo*, is practicing medicine in Knox ville, Tenn. —It is the general opinion that a lady with blank stockings on has no business to ara Ik oat on windy days. I —For tpa peak ending last night Co. Mambas shippers paid ont $156,355 for cotton, on average of $22,600 per day. Yet ’tie said theta ia no money in the country. —“That'awhet I’ve been telling Emily," Company thia mooting Jswtbr a the latest slang phrase current in tba Hr. A. B. ffbnet, tatandM 'fo-f Horth. —Colombo* tax ptyers, who pay their ■claries, expect to day erery policeman to do hlf doty. Ho most ebetaio from liquor, ba oool and sober, and not engage in the discussions regarding the eandidaey of indiVideals. Hi* only duty ia to pta- aarre order, and keep Ida personal prafar- accev to bimaalf. A poiioomaa, oaplain nor private, bis a right to air bin own opinions, for all lax payers help pay hie —Conundrum—"Whet will not n woman do for the men she loves?” She will not eat onions, nor grumble with • maa behind Ms beak when he steps on a long trail at a patty, after he has apolo gized, and aha has declared It is no mat ter of qnarreL —Ho disorderly cases have been brought before the Mayor for several days. —Mr. £. O. Dawson end family, for merly of Colnmbaa but now of Baltimore, are spending the winter nt Hioe, in the Soot hern portion of Franca. —If a man ba in a barber shop, getting shaved, aad a fly lights on hie nose, end he give* e twitoh to remove it, at the same instant the barber take* * slice off kia ear, who ia to blame—the man, the fly or the razor? Beferred to debating societies. —Meetings were held in the interests of both candidates for Mayor on Thnra- day and laat nights. ivmo, have registered eea, however, pay their poll taxes; can do ad, and thne qnalify themselves k> Vote. It would bo a great conveoieaee if parties would pay the Treasurer before the voting aoaemvnead. Tha ringing of tbo market bell will ba thaMgaai lor opeaiag aad alasing of the polls. nsh at 40 cents per huhdred'ifefii dividends in thia. Daring tba weak several hundred bales of ootton have been shipped from Co lombo* by tha Mobile aad Girard'-Bail road via Union Springs to New Orleans. Cheaper freights than via Western Bail- read of Alabama. t XTeeeW. T. S. Speer i* now at No. 101 Brood street, in the Watch and Jswclry busi ness, and is also Agent for tbo wait known Remington Sewing Maohlne. Watches, Ctoeka end Jewelry repaired with neatness end dispateh. I invite the visits of tho puhlie gen erally. 1*120 wltAdtf Jg UUUijJBUj Ul turn use/ , vuw o* of Air, Edwin V^r^ep, of » wadding raoegtion 1 wpa at > of Mrs. P. Murrell, fn V Celt ic connequenee of a change we ara abont to make in our business, w* will sell our entire stock of Clothing and Fur nishing Goods AT COST. Strauss A Goi.nmiiTU. Mode m tirrmas of tf(M. Wa oopy the following, just aa it ap pears, from the Anglo- American Setet Lilt, published at Nice, in the southern part of France. The date of the paper is Nov. 24th. It will be seen that the editor make* German of ihe name of Col. Salis bury—no Frenob about it. Aa a matter of interest to printers and grammarians, wa eall attention to the puuetnation and capitalisation. Those French printer* are not dp to American tricks in language. The feet is also ahowu that the ERquiaaa- Su* is read abroad. Col. Salisbury here after need claim no honors on account of hie French descent. Tha paper from whioh we take the extract has decided the name to be German. It ia a Frenoh pa per, and the editors ought to know. Here is the paragraph: “Vm.Ii. Bali (burg, Esq. tha Banker, decline* the Mayoralty of Columbus Geor gia, tendered .fay his fallow eitieans. Mod est maa, appreciative community. /yydaM JmNh of Me Borneo, Mr. I, H. Gtaae received his appoint ment yesterday from the Governor of Ala bama as Justice of tho Peace for Boot No. 1, Girard. Good maa for tha plsoe. Mmrrtmgo in Jnekoon, Min, On Thursday evening, ihe.lOth inst., Mr. Nathan J. Bnasey, Jr., of Columbus, On , and Mia* Mollis 8. Sullivan, of Jack- aon, Alia*., ware married in St. Andrew Episcopal Ckoreb, to the lattar eity. The groom ie the ion of Dr. N. J. Bns- aey, President of the Ea|te end Phenix Manufacturing Company of this oity ; ths brid* the niso* of Air. Edwin V^r^i Jackson. Tha tha raaldence son. Wa eoagratnlate our Mend upon aaour iug aa a bride tbe belle of a sister State; and bar beautiful ladyship upon tha cap ture of one of tho very first young man in the Empire Slate of tho South. May happiness b* their*. cuMJjrf ovAToit azoTMtxe ’ Mods to order «l titork rneu Borflol fit and Hmtioforiion auarmmtoo*. Gar Mr. Thomas hae just returned from New York with a oboioe line of New Samples, and we are now 'taking orders for Dress and Bnsine** Suits, hav ing made saliefactory arrangements for tha manufacture of our Custom Clothing with special oare and at short notioe, by thorn well known manufacturers o^qo clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell A Co., of Newark, N. J. Give us your orders early, and wa will do onr best to please you, being determ ined that oar Maoda and- customer* shall not pay any Broadway tailors fancy prioea for having thair clothing made to Oldv. ueplT tf Thomas A Paascorr. Faotory Jeans, Checks, Sheetings, Os- naburgu, Ao., together withafuU stock of SobaUntial Goods in all linaa of Dry Goods, may be found et pfloe* to yait tk* times. Call on Don't forget “Old Uncle Jim Lynah" whan yon ara 'arranging your ticket to day. Re-elect him as Sexton. MUMCOOMM MVrMMlVM COVKT. TWBNTT-tlXVBXTH DAT. Court mot at 10 a. m. yesterday, and adjourned in half an bonr to Monday 10 m. On Monday it U expected the Grand Jury will moke their general pre sentments; whan, it the transactions of to-day eall tor no indictments, tha Court will be adjourned to tho nett term in eonrae. Mr. Ogden Clegg nnnonnoed in legal form hi* intention to become e citisen. All the business of tho Court has now bees virtually closed, unless disorderly persona make it necessary to bav* more. deol2 Pxaoock A Swift. Hog oh* JCconomg. Large quantities haws tree* fathered in thia section. On one "farm in Hassell eounty, Ala., two hundred and fifty bale* have been out. ,Thi* has sold ,in<0ul«m- hoe at a dollar to a dollar ahdWqJikrtaf per bale. Thousands o( balsa have been gathered in this section, and there will ba little urn during the season for that brought from tha North, half'df MM consists of wood and coarse straw. It is the oononrrant testimony of every merchant that farmAra are living very economically- They ara endeavoring to men. Sad experience has taught a bitter lemon, and far mars era profiting by it. They ara buying fifty par oent. leas from tbe groosry stores than ia tuuai at thia season of tha year, aafl' that -her • Saab. Thia oourae, pursued for several yean, will make the South the richest end most independent section ia tho world. FINANCIAL & comm !2t*je.V!* OaiwaSA Hon. B. H. Crawford has received a cir cular of W. P. Price, President of the tbq North Georgia Agricultural College, that he Ie authorised to ' appoint three afudeotafo the above institution, who shall be entitled to tiokat* of admission, free tuition or ao trance fees. Tba stu dent should beat least twelve years of age. Males or females admitted. Baa that yoar tjqket .today him upon It the name of James Lynah for Sextan. Jsd Moeoioo*, A fresh stock of Bleak Alpaca (tha fourth MSpmrot this season). To arrive Monday, a large stock of Beaded Trim mings and Ladies’ Marino Underwear, at the New York Stays. novK tf B. Laxdauxs. KNOW ALL MBS That at the popular and long established Hbstaubamt axd Saloos of Vkol. Itogmmn A Co. the beat of Meals, Wines, Liquor* ami Cigars are kept constantly ou hand pro bono.pMHo._ ootl tf Blanchard sells the beat dollar Kid Gloves in th* market; also, keeps a large assortment of Harris' Yieioria, and Pras- bj'a Seamless Kids, Gents' Kids for eve ning wear, yJ^25per pejr. [no22 tf Joaeph A Bio. are daily in reeeipt of New Goods purchased tor cash, every vhriety A*} atyla, of which far osas they will sell at the lowest figure, either wholesale er retail. Gall ead see the goods on hand, whioh ara made in th* State of Georgia, and buy home goods, thereby saving money aad adding to the internets of yonr own section. nbvStf _ At tho Wow Took Store. A largo lot of beat Kid Gloves, cele brated patent brand, at $1.00 end $1.50 n pair, in blaek, white end color*, jnst received. oct28 8. Lakdauer. ., I mApeettnUy announce myself a candi date for tbe Mayoralty. uo26 to Jowl McU-aaxNV. Clothing. A An* and well selected stock of Cloth- tog Which must bo sold by January 1st, will be disposed of at e great sacrifice. Strauss A Goujairrm. haw lot just to aad cheep, et the Vir ginia Store. d*e8 eod English aad Fraeeh f iotha at east, to eios* oat etoek. Viaamu Storb. de*8 aad FtfOSf Wow Tomfi carets. The custom of paptog eells on Mew Yeer'e Day promisee to be geasvelly ob served in Colnmbaa—more so perhaps than heretofore. Wa saw yesterday at th* Gilbert Job OSes ead Bindery some very handsome sards with oniqaa, novel end appropriate designs for th* pwipoe*. Some arc very handsome and stylish. Go and see for yonmelvee. Freeh Apelaahieola Oysters jnst received at Tobv Nrwwak’s. Th* Mayor, ia a publiahed order, hae directed the tmaroam* to tha eity closed to-day until aia o'aioek ia tha aftsnaoa. This order is to be enforced. 7he JUaoel Imported and Key Wmt Cigars at Boh- lar’a, Ko. 84 Broad Street oetll-tf Bob Boy Prints received to-day et tha Virginia Store. deed eod Dress Goods and Far* selling at east at the Virginia Store. d*o8 eod The true road to prosperity is to bay only what yon ara able to pay tha cash for. Appreciating tho foot, I have de ter mined to soil from thia date forth* cash. By adherieg striolly to tnie rule, I will be able to sell cheeper than when goods are to be "charged." Parties in debted to me will confer a gnat faror by calling and settling promptly. T. E. Blaforard, dot22 tf 123 Broad St. New Prints every week; Groagrain Ribbons, all widths, 25 cents per yard; Dress Good* at rednoed prioea; head quarters for Blaek Silke, Bleak Alpaoes, 10-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Towel*, Napkin* and Table Linen, at Blawcbabd's, nov22 tf 128 Broad St. The latest novelties in Neekwear nt the Baltimore Clothing House. tf Blankets, Flannel* and Marino Under- ■» ear cheap, at the Virginia Store, deed eod A Mon (a Maine. One of the saddest spectacles in tbe world ia n human being shattered and broken down by tbe aae of ardent spirits. But tbe damage may be repaired, the ruin restored to perfect eonndosaa, by a course of tbe most powerful of ell invig- orants, Dr. Walker'* Vinegar Bitten. Beware of those “tonics" of whioh ram is an element. They aggravate disuse* and promoto disease. decl2 4w Beery Lm*g In want of an Alpaca Drew, should see those at (he Virginia Ston. 20 pieces Alpscu and Cashmeres jnst received and nnpraeadentedly low. Also Kid Glovw, Corsets, Beaded Fishnee, Ties, Muffler*, Ac. All-Linen Hendkerehiefa at 15c.— worth 25. Choice Ribbons cheaper than ever. decs sod Large shipment of Ribbons in th* fol lowing deairablo shade*: Cardinal, Garnet, Marina No. 1, Marins No. 2. Elegant Blaok Windsor Bashes, 15 inohes wide. Real Thread Laos Barbas—black. Now Cassi meres, Jeans and Print* at I i 8 : 2. Hi M* -I 4« | • «•? H *|i!f ! * iff [iW I 4 I if f in inn ! "c nil iiiii 4+ ffifsfiii iiiii sit; I ii t yntr. •“.'"'iia f a^uwujo^,.,. jgu ToSal stForts* IcO. B.... IflJW Ini TaaF*i*ni*«"ll'.'.".v".'. 4,17cJa* .are OrUShsT'.I ... ..^JlS* -4 MMH XlLBMmwz» ift?2 OtoriffffUfi : tHffl 117.429 •’US Oltor port.. T '911/41 . >10,716 Total ......M*M*4 W* Mraawh Woke—Hwy have issslrel tat. wash . M,au last few, aa* havo etseks 1978 94,144 43,134 13,Ml 39.531 34,1:4 ft if It! rtrtlHHltl* B.M Hi misfcii oisists r S. SJ5.S.E m mil g£g? £9*9? sssi m* nn iiiii sir Jr S| f Si i III r jM • f f P.TIT ■I total.... .47X0*0 433,1*1 Flow Livaarooi —Tks Mowing It telaarayko* for tfto week: mi Stock. 520,009 “ Afttrlcflfi ....134,009 • “ Jflcut 442,(JUO “ - ; i5i,ooo Wcck*i receipts.. 81,000 “ Amfiric«B...... 4^)00 FbIm ; 96,000 ■ftportfirs 6,000 ft,00C .•HcaUtlon ........'.t... 9,000 9,0UC QiNftftAL km>HI —Tmtoftfy «f pricoi down card. B«coa ftntl fteil lower. Arersfc grocery bu«iBMfi flfty> per emit. Iowbt lima wcwbL PUn- 'Un 1 ‘ CB«h. 1973 499.009 *,000 318.009 190,000 49.000 21.000 I Ham* 15c; Ptei* !!H Duvlu eodtf J. 8. Johu. Scifnck'0 Mmmdrmk* Mis Will be round to [xmmm tbiM qnnlltlii nooto* ■»ry to (be totel eredleitlon of oil bllioni ftt iBoitF, prompt to fft»rt tbo ftertiiona of the liven *nd Rill 6 bwltbj too* to tho onttro aystem. Indeed, it ia no ordlnery diaoovery In medical seltnoe to have in ran tod a remedy for theie itnbborn eomplalnti, whioh develop all tbe roanlta prod need by *b heretofore free cm of calomol, a minocAl jo fitly dreaded by man kind, and aoknuwledged to bo dtaUmotivt in the extreme to tho human rjiUm. That I bo properties of oertain vegetabtoa oomprUe all the virtue* of ealomel wllhoat U* Usurious tendencies la now an admittod fact, rendered Indlapatablo by sclentlAo roeoarehee; and those who nee the Mandrake Pill* will be fully flattened that the best medldnea are thoee pro vided by nature in tho common horba and root* of the held*. These pllli open the bowola and oorraet all billons derangements wlthont eaUvatlon or any of tho lnjurions effects of ealomol or other poisons. The secretion of bile U promoted by those pills, as wUl bo seen by tho altered oolor ol ths stools, and disappearing ol tho fallow eom| lex ion and oleanitng of the tongue. Ample direction* for uao aeoompaay aaoh box of pllle. Prepared only by J. H. Sehonck k Son, at their principal office, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, and for salt by all drugw gists and dealers. Price 88 cents per box. or Cotton bills—siyht on New York $$discount; d maad on Beaton’; 4n.- on Providence sight cn t'avannah discount; do. cn New Oil an* %. Bunk check* on New York ‘/ 4 prcm-iun; do. on oth' r poinu in the United bifitct Vg Currency loam per cent, per mouth. Hold aud silver nominal. CoMFAtxsow with Last Ya*ft.—'The Unites States J urtfi receipts are 813,475 mere balest the export* 17,130 more; the stock 130,9X5 mere; Columbus re ceipts 9126 more; shipments 9,683 more; stork 1698 less. India shipment*, since January 1st, 1,99ft,ooo, against 924,000. Cotton In sight *.ll 2,064,(177, showing an increase of 319,5! Tat Cotton t itpation. — The receipts at the ports are variously <sti mated at 3,730Jtt9 to 4,250,- U00 bale♦—a wide difference, but Mch partisan gives excellent reasons Kv-ry commiAjon mer chant in tbe land would roll la wealth could Ip approtitnate closely tbe crop tha early part or midtile part of the season. The ontiMea heavy receipt* at the port end Interior towns have de wed Liverpool and New York, aad Colombia sympathized with them. Tbe eoacunent tes timony of all the Cotton Exchanges Is that tbe ea tire crop will be gathered by the close of next week—a month earlier than usual. Most has al ready been picked. Many claim the marketings have been unprecedently rapid bscanss fsrm^K needed money to meet their obi cations and buy necessary aupilie«, and they will fall off negt nonth. Few make money by holdingooftoA. Coiumbns will certainly get ns uinch eettnn as labtyrar—eay 61,000 bales. The majority of onr commission merchants think she will warehouse 70,000. Ou this day Iasi year, hal f .the Columbus cotton wee received. The same Fropntdftm this year would make for the eeneng aver Bagging sales continue large. Pales of week have been goof, but h previous out—mostly for New Orloanff. favannah and Bos'on bines Pept. 1st, 41 gin-boases have 1 een burned la Georgia, with some 418 ba'e< of c »tton. Txa WiATiran.—Thermometer tbr the week aver aged 49°. The highest temperature was 62, the lowest 32, Rtin nearly all or Punday. Bluet clear and cold early and Ufa and pleasant la middle hours. Frost and Ice each morning. Weather moderating greatly. Fain (all for week two and seventyrtwo bun dredtha inches. Same week Inst year the thermometer aver aged 42°. Bain Monday. Generally cloudy. Warm Friday. Tnt Mavkits.—The followinggWWffif prtee of middlings la New York aud Livnrponl, gnH at New York and Low Middlings lu Coiumbns data -day of ths weak: Up. Or. Up. Oy. Odd. Col. Paturday.... 1% VA U*A 13 1111^ W&ffi— Monday ! 1% 8% WA'l^A'VV4 13^2*- Taesday | 7« 4 f14li|16^jlll'213*^^- Wednseday.. 7«| 6 IMViaOdp- Tbursday....: 4 ll4^|15-)2 IllU.U'^b- Friday 1 m \i%\b%\ItiiJiwSJK- On the week Liverpool declined *14: ' fftw Yhrtr d»^lined >^c. Columbus \^e. WhfltoMto Prioo Curvont. Corrected Wdskly Mr CBbabtr ml Arrtxs—per parrel, |3p|4 50. peck, «5#75. McMMinar bides fl B> U0c: dear Bib 1 1 iV^c; ft boulders Wu ■ Pugar-curfdl Mams 16c. Bsnuino—16014c. Bn* Matts—Clear Rib Blddb UUc. Buma—Goshen gblOe; Conn try 99c. Baoons—ft doxen $2.50043 60. ^ ’dc. ■nn*Jfi ~W*stsn»16«; N.y! State 17^19c. Candibs—UtAmantlnv Wot Farapbfae 36c. Co»r»~ltlo good m 23o; Prime. 86c; Java 38c to 37. Coax—Yellow Mlxsl ft bushel $1.08; White, 81.10 car load rates in depot. (biotas—Domestic ft 1.UU0 $200$45; Havana Fi/jur F—^x ; »ra Family, city ground, f bbl. $8 $7.50 B $6.50; fancy $10. Il ASDWARn—Wide Iron 9 b 9c; Reined 4c; Bad Mmbg; Bar Lead 12Uc; Casting* 4Uq Flow ftteel bpring do. 12Uc; Oast Steel 25; Buggy Pprings 90c; llorse and Male Shoes fk lb 9c; iforss Shoe “ails 25c; Nails fl kef ** — Hay—Vent $1.40; imslMs-pbfs. Lard—Prime Leaf, tierce, ft I) 17c; halves and kegs 18c. LSATHftft—White Oak Sole fl lb 45050c; Hemlock I olo 33@35c; French Calf Pkins $3.SO0$6.6O; irnericsm idb $2JO0$4; Uppnr Leather $1800 I 3.59; Uarness do 45c; Green do 514c. Tntmgs—Columbus made, 99 lack, 76c.; 34 Inch $80. Mackibil—No. I fb bbl $160$14; No. t $14; No. $U.5O0$I2.5O; No. 1 ft kit fT4O0$3. ^PlCXi-M—Ulwe ft doxen pint* $2.00; f quart rot an.—p ease $• lo $9. PorAtQJU—Irish V bbl $4 50@$J. i^wpgx-fl hrg $6 25;^ keg I3.3T; \i $2 la Bora—Manilla f t> 90c; Cotton aoc; Machine made 6Uc. Mcal—n'bushel $1.10. Molasabn—N. O. f\ gall. 96c; Florida 80356; feboiled 75; common 46060. Oats—ft bushel 80c&$1.06. Oil—X«mseae ft gallon 25c; Linseed, raw $1 JKk ailed $U5; Lard $1.26; Train $1. Fas—fl B> 9Uc. ftALT-V sack >1.90; Yirgiuia $2.25. Shot—ft sack $2 jo. Pug as—Crushed aud Powdered fl R 13AU; A 3c, B121*. Rxtru CIO^I^^ll^c; K. O, Yellow Clarifled 13; do White 11(»14^c. fto»A—Keg 7c ft ft>; box 9c. Toragoo—common w lb 45^60e; Medium Bright 70e; Fine Tfler Ratra $1; Navy90ffi46c; MaoCaboy “iuff76®86c. Tba—Green f2; Oolong $1.60. ^WnisxiT—Bectifled ft gallon $1#$J; Bourloa DRY «OOM. Prints 7dUWc.*yard. X blsashml ootton 7M#l0a. “ leans New York—vpianue uriei Gold 100^. Colaiabua—Middlings 14^. Co talas. (tons: Inferior .'•**$«*•—• *41«- Ordinary and stained — •— Goad Ordinary... ...1844ffi— Ivow; N iddlings *. .13*40— Middlings ..I3UO— Strict Middlings „ _ .lea 644 home consumption, 27 for Favannah, 361 for speculation, 900for New Orleans, 0 for Charleston, 0 for Tallasses mills, 0 for Mobile. * Total sales 28,9*4—4,735 for Northern spinners' 6,139 for New York, 3,081 for home romsumption' a 550 for Pavannah, 82 Tallassee mills, 0,000 fur lobile, 000 for Charleston, 8,300 for New Orleans. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. JAS. T. WAXNOCK, SsrgsoE am! Fkystdai. Office at Slaughter’s Drug ttora, Railroad straot. Hotels. ADAM IIUVIB. E t to Opelika, ba sure V , — ones, opposite Pans eager Dapot. Boarding. M RS. K. A. PATTER, oonor Mi. Otelr aud D* If thorp. *U**U, I* *UH pr*p*r*d i to .cO’imn.Klat* Dap Boirim, *ud hM * il l* of Uasdiamatr “ ' “ ' (to (calls**** ui Bor Mogor. Ws rsupueUuli; uusouac* th* num* of Jua. Mnlunrt u* u suudUuU fur Mayor of th* city of Columbu*. Rt thuutaction finUkii'lMU Is ou Saturday, th* 18th of D*s*mbur next. , wjtc xytl.w *al win* or*i*(t* uovu (. ■ XmCRnu. R.R.,1035 by river,1853 by wagons,223 by N. 4 8. R.B. Phipmtnts !*,446 bales—2,008 by 8 W R R, 544 for kerne consumption, 894 by W. R. R. WBEELT SVATkJUXV. 1874 iteek August 31st 1,014 Received post week 4 307 3,041 10,594 2,747 Vi! 19,514 41 shipped.... Total home consumption... Stock Bsc it ... Pales Year's receipts.... Southwestern Railroad....'. Mobile and Girard Railroad. Weatern Railroad River. Wagons * 17,997 North and ton Ik Railroad 1,440 39,657 30,531 •VATJMBXt rRXCIBIMO TSAftA. 1449-70, 1170-4; 1471-2 1272-3 ■task, Aug. 21, ! 121 i 18V« 1440 1M Rae'4 to Dec...11, 421gl| 4«93^ 2$49|| 6286$ Stock Dec 11 13204 1IU93 ToAr’s rocaipta.. 47274 T400T U. 8. Orop.T.... !MM440{4BMMT| TUIm Como.—By MoMI.U (Hrw* Milne* S.STS I,MX; by Wmwv* bflnsi *6,M», .(.mat W.9W tut ywtr. Ti* mm Brum Pcm—Uwript* tot week ITS,Mi WIm, egeteox m.*U Iwt — -Mdltap »! exporta t. Qn|| Mes.'Sarst ;**!*• X,Mt| sptoatral oHdsiffn* 1 llasbly u*t receipts U., DMmbsr 1L—Ootto* .... j-yt^uutp^lTwJSii! s:is**** ^ SS: riSktoSo.®* J *" “« Mto, WMklyutramlpul,SIT| sstot i,mi. Prwvlsl.w Market*. «7bTu^gS^!S. , !;rd i ' , .SL,r,.“ 4 •J**dy7*Krk d««, n.jSV“£,{dfoS; .S" DM- Raw Y< luipactodm M. lto.f-7xrrTJS. (fi'T; *= OIRCIRKATI, Uwutw it.—near ,tou, “**-**<Tlt• Pork ,ullrw ' * *1 dem*LC “ *[* •»('. «•* btob.y in. < «•-Fleur aaehuiM Corn oral *ud In (air dainaad at 7Jfl7i p™L qntot *n4 *uskaUgrt. Baron dulTwd tog; •ha-iktoc**toi ol**r rib ikta* lzu WhlrteyriL»rt-ttorUfM$k2lf£ srzns&bi ht*k*y itoadjr. *t 97. Ch*Dg*ll. ■U«I74!._ Lout*. B iffin* Rioter . n.w IVa t mti*J« Ret •t 9*. Park firmar, told at f n. ogteiitmH). jl tebtel= [ At 89. Fork ffraar, hold at $19.78. BaobmikoiV dwa for next week tuld Ati^ Lord quiet, at U. BMiA,d9. W*w Yonx, Deoember 1L—Turpentine dill (ripYiwi. Ticking,:..’. 10$Xfe. 9-», 10-4,11-4, und 12-4 brow* and bleached sheetings yard. Wool flannels—red and white 90ffi76e. Canton flaaoela—brown and bleached ll^gMe. “ ielambus Msaafftctarsd Bands. Kaglk *AXb PiixNix Mills.—Sheeting 4-4 10c.; X shirting 8c.; usnaburgs, 7 ox.; lSVfo^ » o*. 14%; %_ drilling ll^c.; 10slm2e3 ■heetiug and drilling 12ffiilUc.; Canton flan nel* 20c. Cnh/rtd Goods — Stripes lOffillc.; black gingham ebooks 12W@17c.; Dixie plaide for Held work 17cl; cotton blankets $2ffi4 50per pair; bleached huckaback towels $1 40 per dosen; yarns 5s. to Is. per bunch of 6 pouuds $1 35; rope 26c. to 27c.; sewing thread, If balls to the pound, 60c.; knitting thread, 12 balls to the pound, bleached, 55c; cotton-bolting 15c; unbleached, 50e.; wrap ping twtae, in balk, 40c. Wootm Goods —Can i me res, 9 on. per yard, 5c.. to 70c.; Jeane 20c. to 33c.; doeskin 66ffi?0c; -b«uj.-r“ ** C«i*ttaio», Dwntor u.-ArIt*<u.Mh. kattan. Ballad—0,If dtiaam. iyanwM M. CntTWBUS Fjctoxt.—\ Shirting 8c.; 4-4 sheet- lug lOUc.; .sewing thnnia, unbleached, 50c.; knit ting, do., 60c.; wrapping twine 40c. Clxao’s Factory —Plaids or checks lie., stripes fancy fathious, lOffillc. Canntry Predaeti Wholesale. Retail. • 8grp* Frying chickens ..... Grown “ Irish potatoes potatoes • say 8weet potutoe 25ffi- Vte 90 bn. *6 bbl M . MARKXT8. •( TUI.EUIAFfii M EXfillUR. Koufjt aad Stock Markets. Lordor, Deem bar 11.—Erlc24KOM. Btraat rata MP*r cast, balow bauk. Raw Toux, Itae.ntor U. — Btocki dolL Money 3 per cent. Gold 111% Bvchaagc . loox 4D% ekort 499% Oorenmemtl dull. Naw Yoar, Dacambcr 11.—Moaay la fata maa* and Scarw at 4K Mtorihn firi*. Q UlglUBi. dull. Gut atmu*. . Blau bond! quiet and ataady, axeaptlsf Boath pajroi toa, R^wh antotlar. . y.iO toUM Barkcta. LivzarooL, llecemTer 11 Noon — Gotta. Utter, urlou decUned a iraciloa; splunds TVS 7U: Orte.m Takl« 11,0 « balaa, tnclautak 1,900 tbr 4pecui.tlon a d azi oru Ucttun to arrive 1-14 cheaper. JOB MtINTINC. GILBERT’S PRINTING OFFICE AND IBM BiNDHT. S AVING EXTENSIVELY UEV UK- rt ay aOca, t* aattclpauon of ih* butorn mumb wklaktaaowopcuiaz, with uaw » rial, I am batter prepared than ara to ,t„ ovary dcaartptlau of work desired by Merchants, Corporations, Sooieties, Bailroads, Steamboats, And ,the Publio Generally. An axawluauoa of Prices and Stock It ack- rt, (Waraataedag Good aad Bcllabla Work. nuunblp, with Pronptnan. e*w$to Mfi Aishums Lufsl Slinks Of svory dcMtlptton on band, or prlatod at teartnet to*. Nullroufl Ruculpt Bouki For th* dlUbraut Rorta, of varioal iltM, ah wayzau hand, and ate* mad* to abUaz w iban la fact, tto aataUlakiaaat to aomplete, inJ facilltlta aiupla toddev.ry daseriptionotRork, from a VUItlsg Card to a Footer, aad from • Raoatpt Book to a Royal Lrtgar, or a larx* 4 .arts VOtam,. IN THE DEPAETRKNT OF BOOK BINDING, Mobj rtdlUORi.bava beta mod* dordf tkt pMtaaaMa, UltilM vary, u« work In Ua( UntaaOROt to aarpauad tor Unto art dwMiUUfo'' (•-•*' 1 ' Having an liaaena. quantity aod Urge u •ortmaut ot Type, totes Praxes tor by Strut PHW, toWor tfis rtlifit sxtstulveitockior Paper, Bill aad Letter Haada, Oordi, Tigt, at. over brongbt lo Oolombu, no delay can oeeur, or ctlrkotton foil lo to given, both in Wrt aad QaaUty of Work. Raiuambar tki $Ia99| out ERR ARB TIMER OPFKf (Oppostto New Postofflea Bolldlag) My Oeuntry Trice do and Patrooa RlU pb*" remember tha above, and send tboir order* w IBM. GILBERT. Oolambus.OL ah 2Mi 5W salet on bora of middling apian dr, aotblac balow low ml'.illtogr, rblppadkoyemhaf Drcembar, 7 Ml. Salx on barlo of mil ling uplands, balow l,,w middling?, rhlpiwd la Jam Fobrnary, Balaa on basis ot mid ting Orltons, aoUilng baton good ordinary, dellrarabl* in Tabnary aad March, 7U. 1:W r h.—(Jottoa tolas on* tails of mlddUgg uplands, nothing below good ordinary skiport In Dacambcr and Jorumt, 1%. Sales on batls or middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, dalisaraCls la Fobrnary and March, 7Ji. , 7U. Snlaa on n bulls of middling . balow good ordinary, shipped to Ji F.hraary, 71-19 Bulat ou a toils or middling Orltoua, a Maine balow low middlings, shipped to Jaauary uud Fabraary, Pi. Tabtlm at Itanrtwtar qutot aud euakaagad. Naw Yoon, December 11 —Ooileu dull aud •aster; aalaa ill batw; nptaudi ldXi I4 ^*w Your, Deeambar 1L—Oottou—Fatuiaa ipaasdqulad andaaaady, at follows; Jauuumr i UtostRur [UMfii^nttUlSlM' May r lei v.i: GEO. j(. PRINCE A CO., Organs & Melodeons* Th* Gldasi. Loagaat aud Molt Farfaot H«‘- tkdtary to Uto Ualtad Btatta. oMAlo* 1 RCFFALO, J. »• Now In ns*. No 1 other Kastoal In at ro wait ersr tto mm* Pspolartty- dV-BmptferPytoaLtato Addraaa novld oawdt