Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 19, 1874, Image 2

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DAILY EKQUIRER - SUN: OOICTflBjF8j 9R3S of (I'M, Md tubungscutif ■ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1874. fPailg gnquitrr. SATURDAY. ■. MARTI BT, / mcaiiv; NHMI. Ow nt MM tbe gcriagc oa pafwn mi laker. Tkta wiu be tea wall a month lor SaUlee aad tea eeata a qaertor for weekilee. Oar atwHHn will eee Ike aeeeeeUf for pay. las as promptly, a. ell tkoee la arrean will be trapped oa tke Aral of Jeaaary. Woareeeer wUllag to unaaiHH oar IHeadi, bat It will be lailaWt to toad eat paper* aotpaUfcr Tke ftttowtqg *111 be tk* «ab«trlptha taWte ter tke bqnin tor the pear liTI: Dolly, la adraaoe SI# oo per aaaaa. Drily aad Saadep It «o •• “ Saader,la edraoee IN « “ Week Ip, •• tta •• « Saadep aad Weekly, la edr., IN « « laadap aamd ieparatelp bp eerrterr la eltp » 0# “ •« tilabblat rate# hare teaa •etpeaded. All aaeiplred ooatraet# wHI be Med at eld ratee, Sedactlag poetage for the Ipaatloa at tke pear UTS threbsh trhlak tkep raa. Afirertieere ahoaid bear ia talad that uo tk# 22nd of February, 1875, I propoaa lo iaaoe, for free distribution, an extra edi. Moa of ran notmaxD oortna of the Bra. sax Eaqnnaa —an al|kt page aerantp-two column paper. Send In your “ada" be fore all the apaea ia taken. A, B. Cannons, The dlaegreoaeat to base been not on the tenoral question of Amlttiag the deuce men tioned, bat to matters of detaiL The siafcr * ■ ■ tbs Ml Introduced by Mr. White.!’ Wo 1 readora of 4b# proritai (to oppoaitlon if it contents rsoab £i)| aO Wk|to'a! The p bka a bleak elepbaat on bill. Wa find that it is by the nagto lawyer Ooorge T. and another colored writer, in oommoni- oationa to the National Bepufjtftq.' ^o last named • liter UroaffOM th. it«At*»t i party with negro opposition if it content# Itself with tmy' party evidently its hands. Muntoks •* th tvm The Union Springs Herald, comment ing ok tha Borne Oemmenia 7 < kABjef to Oen. Toombs on tbs subject of 'Chi aooorging the money ohangara in the •ample, aad oar oeommeqdet^eaof tbs clererneee of the CtmmoreiaTs reply, esye: “The subject of usurp, as ondontood by' the Vommeroial and ondoraad by the 4man,' tb hot od ~Uneh as alluded to in Sun toko, translated ia milk Mr pro- dues—that is, its rightful increase, iawfnl interest. Wo are glad to And that bar of tha ■Otmmtrtial add ■■•am mtm. Wo bare racairod several communica tions of lata, urging that the propound pries of subscription for the daily l» too high, aad that it would be wiser to con- tine# at present rates. Wo gate the whole matter careful oon- slderstlon boforo deciding on this meas ure, aad tha conclusion arrived at was that in ardor to arMd debt, one of iwo things most be done, either to roduoe onr expenses and so lower the standard of the EuQoman as a journal, or inoroaae tbs subscription to that of ths beet dailies in tha Slats, with wbloh no think the En- wnaan compares favorably. WaJ have decided on the latter measure. We can not afford to publish a mean, inaignifleant sheet. Urn Sunday Baumans was an expertarent, made in the hops of being able to decide as to ths feasibility of es tablishing, after a time, a creditable Southern family journal of snob charac ter aa to warrant a wider circulation than is now given the majority of Southern papers. While this enterprise, owing to ths hard times, has not been so aucoeaaf ol aa we hoped, yet we feel encouraged to oontinae. This necessitates onr aspera ting ths Husdat from the Dailx, and forces aa to publish a paper on Monday. We are wall aware that tha country and oity cannot give such support to this an terpriae as to make it pay at once, bnt the same may be arid, we think, of nina- tanths of the papers Booth, and we have too mock Involved net to use every effort for Ha safety and Increase. The new postal law must revolatlonixe Boothern Journalism, and force every pa per to insist, aa do their oo temporaries in the North, oa absolute payment in ad. vanoe. This role we propose to apply to city aa well aa mail snbeotibera, and we feel sura it will be found to work to onr mutual benefit, while avoiding muoh an. noyaaoa in oolleotion and unnecessary eiarical labor. Before tha 1st proximo, we will notify ail delinquents, and where a satisfactory response ia not given, the paper will ba stopped, and tha outstanding bills given to aa attorney for oolleotion. We antici pate but little trouble from this source, however, as every man who wants a good paper ia his family will pay np promptly, gat his neighbor also to subscribe, aad so help ns in making the beat paper South. 0. Bnktnaaa read the Bible, taat sorr^ to dnd they have studied It to go little pur pose.” The scriptural passages referred to are those whioh ambraoe the parable of tha talents, which ia given with but slight re lation of expression iu both Matthew aad Luke—tha moral in both being pre cisely the sama. Of course we do not un derstand this parable as. literally appHoa* ble to any monied transactions or any fate of interest whatever. Its design wan to teach that Ood would hold all men respon sible for the natural gifts with which ha had endowed them, and according in their several eapadtiea. Bnt Genera) Toombs having—rather Irreverently as we said—attempted by a forced construction of aoriptnre to uphold his views on the subject of interest, wc thought the Utsa- mereiafe rejoinder clever and wall-aimed, aad said so.| But aa tbs Herald attempts a litoral For aa ell-aeMoieat reason (which would not interact ths publio) we have not gone babied the English translation aad teakled tha original Hebrew. We will accept tha Heraldi proposition that the words “with usury” should have been rendered “with its produce"—that is, with the produoe of the money entrusted to tha servant. Tha Herald says that this maana with its imgfbl interest. What is tha authority for this aasertiuu t Wo find that two servants mads ana hundred per oent. each with tha talents givsp to them raepectlvsty, end that this “pirn- dace” was emphatically approved by the Saviour. Was onehundradper ocut. "lew 11 ful" interest under the Jewish or Roman We not . the. authorities Thurtdag, 17M.—In the Senate, the led oa- towns, fi imi Parks introduced a bill'to incorporate Henderson, in Pike connty, which was referred. The Governor nominated Levi yd., fmwlfirj of /Sale&egs, find T. B. Bethas nt Unn>gcmegy | v Commission era under the new act fo ascertain and adjust thi fndkbtsdhaas of tbs Bute on aoeoant of endorsements for railroada; sad the'SCnate unanimously confirmed their nomination. A# mvlj tkk whole day tlummlmisnam' Mil, which was finally passed, receiving the support of AH'thc Democrats aad about hiUf of the Olhsr bills pasted on this day by the two branches are mentioned hi the cap tious of acta paaaad, given below. Both hostel adjourned from this day to the ISIh of January The fellswing list of sets pasted before adjournment for the rceaas aompriaes all of a public charsctet, also all of local in terest to the counties nearest to ua: To pwhibii judges of the probata court ia this State from appointing certain per- swuLtbereih named,aa guardians ad lit.m. Approved December 1, 1874. To amend section Witt of the Revised Code. ’• Approved December 1, 1874. To repeal an not to aathdrixe tha publi cation of tha lawa of Alabama, approved October 10 lldfi, and the act approved December lo, 1871, amending the acme. Agpeoved December 8, 1U74. To repeal the net to enppraeo murder, lnicjilug and eaaaults and batterica, Ac. * 1471874. mdary line between Ap. 14, 1874. I*, gift or barter of within two milar bf . la Jasper, Walker oounty. ApprovetMteoamber 14, 1874. To prevent the sale, As., of liqnor within two milct of Bethel Church, in Okemhete oonaty. Approved Deeember 14, 1874. To fix ths oompCnration of the State Printer. Approved Deoembor », 1874. To ataaafl epaotl Unix, comber BefUter, gels ol reply ton iedy who coat lee era am, with (ha msmai like hart Thle weam u like yen, ImUM i -"Vemei learn ef krgret leet, Aku, that yea ham keea a 'gtkrahn, t tee te FOR COUNTY OFFIOEB. Announopmoiit. ofOoreaeref Mutangtameaty. Etttatonfimt WedneaCsy la January next. Re 8t a artpb. It ANY FRIENDS. Masonle Notice. a beuuLar mebyinq or •wonlav, »t TU o’clock. Tk* BIBUl IlMtfM. Of d*el* It 'u&SI For Coroner. etlate for Coroner of Mmcogce oeuaty, et tke ear uleg eleetloa oa Wsdneadsy, the eu fisy crjaaesry next Cecil dkwte* MANY FRIENDS. Notice. rue* The anneal meeting etthe etethhelA of tke Georgia Memo faearenee Corn- peoy Win bo hate et the Oomyway OStee, Oo laeibea, Georgia, on Jaaary Seth, lrn. SAM*I« S. MOBDOOE, See’y. fieeie oawtsatraeste Ft Share# m II per n To the Voters of Muteogoe Oonaty. n-y At the eeUetuttoB ead nggmilna el saw vaiesdo (whits ea# attend), I yueeat myself a saadMate tor Clark or th. Sepeitor Ooert of Maaregee eoeaty, at the earalag eleetloa tor eoeaty eMmre la January, m «R M. ENOW, dealt te JOHN BI.A41EMAE, to change t ooantiae of Pika and" Bullock. SasAToa BccxninsAM, of Oonneetiont, is ao aerloaaly ill at hla boms that It ia thought bs will not be able to be at Wash ington at all during the winter. Tan flpoeial Agent at the Treasury Department who has been examining the affaire of tha Philadelphia Uuatom Hence, has mads a report severely critioixing lie management, aad iwoommending a lugs reduction of ths foroe employed. The Philadelphia delegation in Oongrem are opposing tha proponed redaction. Brian* from California represent this yeer'e planting of ootton in that State aa aatiifaotory, and tha enltura aa inoreee- log. The total crop of the State is put at 820,000 pounds, and it ia said that the yield ia Maroad oonaty will be fully 100 pounds per nan more than that of the moat favored Southern States A usas axle of lots belonging to tho oily was hold in Atlanta on Thursday. The property oo misted of whnt is known as ths Public Square, being nearly oen- tmlly located. It was divided into seven lota. One lot, corner of Alabama and Pryor stnata, brought #377 per front foot, or #10,083. Another, fronting on Alabama street, bnught #300.25 per front foot, or #11,707.10. All the Iota fronted on Alabama at mat. They brought in the aggrogate #00,430. Tni New York Herald'e special die- pat ekes tram New Orleans say that the Conservatives do not oontemplate any vi olence towards Kellogg or the Returning Board—at least, not at preeenti and that tha Kellogg party, having United States troops in readiness for nay sudden emer gency, want to exasperate the Conserva tives to ths commencement of an attack. The Herald insists that tha true policy of the Conservatives ia to let the Board do what it will, without molestation, and wait tea ths nottao of Congress. As they have vainly waited for two yaara already, the prospect of relief from that quarter dose not seam to be very hopeful. Tn latest intelligence that wa have of the netted of the eornmiltea having the Oivil Rights bin tn chugs, ie the follow- lag in reference to the deliberations of the eemwilttae on Tuesday: “The House Jediciary Committee took about twenty ballots to-day on tho Oivil Bighta bill re puted by the enb committee, being the Busts bill with omission of tho mixed fishsnl sad oemetery oleum, bet nt hand, bnt between snob liberality slid no restriction at ell there ia no difference worth ea tilling about. The Lord required that his money should be profitably em ployed, aad be abundantly rewarded hi* servants who made one hundred per Cent, with it white ho punished him who sim ply returned hie talent without interest. We wtah it understood that we nro not advocating a high rate 6f interest Wo would bn rejoiced if all naan could borrow M numb on ihoy wanted .At_tkMs or four per cent. Bnt we know that this oanudt be, neither can they get it at eevefi or eight per coat., UndCbetefore we gofer tho only expedient which bo believe ^o be praotteablo—the lowering of the rate of interact by increasing the supply of money to loan. (Oarreaponfienee N. Y. Herald) “smi meat outtfiY” nr aba. the Dmoesan aaxmo WisamaVOH, December 14.—Tha Home had s lively though brief dsy, whioh .he-; gut with tho rejsotioa of Mr. Pbslpaf mo tion to suapend the role# in older to oonalder the repeal the “Oeh-laF.* Only foar' Reputilesm voted -with Mr. Phelps, end hie bill wen afterword cent la the Jndieiuy Committee. Then the Demoemta began to wort# the Republicans. Pitta, Mr. Oaldwflt, of Alabama, offend n resolution CcIHng on the Wu Depnrtennt for infometian oon- corning ths manner in whioh Upttad Btatas troops were need on elootion day in Alabama, and concerning the din, tribotion of provisions to the suf ferers by the Hoods oii the Alabama, Tombigbee and Warrior rivers owlets joint resolution for their relief adopted at the lest session. Tim joint reeolaMmr provided that the supplies should b* dis tributed by army oBoerS to sotual sat av ert, but it ia charged, end appanndy on good evldenoe, that ths whole supply, which oo muted SPRINGER’S OPERA HOUSE Monday Kvanlng, Doe. SI. Beorgentaed tor the fieeeeo of MM ead UTf. HELEN !>’ EftTE, supported by J. O. STUTTZ, and ana Mammoth Near York Go. •> ■•■MAT NIGHT Will be pro tented Mrs. Merle Jerries Watt- mo raised'.great B. nay, ant teaWtMiff^Sa SSmfwtrh^ evtim charge. deals dthelt BOOTS AND INOII. tp sot for the relief of the 'emitJ of Alabama, Approred De ter rf, 1874. To authorise the Judge of the Ninth Udlctel Circuit In tha State of Ale- boms, to hold n special election in Bus sell eowaty. Approved December 11, 1874. *•'••• To repeal an sot to ccteblich ,n Crim inal Oonrt in Bollmk oonaty, with civil and criminal Jnrladiotioa. Daoember 14, 1874. TWNpealnn cot eutborising (he mv er4. eons ties, towm and elUae in this State to anhocriho to tho etook of ratl- twcfiS, ota. Approved Deeember 14, 1874. To prohibit side, Ac., of liquors within (hike miles of the Agricultural aud Me- c battieal Collage, ta Auburn, Ala. Ap- proeod Dec. 16,1874. ■eSWBJsateSr’JS ^ j Te ohanga tha name of Bakar oounty to Aihiltoo. Approved Dao. 17, 1874. To require the Reporter of tbs Supreme Oewvt to furnish s aywopefa of the paints decided each week by said court. Ap peared Dee. 17, 1874. To direst (he Stamping of the State oMigntiooe. Approved Dec. 17, 1874. For the rriief of the eity of Troy. Ap proved December 17, 1874. For. the appointment of commissioners to iidnldste and adjust all olnims against the Beats of Alabama arising from bonds issued or endorsed in tbs nuns of the Btnte: Approved Deeember 17, 1874. Tb pfotans fox the transfer to tbeir re spective oeaniiea of the inmetee of the Freedman's Hospital at Tailed age. Ap proved Deeember 17, 1874. To amend (actions 2584, 2530, 2571 and 3323 of the 1 Bevissd Code. Approred December 17, yjJL, ALtBABA NSWI. —The Bento Board of Education, which has bssti ia station nt Montgomery sev eral weeks, Adjourned n'ne die on Thurs day. —Mm. T. W. Meriwether, n daughter of Bev. John Crowell, of Boaeoll oonaty, died near Matthews' Station, in Mont gomery county, oa Thursday. —Tha Opelika Timee states that Major Kellogg, oootmander of the United State# troops nt that, has been ordered to Atlanta^ snd mentiane s report that s The Old Shoe Store le fall eCNew Bhoaa. Onr late efisttleoe ere The Protection Toe Shoe for children Ladles’ Glove & Pebble Buttes Boots. Lidias' Fins Kid Button Boots. Mlttes’ Fins Kid Button Boots, Lodlos' and Missis’ Kid Optra Boots. All “as pretty ee sew ehoee.” Bargains In Boots 1 Men's Hand-Sewed Boob for $9 per pair, 60 cam Men’s Thick Scab, very cheap, Ladles' Kid and Felt House Sllppen. Men’*, Boys’ and Youths' Slippers in variety. The Old Reliable Wells’ Hand-Sawed Shoe, The Virginia Stitch-Downs. Anri a felt .took or daalrabla work la quan tity and variaty, aad at priaea weitk the at tention or any buyar. WELLS ft CTJ&TI8, No. 78 Broad •«., rittr signer tea Ble Beta. avalty company will be kent to Atlanta, —wo learn from the Eufaola papers that Judge £< M. Kells has reaignad the ones' of Judge of "the Oity Court, end thajt Governor Houston has appointed General Alphene Baker to fill the vecenoy. The people Of Xntaula are much re- Joieod. —Tbs preUmbtary trial of the negroes . Qbarise Wesley and Fortune Gilmer, for ’Ah'nrutdi thurder of Mr. L. Strauss, is taugrhsatbg at Montgomery. The little uegro boy who was in the store and wit nessed the killing testified on Thuredey that he recognised them aa the mar deters. ^ Republican nteibuTof 1 Congre^ttfaV S^S^pimeS—a —A. 8. Outta was re-elected Mayor of AseeriCua on Wednesday. Tb* vote stood —Ontta 291, S. B. Hawkins 122. —The Atlanta Herald, the Oriffln Newt Governor having aids out a Uta of these gentlemen beforehand, with theit ad dresses. They are naturally suppouod to have put the baoon “where it would do the moat good," and the eomteaT ptrt of the story is thafita the *re» »4W there wu no flood of S kind tn cause suffering or lose, end, secondly, the diatriot liable to be overflowed, being Democratic, reosivad no supplies. Baoon IS Called “Side ipetaf in the Booth, end they say that Congress man Hays, who engineered the diataiho. lion of supplies, and ta the same time fur nished Gen. Hawley with interesting Southern outrages, is now known tn Alta bama aa “Hide Meta Charley." Unfortunately the Republican aide of the House either did not see tbs jak* or wee not oarions to know whet bad become of the #10ft,000 worth bf bieon, for when the reeotatiun of inquiry earns lo n vote it wen loot. Next, Ur. Book offend A resolution for n special inquiry into the “safe burglary” affair, bnt ten Republicans did not cure to know anymore about that affair tather. Mr. Buck’s resolution Wee last also. Borne of the Republicans wore not well C ‘ sad with the day's work, and thpugl# ths party ought not to be plnqed in the false potation of avoiding exposure. Others, toe, wake really curious to know something about tee “safs burglary" Stee end about the nhMoiiBOf distinguished persons to the principal netom in Itj; bat the teejetatjHMgin to ota enneo e»n qnUd mate thee when Pongrwea #rta met, kM there ie e strong disposition to harmonies. The Wastern inflatieuiata are leas out spoken, and Mr. Kelley, whose bill may come up foe farther debate to-morrow, does not any longer threaten 4e leave the party. (he proprie- papers—are alt nhhoaneed tor State Printer. —The receivers appointed by Judge Hall to soil tho Griflta, Madlaoo and Mon- tteaUo Railroad, have advertised the road i0>er'qld l e<tbe(ta( Tuesday in Merck next, , i, —To aay Skat a man 1# “onned” when noma admixing friends present him with n walking etiok, is taking auflloiant liberty does, is ontregnone. —Pa Friday night n eoloxed woman by the name of Hernaon' oommenoed lag in tbn African MMhadM in Marietta, and kept op her religlotii enthusiasm until ao much exhausted that she had to be carried out of the ohnrch, when aha died. -On the 37th nit., the Uttia child of Mr. George W, Haynes, who Uvea near Holly Springe, Cherokee eoeaty, stumped its toe, breaking tee skin, which c the child’s leg to inflame, end dost sued in two days after tee aeoident. —The Georgia Annual Conference of the colored Met bod let E. Church of Amer- RCAL ESTATE AGENT*. JOHN BLACKMAR St. UUlr Str**t, Onnbj’a Banding, nttt 1 Pr**r, lllff** k Oo. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance' Bim, II *»BI—0B t To jltroliMBtB' And MaohAnlcB* Btenk, Ik)* oily oprl* tr PROVISION BROKER I Dally Talefiratoe Brea Looisville and Saint Louis, data tf • MILLINERY. Novnltloe, Novelties, Noveltleet YT BS. OOLYIN AND MIM BONNOXY 1Y1 reipeetfully Inform their frlen4a aad the public (.nrrally th.t th.yer.mew opetau the uHoioxsr «took or ttiiadNiKrtbat has arar base off.rad In this rnark.t, iccladlnx all tas Noraltla. of the eeeita. Alee, Oora.u, Gleveeeo4 Hosiery. Haviax given ear per- •onal ettentkm te thewleetlen or the stock, wo era prepend to (.11 at prlam te <mtt the timer No. ion Broad 8t petit tf Sealed Proposals A RB INVITBD tor delSf the elty work tor the roar MTS, (January let to Decemher Slit) a. follow.: For publishing prooasdtage of and doing tea and AdvwtMng. Pfep.mli may ■tat. nparate bid. for pebUihlng proceeding, r.abatlm or report, or iamo, ead for edvor- UalDN, and may state a atari mu., or n dlooonst from rtgalar prtoOA For riolbg the anal aad naoaiMry Job work. For doing Iha e.eal wood aad Iron wr" carl,, and anoolng maloo. For making and ispairtag karnaan For tomiiklng lumbar. Formakteg mates for pnupan, tke seme te be .telned, end foot ana head board, end board, for oor.rlng th. eofitnt to ba Inoludad. For furatobinr merilotnse and etMaleais pro- Mrlbsd by City PkyaMan, and oompounding the note. PropoeaU tor thaae may ba varied aa salt, the bfdaar. Rid. te be handed In previous te meeting of Couaoti oa Monday aventng, tut teat. Ooou- II reaervae the right to reject say or a U bide. Byord.r.fU.Oo'teU.MM.MOU.B, ANNOUNCEMENT*. Annoancemmt. * 1 am thankful te Ue Maude who ng- ■eated my aims a. a oeadldate tor tha ofitoeorT.x Receiver, end la aenpltag the Nomination, allow mo te state tent I taand ba. fora tha pebtio oa my owe merits, aad net entirely Independent of any ring, ellqae or party. WM. B. BARNARD. Socle te finmiiiiuMn of ColumbuR, Georgia. " a A Homo Institution Booking ths SAtronacs of Hora e People. We oAr INDEMNITY against LOSS by TIRE. We have paid our friends for losses sinoe April,’1866, 8922,720.40. For Tu Collector, • OAPT. OHABLE8 A. RUNE an- aenoae himself as s madtriate tor Tan Otateetoraf Mnmagoe Uewnty. ■utlon tn <re*stad.y tn January atadfcwte* For Tak Collector. * Vs an aothoriaod te annooaee name of DAVIS A. ANDREWS, Eta., aa a oaadldaU tor Tax Ooll.otar erMeaoegea ity, ta the snaring eiaettoa la January next. oetto dfcwtd* For Tax Golloetor. Or 8. B. OLBGHOXN aaaeeaaaa him. ealf a can did at. tor the ateae of Tax Oollaotor of Mnaoogee oonaty. Eleottoa fir.t Wodnooday la January next, acts Id For Tbs Colleotor. » .jf I rtepeotfuily ******** mymlf assn- ” didata far Tax Oollaater of Maaaegae oouaty at tha alastton oo the flnt Wedneodey in Jaanary next. oettt te* JACOB O. BVBRVS. For Tax Colleotor. wry I respectfully enoownee myaolf a mo •* dldate tor Tax Oolleeter of Muaoogaa oounty at tbs election oa tea trot Wsdasiday ta January next. oets U JOHN A. HUFF. For Tax Receiver. wry I announce ayaalf n oaadldaU for Receiver of Tax Retame tor Mnaoogee county. Elootion first Wednesday In January next. ..pXT deoduwte JORDAN L. ROWELL. For Reooivor of T#x Returns. r l AO AIN announeu myi.lf a candidate forrariaeUonofTaxRaealrar or Mir eogaa oounty; elootion flnt Wodnooday In Jan. nary next. My part management of the otoo. will be my only reference for uompttenoy, my tuny and relied "Ntphewu," your "Un.l. Mika" will expect each aad every one to do hla whetedety. So let u all ha ep and detag. note te* M. W. THWEATT. For Oounty Treasurer, p—y Ireapeotfrity announce myself a oan “ dldate for the otaee or Oonaty Tree, ererfbr Mnaoogee oounty, nt thuelootlonon Wodnooday, tth January, left, dao IS to* J. J. WOOD. For Oounty Treasurer. fr JT 1 I TMpoet fully BDBOQBO* BJS*lf B OAI didst* for tb* ofl&o* of Tt***ur*r of Muaoog** oouotv, at th* oniulng election on W*dn*idAj, th* 6th of Jana Ary next. dtcl2 te* J. H. HARRISON. For County Treasurer. ra* I anneunoe myaelf n oanrildata tor ro* ^ alastton a. Oounty Traaanrar of Mus- oo(M oounty, at tha earning .lection oa Wed nesday, January eth, UTt. fieeie te* TIM MARKHAM. To the Voters of Muicogee I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF n Candidate for the arise ef Tex Re- eeirer of Maseogee Connty, et the eleetloa on tho Flnt Wodnooday la January, octt-ts T. O. BEES, For Clsrk of Suparior Court. I reopoetfully annonnoa myself use dew for rerieetlon to the office of Clerk ef Su perior Court or Muooogoo county. Election Bnt wedneodey In Jaanary next. JE8SE J. BRADFOBD. For Clerk of Superior Court, raaaml r.apeotrnUy annennee myaelf a can. dldate for Oltrk of Superior Court, eoliilttng tbe uuppert of the pablle. oeti dte GEORGE Y. POND. HOTEL*. Commercial Hotel. BVffAVLA. ALABAMA. E SDICATED to the Uommamt.l Tmrelsre >f the united Stated and ellnenen. ttav- on buelnen or plaaaera. Wa will do ell nsvlt tf uak.yourltay w: Giro ue a trial. BIDDLE A SI with is pleeeaat ead SMITH A, Prop’rt. im| HOWARD HOUSE, 11174 SBWAD ITfilir, NaaaLT Orro. MoxvaomaaT ann Bvrana RaiLaoaD Davor, Enfanla, AIAbAmik J. W. HOWARD. Frcp’r. oeti tlAWflB iOBhaa bBeam Mpsion in HUledgcvillB aigoa Wedaac4sy. Vth inta.. Bishop Hol- aey presiding. Biohops lliloa and Baobn are also preaanL Ab GtaW. in attanSanea. Wedncoday does not o< Biehopa ‘About 150 dalagatan JfF.lEkfl-’IW»» of oontain tha appolnt- -Tho Marietta Journal stye teat on last Baturday some twenty oon rl eta made an ithegt to sunups from the chain gang ta work ow the Marietta to North Georgia nt train- Railroad. While tha ing, the conyieta mode*?! tho opportune Orooory atore oecUnam tte weBcciqta geya. mombnYfoDfiek- and ran. Tha guards ■ gSJS^naeMMeaT' ”* flmd aad wowndad on# Mta eaptcred nine I xnariapiaaa. Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. J. W. RYAN, Prop’r. Fun Goldsn, Clerk. Ruby RestaHFBnt, Bar snd Billiard Saloon, Uaoci ram Raima Honss. J. W. XTAX. PiuFi. IBRAE tcevrs'i Election Notloe. rpHERE wlU b* an election htld oa tha flnt 1 Saturday In Jaanary n«zt, at th* pla** •f boldine Justloee’ Ucort, la tb# dlffsront Militia Dlftrlet* of th* ooonty, fbr two Coasta* bl*fi for *ach Dlsti-lcL Tb* JaettoM of the P*ao* tor *aeh District ar* r*qnlr*d to flaaor* latOBd aald oloctlon. d*cll tjml U following namad parsons arc h*r*by ap* polntad Maaag*ra at tb* dlflBMt PtoclncU, Ib tb* County of Mnacogoo, at tha election to bo bold for eonnty offletn, oa th* flnt Wadi>**day Ir Janbatt next, vis: OtTY-J M MoNalll, J P | T J Shlrara, J P, aad w Kflnadatofd Nancxs—C Oglotree, J P| W E Mealing and J P Portion Hocunax’s—P J Philips, J P t J W Master, J P, and W A Bowman Smew Milt.—E PWtllta, J P; Denial Odom aadjf OOttlo UraToti—Jno D Odom, J F: I F Boyd, J P, aad Emanuel Rich Eowaane—LKWIllto J P)Q HBryaa, JP, tad Jwlah Talbot Tb*_M*nax*ri will glaas* call at my *Ao* r. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. mb* nu. m for tha WEfTAUBANT*. Reich’s Restauran No. 118 Bread *t., H AS luit b**a opened, aad I* now pr*par*d to lay b*for* 1U |«##ti aad patron* a •ILL OP PARS VO AV Prompt attoatfoa Opaa at all bears. BANKINC AND INSURANCE. Responsible v Li Reliable! OME sxnkoTosui i J. RHODES BROWNE, L. T. DOWNING, Att'y st Ltw. JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Atlasta. JNO. MetLHENNY, sx-Msyev. N. N. 0URTI8, Wells A Curtis. JNO. A. MeNEILL, Grootr. J. R. CLAPP, Clsgp’t Fsstery. JAMES RANKIN, Ospltsllst. 0HAIU.ES Wl#E. J. RHODES BROWNE, SAM’L S. MURDOCH, GEO. W. DILLINGHAN, Free td eat. EecrOary. ABLE, LIBERAL and SUCCESSFUL FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Gold Assets, ... - 1*70,000.00. Losses Dus and Unpaid, * - ..... None. Cliloago Losses Prosiptly Paid In Full, - * $520,304.92 Boston “ “ « . 180,903.89 Beekere of Inevnutee elumld see th»t the Company they patronise Ie Solvent, Careful and Prompt. Reeses Fairly tdjaited end PmaplI, Paid hy G. GUN BY JORDAN, Agent* SSSlii—mmmmm^meJSSSmSSZSSSSLaS^L. REMOVAL. D. F. Willcox’s Insurance Agency 71 BROAD *TBKET. rpiHE undamgead hu removed to the eMw Ibrmwty occupied hy the JOHN KINO MUomjwde^ on nil cteltei ef faemhle pn>»- p. r. WILLCOX. ertyr°lNULUDUm , om U HUUS^S *AMD OONTEN' CW OMceopen nt tat banner the day. SAVE YOUR MONEY! ONLY ALMOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT THE WI8E ONES 8AVE IT! If you will only Sawo what you Waste, It would be no trouble to beoomo Indooondont. Less than one year old, and has 378 Dsposltors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security ef Depositors—$12 In Meets for every dol* lar of Ifsbllitles. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reoelved. Ssven per oent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres'L G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. fob* dtf AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT*. Otiewaola Iitme Oo. H018TEAD 4 j GO., General Agents, Columbus, Georgia. T HIS LIME I. preaeene^ by Imlndta Oaoleglate to be made from tbe Fined Book In tk. Sooteera State.. It eanata be equaled la quality or price. CEMENT AND VLA*TBNER*’ HAIR alweyt on hnhd et lowed prieee. e^Ordwi filled promptly. HCUT14B dfe «»., ftoHNi Agnate, oetstf Oolamb.., at- HOLSTEAD & CO- ASMCBlTDBfiL DEPOTS 4 ► w $4 and isuogsbl* nittt oeti sm BANS BOUCI Bar, Brstairaiit 5 Tan Pit Alley. Metae eerved at ell boure, nt reeeeaabie Fdeee, ead rrtnie room, when deelred. THS TEN FIN ALLEY to the bed ever eeadrecud la Ooluebn*. Mr. JAS. FOBAN k eeteuf*‘ A. J. SOLANS, Proprietor Is Warranted Perfect! LIGHT SHAFT, SUBSTANTIAL WORKMAN* SHIP AND VERT LOW PRICE! Farming Implements) and Machines * • SEED* OF ALL KINDS! CTfUMTOAts FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS! BUST-PBOOr OATS, OBOBOIA BYE, WHEAX, BABLSY, OLOYEB|AND •BAM SEEDS 11