Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 10, 1886, Image 1

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▼OL. XXVIII ~*0 86 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 10 18SC TRICE FIYE CENTS A BLOODY RIOT. Ec nis of M odi lr d sml ncrntl'a Ism In *-'ast 8t. Lcuis T«i IHtlfcfip i*d ttan |)> pit* fte p nrM lu ]Hi*v«t«l t omb'd—*i«»vr rul li ih o niMi Ttnnudtd Fire Ap|»'.lv«l lo Ituino tl jli.»pcrty— ctn*t» of f'loleace VI i£l>rc. glpeiplrl 1* T 8tLouis. April 9 -A crowd of Btrkos 'i mcl ;if the depot in E“t 8 L uis at 1:45 '.’clock ibu evening at.d ndvri ft .u the dirt r 1 ion of the railroad yards to slip work by Hie Etw mm errrhivfd theie Tl'fy Wt t Kit! hy a gnatd of deputi-s who erd red Ibi m to ditpeise The no t, refused arid made a rush f. r ipp yards, when lb. deputies leveled their Wti eln 8*f re and filed, killing three of the at! ikers. 2:40 p m— The guards staiioDrd at tbt L u.eville ai d Nashville yards, h-a: Broadway, find into a crowd o! 800 strike is ut almu 2:30 u’o.oi k this afternoon. Sx men aid one woman w* re shot. Four of the men were killed and the woman in sup o-ed to he B'ettady wuurrdui The killed are p.. Dri'Cf'il, an employe oi the wa’er worbsand rota s riker, O e.-.r W sh- lug.on, a paint< r, John Batman, a Wt"cr w< ib- laborer not a, * ikt i.arfi T 8 Phompton Mayor R chniorc' was shot in th» head and in 'he so. ulder arid will probably die. Mr J. hit Pfeiffer wts shot in the back »cd prehab’y mortally wcumled. An ut.known man was shot a! he bridge Bppr ach. The ctowd had m- de i o atr.ik on the yards, a fh«i. r p rted, hu ; were eiaudifig at he Cubokia bridge, near the Louisville and N -hville yards, j eringat ihegimds, whan, wi.uout the .-lightis apparent provocation, the dejulhs leveled their r.fli-s ard find two volleys The crowd immediately separated, running in ail direc'it n->, and the deputies ran over ibe Cahokia bridge towards tin Mississippi river hridae, Mi l holdiL g lit ir rill -> and fj iig to cover thejr re'nat When it wa. known by the strikers that tbe guards had fl d tlie former returned to re- c« v r tiieir dead The crow d, after the firing began, ran * up B oidway shou tug, “To arm’-! to armt! -Wow'll get gursund re turn that fie” Wo. en and oMI dreu ran out of their houses and m -t them in the st ee*s, weeping and wringing their hands. After the crowd returned to the scene and the excitement hud ah:, ed, Biveia! of the leading strikers d ew their revol vers aud fw re that they woulddriv all the dfpu'ies out of the city, even at the loss of their own liv s. I the str.rn. ede wltich f.dlnwed 'he fi «t volley fo in eight.of Hie deputies) one man, n> me unknown, >vas forc'd from the C-bokia creek bridge and ki'led H:s body h ts not yet beer, rf c ivert u. 8:15 1* M — Tlie depuHis wito did the ehuo tLg, tight in number, wem to Ibe third district p r, li> e '■tail'Mi its this ei y an! kuirendeud thi mselves at.d wie taktu iutocu u.dy and re lieved of their atuas. They s y the crowd teg'in firing into them fl u at.d that they simply returned the fl'c. Afterthe first fi Irgwasover.andthe strikers hud Ixc ms bent on reveuge, a number of them armed ihentsslves with revolvers, and aiivuuied on the Olio and Mississippi yards, where they surprised the mpuiee on guard, and fired into them, killing ot e The prea ed exciumnt now pr .vails in East 8: Louis, and ibe sitikers are fast arming themselves, and seem determined to avenge the death of their qaemb. rs ho warn only t lnin, aa ih y soy. The txtu tive conimnteeuf tbt knigu s of labor are on the s.vue attempting to re- etrain the men and try.ngio pereua I them to meet in Fiannigau’a ball Where tiny desire to sdcieu tlieiii against ad lunnei vionnee The men refuse, however, to meet them, claiming that my will te bum.untied by drpu t.s and fi td upon again. A mub ur, ing . t ibi sinkers, however, i- t ug i eid ii front of (techy util, am ibe met. aie with nifldcahy r<* '&ned iy hen lettdtiB from advanci g in a boo> upon the different railroad yards and attacking lltt dei u les on guard 8:35 p m -Guaidsof polios are now Btaitoned at each approach of the bridge connecting whn Em Si L mis and no one Is allowed to pass over. MILITIA ORDERED OUT 6:30 p M-Givetnor Oglesby, of Illinois, has ordered out eight ocm- pauitBofmi 1 ia. 8>me of the troops arrived in Etst St Louia to-night. B-tiley and Hayes, of the extcuitve board, and P B Brown, a prominent knight, spjke at the meeting held in frouioi me ciiy hall this afternoon and appealed to the knighte to obey the laws ot the country and to rigid ly observe all the principles of the order. HCW THE TROUBLE ORIGINATED The ou'.ureak at E«t 8. L mis to- day Beerne to have been wnoliy un- premeditated. The men had been busy In the yards with bui slight in terference nil neon, and it was thought that the day would pass with out any demonsira ions by the Btrik- erp, and that it would be recorded as one of the quietest since the strike began. At mat hour, however, a number of strikers, without ap parently having formed aoy preern- eerttd piau, congregated at ti e re: iy depot, and began a discussion of His general situation. As time passed, their number was augmented unlit the original knot of men increased to fully two hundred The discus- s on became animated and the orowd more demonstrative, until pome one prnpt S'd that they go to the L ui s ville anti Nashville yards and drive out lh< men employed there. Tin- cry of “On to the Nashville yardi P was ought up and the crowd ad vanced. As they pr ceeth d Hielr numbers again Increased, pi mi j fil ing the mob pimply up seen a'.ore, while o:l ers were in full lytiia dhy wt'h 'he movement, 'ill from 3(10 to 4( 0 men w re advancing lowutds (he yards Ar'lvir.g there they swarmed into tin- y tdtt and permatltd the men at work to dcuert their poets The crowd remained in the yards for some rim \ arid although c 'i>“'d 'ta ble ix 'ilttn nt p vailed novitlence was r r p red J s a* f time, however, the I, ni-vlllt 1 pndN-sti- ville freight trapi w -i slowly |>r,si- •ng, guarded by tigiH depu y r > rift- armed with Whchesur til,. Crowds of, women cod cbil tiren hnd c t grigf-'ed on Hr to wny, where the L mi-.vlilo a, d Nashville tracks croi-s the siren', ami aleo upon the Broadway raiiw y bri ! go which ppsits the C -liokia ere k, and iu the open space to the eist. Just as tin i r >in resi in I lir, mi way cr fh g th< 'rouble to gati Tbeoi'fiwil on liie j hr’rige he^sn to yell ami |ner at ti e j ' 113 :ers, and it is bspht-‘d that stones were thrown which struck (wo or hrte of tbrm, uud i' is a’po •aid thut a pistol w-.« dnchsrgcd. Toe dtpuiics immediattly lev. ■ llrd their riXI s a d flr-il two volleys into 'tie crowd on the bridge, F >ur mm fell d,od and one woman w»n> moitallv w uodul The dead are Patrick I) iscoll, W biuh section hand, cot b s riketj O c.r Washii g'oo, a painter, not a atriktr; J 'hn B oner, n e<al niimr, cot a s riker; Mojor chman. a mill em ploye, not a sinker; Mr» P .fl.u, (said to Ih: the wife m a striker, wip eboi in tlie back and mortally wounded The greate.-t txjium nt pre*- vailed tmm-ilialely M:d pan- demonium reigned The crowd flsd in every director a,!(J when the deputies real z <1 Itotv f'Btful wns the re-ufi c.f tiieir 1: e, s oghr n» vns of escape i y rusuing for >tie i ridge w,th view of fl'cing to th*it? city. A: the approach and (os! at the bridge lower on the east -hie they wen- met by Mayor Joyce, City Clerk Carry .anil a third man, w hos 'ze l he de; titles’guns and en deavored to turn 'nt mback O e of the deputies in Ins terror fired upon the Hie, killing a man named C E Thompson, who stood bBtween Joyce and Ciiity. Some sho's were fired by ihe remaining de; utiea at the approaching strikers, ami a 1 started over the bridge. The scene on the bric'g-* was one of the wildest confusion and excitement. C >b1 tehtrin and other temtw will, w gons wtregafi' ping westward and Unit drivers shouting to all ped s- "iaua and tcanatis to run bnL'k W ineu and men on foot w re running toward tlie ei'y and waving back all fh?> me 1 , while imtxttdiately behind came the dt puties purtu* d hy tim vangnaid ot the crowd ir-'Qi E't-t B Lou's. One of’.he frighiiu.d guards threw his gun into the tivtr, while another bid ois weapon in a wagon in full retreat. Oi ar riving In the ciy ibe deputies went at to Chestnut street polio 3 sta- cion where, after stating the facts, surrendered to the sergeant iu charge and were taken to the four courts wheie they were placed iu custody, af!er giving the following uuuh: I* G Hewleit, J bn Hogue, San J uies, J itui F Williams, G Luster, 8 ewart Martin, George Maiueii a .d W F L fil'd About half an hour after the “hoots inganix tied at d angry mob gath ered in theiquare between the city hall and tlie police station. A mat named Dlayer, a gambler, iu r.< way coiuiecitd wi'h the strike, tie. came the centre cf a orowd v, tn (h'-ered the iiiC(ndh>ry eiatemetfi- wb ell he u’.te.ed Hu u geo he men to "hang amt kill,” and whh In the midst id an apreul to the mob to /.flow him to tl o Old'’ am) Mniussipni dspnt t: ‘hunt >■ ’• ihe. deputy ehet.ff",” wt e J mu W H >ye«, a m tuber of ibe gem tat ixcufivo crumitiee of Hr- k> igh s of lubur, M O'N-ifi ami Koigoioi Libut il.uvii a.nved from Hiis side B »wi>, who ttaveis with the g> ueral in srd in the capacity of tlie knights of labor orator and lec turer, mi uuted thesiair Jttding to the K lice slatlcn and yelled at the mob for attention, but the infuriated men answered him with * Hang the curs 1” “Kill them I” Hays, who wasatai’diog at Brown’s side, turned to a prominent knight, and a-kid him lo introduce Brown to the mob as a representafi ve of the general executive committee The man replied in a frfghtei e! manner: •‘If I do, tbey’ii kill me.” Bmwn turned on him and said: “Y-'s, if you don’t they ought to hang yon!” Tueu lurniDg to the mob, whioh kept up the cry to “kill I kill and burn 1” Brown began an impassioned appeal for qule’, iaw and order, and by sheer force of his earnestness riveted the attention of the crowd, but only for a few minutes at a time, for they would breik away from the spell of his eioquoi.oe aud tike up their revolting >ell. Brown eaul : ‘ Men and brothers : F r G id’s sake keep quiet. I implore you iu the neme of humanity, in the name of the great order ol the knights of labor, In the name of every law, both of the order and of your country, to restrain ycutselvts aud do no violence. R -memoer that you are our sworn brothers. Do not forget that you are knights and that you are pledged to obey the laws of the order and the commands i f yout c mmfitie men ” At this prdu' I) wyer broke In : "Ye: 1 why don’t you talk for J G mid ami be done with it T.ity cbi t down mn men and y« tl ek u< to be quiet I -ay hoi g tm u, ” The or- w I look up the w-erfi-,, my u p: “B r-, kill ltd 4m.o! ! ’ Bi w pointed bi -fi g r at I> w yti, ami otk»d iiini : 'An y u h kuiplit of u ?” Diwyer didgtd the c; s imr and yet'O : “Kill ! kill 'ho bru of hsk A \ Oil rid 15 Koipht ut I? bor? J wi i tin tn in rm! D>w every thi. i r, “but Kt you e ; n ‘I hr kmw H'ftr yon were pot r ” Hid Id ,wn “I km w Mb. 1 no kifipht wouid 'talk as yt.u do Ac: in, Pro i:< i», I upifti ,i> }i ii 'o be c fin aud tti^i ' rr.e o your hr huf. I'ytmwili no: < hey out uw ,r. m-iri- ber that yon are f rt-r-W'rn, tbutyou K tre no loog r Bi'iiUtere, 1 nt g if you, lasli VV oal, oi ! * lit* b lpb.iB o! tt'e c unHy t 1 O i, will ttie wh e our great mi l? Ii of Lt do i o. ■ ini Will 111 it k o yoi V"Ii fin : UW fir l'il ” •vtrktdto build no our oru.,! O dmi’i tear ii down in ruins bv ■ i c ra-h act. Alt him- who incite on l" -:r'fe are no! true krfig'i'H. V. y air »'or»i Han the dir morn of He ruilroutlri who ore iriii g o onii, y u down. Hlitui then I k .on liiem si you w id I a uiiird re!!” Wulle 15' h n wa> spe'iking C iv,- UlUUemaii H'tyes walk'd rxi'lbtllv up iu'.il down he piatia m, excl-oru imr in a.'espau ng m-.noer,' O ! G ' I my G i ! I wish this had net Popp md,” Hk'tMes wrro wtt'ety; !.c was sl ut.s. cry ug. an . when lie nd '-e’lefi the mob a' .t-r Br >wu liis vo.c f.tfied and h': mo blis>*tl lo psu<e fo> ufier*’ Rnce H"yes’speech waaof i.e aame eno: tie 15r wn’s, as was al-o tha' o’ O'Neili, «■ bo foil rwed im C-eptr K i-p, auoiliir proiulnen: kn gt.l, win- itud -r rrrv. < 1. w. ■ iiuny uniri'g tire cm-w-'- tiyit g aumiig H o moretxciitd li.dividu-l- ihe argu ment which Hie commifif.-ineo wtre urging fr< m the platf. rui. After awh'le ihe tempi r 11 the mob (axled down, a"d they di-persifi with threats to aver, o the deaths orustd by the deputies. M-yor, J yce, after Ills enconuter with Ihe deputi's, <n the bridge, when he BUemp'ed to airest them In heir flight, went ihn utrh iho ii cited h crowd to bis cfilce. Ho attempted to calm tlie men, hu' found ii wfb useiets. The stiee « : ml eid'Wuiks were bltcked withmeL, wonreu and childreu, who ruebui in hu ry direoii n. Ht reached bi' or- fioe about uts hour sf'er the ehoofii g. Hem otic- is. umI a prcclomafioti iu olot-a ul salo.ii s ami warm Hi- women and mi H'rt.etB H • I*'!'-. Uxj s, of the K wers urging i pow.r to Oilt/i Hint he had nt "ors in ktep ell ihe - • t en wi I' Jiu iy an l (gfi'H of L nor, w ho in to do ell Hr hli the m n. Hi-tiaal fled (i e g vernur i wo weeks i'go, bu: liiat i.e had bom: uolhing, and ibht lie ( he uiaym) wee utlerly powerless. At noou the telegraphed 0 iv Ogfisby a report cf Ihe condi* tiou of affitirs, at d receiv'd a reply that the miifiaiy wt uid be sent at ouce. A f.w of ihe more violent of li e strtb rs who gath'Xfd at ibe ciiy hall, after aiming ihemHelvef, an nounced 'heir in eutiou of nHsck'.i g the deputies on guard at lire O & M yard aud advanced iu that direct! r. Wueu near the yards they wtre met by etv rat deputies and fit i d on, atid one of uttir Lumber wit kbieo. icey st.y soujo ■■ i the ijepuilBM vt'lio fape-d o n'-.cnnn with tLObO till, ii • :<> ibis ciiy weteebaked bytio crowd i-no ,ho iritgh were- br use urui i diet« or iLe !.■ u eville a id Na-hvtHe c inf?tn-. Voe w-tr' wits rurrout did by .he a .10,1’. wko buv.’;0't nut! ytiud ai.u ur. td one another to an.'C.k the strm.g'i •'ul nil drive tl,o d-pu es om Men v-.ertt amn g Ibo or. wfi-■ tug! 'g hat a ruo be p-opured arid ail He ilt p inev ibey c u (I ii fi tie .,h". Sortie ot the oer nties, wtitobli'g th- 1 opportunity, supp'd out mm workd heir way atn-'-g the f*ei1 o ,r-, up mmtrved A L 1 i-tvtlie a d N.tihvi It freight car backed down a unf sirfi ttio platform and to k away the othere to places of aa'cy Two deputies warn sight'd by strikers who bad procured arms •rid ware oh seed order 1 he bridge O of them was caigbtgln front of Toney > bouse on ihe ev<e and waa ieatont cea'b bv the mob Anotbyr wa-i re ported to have Peso allot as be was ea oaring under the spproaoh to, the bridge. HORNING RAILROAD FR' P .RTT, 11 16 p m —Three Cairo bbort Line and four Louisville and Nashville freight oars were burred In the rail road yards In Ea-u. St. L;u;s to-night. 1 . ia tbought the; were set on fi e by the strikers in ravenge. I: l» now sia'.ed that the Louisville and N ishvllle depot Is hurnieg. Fire eoginor- h':va been sent from this city to subdue the fire. Nr LONGER NEEDED 8t. L Uis April 9 Mister Me chanic Bui'iew, of the Missouri P«- eifle rffilioid, yesterday sent to 23 of the firemen who left their engines during the first part of the strike and have Oten out since, notice tha* their ter vices w> re no longer required by the company and r- qo -t-.u iheru to call for iheir pay at iris (fll e. This aciion may prs-J'riy rtsul. iu agitation among the firemen lliaf will ( ihscase of thesedi-cbargtd men to be taken up by the brother hood, aud If (hat to do; e Hrs twenty- three men wfil either be reinstated by the company or there will be a strike ot lire brotherhood along the entire system The brotherhood Iihs a very carefully drawn contract with : he company, and In this tht-cir* cnms'R' t'es are plainly rela t'd The firemen In this strike havp persist- eutly claimed that they were not on a strike, Ini', l ad left liutr engines became ibey thought it safer to do so 1 han lo fIrv on 1K m A FIGHT AT ARGEVTA Little Kick Auk A ril 9 - B we r " I ' 1 iwbl hi-iI 1 ’el ek 1 Ills morning D pu v 8 :> 1 ii Wiliams wiio has lii.ti ebargo of (he 1 >rce f tl,’iiuH » gu (ding "ho S L*Hi'-> ami lion M 'Ui ifiu round h v 1 a' d lit-s c'dnr sh-p' a' A’gen'a, • "p ? •'«> Miis ei’y, tun pf r xenefi iiy F H Dt by, " le. ding knight of labor, and ijotl tl "1 to Ihk • ills f-'ice ew.iy UH llit-j .0 III.! he Jill! ill Willit'ins -aid, H'l! tnko you i : row,” ami taking Darby, locked him up it' one of tin ni'it!" J a ih n iho outlines o' 20 r 31 t* "v» see!! a eh' r dla'aiice • W v ai d W i"ms ordtird Pm. oil', savtiik' he an? It evt to a 11 ard h r ropetty amt w old «m r if ho fell fi. ifis (rxtk- 8 me one f> in thecr ml replied, “Well, then die,” ami mi ir- regular sbooling beiwM'ti the d»pu hsa'id it'- 1 as-atlsn s began P.Otis'- filv a 1 uodfi-d sho's were fii’il a d WilH"imt wa« (iangi rom-iy w uinded by a b l !et in file rie.fii Hitle u d one <r (wo other letter wound, in oilier per ions of the body. The mob soon nficr 11 d I is re ported Hist ‘•eviml men were w und e t, hu. if so 'hey we-e'iifeon away bv heir O'.mrsdi'i, 8 icfifl Wir hcn was lelegrifC.ed for, and hurtieifiy coll'C'nl a p .-sse '.ui! went over to Argents, r - sr Hie s u'h e nl ol Hie iron m unlain rifilrnad brldg' Thr«>e men wer- I a' ed and arrested, one, Charles 8:epp, :»s«l a deiihln-harmled gun; anoiher C » k, a ticket agent, wos infi x.cant! a idahuslv samt was b ck t! dp ir the litidg'.' tiekef efflcc. A strong gu id ww placed afio’it Hu round hou <e and shops, -md ob'aiu- mg an englfieaud car, Williams and four prisot ep wtre btough. bae’t to he city. E - y'btng is quint thin morning. W "Hums' comfit Ion is pronounced crhioul Hu is w-II known and very p pu’ar a son of Col 13 D Willis h, f run rly up-iin endent of the Memphis aud Li tie fi ek Hdilrnad, PiTTsiiUKG. April 9 —The str'keat McCiuit’s coal works at E ’erson, P.> , h«s ended m'lstsc only 10 Ihe ininets The firm grauied uil <h-- mauds aud w. ,k Wris reeumvd to day. An hi' 1<'00 rn ot am (ft cied FIRING UPON THE WOMEN Lyons Apnl 9 -A riot touk pine ia this city to ilsy a» G.rand's silk mills. The sub-preftet ami a uum- ijtt of gens d’armts a'lemp'ei fir ebee up the cl at el connected witli 'he mill! arid were rrslsied by ;br operatives ami local rts'Jems. Tm, getisd’ttiimH pi r dsted ami a ’ rp n fight e Hutd Ttie pt | u'licc, I't u,a ) if fortiori of wLteni wt-r women, u rd h.oiich and sinks The r • firuie? used t’ eir fl ran: lus O •; women wos 'ho' (br«' and >■ 1 u:-.(or wire w undid Ti « sd'.-pi ft • l a ■ I liru< of lus gens ii’arm a ». r< wounded THE MINERS’ STRIKE Kn? xvii.le i enn, 9 --Thr ( 1 undml and 11: y miners are or, a s rike at the cal mints iil y n.:il<-s north of K oxvdJe They struck after being it (used an increase of wages I'lie strike tx ends to Ho* 8'undaid, W’tol irdg and Jelilcu mines, and will probably spread io all o'her mines on He Kti xville aid O.iio rslir-tsd 8 v n miners who are still rttwoik iu the 8.audard mines rtrr liireutepeil wi ii death by the strikers if they do not q iil work. Tb? New OaltfiiUn Q«ffo>, U> K New Orleans, April 9 Tin weaiber 10-Oay w,»s c'.ur a d pie. s- u'it ami the tn-ck was in good errs dl'lOD. F rst i'?ce, f.<r insider ibtee (piar ers of a mile- Lis wm, H- ’ re:(» 2 J, Mi e C tv 1, bm" 1:18 Second race, erilirg rc.c», Kl.lldb iot'H, Vtfii 'urloi.g - J ’ on, R '* 2 1, N nils <jr ’.Li Iimi 1:3;.£ Thun isc». vl'irg race, usual o n Ti'.nf, 1 1 Ui m.b L ten won, G "11 . 2.1, L .guard 3 b i me 1:58 F urth r'ice, out mile, over fi ur furdles. A* tlie eetoi.d i.utdle Hop t.-'lrg and Terungenf fell logeHr-r. KUaminck wo:; Malvaho 2', II p H 1 g, whose ritfi r hail remounted, 3 I 'Time, 2:01 Tei'megn.i’s Jcckt y, f’OKTV-KINTH CONdHISSS The Semite Vu'es In Favor nt Wcmnn Si.11 igo Ti»« V 1n 0-y I’aifdi’ ft in nrftnr ' t. 'o fl'mbitii nn i»rrl'.«*ry lilH -O’.VcM'i |f.4tl f lout In t)'«? Ilonno I d«j*ihg i>liitUtou(f*4 f’CMnip. pfiol il Enonlrcr-Snu Washington April 9 O 1 mo th. 11 <f H' M'vitio, ot lam.-iii'iR, h Light session was ordered icr Hi. 13 b . of May for coiiFiderftHnn of rtsolu- ttons relative to the death, of Michael I Halm, Ih'p irproeu'.alive from ttie s ate i.f L ii'.-htt a K 'lr ty, of Alabama, asked unniii | minis ct lot ut (or the jir s i t coris'd- I f ra 1 fid 1 of a joint, rtsoln'i n milking I an np r r i rlatii n for ihe tell f f uf~ fei 1 r fo m In (1 ds In A’afi mil. B a"li, t f N w Y ik, t Li) clod O ! motion ( f R gau a res dothm was adept' ti cilbiig on the srer “arj of li’ier'er f. r • ion, relative lo the dberinvim f -ns agniuM Hr * I> 11 vc. u :d N w O.U'.u.s jailfoad c m- pany by ibe larnl gn-iit roods. Tim Ii'iuhi \v." ! into a c mmiHee of ihe whelt on Hie piivuU. 1 iiitudav, when tin ci.iumitti c ran ag .iuat a st eg in the snu| e . f a tdil ijm.ciiiig the quirt' rran'Kr general to seitle with the M Mmnviilc and Manches- fir risbr tic uipany t f Tm eesu c. The am umt in cl ved is $:.’lil UOI), ami a lei'g ill 'Cl,.- sio'1 f nil tl upon the meu-ure, hut no nc'lon was taken me nmumiuee theu lose. O'Neil, ' M h uri, n.-ked unmii moos eon e it for lire prtbefil consid er i'iou ol .be folio wing resolution : It strived, Ttia’ Hie ir hie of seiHaliviH of tt". U itul B ales tarn 's Iy eymiiaUj z well I lie light H oi Wil'dam K G "dstone ami bi.- aseociatis tn tiieir <11 ris toaecur- a tree pariiament (or Hk people <>: Ire land, und cnngruHile ee Hie people of 1 hat hi Hi r(o uuhappy c< untry on thr pr'ffiTc of an eariy ami successful lermlnnt'on of ti’e r inog and jrstri- 0110 s niggle for tue right of loyul tel’- g verum-'Di, Rd ulved, Tiiat the speaker of'he hi use be dirtefid to comntunica'c f. copy of those resolutions io G ad- stone Cox, of North Carolina, objured, aroi the resolutions were not read. Tin lieu ■ lieu, at 5 •.’:!. ck, took n rtCFS until 7.30 the evening seps'o'r t > he for the consideraliou of pension bills. The houe> at its evening session passed tweuty-five pet hion bills and mlj urned un'il to morrow. FIN ' TE Bmfrrd snbmt’tid the credential rl (J "ue II fat, apn l"n! by the Govermi 8 vtcs a#i;at.; "t tl.t it g i-l r of Cil: r 11 ■ ui.. U m ccli 1 il era-ed ;ead, b Pge s’: mi ud 3 UHllRl lii 1 M on 3 1 T in H f fib T H or M II. ar t. M t of it ok bis H,a* on tbed m era’ c- sn.s of tLit chamber, 011 tlie tx n me right of 1 be ch«lr. A resolution 1 (1 - ed by Al'i.ou wu agreed to, eallb g on the s ioretury of ihetieisury for tn forma ion reiving to! of cer'aiti r.ppro|iriu.ium- which have been < xhauslcd or card d tn 'tie eurplu? fiiod. R dctlcberger called up P.'ofi’s reso- lu j' n roiaili g to ex cuiivi s stioi s, having undersiond, be said, iha F iH Intended yesterday to have 11 ir.ado the epic a! order fir Monday, but sew no li d oiiion of such aciion h.: viru? been taken yesterday P atteuid tie wen leady atuny lime fir presi-m bis vh ws on the sulj o', turd win'a" anx' ilj as nnybudy lHm‘ ii eumild be taken up early H hop'd Die tmsiotSB cf up sennit w uld permit his Calling h M rmhiv 1 ix'. A>' er smiie fui (bor remarks the math r w m dropped. S me nine s'u spent in disci!**- irg, tm' wi'l ' ul aciion, the boo i bill p.ov d g f r , he fi- " ’hi »- 1 non ihn ugh Ibu mails of met'or ofi (deal icpor's. F :e tl e:, lo k 'he il or and wl- dl.H'Mitbe bh.Ii r iu sunjiMl o'a re,(.lu>iori hereudore submuled to. film iu rCa'ion t" fi.o.Fries Ti,. r‘solution deci ret it to be Ur.- t,en <■ 1 f ihe senate Iba' cm gress ought n ' (o provide for the apjxrin'nfient < f a c( mmissiun in which li.e govern oieirts ot Ihe United 8.ales ai d Great Bcr J Havi e wns seriously ii jun d. Rri'aln should be renreseuto', To-morrow will !»u ihe last Uuy 0/ ! eftargr-d with the enmid ration ami the winter mei-Ung demerit of tire fl-hh g lights of the two governments on tin 0 .arts of ibe U iitd B'ates anti British Amcrioa. quoted Presi dent Cleveland’s recoiumei 1 a ion in bin annual message, that oougrese , provide for tlie appointment of a extreme dullue's and small range of j f. jm commission, representing the fluctuations which, with slew ex- United 8 amu ami Goat Biitain, captions, bas been lies Ilian 1 Late cnarged with ihe considtra iou and’ iu the afternoon time was a small decline in the mist notive stocks, whioh was chicked shortly before the close, ths fiuai figures being pret ty evenly divided between gales and losses of | 10 j Tlie heaviest stocks were the coalers, Balci; 188,Od5 shares. Fullar’i -Jt Mid W«(3k. to <ht» rtEtt-sUN. New York A.;.riI 9—Bu-slne-s failures occuiricg ttircugi ( u' the a negotiation that was proposed by (he president The Washington territory admis sion bill was th» 11 placed before the set "In, he pending qualion being in Eostin’ jircposed cim udment lima itiiig Ihe right of siillruiie in (he pro- posi-d new state to qusl fiid male 1 h n'nrs only. P. "ler said lie wss personally on- pu , d io woman -uffri'g", but regard- ul Hds i s Ih • hiisiU' sh of the people ni VV--in 1 ft (on Giriiory, ami as ihe wouieu bad been voting iu 1 but ter ritory for tluee ytars, be (Butler) W'. iild vo.e t gaii s ii.e amcinihaeut. Be U I voiid the aniendme'H and spoke in i s en; p"t'. II \v iiild do everyilung in his pow<r, ho said, to idvance thi cm d fi n o' w men, bu’ ,vfs nni jm-p r fi to give them the i.fcht of tuff ago now. Ills male, r aeon f t ‘bis was hat ttie co'tsii 1 .ufIon prohibited any d crimi- stlori on rues or c U r. S imtorfi could not l ive the light (f suffrage to the m c t into ligent woman In An.erica without giving it to tlie 1. -1; iguonmt woman (if the louth:, Til’tr 1 nr-ily (xpufi d 'h:.t ttie I ,,..oi r fp u K-mucky vv ul<f htivo 'bmwn i y ohs acio In Hie way of 'eoplt- li.i.omi' g ci 7. ns of iho U . i d'!. li Iha. souatcr wtre II w iu liis i wu country Teller d u'lfi'.l very much v, helher lie would be a “’mme ru'or.” Ho dmiified whether B ck w uld belli -ympnohy .vnh ll.e silnegle c.f ihe 1 t-opbi ..t 11: lit id or wi;h -b« gnat sla (sill .ii win had jus: made the wmld ;it g wfth iiof)!e uHeriu o’s on b half o ; self governm .fit T Her cdinrach-r z d Gi'idstorit’s speech^ rs Ui, gita'.e- tvtf made »u tilt subject :o whlcfi nroh rtdy R.adit'g e-re s uccesri y lie 1 lelabd ai d made bv greates' man < f lie nge. o,e of fts sen- li.'h proclaimed the lor syuipA'iiy wi'b (1m part ot the perp.te, T. iitr said Gtad»m»>e’s wctUi would live 1 h '< up as Hit Eugllsu lai'KU'ge iivxf. R "irririg m woman suffrage, T ll-*r mid lie bebevin il W( ul(t bp one of me grra ei 1 bb s uign to oivili- /, H 'ii. Eus'is niHiil'dmd tha' his amende U'""t Iimi mg i)e Hgb'.a of ’-uff’Tgpi to quaiifl d ii.f'i elec' rrs did do* div- 'rauchise women, bemuse women nail no en'"d w '(• e 'evil r’g!)' 'o vote ,‘mday. He said so far as I in purpoSiS f Uiia nil! wtre corcernoj, when uougrts 3 authorize! Hi - formation of this ieiiilory it limited Ihu suffrage to male citiz ns. Ruder said the limitation waa only as Jo tlie li ->t ehottuu under the te* - ri ton': I govern moot. E "-tb' was sus. ioxjus when ho saw 1 Ii e •i ut- Oo ’('faauit, 10nciai Im New York, April 9-To-day’s market was leraarkabie only for Hs settlement, upon a just, (quliable and honorable basis, of me emirt question of the fi-hery rlghtH of the two gov ernments and tiieir respfcHve citi zens, on the coasts of the United Stales arid Brit eh North America. This tie coDdtmt cd, and u’s) ths suline quent actimi of the Htate tlepart- ment in lire wllii Hie suggts'ions 8 creiary Bsyird, lie s-iii, iiaij lo c nrult Iho rejue eidatives of lire American ti-ihir g interests, but had country during 1-tit w> ek as repor’te i | taken coursel only with IIih enetny, (o R G Dun & f!", tu.rr.hei' for the UxLeii 8 a'cs 173 and Cr.nad.i42 a total of 215, against 214 last we-'k and 221 the week pr-vicu-i, Toe failures are light in every section of the c un'ry, except the ws ern ami Pscifl.’slates and in Canada, where tlie number reported L abeve the uveiage. meaning ttie Briii-n aiinis'.er Wtsliii g on, ami the Canadian mins i-ler of firberits. Morgan defended the administra- tiou. He did not understand the president's suggestion to propose a commission wnloh, by its action, should conclude all questions be tween the two govert meuts, It waa bean unanimity on Ihe qn s ' "ir of ‘he edmisslon of a state He was aware -Iia' we were now liv ing iu a veiy h\! 'y ’' d minns- phereof politic ! r,*.' nn. [L igfrer.’] E imurds (s t*».- vo ce) — “Yea, cry highly scen'ed .i/ul'x-'f. ft su. I Pi .0 he:.ven.” [Renewed lUU.'lll 1 ] Kiu fi. a-.ew that uvde. tlie saintly leadership ol Ihn E Ionian schi'vri of poIi 1 1 c.ii phili.s i' • :s wc weui all ceusicg lo be jihiih dh, and were ti> becc.iifi. rec fi." ol tea life of political m uas'icism, bu 1 hi (Euslir) wou d c rntii.ue to have one iuiiing, namely 1 1.1 Ms humid.: way to bs vigilant of the pu.p ice-', d ■sigi.'s and craft of tiro tep.ibbcan lead -rs as hv ii d endeav- • e I to du Iu 1 he past, B i.ler said il he we:o to believe iu woman s'jfft.g , and the power loc-.ujft-r a, hi. would be far from, con ferring it on uii women, l’he had p .wei of cinierri g mil iijund tuf- f age, lie woulu bu mi from confer- ring it on a:l men. Hr believed many ol the troubles of the country had arinen emi mduIiI continue to ..rise (r in u iversal mauliuod suf frage That form of fciiffr-ge estab- 1 is ti ed by tuo reconstruc lo 1 laws io be sou;.1, whir universal ignorance m-.-f.g the tx "C" mg it lra.l kept tne e. loug upon a volca- V . .rhtes war. opi ote I to fema.V -"flVage. bu' i'girded 1 in thiii iu* ►'"nice a a ma .er .‘ut t..e peojiie of W "-bi. gfou lerti.ory lo s file for "1 m elves. C-*d cot sider'd ! t a ma'tpr this peopie nr the fi'rri’o'y in d.cidu. M .giii suj/p(.ri;d E 1 ■ i’ amend u 1 <- ,1 and h rut gly ogpua-J woman -till go. U paid an eloquent und glowing tr.bulo to iho graces and viriu>'H "f w> men and their coutroll'* i"g iillifi ioe un in civil:z-lion. Tcehanunsr C.iristi ml'y.he deciartd, win- upheld by women 1 itweretodo- pei d upon urea we w uld re:rcg ade three cenlur es iu three weeks. He would not I'Utnn women the burden e that should be borne by men. He would keep them out oi politics aud ut of ase; elation wi'.h the dirty pot-bcum p di le ans. One bad wumuu could undo the good timt many good could do, aud the ballot- in Ihe hands of a corrupt wornsu war? ihe most dangerous instrumentality: for evil that the world had ever seen- George, while opposed to woman stiff age, considered the question ot suffrage one for the people uf the pro* posed slates to settle, and therefore, opposed Mr Eus'd"’ amendment. Ai 6:15 pm the E rails amendment was br.night to a vote and r'J D cted — \enil2, l ays 25 The j e>s were B -ck. B-rry, C ,k', E l-'is, G rmin, Gray’ legal'Jick-on, M c-y, P,igh,8auls» bury and Wait! all A number of pa'rs was atinounced, M rg i i among ilitm Among the -ouat' rr voting against tlie Ejstis ameudmeut waiv E /murids. Tlie senate then, at 6:18, adjourned till tm morrow. At m a*And Still. Cincinnati, April 9 —The river is at a stand still, with arise of 6*5 feet ami 9 inches.