Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, November 23, 1877, Image 3

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1877. GEORGIA NEWS. —Rev. G. M. Holt, former Presby terian minister of Amerieus, died lately in Illinois. —The Savannah Christian Associa tion petitioned the Mayor and Coun cil to prohibit the exhibition of the “Red Stocking Blondes.” —The Telegraph and ifesnenger has a map showing that Milledge- ville is the centre of the State, but the map looks like streaks of lightning. —A grand-son of Mr. Thomas Floury', near EUaville,Schley eftunty, •was stolen from his house Tuesday, and has not since been found, though vigilant search lias been made. —Hog cholern is prevailing in tire southern part of Marion county. Mr. Jones of Marion, lost $100 wortli of hogs. It has been cured by boiling com in ashes and water and feeding it night and morning. -—Mr. Henry Jushter, of Savannah, was burned out oil Monday night, losing his stock of goods, nnd his family narrowly escaping with their lives. Cause thought to be incendia ry. Insurance $1,500. — 1 The prospect of future biennial sessions of tne Legislature has al ready had its effect on bonrding houses and hotels in Atlanta. The National Hotel has “busted” and the Cannon House is for rent, both hav ing depended largely upon legislative patronage. —There were in the port of Savan nah Tuesday seventy vessels, of which four were steamships, eight ships, thirty-eight barks, live brigs and seventeen schooners. Twenty- seven carried the American flag, six teen that of Great Britain, seven that of Germany, nine of Norwuy, seven of Spain, one of Sweden, and one car rying the Italian colors. —Buena Vista Argun: Mr. J. S. Rogers finished manufacturing his syrup last week. His cane-patch em braced three-fourths of an acre, and yielded 343 gallons of syrup, after 5,00(1 stalks had been bedded for seed. Mr. Rogers saved the fodder from the cane, anil considers it more than paid him for the cultivation. Allowing Mr. Rogers’ low estimate for the value of his fodder to be correct, he would then have the following amount for his syrup and seed cane: Syrup at 05 cts. per gallon, $222.95 ; 6,000 stalks seed cane, nt 05 cts per 100 stalks, $32.50. Total, $247,75. —This is the “roster” of candi dates for the Legislature from Fulton county to date: Hon. John H. James (banker), Hon. Henry Hillyer and Hon. G. T. Fry (lawyers), present members: Hon. P. I,. Mynatt (law yer), of the Constitutional Conven tion; Gen. A. C. Garlington (lawyer); ex-Mayor W. H. Hulsey (lawyer); Major Sam. W. Small (editor); Coi. Thomas McGill (railroader); Captain Robert L. Crawley (merchant); Col. Marcellus E. Thornton (editor and novelist); Judge George A. Cornier; Mr. John M. C. Reed (farmer); Cap tain John (“hogeye”) Thomas (law yer); and several tied out nags yet to be entered. ALABAMA NEWS. How English C'luha Promote rellfcarjr. To that large class which is neither rich nor poor the club is a most cher ished haunt. A young man on some four or live hundred a year can enjoy udvuntuges at his club which the wealthiest peercanscarcely command. For an annual subscription, after having paid his entrance fee, of some eight or ten guineas a year, he linds himself jiart owner of a splendid town house, where the tax collector never intrudes, where repairs and dilapida tions never coricern him, where at tentive servants wait upon his every order, where everything that is provid ed is of the very best, for it is worth the contractor’s while to give satisfac tion; where retirement can be obtain ed without the depressing sense of solitude, nnd where companion ship can lie enjoyed without the dan gers of intrusion—in short, a home always bright, and ready to cater for the simplest necessities or the most elaborate luxuries. One of the most prominent oonsequences of all this perfection of oranization lius been to render celibacy so desirable, that matrimony, instead of being the natu ral nmbition of man, is now regarded by many in the light of a sacrifice. To marry, unless on an income which is the exception, signifies the ex change of club life with Its pleasant gossip, its ngreeable luxuries, and all its disciplined requirements, for the monotony of the domestic hearth, the worries of housekeeping and the ser vitude of family restraint. Under the old order of things, when clubs were the exception, matrimony was regarded as the panacea for all the ills that bnchelordom was heir to, and a man married in order to have the companionship of a home. Whereas now, in that one word club, men find a safer subsitute for the uncertain ad vantages of matrimony. “Why should I marry?” asks the celibate. ‘What are the advantages that mar riage will bring to counterbalance its disadvantages? At present with my income I am well off, the club sup plies me with all my wants, and my movements are unfettered. If I mar ry, I descend nt once to be a poor man, with all the mortifications and privations of poverty. The charms of marriage are all very well, but what if they be followed by satiety, by boredom, by disappointment? It has been the fate ol'others; why should it not be mine? Even in a happy mar riage there must be a vast amount of monotony.” That this selfish and sided reasoning is daily ganing ground amongst us is evident from the decrease of mar riages, and the increase of the club- system, not only in London, but in provincial tows.— Temple Bar. Mrs. Colvin & Miss Donnelly, Have on hand a most select and complete assortment of MILLINERY s FANCY GOODS! Ladies’ ami Misses’ Pine Straw, Felt. Plnsli and Velvet HATS and $0() BONNETS. Also n most varied assortment of Children's Suits, Sneques, nnd Infants’ loaks, Ladies’ Cloaks from $3 to $20; also a complete line of Corsets iiig Dr. Warner’s Health Corset, Cooley’s Cork Corset,, nnd man new and approved makes. KID GLOVES from 50c. to $2. Having pu low as the lowest. —Fox hunters are having n good time In Macon criunty. —The taxes of the Western Rail road to Macon county is $2,800. —The wife of Mr. 8am Carr, who resides in Macon county, died last Friday. —On Tuesday lost Mr. J. T. Rnugh- ton, living on the B. H. Mlcou place in Montgomery county, killed a peli can on Line Creek. —There have been 6,235 bales of cotton shipped from Troy to date, against 7,340 to same date last year ; snowing a difference in favor of last season of 1,105 bales. —The Commissioners' Court of Pike county has appointed Mr. J. L Youngblood keeper of the poor house, and retained Dr. Alfred Boyd us county physician. —Dr. Tim Jones died at Calvert, Texas, at a recent date. Dr. Jones was the son of Dr. E. W. Jones, of Tuskegee, and a brother of Dr. U. R Jones, formerly of Montgomery. —The Turnpike place, belonging to the Foster estate, sold at public outcry at Tuskegee, for $450. There nre about seven hundred acres of land in the plantation besides the widow’s dower. —There was a hard full of hall last Wednesday morning in Tuskegee, The Btones were very large, and came down on the house top like rocks. It must have played the wild with cot ton not yet picked. —J. P. Holman, who killed Mr. J J. Herd at Ft. Deposit in June, 1871, was identified ana arrested in Hemp stead, Texas L last week. A reward of $300 was offered by the Governor for his capture. The necessary papers have been fixed up and sent to the Governor for a requisition, and he will soon be brought back to this county for trial. —About forty persons, all from the southwestern portion of Pike, left the depot on Thursday morning lust bound for Texas. The following with their families, were of the num ber: Messrs. D. M. Jackson, James Carlisle, Jesse Carlisle, H. W. Willi ford, W. W. Jackson, Judson Nichols George Williford, and several others, all of whom are honest nnd industri ous citizens, and us such we regret to lose them. ■Ml and Salmon riglit All interesting sight, says the Dun dee Evening Telegraph was witnessed off West Ferry the other day in a des perate fight between a seal and a huge salmon. The combatants were not above a hundred yards from the shore, and the encounter was there fore plainly seen. For more than an hour the fight lasted, the seal all the while dashinguliout in the water after Its agile prey. During the progress of the fight the salmon was tossed many times into the airafterthe fash ion of a eat with a mouse. It was then seen to he a very lurgeflsh. After the fish was fairly exhausted, for the scale was the victor, the seal rose fre quently to the surface of the water with Its prey in its mouth, the salmon, however, not being yet dead, as the movements of its body plainly indi cated. Whether or no the seal swal lows its prey whole is not known to the writer, but to spectators of this morning’s fight the protracted nature, of the battle seemed to have origin in some desire on the part of the seal not to Injure its prey or break it with its teeth. There are large numbers of seals in the river at the present time. Between seventy and eighty of these • animals, many of them very large and different colors, were seen sun ning themselves at low tide on Aber- Utj - Sands one day lust week. Darling, y ou look very bad. And I fear you’ve caught a cold; But Papa says you’ll soon be glad, After you have once been told— To take Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. THE LATEST SENSATION! AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC. New York, October 1st, 1877. I have devoted twenty years of pa tient study to the Liver and its relations to the human body, in search of a rem edy which would restore it, when dis eased, to its normal condition. The result of that labor half been the pro duction of TITTT'M LIVER FIUA Their popularity has booorne so extend ed and the demand so great as to induce unscrupulous parties to counterfeit them, thoreby rohhinu me of the To ward, and tho atllictod of their virtues, TO CAUTION THE PUBLIC, and protect them for vile impositions, I have adopted a new label, which bears my trade-mark and notice of its entry in'the Office of the Librarian of Con gress, also my signature, thus: VS*TO COUNTF.RrEIT THIS IS FORGERY.*©* Beforo purchasing, examine the label closely. THE GENUINE TUTT’S PILLS exert a peculiar influence on tho sys tom. Their action is prompt ami their good effects are felt in a few hours. A quarter of a century of study of the Liver has demonstrated that it exerts a greater influence over the system than any other organ of the body, and when diseased the entire organism is deranged. It is specially lor tho heal ing of this vital organ tliat I liavo spoilt so many years of toil, and having found tho remedy, which has proved the greatest boon ever furnished tho afflict ed,shall they be deprived of its benefits, and a vile imitation imposed upon them? Let the honest people of America see to it tliat they are not defrauded. Scruti nize the label closely, see that it bears all the marks above mentioned, and buy tho medicine only from respectable dealers. It can bo found everywhere. Veiy respectfully, tf W. It. TUTT. c. ALADDIN SECURITY OIL, WEST & SONS’ Tlio Best Household Oil in Use. Warranted 150 (legs. Fire-Test, Water White in Color. Fully Deodorized Will Not Explode HIGHEST AWARD AT THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION FOR EXCELLENCE OF MANUFACTURE And High Fire-Test! Endorsed by Insurance Companies Read tliln Certificate—One of Many : Howard Fire Insurance Co. ok Balt* more, Baltimore, Dec. 23d, 187b—Messrs. ( West A Hons—Gentlemen: Havin'* the various oils sold in this city for nuting purposes, I take pleasure in mending your “Aladdin the safest and ni>: hold. Yours truly, , (Signed) ANDREW REESE, Pres’t. MANUFACTURED BY C. WEST & SONS, Baltimore, Try It, and You will Use no Other. oc2& dflm w. F. TIGNEB, Dentist, over MASON’S DRUGSTORE, Randolph Street, Columbus, Ga. Ja21 ly >In Bankruptcy In the District Court of the United States, For the Southern District of Georgia. No. 1,40.1. In l he Matter of) HENRY H. LONG, V Bankrupt. ) mHK said Bankrupt having petitioned the |_ Court for a discharge from all his debts provublc under t he Bankrupt Act of V 2d, 18(57, notice is hereby given to nil ue interested to appear on the Stli day of Decem ber, 1877, ut 10 o'clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before L. T. Downing, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at ids office at Columbus, Gu.. and show cans** why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not begrunt- ed. Amt further notice is $lyeni that the second and third meetings of Creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., tills 17th dn> of Novembe MILLINERY. Embracing all the Novelties of the season in Call and examine our Rtock before purchasing. oct9 eodifcwlr Ilium Goods for the million! BARGIANS for the RICH and POOR! _ UEXEP Large. Varied and Beautiful Stock, at Prices Cheaper than Ever. P|ON'T PURCHASE until you have examined this stock. In dally connection u .U Am markets of the world, nnd new Goods received daily. Bring in your children i tit them up for winter. V&Ladies, my Hoods and prices will astonish von. Call and see them. „ , Mrs. lee, oet28 eod&w2m Next to Mechanics' Bank. CLOTHING. New Fall & Winter Clothing. HOFFLIN & BROTHER, 1 Broad Street, Columbus, O-j Have Just Received one of llie Largest Stoeks of EN’S, YOUTHS' AND BOYS’ CLOTHII Ever Brought to Columbus, IICH WILL BE SOLD AT UNPRECEDENTED LOW PRH M $2 to $18: Men’s and Boys Hats from 50 cents to $5. vyiir Excelsior Unluundered Shirt, all finished, the best in tire market, 1 $1. Business and Dress Suits mode to order, ami satisfaction guaranteed. sep'Jd eotl3m• AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. M. M. HIR8CH. JACOB HECHT. Hirsch &Hecht & OPPOSITE RANKIN HOUSE, COLUMBUS, - - GEOR C. S. HARRISON, Auctioneer and Salesman. ■WILL give our personal attention to the sale of Consignments of every dose VV REAL ESTATE,STOCKS, BONDS, MKRCHANDISK, LIVE STOCK, Ac., at and private sale. Administrator and other Legal Sales in the city and surrounding coun try attended to on liborul terms. Thi ‘ ------ they wish to buy or sell property of any description. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS, which are respectfully NEW GOODS! r r II 1R IV SHIPMENT BlaohL Caslimeres ! INCLUDING OUR CELKRRATKD DOLLAR GOODS. WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING, A FULL LINE OF G-ents’ Kids In Operas and White. New Bibs in white, tight blue and pink; Rufflings ever brought to this market. Our stock of Kid Gloves is thorough in every respect. An elegant line Black Alpacas from 25c. to $1 00 per y Merino Underwear and Blankets a specialty. t^~Will continue to offer inducements In BLACK SILKS. Our Black Silk at $1.25 is superior to any thing ever brought here. Blanchard & Hill. New Advertisements. ■ NNYPER’8 ■ CURATIVE PADS, A sure cure for Torpid Liver and all discuses arising therefrom, l.ung, Kidney. Spine, Bladder, Womb, and all Female Diseases, HULLS AMI FKVKK, CosUyoiickn, Dynpepsla* ; Headache. Our Liver, Lung nnd Ague l*«d, i $•_*. Kidney ami Spinal !*»d, $IL lhul for Fe- i nude Weakness, $:i. We send them by mall I free on receipt of price. Address E. 1«\ SNY DER A CO., Cincinnati, O. i A WEEK in your own town. Terms cM)l) and So out tit free. II. HALLETT A CO., Portland, Maine. AGENTS WANTED! , FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO., S’Jtl Itrondaity, Xt*w York City; Chicago. 111.; Xcw Or lea an. La.; Or San Francisco, Cal. Wonder Upon Wonder! (firm A waft—A strange, mysterious and most extraordinary Book, unfilled »»TIIK HOOK OF WOMIKItS," containing, with nu- I morons curious pictorial illustrations, the mysteries of the I leavens and Earth, Nuturul and Super-Natural, Oddities, Whimsical, St range Curioslt les, \Vitches and Witchcrafl, i Dreams, Superstitions, Absurdities. Fubu- lous, Enchantment, Ac. In order that all may see tills curious book, the publishers have resolved to give it away to all that de sire to see it. Address by postal card, F. Ol.KASON .V CO., 7tW Washington Street, Host on, Mass. WORK FOR ALL Di their own localities, canvassing for the Fireside Visitor (enlarged), Weekly and Monthly. Largest Paper In the World, with Mammoth Chromos Free. Big Commissions to Agents. Terms and outfit. Free. • Address I*. 0. Vlt kKKY, Augusta, Maine. [ 1 4) a day at home. Agents wanted. Out- 1 qVl./w tit and terms free. TRUE A CO., Au gusta, Maine. IhKxtrn Fine Mixed Cards, witli name, 10 cents, post-paid. L. JONES A CO., Nas sau, N. Y. DCJLTTV PIANO,ORCiAM beat. «3~l.ook! DlA III startling News! Organs, i‘2 stops, S./). Pianos only $180, cost $070. Circu lar Free. 1>. F. Beatty, Washington, N. J. IX P <M ' A«y» at home. Samples worth free. Stinson a Co., • Portland, Maine. JACKSON’S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO! was awarded the highest prize at Centen nial Exposition for its line chewing quali ties, the excellence utul lasting character of its sweetening and flavoring. If you want y the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer for tills, ami set* that each plug hears our blue strip trade mark with words “Juck- \ son's Best" on it. Sold wholesale by all Job- ■ Iters. Semi lor sample to C. A. JACKSON & i CO., Manufacturers, Petersburg, Va. | Piano Tuning, &c. * K. W. Bf.AU, Rapairer and Tuner of Pianos, Organs nnd 1 Aeeordeons. Sign Painting also done. OrtlerH may l>e left at J. W. reuse A Nor man's Book Store. sep/j, ’75 Watchmakers. U. II. IiE<|UIN, Wiitchmnkcr, 1!M Broad Street, Columbus, Gn. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner nml warranted. Jyl, ’75 Tin and Coppersmiths. ■ WM. FEE, J Worker In Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, Ac. * Orders from abroad promptly attended to. jyl, ’7H 174 Broad Street. i Doctors. (j DR. U. E. KNTEN. Office Over Kent’s Ditua Store. Ju8 ly Lawyers. ALONZO A. DOKIER, Aftorne.r nnd f'ounMellor-nt-Ijaw. n Offleo Over 120 Broad St reet, n Practices in State and Federal Courts In j. hot It Georgia and Alabama. mhl8,’77 ly n t'llAIlLIW COLEMAN, 1 Altoi'iir,r*iil*Ijiw. il Up-Stairs, Over C. E. Iloohstrasser’s Store. fel» 11,'77 tf — BENNETT If. CRAWFOBD, _ Allwrncj nnd Cuuniirllor-aGLaw. 1 Office (Ivor Frazer’s Hardware Store. I jn 14,77 ly • UKK.SU (’ItAWFOUD. J. M. M'NKILL. CKAWFOUO A McNEILL, Attornc.vN nnd Uountelluni-aGLair, 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Jftlfl,70 ly U. E. thou an. Attorney nnd C.‘»iinMcllor-aat-Ij»w. Office: V Over Iloclistrasser’s Store, Columbus, Ga. * Jyi*,’70 ly MARK. 11. 1ILANDFOD. | LOUIS F. GAItltAlU). HLAMirORD A GABBARD, Attorneys nnd ('onnscllors-ut-Ynavr. Gfflce, No. 07 Broad Street, over Wittlch A Rinsers Jewelry Store. Will practice In the State and Federal Courts, sop 1,75 REAL ESTATE A CENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, Georgia Home Building, next toTelegrupli Office, Columbus, Ga., Ileal llstato, Ilrokcraga anil Insurance Agamy. f LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT. * Refer, by permission, to banks of this city. iiov3,75 tf Tlic Spirits of the Times! l.iri.I.Y determined to eliangemy business as soon as possible, I am now offering my entire stock of all kinds of q I’nrc ami Old Liquors nml lViims, Cigars ami Tobacco; also, all Smokers’ Articles, at and below cost, without reserve. All drinks only TEN CENTS, until sold out. Itar Boom Fixtures, Ac., will be sold at a bargain. I mean what I say, no deception. . I'**. ItEIClI. J. 0031 In. Do Justice to Yourself! BY EXAMINING MY Goods and Prices Before piirrlmsiug. M.v sfoek is now larger and more eomplete in all its departments (linn It ever lias been, and everything is priced by file rule ‘‘small profits and quick sales.” BLACK CASHMERE, 50c. to $1.25; “ SILKS $1 to $2.50; ACTO CLOTH 30c. vTXJST RECEIVED : My second slock CLOAKS, $3.50 to $*»«; Black and Colored SILK GALLOON and FRINGE; * “ WOOL “ Can oiler bargains in TABLE LINEN nnd TOWELS; Uliildreifs Colored HOSIERY in great variety. earl Mean Business! J. ALBERT KIRVEN, 90 Broad St. Reduction in Rates. O N nnd after tin* 1st of October tho Ratos via CENTRAL LINK MOATS to all points on the (.'butlahoochee and Flint Riv ers will lions follows: FLOCK. C< iTTnN, rtlo .50 < QrISTADORO’S HAIR DYE Jr thoMfeitand the host, it instantaneous iu its action. - • • •* • -*•» ■••g oT ulfteK or dyappli-.‘<l. It ..atural sUa lcH of Wrick • not stain the akin, and ii easi standard preparation, and a fatorit . -appointed toilet for lady or g—tlemnn. For salo ,||sn^ Hair UwiifPL JJ)8 ind it produces tho paretii by all l»nig£i«t Vrk.' Rroprlator. P. Sherry for le! Sherry for le! Just Reoelved at The Centennial Stores, AN EXTRA FINE QUALITY OF DENTINE IMPORTER ALHAMBRA SHERRY! I Offer at $6.00 per gallon. i)thor Freight* in prop 8TEAMKK WYLhY—C. Brook* way, Captain, Loaves SATURDAYS, nt 10 A M, for Apnla- chimin, Florida. 4»0-For further information call on €'. A. KI.INN, General Freight Agent. Office at C. K. IIodistrasHer’s. JuSitf A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage! MpnsnMnMipi A Guido to Wodfook and WOMAN n At lor it; the se- MARRIAGE tlecl o eml&wtr W. A. SWIFT, Proprietor, tiov4 eod&wtf BANKINC AND IN8URANCE. Made toy tlxo Georgia Home IISURANCE COIPAIY, he State of Georgia, tor the protection of her policy holders. OUR DP0S1T is ample for tho prelection of our patrons. WE REFRE8EKT TIIE HOME OF NEW YORK Capital and Assets III (1.500,000 LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION “ •« “ 14,000,000 MOBILE UNDERWRITERS’ “ « « 1,250,000 PETERSBURG SAVINGS and INSURANCE... “ «• “ 000,000 Ulsks will la* written ut rates ns low. Adjustments will be marie ah liberally, nml payment* ailu ns promptly, an l>y nny other first-clans com puny represented In Ueorghi. ^Mtl«>inJJeorgiiHd(nnejMindinii5 > ^ >i>< ^ R. B. MURDOCH’S INSURANCE AGENCY! No. 013 Broad Sroet, SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANUE COMPANY, Athens, Gn. PIKENIX INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford,Conn. MANH ATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Manchester, Eng. SOUTHERN MUTUAL returns llfiy par cent. premium to 11m insured, and > liability to nolle}' holders. MANHATTAN will Insure Dili Houses at lowest ruling rales. 25,000 deposited with the State as security for policy holders. Ipqk-i (yl CROCERIES. A. M. ALLEN, President. O. 8. JORDAN, Treasurer. Pioneer Stores. -tot- " “ doo,ooo« Oliartorod Capital, Pioneer Buildings, Front Street, opposite E. & P. Mills. T W O 3STEW S T OR IE S FULL OF NEW GOODS! AGENTS FOR CHEWACLA LIME COMP’Y, ANI) WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN aENEEAB NX33 B. HANDISB . GROCERY 0EPARTMEMT, DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, CROCKERY OF EVERY STYLE, CLOTHING IN ENDLESS VARIETY, BOOTS and SHOES, especially made for us. I J1VERYT1IING NKW! Kvurytlilng bought for cash. Kvcrylblngsold close. Tho oel«*- :hinted (• A K\v.\ri,,\ LIMI’7, by car load, barrel or bushel. All retail purchases dellv- ered in Brownevllle, Girard, Rose Hill, Wynnton and the city. A. M. ALLKN, late of A lien, Freer A- Hlges; os< AK S. JORDAN, late salesman Kagle A Phenlx; TIlos. f 'I I Al'.M A N, late Chapman A Verstllle; WM. COOPER, late Grocer, will bo happ^ojjet^you^^^^ M CARRIAGES, WACONS, Ac. H. C. McKEB, GUN BY BUILDING, ST. CLAIR STREET, —DEALER IN- Carries, Buies & Wagons Of Every Description, at Prices fo suit the times. .vork sold and t II exhibit cuts (from iiufact tired, which lie iteturer’s priees. All „ a PRIVATE MEDICAL ADVISER! On «ll (iioorfieri of » Pri vftto Nature •nun* from S«lf Abuuo, Excobhcb, or Secret Disoanca, with (he beet '"TcLINIGA'l LEC^U^feoVthV above diseaeee end thoie or the Throateml Lunga, Catarrh,Huptura. the Opium Habit,4e., price 10cti. Either book •• tit poitpald on receipt of prlcei or all three, containing .V«i page*, Imantitully Illustrated, for 16 cM. Addrca. DR. BUTTS, No. IV N. JtU 6t. Bt. Louis, Mo. SffeaaX/ASSJlfS viv viv of Buggy, Carriage and other Harness; Gents’ and Ladies’ Saddles in great variety; Collars, Hames, Bridles,&c.; Whips,Curry Combs, Horse Brushes,&c. tar-ALL M IL nelld (Idcwlv HE SOLD AT (’LOSE PRICES. IX. O. McKblB.