Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 17, 1886, Image 1

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YOL. xxvni-^o 92 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 17 1880 riUCE FIVE CENT WASHINGTON WA1FR- Icsterdas’s Proceeding' of the Forty Ninth Congress. of tfee Vtlntr KtlnfH'IomirI fill by tl»r IIopbo i omnt'tloti on Lttbar •irct Ec , ni"»tlo»-f ppclr>|incnti by IIio F„cel«X«ut* Kto. BjPCiP) <0’b< FNQCINEli - UN "Washington, Ariril 16 — Clem cuts, o Gei H'Ih, fiom tl>*» eoiMtiiltee rv Ivnlpv : flairs, tepor’td btek tlit D rgley risGu'lou, calling on Ihe y.-jetldf u' for any it h rn a'ion in hie p 8 *fti v iH'-tive t; ;Le •zciis'oij of American fs’'ir g vi etcle? from the j'ght to e< tei tbe r oils of the domiii- i, h of Cm ada for :lie i urpcee of in d* ir| nrchasing s.'t | lies, or Jui ilii g fitbciught ir dtep water, fora!'! nut iii b n rd to li t U iie<’ S ah*, or doing other bo's witch the Car::,* (li' i r, or ether British v ssele fie freely pe»noitted to do, in ports in the United B ate*; alee, reqn;s'b the president to inform li e hets wha’ s’ pa have been taken h triigev.oh miwarrst table and «i> friet d y acts if tt t D n ir ion tu ibrrities to the attention of the Ertv icb government. The rest tutie ne vert adopted. Con mltfe-s were tben cr lied for re pi rtf! of is private charac'tr Tbeheuse h r n wen' into a cem mitteo e f ihe whole on the piivate- calendar, Tie fleet hill cn the calendar wae that wl icb wag thoroughly del a ed last Fildny for the rtl efof the Mo- Minville ard Mat Chester railroad company o'T'unestee, l ut the e'.'s cuseton was continued to-day with unnbatt d vigor. The fac a and law bearing upon them were closely ecru- tic zed and ci nnnenttd on. at.ei some degree of heat was tvineed by the conflicting speeches ot t! e debate, pro and con, Houk, of Tennessee, b-.lrg worked tip to the point of as serting that a statement made by -J-bnston, of Indiana, was pnlfuo, but any excitement which might have been aroused by ihis re mark was turned into laughter by the benignant manner in which Johnston, who is a Inge mac. de clined to have any personal cor.A ct with Honk on acce uni of the e'*-i of that gumkman. The .hill wfesfipul- ly reported to the house wlthou re- comuaondutlon, but it was uotdefl uileiy disposed of. The house then, a: 4:40, took a re cess until 7:30, the evening ettei n to be for the consideration of pension bills. The house at the evening session passed forty five pension bills and then adjourned until to mori w. SIM.. IE. In the senate', K .munis fr< in the couumltiee on juiiiciuiy, rep uted the original bill to relieve J ini Rat:*, dolpb Hamilton, t f N rti. Carolina, of his pe.ii.ica! disabilities. A'so the bouse bill tei relieve J >hu Tuylor Woous, ol Louislanna, and D 'jwid cite B Phiilipp, ol Vigiuia, ■ f their political disabilities, and on motion of Edmunds, the bilis were Imraee dialely pasetd. , Borne m s -*ges having been rc* oeiveu fmm ti e president, a motion was made by V rhees at 12:25 to gi into executive session. Dolph said he bad given notice of his intention to address the senate this morning on the Indian depreds tion bill. Vorhees withdrew his motion. Riddleberg-r objected io taking up any bill or having any business tlom- at ibis time that would inti fere with the resolution relating to < pen exec utive sessions. Tnere seemed to be a determined tflorc, tie said, to inter fere wnh the consideration of that resolution. Unanimous consent having thus been re (us- cl, Dolph m de a motion that the bill he mentioned be taken up. On this Rnldleberger culltd the yeas and rays Dolph's motion wes agreed to— yea, 43, nays 1, the one being Rid dleberger. Dolph then ; dilressi d the senate or fcis Indian depredations bill, at d the bill (alto inuodueed by him) appro priauug 15 CGO 0G0 eo compensate tin cltiz.-ns for losses suffered by them througii such depredaiion«. At the conclusion of Dhpn’s re marks the bills were referred to the Indian ce minutes. Gail offered the following res lu- tions: Resolved, That R A FiDell, dtm- ccrat, heretofore employed as a skilled h borer on the senate roll of Employes who was discharged yes terday by the sergeant-at-arms with*- out cause exoopt to make place for a republican, be reinstated on the roll of the senate employes. Resolved, That the republican ma jority of the senate will allow the democratic minority the same num ber of employes with the same pro- E ortion of salaries as were allowed y the democratic majority to the re» publican minority in 1870 At Call’s request the resolutions were allowed to lie over for the pres ent. At 2 o’clock the inter state com merce bill was placed before the sen ate and Camden took the 11 or in support of it. At the conch s’on of Camden’s re marks the senate, at 3:07, went into executive session. The doors were reopened at 5 o’clock and the senate adjourned till Monday. COMMITTEE CHANGES Washington, April 16.-George, of M setsstppi, takes the plaoe cn the -enau judloAry committee, vacated by Jackson. Bunker Carlisle has added Representative Buruea, of Mis souri, bb a member of the committee to lnvesiigate the labor troubles In the west. APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT Toe president has aupuin eel E Pieui ss Beiliy, of U ecu, N V Fhotnua \V White, if Hernando, M'ss, and L G Kline, t f Toledo, 1 w , a emu mil tee io examine and ■epori upon forty miles of railroad eonstri-oieil by ttie Northern Pacific railroad c mi a ev in the Y kim<’ valley, on the Cif-cade Ida: oh of -aid com | a v’s.oadiu Washington lerrib ry Bub y is a pre miuerr democratic tdltrr He has atsc ap pointee Frederick RC ndi-rt, "i N w New Y 'kei.y Fiaukiiu McVeigh, of Cbic g\ Edward F A Xoiider, of Augus’a. G , Msrcu A Hanna, of Cleveland, O. ai d J .men W ravage, oi O ioiha, N b, government dirtciois f im Union Pac flj railway com pany. THE BLAIR BILL, The Blair * ducational t ill ci me up lie-fore 'wo committees ol the house to day and gav rise to a livvty de bate in both 1 * ihi- committee on educati- u the bill can e up ns tiie spe- ehi 1 older, urn a moliou to urther |i. s pnue its co s ler-tion was car- vied by a vote ot 8 u 4, which in re garded as a fl al ind cation of the disposition of the commi'tie toward the im s :re, B ill as one of the advocates oi the measure rai.-ed ihe point, that it was not Iriating tbemtnoritywi-.b e uitesy in thus Fummertiy dieposing of the bill, the mcmbi rs reconsidered the vo-'e, ami toe k eip the flrstscc'.ion, pr-ndirg the cocsldtration of wliich the hour of tv e ve was reached, and the commit tee adj urned, !e virg the bill the ui fi Isneil business to bo taken up a' n'x' Friday’s meeting. 11 ,be labor commit ee the pro ceedings, while not so pcs live in their nuture, were more anim ited D. e ded opposition to thi bi 1 in its pre-eiel siiape whs developed at (he b>ginning of the etiision. Daniel, of V.tgiu a, i flereel a resolution provid ing for ihe appointment of a s ,b- conjmittfe of ehree to winch the bill should be rrfcried with instruction to report a eubstleute making an ap~ propiiution c? the proceeds of Hit s Its tf public fluid to the s ates for educational purposes, but action eouid be had upon Ibe resolution., of New York, moved that the bill be isported favorably; lg:t the motion was lost by a vote o 4 o 6 James then endeavored to have the bill re- p r ed back wbhout recornmenda- lion, but ihe cf-mmitteo aoj-mmed wlthcut ac ion oo b’s motion o that i fl.-ct. Crane, of Ttxae, who ip among ihe opponents of the Blair nil!, will, on Mo- Jay, introduce in the house a bill lo king :o tbeai-pli- ca' ion to educational purposes of Lin proceeeis of the sal-s of pubiie luuiU, CELEBRATING THEIR EMANCIPATION T -dttj was the twinty-fouith an niversary of the imarcipation of the eluv a in the District ef C iuuibia, and the event was celebrated in a Hmevhat unueual manLer, The Cole-ied people dis g'etd among ibcmBtlves as to how ,ne celebration i-hould be conducted and as a result ejivi led into two ft,cions, one headset by W C Chas°, eeiitor of a cb red rewspuper, aid be other by Piny Carson, who was a delegate- to the lest republican national ecu voli tion. Each party made oiabor ate Birai gtmenis lor a parade ai d a public meeting at night, tend each endeavored to exc 1 tiie ills- play of (tie other. The Chase party completed its (rogramuae first and managed to secure for then peraiii the services oi the principal colored military organiz-tion of the die'ro' md three colored e mpautes from Baltimore, be-ides several civic rr- gaulzaiioas. The Oj s -a procession did not iLciude t b many mill ia cowv pauies, but bad more b tide of music, and was particu larly strong in civic oigan zt cions,-the fiirunost if w lch w, re hod-curriers’uiidiD arid employes o ! be brickyard?. Etch pr<c s ion con- aified aeve.a! w gets ioa'ds erf Ci>loree< women dressed in wiiiie amt c doreei e're s s, ieprenonfing 'b-: G dd"se o; Liberty, th (J leen of May, eto The CarsoD procession also had mounted on wheels a whole boa', rigged as a yacht, borrowed froui the nuvy yard fur the occss on,and which v/rs cliiist- e-ned W C Whitney, in honor of ti e ecretury of the navy. Party feeling ran high, and it was feared that rouble would enme In case the two pr ceseions should con e together. Fortunately nothing of the ki- d oc curred. Both procusiona formed in d fl rent sections of the cl’y, and although both had selected pretty much the same Jinn, they moved at different Jlimes and without collision. In view oi the lack of harmony between the two parties the president positively refused to review either procession. Both passed in front of the white house, bu‘ mounted policemen guard ed the entrances and prevented their entering the grounds. The president, through his priva'e secretary, had previ usly nntifl.d the chairmen of (be opposing committees that it would give bltn pleasure to accept should the proceeBione j ;lu by which all could amicably participate, but ibat he would not tuka tieies of a qerarrel, and as before, declined io ac cept to review either parade. A strong tfl irt was made !o reconcile the differences between the two fac tions and have them unite In one demonstration so as to secure the honor of the preeldeu'’* recognition, hut without success. FOREIGN FLASHES. Mr Fla’stone lx eonnils the Pro- v sloe s f the Ithlna <1 Itlll, t Lo'lip t ’ tb« l*m 'lltiitilou of J\ »**»»„ »» d hi I1p»» In'oFciitR oltli«< Vstfmdloi Us— HuM 11 l*rop«H«*s t<» - etll<* tD;c> Jlstltr- Ry A r.p<r\ \ f*^. London Aprl! 16 pro- p< Uieded It’S Iri«b limit bill to ’he imuee of c inmons this »ve-i uit. There wi s handy any ixcl.e leimt a.It! rtu g the eveut. At inion tei-iliry on* ninety stats on Hr. 11 or of n >■ he u e ! a < ' e ci “l aueei,” a d the-e were' iiesilv all leike-n by Irisli mem bers. A- 4 o’clock lie bou >• wie-, crowded to it> u m it-lcapatiev G ;>d- s oi.e rose in iii- p a.a- at 6:25 and was grevt-d with clneis When he l-rgs.n to epe k t in voice was low (mil husky. Ha said ihe aim of the ; resent eodeuv, s erf iheg'-v- ernmuet was directed towards b-* curing o -nteiiimeiit among ihepio- ple ot Iieland iitnl ibe pprn.anetii r» ntotal.on of e cial order Theepeak tr’s (irope-sais woi Id gr-atly lieni ti the tenants of In-laud, blit 'lie laud h rib) were the principal cl jeet ot the measure, ahln ugh y of the.6 ' nls wer.- most tinn"le to the if vert mi'!'’’s policy at the e ut-et The ope-sker wi-bed to u.-ake the lxe <■)! emphatic deni'il that it was hie Intention te, tesk the Hootch ai d English and to ruu ary pecuniary ri-k on mcil U'K of ihe lai.-d lords of Ireland. The history t-1 Ir> laud was one long In - dielment against i s lam! owners Agreriian dimes hi-d e rigir a n! and mere a ed utidet Ite absenteeism of ihe landiemis and ibe raising o rents ns their tX, enses while awt-y from Ireland increased. Oppression manleel to misery had a hl'-iecu-v progeny. Crime lal been endowed wl h vi'udty to per- peiuate itself, and buml down i s miBi-r»bti! inheritance from g-nera- 'lon to generation E:., laid was not clear "f responsibility,for the de d» of ibe I-"sli laiidlords were Eugll-h deeds. With the power incur hands we have looked on and eioue nothing A’ or union absenteeism became general, national sentlmeut e e ised to have a beneficial in* flueuce rn 'be relaions between me lauelioid and ihe lei u it. The unn-n itself obtained "gainst ti e sense and wish of every class by wholesale bribery and un.-lushing Uitimiiltt’ion- The land act won? in- ended to go into tfl' ct on tb s me eia? on wliich the home rule bill would Leoime operative It could not ga cn without the operation of (he o'ber, w hich wi ulii provide a legislature in Ireland to appoint statutory nutnoiity to dial wi h lauded estates and act, be- twe-n the vender ami purcha ser. Purchases wouhl be made mrnugh the issue oi !80 000,- 000 of line p r cent si ok isBued si pear. These I >w Irish consols might, with the consent ol tlie trea-ury, be: commuted for stock of lower deet'iiiii- tions It the stock could not lie is sued foetkwitb, scrip of equal value vmulel be s ued for the same pur* pose The act w s to give lamliorels 'be option to stli out under l:s terms Ira enactments were eed to egricuKuie holdings and did not in clude mansions and hunting woods. The state authorities acting between (he peasants and the land owner would purchase land front the Ulcer and put. the pea ant in possession us absolute propnetor, 8 rbjtct to an annual rent charge ttii ilie total pay enents equaled the purchase money Tb«u Oulo l.lioilou.l'i'aafip. 8?©oJ»l to SncinirHr-fcnu. Columbus, Ohio, April 18 —The ejoneid-.-ration of the inveuigatiou oemuiirtfct’s rep-rt was resumed In me home this morning, on inoiior to postpone 'O Thur«day nex f>r the t>u p -so of p»rin;ie g ibe evidence The motion was defeated, as wasn'sn that, to s hstiiutc- the miuoreiy lor the m-Jeni’y r-pi>it. The nne) -rity rtp .rc was then adopted by a panj wo,e, togethu with a resclution or- eieriiigibe same to tie fuiwuni-.d 'o the U. ited B air s senate for conaide* ration by that body. the market closing, however, shuu' steaely. Jersey Ocutral olosee 1 i tower It is understood tha' the ptiar c- b r ol N'!wJ, s y lies ordered Ihe Immedi ate tale of the It a tlrgsecuiliien tulel by the Je-rsiy Central, at-elat. to-dayU meeting of lie bi'ard of uiric'o's of ibe Jersey Central President Little whs ordered to sell I tee bonds at o: ce N >rthwest clo-irdai 106j Oo reports that the company was in issue' wen ty million »iUliii"n'il bo. its f, r (In purpose of - xtei eling its lie cs, R ch- rcoriri aud West Point lost 1^ Sates 2P2 000 sliurts. 4 iHiiora, tf K' QtilreisHun. Brindisi, Api;l 16-Bx'y eigbe oi cbi.leia Li ve occut re d here, tell it which J rived 'BhI. The . ffl.-iale-el-Clare (be disease spoiadic, Paris A. rtl 16 -The develop- m nt of cludrraui Biiudisi tuu-1 s alarm ir Fiance, pan cuiarly along the I.(.ban lion ier Preeaufb’us of ibe mos s ringer t kind i-rt being in- s ituted to pti.veui she sccurgo fre-ni invading F-ance. Alexandria, April 16 Quaran tine of seven days into been mVereil i gainHf h!J arrival be-o from iisi, V -nice and Ae oona. • OlllMC*© <18 H*. Oft»lt) tla-xico J<r.*r4ni-# hvQM nr-£u*. Portland O. April 15 - Letter were reod ved nt-re tiy the i.asl Cnineee mail by the t gnu’s of (be six com pa uies, s'atii g Uiat an English, G-r- man am C jinese syndicate b.-eei en tered into " contract with U e M<xi- can goveriimunt win re by fbesyndi- ca'e "no eel to '■em 600,(-00 Cniucse to Mix co wi!t>tn Uie m xt twelve urouuis The Me x o.iu gi,verMiient agrees to give eaChO ilnauian twenty sores of l.iud. B xty Ctiiteumtn Ir f P irfland las', week t..r M x c >, and oiht sare tow preparing to leave Lsrnl Opllou In VD ilklu. 6*esutl to UuMfiror-uiMx. Richmond, Va., April 16 -Ac election on me local option in B >ie- tourt county, V i, to-elay resulted ir a majority of 357 in (evor o' grsniing license for the s le of liquor 'Ihe liret city to vote od the sale qm s on will be Frei’e-icksbiirg, where an eltction will be* htid nu the 22 t inse , Hiui on the 26 't R ch.mond and L /nohbtirg will ve'iu Fx -itemen: tu Ihlscty is daily 1 crevsing. Belli tb* wet a d t,.e dry people are Work ing vigorously. Ti o g Silt Rac i. ip e/tini I# Unmirer Mobile April 18 —F-iurh day o' tier B,‘C trilij ck-y c'uCe meettrg F s race, savon-eighlhs of a milr dash, for live-yeir-olib; M’aliO' 1st, A "erta 2i, Lu ta Iiruwi 3 <. Time 1:25 Bittle House handicap sweep- china, our and eiue-e.ix'ci'nth mile -; Hpaioing 1-t, A .nic Woodjock 2 F Taylor 3 1. Time 1:51 Cons 1 anon purse, ■ oe mile; B i Bwetj. 1 , Tom 15 rlow V l, K n i. g con 31. Tune 1:47J 4 0nrtl«r#r lit* u d. Sinaiaf i0 >vaooiYeffy-«»- Northampton, Mass . April 10 -Ail-t J Ad mi, in 1675, murdeieu his tmpi yer, Moses Dickinson, an agtd firmer of *A miersl, by splicnng cits , as compand nid bead wi b an exc, robbed him of a cobsideiabl'. aim of money and fled, After spending ten yeats as a dissolute tramp, he confeseed his ciime during a drunken dispute, and was re urned to Massachusetts, tried aud convicted. He expiated his crime on the sc- fluid here a few mins utes after 10 o’clock this morning. His utterances were blasphemous to the last. ON ’CHANGE. 4 Dali anil Dro p hi Hio.k War' el. Tu<p l-y«loo* la Iwrh. SpeGlal t/i lfi an Omaha, Neb, April 16. — I) s pa'cm-s fr m u wt s in westtri 1 iwa show (hat tue loss of pr< party in tin section betweet Grisw>du and Aud erbon by Thursday's cyclone reaches nearly tl50,'!G0 Eveiy.ning Was laid low in the path of Hie storm The small loss of tile Is accounted fur by the fact that the cyclone occurred u tbo day time and neatly every ou< heel time to get to tbeir cyclone cel lars, which nearly every fhim in'ha part of I >wu is provided with. A Ituplfc* (luugitil. KpecU) to ICn'inner*aim. Newcastle, D I, April 16 Coa: R .bioson was iiaiige d cere hI. 1:03 i in for rapw upon Mrs E ia F O.irdi er, a while la'y He died of s ruligula Hon and with a very alight stnuxt e Ho made ei short speech on Uie nca' a Id, retiera mg his a rtiou of inno c-euce, and while the d pnty was ad juating'he riois-e around tiis neck t.aiii : ‘D:aw it Ugh:* i; 'ureweil to in- world,’' In ten minutes the phyai ciaris pronoui.ced tiie p ulsations of the heart imperceptible. F«i!ur**ft ul Hit W i’fk, Special to Kt.gair«i itun. New York, A:,ril J6 -Bustnes failures occurring throughout II e country during tiie last wtik, as io ported t, R G D Dur & (J >, nuuibei (or lilt Um e( B a;ea 155a; d Canada .7, a total u( 182 against 215 Iasi we< k and 214 .he week previous. The de with previous weeks, is considerable ami is ab-- ul equally distributed throughout lb country. LABOR AGITATIONS. Tlio Sltcatfem In Vss1 St Lob Is Free tlcsllj Ike Sumy. r - * - SsBlIn.). l’p»« «>J »•>Pi'«*' <• « -Hii- V-nV,iU ftrc*t • »r Strike-WNct ih«.S rlhcionrr »vl«a In Oiber Local- llln, spsnlal to Erqalrer.Hun. New York April 16 - The stock market continues cu t with piicea ilr- o.iibg. At the opening '.here was a decline of | tc } ai el further de clines during the day ol J to J were esteblished, but the ex'rtme Uxctua- tions were generally within a range of 1 aud iu many eases even lees. O r e s ight rally during the f irenoon the highest prices were reached, aud the lowest quotations weie made gener ally lu the last hour, from which there was a small reaction and again __ » downwaid tendency at the close, '■ p ro m Tennessee, Cor O* Mailuna AnuoBBfud, tipeolal Ur KuQulrer-Han Washington, D C, April 10 — The confirmation is announced if nine additional internal revenue col lectors, ail in ibe west and north ; also of Colonels Potter and Roman tote brigadier generals; E A Me- Wuorter, oulleotor of customs at Bt Marys, G >., and a large number of pe B’.masier*, anu miner civil and military t ifleiais. A SCO UDO IF Ira, Up—U Enquirer-1*um. Cincinnati, April 16— Iibori Hamiltou’d largo tobacco manufac tory in Cov'i gie-ri, Ky, burned this morning, e a-naging his st< ck to li e amount of J6ej OOd; insurance i63 060. Senator J-th* u’i ■j««eeBi»r. to Mnoniror-Huu. Nashville, Tenn., April 18 — G vernor Bate has appointed Hon W C Whltthorne to succeed Howell E J .ckson as United Bts'ei senator Spuria.’ to E r qn'rer.Hu". New York, Apill 16-Tbe em- piiiyes ol the Thin! Avenue street car iii< went on a siiike this morning mid a geniral e upon all ilio lines c nt tolled by that line is the result Third avei be (rom curly an riling, lice ween the satdes at B x -ire t nne 1 Bowery, was lined with p -11co fli-.-ers io prevent a: y inter ference nu the part of Ihe etiikers ii tlie coiiipai y si ould pn ee el lo rut its car-«. Police were held in reservi set the headquarters a) d at | dice sta tions aloig li e route of lbs toad The j olice eupe riideiulenl had a con- fprene.e with th- e of ti e road ilum ir lie im ruing, at which it was dicided io tusks no attempt to rue) i-.-its btye ml the R s y Ii b Greet e a iile s oi below Grand s.r et, but to keip i-e tiut unica'.iou le!ve" n then (wo points to tbe greatest ; racticabb. X'etd 'llu p'd’cs do not uhticipati si:y tr- ttbie fie m tbe stykots, but are prepared to meet it if any is made. Pile coinin' y I us decided to run as many eatsiis liny can pet, drivers for between t' c stables at B x y fifth s'ree t um. Broi-mn street, u 11) ’e'' ck his morning, end have asked'he police ( protect them along 'hutreii'e When the strikers len work tins niorutsit, 'hiy congregu ed it. g'out.s del g Thud avenue, hut wire quickly scattered' and kip movit g by tbo police. A number of Icaitai.s wire jut to wotk by iln- eempatty, to feed and tske care of (Lit hr is m. BEATEN by strikers Hannibal. Mo, April 16 Last night, lieu strikers or tbeir tympu- li iz rs, attacked three of the new em ployes of Ihe Mtisourl Prcifle: rail way. One rs’.a|ied without injury, but the others, 8| cars and Abtiott, were badly beaten. Bo fur hb can be ascertained, there was no reason feu their attacking them, other thai hat they had filled the places oi strikers No arris,s have been ensile. THE SENTINELS BEING FIRED UPON Bt Louis, A, hi 16 —Luo La nigh', “'•ueineds oatrolbior the rail remei yards iu Eisl tt. Louis were stariieil by Hearing eevciul south it is supposed at them, from tiie direction of s v. ral houses mn elie jurc’ion of tt e Cairo rtin.r L ... ane P.ltsburg resili -ads This suit o' attack on the guards ny.-t Income so frequent th-.', iiiihi i -rb i ». m-n ha" tc ye: I'een ir.jured, G " R ece, com rnar’iiii'g ihe mili aiy foer-es in re. vh iHsueil an or'-i ho' ic i-ahe. if -i.o's ere fi.-« d fr'm any liuiMing the guards -hall surrou.ed •uch< s, raid them aril arrest nil guilty p- suspicious persons f uud in (h- buildings Two eb’pu y .IieriO-. while guarelmg the V-udal a mud yards b»sl mgbt, were approached by a number of men supposed lo b. ati'ikeis, who enpa^ed tbiiie in con versatiou, elurir.g the progress ol Ihey attacked 'be o*-pu e , Ixa'ing them badly. Upon the ap prouch e f several sentine's, wbo were on guard in adjacent yards and who were attracted Oy the cries of lliederi- ulii's, the a -ail a rite ii -d, leaving their victims ui c luscious. NO CHANGE IN THE SITUATION. Bal’iimore Md, April 10 —There is no eli-.iig iu li e-strike on (In four iiieea of seicet rauway.-, fromyesier day. B th sides are determined. No trouble' 'o far THE S ITCH AI EV STRIKE ChicaGi), Ae.rie 10 — Ti.»- switch men ou il.e Bal'lmort- and Ohio r a-' in south Chicago wen' cut iliis evo rung owing to the refusal of the loca fli-lais to a ce ie to their demands ' .r ihe discharge of non u ion men It is rumored (bat tiie Lake Bhon swi'ebmen will go out in-moirow I'hus fur she rm-.el has hud nod ill cul y in iu ving 'ru ns, 'UIE NEW YOKE CAR STRIKE New Y"Iik April 16 —A uuuiiiju- I’icu ion was riceived by ihe T'liirel Avenue street car officials U s afier- r o >n as foilow -: “G r.ih me-i : This lime (he pub lie Id genera' will stand by you (Signed) “A Union Man ” The company to-day tan e.x oars, making in all thirteen tiip-n A' 3 o’clock he; io der of tlifi s rekeri sen: a tue-ssuge to the railway comml-sloi: asking lie members to come at once to tl Is ci’y. A rep’y was received stating that tbe board would accord a bearing In the erovernor’arooms at Ibe City hall at 10 a m to-morre w. The strikers say they exp-ct the commissioners will kn-ist ou the rwnning of cars at once, or else declare tne company’s oharter forfeited, “and if the charter Is for feited wo shall a| ply for it,’’ said one of the committee. Thus the mat ter is in abeyance? until tomorrow. The company will run its cars again -morrow. ANOTHER STRIKE IMMINENT. New York, April 15 —A strike is imminent on the Third avenue snr fuc? ruilroad. Tiie empire protective association demand the discharge of police court to-deey Seven came from the ranks of the tailors, as many more from the spinners in the Chelsea Jule work", ae.U bur were of ihe G rin.'ib huh* rs’ union, now inter*, rated in a boycott of Mrs Gray’s bah s' op. Justice D illy decided to make a h s cn°e ai d entertained ft e implaiiU of conspiracy against Geoge L'-nhiut aud Matthew Mur- r ij-, no mb'-re of the tailors’ union. Bdl (> . f'.’SO each was furnished. A. tew c-fit.c tri'-re eggnssive boyoottere were liner’ $5 and tbe others werri tiiscbai g el. MOODY ^ND SANKEY- Ot <o n <1* 4 Hi t <1 If . njif til H « A lut «f tbcf I UM lull( tvlllf, V tt. ('llAIU.I'TPESVILLE, Va , April 18, - F r Hr V' ral w etrs this community lias bi eu looking forward with live,> inti re st to (lu c 'tuit.g ol Moody anti Bat key, Ibe gnat revlvrl-te, Oi Bi urelny they arrived, and at 3:30 ha' sf ' rnnon began a sr ries of ser* vices which continues till Sunday night. Log before the appointed hour fir the opening if the meet ing Bu unLy » largo number i f p. from ibe surround ing c untry c mmenced pouring into tins ci y, ami every tram iiioucbt mar y to add to the already uvi ill.wing crowd. The service wen eoi. h e'ed i" 'lie publio hall e-f rht l! uver.-lty o V rginia, near tills c:iy B >on after tlio dooru were open- e l the c uimodtoUB building vi s literally packed wilii students, citi- z ns arid visiioip L is estimated that nearly 21.00 persona wi'ue-ied tha opening i xerc'Bes. The? music was furubhid hy a choir of over s’x'y voices, aud r!uru g the services Mr 8 ki y sang si veral of the solo.? f r a hide ha has bee trie s ee\brat<d tbio.igtiout the world. Mr Moody’s addresi was camusi ami toicible and a most gratifying oegining made in his work. A' 7:30 n m, tin s eond meeting began in tiie Uuivi rt-iiy public hall, and ihe au* jiei c, wu q die us laigt as at tbe eif tei noon service. A the close of hies itni ribs 51r Moody asked as many as were disposed to relire to the chapel near ley where he could have a more private and Intimate prayer niee'ti g with them. Htiortly the cLtapel wap lull, and all Its oiled with undivided atiention to iho eloquent appeiJs of the distinguished divine, a;,d many manifested an Intention to reform tbeir carer. Hund*?y tuoruibg at if u’olock, another largo and ruieiesti' g meeting was lield and oiliers al difl. i ut hours ol rha day, till liualiy 'lit series of servlet' clos ed at 10 o’clock a bight with most satisfactory resiD's 8 , large an earn est au hf euiblvge; bus never before )>eer> witnessed ,u tins community juirl the result of the efforts of the •diatingui"! ed i veicg 11 is s is ex'rerne- !y graitfyir'7 ic p.ii, and t-e!>?cia)ly to tni! eart'CHt Christian wnikcs Who :vcre ini''rumental in arranging f r r tit ,-c er-r Vice w 1 Ib'.» €J«vvl .tt*( nr hi U(il I s said (teat Uie u e of a oral gas a P-ttsburg. Pa., for luaiiu'acturiiig purp res in so general t.s to remove (r .rn tiie oi'y its dirty aud smoky ap- pearae ee. Instead of smoke pouring forth in clouds, the sky is dear. The gas cist' 21) per cent, less thau cal. The s of the business are iui-> moose. O m company has a cauitail of 15.000 000 invested, and u reve- nu'i i. |il 600 G00 a year, afferding dividendsof 1 ter cent, per month, wnile a great -uep us I? being heapeef :p B .ini) wells bii n yielding gisfr' in lit'etn lo twenty live-years and r siiji supplying aii toat ia re- q tired of them. C.'oulnia.’i riutf Thu TXnlurlti, An liuliaii profe a r wishit.g tc; (ii d out w. e ihe euiabm o! tun- i-.iiii i x s.ed in Uie d-.w aud sail, ex- rif-i im e.iert e n himself by having la- u ions o. rlcw and a dl collected from m.hub.hy places , j c:cd under hia .-kin. He . xntrieuced no evil re- id Is. H.- aud his friends made fif .y-* .wo i-imiiar experiments without barm l »'« J uf,:l»i Ccuulrj, Me G A Farir i, who has recently ruv. b-d ex.en&ively iu the K ilaharl desert, r orib of c»p« C 1 my, in B u’h A'rica, now reports that bo b uud millions of uctes of nutrition 1 gnoses, a d tie believed this so-called desert will iu timo become one of tbe grtutest cattlo-j roduciiig countries in the world. seven non-union men lu the employ of the company. Toe company re fuses. Tiie conference has so far been without result. A general tie up 1h predicted for lo morrow BOYCLTTF.RS IN COURT New York, April 15—Tnree tll.'v ferept labor orgai-lz .(ions were repre* sorted among edgbleen boyno'ters arraigned at the bar of second district IIjo lloj . utl l>(fl9adt Tbe boyo-itt is u boycott upon the honest laborer, aud nnt on the proi du er. The man who, by boycotting, elin s up a shop, is preventing some otbtr man from getting uu hoaesi,. livh g - Carroll D Wrlgut, AOIdMTlU TUlt Oll|fM< EKB on CM leckfii. Hcarrely a Dakota man has gone to VVashit g’on this winter on privato or public business wbo bus not been faithfully followed by a batch of “af fidavits” calculated to destroy his influence or ell grace his name.— B.smarck Tribune. Gath says “tbo mental storehouse of Blaise compared to that of Conklin* la es much largei as a barn Iu Pennsyl vania is bigger than a doghousa ” The ungrateful Giih will yot, be kioked. from the R jsooe dogheme. The cquire p'ano has four good lege all around, The piano tha; c’alTia to bo grand s'aids on three. The np» right p'ano does not shew Us legs as receptions. Changing the names of s're tie wliJ nut make (he ditches oleansr; and good men deserve better thlnge tbau having dirty streets named for them.