Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, December 05, 1877, Image 3

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GEORGIA NEWS. —Mr. James A. Smith, of Griffin, is dead. —Mr. Wm. H. Goodrich and Mr. A. H. Cook, of Augusta, are dead. —A little colored girl was drowned in the Augusta canal on Monday. —Fred Shllverton. of Washington, was accidentally killed while hunt ing. —A man was killed and a driver injured by a collision with another teamin Savannah. —A negro woman preached three times Sunday in the colored M. E. church in Augusta. —Mr. Elias Hwent, of Tebeanville, No. 9, A. & G. R. U., wns found dead in the rood near his store. —Hump, tlie boy that killed Jell Holt, last Saturday night week, lias been captured and lodged in Tulliot county jail. —The store house of C. M. Chap man, in Jones county, was burned a few days since. Eoss $800 in goods and $200 cash. —Sunday the confectionery and bakery of Mr. George A. Turpin, in Ainericus, was burned. Turpin's loss is $0,000, insurance $2,500. —'The residence of Mr. Moses Wad- ley, in Emanuel county, opposite station No. 9, on the Central Railroad, wus destroyed by lire Sunday morn ing. —Saturday night Mr. Henry I,u- rentliall, storekeeper at Miller’s Sta tion, was attacked by three negroes, one of whom struck him with a hatchet. His store wus robbed of $15. He is now at the Savannah hospital. DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 18’) Telegraph and Messenger: There were five failures reported the past few days in the territory over which our wholesale houses sell goods, by which our commercial community lose some live or six thousand dollars. The losses, however, are so distribu ted that no one house sustains any serious loss. —The Brunswick Seaport Appeal says: “James Atkins, the Collector of Customs at Savannah, is unhappy. urn- ug I gress relieved him of twenty-one thousand dollars liabilities, it isshown at Washington that he is still indebt ed to the Government in u consider able amount, for the recovery of which papei-s have been sent to the Solicitor with instructions to com- mence suit.” ALABAMA NEWS. —Two white eagles have been killed in Clay county. —An old Portuguese coin of 1785 was ploughed up near Union Springs. —Nicrosi lias been buried in Mont gomery; the remains of Miss Sharp have been carried to Macon. —Mr. John Lightner wns knocked senseless with a stick by a negro on his place near Cliunuenuggee on Tuesday. —Last Wednesday a cabin, negro baby and $41 in greenbacks were burned on Dr. Davis’ place near Mt. Meigs. —A reward is offered by Governor Houston of $200 for delivery to the sheriff of Autauga county of W. .1. Boon, charged with the crime of ar son. —The emigration to Texas this year from Alabama is hardly ten per cent, wliat it was last year, and the out look for the future does not indicate any greater amount. —Messrs J. R. W. Peekin, J. T. Broadway, G. M. Pope, 1. F. Culver and J. W. Stephenson, of Bullock county, charged with violation of enforcement act have been acquitted in the U. S. Court at Montgomery. —The Montgomery Advertiser is in mourning for its former editor, Col. Robert Tyler,who died Monday, after an illness of a few hours. He was the son 'of President Tyler, was born in 1818, and wns nearly (it) years of age. He tilled many important positions during his lifetime. —Friday night. Perry Sclioltz, a young man recently from Pennsylva nia, on the freight train of flic M. and M. railroad on which he was acting as brakemun, at Greenville about 12 o’clock, either fell or was accidentally knocked off the top of a car, and astlie traih was in motion, the wheels of one car ran over him terribly crush ing his legs and otherwise injuring him. He has since died. » ♦ ♦ A Htmuli'AIj VICTORV. How A Woman'll Lout Krnlp Wan Re- •tored—Mia* Dora Conrad** Narrow Eieape From Death — draining a Hrmip Upon a Mkull. New York, December 2.—An ex ceedingly remarkable surgical opera tion has recently been completed at St. Catherine’s Hospital, Williams burg. On Friday, August 3d, 1870, while Dora Conrad was attending a jenny in Waterbury’s bug factory, in Bushwick, her hair, which was hanging loose, caught in one of the spindles and in an instant the hair and scalp on one side of her head were torn out. It wus done so quickly that she only felt a tug. The over seer took her to St. Catherine’s Hos pital, where the doctors said they could do nothing for her. Two days after, the physician in charge said ; I can save her, and if she can stand the operation I cun give her a new sculp—by trans plantation. The ghastly injury inflicted on Miss Conrad not only toreoffthe sculp, but tore off a portion of the periosteum. No hopes were at first entertained for her recovery, hut as the days rolled on her naturally good constitution enabled granulation to begin and the flesh commenced to form. Taking advantage of this tlie doctor took two pieces from Dora’s own arm, and cutting them in small pieces grafted them on the periosteum, about a quarter of an inch apart, and in rows about a quarter of an inch from the line of the lower edge of the wound, holding them in position with smallstripsofpluster. Ina few days mi nute ramification sex tended from these grafts to each other and to tlie sound skin, which gradually increased until they bridged over the space between, them and new skin was thus pro duced. 1 The operation was carefully re- curing the seven months the girl lay in hospital, grafts for tlie purpose being freely furnished by her sisters. Dolorosa and Johanna, from their arms. 1 lvedoctor was so skillful in his manipulation* that everv niece of skin grafted took root, and the entire skull was again covered witli a nmi, healthy, but hairless scaln. There are spotH bereft of feeling- tliev are thoseconnectingdircctiv with the skull, the periosteum having been destroyed just there. This case ex cites much interest among the surgi cal profession. —A Connecticut preacher says that lie intends to ask God to blight tlie ap ple blossoms next Spring so that there frill be no elder next season. sm rrirri, ho»k». One ofthe Proponed Novelties or Next Vear'R French Exhibition. Paris (\trrespomlonce of the Montreal Herahl. J The .S]>aniards are understood to have memorialized M. Krantz, Com missary General of next year’s Ex hibition, to add an exhi bition of beautiful women to the other exhibits of the gathering. The Spanish Minister of Public Works is said to lie warmly in favor ofthe idea, and intended exhibit ors are requested by the Spanish newspapers to send in photographs as candidates for admission without delay. All appeal is to be addrssed to all the pretty women of the world to come forward and show themselves to an admiring universe There are to be sixty-one grand prizes, thirty-one second prizes m silver, one hundred acccssits and two hundred “honora ble mentions.” The jury is to be composed of two delegates for eacli nation, one male and one female. The admissions are to be decided on tlie examination of two photographs of each candidate, one full face and the other in profile. Photographs of the gainers of the sixty-one “Grand Prizes of Beauty" arc to be exhibited in a “Saloon‘of Honor" during twelve duys, after which, in company with the “.Second Prizes,” tlie “Second Bests” and tlie “Honorable Mentions.” they will lie enshrined in a beautiful album, ad hoe; a copy of tills album, superbly bound and got up, will then lie pre sented by tlie Exhibition authorities to each of tlie sovereigns whose lady lieges have contributed their beauty and themselves to this show. The same collection of photographs, but less splendidly gol up. will be subse quently offered for sale to the public in general. To crown tlie whole, there is to lie added to the prizes, etc., just mentioned, a supreme “Prize of Honor,” to be adjudged to tlie most beautiful of tlie competing beauties. The fair creature who lias obtained this “supreme” award is to lie pro claimed “The Queen of Beauty,” and is to be invited to make her triumph al appearance in Paris itself, seated in asplendid chariot simulating a throne, drawn by six magnificent Andalusian horses of tlie finest breed, and fol lowed by the other beauties, recipients of tlie oilier prizes. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC. New York, October 1st, 1877. I linvo devoted twenty years of pa tient study to the Liver and its relations to the human hod.v, in search of a rem edy which would restore it, when dis eased, to its normal condition. The result of that labor lias been the pro duction of TtlTT’N LIVER PILLS. Their popularity has become so extend ed anu the demand so great us to induce unscrupulous parties to counterfeit them, thereby bobbing me of the re ward, and the afillcteil of their virtues. TO CAUTION Tim PUBLIC, and protect them for vile impositions, I have adopted a new label, which hours my trade-mark and notice of its entry in tlie Ollice of tlie Librarian of Con gress, also my signature, thus: —TV AS-to counterfeit this is forgery."VA Before purchasing, examine tlie label closely. 1 THE GENUINE TUTT’S PILLS exert a peculiar influence on the sys tem. Their action is prompt and their good effects are felt in a few hours. A quarter of a century of study of tlie Liver lias demonstrated that It exerts a greater influence over the system than any otlior organ of tlie body, and when diseased tlie entire organism is deranged. It is specially for the heal ing of tills vital organ that I have spent so many years of toil, and having found tlio remedy, which has proved tlie greatest lioon over furnished the afflict ed,shall they bo deprived of Its benefits, and a vile imitation imposed upon them? r Lot tlie honest people of America see to it that they are not dofrauded. Scruti nize tlie labol closely, see that it bears all tlie marks above mentioned, and liny tlie medicine only from respectable dealers. It can bo found everywhere. Very respectfully, W. ll. TUTT. .A. COUGH, COLD, Or Horc Throat REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION A continuance for any length of time causes irritation of tlie Lungs, or some chronic Throat affection. Neglect oftentimes results in Nome in- rumble Lung <lisense. BROWN’S BRON CHIAL TROCHES have proved their efficacy by a test of uitiniy years, it nil will almost invari ably give immediate relief. Obtain only 1IR0WJPS RK0NT1IIAL TROCHES, and do not take any ofthe worthless imitations that may he offered. de2 d im A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage! A Guide to Wedlook and WOMAN ■onlldi'iitinl Treati*c jfthnt unfit lor it; the $e- crcti of Reproduction end |the Diseases of Women. \ book for private, o reading. 2fi0 pages, price NEW GOODS I third shipment Black. Cashmeres ! INCLUDING OUR CELEBRATED DOLLAR GOODS. MARRIAGE Hsihg ti Abuse, Excesses, or Secret Diseases, with the best "TcLINICAL LECTURE on 'the'above disea.r. and thoae ofthe Throatnml Lungs, Catarrh,Rupture, the Opium Habit,Ac., price 10 eta. Ell her book aent poatpald on receipt of price; or all three, containing A00 pagea. treaiitifully illuatratcd, tor 75 eta. Addreaa DR. BUTTS, No. 12 N. 8th St. St. Louis, Mo. PRINTING BOOK BINDING Every Description, LOWEST PRICES! THOMAS GILBERT, 4U Randolph St. -tot- WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING, A FULL LINK OF ent Kids! In WHito. Operas and New Bibs in white, light blue and pink; Silk Corsets, Laces—the most exquisite line Crepe Lisse Rufflings ever brought to this market. Our stook of Kid Gloves is thorough in every respect. An elegant line Black Alpacas from 25c. to $1.00 per yard. Merino Underwear and Blankets a specialty. 15F”WiH continue to offer inducements in BLACK SILKS. Our Black Silk at $1.25 Is superior to any thing ever brought here. Blanchard & Hill Do Justice to Yourself! BY EXAMINING MY Goods and Prices e Before purchasing. M.v stoek is now larger and more complete in all its departments tliau it ever lias been, and everything is priced by tlie rule “small profits and quick sales.” BLACK CASHMEfeE, 50g. to $1.25; “ SILKS $1 to $2.50; ACTO CLOTH 30c. vTTTST RECEIVED; My second stock CLOAKS, $3.50 to $20; Black and Colored SILK GALLOON and FRINGE; “ “ WOOL “ “ « Can offer bargains in TABLE LINEN mid TOWELS; Children’s Colored HOSIERY" in great variety. M&-JL Mean Business ! J. ALBERT KIRVEN, 90 Broad St. nov4 eoddwtf READY for the FALL CAMPAIGN! x.x entire building, v,.... «..v .«. a inducement of any Jobbing House. Huy I WILL NOT BE UNDBHSOL.D DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT.—5,000 pieces of PRINTS, 5,000 pieces of CHECKS, 500 pieces BLKAOH DOMESTICS, 200 pieces TICKING, 25 bales OSNABURGS, 2-5 bales 4-4 SHEETINGS, 25 hales 7-8 SHEETINGS. WOOLEN DEPARTMENT.—500 pieces of JEANS, 300 pieces of CASHI- MEllES, 500 pieces of LININGS, 3(H) pieces of FLANNELS. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT.- All the latest in Foreign and Domestic manufacture. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT.-1 RIKH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, LAWNS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c. NOTION DEPARTMENT.—Largest anil most complete ever offered, with ev erything petuining lo the line. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT.—500 cases from Commonest to Best Hand made. HAT DEPARTMENT.—3,000 dozen FUR and WOOL HATS, direct from Factory. Wholesale House, 152 Broad Street,) „ „ ... „ u Ooiumt>us,Ga. Retail “ lot “ “ ) JAMES A. XjZETV'YIS. CLOTHINC. BUY YOUR CLOTHIUG AND HATS OF Hofflin & Bro., 88 BROAD STRUCT, COM'Mitt'S, GA. FIRST-GLASS GOODS! _A_t I_jcrw Prices. ^CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER-SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.^ ac|V.‘U emlMIll Third and Last Call to Tux Payers of Muscogee Comity! r|V\X KXKCUTIONH will bn Issiinl hkuIiihI | Mil parlies who have not selllcil Htnlcaml ('cimly Tuxes fur I'77. No further no!Ice will help' 539 GEORGIA HOME INS. COM’Y STOCK. 30 Shares For Ss JOHN IILACKMAR, Broker. P02SM n A. V.OU4.T** &Cu., Ctitumu. New Advertisements. WNYDEU’S CURATIVE PADS, A sure cure for Torpid Liver and nil diseases arising therefrom, Lung, Kidney. Spine, - Bladder, Womb, and all Female Diseases, CHILLS AMI PKVKK, (’ostivepuss, Dyspepsia, Headache. Our Lirer, Lung and Ague l'ntl. Kidney and Spinal Fid, $Jt. Pad Tor Fe male Weakness, $3. We send them by mail _ free on receipt of price. Address E. F. SN Y- 1 DEU & (’O., Cincinnati, O. * A WEEK In your own town. Terms ?!)0 and *t» outfit free. H. HALLETT & CO., Portland, Maine. AGENTS WANTED! 1 FOR PAHTlCUr.AHS AODUKHS j WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO., f Mt) liroHilway, New York City; Chicago, III.; Tfevr Orleans, La.; < Or San FranelNro, Cal. t Wonder Upon Wonder! (liven Away—A. strange, mysterious und 1 most extraordinary Rook, entitled “THK 0 IIOOK OF WOMMCIts,” containing, with nu merous curious ptetorial lllust rat Ions, the 1 mysteries ofthe Heavens uml Earth, Natural < and Super-Natural, Oddities, Whimsical, „ Strange Curiosities witches anil Witchcraft, ? Dreams, Superstitions, Absurdities, Fnbu- 1 Ions, Enchantment, Ac. In order thnt all may see tills curious book, tlie publishers . have resolved to give tt away to all that dc- 1 sire to seo it. Address by postal card, F. 0LKAK0N k 00., 7tlf4 M asliiugton St rout, Kosten. Mash. WORK FOR ALL in their own localities,canvassing for the FlrosiiV' Visitor (enlarged), Weekly and Monthly. Lnrgost I'snor in the Horid, with Mammoth Uhromos Free. Rig Commissions to Agents. Terms and outfit Free. Address 1*. 0. Y1CKKKY, AugustM, Mslnc. 1^10* tiny at home. Agents wanted. Out- Ht and terms free. TRUE A CO., Au gusta, Maine, i/\Kxtr« Flnr Mixed Cards, with naino, t« Jin N°Y M ’ 1)08l " paU1, J ON Ks & 1 Nas- DCATTV PIANO, ORGAN best. M^-Look! DC A II I Startling News! Organs, 12 slops, *65. Pianos only *130, cost *660. ('Ireu- lar Free. 1). F. Realty, Washington, N. J. P e| * *lny. at home. Samples worth *.*> tree. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. JACKSON'S BEST SWEET NAVY CHEWING TOBACCO! was awarded the highest prize at Centen nial Exposition for its fine chewing quali ties, the excellence und lasting character of its sweetening nnd flavoring. If you want the best tobacco ever made ask your grocer for this, and see that, each plug bears our blue strip trade mark with words “Jack- son’s Rest” on it. Sold wholesale by all job bers. Send for sample to t!. A. JACKSON k t’O., ManufActuriWH, IVtvndiurg, Va. Lawyers. ALONZO A. DOZIER; Attorney and Counnllor-at-LAW. Office Over 120 Broad Street. Practices In State and Federal Courts In both Georgia and Alabama. mil 18/77 ly CIIARLEM COLEMAN, Attorney-nt-Vanw. Up-Stalrs, Over C, E. Hoebstrasser’s Store, febl 1,77 tf BENNETT If. CRAWFOHD, Attorney anil Counsellor-nt-Ijnw. Office Over Frazer’s Hardware Store. JaU/77 ly RKKSK CRAWFORD. J. M. M NKILL. (HAVVFORD Si McfKILL, Attorney* nnd C'ounaeIlor«-nf-T*nw, 1 128 Rroad Street, Columbus, Ga. Jftlfl,7U ly <4. E. THOM AN, Attorney nnd €oun«cllor-nt-Ijnw. Office: Over HocliKtrasser’s Store, Columbus, Ga. Jyi),’7« ly MARK. H. HLANDFOD. | LOUIS F. GARRARI). ISLAND FORD A GARRARD, Attorney* nnd C'ounaellors-nt-Vanw. Office, No. 07 Rroad Street, over Witticli A Klnsel’s Jewelry Store. Will practice In tlie State and Federal Courts, sept,’75 Plano Tuning, &c. E. W. BEAU, Itapalror and Tuner of Pianos, Organs and Aecordeons. Sign Painting also done. Orders may be left at J. W. Tease A Nor man’s Rook Store. sejgi, 75 Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker In Tin, Nlicet Iron, C’opper, Ac. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Jyl, 70 171 Rroad St reet. Doctors. DR. i'. E. ENTEN. Office Ovku Kent’s 1)huo Stork. Ju3 ly Watchmakers. €. If. LEtfUlN, Wait’liuinktr, ! 134 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Watches and Clocks repaired In the best manner and warranted. Jyl, 75 REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, Georgia Home Building, next to Telegraph Office, Columbus, Ga., Raul Estate, Brokerage and Insurance Agency. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT. Refer, by permission, to banks of this city. nov3,'75 tf H WEST) ALADDIN U.&SONS’! SECURITY OIL, The Best Household Oil in,Use. Warranted 150 degs. Fire-Test. Water White in Color. Fully Deodorized. Will Not Explode! HIGHEST AWARD AT TIIK CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION FOIt KXCKLLKXt'H OF MANLFACTL'KK And High Fire-Test! Endorsed hy Insurunee ('oiiqiaiiies ! Until thin (Vrtifti'stu-One of Many : Howard Fire Ikhukancf. Co. of Rai.ti- MOKK, Raltimore. Dee. 2kl, 1871.- Messrs. C. West A Sons—Gentlemen : Having used the various oils sold In this city for illumi nating purposes, 1 take pleasure in recom mending your “Aladdin Security oil” as the sakkst and HKSi ever used In our house hold. Yours truly, (Signed) ANDREW REESE, Pres t. M A N l T PACTURK D BY C. WEST & SONS, Baltimore. Try It, and You will Use no Other, oejn dOm Teeth Extracted With out Pain. 1)R. J. M. MASON, D. I). S. OFFICE: OVKU KMjriUKH-SKN 0KF1CK, Colunilius 0a. ^Jl'RES DISEASED GUMS oflier diseases of the Moittii; cureh^ZnjJff Abscessed Teeth; inserts Artllletal Teeth, fills Teeth with Gold, or cheaper material If desired. All work at reasonable prices, and guaranteed. no23dAwtf W. F. THiNKR, Doutist,#^ Over MASON’S DRUGSTORE, Kauvlolpb tttrevt. Columbus, Ga. j*21 ly BANKINC AND INSURANCE. ‘THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.” Incorporated 1885. Tie Hew England Mutual Life Insurance Co., BOSTON, MASS. mary, 1877, - - - $14,515,802.00 i Received in 1870, - - • l,il!Hi,28(>.84 eccivcd in 187(1. .... 804,531.47 iiis l'aid in 187(1, .... 800,402.00 IKS of tills noted OLD COM TAN Y are Issued under the Massaehusetts Non- • which policy-holders are protected for a given time after pay idit ion of the policy be I iijj violated. ” ’ 1K7II, $25,tNNi on .'51 policies. During tlie last years, tills <•< ”,000 lives, and has paid In ’ Its policy-holdc n» policy being violated. Kmler the law s’CE COMPANY paid in 1*75*77,351.70; which the premium payments had ceased, puny has issued policies to the amount of $150,000,000 lentil claims and endowments $10,000,000, and has rcturn- tban $7,000,000 in divide! I Company, every bolder of a pol icy Is a member of the Company, •at its animal mootings, and to Ills full pro rata of the entire profits membership of 21 ,«M . It Is safe to say that the futu s those of the past have beei 8fc£f"Tli(> Divhlcnils in this Company are equal (o (hose of any oilier, ami the uleresl Itcecipts ofthe pasl two years have. Iieen suflleieut lo pay all death laiiiis. Applications received and policies promptly Issued through D. F WILLCOX, Agent, ll1 ' 1 ' 1 71 Broad, street. Made toy tlio INSURANCE COMPANY, n llicNhitc ol'Gcorgiff, tor (lie protection of her policy holders. OUR Ol’OSIT is ample for the protection of our pat runs. W ll III0I-U lOMENT t■ ■ I0ME OF NEW YORK Capital ami Assets # (i.500,000 ,ON HON ASSURANCE CORPORATION 14,000,000 IOHILK UN OCR Wlil'IT,US' « “ « 1,250,000 •ETERSBURG SAVINGS ami INSURANCE... “ “ “ 000,000 #<r bisks will lie written at rates ns low. Adjustments will be iiihUo as lihcmll), anil pity meats Hide ns promptly, ns by nay other llrst-elnss nmipnny represented in (Jeorgin. Office in Georgia Home building. wpio codtf R B. MURDOCH’S INSURANCE AGENCY! 3STc>. 03 Broad Sroot, Representing Fourteen Million Dollars Capital. SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Athens, Ga. l'lKliMX INSURANCE COMPANY. Hartford,Conn. MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, New York. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Manchester, Eng. SOUTHERN MUTUAL returns tlfly per cent, premium lo the insured, and no liahilily lo policy holders. MANHATTAN will insure Gin Houses at lowest ruling rates. $25,000 deposited with the Slate ns security for policy holders. laugZllyj " " —. —' — . . ... __ Ill ■, GROCERIES. A. M. ALLEN, President. O. S. JORDAN, Treasurer. Pioneer Stores. M- - - 050,000. Onartorod Capital, Pioneer Buildings, Front Street, opposite E. & P. Mills. TWO TnT IE W STORIES FULL OF NEW GOODS! AGENTS FOR CHEWACLA LIME COMP’Y, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CtBNBRAL MERII ANDISE . GROCERY BEPA RTMEMT, DRY G00OS DEPARTMENT, CROCKERY OF EVERY STYLE, CLOTHING IN ENDLESS VARIETY, BOOTS and SHOES, especially made for us. C bought, foe cash. Everything sc . . iu loud, barrel or bushel. All rot i Browncvillo, Glnml, Hose Mill, Wymilon and the city. . ALLEN, late of'Allen, I'reer A lllges; (>S< \\ It N. .It >KDA N, lut t; TlinS. I'll AMMAN, late Iges; t »st'A It S. .It »KDA N, late salesman Eagle A m A Verst I lie; WM. COOPER, latetlroeer, will lie ang'JD tf AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. M. M. lltRSC'H. JACOB HEC'HT. Hirsch&Hecht 1 Auction & Commission Merchants, OPPOSITE RANKIN HOUSE, COLUMBUS, - - GEOB.OIA. C. S. IIAIilllSOY, Auctioneer and Salesman. W ILL give our personal REAL ESTATE,ST< and private sale. Admini- try attended loon lib.-ral i 'flu* friends of Mr. Harris they wish to buy or sell pn LIBERAL \DVANCE: References, by pern .MADE i »N ( ONSIGNM ENTS, which are respect fully solicit i>sion: Chattahoochee National Rank, National Rank of Tolu CARRIAGES, WACONS, &c. ZE3I_ 0_ IMFIKIIEIE GI NIIV HUILBING, ST. CLAIR STREET, —DEALER IN - Buggy, Carriage and other Harness; Gents’ and Ladies’ Saddles in great variety; Collars, Hames, Bridles,&c.; Whips,Curry Combs, Horse Brushes,&c. lay ALLW IL oellti diStwly HE SOLI* AT CLOSE PRICES. XX. O. McK.EE.