Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 28, 1886, Image 1

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F0RTY-JS1JNTH CONGRESS Yesterday's Protccd ugr^ In ho House n d tiie 8 nate. IKio BlTir Harbor D ll l)l3CKUgerf — 1 b l •,/«i Mate «.cmjuxi oo Bull l)t- baled <• ’he Rtnale- tfinulor r»j du’h Ink. gf itiai to Washington, April 27.-Oa mo tioD ( f Culii s, of Massact use ts, tiie ecnnte bill wts p 88 d * x ending for lw ’ months* from th. 30 h of April. 136(5 the duties of the clerk of the late court of ctmmifcsIOEtrs of A!a- iamn claims. Oa motion r i S:eele, of Indiana, « rerc.'u.ion was adopt'd setlirg apar the 4 h act. o h of May for the cun- bidcra'ion cl business reported from the ccmmUlte on mili'ary i flairs. Bonnet 1 , of North O-iroliua from the committee on judiciary, reported adversely ihe iiill to prohibit aliens from acquiring tillph to or owning laniis w.tbin the U litcd Sates House ct.ltndar. The Iioubu was then kept amused for nearly an hour by a seriocomic p.rsoral explanation by F rau, if 0 i*', foil w- d by a simii r ex- la.. - lion by Mi ON ill, ol Miss* urt, hug ing on a remark attributed by tbe latter to the foimer tb t the labor troubles should be soitltd by blood. Crain, of Texas, reported from tbe c aimlttee on labor a. bill to pruvidt for tbe distribution ol tbe proceeds ol the sale of pu lie lands and of all fets uoeived at tbe gcm-ial and die- trict land * fflees for educational pui- posts. Committee of the whole. Buchanan, of New Jersey, submit ted a minority ret*. ri. and on requ s' of Keed, of North Carolina, the Wil lis bill was placed on the calendar with an adverse recommendation. The house in committee of the whole again took up the rivtrauo harbor bill Tne paragraph nccepi- ing from the state ol O lio Uie Musk ingum river improvement gave rise to niuoh opposition and Reagan, or Ttx s moved to stnkc i. from tbe bill. In supporting the motion Hewitt, of New York, said that lliei bill contained several propositions by which the U.oted Stales went into the d.Serent states and either by pur chase, condemnation or gift btc. me the owner of works within then states. He had dissented from tbe paragraph for the condemnation i f the works of the M <r.onguheia navi gation company, because he had felt that it was a dm geruus (novation. He wi uld have said tha it was an unconstitutional step, but he was aware .hat ail bs. rleiB liy the conBiitut’ot. bo been lo. g since swept away Tie governmtu was 1-jc. unt.g the dum ( ing groui.u uf ail unprofitable en; r piiste cf the several states. The stales were Irying to bhift toe cost. f the of local enterprise- to the broad shoulders of tne people cf the country. He was utlerly op posed to Lucl. a. proposition. Tbe tie bale took ru.htru inlseellane< ts urn embracing national n xa.ion, Uit la bor question, buimss depression and how to r nitdy it, txiravagoucts of the dt mocrutic party, centra, zing tendency uf the government, tht burden of great corporations, itie Oklahoma question und silver, F.-uuiiy ihe motion to strike out War, lost and the committee rose and a'. 5:45 the litm-e adj lurntd. stx.n:. The chairman laid before the sen ate a communication from tht el=;k of the br u-e of representatives of tbt stBte of Ohio, tram-mb ting a trann script of tbe testimony "aken t*y tt * cot- mittee of tLt.t In and the n port of tiie Si,me committee on tie snbj-.ct of the chatges against tb rfli.-ihl integrity c-f ctr'alr* jt e*ult • 01 Lt htucfc ii c-.nntc n n wiilr tt.i setion of Hon Heny B P yne as Uniltti 8 i.U-s st: ator. Payne at or ee rose and gait!: “M. pit-iot-i t, no formal mo.; n n r qulted, I o- lieve, t. s nd the ; j a, . - lo the ccmmiit.e on privilege, a V eke ions. 1 desire to b • cc. . -’.t; i* as making such a mo ion if i i- .t quir-d, and to coup's with i 1 On re quest that, the minority report in. * take the earns cours--, a * copy of which I tu'.mlt, With this forma! disposition of the matter I am ai present content, Put desire to make *> short statement lo accompany the papers into the bands of the com lniuce.’’ P»ync then made a speech chaig lug the n‘,,j >rity of the comuiillte with unfairness in refusing to notify him of tes.imot,y prejudicial to him and in ountiing to call on him for his pri\ a/j papers, he having in ad vacee notified the chairman of the committee that he would bo pre pared to meet every oharge made against him. He entered a moat em phatic denial uf the charges and in vited tbe most exhaustive scrutiny of all his aots and bis private corn . apondeLce. The whole thing, Le said, was an attempt to circulate baseless goeeip and scandal, every thing substan'ial in the way of Charges having been d.'strtdi'ed and dispioved by the testimony. He wt entirely willing to leave the matter with the committee on privileges and elections of tbe senate, to which c m mittee it was referred. Whitthorn was appointed a mem ber of the following committee*: Claims, peualonu and tenth ce.rsu-; also on naval affairs during the tem porary absence of Jones, of Florida. A bill providing for an extension of the executive mansion was passod. It appropriates 1300,000 fer the pur pose. Edmunds offered a resolution au thor zing the judiciary committee to employ aL a s s ant clerk for the res idue of the session only. Elmunds said th», 150 or more bills hud at t is s H-ion bet-u rt.'e red to tht judiciary ci mmitlte and the condition of business was such that tiie public Inter sts rtquired the appoint!! et. of the clerk referred to f.*r the re mainder of the session. Tbe i sdu tlon wos rtferred to tiie committee on contingent expenses under the rule. A number of bill.- were pa s <1 authorizing tbe cons ruction of bri Iges across navigable streams, a! 1 - ff -oting western loca iiies. A >'• z en similar bills on tbe calendar wen- a* 2 n’eluek cut e fl ' y tiie liaii'a ion f i me. They wi 1 probably be tukei up to morrow. Tbe intcr-s’ate commerce bill wa* •hen taken up. The pending ques tion w.i* on tbe Camden proposed amendment to strike out tbe word-* “ftom tbftsame point of depur uie” from the lo, g aud short haul clause r,f tbe bill, Mote then a d z-u senators par tietpared in the debate, which ecu pled all tbe reu uit der of the day’s session und did not gel to a point of ac tion upon Camden’s amendment. I" its ciutse Miller and Co'-ger <x cliangeii shi’.tp spetebes over w u Miller regarded as a p* ri-onnl refer ence as a representative of the luiiros.'s and uionopolief Camden’s amendment ws.-siill pend mg when the senate at 5:35 wt lit inti, * xecutivc st salon. A 5.55 the doors were reopened aud the senate adjourned. SWUNG BY A MOB- ioocial U gPBINGFIKLD, Mo, April 27—A 1 1:30 o’cli cS. ibis motultig, lour buu- ored armed men surround,d ihe county Jail, and bigan parleying with the sbt-rifl for tl*e surrender of G.orge E Grah..m, the evangelist and wife murderer. Tbe sneriff would not comply with their de mands, but they soon buttered in tbe doors and secured tbe prisoner. Ai 2:00 o’clock the mob started out of town on the Bjonville road, with Graham in their midst. It was thought '.he mob would take Grabum to tbe Mallory .'arm and hung him, aud then throw his body into :he well where his wife’s body was found, but the erders of tbe party artfully gave tbeir followers tbe slip, by in tbe direction of tbe Mallo-y place, changed tbeir course as soon as tbe others turneo uai k, and while yet within tbe cily lim. s, liai ged him to a tree wi.bin one hour tbe attack was rnadr ill tbe jail. Sher tf D nnetl said: “I have he rd so much talk ol nubs that I gave iq: Ihe idea uf one. The first ihing I km.w was about 1 o’clock, when the masked u..e.i broke into the r-tiiii and .-aid ‘wo are friends, dun’i be scar'd.’ They overpowered me and ibon n qu- s i d the ktys uf Mrs D. G-tling tiled of a refusal, the leaders a d, ‘will, buys, bring tb*- tools.’ O ie of the party, who evi- demiy knew where they were, walked atra’ght to t;.e drawer wbeit tbe keys were hep. and forced it open. I knew notLii g of bow Gra Ik.oj took it. I w as kept ci bj in the room.” Mrs Donnell said: “They were cool and collected. When they unlocked Graham’s mil ho ‘n'-i: ‘You cat, liai;g„me, but by G — d, you cun’; . care uie.’ They tied his hands be* Lit d hun and marched him through ib< jail with a rept around hia neck Ho was as w hite as a i-teet, but oth el Who ufcVi 1 ll.I.cbl d.” The mob *s vas.i usiy estimated at frtini 150 o 4t.O. tirabt.m made en- *r*au.sftr Hum ;o -pair himi, bu' went to bis death c .oily,and dit-u ap ■ artnlly without a suegglt. Tin mob ui.-pursed 4 ui ol: diiec.i**! s. -O^ iruublu V. iui „• raaa*j|>a. ■jpecml t* KuQUirer-'it.n t I-iAKKis;.£>bluu, Va, April 27 — Last uigm u,- ,.ue,:ou h C'.Uild f:tiga tram on the B-Llmori not. Ohio rail rood was ntttm.g Ell/.burg, She- miudouh county, tie coteiuctor dis^ covered five- trumps belwtcn tbe car*, stealing a ride. They were told to set < if, but on reaching Ed.nburg re fused. F .-rce Wus s.p ,£en ol waeu tie tramps priduttd and [listols and dtc arad tbtir lu.entiou it ridmg lo this place, The • fllcia'B of E'luburg were called to resist, but when tbe -.own sergeant attempted lo put down resistance by drawing pistols, be wa* covered with a rtvolve*r by one of tbe tramps and warned to desist. Tht tram, s were finally scattered aud four have been since arrested. The matter has occasioned considerable excitement. Where tbe iramps were from or where they were going is not known. On ’Chiuge, Special lo Euqa!rei>Bdii. New York, April 27—To-day’s dealings in stock was less tbau at any time since last July. Tbe ex* treme ttuc.tiulinus w-tre* in nearly all cases onl^ J '< \ Pacific Mull and B, itding wort* the txerplions, tbe termer being } lower oa tne reported loss of tbe steamer Honduras, and the latter 1$. Western Union is down j and Union Pacifl { O.Lercbangea are generally 4 t. 4 in t .v -r of lower figures. Sales, 128,000 shares. A.mat .'in flshcrmsri, tbla sooson, will find no end of trouble in telling itories to beat iboaetold last ce&aoa, WASHINGTON WAIFS- House foinmitteo Hepo'fs Fiivarebiy tbe Drumm rs’ lix (till. . mewi*h 'Vonii. » Inn t«r b « report, d 4<i Werrel j— Tbe i (imihgi A km J tint Hum” ert»n»~F»t# 4mi««irlono ll iiurii ul itot* tlltllot , C « S'U'clp) *•’ Enquirer* Bo*i, Wasuisuion, April 24 — The in use c,mmt'. ee oa cotnu.c roe. in reporiii g favi-rably the drumm s’ 'ax bid, eayw that o r ain laws in dil leteu t ht*. e , Ii ritur es ,-ud I be- 14 s tnct of C- 'ou.b'ti, imposing lice, s- fee;* on oommeicial ravein s oilier s'Riie, se*m to diecrimii a e aeainhi ci izens in <1 p--( duo s "f other -itivs a. d ibut :u ii. c mfusion of smii laws ibe free in'* rs a e c<uu merce, wlncli is de igned under liu* coubii'.uiioi , is with and T;ie o mmittee conced tbe right of » state lo tux its ci z -. s engaging in Hi.y husi'iesH, but deny (hi rigid ic lay a duly upon impel, ianon from t*Le siale. inio ai oilier Under tiie name of a license tax nr pensl y,‘‘alibi.ugt s ( lit sta'e, lei- rltnry or dnur-ijoi me si me dme t rovsdes for tbe same tax qmdly upon r, shields and ncn-resioouie ” ‘ riuc'ri law-,” s* y I lie eimuii'lee, “although not oifcrimiua ii g in luvor of the r siderns and non-tfceidenis, aie ic* coi flietwitti i e cor sti mu i:ai power of congress to regula'e commerce between tin- stales ” Judicial decisions in sup port of tl io tiOHition wre- cited, and itie retiort stales explicitly that tie f.ijectof the bill is In pieveut any state, territory or ihe D s;riot of C' - luuibiu from r quinog a lice_>e fr< m 'hose who me xclusiveiy engaged in interstate commercial transactions Tiie report concludes as follow : "Tne conuactB lor sales made by commercial, travelers are not con summated in tbe state when the order is solicit'd, but ti e final as-ent thereto s given by *lie merchant or principal who receives and exeeuts the order of bis correspondeui. This trade is now carried on wi.h ul ob jeclion by postal and samples by mail, aud it iH not per ceived why the same tiling executed by a commercial traveler in per.ron is iu any way in jeetionablt ” 10 BE REX* RTED AUVERSEEV. The sena.e commiitee on public lands has unanimously voted to re port adversely on the nomination of KH Dement to be surveyor general ol Utah. CONFIRMATIONS. A loDg is: of senatorial confirma tions were made put,lie to-day, Among them are Harnuei Flower. ,»«- s s ml treasuier, New Orleans-; It H Waring, assay* r and tocher, Guar- l-itie, N ('; O W West, governor ol U.nh; D F Brmlly, collector of inter nal .eveuue of HiU'b (Jarnliu ; It 4V Banks, coilector of in.erual r-.veuu, of tbe district of Mississippi, and a large number of pos'.mtia-.ers and army and navy i fficers WAGES F .'K COMl’OSI IoN. Columbia ly pugiapincal union. No 101, has resolved to raise the rale uf composiiion on newspapers fr in forty cents to fifty cents, to take effect May 3 CHINESE MINISTER The reining Cumene minister took leave of tbe pus,dent lo-uay. Toe new minister will be presented Thursday. THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASS a C1ATION Began itB third annual meeting at Columbian univeiBi y in this ci y to day, Pierideut George Bancrof- called tbe assucia iou to order amide Uvered an address * f welcome. Arno’ g these present Wert Jus'h- Wiiisur, Howard university, a ,< Coarlee K iniull Adam-, C ir.iel! uni versity, Vice P't aideuis Hcibet . it Adams, John B H- i-kii s university, S c etary Cl**rn,of Wiuihmp.Browi , N Y: Trees W B W,.d;n, PioviiJeric-, It ; Wf Falleii, uLiveis ty o : W.r- consii ; Courlet- D -an M -sei use*: hituo.'ici'l stcie; ; Pro, Fra km B D x:er, Yale c-.hig-; Judge Mill* (Jli ruber air, e- It -sti-u j uhiic libra ry ; Prof Geo W Ki igh’, Ooio slat* universe,}; Pn>f Auein Bcoh, itui- gers C'llleg*; Ebert G Boob, Wilkes- barre, Pr; L)i Jl T E v, Dr J L' J m ison and Preeiilent D C Gilman, of John Ho| kins university; J !il- Ad dison Porter, Washington, D ('; Mr- Martba B Limb, t tli.or Magazme*-! American Hi-lory; Wm He.oy D vis, Cincinnati; D: Edward Cnauoitg, Harvard umv rs)'.' ; Henty Cram;*, Washington, I) C; J *liu Hay, Wusit- iugtoo, aud many other distinguish ed men fr< m New Y’urk, Boston and other eastern eitieB, A letter w ar re ceived from L.opold Van Itouke, venerable hist, r*au of Berlin, iu rc« ply to a letter from President George Bancroft asking him lo consent to become an honorary member of the association, gratefully accepting tbe lnvl'utlon. CHARGES AGAINST ROSECKAN3. The principal charge against Gens era! Bisecrans, upon which bis con- fiimatiou as reg of the treasury is held up by tbe senate, is said to be subornation of perjury. In con nection with alleged public land frauds in Colorado. The sena'e lias been informed that the fac.s are of r.cord in the superior court. The land committee has been instructed to iuvestiga e them. A MINORITY REPORT. Hsprtsematives Buchanan, Bound. J»mo« and Haynes, of ihe labor com mittee, unite in an adveise minority report on the educational bill reported to the house to-day. They say they understood that tbe purpose of refer ence to the labor committee was ui. rely to lirii g the matter up before lie house as soon as possible. They any fur.her that If it tie a proper pol icy to appropriate funds from the a Vital treasury t r lie support of sci i tils tbe fund from which tbe up pr. pi a ion was made should be* ter'aiu. Withiu '.he last tn years the annual pro cmIs of soles of public la ,da have fallen at times 'ur below the bum ruined in (Lit suba.i ute. Again the substilu'e Ltct nit s a law It w i 11 1 e < ihe iu'erist of the stales to coutinu. itie pnseut policy as to public laiitle Pu--pie are n,fierir-g frt m the sale of ;h*ee lands to for* ign iiolders, syn dicates,and sptLUb.tort. it I,as bien urg'd should be bet apart for rc uai s- I't-ia. T e .-ut> bii:ute creates ano'ln-r t bslaclu to the tniop',1 u of ibis tit i ci The sub-ti'iUe i- not n filcict.ily guarded iti i's provisions. 1* tr- litili more than a declamtiori of intentit t, on the part cf the government and does no', prnv tie those ieetr.o'ioii- up-'U tiie cp[ioitionu,eitt of *xpei tit tureaud tlie t,ceouutii:g for of money gruuied whioii any well matured -ctteuie would contain. Ht*pre<entu live Crain iu a report on the bid sip mined only a formal report ret urn, utudiug its p. s age. Til .\ w Otli’urmiiucus, t<. E uuirrrvttnri, New Orleans, April 27 - Not- wi * s audit g ihe cloutiy and threat ening weattitr there wan a good at tendance at ihe rims today. The track w»b heavy. Fob rac**, selling allowance, one and one-six eenth miles, Ultimatum won, Leroy 2 1, Charles Lucub 3 1. Time, 2:01. Hecond race, one mile, weights 7 rout d below scale, maidens allowed 14 pounds * ff on i vi it terms, J' 1 etch Taylor won, L rdC leridgt 2 1, Wau kesha 31. Tune, 1:50. Third rsc*', Walker handicaps, I30ehcb, $400 ai ded, one milt and a tpuu'er. Bib Miles won, Mot ocrut 2.i, R.o Gu.udi. 3 1. Tiim 2:22. Fourth r-ice, welter weigutb, over weights allowed, three-fourths of a miie, Chan’illy w nn, Claude Bran non 24, Wild Kinsas 3i. Time 1:27 i Cara itannluif « gnln. iWici+l to Mfmtmiror-tmm. New York, April 27. ■ The Third Av out' Burlac. curs began running b 7:30 o’olock tills morning, and a 10 ;* m it was tip Tied tha' 11 vu oira were running trom (55 h street, ten or 125 b street and s:x on the Catlie roads. The fast, fall'i'g rain tills morning dampened the ardor of tbe striker**. Their pickets iu many case- deser t'd tiieir po-tH It lias been decid'd by tiie coni puny t' fix u day after which none t f ii e-irikers would t*e taken back under any circutu s' r w c J s. I hau also been dt cided to run mglit cars, btarti' g to-morrow nlgiit. Police I'isnf'o'ur B >-■ r- H.aiil ti'»t if 'he comp>n.y ran night cars the pol'ce would d > then best to i-rt- serve peace, but hat if a *y troirbie did c r *me it would tie at tiiglit. Tti" cats at noon to d ly were running regularly. Will *tia( Up Mb op. Bpeolftl to Ibf 'UN. Chicago,Apnl 27- 11 J Crane,pres- dieul of tne Crane Bros mant a tir ing company, en.ployiig huh 1500 liuuilrtd men, says 'liai lie will cloee the shops May 1st if his employes insist on tbeir d-mand. ‘"The rea son I G.all close the works,” tie con- tinuid, “is Hiat t mpioyes of eastt rn manuft c-uring conceri h in * ur lint ol I us nesH will not make itie earn' den and Firms issued circulars P tltat *. IT.ct and ure iukit g c mrac- for dt-iitery iU-m: diately after tin.; day. I bbai) snot in-wri cut)! tli Aims iu our lim "i burtititi.s urtive.v 8-m: conclntii(*i..” rut t I ; ■ It/* •SiiBclal to Kfuji.irii Mobile. aLA, April 27 Fa'.bet Ryan, toe p- cl pj.esi, wa* liurieo tore v,i111 imp-ts v- r'rviceb ltd- uio:LHig. 'ib. ei.utiiii ui mas- was celebrated in tiie caiuetlral an- was atlei d-d by Uie Ci'. z tis gt tier ally, irrespective of creed. The lin of b norary psll iiear rs included the names of port and military autht rt- ties, pi-si Jents of religious at d i*e- nevoleut orders, etc. B s ioj* O’.Sul- iivan preached an elf qu '.it sermon upon the priestly ch .rm.- er of Ute de ceased. The remains were foil wed to tLe Cciueteiy by a large i s 'mbly . VI* t i 1 t. i 3. special to Enaniror-Huu New Orleans, April 27. — A special from V-cksburg to tbe Pica* yune say-: Tbe general freight of the Q teen am! Crescent railroad here, stated that from the present In dications, Vicksburg, Hhreveport aud the Pacifio divisioo would be com pelled to suspend operations between Vicksburg aud Monroe within tbe next ten days on account of high water. VurnUUi.r*' Hirlke* Special to Et qulr<j. \hrnu. Milwaukee, April 27 -Hoveral of tbe laigesl turniiu.e factoneu iu tiie city were closed o ayinco s quence of a by three hundred t t moie furnishers and wood carvers, whose demands for ten-hours’ pay for eight hours’ woik were refused Tuereiino immad ite likelihood for a settlement of the d.fii.uliy. Moses could no’ t svi keen entirely n the dark in tee svt.derntss so long I s he had a little IsrceUie about Him. ALABAMA’S MONUMENT- Prep r .lions foi the* Laylt g of the Ctritorstiino To-1* y. !di* D^vli nno Oonernl Wordfltt lifniPlnl tbe Oily-* urnuti Ou l«» «o tli«» a *» Fruldini-llic from miu*> lor l«»- i>aj. (/pecUl to Knuulrer-Siin. I’AbCAGOUhA M188 April 27 J.'f- fersuu D.iVis und party lef B -muvoir , for Mon g 1 i"< ry on l me. Mr Davis is In g od h"»ltti and fine sturi-s. Montgomery, Ala Aprn 27.-- j, n- vs i; D.vis* ft his Home at Beau voir, Mi-*, at 11 o’cli ck this morn ing. 1 e was ucconmanled by bin yi'iingis'. da'.gb'er. Tney were in a 'special car In charge of a rnmmuUe of citizens ot Men goim-fy, headed liy M ,ynr Rcrsti who went to < bruit ; hetu. The arrival at every station w ,f 'he signal for d tnouH'r-Uinu < f tie penple. At ti e stopping places between this city amt Mobile great crowd- gathered, I md uiiiitarj com panies find sitiu *s, ch’ldreu waved handkerchiefs and sl ou'ed aud all prtsseu to the car to shake ihe hand of tiie man who led the cause of the south durii g tin w.rtuic.s. Many one it gg-<1 and oue arm d soldiers were wauit g to see him, at d all had shouts ot wel'otne. Da', s stood or u at the rt nr of I he o r He wa- tt o feeble to speak, but gave ft liear'y handshske to all. The train reaeht(1 here h 8-,'oinck :o night. Thetoene has never be n * quailed at:d tclinssd the luaugutal rtceplion in ltd. Houses wore illuminated, fire w-oik-i nrlghteui-d the lu-avens. artillery boomed and a d z u iiands (il^yed, wliilt the shouts of 'he tb-u-a s mingled .wt'.h tin* roar a d added to its Tiie loca! mil: ury companies a- < Governor Oneal and slt.ll at tin- dtpo* to rtceiV' IIi- \is, I f>r the carrn ge in wuich he sat, which wu* drawn by four wbPe horses, to make its way through the surging ms. s of humanity that i lockad ! tbe irlieuts, alt tliisdt qjilc the ralo f: tn above and tire mud beneatli. Arrived at liie Exeuwuge hotel, shout after shout, g-ee ed his en trance. The ovation was the grand est of his life. Thu deoaral: u.on 'be iiou-es are elaiiora e and .be U tiled Biates U ig frnu, 11 **t;s • vety window. The Davis spe,-iai tsr was handsomely decked and uutioi 1 en signs were cot spicu iUH. G-neral J 15 G ud >n, from A'lanta, armeil sbor ly befort D.avis.aiid war rtceivid at ’.be i.ej.ot l*y tin- mili'.uty, An escort of tiie survivors of fos B:xtl‘ Al:*t' n,:• regiment met Idui a few mins fi'itli tiie ciiy H was welc: itted on ho- orrival in a s|) >ecii by A'deim-.n V/-i:ib, acting mayor, Mayor K osi bid on th" c-■mriiit-'-p *mt svu e-eorti . Divis. G .■* erel G irtloti rep it-u .,* n,-peedi brief Lui j, irdi-ti ami ei q' T d* u: “ - siratior* over inm ms hearty and heartfelt, as lie commanded many Alalcma s- id'i-rs Davis retired a 1 an early hour His iual'h is good, i*u tie is not strong The feeling shown for him to day greatly touched him, as it is the fi.s* expres.siiin of any c m-- querno since ilie close of the war. His tpei-ch to morrow will be sht-rr The city is full < f ntrsi g- r-i and thousands v-ill ai-ive during the nig in and early in the nmi’img. The oceftsion is abc urefiy M: Divis ami an addre-s I*a G :. G .riloti i/i aid i f the monument to be ei-.c. d ir-re the s idit:sof Alul-imu who fill iu the war tie'.we ri the so* <- . The mn umeut c'-i:ir.’:’(: *•:■ a. a re- ecu*. in«.e‘ir,g i ccviod th" <)• g * f tin- ni'-nument * ff r-d - y Mr A.’ex »L*. e D yie, o' N w Y rk. B.’. ct- 'I.iii : e c bat, oot,!.ac to witii Mr D ->iu (" e e - 'be i ■ u- nient, unit <.v* >y *iu. g i- ro->v il ,- .,.1- int s.i to lay I In: c l;. • i - t :. in , row W..-L c-iii; !■ ,-.ii, act'.id: g io ibe de- ign <•/ ti e **r ie , u ivi, cut iit.ou $45 (*UU. A-d rtiiii eoneof t-ai d, i n e, . ■ i uc ur mf, he kiLO i, ire s U'-.’ier •> . Tbe follow ing is ti.e * altr of tx< r cists f r to mono: The root-hi ,n v. t:: tic formed at II o’clock on Bit'b streef a-*1 in- vi thence on C -;.- ui -tce i • r**.- *■ <f u" ► quare, tin: ee o, I» x -t ayo:i, .to i’l-rty stree-, ihei.c- cm Per* s '. - Mailison uveLue to ft’ !>. , ugh street, on M, Do.- ugh * met to Chsby’e park. . ORDER OF I*tt* CES.SION. The e Lit I in r.-tnn • : . v *-. } arc. 1 . g»- r Is'no is. Ii :n.i. Civ ty. CarrtPgn with Mi JIav-h, G-sn Ccrdcn, Chairman Rreye Kx-rcetnbe s of Cabinet suit Gc,vtrnor of Niate in carrlegss, (4 iverror’s staff. Members Ladies Memorial Association in car’liigos Charter mcmhsrs Boldtere’ Monument Aw nlu'.iou, In cai'rUgba, V-tera^H of Itdo war. Military, under command of Colonel Tl.os ii Jn e e Montgomory Fire D parUnent, Veterana of Mtxi, *n war. Ctergy ol city, li- currisges. Band Stti'e i fheurn In carriages. Justices ot supreme court 1,* carriages. Judges of the et-ar.ce-j, circuit, city grot probate roorl 1 , .r. carriages, Fidcra, fli .*,«!•* - -r.-iages. City ccuucil of Montgomery In carriages- Cit'.z. uui o- • riugcB. C! z on horseback. Oi'.izeua on foot,. Mr Davis »r;i Qtn U' idon, tbo mem ber* ol oo:if'derate cubutoi, 0„verncr O’Nsul. p.e-.d*r.t oi iedioa memo* rial eaeocnabiL, and tne hoard of trnstoaa of Boldiers’ inons ument uaHoniatlon, will occupy seats on the stand at Ihe park. Tbe IriII's of 'he memorial neseeln'lon, ohimi r members of ihe soldiers’ moi.'uneutal a“» Cation, tbe governor's slsfl.and Invi ed gues'H will opeupv scats on tin pin.form ■■■ - - - <y — A llrCURaB, 8rf»f '• Knautror-tfum. Memphis A|*nl 27.—A levee broke Aomin, Miss, lifiv miies south of ht-rc lo-nlglit tu 7:3d o'clock. This ineians it unilbliou of Tunica aud Coahoma counties, Miss. LABOR TROUBLES. Tno Stm-t ( hi 8>)ik( la Iknl tinupn laCiauit — Tbe KlH 1'ti.k Ur DtiTaiH lu 0|>ponltiou, 4*10. to Ki quirer^t'iic. New York, April 27 —Inspector Byriosuait rrtsted llnr'y boycot- tt rs Hus mornitg lor init if rrng with Ihe businesn of Messrs C'avau-* t iigh. Butid’or. & C'o, mat tPnc uring oiothicrs, at N * 23 \V-si 23 1 street, i’t’ wavrants wet" Issued tiy R cord* evBmj'h. The men udotiteil a novel pla-, of Ly coiling Th"'* liired iih- gi(ts to go Into the Hiu-’s h o e and |,:i;ude in front of il on tbo sidewulk wi'h btcuiers, upi u which were painted in c-msploiious colors vuriouH mo* o*-s and wHrtdngs. Kan. as City, Mo, Atiri! 27-An A.ctiis *u, IC'ausas, s| ecu* s ijr: Tbe sirikirs yesterday afrerunon took forcible p sseHsion of tin Ms ouri Pacific yam's there, driving out all m -a win' had gone to work since :l e silike b.gan six wetka ago. Tlio strikers orgai- z *d it: tiie yard and marched to the simps wliere liie workers went out with but little pro test, bloodshed being thus avoided. The fires in the shops weed a vn Hilda guard appoint id to prevent a y i.rW m u re'urnlt.g to work. A STRIKE ENDED. Baltimore, April 27. - The otrike of the ratlwuy car drivers ended to day, aud for the first time for two wuiKs liie cars • f the Frick li os are luuuii g to-night. Many of lire old dnvers have Ikct taken back, but uew men will nol lie disahargtd to give places to those who struck. The psy will he $1.35 for twelve imurg’ work, the company refusing to give $2, for which the a r:ku was xmtugt ursied starting up in opposition. New York April 27. -A' 4:50 o’clock to-m y, the cur strikers s arts i d a stege from tiieir rorort at 8(5 ti .itrect and 4’ r t avi-no*'. and ran up >o tbs pot*:i llics. O i lire sides were • h s, readi";;: ‘Free fr>tn post- (lice to Harl' in trridg * ” The - r:k s will run more stages •< they "an procure ru -ro imreos to haul hirP.i Tw * d.'iiars a id twen y-five ("•r 's in c 'tilrihutioiL- was put iu tha I* ,x <:n the down ui|*. CONFLICTIN'a NEWo FROM ATHENS, Lo.- don. April 27 ; ~N5\v» Hum G.vic. is c ti c:ing O u d-spa cU states lid, Fruncedid all in nor pow er to secure ’* f. v cable settii mem for Grccct to- iL.d vlilual mt'lia’mn, !*ut f.iii'd I: is aiao said :aa Friooedtd not s;gu the ultimatum, wmou the ollor puwerB -igutd ordtin.g Grecos lo dii-arn ; that ahelius not y .1 eigned it and t! a if st:e i-veolu.i.lly 'ices Htgx* i:, ihat Uie fact wnl be con man <■ touted t. Groces in u seperate nu.e. G. ec , H s averred, is ana igiug to rt k fr. in tne powers certain ounces- HiiUis in rclurn for disarming O-nor say Gr-.ece n.Banned bu» foie receiving toe ul in.ia.u-u iVhiuiX , rovfi.d Uie m take . I ice w.i. n o.ehL .<•-.>s, cud ha: w ,eu i i D>...y:i I uib hi: I I I.JI c .■! .I: ■l II, i: wa A V.- pu p Oil* j, U . i • i A '.< I lUell a m.d U..i Ui.ul £ siFoIj S.i - r i %o t U. 4J C«/«XJxiltt A irini ihetc i- a pro moo. thf c -m- Ui> iCe between iLe s.«.co will bj j, .icVtd from ,bo uunicnaom. ii.s..iC- no. s insL l.uvc been imposed u,,oa il io lire f urn of HCtli c feca llotu ei ujunrciul UttVslers. The trill in« trui uct.l in tbe 11cuse of icpie,enta il vs I.y Hon Dai w in R Ju**e=, of New Yi ik, is ,o be npOiUJ faVora- biy by ;he coitiuuute on counneiCa, and, if Carried, wiii do away wUii these ui just uuii uncunsUtutioatd. restrictions Tne t axtice of exacting fees from traveling ealtrmen prevails siiii in. fourteen btatta anil territories, not withstanding repeated decisions by thuc-'urtB that all laws discriminat ing between sale-men withm aud without tbe sate ore uuo institu tional and vuid. Iu many slo'-ts, in Btidition to the state tax, lucre is a municipal tax levied by the oi:i-S, so that saiismeu are constantly me: by vexatious and harassing ob.UoloS to the tiuusuotiou of basiuess. There is u • question of the power of congress to regulate interstate com- meret, and con.-cqu ntiy of its power lo jihhs a law abounding license feet, winch diiecritninate against travel' ir g salesmen from othel states, 'i'liere is no question of the need of such a law. We are glad to see, therefor-:, that, there is a probability of the prompt passage of this bill. I! At'es from wblo'-i oordia! la pourad In Washington sooiety are most popu lar when low-asoked',