Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, January 01, 1875, Image 1

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r f » ■ v ? Cmiimlmo mjtiiref. VOL. XYI. CX)LUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1875. NO. 307 t$:r*cs DAILY, WEEl(lY™AND SUNDAY) ENQUIRER-SUN. QM>«1 On ud Kla, lb<|lnt or J.nnry nut th« pt>U|i on |«pon fut N P*ld by th* pub. tutor. ThU wilt to ton eonti • Month lor dmltl*. ud An MUii quwt.r for «*ch w*«kly, Our nboortbon will ... th. nootMlty for pay- Inc np promptly, droppod on th. Ci willing to nnooma M impaaalMn to at^d ont pnpora not paid for i funeral uf Gongrraaman Orokor, tthbnrg, Hum., wu attended by persona from abroad. Bnaineae ■ upended throughout the eity, and ii remains were vialted by u immense :ly Wednesday evening, Thomas ., Treasurer of Cumberland county, is, was knocked down in his ottoe, his safe robbed of between $8,000 , ashll those In arrsara will ba IT' $10,000. One of the robbers drat Irstwf Jusary. We are ever• a| sad his attention by asking to hate a unofiats oar fri.nda, but It win Cll ! cashed, and immediately after L ' — ‘ * 'find hint senseless. With the aid of ederates the safe wu plundered of fie tmntents. Pennel's pockets wers also ^,(1. The thieves escaped. No arrests M. l yet been made, or ntnc foaad to their "V M jgtw thermometer raogu from So to “ raei below aero thronghont Oanadn. Thiers' pillow hu embroidered on rge letters, the word Espolr— la advene.. , ” The following wllf be the subscription terms for the Enatnan Her the year UTI: waps naiLBD. Dally, In advasea ^Ith post age paid .". t a 10 per annnm. Dally and Sunday (with post age paid 11 to ** “ Sunday, with posM«. paid.... I TS “ Weekly, with postage paid... *») •• “ Sunday aad Weekly, with pestagepatd Id “ “ saavsD n cits ano sunuasa, as bbusto- SOHB. Dally, week djfya only 11 00 per annum. Dally and -uaday, 10 to “ “ No Stmoaim served separately. p ovvicn nor. * - — — - Dally t.‘. g I 00 per aannm. Dally aadjjpuday 10 00 " l‘ Sunday..,^ S to “ “ Weakly, .* J. 1 00 “ “ Weekly and Sunday * 00 *‘ “ OIebbing ratu have bsaa aeapended. All anerplred contracts whan mailed wilt be filled at old rales, deducting postage fbr the fraction of theyearlSTI through which they ran. In the city, Dally Subeeribers will ba served the dally week-day papers. The Sunday being a Qpeelal edition. Advertlnlwg Raisa. (gure. 1 Week, Sally,. 1 Sonar* 1 year The above Is with the privilege of •very tore- months. For yearly cards a liberal die- count will be mad.. The rat. for every othor day in Dally and every weak In Mpekly or rua lay will b. th. sama as Hot every other day In D,11V the rat. will be oae-third leea than the Daily rat.. For iwte. a week th. tel. will be one-half Daily aatoe. For ftdvorliaemente la loeal or readiag oolamna SO per celt additional will bo charged. Tho Weekly or Sunday rates will be esa-tMrd ; if the Daily Wbeu au advertisement la ehanged mere thee eace In three months th. advertiser nd with the coat of composition, f tisora mnat pav aa do those at home. gad SMtalbaa ans-**sr r will ba char*- ioteuuui Foreign adve f GEORGIA. t cocrr dsoisios—bill bolokbu Inzoovin FROM STOCKHOLDBU. A, Deoember 31.—Tha Supreme : Georgia, io tbe case* brought bj l holders against the Mechanic# Augusts end its stockholders, ftthe bill holders sre entitled to ^he decision is placed on tha wrier of the back when a oontraot between the *%c Stats. ' “Vdsnbt fail to allege in “ \ontraot was in aid of ■T TKLKOIAPH TO IlfiVIBU. Issey end iisek larksta. Lon do a, Dtosmbsr (1. — Bullion has Is- orssssd nearly AM0,000. Xrlo MJg. Losmi, December 11.—Street ratal S-tl bo- law bank. Panin, ftsosmber gl.—gpsels hu dacraaaad 0,210,000 francs. Faua, Daoambar 81.—Kan tea Olf. Me. Nnw Tone, December 21 Starke active. t'otloa Rarhaon. Ltvnnroob, Dooombor II, noon —OoUoa ■inlet; uplanda ?%QW; Orleans TKioeleo 12,000 totes, Inoludlog 1,0 0 lor •peculation and si- port. Saloa oftho wool 02.000, .f whlek 4,000 won for export and 0,000 for epamlatloa. Mock In rt, by actual oooat, <20,000 FOR COUNTY OFFICES. For Bailiff. I jp At tha oolMtatlon of many of my IMtnda annoonoo mymlflbr Bailiff nod o. K, decant JOHN McDUFFIB. For Tax Collector. • GAPT. CHARLES A. KLINE an- nouoeohlmaelf si s esadidste for Tex Collector of Muscogee County. Eleetlos Aral Wedneedey Is January. oe* dkwte* p rt, by setusl oosst, It,DOS irtlsslK IH- •Mistook of Americas, by actual eewnt, ITIJJto —eitim t Ud SSI,000. Ree*l|>te of the week 104,- 000, including 90,000 Amerloss. Aetust exports •,000. Stock sBost 404,0 0, Including 141,000 American. IKK) V M. „ lands, nothing below low middlings, shipped I December sod January. 7%. ilddllnx si ilngfl 8:00 r. u%t Amarloan For Tax Collector. • We sre authorised to snsousee the ssae of DAVIS A ANDREWS, Eh., ss s essdklete for Tsx Oetleetor of Max sag— •ouuty, st the essutsg eleetlos >ln January nsxt. ootio dSwtd* below low middling!, deUvei end March, 7% — _ .. tht 1,600 were For Tax Colleotor. self a oamlldatn for tba offloe of Tax Oolleotor of Mnioogao oounty. Election grit Wedneedey In January next, soft Id bn 17th\ , gph sjiHo ■lUga anew made) the al|i defence traot wan i WHAT Nsw fl Packard Coaaiittj did not crumpet tion of th, 8th ar- vs oonatitntion of jf j* r »t' aa to oontraota ^r ti? * f «, Fjtmura it impniru f on ^5'P‘^racti, and ant np n ■h*-*, nut oiiet whan thia oon- liBD DELX1V2S. i DecciK er 31.—Marshal |s before thi, OongreMional ’ ‘ * quoted .* laying he [_**• BnpwbUsan State Gov- Stain ilnelf in thia or era Stain, without aid or I Stataa troopa. below low middlings shipped in January end February, 7 7*18. Nsw Yosk, Deoember 81.—Cotton quiet; ■slee A46 bales; uplands 14 W; Orleans 14%. Futures opened quiet and s shads easier, as follows: January 13 15-18014; February 1418* 820>4; March 14 15-18014; April 15^1 May 15 11*18; June 16%. Nsw Yosk, December 31.—Cottoa quiet; sales 849 bales, at 14*40%; sat reeelpta 714. Futures closed quiet; sales 9,450 bsueo, as follows: January 14 1-83; February 1415*83; March 14 15-18081^3; April 15 1141; Mar 15 3183011*18; June 15 8133018; July 18^09-33; August 181180*4. Oaltmtow, Deoember 81.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 14“' 1,817; sales 888; Stock 88,790. ■as, Deoember 81.—Cotton quiet ‘ddllsgs 14; low middling* 18U; «M^ n * 1 r#oclpt> 2,677 ' M ' M as, Deoember81.—Cotton dull; mid- W; low middlings 1IM014; good sales Mi; spinners too; stoek St,- bar 81.—Cotton quiet; do- middlings 18%; net reoelpU 105; sales 3,000; stook84,8M. r 81.—Cotton qulst and _ w _jj set receipts 188; salts 388: stock 10,140. w * Norfolk, D middlings ISM! 350; Stock 17,842. Philadvlpkia, qulst at 14%c; net Cbasumtok, TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. I gy T.legiuph to E.VQCIUSS.] DOB22TIC. —Qwnsrul Morgan L. Bmith died in Nnw York of nongnntion of th* long*. —kUnou, (?) of N*w York, ggwn Uw - King of tha Hendwich Island* n afiritnd . Ftcnption. [Who i* Mason ?] *r —Msnrios Vignanx, in Nnw York, bant In billiard* Joseph Dion GUO patois for %1,000 and th* championship. Vignanx won in 48 inning*, Dion scoring 338. ! —A fall of rocks at Garrison Tunnel Attained th* Hudson Bivnr Railroad Inin* yantnrday. —Tbs departments st Washington closed yesterday at noon. —Tha aatimated valna of tba lumber now on band in the country, ie $210,000,. 000, not including ths large investment* in pins land*. —A apaoisl dispstoh to tba Ciooinnati Tima from Colombo*, Ohio, says that a man named V*n Wordsr, Using at New | Albany, near Columbus, has b*eo miming El aoms days, and bis house has been closed. Saturday his oharred remsink wars found in th* fire-place of the bonne. His son, ; nineteen years of age, eonfi ■tabbed hi* father. —Lowtry Bros.’ furniture store, Broad- * Ye ' Bax Fu Dalagsgag ysatardayl tannsi, sad' **Mo2Tmu[ Watch Faolci employment I NORTlIEfi now Fau. nr* differing nere. Shorter certain. Tba to draw Ihnir adopted. The duotiun of view of a "rt > etrike y way. New York, wee entered by burglars Saturday and $2,000 wdrth of fnrniture stolen. —P. and wife, both diasipated I obereetere, quarrelled st tbeir reeidenoe at Williemeburg. Wallace beat hie wife i over tbe head with a heavy slab, emaah lag her eknll. She died shortly after the beating. Wallace wan arrested. —The deteetives yesterday morning ar- reated a prominent phyaioian residing in New York, on the oharge of murdering hie illegitimate child. The prisoner is rrisd, end the affidavit! on wbioh be raa arrested were made by tbs mother of be ohitd and a friend of hnr’e, who, it is Maimed saw the murder committed. —Tba stock of specie now in thia conn ria about $166,000,000. -Tha increase of deposits in New York November, 1874, as compared with the iviotu year, wu $4,000,000. This ie jarded u a very favorable indication in > present dnll seuon. At a meeting of the directors of the i)SUore and Miobigan Southern Bail- !. in New York a dividend of 3J per . wu deolared, payable February let. -Hon A. H. Stephen., eooompanted by « personal friends, had an audience t the President Wednesday afternoon, e latter left his private offtoe and came wo .lairs to meet the honorable Bepre. tativo from Georgia. -Ei-Senator Morgan hu daolinad tha ■‘u^ to Bnaala. -The Stoek, Prodaoe, Cotton snn Gold bangs, will clou on Friday, bnt will t Saturday. —The New York Board of Apportion- nt passed a resolution censoring Comp iler Green for paying an exoeu of 00,001) u interest on tha pnblio debt er tha sum appropriated for 1874 with- t oonsant or authority of the board. Stoddard, tha mardereu of irioh, is hopelessly inune. I bridge burned betwun Evanston I Green rivers, Utah, on tha Union ifio Railroad, neceaeitated a change of Biblin, . note of Bi'^t secret sessiipn dnl stated that Abe nj nized by a majorl eigns, wouUU would utanu i bishop appointed t approval of his gif —STRIKE AOAXMBT TAB L amber 31.—John « hilled to tha Butro lly, and several r inland. i of tha CorasU •truok against the [ IUFACTVREBB. v— i ( thb rniasuaa. ember 31.—Employers weavers and apin- i or lower wages seem. ;ution of tha operatives nga from banka wu [men .accepted the re- pnder pro tut with a i spring. NT. B KBW POFB. r 81.—Tha cironlar May 14th, read In J ths Von Aroim trial, iPope, if not reoog- Enropegn aovar- ba a Pope, bnt me position u a the consent or Seewnber *1. — Got toe MtotiH - . -eeenber 11—Oettea steadys miaiillnxa 14W; low MMIIox. tood ordinary aeilruelpu 2,K eiporte to Fimnee 2,314; te two; uiu 1200; •took 72,426. N*w Orlb.ns, Dacebber Bl.—Gotten euy; ralddllni. UK\ low aldlinaa ISKiffood ordl- n.iry 12H; net reoelpt. 4m; upon, to Grut Britain Y.ton; to rontlMLt 1,102; aalM 7,000; stool 2(0,483 A Mobil*, Daotmbcr Sljootlu wnki mid- dlinxa 14; n*t ru*IM*Jll3;*apon. toFruo* 240; ■.!*. 1,20); .took 77,f 7 Acouota, Dutmbw II dlluga 18Si; low mlddliai II; nit r*c*lpU424;3l‘ ' DOB ALPHOBM Paris, Deoembe diap.leh recaivod io under to-day'• data, son of ex-Quoen Iu claimed King of Bps] by all tho forces of the north aad o*r Donna Blanca, brother of Don Onrl< frontier into Spain wards Leo de Urgniti MATTBRR at Sahtamder, Deeu ernor of Bentandai town iaqniet. Thi Prince Alfonso, gone to Madrid. TUB Wi Washirotom, Dsn. For the Booth Allan continued cold and weather will prevail, wind* veering to Gulf, continued high b 1 South Atlantic coast, am rometer in the lower Mi end thenoe westward, B.N.GI HAtt USMOTIP No. IB Brond Two door, abovebli BIBO. -A telegrephio icily from Madrid, i Prinoe Alphoneo, hu bean pro- 'tod is reoognixed •riling th* armies of Don Alfonso, hu eroaaed the proceeded to- An explosion ocourred in s coal mine Evanston, Wyoming Territory, by h eight persous were killed. -Considerable exoilament wu caused Sen Franc lieu by tbe determination of proprietors of the Cornell watch facto- nmplay Chines* to all depart- i of tbs works. Seven hundred op- vu from Okioego have protuted -*t the measure end several ware din- d, A general strike ie antioipated, > proprietor* are firm and promise era to tha nnw plan. Tho company to amplov about five hundred *. The work* *rn not yet in order. GROC COMBtBTIBO OF ES, Bacon, Flour, ' H Sugar, Domettlo and Impartaf Shoe* and Domsstio aTa!nrv:?f^«7S ,1#,,,ft \ FfltVltlM December . •MRdf. Wk!Rt quiet tad iig. Fork atoRdy; ne«r i LrH qal«t; Mmm 18%. Nkw York, DeeemoeF >l.-:>Rr i at* idy. Wheat quiets prleM Ctygii, a decided change; 81390138 fwii 813!@1 W for ember do.; 81 *9^ for white' Weiterr.; |1 35 lorswhlte MIchlgTio^m i™. ularandun ettlei; new hoary T\mr MhAler: old eloaed firm at 96*40«7V4; old W^u mixed in store M; do. afloat 88089; now wC *“mix td 89090; new hlxh mixed and yftllo'WMtera, tho latter vary choice, 88! new white. Ooffee quiet and very firm at 17%038%iroldi Ho mild butR grade firmer. SugarHetter. Ir moderate demand. Koala, Me. i NiwY ork, Deoember 31.—Turpentkikggm v ■HIP NEWS. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Tax Collector. K3* I rcapectfully announoe myaelf R ean- ^ dldate for Tax Oolleotor of Moaeogee eounty at the eleetlon on the flrit Wedneedey In January next. oct24 te* JACOB G. BURR US. For Tax Collector. I retpeetIUlly .neounee myulf a eu- dklate for Tsx OollMtor of Mueofu eounty st tbe election on tbe lint W*h><4<lay In January next. octt tl JOHN A. HUFF. For Receiver of Tax Returna. I AGAIN nnnounoe myielfn candidate for re-eleotion of Tax Reoelver of Mue* eogee oounty; election first Wedneedey in Jan uary next. My pait management of the offloe will be my only reforenoe for competency. To my many and valued 4, Nephewe, n your "Uncle Mike" will expect eaoh and every one to do hie whole doty. So let u all be ap and doing. nol4 te* M. W. THWEATT. Announcement, ega* I am thaakftal to the fHendi who iig* pcitcd my name ac a candidate for the offloe or Tax Reoelver, and In aeoeptlng the nomination, allow me to state that I stand be* fore the publto on my own merits, and am entirely Independent of any ring, clique or party. WM. E. BARNARD. deol8 te ___ For Tax Receiver. KST I announce myeelf a eandldate for Reoelver of Tax Return! for Mueoogee eounty. Eleetlon first Wednesday la January MI1 JORDAN L. HOWELL. up!7 deodfcwte To the Voters of Mmoogee. I HEREBY ANNOUNOE MYSELF a Candidate for theofflee of Tax He* eelver of Muecogeo Gonnty, at .the election on the First Wedneedey in January. oetS*te T. O. BEES. railroads. Montgomery & Eufaula R. R. Change of Sohedule, TaklR« Etnt Oetobdr I, IS74. MAIL TRAIN-DAILY. atgo«ery i lufoele Springe with Mobile k Girard Railroad for Troy. Leave Befaela.. 2:09 a a Arrive at Moatgomery 7:48 a m AGENT WANTED BY THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, For Columbus and Surrounding Territory. Libsrnl term* will bu given to t Live Min who mmns builneit. Apply to A. B. JONES, Gen’l Traveling Agent the Howe Machine Company, d* 011 Macon, Ga. PPMHAM. flup’t. Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO N£W YORK • WI8TRRN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, OouiNBUS, Ox,, Bept. 18lh, 1874. TRAINS LiAVI COLUMBUS DAILY Tor Moatgomery end Holme, 3:00 a. u. Arrive at Moetg’y, 8:00 a. u. Arrive at Selma, 1191 a. n. TOR ATLANTA AND JfBW YORK At 10:80 a. m. Arrive Opelika at 18:30 p. m. At Atlanta 5:48 p. m. By Atlanta and Oharlotta Alr-LInt. Leave Atlaata 4:00 p. m., CUAHLOTTI 8:35 a. Deuville 8:37 p. m. Arrive at Washington 4:30 m.,at Baltimore 8:30 a. m., at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m., at NBW YORK 5:15 p. m. sleeping Care run from Atlanta to Charlotte. ly Kannasaw Route. Leave Atlaata 8:00 p. m., Dalton 10:38 p. m., irietol 10:46 a. m., Lynchtnrg 10.45 p. m. Arrive t Waahington 8:46 a. m., at Baltimore 9:15 a. m., at Philadalphia 1:30 p. m.. at NKW YORK 6:16 p. m. Bleeping care ran from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARR1VR AT OOLUM1U8 DAILY from Atlaata and New York, 8:37 A. n. From Montgomery and Selma 2:25 r. u. Ticketa for tale at Union Pamenger Depot. CUAB. P. BALL, Central Sup't. H. M. ABBOTT, Agent. For County Treasurer. $ J" I respectfully announoe myself a can- dldate for tho offloe of Oounty Treas urer for Muscogee oounty, at the oleotion on Wednesday, 8th January, 1876. dee IS te* J. J. WOOD. For County Treasurer. |jff* I respectfully announoe myself a can* dldate for the offloe of Treasurer ef Muscogee oeuntv, at ths smulng eleotion on Wednesday, the 8th of January next. deelS te* J. H. HARRISON. CENTRAL RAILROAD. G iiiaal Bombirtimdirt's Omos, OUITXAL &AILXOAB, Bavarrah. Deoember 1, 1874. _ Passaegar Trains en tba Georgia Central Railroad, I9e Branches and Connections, will rnn as follows: TRAIN MO. 1, GOING NORTH AMD WRST. Leave taynReb*, 8:45 a n Arrive la Arrive la Arrive fo Arrive Leeve Kit Wist, Fla., Deoember 81.—The Mississippi, with ootton from Nsw Orleans for Havre, went ashore at Oaryrport reef. The wreckers were discharging her cargo. For County Treasurer. jar* I announoe myself a candidate for re* .4 election as Oounty Treasurer of Mas* bf^gogee oonnty, st the ensuing election on Wed- City Tax Sales. W ILL be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, on Broad Street, at corner of Preer. Iliges A Co, in the City of Columbus, the following described lots, with Improvements thereon, situated In said olty, and levied on to satisfy sundry A fas for taxes due said olty of Oolnmbut for the year Part of lot No 189 on west side of Oglethorpe street, levied on as ths property of W H Blake* ly, amount of tax $3135 Part of lot No 183, being store occupied by J O Andrews A co, on east side of Broat street, levied on as the property of Jno D Oerter: amount or tax $588 Lot No 280 on corner or Fulton and Jaokson streets, levied on as the property or FM Brooks trustee fur Fannie O Dickinson and children; amount of tax 837 35 North part or lot No 231. being building for merly oeoupled asanoat offloe but now Ly W N Skinner, corner of Randolph nnd Oglethorpe ■tc-ts, levied on as the property or Mrs M 8 De araffenrled; amount oftax 819185 East half of lot No 389, corner of Early and Jaokson streets,levied on as the property of oftax'Js'l 25 tr U8tee for Mra Th#0 E*lng; amount North half of lot No 237 on west side of Jack- son street, levied on as the property of J F Iver son, trustee for J H Daniel's ohlldren; amount of tax 182 69 South two-tblrds of lot No 378 on east side of Troup street, levied on as of W N Hawks; amount of tax $188 North half of lot No 025, levied on as the proper* ty of Geo Goode, amouut of tax $19 ^5 Lot No 315, on east side of Jackson street, levied on as the property of J J Gran:; amount of tax 8019 One-fourth interest iu water lots Noe 20 to 37; lfvi«d tm asi the property of D A J J Grant; amount of tax $15 75 Eaet half of lot No 320, on corner of Thomas and Front strests, levied on m the property of G A Kochne; amount of t4*x $45 35 North half of lot 483, situated on *sat side of Troup etroct, levied on r.s the property of Jaaon Lewis; amount of tax f3G North half of lot No 34?. situated on the corner o'Bryan and Jackaou etroct*, levied on as the property of owner nukno«n; amouut of tsx 875 59 North half of lot No 145, nituatnl uu the west side of Oglethorpe Rtr jer, lev: d on as tho property of Mrs L»zan Skinner; arnotnt or tax #«7 26 North part of lot No 181, situati d on the west oiidpf Oglethorpe street, levied on h« thn property of M-tUbtfW Turner; amount of tax $13 35 Houth half of lot No 209, on We»t side of Jackson street, levied ou as the property of Mr* 8G Spivey; amount «f tax $134 69 North bal* of lot No 294, ou West side of Oxle* thorpe etieet, levied ou as tbe pr perty of Jno B Wright, aduiinis’.rator of Walter Wright; amouut of tax 561 25 Ka*t ba f of lot No 408, on corner of Forsyth and Baldwin streets, levied uu as the property of Mrs L T Woodruff; aoiouut of tsx $89 75 7 Parties may settle any of the above before day of ■ale, by paying mounts mentloued together with coet of advertising W. M.2. , -* M * W. MURPHY. Marshal. Deoember 6th, 1874. oawtjan /CHATTAHOOCHEE COURT Or OBDI* MAJMP—AI chambers, November 17th. lM.Wher«8i.U. B. Jones, administrator of W. F. Jonas, lata of said oounty, doosnssd. mnkss application for letters dlsmlssory, — —- * ' A ' lA Sr<£SrF. Rr Clerk of Superior Court. reipeotfulty eenaanoe mjl.lf. c.. dlil.te for Glerk el Superler Goert' •elkjng tbe aupport of tie public, eel die GEORGE Y. POND. < — Announcement. £2V*YFs respectfully announoe Mr. T. J. * TEYENS as a eandldate for the offloe of Museogeo oounty. Eleetlon first In January next. He Is a orlplt, id a deserving gentleman. MANY FRIENDS. or Coroner. tee a. O. LLOYD as a can- Coroner of Mnsooges oonnty, ilsotlon on WeJneiday, the 9th next. MANY FRIENDS instable. toe myself as a candidate for [n as Constable for the 888tb Eleetlon 2d day ol January, B. D.OASEY. G EOROIA -VusOOOEE COUNTY.— Rlohard T. nu,g, administrator of the estate of Allen Ai * —“ plication for leave] . 7:17 r i Columbus Leave Mesee for Bu'aula Leeve Meeoa for Atlanta 8:10 r i Arrive at Celnmbus * 1.05 a i Arrive at BlefAUla 10:30 a j Arrive at A tl * al * — 5:00 a i •MING SOUTH AND BAST. 10:00 P l j 7:35 p | A rrive al'Macon from Atlanta 6:10 a I Arrive at Maoon from kutaula 6:45 a i Leave Macon 7:16 a i Leave Augusta 9:06 a Arrive at Augusta 4:00 p Arrive at Savannah 6: '6 p TRAIN NO. 8, GOING NORTH AND WK8T. Leave Baveaeab 7:80 p Leeve Anguete 8:06 r Arrive in Auguste 6:65 a Arrive in Maoob 8.20 a Leeve Maoon for Columbus 9:20 a Leeve Macon for Bnfaule 9.05 a Leave Macon for Atlanta 9:00 a Arrive In Coiambus 6:36 r Arrive in Kufaale. 5:40 r Arrive In Atlanta 3:05 r COMING SOUTH AND MAST. Leave Columbus 6 JO a i Arrive at Maoon 8.-00 r : Leave Atlaata 1:26 r Leeve Columbus 2:30 r Leave Kufanla 8:60 a Arrive In Macon from Atlanta 7:10 p Arrive in Maoon from Columbus 7:25 r Arrive in Maoun from Befaula 6:10 r Leave Maoon 7:36 p Arrive In Mllledgevllle 10:09 r Arrive in Matoaton 11:65 r Leave August* 8:05 p Arrive In Angnsta 6:56 a Arrive in Savannah 7:15 a Train No. t, being n through train on the Cei tral Railroad, stopping ouly at whole station passengers for hair stations cannot be taken v I frees points on the Southwjstci base are, therelf . olte end admonish all iow oause (if nny they scribed by law, why .ve) within the tlmi ie*T. to .ell ,.d n$- u t. aboaM hot be (ranted te raid epplloett. Given under m, oflidiadrantnre, this De< oemberttb, 1874. - -M ~ deolO o.w4t F. M. WBOK8, Ordln.rr G iOBO 1 *. — MU80(H>R COUNTY.— Green B. Blnltelv bu l.ptted for letter, ef Mmlnlitratlon on^the ut,l of Wllllun H. Bl.lely, deoeued; The., ere, therefore, to el, nod sdmonlih *11 nnd tlngnlnr, th* blndnd «d creditor, ol to .how reuelhny the, h»*e. within the time prescribed letter* should not bo grai Given under my “ * earn bar 4th, 1874. deal oaw4t* Go to Tootao via tho [InUmotlonal and Orta , SPSPW KOi .°* to Taxfti ?!fc MemphU end Little Rock, or vU ShreveiwrL grike this line at Longview, the best routs v> Palestine, Heerne, Waco, Austin, Huntsville, rionston! Galveston, end ell points in Weetesn Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will tsd It the best route to Tyler, Mlneoli, Dallas,'|vev4en, Crockett, Longview, and all pointe lnkaetern nnd Northern Texas. This line U well built with every modern It new and elegant day ew sleeping oars, Westlngl ler's patent saiety plativ no where els# oan the pi drpend on a speedy, journey. Tnn Lour Stab Ron- swered the query: *‘How to go to Tex4 the publleetlon of en Interesting and t! document, eontalning a valuable and S International and Oreat Houston, Terns. E.J fob! NOTICE. OVFIOSMoniLR ADD OlEARD RAILUOAD, ) Columbus, Ga., Get. 3, 1874. f O N and after Saturday, Ootober 3d, tml over this Road will run as follows, Pi senger Tr«ln dally, (Sundays sxoepts maxing dose eonnsetolns with H.4E.R. for Enfanla: Leave Oolnmbns SJ9 p. m. Arrive at Troy 9:49 r. m. Leave Troy 244 a. m. Arrive at Oolombos 9:46 a. m. FREIGHT TRAINS, REGULAR. Fridays atftJ9 a. Leave Troy T days at 4 J9 a. P. Me ootA tw Arrh SO bbls. Florida Syrup, 10,000 Florida Oranges, Received ueb week by H. F. ABELL ft CO. novfiS 3taw-wedfc»n*lf TO SPORTSMEN! W sortment of Double and Single HHcl OUN8, GAME BAGS. "HOT POUCHES, Elay’s Pin and Central Ftro Shells for breaoh loaders. Also a large assortment of Shot, Ca[ and Wads, at wholesale end retail. A gen for the popular Hassard Company’s Keniuok. Rifle Oun-Powder. which we sell to merchants at Manufae:nrers’ prioes. Persons nooding these goods will oonsnlt their interne's by au examination of our Nto«k, BSIES dt BON. deelS dlaw4twlm Columbus, Ga. Columbus Dental Rooms, W. T. POOL, Prop’r. ncx,ta Ue-e SeUdla*. fii* wtrj toliab**, a*. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Doctors. SS* J. A. US0UHAHT, Offloe removed to the Drug Store of E. O. Hood h Brother. Bleeping apartment nt former residence, on the oomerol Randolph end Molntosh streets, opposite the reeldenoo or Mr. Win. Beach. sep6 OH. 8. B. LAW. Offloe comer Breed end Randolph streets, Burras' hnildiug. Resldenoe on Forsyth, three doors below 8t. Clair. Je6 Barber Shops. — - ■ ■ - - LOUIS WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to 11. ll*ne»,) Under Georgia Homs Insurance Building. Prompt end polite barbers In attendance. ja26 ALEX dk MAM, Ja8 Biuiu, 8r. ClAta Statst. ED. TESHT, Berber, Crawford Bt., under Kaukiu Ilonas, Columbus, Ga. deel8 Lawyers. LIONEL C. LETT, »., Attorney nnd Cwsinnwllwr nt Low. Commissioner of Deeds N. Y. end other States. Offloe over Geor«ie Home Insurenoe Co. Mpeolal ettentlon given to oollootlons. dee# JOSEPH P. POU, Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court* Practice, iu all other Courts. Oillue over store of W. 11. Kobarta A Go., Broad 8t. J*25 SAMUEL B. HATCHER, Attorney at Law. jatO Offloe over Wittich A Klnssre. J. M. M ON KILL, Attorney and Conneellor nt Law. Practises in courts of Georgia and Alabama. Offlco 128 Itroad bt., (over 0. A. Re Jd A Co.’s) Special attention givrn to collections. Jail Poavu Ixoxam. Mastin'J. CRAwroxo. RBSSl CtAWrOKD. INGRAM dk CRAWFORM, Atternaya el Lew, Will practice In ths Btate and Federal Courts ol Georgia. Offloe over Freer, llljee A Co.’s store, nor thwart oorner Broad and bt. Clair Sts. J*8 A. A. D4MIEH, Atomy rad €***Hll*r at Law, Praoticee In Stato and Federal Courts In Georgin and Alabama. Offlce 126 Broad M., Columbus, Ga. Ja6 Make II. BLANuroxn. Louis F. Oarxauo. BLANDFORD * GARRARD, Allerxcyi nnd Connaellora nt Law. OQce No. 6T Broad streut, over Wittich A Kin- sal’s Jewelry Store. Will practice in the btate aud Federal Courts. sep4 Jas. M. Russkul. Chas. J. bwirr. BU8IBLL A SWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Cbattahoochoe Circuit, a**d Alabama. Offlce ovor 0. A. Redd a Co.’s store, Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jal L. T. DOWNING, Attorney ud Nollellor. U. 8. Com’r and Kogister In llankruptoj. Offlce novSOI over Brooks’ Drug btore, Coluinbua, Ga. B. J. MOSES, Attorney nnd Conneellor nt Lnw, Georgia Home Insurance Company building, see* oct7 lyj ond story. Dentists. W. V. T1GNKK, Dontiet, 1 Opposite Strupper’a building, Randolph BL ! Special attention glveu to the lnaertion of Arti* fleial Teeth, as well as to Operative Dentistry. fet»22 dew COLUMBUS DENTAL BOOMS, W• T. Po* l, Prop’r, Georgia Home Building, Oolumbns Georgia, oetu Builders and Archlteete. J. 44. CHALMERS, UexN CnriHsnter nnd Bnildor. Jobbing done at short notice. Plans and speciflcatioas fu ml thud for all styler of building* llroad Street, next to G. W. Drown’,, ia! rviliimhn*. Ga Boots and Shoes. WELLS A CURTIS, No. 73 Broad Bt., Sign of the Big Boot, DKALBBS IK Boots and Bhoee, Leather aad Findings. Give prompt end oareful ettentlon to orders b^mail; pay the highest market price for N. H.—Plasterers’ Heir always on hand. Jf4 Confectioners. I. O. STBUPl'KK, Ondy Hnnnraatnrer ARC DKALIS IR A of Confectionery and Stick Candy 18 eente. ght guaranteeU iu kMcb box. Plano Tunina, Ac. ■- W. 1UC, Accordeons. 8ig Watchmakers. C. BCHOMBUKG, Practical Watckmaker and Jeweler, to L. Gutowiky, 1U6 Broad street, OolumbuB, Ga. Jail O. H. LKQU1N, Watchmaker, 184 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. MAIEK DOM. ar Mauufkctory, ' ietween Georgia Home and Muscogee Home. O. LOPES, si sad HeuRfhelRrei Cigars, ^eaMIroai^HtreotJDepot. Grocers. 0ABI*1. a. BIKE, r I* r.mily Ururerlee, ou Urj.u be- tween Oglethorpe A Jackion stroete. ■ No charge for drayage. doc? J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale need Kotall flroesr. '••action of Franklin, Warren A Ogletliori-n No rharge for drayave. ««•. Boot and Shoemakers WM. MKYEK, Boot and Shoemaker. Dealer Ie Leather and Findings. Next toC. A. edd AC “ to ordere = Freah Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Btalla No. IB aad IB, Market Uonee. esh Meats of evury kind and best ipiaitt [all always on baud. J. T. COOK, Froeh Manta or All Klndw, •e|>6 etailn Nus. 16 m-l 17. Livery and Sale Stables. kubiidt iHuam*. OeiavRoRri, Noxru or ItANboLru bve., *°*89 Columbus, Ga. A. UAMHBL, Livery stasd Bels Mteblre, Ouufttoers at., Columbus, Ga. Particular attention given to Feuding and bu f Itc %. UoriM and Mule, board*! I* >ublr. by tl r d.y. Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP EIPLKB, nd Locknwith, Crawiord street, JoboKon'v corner, Coluiubas. Ga. WILLIAM 8CHOBEB, -nd Locksmith nnd dealer iu Unnnin* Ma* tsrlals. Bast of Btruj>|.er*s Coufect onary. Cotton Factories. Knitting Thread* Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Corn* lco in roar of Wlltlch A Kiusere, Randolph st. a18 K. II. CHILTON, President. UMCOOEE MAN UPACT17K1NO UO. Manufacturers of tJHEKTINO*, 8HIUT1NGB, YARN, KOPB, As. 00LUMBU8, GA. painters. WM. SNOW, Jit*, A CO., Honee and Sign Painter*, llctborpe corner, (Just north of poetolUct Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for Rouse and Sign Painting a i seonable prices, and guarantee satisfaction. Refer to Wm. Mnow. Hr. n i>r6 LAWYERS. Redd A Co.'e. Prompt and strict attention given Tailors. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, GA., W ILL practice in the Chattahoochee Circuit or any where elsu. All Wind of rolluctions rciHib. “Pay me or run away." novli tf O. A. KCEKINE, Merchant Tailor and Cotter. A full stock r>1 Frouch and KngliRh Broadcloths aprie Cassini” HENRY BELLMAN. Catting, Cleaning and Repairing Done in the beet style. apr341 “ r Crawford and Front Bte. Dress-Making. MIS. M. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, Dress-Making, Cutting and Fitting. Terms cheap. Residence andehop la Brownoville. novl6 W. A. Farlev, Attornoy««tt-Zjaw CUSS ETA, Cbattahoocrkx Co., Ga. ISB'Speclal attention given to ooiieotlnwa OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. JA8- T. WARKOCK, Surgeon nnd Physician. Office at Slaughter'e Drug Flora, liailruad •> Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. go to 0|itiilk<«, be Mirn ( House, opposite Pa*$”ng« Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. PEE, Wwrkar In Tim, Sheet Iran, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Je7 Mo. 174. Braid Itraet. For Sale Low. BClIOLAR.HliP IN T;;E MKUiCAI. ce l ls AT 2VAN2VILLK, INDIANA. ■ovltf Affll AT TOM OlflOK, 1^0