Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 13, 1886, Image 1

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i yOL. XXVHI--M) ^SS COLUMBUS. FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS Tlie euate frub b y Or posed to Opes Stislous. f »* II•- Use* Adopts & n(j(lic>' ion lor an MlIon* Jadgo HuxtorN HRCteiaor i oi.ll ut tl-t-cci #>m* j l.»* uiar. 'M Ti p ^•c'.h: E. QUT<*f*rimi. Washington April 12 - M-uri sou, rr. ui ,be crrutniUee cm ways and menus reported a bill to reduce the tariff ti-X'-s aud to modify the act! in relation to the colkciiou o! nv.- nu-s Referred to u committee of the v- hi le McKinley presented the views of ii e minority cf the committee. O'Neill, of Pennsylvania, as-lie,i unanimous oot sent to presint in open house instead of through the questc n h< x. as requhed hy the rules, the protest of the miuiuf-'C- Hirers iD every slate of toe union, employing over 47 uOO workmen, against any .reduction of tl e ai ft Morrison insisted that the protest shou d be presented through the question b< x. Morrisor, frrtn the committee on rule", reported a resolution for the sppou'»nn'-nt of a select c ir.mtttee oi seven nr. tnbcre to be appo n ed by tl,e speaker to invest'ii-*te the cuu-es and extent of the disturbed cmdii- (ions now existing in '.he reJa'kns be'weeti rairoad corporations en gaged in interstate commerce and their employes ir the states of Illi nois, Missouri, K >rsa-<, Arkansas and TtXiS. The committee shall have power to send for persons and papers, to sit during the sessions cf the house and to visit such phees in these states as may be necessary in order to facilitate the investigation. It shall report during he (Present session with such recon mendationb as it may deem proper to or ke, Mor rison stated that the bill which had recently passed the house, known as the arbitration bill, was inaeitq'iate in us provisions. The oVjcct 01 the pending re-solution wa- to enable congress to learn the facts of the case so that it might perfect its lesis- la ion R ? gan con'ended that coi gress hsd no more power to regulate the questions arising between common carriers and their hired laborers than questions arising between common carriers and their butohersor gr c. re. These ware local questions, and the fact that one of the parties ought. be engaged in interstate commerce, did not give congress jurisdiction over the other. The qi:e.-.,ion was whether a democratic house of represemaiivce would deny and repudiate local self- government, or whether it would as sume that the states were no longer able to execute their funciione. The resolution was adopted with out division. U'"ier a call of states a r;umoer o' hills and resolutions were introduced and referred, among them a resolu tion by Brady, of V v g r.ia, authori- z.iig the president to appoint a Hoard of commiasiouere to u vus; gate to what exient the United Biaies may be legally or equitably liable for tne deht due by the state of Vi’ginia because of ibe partitions of ti e state without its consent duiitg tne late war, and the extent of the equitable liability of the United States to (he bondholders of other states of ihe union and foreign bondholders od account of the action of the state au thorities of Virginia nullifying the decisions of the supreme court of the United Blahs as to the debt of V.r- g nia 0.. motion of Hemphill, of ri mth Carolina, a bill was passed author z ing the secretary of the treasury to deliver to the owners the con ten a :f certain be see depoei.ei In the treas ury department. , B-d affecting the D.strict of Colum bia were then taken up. The senate bill was parsed author- ir :tg the a. to: ney-generel to inatitu sui! again u ail persons having < pretenda g to have tide to or inter est in t.ay part of land or water effected by the improvements of tut Pcionaac river at Us titts opposite Washington The bin was ante so as ,o provide that no money shall be expended for the improvement oi the flats until the question of adverse title shall Lava been decided, The Distriot of Columbia sppropri ation bill was then passed without discussion or substantial amend ment. Tne house then, at 5:30, adjourned. A republican causcua was an# nouneed to take place at 8 o’clock this evening. SENATE. Riddleberger moved to take up the resolution relating to the considers,* tion of executive nominations in open session, Afier some debate Riddleberger called for the yeas and nays on his motion to take up the resolution. The yeas and nays having been taken, resulted In the defeat of the motion to take up—yeas 7, neve 51 The senators voting in th6 t farina* tive were Bowen, George, L ,gan, Riddleberger, Vance, Van Wyck and Wilson of Iowa. This vo.e is not In any sense a test of the strength of the open session movement, inas much as many of its strongest advo cates, including Platt, Teller, Gioson and Mitchell, voted .in the negative, Logan submitted an addition to his resolution relating to open executive sessions. The addition recites the senate rales which the resolution pro poses to amend, Piatt asked and obtained ULanl- mous consent to address the senate after the morning business to-mor row, iu support of his risolu’ion re- to open 'Xecutlve sessions. A resolution c flered by Beck was agreed to appointing Gibson, of Louisiana, tea membership of the s.nate com mittee o' commerce in place of J n s, oi Florida, durh gthe pr s.nt ’empo- rary al s tree of the latter s nator from tht - riate The Indian appropriation bill w; s then taken up A: 1:45 p m, on motion, the senate went imo executive session, presum ably to act on the nomination cf Senator Jackson, to be United S ates oircu 11 Judge in 'he pli-ce of Judge Bax et Tt:, minim afterwards it was statid r utsidc 'ho senate cham ber that Seim tor J ckson had been unar- in miv cot.firmed. Gut no author! v could b- given ft r the sla;e- ment Liter,, however, it w is con - fiunfcd when the seal of secrecy was "tmoved from 4 - acilor n« the sena’e upon ’to J -ckson ucniinaiion. At 2:50 the "eiia e doors were re open ed and a re-css of twemy miu- uiis wus li ken to or able the senators 'o i bs> r*v ihe parade of the veterans of the District o' Columbia, who were celt btating the 25;h anniversa ry of their depsriurt for the sc-atc n) war in 1861, At the expiration of the r c as the senator? returned to the chamber B air B't- mpied t- secure *>-,< im-- med'a e e msideration cf the general P't sior- b ii, but fi;e senate bsvp g aireedy given unanimous cc-rsiut for a con til uar. ce of !) e I dtun appro priation bill, the rra 'ing of the latter b 1! -vs,- required- Several amends me-iite providing for additional items of extendi’n rn were rul'd cut on points cf orner Tin. bill wv> then passed stibsianiUil'y as reported from he con. mi tne. AdJ urned NOMINATIONS AND CONFIRMATIONS Washington April 12—The president to-day nominated and tne senate unanimously confirmed Sen ator Howili EJockson.or Tennessee, to be circuit judge of the United States for -:N - ixth judicial district vice J.-hn Box er, d.ceased. The r resident has withdrawn the nomi nation of Orlando W Powers, of Michigan, ca be associate justice of the supreme court of Utah. Senator C.o.aoe tod.-,y reported ad- ver.-ely from the committee ou posts fflees and post roads the bill to in crease the rate of postage on fourth class matter to two cents pexcuuce. THE EXECUTIVE SESSION. Iii -he executive station to-day 53 meesagte, mukirgae many rc-nomi- nations, were laid before the body The nominations were originally made to succeed t flicials whom ii was proposed to suspend or remove, but whose erms of - illce Lave since expired Senatt-r £ 'mueds offered a resoiuTon that all these nomma- ions 09 returned to (he president ou he gr uad tha 1 the fai ure of the -ei.a e to cor. firm 'he original nomi i.aliens had the - il ct of rejection The resolution went ever for the dry Among these ruminations was tc-a f J D But - et', whose nomination tc Succeed G.-o M Luskin at- district attorney lor the southern dis.rict oi Alabama was the occasion oi tne re cent political controversy in .he sen ate. SECRETARY LAMAR'S TRIP Btcrctary L’.-.mur wi:l nave the- city .hia evtning or to-morrow morning nr Memphis, Tenu, Macon, G.i, and his home ui Oxford, Missisaippi. He is jjoi expected to return for a week or ten days. TO RE FAVORABLY REPORTED The bouse committee on teiritcrics, by a vote of 6 -c 5, agreed to report the bili to provide for the organ za- tion of the Indian territory and iniiilic land slip into the territory of Oklahoma. THE ORDER AFFIRMED In the supreme couit .o-day, in ti1 ca.e of Daniel K b.ewart, piair-c ft in error, vs tne S ate of Virginia, (» coupon cas-) the order of the circun court of the United skates remand ing the' case ;o the county court of H- nrico is i iHmed, various freight depute are bu-y with men actively engaged lti loading and unloading cars, and no attempt a; in- terfeience by the etrikers ft as re curred, nor :e any aptic'OB'ei?. THE STRIKE - F THE MINERS St Lons April 12 — To..- m m ts of tne St i, me district .v m ■ ■: -k iast w-.-ek cehl a meeting y<?.- o tdaj avid reeoivei! 'o remain ti 1 •• d no* resume w- k uni) after by - he kaigh’* of l;,b -r iieei! ended " V ry little hand in this die. rift, a ; ected cutting c tl of tl e i tl ct . eriouely tb*: n m inieret.fs of the ci’y F ur ti ; and fi'ty mitieie in tl.e Illin> S L'uu iP tirlun) rutiroad strut k, hr.o o X)> c d m- i :: rikt at .’lit Bt-Meville are kHght- in T: ir stiugg't .1 who s well it f in i'd dec.lsn FOREIGN FRA SHI'S. <Bad ton, > ." ilit iU j tilt) U-Al)a»‘b- ing Ttiem,) 'fit up I hilt clitli -. ik|fu>l. I pfll; II liri Hit I By Av?so ,* n: c lo; , j London, Aim q in iU.a lUu.T .. he S' (J thU)-: ieidi.1 Inal -Li lit U ii-- aod M dison c-ouo'let w week, t.xc ptivo eix-fi-'y--d in ■1'“ mat-hiiie n-ioe-. T. < S Louie com dl- tric’, i x ei rti g ivi-l a rauius of fit v mi lee, ha- h'3 minor ami eives emphivmieut to luui tin u- sand mii.ets O -h-.s m.m -c.\ 1000 art- enipir-yed in the machine mines and hey Wi.-'d-! not e rke ct: tftcir own accout A fev- or them a-p knigh'e, ou’ ur*! of the other 3000 a c members < f ti<e order, m 0 r u- beiicve-.-i »>j- their brethren fact y wdl demonstrate 'heir loyalty i' call -0 urc r m 4s-. UNI) E k ADVIS EM EN T ct Louts Ajci. R ~ihe caeca o-‘ J fit, McG rv, judge i iivoca'f f dies trict aesi-u.hly ffo lbl. ai d five oi six oti er kniglite, who were arrtsh d •two weexs ago for ebs rue'll g trams and interfering with the business oi the Missouri P .6 fle mil read cm- par.y, came up before J 'dgt P rt«r, >.f .he court of crimin: 1 ceerecrion, to-day, snd after hearing ot the tes timony, were taken undtr aovise- metit, RESUMED WORK Word has nee., .eh puoned from E-iSi St L uie that (ho yard and switch meu of he O.-io and Mi s ; s aipi-i and the Chicago. Burn igiou and (i'jiucy n ads Lave resumed work in a body. THEY WILL TJ YCOTT Chicago Apr l 12 —A c mi mitt e of knigii s of labor called upon C K M, Cormick to-day, and demandeo the reinstatement of eight, hundred men disiharged from the reaper wr .’he iu ti * recent s *ik s, Bnd win s: plac e were fi.kd by non- unic-Q men, M:C->rmlck p s lively reft.s-d to re-employ Ihe meu, bav- iog given them a fair opportunity to return The committee declare their intent’on to have the genera! execu tive hoard declare a boycott f-.gni. - the firm, WHAT THE WITNESSES SAY t-T Loris Apr! 12 —The wr nesses txmoirm at the c rower’s inquest over the oodles of the dean sinkers all agreed tha D -ou'y rih-r'fl H -w- lett fired iht fi:st b:m. i’d- y say r,o stones W'-r. thr w and tli* one, provocadon for tne a,, jetring of the strikers Giadsfoi t- sc' •rtBPe tb-- untt'i M,0. a . D vin at or. p's I muI pu uatlomd i ia: c dum;- fin cun ^ 1 ’ he a Th I no r*jee - r. -ire wirU ii m ul yiai crlei- mui serl -uely ufleeted by many things. Taking it, however, as the price the- Irish were to pay for maintaining the fiscal unity of the empire, what would the E iglis! have to pay ? They would l.avu tc pay hr Heavier proportionately, f ir ! the hands of the chancellor of the xeh cpict wou'd b: wry much ,, ‘-H“i" | i i> i a«i» u- ito-.h I cramp- d, if noi the get her Del, m p»n ib' ri on tip (’•r. iijup J dentil g with the custom aud • x I cise duties of Ireland under he. practical it depci ilemie How could he lower their i'uti> i 7 If he sluiuld lower them he w-uhl ciminleh the very resources wh.-H-from Ir-iand was -o t-ay the lilhutt M £ .giuuu. He w-t-uii. i-a-.i "- doro wltiiout ti at lrgawon 1 fri-m the Dieii represeu a tiVtbJ '..ul uUliii Lie Uli.ii tioiiul .ax id wider to " l"‘l " of ,0 III lg hC 1 12--An e iMorial fe'o D ;Uy Ac-'.o on tin- h*-s «ei v*m» io in- iecit.r ,s ih'H if G. -I Ch'iS" bill due- no-' -u I .bind he w'l: 11 d lr- uid uld pr jminp . d of D .him :o cesses si 'UMg Toe P view Cf lives iu I'tadi. g ru-LI. Gin i ri.Ti l«r.d i •> ’ rengther event ot f> l Oe W itji; iv t lii-if'-j Vrc»: ii d.v t. L in- a.^** cmimiuh r •c k • 'ii K CX- r{K-t ruled ii? •>U i -• ou lur tL' uiu ere Jit ■ i hou f : h« ji i'-ruii.M' D .Oil 1 ., iu .. v •mg AGITATED; LABOR. Ain <J iltl .’In Xk&«( luanlii uf ttt* J Urlliiun l LoRl9>Xb<t Move; oipc-The Mlttpri •rif 1£ iip*)0tai to EnQQljf«r*<BaLi. East St Louis, III , A The pre=em o A the muitiu iu uda city continues -o nave i s desired fee', and no disiurhances nor unlaw ful acts Lave been reported since the tnoendiary fires of F day nigut, and it is now bc-iieved mat t.o encounter between the military and strikers will occur. The same strict guard, however, over the railroad property is observed this morning, and tne vigilanoe of the sentries has iu no way been relaxed. The time over which the order extended, rtqulring tnose who wished to go over the bridges into East St LouiB to supply themselves with passes, elapsed at midnight last night, and the bridge this morning presente an animated appearance, pedestrians passing and repassing without inter ference, aud transfer wagons heavily loaded are crossing over, aud ou neither aide of the bridge are drivers approached by Ins timidatiug strikers attempting to per suade them to again stop work. The promise of military protection to those who might desire to go to worx to-day has resulted in the acceptance of large numbers of applicants, most of wuom are not knights of labor, hut those who are employed in the filling of ihe vacancies caused by the strike of the latter and who left their places last Friday after the fatal shooting oy tne depuiies. The platform- oi :he ’cbft' irc '.btciai l* New York April 12—The stock maiket re-ponded pr- inptly to the generally favors: lo outlook in alt .ines of business at the opening this morning, The first prices were gen erally sixiaii fractions higher and with oniy slight reactions ihe mar ket continued strong until the close. There was no news during the day to cause any material advance in quotations, nut there was a:; curueet disposition on ihe part of some of the leaning beurs to caver. The gem r.-.l list open-d at or near the lowest fig ures cf tie day and closed at or witbii small ir-c'ioLsof the highest and tne result is shat iveiyih.r gib higher than »t was Sfiurduy, m-. guns rang:: g from frac.ione to m- r.- uian 2 per cent with exceptionao advances for much greatu am'in ii. The liottviesi gams who :t activ-- stoi-ks, out L^kfr rahore wiw up ]j S. Paul 1J. Rurthwtstern. ij coaitie j o if Pacific M-.ii 2J U .ion Pa- stlcii W'btern Union 1 aid other- fracio: al amounts. The m«rke' c'oseu active and strong, Sales 373,- OoO ’iU-jiee, :t tc 1SHC the tor uv cam| ttigi. in tin fi-nerai el- [, it would G.r.liebihe to “ilucr ioi o. ;l . It vdvjse- him ,o " " n his r q n st for \Y. • r>. men a ns the supitiujoy -f U,i British? The real principle of the bill iva- impiv h ropenl of rpe ur.iion, j., tinsi el over itic promo.ion "I Uie pr party uf cveiy man. wo child In lr la: d an Iri. h nl a !-.i if: pr:v rh* imti -ri.v nt if ii l voice ir, f-;sh nia’- aiit'es give much no i,i lo-. 11 UiUCil Od ,h . g :-i :h- suiu.' breath distrust Go .tic ipies'ion r.f U-atcr, to a-k-d if any in-li government could pay its'Way if Ulster were will,- di-Wj. Ij i - - iht E glish govern- ai it.- urliament , Ms i he u e one r.aud •.ti- r, expre.-. leave to lintocucs his houiv ruie b:ii •inring to tv-gh , or «J* hate m or ler :o , avoid the introuucuon of the land | pr j ( Uichase bill, Ihc-tuhSiqUoUt MiiduiuL- ! pr . t -tie opfi.'.stiiot-. The Id g had better be fi-ccd anil s' t'Ied at t- 1 c. rather than have the land purchase bill hanging bin u the ruck of his adherents ft.r several wet k* only to be .fioaify hdio a perhaps U-sad- vaotagec-Ui- manner t: an i- possible now The bouse of c.-turnons was again densely crowded ibis evening as a result of .111 xtended announcement d a LjUi R udolph C..u;chill wouid attack Giidstone’s homo ru e bill Among ihe conservatives and whig- 'here was intense interest in L rd Randolph’s effort Prince Arthur and Prince Curiattau and the duke ■ f Can.b'iiigc sac together in the peers’ gaiiuy and they were surs rounded I y i\ host of peers Gladstone, ir: reply to questioDs, stated that K w uld he impossible to close the debate ou his request for leave to-i ight, and ihat on this ao count he had decided to postpone ihe introduction cf hie Irish lar.d put chase bill uDtii M icdav next Bir Michael Hicks B ua!i madi a brief andress in which h- iridic»tcd ror an undemaudir.-g to re- fr>'Li f mu f'-reii g a d v si ii <>n Uit h-iJl fdi ir c..m in f ,• « I) l ’ C"U it'arc t 1 u bn Ul- <: clier: 1 oe >riiid in i-.m-j.-it mo ruie Hi J hie make up : proved : er of .he pri inter j pr.i'jtaD ou the giouNC. :ha. then v:ere eigh'y-s x home rukrs in the h use, i ut wi y ohou'd the voices of eighty-b.x ir*-ir members pr v, i) over the voices .4 581 >tt ir "p m'.ers Hismry show,d lie rise and d'Clmi. of fo.mer I, s i pani - O’U (Uriel."s party w s formiduh e nrough the even balance of the whirrs aud tcries Tne parhamunt tu wi tch that periy was powerful was dissolved, and O'Oonriell died orokeushet.ried. B: iu, in 1870, head' Tiis 'peak deepest dia- up of ii .- iu! dO v tea was divided, home second r'-ad\' ir L rd 1! .1” Ue of ip aio'i -h Gnu (J - rrn: ,“u;e bid follow - : Lie had H : dice >*n- party s x ; y stror er -saw him before L :.hc lattir was iu the ir » over the break party P.riieil iu lbSO in six months his ( arty remaining so until the end of the Iasi parliament. Sc the 1* ,/ui lfiies, for midable co day, wers in danger of dirui ion to morrow, a r that Parnt-il sought to avert by insisting ou h pledge from hi-' 'od-iwers to vote iu u certain way, [D nentiug voloso ftom ihe Pain .-dices ] ihe preuiur, continued l.h t ?pucker, fur'ner argued tnai a repeal (f cl o ii'-io.’i m? u.-cts- ry Ii iupi.-i the E .-.rlish 1 aws iiao . foreign u, puct i ' Hje. Irish iho-id -an- iduy :mg th'* f.cvu. h- Uo vV :,H p:.S: .pure for r- After Jong c>u o uie to the c ti-iiit v bCiiziLit' fUch a cemi Heated macs - diciioce that if auy!,ody -n-'afl; a -idetahoi. Ticlu. ion ir. voi ved .f coutra- hesides l k IVWiJfj|>’n I'O*) tl (M* . Scranton, Pa. April Iu, 1388 — Generui M s er Workmnn Powdurly received a d s. ateh tb s morning, from Mr Hayes, of S. Louis s yirig that the knigb s were quiet aud not r sponsible for yesterday’s ’rouble M:• Powderly stated that the rumor that he was preparing a statement to the public or the knights w: s a s - .u'.eiy without foundation. ‘•The general executive board,” said Le, ‘‘has done everything possi ble for a settlement of the difficulty, aud the responsibility for what fol lows restB entirely upon others, and matters will have to take their own course uclees arbitration is consent ed to. If this is done then there will be no difficulty in bringing this strike to a speedy close. This is the only point wuere trouble exis’s and I believe that the country will never again see so formidable a strike, as employers and < mployes have learned that the tadest way of settling dis putes between lebor and eapitai is by arbitration, the corner stone of the knights of labor organ zvtion ” While Mr Puwderly has improved in health he is by no means a well man. Senator Coq'itt In Virginia. dptclal lo Erqulrer-Snn. Lynchbuio, Va, April 12.—Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, spoke to an im mense audience to-nlgbt in the skating rink on looal option. The light is geo ting very hot, and bo h Bides claim victory is assured to them. Gladstone bad proposed it, it ut vn w- uld Lav- been taken eeriou-ly. [Cueeis,] It was hedged about with duch fanciful and eccentric guaian- ieee lor the integrity of the empire (hat the speaker was astoniilied at the Parneliites’acquieserce, Ii. find vainly searched all the authorities, ancient and modern, for a precedent for Gladstone’s two orders which were to compose the rut posed I Db parliament. The first order ww in- ended to i-pf ciaby it pie- -e; t properly ami it was VLtlhy uf Bt-eutkii t ti tit bt* gro.A? 1 ader oi the iicerai party tad cbtr- ■shed such «n entiqua id a:.d dis carded qsu.ifl 'ation for tht eu.cioiat of t) is first order Thu i.ecmid order wi-salso elective Both orders wire •o att " pc-uid U- mv.d the exercise of the i'lgtit to vote s- p- G ur itoly, and one ordu ineai'Ure Drought in Take a s'mplc iJIu.-rt fiis would woik ir. pn-c; ho new parii'me:. -.hi io the election of a spue •iiat ihe popular i arty could veto at- ny thr r>,iit- a lOD Of ho' cnoe. Huppo* hi uld proci-'- r, ussum 'iriid to tdcahoa for their candidate, toe iiropeny party by voting s perately coaid veto the choice, and (hen in for three or four years the election of a speaker would be suspend'-d. (Lsughier) The sine thing Wi-uid happen ;n all those cases :u a Lien on torder should oho s to veto the fcdion of the other, such, as for instance, questions of ruleH of procedure, or buuget proposals. The premier, continued Churchill, iabored ou Thursday last to show that the fiscal unity of the United King dom would not be affected by the re tention in the hands of the British parliament of the power of cuik-ctiDg customs and excise duties. Now if this were done, what would become of that ancient British right of taxation and rep;etentation going toge'her ? (Uheeis) The : ...tout. l ui house, ii.-. p . t-ndy to face mob a po .- liicb it v,ns already fun bicine’s proposals had 1 i ioLa'istsan enormous nd van tag', fit. iird listenid to many of Ol> stone’r speeches, the ebauns o' wmen were 'e cribed as being like t: e (fi cus of morphia The sensation under opera'ion was transcendent ; .the uwakenir g was bitterly paiufui I ti conclusion, the speaker said that the iffbot of (n« bill would be to free Ireland from the supremacy r f j ariiunkjht and the soveieigu'y c’ the queen. Hi- regretted that it had mn been denned consistent with U i customs of‘he t.otise to take ac'.ic-.: on (’s ui'-tlon for leave tain traduce th? hill, but the day 1 decis ion won d s,...edify arrive when tint ‘ifU -c would vot-.-’-.i the pro- r-ot-i I. , which were debperate, ur.o -t.« •)ti,u tonal ut.d miblcadii.g. | L ; d clit-eri- ] Mi R'lsseiJ, attorney -genera), i;. reply, ttun ed E-rd C-iuicniil w.t; infu.-i. g to bis speech j r- ja-iiuc a..j passion. I‘ had been aig-ud tmu u e present j.iariiamunt h.,d lo inaoda.t m its couHtiiUenciea for tfii? i., ii Hi- Ortkci, was there a miuuli-.te i'di Die rei'rtstive p-dicy towards J t- land? (Pun fdiiti uiiet-r,' J A t • tbs t xciusmn of J ish ru, mLui • from tn, , imperial puriiamen!, ihe sud*. I den utl c’ioti the opponents or the bill d spiiiiod fui .fit presence of Irish membert would not deceive ihe Irish people The Gladstone bili was the first gen uine one to give the law any moral support, The eonuiiion vt Ireland was not due to the perreverny of the Irish character. This wa 0 uniy tht ws>ak excuse of imbecile sr&tei-meD. The truth was the united parliament had hitherto failed in us duty to Ireland. The bill uued iiol attack the Imperial purimment or crown. As to User, the bill gave TTot a.ants and Catholics the same rights. He w: s convinced that the patriotism of the U s.ur Orange* men and the Catholka would go to the common fund of intelligence and energy whioh would Lui.d up the nation. The Eugi sh had tried to govern Ireland and faii . It was tury were used to enforce repression it would still have to be done and u-.tder conditions i,’.finitely worse, 11 is stated that the Irish bid will be uiodlfi.d so as to .uc!ude 'be rip- r-sentatinu of Ireland at Westmin* * er iu ratio to l iuh cou ritiutions to .le imperial exchequer. Furihtr .mondmeut will be made, it is ,.-ai 1 tne direc iou of i x.eudiiig the pow- •v of veto of :Le imperial parliament, i is rtUhounced that L >rds K :u- iiiure and Cork Sufi! dd an l Vtic uat K icurcie have resigned, l'o-u’gui's speeches in he house . ci minor,s caused disappointment. L rd GcuiChih's speech lacked tha would point ami e, ergy of tha oriitor, w hiio tnat if Russell was a i.di re t 'll rr and fell fi it. Sr M,chat I H.eks B.uch will wind up • ue dtoute to morrow An incident i tudilgh.’d debate cr-.ait'd mucis amuecrueut Ctiuichill, during ..3 ri. et ih, wun - d lo qui v ft .in ar .c.i 3 f the act oi tire uulor . He fumbled in bis pockets for a time ami then began an apology lo che .louse, saying .hat lie bail fc gotten io bru g the act with him. Gladstone I'istautly produced the act, turue S up Article 3 and handed the docu* incut u, Churchill iimid geuera! cheers and laughter. Wnile Gladstone wus driving to the lu-Ute this wficrnoon he was gloried wi'h mirgied cheers un.J it-oans. When be reached tht palace j Uiis i.o groans and hisms of the crowd qmtt overtc-t.ped tl*e cheeis. Gladstone in in high spirits. Ha prop, sts vo ileviue the Eister rcce. s to a campaign in Scotland. A NEW PHASE, I;".dal tome ENuunuca-uN TRoy N V, April 12 Aoout haif of ttiy boy,' in the Uth Ward soli jo j s ruck foi s fiou s‘hioevening, and ref's ! to ciotinue their Audi s l'hey dimiui'i-’d only one sessicn a day, and that to be from eigfii o’clock until one o’clock noon. The boy? heid an i p. u uir mads meeting, au l •hen pr cuiiog iu.ii s ind atils, -iwiumed :hn ugh tne neighboring s reeis, vn-.oncu io pupils who did not join them. Tiie r s rvs force of .<ue p dice H.aiiou wat » it to the scene to give wlia'.ever prelection w s atoetsa y. 1'ue strikers tried to induce b ‘ij‘« in otlit-r s hoc s .o fc 1 - I iw ttieir ( x mpie AiiCUt iHtuliUM’l C-UkiAk liatidi, iinictbl •*) liuuuiror-'JUD Raleigh N C, A iril i2 -Suit wwri U {4 ..u ., vA,.y \ list CLiO giveruoi aud auduor <<f the s a'.o with the utij .ee of loiulug ue levy ing and c >il( chon or ji ciat .ax-.s ijlioieti in the ,iiv,.-i_i ao.s of tlio N nth Gi'.n i.nd ivtuiiI■/ of 1803 fi. r v.hich Die MCfi Ci C i « -i» . I *' U.]| 01 .b,- q i; ii i fili al ;tx id ill'),1 MU 000, w- r.- a; •D K •u to C -ill dd -f ale the th me nt :o ihe ii/UstKu : u f ‘ h, is the ligi-La- ‘.uie to ,.ay anything, ciihe: on the . or priuicp I, vii:iinut *>• - aiittii g the matter to me people, 2,., fort ihia various suits hai: h^ua ureugi.t in the federal courts with out avail to enforce tne right of au-if. tor* O ,e sui* has Jus; h-o.-j nrougni in the staie’s o.urt •y _ Marion Bliss A Co : Y ik, aud another .u u.e U ^.— ci.a.ea ciruUif court oy A p lea pic, a r;Hide'll of this city. TLo . .11 ■ ooUusei an. E L A idrew - -., of Ni. w Y rl ; .« F Pnii'ips, of W .su- N & itaiiips, i> it l,".Ogll, •: hgl< iteiidi’ i .' c- ur-..- e c ,r:h i E i J .tuge 3.rung, of m-_ ,u.; A .fi: U .Ue,. » wri.ten piutiou favor.*■ ., e p.a.n.ifis Tu to Ma. J rri-d.c on c < 3, i ddo . llO { jii" B d-J ' in uid wuoii cit:/. a* a" and .he sta e .Lseli to lur .1.1- < Ulcere ul fie s a(e to coil ci ■ puciai u.x c wunoui regard to hos'.i g .a l i:. speaker then went on to analj ze the i now time lor Ireland to g v*rn itself, receipts and disbursements of an (Cheers ) The speaker ren inded the imaginary lrii:h budget for the pur- | house that it had never b . u nioe tc pose as fe said, of showing ‘that break’ 'the spirit of’the* I i h people s proposal to maintain the : K it wus not passed, if par i ment re fiscal unity of the empire while giv- futei it to-day, another ariiament mg Ireland nome rule, wan altogetlier | dare not to refuse to pass it Wfien a untrustworthy. He then pointed out just and practicable scheme, like this, that the amount which the premier : sanctioned by the cabinet-—the dis hed named a* that which Ireland I sension of the liberals only differed would every year contribute under j H s to means—when the con*erva- home rule to tne imperial treasury as ! lives had no policy hut reprecs.ou, her c-u.nbulion fur tne benefi; of , was t not the bighist wisdom to imss imperial unity was of an extremely this mesBiire in a gect.r u- «r.iri; ? precarious character It might te i* were pos’.puLed unui tne m.u- oi Jo. uiuitiu. ia uccordui oe will uu ment co me to u. 1341, n. Bs .up, c Jf jMis.lem, a u oeoame vacant, siiould be tided aiierua.eiy by Gr<.a* Britain ani Germany. Tae bisuop- ;o h s been vacant for s ure con- sideraLde time, and the du*y of ap- pointlrig to the vacant see devoiv.s upon Germany. It appaa-s 'r itn a s atemeDtmaue by Mr Glaus one iu (he hoi s of eoinrno; s, that the em- perorof Germany nadmade a that the ex s ing arrangement oe modified or abrogated. The matte; Lad been submitted to the areh- t s rop of Canterbury, and a coinmun uication had been received from the archLsaop co,.denting, on the part of the British truss u.s, to the British deed of endowment, that the pr s.nt arrai gement should be abrogated. W i . new arrangement would take the p see of the old Mr was anal ie to say. Pk ' 7tit> -litul Drill. 1 to Etiqalrer*ttun. laojla, Eca, April 12 —Tee c.oui j morning finuliy ohaeg-jd into a P oaaaut day. which increased Ihe vi.-i- .-.ora to ice fi .at, Boat dribs aud other ixerolseB Interested the crowds, whiiS a large number viahed ih-* fiigsalp 'i'ennesseo. The inie, aat increases as the naval ixercises continue, Her neck and arms weie as naked aa if one hBd never eaten of the tree of knowledge of good aud evii,—Queen of Roumania,