Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, December 14, 1877, Image 1

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€®bmbm VOL. XIX. nqumx COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1877. W ASHIN GTON. jM IF* MAD- - VOM.I 9 MTS. Hermit* ftor *«® Omude Re«l.ue.»U- Tex** Pacific Mill—Art Km various NomImIIoih ■Voiuluallon* Not Acted On. HAYES MAD. Washington, December 13.—J*o- lUieul circles have not recovered from the slioek of yesterday’s buttle. The President ana ids Secretary of State are reported as utterly indignant, but tlieir future course has not yet been indicated. COMMITTEES REP01ITS. The military committee of the House visited the Deportment of State to examine some documents on tile, and afterwards heard'Gen. Mires, the Indian lighter, t Pacific " of Matthews, Lamar, Dorsey, Saun ders and Barnum. The construction 0 f the committee, is considered favora ble to tlie road. The postofflee committee agreed to report Wiekersham again favorably. RECRUITS for THE RIO GRANDE— * TEXAS PACIFIC BILL. Recruits for regiments in r TeXa» will be dent by sea (Tom New York to New Orleans, and thence by overland to Galveston. The bill introduced by Mr. Maxey, of Mississippi, and referred to the Pacific Railroad committe, allows the Southern Pacific Company to continue Us road from Fort Yuma along the route selected for the Texas Pacific Road until its tracks meet that of the latter road. The bill grants the lands before allotted to the 'Vat company inlying with f mine of the road within a certain time. The bill contemplates the two coinpunieH working from opposite ends towards a meeting point. CON FIRM ATIONS. Texas Pacific which that lias forfeited by not comp’ tlie law requiring the bu hours, and resulted in tlie confirma tion of Brady as collector of Peters burg district, and Baxter as Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, vice Em mons, deceased; Lurty, Attorney Western District of Virginia; Hoyt, Commissioner of Indian A flairs; Murray, Attorney Western District of Tennessee. The President sent a dozen minor nominations to the Senate to-day, of no general or Southern interest. ’ HOI’NE. After a session lasting till S o’clock, tlie House seated Patterson, Demo crat, from Colorado. The contest over tlie Colorado case closed with nip and tuck. The first vote was to seat Bedford, Republican. Tills resulted: ayes 110, nays 12H— strict party Vote. Tlie second was on motion tliut there was no valid elec tion. Yeas 11(1, uays 117. Demo crats voting aye: Cutler, Stenger, Williams, Potter and Willis. Tlie .vote was then required on majority bills to the sub-committee, consisting _ + + + CALMFOMXMA. TURKO-RUSSIAN WAR. IT*** TQ FIGHT TO THIS MIT K.ri*E*/Tl. rullMM Ikr Imlir. Hacramento,Decetulier 18.—In the Democratic caucus of both Houhcs of the Legislature to-night, C. T. Ry- land, Murk L. McDonald, j. T. Par ley. Judge Huger, Judge tl J. P. nomination for tlie Senate. Jff Dtuneron, were.placi United^ Bl RuhImi Reports or (be Wleeere. Postmasters—Little. Piedmont, \ r a.; Liesingering, Charlestown, Va.; Le- Jund, Waeco, Texas; Mrs. Farrell, Covington, Ky.; Desland, Plaqua- miiie, La. REGARDING NOMINATIONS. special to the Enquirer-Sun.] Washington, Dec. 18.—A consid erable portion of tlie executive session ’ of tlie Benute to-day was devoted to the discussion of the nomination of General James 1). Brady, its Collector of Internal Revenue for Petersburg, Va., District, in place of George 8. Richards, who was suspended under the tenure of ofllce act lust summer, recently reinstated by reason of fail ure of the Heimte to take action upon tlie ease at tlie last session, l’lie finance committee yesterday submit ted an unanimous report reeommend- ing'Brady’snomination Reconfirmed, although as made, it explicitly in volved the removal of Richards, re gardless of the fuel tliut no charges were presented against the latter, ana that he was conceded to have been a faithful officer. Richards after hold ing the ofilce eight yeurs, had entered upon a third term under the appointment of President Grant, when he was suspended by President Hayes in order to give the position to General Brady in pursuance of his announced policy of filling Federal offices in tlie .Southern States by native born resi dents. Brady was a native of Vir ginia, a Republican in politics and a volunteer officer in tlie Union army during tlie war of tlie rebellion. His appointment was strongly recom mended by tlie Virginia Senators, and other prominent Democrats, and liis confirmation lias been earnestly opposed by many Republicans, who are personal and political friends of Richards. The committee's tlivora- ble report, and tlie discussion which ensued to-day resulted in Brady's confirmation by a viva voce vote with only six or seven Senator* In the negative. Tlie nomination of Jno. Bax ter, of Tennessee, to circuit Judge for tlie fifth circuit was reported from the J udiciary Com mittee -with favorable recommenda tion was discussed at considerable length and continued without roll call. Tlie nomination of E. A. Hoy t to be Commissioner of Indian Affairs was also a snbjeet of some debate, but was confirmed without much omio- sition. Tlie Indian offal rs committee were unanimous in reporting it fa vorably. The resolution for a removal of tlie injunction of secresy from votes outlie New York Custom House nom inations was not reached, it being at tlie end of the callendar. No motion to reconsider yesterday’s action In regard to these cases bus been entered, nor was tlie controversy opened in any other manner to-day. MOBILE NOMINATIONS. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Washington, Dee. 13.—There was no report ill executive session to-duy on the nominations of Wiekersham as postmaster, or Smith as collector of customs at Mobile. They will doubtless liuug in committee until after tlie recess. forty-fifth congress. liree ballots Were without choice. nnMM A .TO URFAIAA Tin Ml. Newark, N. J., Seared. Newark, N. J., Dec. 13.—The ex citement to-day extended to all the savings bunks. It subsided toward night. The Newark Havings Insti tution paid ull applicants 18 per cent. Tlie amount drawn was $115,000 and $24,000 were immediately deposited. The managers express' confidence that tlie depositors will ultimately lose nothing. Tlie Howard Institution paid de- liositors in full as fast as they iq>- peared. Tlie malingers have deter mined to continue payments as rap idly us tlio clerical force will allow. Tile Dime Bank checked their run by requiring three months notice, and hope'to resume payments soon, if not suddenly compelled to convert securities. Tlie German Bank, a small institu tion, is not yet affected but will adopt tlie three months notice rule if pressed. AT PATTERSON, NEW JERSEY. Patterson, N. J., December 13.— The inventory of the defunct l’al- terson Fire Insurance Company shows the liabilities to be 84.50,(HK), including $200,000 capital. Assets a re $66,000. DEFALCATION AT NEWARK. SEVEN PASHAS CAPTURED. London, December 18.—Tlie Rus sian official account of the capture of Plevna confirms flic details already telegraphed. It says tlie Turks fought like lions. Beven Pashas were cap tured. The counting of the prisoners ami trophies is not yet completed. czar’s thanksgiving. Tlie Emperor was present at tlie Thanksgiving service held on tlie site of the former headquarter* of Osman Pasha. whose? Parliament is re-prorogued to Janu ary 17th. TURKISH ATTEMPT AT SORTIE. Russians had information days In firtVaifisC of Osman Pashn’s tiitentions to sortie at seven in tlie morning. Osman crossed the Vld'by two bridges and attacked the Russian positions with such fury, that they captured tliair canon and In a fewnllnfiteB almost annihi lated tlie Biberskigrenadier regiment The Turks then found themselves under the fire of a hundred camion of the Russian second line, and were attacked by the grenadiers, who re? solved to capture their guns. The Turks were driven back alter fifteen minutes’ bayonet fight, hut continued to fire from the shelter of the banks of the Vld‘ uhtn 12:18,' when firing censed on txith sides, and In a quarter .of an hour afterwards Osman sent an envoy of treaty for the surrender. OSMAN’S WOUND. Osman’s wound is in the. leg and is not serious. TURKS RESUME OFFENSIVE. London, Dec. ia.—Tlie Turks seem to hav.eronewed offensive op erations in the ueigborhood of Rust-< ehuk. The, report prevailed at Con- ' " " pie last night that A ll ir 4 HO I T MHT C*«' FRIES. The *30.000 that On. Butler Got and In Whtrk Mr. Herbert WauU to tthure. From the Xete York Sun.]> Jasper K. Herbert, a lawyer in this city, sued Gen. Renjnmin F. Butler in the United Btutes Circuit Court of tlie Eastern District, lieforc Judge Benedict, for $10,000, being half of a fee paid in a case in which they were both employed. Herbert was in tlie employ of Gazaway B. Lamar, who was endeavoring to secure tlie dis missal of an appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States from a judgment obtained by Mr. Lamar in the United Btates Court of Claims on a cotton claim against the United VIU ««. moXV TAMBTHBOATHr Col. IV. I*, l-elton Answers Kruslreu— Mr. Tllden's t'alth Said To Be Plnard to ISSO. Emm the N. Y. Tribune.] Tlie following statement by a Wash ington correspondent of the Cincin nati Enquirer was the basis of some inquiries by it Tribune rejxirter yester day: “The rupture between tlie Republi cans and President Haves is so coni- Newabk, December 18.—Tlie de falcation in the Watson J. Hildreth Co. Collecting Agency is over $200,- 000. Many of the shTewdest mer chants in thcuteWA. are..among the victims. Tlie investigation or nu- merousotliersimilar institutions have already been begun under tlie impulse of this failure. New York,Dec. 13.—James Leafy, foreign anil domestic dry goods, fail ed. Liabilities $120,000; assets, $200,- 000. stantinon battle had been fought between a great headquarters only the affair With six Russian battal ions. Tins r.s pure stuff. 'l’lie Tinas' Paris dispatch dated yesterday says: The fall of Plevna is still unknown to the Turks generally, so it is impossible to estimate its ef fect upon the population which, how ever, will probably maintain its usu al calm. CONSTANTINOPLE A FREE CITY. Edinburgh, Dec. 13.—The Scots man's London Correspondent tele graphs as follows : From the most influential quarters tlie suggestion lias been laid before tlie British cab inet that Constantinople be made a free city under tlie guarantee of the European Powers. iilete that one Senator said, to-day, iie would make a Prediction tliut, within four months, Bamuel J. Tilden would be president of the United States. ‘We also know," said be “that Mr. Tilden took tlie oath of office before a qualified magistrate in New York.” Tlie reporter first visited a well in formed Democrat,.who might lie sup posed to know if auytliingofthe kind had taken place, aild asked: “Has Mr. Tilden tuken tile Presi dential oath of office?" , n-iyiii-- ....... v, niiu u, .iiri..i "No; nothing of the kind. About On hearing tht*, mid that- tin' 4th of March, the rumor prevuil- “ ed that lie was to take the oath, in New York, but I know that It was not done; Mr. Tilden doesn’t pro states for over $570,000. ■ Lamar agreed to pay $20,000 to have the appeal dis missed. Mr. Lamar then, as he alleges, employed General Butler. An examination of the record showed that tlie np|>eal hud not been docketed in.the Supreme Court, and General Butler, on hearing tht*, mid that under Buie Oof the Supreme Court tlie cose could be docketed and dis missed. Butler asked, “Wlmt nlsuit fees?” and Mr. Herbert says lie agreed to divide his fees of $20,000 with him. When the time came to docket and dltunisH the motion under the rule, Mr. Herliqrt said that he was a mem ber of the liar of the Supreme Court,' but that he had never hud occasion to appear there, and he desired to appear and argue the motion. Butler told him to keep his hand* off. and had the case dismissed himself. 'Che cause was subsequently restored to the cal endar, but'the oonaent of the Attor ney General waa. afterward, obtained to have the appeal dismissed. Mr. Lamar paid Butler $20,000, and Mr. Herbert did not get hi* fee. When ho applied to him for it Mr. Xawnar he had given Butler $25,000. . .applied to Gen. Butler he said that he didn’t have one cent for Herbert; that the $20,000 was all his own. On the trial of tlie case, Gen. Butler testified that about the 1st of Novem ber, 1878, he was asked by Mr. Lemur hi meet tlie Attorney General’s mo- 51 ARK ET REPORTS. By Telegraph to tlie Enquirer-Nun. FINANCIAL. London, December 18—Consols, money, 95 8-10; account, 05 7-10. Krlctt% Bullion Increased £.112,000. Paris, December 13—1:30 i\ m.—Rentes lU7f. and 00c. 4:00 i». m.—Rentes 107f. and 15o. Specie decreased 0,000,000 francs. NkwYohk, December I.T.—Money at 5 per cent. Sterling dull, 482’ .j. Gold strong, lOSlsf. rlsli- i ; I Off!, State NKW YORK STOCK MARKET. Special to the Enquirer-Sun. | Nkw York, December 18.—Stocks closet! strong, as follows : New York Central 100%; Erie HLake Shore 5.8%; Illinois Central 72; Pittsburg 77; Chicago and Northwestern 81W, pre ferred 05 : ' M ; Hock Island 100'Y,; Western Union Telegraph Company 77%. aim TRKAHUI Gold S101.SI0.002 K8; e LANCES. *y 839,445,094 12; •st $18,000, ft) l hu applie said that When he Metchku and ftiwtehuk, the result of Attomev n< * 1 wriirts 1 from 1 the for tt new tHal: this was after Ills e\ci, the omcml loports from tlie tiiiervipiini wltli* rifirhert Attomev Turkish headquarter only mention \l.L-Ji n„Li?£ NO OVERTURE.. SENATE. Washington, Dec. 13.—Cameron, of Wisconsin, presented a petition of David T. Corbin, of South Carolina, asking that his claim to a scut in the Senate from that State may be en quired into, and descided by the Sen ate upon its merits. He moved that the petition lie upon the table for the present and gave notice (hut lie would call it up hereafter and move its reference to tlie committee on privileges and election*. So order ed. Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, submit ted the following resolution, and gave notice that he would call it up oil Tuesday, January loth, 1878, for tlie purpose of submitting some remarks thereon: • Resolved, That it is of the highest importance that the financial credit of the Government lie maintained, and in order to do so the Government At Helena. Arknn.n.. Memphis, December 13.—Tlie fire at Helena, Arkansas, lust night, burned a block. Tlie following arc the principal sufferers : J. K. Wooten, queensware, $18,000; Mulkey & Burke, books and stationery, $12,500; office of the Daily World, $8,000; J. K. Coolidge, commission merchant, $8,000; postolfice, in same building, destroyed but mails saved. IN CANADA. New Castle, Ont., December 13.— Tlie Royal Hotel and a block of build ing* composing tlie principal business portion oftlip town, were burned last niglit. Los* $40,000. ttpontaaeouB Combustion. Toledo, O., December 13.—A spoil- taneous combustion ill tlie drying room burned the Mlllhurn Wagon Company’s buildings. Loss $45,000. Libel Vnraict. WiLkesharre, Pa., December 13. —The jury in-tlie case of Woodward & Doran, publishers of the Sunday News, charged with libel by Sheriff Kerkendule, of Luzerne county, have brought in a verdict. t'allkd lo Give Ball. New York, December 18.—Elijah Alliger, having failed to procure $75,- 000 bail, was placed in Hallow street jail by the Sheriff. ENGLAND. Tbe Temple Bar—Nllier Bemorallaed. London, Dec. 18.—The work of removing the Temple Bur com menced yesterday. The India Council yesterday sold £2,000,000 bills at is. 9-lfid. per rupee. This is lower than was anticipated, and completely demoralized the sil ver market. ♦ ■ - - - Weather. Washington, December 13.—In dications: For the South Atluntie Slates rising barometer, northwest to northeast winds increasing to a brisk or high along the North Carolina coast and colder clear or partly cloudy weather. General William* hud served a notice on him stating that tlie ground of tlie motion was newly discovered evi dence. Just at that time Lamar gave General Butler 1 notice that a proposi tion had been made to him that, by the-payment of $25,000 to some party or other; tlie upueal would be dis missed. General Butler testified: “I Informed tlie Attorney General of this offer, and showed him how tlie dates corresponded with the offers of newly discovered testimony, and ked him to wait ten days. He did wait tep days, but no new testimony came. Another offer was made through some one to have it dis- t'or $15,000 through the Attorney General’s office. '. Mr. Lamar did not take the offer, A War Anecdote. George Catlin is still writing in the New York Commercial Advertiser about his lute trip to Richmond. He says General Harry Hetli told him the following joke: One dliv General mow (senator' Gffrdou aiid 1 were ordered to attack Gen. Grant's line near Petersburg, and we accordingly moved out to ward the front. Gordon, you know, is a preacher, and a man of pious, de votional habits. Just before the ac tion began, lie said to me, General, before we go into action would it not be well to engage in |iraycr?” ( his the pare eight Some itself, in" all Its"departments, should I road, in good faith keep all its contracts j us, 1........ —-"•’, 1 ., llllr | 11 „i v l and obligations entered into with its He looked toward mi u u ir , own citizens. “Come,” said 1, pointing to tnc The discussion of Matthews’ silver I building we were just entering. I resolution was continued to executive ! “No, thank you, hs a 1 session, which lasted nearly four | " D ve just baa one. Constantinople, -December 13.— No overtures for mediation have yet been made to any of the foreign em bassies here. Chukir Pasha, who was appointed to replace Meliemot All, has resigned his command on account of ill health. MEETING OF THE TURKISH PARLIA MENT. Constantinople, Dee. 13.—News of tlie full of Plevna has been retrieved here with calmness and fortitude. Journals urge resistance to tlie last. The Turkish Parliament was oi>en- ed to-day, and the ,Sultan and all tlie Turkish dignitaries and foreign em bassadors were present. Tlie speech from tlie throne was reserved In tone, and alluded neither to peace nor me diation. FRANCE. •V,' HA MfOX STUB BOB A'. Forma Ilia Own Unbind—Rfault of Spfrutntlona,aa lo tko Upakol. M AC'MAHON TO MANUFACTURERS. Paris, Dec. 13 — Replying to the duputution of Senators and Dcputic from the department of Vosges and City of Nancy who represented tlie depression of trade with tlie entreaty that the President would pluee him self in direct communication with the moderate Republicans, MucMalion, much moved,’ declared lie had no per sonal ambition. He was indifferent alike in regard to tlie Comte IK' Cliumbord, the Comte De Paris ami the Prince Imperial, and wound maintain Republican institutions un til lssi). lie assured tlie deputation tliut lie was actuated by the nest in tentions and would do nothing that was not dictated by his conscience and the interests of tlie country. Till! UNCERTAINTY as to the formation of the cabinet con tinues. The meeting of the Republi can Union to-day reaffirmed to resolve not to vote on any portion of the bud get so long as national wishes arc not completely satisfied. ABOUT THE CABINET. Paris, December 13.—The Consti- tutionel announces that M. Dufuure and Duke d’Audiltrct Fauquier were again summoned to the Hlysee yester day, as President MucMulion refused to accept tlie programme proposed by M. Bntkee. M. Du foil re is stated to have submitted last niglit a list of a parliamentary cabinet, including M. M. Bardoux, Betlimauf, Bay and Wadding ton. The Oaulois publishes tbe same intelligence. The Republi can papers express great distrust of these negotiations, and declare that the Left remains firmly resolved to obtain the execution of its whole programme. IlONAUARTISTS REFUSE TO SUSTAIN M’MAIION. London, December 13.—The J'all Matt (iazette's dispatch from Paris suvs a deputation from tlie lioiiapart- ists interviewed President MucMulion to-day and dt*(*hirod that tlu*y eould no loiiger support his policy. Having received our new stock, we cepted against my udvice, but it came to nothing. I told Lamar tliut if those burgulns were going on 1 would have nothing to do .with the ease, and said,‘If I can’t be captain i won't sail. ” Mr. Lamar’s yacht Wan derer was taken from him in the war, and was paid for. .Homo partners of his were trying to get ono-half of it, and procured an order restraining him, from getting ids Judgment under the Court of (Maims. For this case, in which Gen. Butler appeared, for a suit involving $670,(MX), in the United Btates Court in Boston, in which he also appeured as counsel for Lamar, and in the cotton claims case, lie demanded $25,000, and got it, giv ing a receipt in full. He distinctly refused to collect the claim of Mr. Herbert for fees, and told Mr. Her bert thut he lino no money for him, and tliut lie hud never received any money from Mr. Lamar for him. Mr. Herbert began a suit against Mr. Lamar for the fee, but Mr. Lamar died before it cume to trial. On tlie taial of Mr. Herbert's suit, Judge Benedict directed a verdict for the defendant. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. Recently a motion was made asking Judge lien- edict to direct tlie signing, sealing, and filing a hill of exceptions in the ease os, and for, June 1, 1875. The defendant claimed that as the record hud passed out of the hands of Uio Judge of the Circuit Court, no altera tion could lie made in it, and that no stops hud been taken toward the al lowance of a Dill of exceptions, or to obtain an extension of time for that purpose, at tlie time of the trial or be fore tlie term expired. Accordingly Judge Benedict yesterday rendered a decision denying the motion, with liberty to have it renewed in ease tlie record is transmitted back from tlio Supreme Court. FIFO KFXT’VCK IAXH' A It IKVJUf.N Attacked pose to proceed iu any such way. Everybody admits now that Hayes’ election was by fraud. The people recognize tliut IVlr. Tilden was wrong fully deprived of the office, and tlie ex]H>ctation tiiat he will receive from tiie people in 1880 what rightfully be- iotigs to him uow.” The reporter next visited Colonel \V. F. Felton, Qov. Tllden’s nephew, at the office of the New York Elevat ed Railroad, No. 7. Broadway. The interview may have been satisfactory to'Cololiel Felton, liut it was not to the reporter who first said: ''] came to ask if it is true that Mr. Tilden has taken the .presidential oath of office?" Colonel Felton appeared tobealit- ,t!a surprised at, the question and said, .'‘What do. you mean?” The reporter Hhowed him a news- pajier slip- containing the above ex tract, which he read and said I do not know who could have said that.” “The question I wanted to ask, Mr. Felton, w*s whether Mr. Tilden took the oath of office or not?” ‘‘This," he said, Still regarding the ndwspaper slip, “seems to lie a state ment without importance. I have no knowledge of who it might be.” “The question," repeated the re porter, who begun to fool a little doVibtrul about the answer, and threw all the pathos he could command into the appeal; “tlie question I wanted to ask was whether Mr. Tilden has really tuken the oath ? ! “I don’t see what this means,” said Colonel Felton, seemingly avoiding u direct answer to the question, and re- sutulng Ills office work; “I don’t ki^ow anything alsiut it.” ■cllenek's Haldnks Fills Will lio found to possess those qualities necessary to the total eradication of all bilious attacks, prompt to start tbe se cretions of the ltver, and give a healthv ‘ ' 1. it otoliuve invented u remedy for these stubborn complaints, wllioh de velop nil the results produced by a heretofore free use of calomel, a min eral justly dreaded by mankind, and acknowledged to be destructive in the extromo to tlie human system. That tlie properties of eertrin vegetables comprise all the virtues of calomel without its injurious tendencies, is now an admitted fact, rendered indisputa ble by scientific researches; ami those who use tlie Mandrake Pills will lie fully satisfied that the best medicines aro those provided by nature in-tho otmnon herbs and roots of the fields. Those Pills open the bowels and cor rect all bilious derangements without salivation or any of tho injurious effects of calomel or other poisons. The notion of bile is promoted by these Pills, as will bo seen by tlie altered olor of tho stools, and disappearing of the sallow complexion and cleansing of the tongue. Ample directions for use accompany each box of pills. Prepared only by J. II. Hclionck A Son, at their principal ofllce, corner Sixth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, and for salo by all drug gists and dealers. Prico 25 cents per box. decl end 1 in 8nl.-T bond* 91(17,alio. (iustoniN receipt* S-'ll 1,000. CBTTOW. LlVKKl'om., December 1:1—Norm.—Cotton fair business doing at previous prices; mid dling uplands 0 IMli. middling Orleans Flfd; sales 12,oaO bales- for speculation and ex- port 1,000. Receipts 7.NCO d.FVSI American. Futures opened purttnll.v l-:t2d belter, hut tbe advance bus since been partially lost: NO. 298 for February. Corn fairly active—43%@48%c for Decern berA42%fg/42‘>q<’. for .Iiyiuary. OaIh easier but. prices an* unchanged. Pork strong—$12 0.W12 07% 12 22% for February, changed. NAVAT* ntorkn. etc. Nrw York, December 18.—Bnlrlts turpen tine scarcely ho firm 88%<h:t8 : y, / c for strain. ed. Kosin firm at Si ffVnd 72. Tallow steady, at V/MlKe. Petroleum-Vetlned 18%'e. Don I Arm, at 92 7.7. t'relffhfM. Nkw York, December 18.—Freights to Liv erpool a shade firmer—cotton, fper sail %d, per steam %ra»!)-82d; wheat, per sail 7%d, mini ■ jiioi l t d. Of Interest to Everybody! $10,000 WANTED At J. E. DEATON’S VARIETY STORE, No. 100, Under Rankin House, IIN EXCHANGE FOB «;<>«> I Uplands, low middling clause, December delivery, 0JV82d; December and January, 6%d; January and February, February and March, 018-82d; March and April, U7-10 ftdUUBd. Uplands, low middling clause, new crop, shipped In November, per sail, tl 7-lfld; November and December, 0 18-82d. 2 i\ M.—Middling uplands 0 9-l(kl, ntld- -Itng Orleans flMd,* good ordinary uplands 0%tl, ordinary uplands tkl. rplamls, low middling clause, December delivery, tJ 7-10U; February uiul March, fl%d. 8 i». h.—Market tbr yarns and rubrics at Manchester dull but not lower. ficOl) i». m.—Of sales to-day R,H00 bales were American. Uplands, low middling clause, December delivery, tl 7-1(1. r>»\ m.— Futures closed dull but steady; Uplands, low middling clause, December and January delivery, «%Ut January and February, ff&d; February and March, 6%d. Nkw York, December 18.—Cotton quiet anti steady; middling uplands 11 7-16c, mid dling Orleans U 9-hic; Mules OOU. Consolidated net receipts 171/308; exports to Great Britain 18.0QJ1, Franco 20,121, continent 21,701, channel 0. Nkw York, December 18.—Net receipts Futures closed barely steady, sales 01,000 bales, us follows: December 11 48-10(^11 44-100 January 11 48-10<)mi 49-100 February II «MOO<§>1! (KM00 March II 71-100# 4 T MY STORE may be found a large, va- 2\ rled and miscellaneous stock, embracing Dry Go«xls, Groceries, Huts, Shoes, Hard ware, Wooden-ware. Crockery and Glass Ware, Huddles and Harness. A Good line ofPluntullnu and House Furnishing Goods and Notions. Farmers, laborers will find it to their me before buying else- J. E. DEATON. April.. May.... A Gentle Hint. Ill our stylo of climate, with its mill ion changes of temperature—ruin, wind anil sunshine often intermingloil in n single day--it is no wonder that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently taken from us by neg- loclod colds,* half tho deaths resulting directly from this cause. A bottle of liosehec’s German Syrup kept about your homo for immediate use will pre vent serious sickness, a large doctor’s bill, uml perhaps death, by tho use of three or four doses. For curing Con sumption, Hemorrhages, Pneumonia, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, its success is simply wonderful, as your druggist will toll you. Genimii Svrup is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Sample bottles for trial, 1U<\, regular size, 7f»e. my8 dAwly M9/RMPEB MX A HAMjMjOOX/ A l-Tglkl Ikiwovii Heaven aud Karlh. Wonderfully strange that human be ings become so desperate as to take each other's life, even while sailing through the air! Desperate, indeed, has our race become. Abandoned, tin- cared for, as many wives are, disease, slow and insidious, claims her, and slio soon becomes prostrated and indiffer ent to all surroundings. Her ebooks an* no longer aglow, her robust consti tution is feeble and emaciated. Rut there is a wonderful medicine known as English Female Ritters, which is u quick and powerful fomulo regulator ami uterine tonic, and cures all such ay : II flff-li .nine 12 08-100# July 12 07-100#12 09-100 August 12 UMOOglS 14-100 Gaj.vkston. December 18.—C’otton quiet; mil Ull lags 10* M c; net receipts 5,409; Hales 2,101. Boston, December lH.-MJotton dull; mid dlings 1 I^hC; net receipts 920. Mavasnau, December 18.— Cotton dull; middlings 10%c; net receipts 4,579; sales 800; exports to the continent 200. Nkw Orleans, December 18.—Cotton sternly and In gtnid demand: middling lie, low middling 10%c, good ordinary 10c: net receipts 12,990; sales llft'iO; exports to Great Britain 10,041, France 5,m. Mouilk, December 18.—C’otton quiet tuid firm; middlings I0f’«c; net. receipts 8,705; sales 2,000. GltARUKS I'HOTIMIOXN. Hnllliuore. • December 18.—Oats, Souther lower, at 08(a(15c. Provisions rk -VH 75. Bacon steady— I car rib sides mVMc. Hums I2‘..(«c 18c. Lard—refined 9' ,'c. Coffee quiet but’ll rill—Jol> lots lO'.ju 21c. Whiskey firmer, In'ld at SI II. Sugar steady and in fair demand, ut 10f$10 l 4'c. New York. Nkw York, December 13.—Flour Vui 15c. lower and In light export and modcrnle home t rude demand—superfine Western and State closing heavy, $5 lH)(</,5 IU; Southern In buyer’s favor, Instances a shade low common to fair extra S5 75kg(I 00; good to choice $0 (tVi/S 50. Corn Gull and slightly in buyer’s faver. Gats dull and a shade easier. Coffee—Uio firm and in fair demand, unchanged—cargoes IOm’JOc, gold; Kk/u’JP^c: gold,for Job lots. Hugarqulef and imcfutriged —7’7 :l i,c for fair to good refining; refined steady and In fair inquiry —9 for standard A, 0 : ’hC for granulated. Molasses, foreign grades nominal,New Orleans I11 fair request, unchanged — new crop 85(<im0c for com mon to fancy. Klee steady and fairly active, unchanged -5*..(gOI^c for Louisiana, 5*^(5>7c for Carolina. Pork firmer hut quiet—mess 818 12%Y//il8 87%. Lard a shade better, clos ing firm—prime steam 88 87*^8 40. Whiskey steady, at 81 10. Ml. 1.011 Is. t GREtT REDUCTION! To prepare for getting up a Spring Stock, 1 will close out READY-MADE SUITS JLIN FOLTjUWNi IlffU * PhtsU Live Oak JEA.XS COATS, $8.00; ^ ** •• *• PANTS, 1.25; « “ “ VKST, 1.00; FI'CL SI IT for 5.00. HTANDAKU 1IOFSK1N COATS. $4.00; “ •• PANTS, 2.00s ** “ VKSTS, 1.50; SI ITS for 7.50. FXTRA IIOKSKIN COATS, $5.00; ** “ PATNS, 2.50; “ “ VKST. 1.75; FULL Nl'IT, 9.00. These Goods are well made ami trimmed, aud the fit and finish excellent. ON Hand, a good lino of North Georgia, Virginia and Texas <'AH.SIMF.ltF.S, which e make up at short notice In good style. . Also any Goods brought hi from else where made up well, ami trimmed In tho best mini nor. Or. or. PEACOCK., nov 1H eodt.f . GREAT REDUCTION IN TitK PRICK OF LEA & PERRINS’ CKLKBRATKI PRONOUNCED BY CONNOISSEUR* TO BE THE "ONLY GOOD SAUCE,” And upplicnbleto exery variety of X’J’RACT of a letter from II MKDICAL (1KN- TLKMKN at Mnd- rus to his brot'h- r at Worcester, * *K u it 1 n s that. y^lth.’ 11 ’ Kaiice is - ^ ■ highly esteemed in India, and is, in my opinion, lost pulnta- WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE THI S BIVINO TilK CONSUMKU NOT ONI.Y TIIK BUST, BUT THE MOST KCONOM- 1C AC SAUCK. Signature on every bottle. JOHN DUNCAN’S SONS, Non York. r. Loimh, do. •eemher 18. — Flour dull— I ID, XX do. 85I .Ml, XXX Wheat firmer No. 8 red fall 8120 (oi 1 20'4, No I do. 81 07* > bid. Corn quiet and steady- No 2 mixed 8fte, Gats quiet but steady -No. 2 27%e. Rye dull,5.5%l)ld. Barley quid- prln cousin 70f«iff/e firm—812 00. I <1111 Whisk „ Hulk meat shoulders 84 85, dear sides Hi lOt/iid If*. <j Airs Iran*—50,000 Erxl ran* to CroN (br Border Before i'hrlitnM. Front the Chicago Times.] Galveston, Texas, December !».— Two Kentuckians, Picket ami Hol land, arrived in Galveston to-day from Monterey, Mexico, where tl were cn^a^cd in pJiolo^rapb.v. Tliey were compelled to leave, owing to tin intense feeling against Americans Passing through the Sierra Mndn Mountains tliey were attacked by ten Mexicans, miner command of Pcdn Olmes, and ix>1)1kh1. Holland wn> shot in tlie right hand. Before reaeh ing the Rio Grande, at Ranch Ber- trudes, they met a band of fifty rob bers, who ordered them to leuv Mexico at once. Tliey were com manded hy a young Englishman, who claims to he a son of a general now in the service of England. For the past five years lie has been en gaged in smuggling from the free zone and stealing cuttle from Texas, and has amassed a large fortune by this Illicit business, lie said that over 50,000 Mexicans would cross the border before Christmas, under eom- niund of Cortina, who was already at liberty and recruiting for the coming j | jr j^ Isabel, for Barcelona; schooners Carrie Holland and Pickett crossed , u .„ for u n it„„orc; Joan female complaints dell tlAwlv rib will oh 8(i 00, Special to Enquirer-Sun.] Ht. Loimh, December 13.—IfogH Htronger— packing 88 H.Vu*l lo. (’attic Ktciuly and In rail- demand — whipping Htccrs — Tcxhiih, corn-foil, 88 50f/i8 ff‘». Sheep steady and In fair demand. 4’liirliiiiaf I. Cincinnati, December 13.—Flour easier— family 8.57«ft*5Nil. Wheat dull-red 8! 15« 1 21. Corn stronger— ff«*. GuIh qufet but firm :«i(//8.3c. U.\cHteady and iu fair de mand -08(/» ff5i‘. Harley dull and unchanged - good to prime Western spring 00c. Pork tlrm and in fair demand - 812 00. Lard firmer steam 87 HVn.7 90. kettle 8*50t«dS 75. Hulk meats quiet -shoulders 81 (8), clear rib sides 85 90, clear Hides 80 10. Haeon nomi nal -shoulders 7c, clear rib sides Si*, clear sides H%e. Whiskey quiet and steady, ut 81 0-5. Hatter dull ami drooping, unchang ed- prime to choice Western reserve *3) to>22<\ Central Ohio trie. Sugar steady und unchanged lOVpa 10,’ K c for white, yellow fined 9 1 ,(/i 9*.je. New Orleans 7w,K^e. PRINTING BOOKBINDING OP Every Description, LOWEST PRICES! THOMAS GILBERT, Randolph St, Nil 11* NKW*. rl, Algeria, Atlas, d out: Rudolph, F/ * the Enquirer-Sun.] cmlfi II.-Arrived: Ethiopia. S/teeial to Enqu Sun.] cember Mississippi, fr< Frank Queen, fror l: Hark John Gc 13. — Arrived : m New York; 1 Philadelphia, idle, for Havre; M’K&c. Hogs 95, light -I hit// I 21, butchers 81 20 Lou Ihv I lie. k, December 13.—Flour quiet— 50, family 8.5 00(/>5 25. Wheat 1 :tt, amber 81 30, red 81 2H. Corn • 15c, mixed 13c. live dull. 70e. idle 8.5c, mixed :i8e. Provisions fl'erlngs taken at yesterday's : 812 00/..12 12' ,. Hulk meats— /./• I I jc, clear rlh'shles 0'- 4 e, clear Haeon nominal. Sugaiwured demand, at 121 .e. I.urd quiet— choice leaf tierce s%/rfs' H c. Whiskey firmer— 81 05. Hugging dull; at 12'Tobacco quiet und unchanged. Chlcngu. Special to Enquirer-Sun.] $1 00.//1 15, pne extra 8-1 25(a dull white easier—whit Oats dull- \i quiet, all 1 prices. Pur shoulders I* sides O'./*. /•mix 18.- I'lour tlrm and unchanged. Wheat active and firm—No. 1 Minnesota spring -1 11, No. 2 do. 81 OKlttf. 1 00; No. 1 Chicago spring *1 OK'^ No. 2 do. 1 us% cash and December, 81 Off y H for Jami- No 8 do. 81 02 1 ,. Muscogee Sheriff Sale 1 Superlo irt of Mu Kx Dei •ogee II. mil KJeetor Mar. •sslim, I will si'll, on the first Tin sda> In Janua.iy next, in front of the Auction House of Htrsch & lleelit, Broud street, city of Columbus, Mils- cogec county, State of Georgia, between tin* usual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Lots of Lund numbers two and three, iu tho city village north of the ctt\ of Col 11 in bus, in Muscogee Co dcN'2 orw4w J. . IU Hill sherl tl'. Administrator’s Salo. '■ -i 51 OH 7 -, epJOtlJm from tlie Itio Grande to 8tin Patricio, Tke largest stock of Gold and Silver ! in Texas, is not safe for American®, Watches in thL* city, st | snd *l«n. of danger in everywhere «ep30 3m WtTiioa A Bimuu.’*. j svldsiil. Minna Dwighty, for d with phosphate for Phll- ?r Worcester, for Boston; York; bark Krusqutta,for riui; lmrk .Rival, Rouno; for Hun Domingo. r-Sun.) non, December 18.—Passed Harks Hrarieleua, Cam- Queen, from Uto Janeiro; Charleston, to lot udi'liphla. Sailed: Steam Unpidan, for Ncv Pulnni Dc Mujn brig Block swan Special to Enquin Foutukss Mon iu for Baltimore pauocnund May Profetu, from Barcelona; Murlua, Giutaf, ▲dolt, aud eii$am«r Auierleau. PlIllM Fcbru-i • und tlrm 18' ,c cash. 48' ^ 12c for January, 41V for Fc qui first Tu the sto Colllll \ N from the ,'ourt of ordinary of ., will he sold, on the ary next, in front of lleelit, in the city of 1 place of holding l steady—2s* cash, for February. Kye stead ml tlrm, at .‘file. Harley fairly active, fll>./ 1 **c. Pork—811 95///12 OOcashand Januarj Id 811 45 and new 81100 for December, 812 1 1 >r February. Lard tlrm and iu fair demam 7 S.5//67 S7'.\ cash. S7 «7' ,/./7 9n for January 7 !iV-/7 97% _ for February. Hulk aid •Iff sales CO, the following property to-’wlt: Tlie Two-Htory Dwelling House and about. shouldori (Vrf(!%<*, short ch firmer — 81 09. Iteeelpts — Floi 40,090 bushels; < 27.000 bushels; 11.000 bushels. Shipments—Fh . .1 cated’in slglit’ol the ..... ... * . 11 w oneofthe most delightful residence nt'iir tlio city. Terms mml,' kmnvn , iiltldlcsili,,'. Whiskey of^io. fWThc uhove property was sold tli wheat, Tuesday In November last, and kunekei outs, oft’to A. A. Boyd, who refused to com pi. barley with the terms. The same will now be ut Ids risk. G. L. MwGOUGH, Administrator. December 2, IS77—oaw4\v J00 barrels; wheat, w^jun imsiieis; emu, o.iKio bushels; outs, 16,000 bushels; rye, tiushels; hurley, K,(100 bushels. Afternoon Hoard Market closed : Wheat •Doug—Si 09%t*yl OU^ for for Junuury, tl 10^ day first X .Id OPIUMS cured. Pniuleni iiopubllrttv. mu lor parliculur*. Dr. Cat U nseluuiluu bl .CAwsgu, Ui, J