Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 20, 1874, Image 2

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fc, I'MTMI. q4 tt 4JK> tlw llt*»ar"jftnu»ry nexttho Mttlice niff*™ p»ld by rfil* wlU bo us mil * ■ dftlitw* »” J t,n e * nt> » luftrtot forwooatloa. Oar Ewer***" wl11 ,M the nftdOMMy for pay- iB-ftp^roniptly, myall thonafia MTOftOO Will ha dropped OB tba Ant of Jmnamry. Wo ora afar wIlIM 10 oceommodatc oar frlondf, hat fc WlU bt imjKwilbla 10 land oat papoi pat paid for I, ftdrmaca. Tho following will bo tba aubofrtpttan rim: S)M|I mi XVookto,Dl ndr., 2 00 •• Somtaf *Sro<l»ep«t»lely by flaMMinlitiflraillM Into Ihg IngioinUon at Urn Inst ti lnrolrod bar. Tba gmctlmaooa aateeUd mm Ooraiuioniowotn are as wall fjalWmd for tba inly aa any two ana in tba IDa Inwlap baa far auy jaara baai gantad maooaaf tba boat tafocraofi ia Alabama on all mutton niattaf to bar flaanolftl and malarial ooaditkw. Ha baa Datanocd judgment and maob obrawdncao in Iba mnamgeniont of diOsnlt qaaa- tiona. Mr. Boetbon in oloo an “old a lag or" Jn tba politic, af Alabama— report tba ki« wtlKbaVOad atwtd rhtai, MHha paif (re for tba motion or too poor Ml throng., wnloh tbmy roa. ! a man wbo boa apant a long Ufa in bar -.asotmek WKA, rtiaera abould bear in mind that on the 22nd of l etimary, f673, I propone lo DMKVcir five diatMbatMb, nn extra edi- tian of rirrx THouaiM^tA’isa of the Him- ats tami’ixxn—an eight pageaeeenty-two oolnmn jiapor. Hoad Jn JC'ir “nda” be fore all the epjea ia token, K. It. dmuioun, _ Proprietor. Tan Atlanta Coartitaffon la alto a can didate for the State Printing, and we mhoald think a pretty atrong candidate. long aarrioa at important tlmea, and al .all timet beann aloaa and tatocratcdwtartrar of all pabHs affaire—a mao agaiool wheat honor aad paraoaal integrity no dunbt or turpldon wot arar men cannot perform the dnty awrigaad la them, it it booanatt it ia too diffiealt for good financial Judgment end wiaa ataloa man all ip to manage it. It inunt by no mean* lit inferred that Alabama Tntenda by Derailing oTtbla oommiaaion to rOpadlflta oof part of bar jaat debit or wrong any of her beta /Mr erMftora. Bat a large portion of bar contingent indabtad- noaa ia in an unaettlad and area -flSH totm-from tba Etatoo that the re- oaipta of com Wt tboateoinbokt landing in Chattanooga now average abont l.fiOO or 2,000 buabtle doily, and that prioaa range from 711 to III oenta aoeording to quality. Wa think that,oven tby “enterpriae" of onr Amarioam cewapopar reportage wonld hare been pot to a aevere teat in the conrt trying l^8?<» Arnini coee tbe other day, when tbe' **m^ atefione documents” were read, it having boon fimt taponnaed that any one who publiahed them would he trio* ia*high Oaonoon. Db. JoexrnJoniK, of the TJniveraity of Lonimltne, to whom a pdttion of the re mains of Mr. Philip P. Baldwin, of Bui lock county, Alabama a, ware Mat* far ei emination, reports unmistakable indica tions of arsenic. It will be remembered that Mr. Baldwin died aeddonly a few waaba. ainaa, and that ccrarnl nagroaa ware nu„t£4 on anepioion that thoyhad poiaoiied him! WannsoaT last waa the day appointed far the meeting of the atookholdera of the Central lUilraod, at Atlanta; bat m quorum eonld not be obtained, no regular bosineaa waa done. A committee waa ap pointed to make a thorough examination of the rAttw ; rt^the eomphny, to make on inraulorj and appratacment af ita property and Mseta of all kiuda, also of ita liabilities, mid to report to on annnol meeting of the atoobboidera to lie held on the firat Monday iu January next. Tn* reports of the city Treasurer show that aba faoaipta of the rauniolpal govern' mant of Huron for tho year just closed were 9316,.Mid, and tbs expenses the same, lane a balance of $1,1:12 on band at the time of making Ilia report. Tbe Pub- lio Babaola ctat 922,6*3, the State Fair 924,400, which waa nearly balanced l>y rooetptaut the Fair, the Fire Department 90,000, Police 920,02*, Got 90,0-’/, Streets 923,072, nud 971,27* wm paid for interact. Tbe receipts iuoluded 97B,000 from the Nutting eity bonds. Mb. Ceoboe C. Hiaars, youngest son of Hon! Trerson L. Harris, aooidentally shot himself ia Milledgarille on Wednaa- day. Ha wnc-about starting out hunting, and stopped In the yard, loaning against the tn utile of hie gun, when a motion af Ml foot itrahk tba hammer, discharging the contents of the piece under hit right arm. fie died on Thursday craning, fie waa a young man -touch liked by all his aaqnatntnnae, aud has nutimdy death greatly afBiats a large circle of ralaUrja and friends. It ia now pretty well understood tbit the attempt made a' few dope ago to foroe colored scholars into some of the high SL-hocla of New Orleana was a “put- up job"—eri-vlrdrt by tho Kellogg party to provoke the Conservatives to the oom natal ion of seta that wonld give them noma o*o»** for catling for active milita ry InWRfWrtlon. The troops are already in the city! and unless Kellogg and his supports re-can turn them loose upon the people, the usurper oaunot hold out much loager. Public, sympathy all over tba oonntry ia strong against him and his clique of carpel-baggont end plunderers, end thgy Will resort to any dseperale it* sos tain themselves. The poHee ef Maoon reoovered from a negro a large amount of stolen gold ooln • few days ago, by the thiof overreaching bimaelf. He reported to a policeman that a negro woman of tbe city had stolen his pocket-book, with a nurnbor of gold pioaes The woman, being arrested, told whore 941 In gold ooin was hid. Aa the nagaa man was a stranger and toting aag/ioioailyi .be a us then “spotted" and nnaseertaintd state; another portion it ia a train of ascertainment kmf adjustment on a basis satisfactory to both partite; and still another portion ia In aueh a con dition aa to call for n wiaa and honest discrimination betwern what ia really bindiog and aqattsbla and what is a dis honest imposition without consideration. Wa balisvnlbat this oommiaaion will he able, without repudiation or oompalaary scaling, lo make sack a showing of Iba ladebiedne'S of the State as will raeen- eile the people lo tbeke financial statns and show them that they eon moat all their just obligations with less sacrifice and oppression than many now contain plate with opprehenaioa. FaBHxa'a CyxvxKTioN,—A convention or mass meeting of Orangcra end plant ers waa held in Atlanta on Wednesday. There were about one hundred nod twen ty-five gentlemen in attendance—the 4th end Bill Oongreoaional IMaSrloW • being more largely represented than any others. Uen. Colquitt address on the eulijeat of tbe Direct Trad* Untop. in which he olsimed that it waa already a success. He laid that the Dietriot Trade Union lmd agents inSavauusb, Charlotte, Liverpool, end other oitios; that they were working for eateries | that the Union was making advances of three-foortba value oil cotton eutruated to them requir ing only five per eent. per annum inter est on aueh advaaoee, aad that the inati- tutiou promised to grow with Increased prosperity in the future; that it h^d oa- oured material raduction iu the chargee of handling cotton in traneit from the interior lo tbe aealioard, Ac. The Convention adopted resolutions condemning the polio/ of gaiwg in debt, and in favor of the re-anaotmant of the Usury lews. A commutes of one from each Congressional District, end General Toombs for the Stole at large, were ap pointed to memorialixo the Legislature for the passage of usury lews. Dr. K. 0. Hood is tbe member of this oomautteo for our Congressional Diatricl. _ —Hayden Gin Coaapwwy's data broke at Haydanvilld, llmiraotanetta, demolishing everything |u ita koarse. lea crowded akattars. Lata of life unknown. —Farther trouble in the High School at New Orleana ia anticipated, when tbe further ordei .oOciol dtepatebee tedians murdering mil for troops. Twi Mere Ptiaidt charge lands, —It le thought the body found Novem ber 7th in Newark bay is that of Oharlia Buea The sloop of tba dead burglar Mo sher wm enohored In the vicinity where thy body woe found. —The Flag Collar Factory, in Sing ng Prison, ,t Ankara, N. Y., wm barasd. Five ; other simultaneous fins wars extinguished p/th .material loss. Certain eonviets intended to barn tbs penitentiary and escape so masse. —A majority report of the MiMlMigpl Senate on taw' message, ealie urgently on the l’rsaident for troupe 1 minority report says there ia oettsinly no demand for Federal interference. Majority re port adopted. The Hones appointed e committee to inaaire abont Vicksburg; appropriating 9*,000 for expettSM. —Tbe German Parliament passed the imperial Budget end adjourned to Jai —The Peciflo mail steamer Japan wm burned et ms. It le feared many Uvm were lost. The mails were last. ! She bed 400 Chinese on board. — Harry Arnim wm sentenced to three months imprisonment. Including the month daring whieb he has been under arrest. —The CorrupanitMtd of Madrid pab- lishea a note from the Minister of Foreign Adairs to the Spanish reprsesntstive in Washington in relation ,to the Virginias question. The nets remarks on that por tion of President Grattts message which treats of Spanish *pd ,Cabap adeira.. It a oououed in petrloiio terms, end claims to he grounded on the rules of htterne- lionsl lew. MARKETS. ■v TRLrvaxrH tw KH«vmn Msaer wad Mesh asrkuta. Dos no a, Uasawher te-Mtlik. Raw Take, Dees ti her IS—HUM In active. Mousy *14 per seat. Gold I UK- Bxaheeee— lung. «Mi4, Short 4MU, UevurasiMU aolire emThlghor. HlstebonTiqelot. Now Youx, DooomborMl.—Mohsyeatlofat tasH par oast, martlae steady. Us estiva bet strong. Stale Loads •tsady. BABB SVATBVeftT New Youx, quiet bet Hoax, 1 Mosul bar M.—boons Inoraeoid n, spoolo daoroaiod U million: legal tooreisad IVfi mllHoh; deposits da- fiiveerooL, Deoambar 1».—Neon — Colton U| il« port t -otton to arrive oeslor. Seles M basis of middling eplande, nothing below good ordinary, rhl^pad la uaeambar and Jauuftry, TW. H?^g£g?, a a.«g^yj■gga* i - Let HeevM*rartere%TiT>blB>ng shore * ’ ©tm* 1 1» § Bo* BujMj m*bmt Iftlit 1174: on (1 M It OoioMbM, Ooor^A, Po- MtUMIl mroM A Mil Ion Bias L D, E oiton mps r Mooms Mrs A Odborn Mrs M 4*ort«r miss A ;^;€OJTCE«X:.f Public library of Kentucky A' Ful| Drawing! To 27th February, 1875. Businau Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Snito, Ovsr Coats, Talmas, Ao. A aomptete aaaortmaet of Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing, Afleallaaor White and Fancy SkirtSy . ” Under Shirts, Neckties, ;;V 8oarfS, Hats, Caps, THE kMOST POSTPONEMENT NOW announce: Eti JNCED IS POSITIYLLY TBE A Nil A DRAWING Wtti. POSI. Y BE HAD ON IWll FEBRUARY; WHiOH we SMI V; Ib^rx, “tih M 17 ry Wmtut Eor J j.*S% Hols'elotrjLK ‘a i&V * Howard J M Williams M A pwfr .. fes, Kaeaklat mrs A.« Wltght T Lava mrs A J UNMAILABLE LETTERS. s -^r a Os, Atlanta, Go., TaiSaftSse Oa. RJ* S. apriika. Ale. ° m'rt 8 H. MSeoa, Oe. ' ILtlUrktvUle, Team it Aie. . ud.on It J T, Mao ii, Ga. [dLMdbkhsM Ei Port Oaleas, Ga. IboteTdLDhy. ' ' >•-.! «' stats AOu.AiWa.Ge. HaadsWeet A Oo, Knosvtll*, Tons. TlVEtt BE HAD ON i IN'" GUARANTEE. Op .. _ PLEDGE PDRSELVES TO REFUND THE *W TO OOUNTEY MERCHANTS wa ifftf MliSMriiDirr iMhMMfifeta. 1 r‘ * offer RitMordloRry lodueeMents. ,e »* repseaefited-, THE SCHCMK IS (He fihodred Thousand Ticket., SkQeOOO GIFTS, ONE GRAND UASH OUT.. .«Me,o« — oirr. urn “sw—- :S QIto ns s trial. HOFFLIN, RICH 4 CO., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Mr. .T. O. HARRIS is with os, and will ba VuSaIbs E^ a, Baals, Alabama. - -r" 1 m Attention, City Light Guards, *%% A1 JOHNSON, P. K. nooe at X/4 o’aMok, promptly, tor Drill bed Dross Parade. Hy order of Ueptalo IJUlo. dei-gO U . H. P. EVKBETT, O S. -vtr For Coestible. noueoo him el e eeedi 'ate IbrOanstaMe Of tho .Nidi or. Upper Town Dlatriot, G. M. Elootlon on Suterday, the 2d day of January koal, . MANY VOTEBS. .sBim Notice. Salas one of middling nplando nothing ppm In January and Tnx people of St. Augustine, Fie , had a big scare, the other day, by Aha visit and au.picioaa muvetuenbi of a Spanish msu-of-war. The vessel came ostensibly to coni, and did take on co .I.but left very suddenly, and thou tho report got out that the commander on'y came to apy out the ailuation of the harbor and defeneee, that he oommaaieeled with a Spaniab fleet outnide; aud that an attack on the plsoe woe contemplated. There in no reason to believe that there wm any good ground for tbeeo apprehensions. CONGRESS. aotma. W.suiauToft, Deoambar 10.—In the House yesterday a bitter paraoaal debate upon a motion to (trike out followed, when the motion lo etrike out was re jected. The bill passed as reported. This oontinuea the Bureau of Justice. A resolution wm adopted allowing the Committee on the South to proceed either ea e whole or by aub to New Orleana. Adjourned to Monday. ausjjiT. Cn.llj, gfrostod, when ho confessed that he had oyfirydi coin,i ftft thousand dollars in gold , stolon trpni Mr. J. J. Biggins of oouoiy. With wham he had been working- 'iheuiti:er vioitod Mr. Kiggint, who confirmed the etory of tho theft, bat —m Git (Be ataaant stolen exceeded three thousand dollars, oil in gold coin. All the money Ye covered was restored to Mr. K., sad the negro confessed to having spent tome fSfrfttakWpd dollars of the miming portionin AtTunia. The negro waa aent to Tike county for trial. ALT, ABOUT B18WIXCE— ANOTHBB PLOT. London, December 19.—The ftaii special dispatch from Berlin eayt the criBia is entirely orer. It wm aoggested at tbe Cabinet council on Thursday that the Beichctsg be dissolved, as e remedy for llismerck‘s complaint of the leek of e reliable majority, bat the Chsucellor de clined the proposition. The JYeut' cu. respondeat at Berlin tele graphs that Bitiu.rek staled iu convarm- tion ou Thursday that ho had received warning from tbe poliqe of a fresh plot •gaiuat his life. Iiruary, TJ4- 11:00 p. B.—ot ules tootsy 4,too hales ware Amertoan. Halaaon a baala or mldillleg eetaeila, nethlec batow xood ordinary, shipped In Daeembar, ^ote, on ball! or middling uplands, nothing below low middling,, ahlppair In November, tlslai on e bast, or middling upland,, nothing below low middling,, (hlppae in Deoambar end mda, - batow lew mlddllexa, dallvarabla in February and Maroh. »H. J lew Yoae, Deoambar IS—Uotten aelati aatn balaai upland, uvt; urlaebsm£ Naw Yoae, Dacainbar IS.—Ootloa—Fui eras opened firm, >■ follow, : February 14 6-lt ' ’ Mjroh It a»; April it l-at09taj May New Yoex. December 10-IJetton quiet; 470 b'aiS* l * 1 *^ •* >4 HSi4Hl net rtoalpla balsa, a, lollowa: Uaa,mbar nouileally 14; ' “ 14jilta:April Jun, lilt-ill r 14: February 14 7 It: M»r. h 1 SlfiJ It: May It IttaGS It; J r; Augurtiajj;. nary Ii it »r July PrwvlalwB Markela. LivearooL, Deoambar It. — Biaadttalf, qaML New Yoex, Deoambar It.-flosrdull and enohe-ixod. Wkaat qalat and heavy. Cora doU —*- * 91*. tohe-ixod. Wkaat >11 and uBohangod, *.7t Lard ttaady; iiaaATi. liaoambaris —FlaerdalL flora 1 0170972. Pork dull at til ItGlt *0. tel ; naem lSH: kettle 14. BaeoedaU; UlBOIBSATI, • aady at 70971 Lard dal 1 ; naem Ml<; , •houtdanS/4; olaarrloU949IS- Waiolmygrm et S7. Louisviue, Deeemcer la—BreedMettS aa- okangfd. Furk quiet -ohonldaro eld; eloa. .. barn, 14M914. Lard 14/491*!?. Whl XT. LoBia December it—near ataady. Oora firm: naw eS9ta Whlaky steady at M Pork daoueiiig, etS2*91SMI. Bar •mall Jobblex and order iredo; ohoeld (Ml wear rib HX91S; alaer otdao rnRE ttlh Monthly inalalleiont to tbq Mar- X obaul,' Building and Loan Association brill be duo end payable on Monday, December Slit, 1874, stiny otftoo with L. <4. Howore, Randolph SLoot. JOHN KING, dectoit Soarotary fc Troeaerer. The 8istere’ Fair. talked of Fair, under the autpleea of tha < Jathokio Lad lei of lha Olty, will open at tlie Bkatftf Utok on MONDAY UtEaNlNO, UeeeiSter Slit, at 8 o’clock. ““Tabu * * Tha object of the Fair la to enable the Slater* pf Mercy to pay off the laat tnatHltMcnt of Ike debt on their Convent. The Hat of arttelea la a* rich ahd anperb aa It la rare aud rartoaa, and eoMprlaea among pthera.Uie fellowleg: Superb Black SUk risaa. Dattft.w. rinll.l P *“ ~ laraat lMy’. Hold Watch; Folding Lauungc and EaCv Ubalr; Dhlna Oham' ar Set; Oenulne Kraloe Fuva, jail from Canada; Elegant Em broidered, aud Beaded Saok; Splen?* * Pea and Inkatand; Uundaome Silver MagOiaoetit Taiieatry Picture; OoMand Anm- tkyat fflaere Button*: (fentlamaa’s Banda >m< Rmti Ootd Watch. Breact Pip aad bracelet; Silver Pitohar, Silver Uoiofne Stand, kc.\ Iwargi and Beikatllnl Bound Bible. BeavtllUl LwkI Qold Loekat and Ivory F*a aad Plotore te be voted far tba Three Meat “upuiar Yoanjr Ladle* of tha eongregat "n. litirlDf th Fair tha fceQreabmrnt Table Will Dgrliif ba aapplu claa of Ibi with all the Lutur ea and De left* fthe aaearn, end luachea an J euppera at the UeJl or peat te ear pert of lerea All ere conffnU^tnvIthd lo aselat the Slaterc <oa thU oeeaalao, aad especially the breve eel. idlers el the Kepeblle, both North cod South, vrho atlll grateful appreciation of the. ktndnert and attention rendered to them In the late War by the Slater* of Mercy; Urd held at It. Cato aoo. Deeeaher ta.—Floer dell. Corn- old uni! aad nominal, 77; ywdiilljanddacUnlng| Whftshey a i die. Naw Yoms, Deoem>*er It.—Turpentine Arm at lAe3&}£ Roaln quiet nt $1 Utm *4 Ibr etreleed. rrelghte ateedy. MILLINERY. anil's Taaaeoa for Lwwtsfowa’a tits. S|H>ct,i to tha UtsatansU Kaqslrar.] It is now stated that President Grant favom tbs oslling of a constitutional con vention iu Louisiana, the auction to bo held under lawn to be punned by tba in coming Legislature, tba Kellogg dynasty of thieveu lo l>e maintained in the mean time and to have control of tba election machinery and Returning Board. If Tba OonaervKtivm are allowed hy tbe pre.ent Returning Board thtir rightful majority ~\\TE ogor to the paUllo fur tha uaxt.tblrti Yy day*, our large an t watt auariad otnak ofLadlaa’, Mlmaa’ onJ OhllUraa'a Hata aad Hoanata, trtmaMil aad unlrlmmad, at oeat Ibr k, and all other arilotoa la oar lias at tract- liflfid nrlflu, COLVIN fc DONNELLY. At Kyla'a Old Htai in the Legislature, they may aooopt tha I: aggentiou of a oonatitutioual oooventioo i the hope of aoeoring a pure Jadiaiwry in lieu of tba present lot ten regime. TUB WEATHER. Washinuiux, Dos. 19.—FntbahUUim. — For the Sonth AUantio and Golf State,, cloudy wofilher and hMvy rain, with brisk esatarly to southerly winds, falliag barometer and alight oluingM in tsmpor- htnrr. At a maeting of th^Diraatora of the Sou'liern end Atlantia A Suit fob a Child.—A unit that an- bated much public interest and grMtly concerned the pxrttea immediately en gaged, has - jitat bean thdd at Rome, Ga. It wet for the poosasaioi/ of a child of tbe late Capt, Duulap Scott. The child wm a little girl, tho daughter of Gapt. Soott and tot oeooud wife. Tbe mother of the Child, When on her death-bad, gave little Minnie to Mrs. Dr. Janes, Mrs. Soott'a ■toter by adoption. Oapt. Boot! at first (Onolioned this gift, hot before his sud den death, expressed the wish that if lie taonM soon die the child should be given to his own sifter, Mrs. Cleghom of Chat tooga oontrty, and Minnie has been with Mas. Ueghoni ,ince Oapt. Soott'a death. Tb* own wm lrroiqjht by Oapt. JanM to toaovar the ohild. After a trial and able •tantnaot lasting thrae days, Judgo Un. « Thuvtoay that ba had no diaoraUunuo Um matUr, that ie, Jo. to* h*d the lawful ntapomiton of tba.—. .. , , bhrtd, and he could not inUrtan with \ "“toy.fc uoarion and wotartaa ara Un. Clogborn's pomeo.ion. Mlom. I. ^'S^^^^J*^**** gb*nt four years of age. 1 in Spain. rmairvM Telegraph Oornpa ny, held at their executive office in New York, the following gentlemen were elected for tha ensuing you : Charles W. Bloanom, President; Heury Herts, (Presi dent of the Naw York Cotton Exchango,) Vice President; O. C. Blossom, Secretary and TreMorar; G. ML Grace, Ganaral Superintoodant. —The will of Bartolomea Bilbao, of CROCERIE*. J^EW YORK PIG HAMS, New Weetarn Hams, Naw Lraf Lard ta Baekata, Sug ir-Ourad Bally Mast, Beef Tnegnaa, Dried Bear, Fulton Market Baal. At more’s Mlnaa Meat, Ooahao and Virginia Baiter, Oraem Chases, Plae Apple and Edam Ohaem, Naw Layer and Loodea Boirine, ReosUd sod Gimb Coffee, all k|s<Bt FsoBlj SappUM af all yartatak ntsAuav H. F. ABELL * CO. dseM tf LADIES OF OOLUMRUa, AND Lad 199 VtsMns tha Cltyl Mrs. M.K. HOWARD B EOS leave to Infant tMm tba* ta tba Ml tarty d^re aka oM eell tar tags slave trader, who died Jhie Host ogmmnr, wm filed in the Harrogate Conrt today. It diapoaM of property pained at 93,000,- diapoaM of property valued ooo. The WlU waTmada in 1104, end oU MlUinnry, HaUr 099*9, ^ and Bavn«to jlt ooar dmitMiwtf ■ ^CHlitodoa.ta yinrMlf end tamnrimwd Holiday Goods! A LARGE STOCK FOB SALE BT L. L. COWDERY. 300 Live Turkeys REDUCED PRICKS BY ELlal* A HARRISON. doeMfit ONE GRAN M it o< 10 Oi •AC A 180,000 0A«k..a... 100,010 as SS;SS8 •so eaeU ; no, ess AkOO^KM) DOLLARS f - IN GIFTS, ALL CASH! mOJiASd: PRESCOTT Voj con A HE E •■froljn I-BIUK or TlCHETn. Whol, Ticket,,., 60 00 Halve, .; 26 00 Tenth, or each Ouepoa loo 11 Whul, Ticket, lor...., 600 00 21/4 Ticket, fur 1,000 00 The payment of OUtn will begin the filth day after ihe drawing. Tleknte meet bn pre lented or mat to Room 4, Public Library Budding, LoaievlUe, Ky., when they wIR bn taken ap abd iiald ky 4Mb Chneks upon tha Faintecf anCDravere’Hank of LoaUvllle. Business Suits AND legant Dress Clothing! benvtng the nnntber of the Thernlota, s Teaih ef a Tloket entitle, the h^toer-Jimjg^JaJlne^Ceiith q( whatever the „.. For tlokata or InfbrnifttloB, addrasa . TUP. K. BRAHLATTC, Ageat ead Raaeger, pVbtie Library Haildlnf, LouiavUle, Ky. WOL9T9AB 4k CP., Agrewta, MU Broad atraat, Oolnmkus, Georgia. MU Broad atraat, C doeao BOOT* AND SHOE*. ti, The OM Shoe Store la fall of New Shoes. Onr lata addition, era The Pmteotlan Toe Shoaforchildran. Ladles’ Glove 4 Pebbl > Button Boots. Ladies’ Fine Kid Button Boots. Mieses’ Fine Kid Button Boots, Ladles’ and Mlsaoa’ Kid Opera Boots. All “ae pretty aa new ,hoaa." Bargains In Bootf I Men’s H find-Sewed Bootifcr $3 par pair, 60 cttjs Jlgn’t-TMuk ftoots, vary cheap. Ladies’ Kid and Felt House Slippers. Men’s, Boys’ and Youths' Slippers in variety. Tho Old Reliable Wells’ Hand-Sowed Shoo. The Virginia Stitch-Downs. And a lull atoefc of daalrahla work la quan tity And vArletv, and at prioaa worth tho at tdntKm of ny bttyor. WELLS A CURTIS, No. 73 Brood •«., novll tf Sign of tho Hlg Boot. 50 bblB. Florida Syrup, 10,000 Florida Oranges, Kooelvad each wook by H. F. ABELL ft OO. novas 'juw'.wsdfcn-tr TO SFORTSMEK! Grand Union Depot Gbrlatmas Rreaanto, Toys, daadiea, Fruits, Ac. WM. I. tTRUPFER m Oksxswrul sad will ks ptssssd to ess ell his friends duriag the Holldsyfc JwuHta usdsr ths BsMJn Resra. MxUo Notice in Bankruptcy. No. 1182. ;t*ipb l _ A. D., 1874 A wsrrant la Btnk rastcy WaTimsM affttsit Mu utftt, of fomuM O. Here, or tbs oosnty «f Meriun, ssd TU»u of Uftinl., who bu bran ftiijud,,‘d s Usukruyi un bi, owe iwtitios, end tbst tb, paymbhl of soy debts, «nd tbe delivery of any property belon^ug to uld ■snkrupt. ia him or hr Iu, neevnnff <kft Iran, of say property by him era (orbLIdM by Uw;. t s sicetiag uf tbe eradltort of the Mid lUnkrant, ,CUT. thole debt* ssd 4e ehooM <*m hr msurwftt , Usirnd StstM Hsnhsl, ss Merawir r. Em MooworI at# par pound. . Hollow “ Mo ■ \ - NaW Turkish Prisnot 19 5.4c par lb. Qurrtfito U,l-2o . . Klnfltfard's Oswaeo Corn Btoroh, 20a- *• •• SU. Glow ’• ISo. Maltby'fi Propsrsd OooouuuL Mm ora's Mlooo Moat, 5 lb pall* |l •• •• •• It •• M W E ere leritnk st L jw Prices s floe u aortfhent of DoaMft and Single SHUT UUNEu GAME BA(18. *HQT VOUCHEE, Eley’f Pin and Cantml Fin Sheila for br«Mh* loAtiera. Alsu a Urea asaortment of Shot, Capa mnd Wade, At ... And rat All. Agent* far Ihe populAr HfitSArd UoRpftBfa KentAoky Rifle (JuA-PoWtUr, ' aa MAnnJw urora’ theft® goods will 001 (■rloea. Paraona noeding goods wRl oonanlt thalr Internets by ad ex am tn at lew or onr 8 took, < M8TMS A SON. do«13 dlAWktWlm Uolombaa.OA. OXjAIMS! NOT rroo LATE ! P ARTIES having Claim, sgslhet ths United Stats, Government, ta Pmporty and pt noil full nUlameat ef eU seoeants. |«b^'Sid M^f^ Apply st anas ky letter or In perns to nov-l esfcwtf FUMNK WES9ELB, Agowt, aOnasos. Exquisnu ( " ’ ,P»parft Lost S ELIEVING that the Ute sSrSSSSrS’SSS •V knowe or any aueh paper, to ssmmmalestn WlU ms st onee. Her ten sesdnstlss U> aw st *tg»SW jS .||^UEt Furniture:! Furniture Carpets, Carpets! v- Oilolotiut Window Shades, Curtain Goods, ROBT A ORANE, (IkhidMmJ i Furnltur* * Osrpst Wsuhense. I at end tatatofi tat. -jpas? 1 ”*'»»“««• ick for Fftdl And All at Prloos Lowtr than Ever Columbaa, Oa., Sapt. 18,1874. L. P. AENCHBACHEB, Tailor and Cutter., A LL ORDERS WILL BE ATTENDED % to with noAtnoa* ar<I die patch. N- B.—No work dollvoro<l nntll pnld for. ffff* Call at my room* ovor Paaao la Nor ini’a Book Store, Brood atreet. b®1>23 8m FOR SALE AND RENT. CO**ECTIO«l*H(«. HO, FQR THE HQUDAYS1 A LARGE SUPFLY- OF HIND OAK r. Spool ThODNOCAKV. XpobgaOnks, Fruit nskn, L Jolly Oaks, Lady JCIsna, cap Oaks, Tss Usk.N WMhlngtwrjS^grt^Wj and Plain Xbindle, by tks ion. ’Apptns, -Or- sagM-Lsmeas-All kinds Nuu. Ultras. Rep. iln*, Fire Orstkera, Homes Candles, Tsrps- dote, fco, fco 1 sm dstsrmlasd U ssN st fStr prisss, m be “ - - tha pis MetfSIlv, J. M. LAY FIELD. Look Out for Santa Claus I TTIS Depot la AgAlii oponad ibr tha rAooptlon jn* of vfaltora. All art InvIUd—aad espe cially tho ohlldren—to examine hit* Urga a took oaorlptfon and stylo. of Dr.iWJ, B-Ha aud Moulophona totk®h?ya, and an Immense assortment of China, Wax. and other varieties of Dolls tor tho little gltla, which wMl tw offered vory lo# torts, which wMI bo offsrod vary low A oornor of Oglothorpo and draiff •ml 18* Broad atraat. My atpnon] la directly opposite the EadeId trance No Mi weat aide, planes, and satlstoettoai to dooia Hmbn aft Whl a gnaranteod; ,. . • I J-M.IUYFIELD-. Christmas Presents! W. J. CHAFFIN’S BOOK STORE, M . -"W. BjEA^TlYtlp, BOUND BlBt'EB, Urge end FOB COUNTY OFFICES. '^^AfiboVn cement. TI ' Tor the one, of Coroner or Mneoogee county. Election Dm Wednoedsy Is Jknesry next He le n crlpu slfilctsd, and AdeaervlM gentlemen, dhrt sodta*AUNT FRIENDS- For Coroner, |3» Wnwawaoaaa 8.0. LLOYD na s ets- ** dtiutk Ibr Coroner of Muscogee county, st ths apgulgg plaqMen en Wednesday, th, eui day of -Unwary seek. dsolB dfcwte* MANY FRIENDS. To tho Voter* of Muioogee IU... UCeuuty. At ths selieltstlan end enggeillon el s vnw vaisfffis' (white end colored), IPrecent MyenW a snndidptn for Clerk of tbe SuMIfflf, Ofiurt ef- Mnegpgko coaoty, st tbe •flutn} etenton for county officers In J.Query, 1176. - WM. M. SNOW. 4 rfrtcti i nnouncemnt. r gr I sm thsnkrul ta tba frlsndi wbo lag- nested my hsme si s osndldste for the nomlnsfloh, allow ms te rtste that I atsnd be. fore the puM(c<aa my own merit,, and sm entirely lndependant of epy ring, clique or pnrty. ' W», E. BARNARD, dealt le Variety a( JUVENILE AND TOY IK lOKM, £u,lrq«i|vt end. FINE ana CHRAf* OHNO] GAMES AND.A B<> JU4JOKU. For ulr ekes()i st the gigs or the New,boy. dsolt ,tW CHRISTMAS GOODS IN GltEAT.'y.ABliifrY AT J.w. PEASE & NORMAN'S. rvLKOANT OHROMOS, with gaeil Walnut IV-Frames, — *— •ernes, largsatss, from 04 tattl aseh. Work wautim . Tho ftnaat lot P«x*pd; Pfnolla, Gamoa. Fancy Inkatanda, Ohaaa and Backgammon Board* and Mon, and a groat pie of nil ago* and taaiaa, at vary attn daciO deodhw WTax ColWtstGr, candidate for T«x Oolleotorof Mnaoogco County. Elootlon flnt Wednesday In January*. - oc4 dhwU* For Tax Colieetor. w . JT" WV'hra sntberlied to announce the *» n nltkvtrt DATI9 A. ANDREWS,taq., si S'WndMsIs Ibf TSX ‘Orileetar af Maseegee oonnty, at th* oartlir ®*«otlon In January nut. octio dfcwtd* For Tax Collector. self a candidal* for tho offleo of Tax Collector or Museogeb county. Election flnt Wadnaaday In Jahuary naxt. oe(S id For Rent. Q F_F ICES AND 8I4EEFINO 4 _ ROOMS In tho Georgia Homo In- _____ •uranou Building, among which ia tue BBI oiflee now occupied by Southern Idle Insurance Company. Apply to OH ARLES COLEMAN, angto tf 118 Broad St. Administrator’s Sals. J. A. L Leo, on Wodoaaday, ‘Jldinat, --- arty or bin oatato, i, wagon, gin, 001- doolO dtd For Sale or RenL M Y FARM known aa tho Thnmi place, IU mllta oast of Box Eprl , uaoogao Railroad, oonafttlng of 4 Korea—300 cleared, and balabco Well Hi and noaroat tho depot, Mr. Tom Porobna ft## rorkloa on 1 he place. Good framed and painted and oallcd house; healthy and oxooMont neigh borhood. Price MLoO) cash. Term* mad* known at my lawclBce. JAMBS M. RU8SELL, octaa dhwtf _ Columbus, Ga. Plantation Stock and x arm* B. ing Utensils for Rent. -ESIBING to give my undivided attention to law. 1 will rent or tons# what is the Chappell farm^ at Warrior _ rtion of tha mutoa and opoa land” gfn houaa and 8ouoflaM proas. Labor can to had on roaeou*hle tarns, and oom bought at this lima tor 76e per bushel In tho neighborhood, and on tho plaoa, Tho term known aa a mod excellent one. ' J AS. M. HU 88 ELL, Law Uiflca, Columbaa, Ga. OCtfT <Ykwtf Executor’s Sale. A GREEABLY to an order from tba Honor. A able the Conrt of Ordinary of BtnacofcM bio 1 tkavitlagndr Wynn ton, tho same oompriein . . — • ‘ihbaw containing In all twelve rooms, with out- • attached, and about tea aoroaof land. also a larao and desirable lot of household furniture. Sold as tho property or Thomas Camak, deceased. dacl dfcwftrv Administrator’s Sals. arty of James ovuu, uwu, mw nvnriDis place of pro per 1 y In the Tillage of Wymtou known aa tha residence of da eased at tha time of h!> death, and ainoo occupied by his widow, Mr*. 8. E. Bond. This booae and lot waa act apart to the widow aa dowar tn tha land* of lflui icludo the aatato’s remainder months, with Interest novll dlawtd l Si5?£‘S%Y FKNtb IF w« Ellis 4* I Gaboon S roal loft It: Assigns#*’ Sale. N the flrat Tuesday In January next (1874) wo will aoll at pubUo outory, la front of k, Harrison’s auction houaa, In Odum0new Ga % oommenelng at 10 o’clock a m., the ioUew, *— real aetata and personal property, being a ~~ tha property of John Kteg, Bankrupt, _ undivided half intaraet In the promisee known a« tho Lowell Warobousq, alt. watad In .the olty or Colambua, and upon city tots Km. H SS and part of E No. S. Tho promisee known aa tha soatk half of eBy lot number K9, fronting on Fiont atraat and betwaen Crawiord and 8t. Clair strtata, brtag tha lata residence of Zaok Ktag. No. 4. ft8karos ^IfltoMitoekColumbus Ieo Maaalhoturlng Company. “ Shares stock Oolambas Industrial Asso rt Shares stock Cotton Status Lift Infur- noe Company. 1 Share stock North A Booth Railroad Oa. It “ Sontharn and Atlantia Tala. ^gSwfff&k Georgia ^oma Inauraaoa Cit y Tax Sales. LL be sold on tha FIRST TUB IN JANUARY NEXT, on Street, at oorner of Freer, Illuts fc Co, in the City or Columbus, the following described lots, with improvements thereon, situated In said For Tax Collector. je'jSf** Z respectfully. announoo myself a can- *“ r dldati fof ¥ai Collector of Muscogee oounty at the elartlou on the first Wodnaiday in January next. octil t*» ^ JACOB G. BUKRUS. "Vor fax Collector. 'YiPT I Fdspoatfklly announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector of Muscogee oeunty at tho election oa the first We4lnesday In January next. OOtfftf JOHN A. HUFF. iprm . city, and levied on to satisfy sundry fl fas for taxes due said olty of Columbus for th* year North half of lot No 473 on west sldeof McIn tosh street, levied on aa the property of Wm Baxter; amount of tax gill *4 Part of lot No 18B on weat side of Oglethorpe aticet, levied on aa th* property of W H Blake ly, amount of tax |8125 Lot No 216 on corner ,o( Franklin *nJ Ugle- thorpo atretta, levied on« proparty ofthe estate ot M Barringer; amount of ux #48 85 3. Hrent*nrftet, Barringer; t No 18S, »g„ C Andrews fc 00, on east levied on as “ amount of tax No^28Q on corncr of Fulton and jaokson ed on as the property of FM Brook! trustee fur Fannio C Dickinson aad children amount of tax #87 25 North part ot lot No 281. being building for merly occupied aa A past- ofltoa Mt now by W 0, , “ of Rand * ‘ H Skinner, oiirnur of Randolph and Oglethorpe *’*• ta, levird on the property of Mrs M 8 Do Grtfionrlod; amount ot tax #18126 : "last half of lot No 28B, oornor of Early and tkaon streets, lev led on as the property or u Wise, trustee for Mrs Thao Ewumnsmount AX #B1 24 forth of fot No 287 on watt side of Jaok- atreet, levied on m the property of^I F Ivor. 1, trustee for J H Danlars cnllaren; ‘ amount of tax #82 60 Sonth two-thirds of lot No 878 on east aide af Troup street, levied on as tba property of W N Hawks; amount of tax #108 North half of l^t No 025, levied ou m (he proper ty of Oeu Oo6«lo, umoiiut of tax $10 v5 hot l^o TJ1.% oU PK*t ftldn 'of Jackiun street, levied on Bis tli« pioptirty of JJUmii; amoant cf tax $040 . -1 Oari foarik iater< sft la water lots Nom 80 to 87; of&x J Qraat; Viant half of lot No 820, oa corner of Thomas and Frcnt streets, levied on a* the property pf O A Ktehae; avonnft of tax #4ft 25 North half of4ot 4S8, sMante^ on «sat side of Trgap street, lev 1*1 nans fthe property of Jasoa Lewis; amount of tax $30 North half of lot No 34?. situated on th# oorner of Wynn and Jackson street*, levied on as the property of owner nnkno »n; amonbt of tax #75 50- North hnlf (fflot'NA145, Fituated oif the treat aide «>f Aish’thorpt rtrtet, levi d «n aa the property ef. o ,r» I/oxan Bkinnur, amount of tax 867 25 North part of hit No 184, sltuat«-d ou the weat •Irtof Ofilethorpn Ntreet; lev! d on *■ the properly of Matthew Tnru*r; amount of tks $13 25 koutb half of lot .vo a-UU, wu Vi o t id«to uf Jackson propertyof rtreBy PpiXVi; amoant eftas North hap wt lot IstlN, on West eld* *rO#ta> thorpe atreet, If vied on as the pr party of Jao g Wright, ad ui in la 1 rotor ot Walter Wright; aamunt of tax fill 2") Nor'b half of lot No 481 on west side of Xelv- toeh atresl, le^i t\ uu av li.e pn ixwty of D 8 Vtaafc amount ot tax Ita'i 2'i . . < East na f of lot .\g 4<w, uu cither ol ^ursyth and Baldwin stnete, iovio’1 «.u vta 4We property •«# Mrs LT Wo4>diwfl;Mnoiiigt of tux #au!Ttir<tf Farli** may au.i e <tuy m »}-v attovf boforf 4m of ealo, b>' baylug mou'.ita u.uu ipuo} toyc^isr Witlv eerio V ' rtlrtlE M W.MDlVHY.Mainkrii -fieoembtr u»k,l»U. ■ - - r r- r : VftWVft.u. Sealed Propekhl# _IR INVITED for -'olng the eltv tart for Ih.^e.r 1276, (J.uunry lit tn Dtreffitcr ■late rentattm . ... . tiainK, nod raay note ft oaej .am, ot a dlcaeqat from regular iirloe.. For doing the uie»l end neeeHftry job work. For dofrnr the uiail wund'OM Don work « eftrtr. ewd ehoelnn mulfc. Ferjnftktng .nd top. Dll FoflhrniiVnKlnmfer. For uinklng oafflne fur pftapen, the uraa ta ‘ • ctatned, and foot nod head hot to. lrwlng the coffin. L ‘~ig me noth*. ~ bftrnccc. •erlbed by City rhrctelaa. tad tharamc. PrepouD for thrae ■ .. iulcc the bidder. .Did* ta he Uandi Cdupcll an Mental ortwei.rvfc the rl. right-to rajcetftn, crftll Hide. Dy order or the cecneiL M M. MOORE. docl< 6; • Clerk. MIGHT DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, » : - r e. • “ intend, ’ - o v.. -,u.-- M Scotland, o * “ SSShy. • ** Italy, 44 Austria, ■ • Werralevr Afififynt H. 04. IHHIS. For Tax Receiver. Fgp I announce myself a candidate for 4^ n Rooaivor of Tax Returns for Muacoge* oonnty. Elootlon flnt Wednesday In January next. JORDAN L. HOWELL. For Receivor of Tax Return!. lyair-i AGAIN opnounoe mycelf ft oandldet. fwoe-OtatUonof T»« Receirer of Mu.- eogteeaunlpi-olectlonfint Wedueidfty In Jan- nary ntkl. My pnak management of the offiee wlllhnayaidF-ntaanea.for competency. To ay maaginafi rained “Nephew.," your “Unole Mlkn" wUlazpaM each and arery on# te do hlc whotodaty.i Salat aa nil he up end doing. HU to« M. W. THWEATT. Fof County Treasurer. dldnta for tha office ot Oonnty Treni- urer for Mn«cngM oonnty, nt tha election nn Wndnaitay, eth Jan nary, mi. dndlfi to* J. J. WOOD. For County Treasurer. mjaelf a otn- Treanrcr of •niaing elootlon on Wedneidny, the 2th of January next. drel2 to* - J. B. HARRISON. a- ^ir« I rcipaetfally announce c djtate (or the offiee of Mhcecgm drantv, nt thn nmain • 'For County Treasurer. J y^aoano* myself a candidate for rs- n as 9Qunty Treasurer of Muft- oogfto oonnty, at tho *oauing election on Wed nesday, January 6th, 1475. daolO to*. 4 . TIM MARKHAM. To the Voters of Huacogee. Candidate for thn offiee of Tax Re- neDnrbfMtDcogeeOoihtty, nt thn aleetlonoa til'Eilat WldMiday la January, oetl-ta . T. C. REES. ■/ Far Clark of Suparlar Court. Inapaetfully annenaoa Inycatf ac a eandl- data for selection to th. offiee of Clerk of Su perior Court of Moccagcn tnunty. Election ant Wadmoduy In Jftneary next. J.'BRADFORD. For diork of Superior Court. dUacefor Clerk of Superior Coert. ■CMctWng tbaiepydrt ofthe pnbUc. oot3 dtd : wifi * 1 GEORGE Y. POND. ; EiftsotHvn Notice. rrwKBk .will b«ta clraUot told on the firat ijSWywa' & %SK IMUNfc D&MMacr the canaty, for two Oo.itft bloc for eactaXNntriat. Tho Jbj'Iom of tho Boaqo for oanh Iltocrict ara roquDad to.uper- S^d oalffTocUon. F M BBOOK8 deol6 Haul ordinary^ /fiWfc«!A-SlCTCOGEE COUNTY-THE SSx^m^n*tVX*riw‘. 0 d tt nii.y U Jaowaryaant.rt.1 Onri —JM MeN.lll, J Pi T J Shiran, 3 P. and.Wt NBawfiaford Nyora—O OgDtrae. J F; W E Mealing and JF, Banmun'o—P J Philip*, J P t J W Money. J P. and W A Boatman 9*xawtaiLL-EFWIIlD, J P; Donl.l Odom aad W OOtta , UrftTetn—Jno D Odom, J P; IV Boyd, .1 F, ■Rwwfc.ww ii. K WUin J P;G HBryan, J P. and J Uriah Talbot Tho Maaagora will please call at my oifl-’c for the necessary blanks F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. OMLIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. Hotrals. Ttauiai'ii. Wk.a yon no to Opolihft, Adam* Hoa**, oppoaJto HB r - m