Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 17, 1874, Image 1

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/ ./.i; Vi VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1874. NO. 295 1 TBBMS DAILY, WEEKLyTaND SUNDAY Twslva nonthi, in afinao*. $8 00 gi* month*, “ 4 00 Tbra* month*, “ 2 00 One month, *' 76c. Wixklz Kkqcib**, one y**r 2 00 Bomdxt Exquibxb, one jeer 2 60 Sukdxt and Wuni Ezqmsu to gether, one jeer S 00 Adtrortiling ■■In. Iqwn. 1 Week, D*ny, ...,$ 8 00 ... 6 00 ... 6 60 ... 8 00 CONGRESS. 1 Square 1 year 42 00 The above is with the privilege of a change every three month*. Vot yearly card* a liberal die* conut will made. will be week in Weekly . For every other day in Dally the oae-third lee* than the Dally ra'e. For twice a week the rate will be one-half Daily rate*. r odvertiflements In local or reading ooiumus _ it Weekly rate* will Invariably be one-third of the Daily. When an advertisement ii changed more than tiser* mutt par a« do ttioeo at home. TELEGRAPHIC NOTEe. By T.lpgrcph to Kxyii.t.,] noaunr. —Nothing of Charlie Bon*. —The wife of Moaher, of - Maw York, i* dead. —A naventj thousand dollar lire at Ban gor, Uaine. —The jail at Osage, Harjlend, with two prisoners, was burned. —Specie shipment from Mew York to Europe jesterdaj, $ 825,000. —Losses by the Pljmpton and Ware- ham street tires, in Boston, are over half a million. —A special to the New York Beraid in timates frauds in the Charlestown, Uses., navy yard. Names suppressed, —Newbcrryport and Lowell, Massa chusetts, elect the Reform candidates over the regular Republican nominees. —The Republic, of New York, started in the interests of the third term, nnder the bloody rag, has collapsed. —Cobb, Democrat, has been elected Mayor of Boston. The Democrats lose one Alderman end gain seven Council, matt —One hundred and fifty disguised men foroed the jail at Dee Moines, Iowa, and hanged Charles Howard, sentenced for life for murder. —A aohooner, supposed to be the Bobt. Pettis, from Virginia to Provtdenoe, with oysters, was lost, together with her erew of five persona. —The members of the Prospect Avsnne Presbyterian Church in Jersey City have called upon Qlendenning to continue pas toral relations with them. —Wm. L. Barney, of 8t. Louis, a prin ter, is dead—age ninety-six years. He helped set up the obituary notice of Oeorge Washington. —New York reports that A. T. Stewart has bought the Qxaud Opera Hans* for *600,000. He already owna Niblo’s and the Olympio Theatre. —Bobert Stohe, foreign exchange olerk of Drexell A Co., of Philadelphia, has bean bt-ld in $20,000 bail for alleged «m- ' beazlement of some $30,000 falsa en tries. —The brig Florence, for Liverpool, with 730 bales of cotton, caught fire in Charleston harbor and was scuttled and rank; cargo injured; vessel and cargo insured. —The Supreme Court of Maine has decided that women cannot bold the office of a justice of the peace, or any other office mentioned in the constitution ; bat that the Legislature may authorize women to hold any ottna created by that body. —Gen. Viele, civil engineer, who owns a tract of land on tha line traversed by the recent shocks of earthqnake in New York and Connecticut, expreaeea the opin ion that they were oauced by a shook running along rvetn of Iron. —Mr. Harris, of Georgia, offered a bill in the House, on Monday, authorising the payment of one-half of aU duties on im ports in legal tender or National Bank notes instead of in gold. Referred to the Committee of the Whole. —Mr. Morton presented a petition of colored citizens of Indian*, in Congress on Monday, stating that in behalf of 15, 000 oolored voters of that State they pro- i of the 8u- test against the reaent decision preme Coart of that State, as depriving them of their rights as citizens, and their children of the advantage* of an educa tion. They deolare that they believe this decision is contrary to the recent amend ments to the Constitution end in viola tion of pnblio polioy, end they ask that the law officer of the Government be di rected to appeal the case to the Supreme Court of the United States. Referred to the Committee on Jodioiary. —The Uoited States Supreme Court in the oaae of United States vs. ViUalonga, of 8avennah,app*al from the Court of Claims, held that a motor who reoeivad ootton and made advances upon it, not thereby being constituted the owner of property in such a tense as to enable him to reoover the proceeds ont of the Treasury nnder tha csptnred and adandocsd property set It is said if he were to be so regarded through him as their agent, 'disloyal own ers might reoover such proceeds, and thne tha sot of Congress giving the right of action, whieh apaoiailr provided ■ against reosvery by any one who had t -«v*i liven aid and oomfort to tha rebellion. Reversed. Mr. Jostle* Strong delivered the opinion. FOREIGN. —If convicted, will appeal. —five inches et enow In London at noon yesterday, and still falling. —A private letter from Cuba states that seven slave* were flogged to death near Cardenas. . —It is hinted, if Harry Fennel is con vieted, he will be pardoned at the instance of Bismarok. —Tha Czar hat sent the Order of St. Andrew to President Mac Ha bon, with a very friendly letter. The circumstance is mnah commented on. —Stanley, the American explorer in Africa, left Zanxibar on the 15th of No. vsuaSev for Bagamoise, on mainland, wbenoa he makes up his caravan for de parture on his grand errand of discovery. Washington, December 16.—Msyusrd, of Tennessee, from the Banking Com mittee, reported back adversely a bill to ameiffi the internal {revenue law, by in creasing tha tax on the circulation of Na tional Banks from 1-12 per cent, per month. Referred to Committee of tho Whole. Yonng, of Georgia, from the Com mittee on Military Affairs, reported a bill for the relief of eertain States and Ter ritories on aeoouut of ordnance stores iasned during the 1st* civil war. Recom mitted. The Speaker states that in announcing yesterday tha seleat oommittes to Vicki, burg, he bad omitted to mention that the reason why he had not appoints J McKee, of Mississippi, who had offered the reso lution, as ohairman of the committee required by parliamentary usage, was ut that gentlemau’a own request. The Honse at 12:30 went into Commit tee of the Whole on the Legislative Ap propriation bill. Five hundred thousand dollars was ap propriated in lieu of eertain floes aud forfeitures, for the support of the Military Asylum. Answering questions, Garfield, who championed the repeal of the franking privilege, said he did cot find it as great a blessing aa he hoped, but wishes to give it another year's trisl. Talley wants the franking privilege re stored. The repeal bad been secured by tho Postmaster-Geceral, Cresswell, con trolling his forty thousand sabordiuatss. It was a fraud. Tho free distribution of agricultural matter more than compen sated for the oost. He asked the restore, tion to the people of their right of free eommunleatiou with their Representa tives. Finally a motion to strike oat the ap. propristion for offioial stamps was reject- *1 by 71 to 77. Butler reported a suplemental Civil Rights bill, the Senate bill being adopted os a basis. The elsnse regarding ceme teries was stricken ont. Separate schools are allowed, provided eaoh race has a pro rata of allowance and aeeommodatiou. The bill provides that White's substitute, pro viding for separate but equally comforta ble quarters in ears, taverns and other pnblio conveniences, shall be voted upon first. The bill was ordered printed aud re committed. , Adjourned. HKX.TB. Bout welt submitted a resolution in structing the Gommitteo on Finance to inquire into the expediency of providing for the redemption of mutilated United States cnrreuoy by postmasters of the sev eral oltiea and towns of the United Slates. Referred to Finsnco Oommittes. Merrituon, of North Carolina, presented resolutions of the North Carolina Legisla ture in relation lo the repeal of the tax on tolmeoo, and the repeal of the whole internal revenae law. Referred to Com mittee on Finanoe. He also presented the resolutions of that body for the erection of a coart house and postoffice at Asheville. Pub- lio Building* and Grounds. Also a resolution of that body asking for tha improvement of Cap* Fear river. Commerce. Johnston, of 'Virginia, called up the Senate bill to remove the political disa bilities of Henry Heth, of Virginia. Passed. Gordon, of Georgia, called up the Son ata kill to remove the political disabilities of James Js«)uon of Georgia. Passed. West, of Louisiana, submitted a roso- lation requesting the Honse of Represen tatives to fnrnisk the Senate with a copy and report made to that body by tbe Sec retary of War, relating to tho accounts of disbursing offloers. Agreed to. Davis, of WoHt Virginia, celled op tbe resolution submitted by him last week, re questing information as to the names of offloers who owe the Government money, and the amount due, names of sdreties, eta. Discussed and laid over. Bill to provide a new government for the District of Columbia was taken up, discussed at some length, and then laid over. A motion it pending to postpone its con sideration till the 10th of January. Pratt moved that tbe House bill to amend the act entitled “an act grunting pensions to certain soldiers of the War of 1812, and widows of deceased soldiers," approved February 14th, 1871, “and to restore to the pension rolls those persons whose names were stricken therefrom in oonsequence of disloyalty,” be takea ap for consideration on Monday next, after th* expiration of the nuruiug hour. Re jected—y**s 29, nays 17—two-thirds not voting in th* affirmative. Hltohoook, of Nebraska, introduced a bill extending the provisions of tbe act entitled “an set to settle osrtain accounts between the United States and State of Mississippi, and other Statos," approved Meroh 3d, 1857, to States admitted into the Union since that (lute. Public land. Th* Chair laid before the Senate » coug municatiou from W. L. HoMilloo, claim* ing to be Senator from Louisiana, and asking speedy notion on his case. Re ferred to Committee on Privileges and Elections. The bill to revise, arnond and consoli date the laws relating to the security of life on board' of vessels propelled, in whole or in part by steam, was taken up and partially read. Pease, of Mississippi, was appointed a member of the Committee on Claims in the place of Boreoian resigned. The Senate in executive session to-day confirmed the nomination of Benjamin H. Fmnklin aa oolleotor of internal rev enue for the First Distriat of North Car olina, Sargent introduced a bill for the relief of Rear Admiral John B. Worden, and officers and crew of the U. 8. steamer Monitor, who partieipsted in the engage ment with the rebel ram Merrimao. Re ferred to oommittee on Naval Affaira. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, submitted s reeolntton instructing the oommittee on Finance to inquire into the expediency of providing for redemption In the several bities and towns of the United Statee. Fiuanoe. Hager submitted a resolution providing that so rnnek of the annual message of the President as relates to Chinese im migration lio referred to the Commttte on Foreign Relations for a report, by bill or otherwise, lo retnody the evils to whieh the President calls the attention of Con gress ; also referring to that Committee tho resolution, of the California Legisla. ture on tho same subject; and the resolu tion presented by him last aeaaion, in struciing the Committee on Foreign Be- latious to inquire into the expediency of preventing tho importation of Chinese women for immoral purposes, and snp- j,alea. pressing tho Cooly trade. Agreed to. MARKETS. ■T TUMUFU TO BNBVIBRR. ■•■ay and Stack Market*. London, December it.—Erie 24%*%. New Took, December ie.—Stoeki dull. Monejrjt^per oent-_ tJoldlU^. Exchange— A PROCLAMATION By Old Kriakingle. UK 48*%, short 490%. Governments ait strong. State bond* quiet. Naw York, December If.—Monty active it higher At «fo% per cent. Sterling steady At 486% Hold moderately active at 111%©! Gold moderately motive . Governments dull but atrong. State quiet bat steady. VettoR Marked. Liverpool, December 16.—Noon — Ootton February, 7%. Whereas, The time la now appreeeklng when ell of my little end Juvenile (Heads ahould know wkere to And me tkta Okrlatmae with my Bodget or Fun; New, therefore, I, Krtakringle, In the line end with the authority doted In me by my numerous Patrons, do hereb) nnno«nee to ell the Little Folks that I will Mike mj Hand* quarters et my eld friend I. G. STRUPPKR’N, on Randolph street, Columbus, On. In witness thereof, I summon nil to appear et my Beseer during the eomlng Holidays end examine my Budget of Novelties. Otvon undsr my h*nd In the ally, tkta 16th day of Deoember, 1674. KRISKBIMOLE. L Q. NTKUPPER, ANMliL up lands, nothing below kooiI ordinary, ilupped In Deoember “ J * Sales on below loW February, T 9*16. ber and January, 7%, i basis ot mid ling Orleans, nothlng v middling*, shipped in Jnnnary and 3:80 r. n.— Ot sales to-day 8,900 bales were American. Naw York, Deoember 16—Ootton dull; sales 311 balos; uplaud* 14%; Orleans 14%. Naw York, December 16.—Ootton—Futures opened qntet, as follows t January 18 1616@ 31-82; February 14 11-83; Maroh 14 23-880%; April 16 8-32@%; May 16 7-16@15-88. Nkw York, December 16—Gotten dull; sales 638 bales, at 14%©14%; net reeelpts 861 Home from lbs Capital. Washington, December 15.—Grant and his staff visited Kiug Kalakana to-day. The visit was brief bnt cordial. Tho Couiiuilteo to investigate Vicks burg will not leave until after the holi days. The indications are that the Sonata bill governing the District by three regent* will become a law. UEORUIA. Futures closed steady; sales 8,900, as fol lows: December 13%; January 18%rg;20 82i oh 14%*, April 16* —- Februa iary 14%; maron Avrii u »•«*; omv .13 32; .lone 16%@21 32; July 16 29 32® 16-fe; August 161-160%. dllngs 13%@%; low middling* 13%; good ordinary 130%; net reoetpts 4,464; sales 2,800; stoek 61,889. Bobton,December 16.—Cotton nominal: lowar to sell; middlings 14%; net receipts 171? sales 272; stock 10,000. Oharlkston, Deoember 16 —Cotton—market steady; middling” 18%; low middlings 18%, good ordinary 12%; net receipts 4,097; salsi 1,600; Stoek 69,726. Philadelphia, Doosmber 16.—Cotton qnlst; middlings 14%; net receipts 833. Galvrston, December 16.—Ootton steady and In fklr demand; middlings 13%; low mlf- CONFECTIONERIES. deelO eoMw HO, FOR THE HOLIDAYS f A LARGE SUPPLY OF Plain Crackers, Oraeuntlls, fco., Ac. Fi and Plain Candles by the ten* Apples, anges. Lemons. All kinds Nmts. Citron, ■ugWiMBunni*. aii nizaua ivnve. umvn. Ml- ■Ins, Fire Crackers, Roman Candles, Torpe does, fco, fco , and r su Very respectfully, J. M. LaYFIELD. Look Out for Santa Claus I rain opened for the reeeptton All are invited—and asps- IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. AGENT WANTED BY THE HOVE MACHINE COMPANY, F*r Columbus and Surrounding Territory. Liberal term* «IS bo glvon to o Live Man who moan* bualnaai. Apply to A. II. JONES, Gen’l Traveling Agent the Howe Machine Company, Oontrol Hotel, Columbus, Qa. dealt Lawyer*. LIONEL «. LEVY, JA, Attorney aad OMnseller ait Law. Joseph r. rot. Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court* Practlcoa In all other Court*. ORoe over a tor* ot Vi. II. Hobart* A Co., Broad Ht. Ja86 Doctor*. ML J. A. tnqVHABT, Office removed to the Drug Store of £. C. Hood fc Brother. Bleeping apartment at former resldcnoe, t the oo.nurol Randolph and McIntosh mruots, opposite the residence of Mr. Win. Reach. aep6 Kosidence on Forsyth, throe doors below Bt. Clair. BAM CEL B. HATCH Fit. Attorney ut Law. Office over Wittioh A KluauP* f visitors. , tlH ' Lfarrli Noah' tlescrlptfon and style. . of Drums, Balls and Mstalophons for the boys, and an Immense assortment of China, Wax REUNION OF FIRST CAVALRY BRIGADE— PARADE—ADDItESH BY OEN. WADS HAMPTON. Augusta, Deoember 1(1.—The survivors of tho First Cavalry Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia, had a reunion hero to-day. A temporury organization was effected. Gou. M. 0. Butler, of South Carolina, Woh elected ohairman. Tbe cavalry battalion of five companies e«- corted tho veterans, makiug an imposing parade through the streets. There was a tournament at the Fair Grounds. Gen. Wade Hampton delivered an ad dress at tho Opera House to-night. There will be another parade to-morrow. The festivities will wind up with a grand ball. Admiral Seumion lectures here Friday night, on tbo “Cruise of the Alabama,” for the benefit of tho Young Meu’e Cath olic Society. tilings 13%; good ordinary 12%; net receipts 3.0D8; exports to Great Britain 4,317; Continent 1,190; isles 3,021; stock 81,676. New Orleans, Deoember 16.—Ootton quiet; middlings 14: net receipts 9,668; exports to Great Britain 4,603; to France 18,146; eottnent 7,296; chtnnel 2,146; sales 7,000; Hook 801,461, NORTH CAROLINA. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Baleioh, December 15.—In the Gen eral Assembly yesterday, two bills were introduced in the Senate to call a conven tion for the purpose of a ohange in the present State Constitution, known aa the Canby Constitution. Thera is but little doubt of the passage of the bills. Tho public sentiment of the people ie in favor of a change.' , middlings 13%; low middlings 13; good ordl nary 12© 12%; not receipts 1,449; sales 1,466. mitiuilllgs td/nt 1UN iuiuuiiiihi M/4, guvuurua- nary 12%; notrocolpts 6,091; exports Britain 2,062; sales 1,632; stook 106,967. Wilmington, December 16 —Cotton dull; middlings 18%; net receipts 766; stook 4,029. Baltimore, December 16.—Cotton dull end easy; middlings 14%; sales 676; splonsrs 216; stock 23,096. Memphis, December 16.—Ootton dull; mid dlings 13%@13^; net rDuoi^u 3,299; shipments Frsvlslsi Markets. New York, Deoember 16.—Flour dull and declining, wheat dull and unchanged. Dorn quiet and heavy. Pork heavy, nominal 621.26 @21.60. Lartf heavyrstealu 13 6-16. New York, Decomber 16 —Coffee qulot and firm. 17@19% gold, lor Ulo. Sugar dull and nominal. Molasses— foreign gra ©■ nominal; latter fancy. Rloe lasses n$v isriuau* ■toady, qulot and unchanged. Liverpool, Decomho r corner of Oglethorpe and Crawford streets, and 16S Broad street. My store on Broad street Is directly opposite the Rankin Honse. en trance No 166 west side. Call on me at both deel3 ; CHRISTMAS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AT J. W. PEASE & NORMAN’S. TNLEOANT OH HOMOS, with good Walnut Frames, largeslse^from 64 toffooseh I vranw, iarg« ■■■*>, iruui mi *h ■««*. ins Editions of tho Poets, from 61.60 to $10. Work Boxo« and Writing Desks, (some are beautiful) from 61 to 616* Tho finest lot of Juvenile and Toy Hooks wo have over had, at very low prices. Portfolios, Ivory Cerd Oases, Gold Pons and Pencils, Games. Fanoy Inkstands, Chess and "• * non Boards and Mon, and a great goods anltablo lor presents forjjeo- Backgammon variety of goo . plo of *11 ages and tastes, nt very atti prices. Call and see our stoek. J. W. PEASE fc NQRMAN. deoio deodfcw ' 16. — Breadstuff* VJtRPOQL, - . .. . quiet. Beef 80. Baoon 61s. 6.1. tor long clear middles. live; superfine winter 64 30@460. Corn tinner: new 66%@68. Whiskey steady at 98 lull and dccliulng at 619.26. Lard dull REXPHIM, TEN NEARER. 8t. Louis, Deoember 16.—Flour easior but less active; superfine winter 64 30@460. Corn firmer: Pork d at 12%. Chicago. December 16.—Flour unchanged. Corn in lair demand aud ttUvanoed; old No. 2 mixed 77%; cases at 72% for May; new 67 cash; 67% tor. January; rojeoted old 66; new 63. Piovislons unsettled, aetlvo and Irregular. Pork-mess 616.80@ 90 cash; 619.19@40 for call ot Board ohanged. Louisville, December 16.—Flour unohang- DEBT OF THE CITY—CONVENTION CALLED. Memphis, December 15.—The oomniit- tee appointed by the Common Council of the city of Memphis, relative to the debt of that city had a meeting to consider the wnyB and means of getting rid of their debts, Mr. Apperson, presiding. Mr. Hanson addressed tho meeting, giving a brief outline of the present condition of the debt. He showed that the total bond ed and coupon debt is $1,582,81)7. In addition to which there is n floating debt of $200,000. The assets of the oity are $1,317,080. Of the amount of its liabilities $500,000 are passed due coupous, to meet which the city has $17,000 in tho Treasury. Af ter considerable discussion the following resolution was passed : “Resolved, That holders of bonds of the city of Memphis in Charleston, Balti more, Philadelphia and elsewhere be requested to call a meeting and appoint oue or two delegates eaoh, to meet a cotu- mitteee of two appointed by this conven tion iu the city of Memphis, 11th January 1875, for the purpose of considering ques tions now before the convention.” ed. Corn unchanged; 73@76. Pork quiet at 621. Bacon—shoulders 9%; clear rib 12%; cear—hone here. Lard—tierce 14%; keg 16%. Whiskey 96. Oimciunati, December 16—Flour steady, Corn steady at 70@72. Pork in Ihlr demand, but lower; sales at 616 60 on spot and seller Jana jller last half January. Lard dull, but oloslng firmer; steam 12%@%; kettle steady at 14. UaOQn dull and nominal. Whiskey firm at 96; closing 97 bid. New York, December 16.—Turpentine firm. 34%@S6. Koeln quiet, 6L1>@62.26 for strained. Freights heavy. TI1E WEATHER* Washington, Deo. 10.—Probabilities.— For the Bouth Atlantic States, partly cloudy weather, with light rains, easterly or southerly winds, a slight rise of tem perature and falling barometer. For the Gulf Htate?, partly cloudy weather, with a slight rise of temperature and local rains east of the lower Mississippi, and cooler weather. —A litraid London cable speoisl says tbe trial of Von Arnim has developed the fact that efforts have been made by tbe Crown Prosecutor to implicate the press of America iu the complications between Bismarck and Von Arnim on a telegram shown in court stating that important let ters had been mailed from tbe London office for the Jlernld. This implies that tho llerdtd correspondent has beeu nnder surveillance. If this is correct, the letter was interrupted by the Prussian police. Private information says Bismarck will spare no trouble or expense iu order to know the existing relations between the Herald and Von Arniin. Baron Halstein states that the verdict will probably be postponed until next week. —Tbe Suez Canal, according to the I/evant Hr raid, is prospering. Daring September ninety-two vessels passed through, paying $3* r >l,200 for tolls, and during the first ten days of October the receipts amouut to $134,000. Lott, isining 11 Ninety ami One Hundred Dollars, and some receipts and memorandums. A liberal reward will be pi ad for return if the seme to L. R. HOOPES, nowruii 63 Broad St. Wanted, A POSITION as Overseer, Gardener, or any other plaee where an honest white VPl work. The applloent Is honest, up right end Industrious—a man who loves work. Apply at this office or U. A. Redd's. ff J. J. A W. R. WOOD J. M. MeNRILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law* Fractlcee la court* of Georgia and Alabama. (Mice 128 Broad Bt., (over 0. A. Redd A Co.’* Hpeetal ettentlon glvnu to collection*. Jail IMRRAH A CRAW FORM, Altornsys at Law, Will practice la the State and Federal Courts of Georgie. r, Illgee A Co.'S store, northwest tit. Clsir 8U. Ja8 corner Broad end & A. A. HOSIER, Attorney and Oouooellor at Low, Practices la State end Federal Courts In Qeergle end Alabama. ORce 186 Brood M„ Oolutubus, Qa.Ja6 If abb H. Buaaroasb Louis V. Gabrabd. R LAN Dr OR D dk GARRARD, Attorneys aad OoNsiaollora at Law. Offloe No. 67 Brood stre*t, over Wlttich A Klu- eel's Jewelry Store. Will praotlce in the State nnd Federal Court* Jas. M. Buwsu. Char. J. Bwirt. RIJMILL dfc MWIFT, Attorneys and OoauMlIor* at Law. Will practice In the Coarts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Cireuit It* T. DOWNING, Attorney aad Nolle I tor. novuol over Brooks' 1 B. J. M06E6, Attoraey aad Csaasellsr at Law, D$ntlitf. GROG \Jtiuucint oiv/nci ■» m diuzu ov.. Choice and Select Goods, Batter and Eggs a specialty. Canned Goods, all kinds; Preserves end J«-llles, 1 war*. _ ything In the Housekoep- *■ * 7 l*lo kets. Wekespevei Ing line. W* reap* give us a eall aad examine oar good* and prices, second dpor below Wells fc Curtis. All goods delivered. deed im Furniture! Furniture! Carpets, Carpets! Oilcloth* I Window Shade*, Curtain Good*, fco., fco., fco., Tho Newoet aad Chodooot llylsst Lowest Cash Prlsss I AT OUR Purnltura * Oarpat Warahouaa, 83 and 88 Braad St. RflONXY B WARNER. Largest Stock, Best Goods, Lowest Prices l W. F. TIGNEK, Dentist, DR.». B. LAW. Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS* SHAVING SALOON, (Ducceeenr to II. Heuei,) Under Georgia Home Insurance BuildlDK. Prompt and polite barbers In attendance. Je26 ALEX A BAM, Barkkkb, 8t. Clair Btr.i ED. TERRY, Barker, Crawford Bt., under Rankin llousc, Columbus, G*. Tobaooo, Cigars, Bo. MAIER DORN. If yon want to aujoy a gojd smoke,go to hie Ja8 €. LOPES, Dealer la aassl Hammfaetarer of Fine Clears, Je9 , Near Broad Street Depot. Croce r«. DA S’i, m. uu, Dealer in Family Grocer lea, tweeu Oglethorpe A J* No charge for drayage. J. H. HAMILTON, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, »talla No. 10 and IB, Market Housr. Fresh Meat* oL every ktud and best quality, always ou baud. Jell J. T. COOK, Fresh Meals ef AU Kinds, •cp6 8tall* No*, lft ami COLUMRUB DENTAL ROOMS, Builder* and Architects. J. «. vKimih, Haas# Carpenter aad Rmllder. Jobbing done at short notlco. Flaas and specifications furnished for ell style of bnlldlngs *— J street, next to u. w. Columbus. O* Boots Rnd Shoes. WELLS * CUBTIi, Ne. 73 Broad Bt., Sign of the Big Boot, D.AI.IH* I* Soot, lad Show, iMlhn and PiMlIn*.. OIt* prompt ud Mr.(*l .tUntlon to ord.n b^'Uulli pay tb. m.rk.t price tor N. B.—Plut.r.r.’ Hair .1*./. on haul. Jj*. Boot and Shoemakers WM. HXTIX, Boot ud ■bo.m*k*r. Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSOK, JJwry, Sal* ud Buskaus* Sluln*., Oatnamn, Non. or lunnotr. 8r>., uchtU Columbui, u». A. UAMNEU Livery aud Male Stablm, Uaur.ur. hr., Coum.ui, 0.. Particular .tuntlo. ,Ir.u to P—‘die, ap.l Hal. of Btc k. Uortea and Mules bosrded In stablv*. by tho month or dsy. Cun and Looksmlths. PHILIP KIPLKR. Gun and Lockawlth, Crawford street, otxi . - • “Tshbr • - Johneon'e corner, Coltftnbue. Ojt. WILLI AH BCHOBEB, Oun and Locksmith and dealer In Gunhlhg M«- terlal*. Belt of Btruppdr's Oonfeotlouary. Ial6 Cotton Faotorlos. n glvn 1*11 Tailor*. Just Received: Blenched Domcntlo 10c. All-Wool Red and White Flannels 200. American Alpacas, new shades, 26c. Japanese Bilks, full patterns, 610* All other Dross Goods very cheap. To Arrive Tueiday Next: Full line of now styles Silk Searfs and ether Novelties The whole stook as cheap as th* oheapest. F. C. JOHNSON & 00. Toys, Toys, Toys! PR0FUM0 & HOFFMANN are now displaying their Magnificent Stock of Toys Remember the place, r No. NO Drssssd ktreet. decl3 codfcw ^BBOLUTE DIVORCES OBTAINED FROM courts, of different States, fur desertion, Be. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted. Address, mvfiO dswlv M. UOUBE, Attorney, 164 Rrn*«tw*v. V V IBUAM COOPER'S Grocery Store continues Its well-saraed popu larity. Country produce bought and sold. Freeh goods always on hand. The old place. ssp24 ly BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE! 88 Brood Street. Business Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Costs, Talmas, &o. A complete assortment of Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing. A fine line of White and Fanoy 8hirts, Under Shirts, Neckties, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, In a first olass Oh defy competition. All goods warranted to be as rsprssented. Give ns a triaL HOFFLIN, RICH & CO., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Mr. J. O. HARRIS is with us, and will be pleased to see his frlsads. ootl tf DeodfcW O. A. KOBHNE, Merehnat Tailor and Gutter. A tall stook ef Frenek and Mnglieb Nruodolotba CeMlmeree and Vettings. No. 184 Broad Street. HENRY NELL MAN. Catting, Cleaning aad Repairing loraer O raw ford and Front St*. Dress-Making. HIM ffi. A. HOLM MUM WORTH. Residence andsbop In Brownoville. Tin and Copperemlthe. WH. HI, Warfcar im Tln y khest Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. JsT No. 174. Brood Street. Sheeting*, Shirtings, and Bowing and Ralttlng Thread* Oards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn- omce In rear of Wlttich A Klnsel's, Randolph *t. JalS R. ll, OiybTON, Prealdout. MtJNCDGEE MANCFACTCRINU CO. Manufacturers of SURKTINOS, BI1IRTINUH, YARN, HOPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, a A. G. P. SWIFT, Preeldent. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary k Tyeeeurer. octal ly. Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., A GO., House and Riga Fain tors. Old Oglethorpe corner, (Joel north of poetulfire) Columbus, Georgia. Will coutract for House and Slgu Painting at reasonable price*, and guarantee' Satisfaotioi Refer to Wni, Hnow. Sr. tai»rfi LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, UAHILTOR, •»., y^ILL practice In the OhatUhoochoe Circa It or «7 • id. “Pey where else. All kind of oolleotloi Confectioners. I. G. STBV PPRRt Gandy Manufacturer AUD DIALS* IU AU hltMle of Confectionery and Vrulte, Stick Gandy IN centa. W. A. Farlev, Attorney-at-Xiaw CUSBETA, Oh att a hooch aa Oo., Ga. BVSpeolal attention Klven to nollootlon* Watohmakers. G. NGHOMUCKG, Praotlonl Watchmaker aud Jeweler, Successor to L. Gntowsky, Ml 106 Brood street, Columbus, Go. G. H. LEQUIN, Watchmaker, 184 Brood atreet, Columbus, Qa. Watches aad Clocks repaired la the beet mau- aer and warranted. Jail Plsno Tuning, Bo. K. W. BUD, Repairer and Tuner of Flaaoes, Organs and FERN M. WOOD, Attorney at Law, Opelika, Alabama, . Lee, chambers, Tallapoosa and Kus- sell, tbe Supreme Court of Alabama, and in the United States District Court at Mont- gomery. sep!6 dfcwtjanl W. W. SHARPE A CO., Publishers' Agents Mo. 25 Park Row, M«w York, Ar* Mlknlnd to CalrMl far Ad* .•rtl.lii* la war Ml"'' arM if I>r. T. W. HENTZ, Sentlat. *4 J i