Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, May 07, 1886, Image 1

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tot. xxvni-M? 109 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 7, 1886 PRICE FIVE CENTS agitated labor. fni liei Ue'Bils «.f 0.. lea? he Trouble In istsr'biuet C'littr.m .Sei»l*»» tta® 5 *** MoMs for Bu dt-t-lli* Minatfeu In Ml' w*ulieo— btrlkei# Mutter* II j. gpeJtti io Eneuirv-kui*. Chicago, May 6—The exaculiv er mii.iiutfc or the trade labor at-' getubiiee and in a 8 h workman of tb- ci&tnot oBHtfr.'b i\ N* 1.1 knights ot Jolior, L’»ve I sued. she following cir eulor’ To thfc C." zen-s The tregie events of tbs lam L-w hr lire are to be d pitied. Thr aaccfioc of human 11'e CoiiUeCt-d th. I Wilt . the IPgUlil it iho le.-.cLii (,s of reekiet- cue!, trgfhijr with tin excited condition of ii e public fee! j ,e dnnaud that the position of fin organized aeBccisUons of this city represent! d in. the trades and lab assembly aud dijaicl assembly sbculd be clearly and * ffleially d fined, the meat:- and the emblems employed to secure rerognitioi; of their demand# stated, the facte spread broadcast sha ;hey have neither sympathy nr. i filiation with any class of tfisn wh 6it law and order at di flat.cfci Fron the inception of the eigr.t hour move ment to the present time, they huv spoken witn no unotTiui' sound, They have oonelateutly and persistenly deprecated resort to ■ lence, and that course they mean tc puifcue to the end. T1 elr re liar cel and has teen tw eed on :h r Justice of their cause, the putter .-I orguniz# lion, and the sympathy of that pub lie, whose sympathy, when the facts are known, is seldom mis piaced. But white they thus uu hesitatingly condemn ihe action ofal law breakers as unwise and uunecea- eary, they fake this occasion to an nounce that thpy are none the le«' determined 1 secure recognition a..d the aduptlon of the eight-hour i ys tern by every lawful means withii their power, and iuieuu to light it out on that hue if It lakes all tin summer. In this connection the;, earnestly r quest a 1 ’ saloonkeepers to re 'use to pel) 1‘quar to men under its h. flucncc, or to those known to be addicted to i s use. By so doing they will no only show theii sympathy with the movement, but contribute ihei r quota to securing the quiet and welfare of the city. They also r quest that all members of this crgai z it ion rtfrRi'. from participating in public proces sions a.-d open air demonstrations, and that eveu at their union meeting* they av- d the use of ai ! boieterou,- and lLllammatoty language.” RETURN 10 WORK. Chicago, May 6—At ihe Deering harvester works the sltuaiion was somewhat critical this morning Committees fri m 'he striker? were appointed at n meeting held Ins- night, Th; e were to watch the gates and t -k any who were inclined to go to work not to do no. The com pany bed ■: fibred an advance of fif teen per cent and eoire <.t the- men wanted to go back at these figures A majority, however, in .isted on e.ght tuui.i a day, At 8:80, eight hundred men were grouped near tbe gate, but nobody worn in. At 7 o’clock Dewing appeared end addin.s." d the crowd lit: called ou tb; Deerjngraen to go work, said h« a re.rg emoun'. of work to do before harvi st and promised to give tight hours af ter me :.ush was over. The Dee ring then began to file in m,d were greete. wi;h cries of • “sea “High jure !” Five hundred had gone it. by 7:30 bin after that few enters Toe m is* of the pu-k'rs were njtn lrom ill: 11 g r> cm -j:ck neighbor forcei • *li Hy u «• 1ug IUr » ir> th i K<-Jl v ou-ed. e»F •' IiK,\ ». Uiv l > ! J e <.m gfit-in. u: A 10 o’clock a crcv; ‘a of fi-vm :(t'\. Ti;-? Ij. n V- ott j U'i » hr odr- strikeiv was a & ro.'. Xu ir i\", :f t . . -i '.t vv t. Lift. 1 Uu-. '•rj.. llUli { oi tlif. i* « LC‘. i - «' . d. in »i n<? ftpptlil ' ’. Cl* o r he \o:l (*.f ! t-« L) :>’0 i • i i Li 6 »i p,)8F tl i y y>. fh.m in tjvory <1 rtM-'t ion., o; tj'.t i \y Uifc 7 0 ? (L c;ck ?. AN' THEK iTKIKIk kx'dkd. » «»• au k,i ! V, 1 ' P- - Cf r.. ai VV •1D«t*L ClM-i: s'NAil, . \-iJA ‘j ” ich* ritr/U ^■V 1: I’M i >uu: Wki Up •; t. ) al.r-u of freight firtnile ■ h Hi : u LPd. Th got t* j lai ft ; Uii in [rot if c ( thv ;iiua i'sfi already At wuri ia tt. V\u w- t 4 ii« i' l;ti £ j Vv' . */ c •■*ur A ie'Jvrt CJPT.'R'i ? ii't: i-rr , CiLhy ^ r»a :, !.»»!* v H X tin- 1-1 i ,i u 'V «• l v. e.’v. nt.jjoHt * 5} L . 6 aH<\ C .•U # »-2‘ , 0 .1 y* r ' h r t «: t* V Ci' i r:t t\ A?K* aMI fS fdp: :u «-• (ji C ’ at . \ V h bfci r lil p -eJ t : .» •; i .V- «. .1 li'ji. it V k ^ n-1 I.f R m fri •' t y .. r-t* Wliii tc,. i L.i 'i-b wt } t uu.u, 'I ho tt « i.i r U . i ■ t •. l’- - r i »1 UU BU.'.i i-.lJ •JCtLT a *:i V. LX.O 11 j. P IJ V.- It DO . , what he characterized as the murder of hccuntryiren t>y soldiers You go tuck and tell your coun trymen.” said the governor, “(hat wc elr all insist upon their remain ing quietly at home or going to work, ami that I will atop theirasteu. tiling in crowds for the purposes of riot If I have to call every able-bodied man iu the state inio military service to do U.” Late; Hu z.-nrki was threatening Uiuvi'y on thes'nels ,.hat tiie miliiia would Hitler for the lives they had ti lien, and the chief of police notified him he would armst him on t> charge of inciUnsr riot if he did not go quietly home, W rrantu for four of the striking switchmen employed by f.t e ri Paul aim Fort Wayne reads were sworn out before Commbsioner Herne last right by the attorney of .he S' Paul load. They were eba ged with oh, structkgtl United Slates aid’ One of ihe men, Pm Hogan. wasarre-.-ieb by Deputy Marshal M-, The others have no been found. The fund for 'he her;, (it of the fam ilies of the dead and wounded police has swelled t< $28,000, This inoru ing all the uieu at the Pullman works and the .A Man paper-whale works were s’ili cut. Fuiiy iliree fourths of McCormick’s Larv's-er works employes reported for duty th fl morning. Th, proprietors of the Dt.ering harveiier works decided at 9 o’clock tbk- morning to grant a working day of eight hours and an advance of 15 per oetu cu me former pay. The men will return to work to morrow moruinrr. About a d zen places, known to be resoriH of anarchist olui s, were raided by the pcliee to-day, and at all of them were found greater or less quantities of ammunition, weapons, explosives and materials for making th»m, red flags and anarchist literature. S me of those were in private housis, and they were the only places where any body was found. At one club house a long rifle range was discovered in a sub-cellar. This v as well equipped with muskets. Au incendiary fire wee eti.r.eil in th- lumber yards near North avenue bridge this morning. A can con taining explosives to which v as at tached a tuse was found in one of the yards, cor,firming the report that a band of incendiaries were at work It was reported to the poliob All the sucla’ s ie hiding places are now pretty well known to the police. wouldn’t print it. The fomiB of 'ho Arbert* : Zdtucg were carried to the dice of the Bur ge-s prill' ng company this afternoon bo printed as formerly, but Bur* gese firmly informed them that ha would not print such literature. He is largely engaged in printing labor literature, bu said he would not aid in the spreading of anarchial pubii* ca.ioua. Another printing house was een with 1’ke result. Milw aukee, May 6, All ir- quie' in the city ifitw morning. Troops continue to guard threatened estab lisbnmnta a View and on the ut.h side. No riutious a. somblages are reported thus far this morning The tr ur.le is belie ved to be over. LEADING SOCIALIST ARRESTED. Milwaukee, Ml. 6.—-The arrest of ihe socialists who have been in strumental iu urging on the riots, has been oonti. ued this alteration. In the bouses of two of those, were found a number of guns, pistols, ai d Urge amouut of am munition concealed in thoir bedding. Uov Rusk Lsu informed Aldermu.- Rudziuski tha- the latter wiii be held potieible for any trouble whicii may bert-ufter arise from the doings J olauders w ho have beer prompieii tet b} Kin.zinaki’s advice. Ti;- arrest of Grau.-.g'.ua, the c-; cii'T’s.ii' a ier, and several of his follower', s.s t»d an ixcelient .fisc upon that uoublt same class. Tie district alt- uey ha- man-, a formal request, which wm gran led for a ,call of the grand jury, before, whom the bocialihs will be i.rctr« FORTY-iMi\TH CONGRESS | niy Impossible foi ihe River and Hrrbj rhn Her : Rill P SiCB Mfcvor CoiotiAilfiion b'lltf n.. Iho <*taelf— 1 rte 8:nnn* ^{tll DHcuusinie tl»« 4'oku- m«r«e S'Ml O.Aeir WanUliikiow Moot.Sp, L y 16 Cl i This u;.h 1. Chicago. Ms. 8 - OHii-r B-irdt, Wbu ,,, , w,Ltc,ii iu-.suy i.igtit ui-.d s- 11:30 Hits rutbLiioti, making a lotuj oi ili-i bs to ua.'o a rji iii P'licmjfti i. juud i.y lie b- mb ex- P usion. ATaong ibe rorms ciof‘-(i by erde- rf itie mayor I n t - <*" u»»* i>- riu v, wb-r “no li g hi. roviv.-l oiuum in the or:t-r prL\euii. a Public agLemoUges. Ti fc ira up mo si’ustion of the freigu -uanniers’ sink", trie ifppo’s go* .borouglily < quipped i -r busi I®'" are t,Le I.l.ob - ''Ti Central, vj»!en& itivif lon of ibi N rthwes ir.i and otfrtr divisions of , r Nonu- wth e-n, C i cigo, Milwi.xkeo find , f-Ul, Cblc'go, 11lv!!.-I!.OCi bt.ll 'i'llur-y, anl Wi.brs... At Gibe* ‘••■pots !hn tr-unlo rai g vi from a pa mat in a c miie’e n.s,-ension oi uuain.Thtrs id a gitat dssl cu luirrier .nos with meu dedriuc work—iLire: s. ii flimmarovy tetters •dm bojcouia K) „„ violence. A epsciul fro'ii Milwaukee says Aiueruiv/- I4n * nik , with », vi-isl Rr t re ’ 11l - t ‘it8, call' d ol, Governor «utk yfoterasy and prob.sieo I'galnst i h gsetrany unn.rit -tl th - u.-. uieu h,.ve .'ii tt.l 'HLce ■ f -'roui Id o 25 rents a day. This ; s iocneU u. o-. .s bmiaiiir;g j»i! iiut get oi oiso.u r, i,uii |i>-»celu; sen meuts v. u othi r Till .:i! • 11 ,cC-•• o to flllow I AVr. TJE STKlK 0 — 1 Id t.J I l.v tli. Tb’i 10.'; A'H Speri^l trj Kntjnirei* k, nu Washington, May 8.—Tucker, from the committee on judiciary, re ported advem-iy 'he Joint resolution | n.-iic’iced by proposing a c.'LS'.itutio' at anit L.!- o.h-l'. providing for ft-male suffrage. H use calp dar In the merri'g hour Hatch, f Missouri, called up the bill loerea u a department of agrtouiture and labor. Op; sitlon to the measure tc k the t< tin of dilatory motion®, ■which wi t" submitted by Breckpu- rtdge oi Kentucky, Hewitt of New’ York, arc Blount oI Georgia, and the hour • x.drtd with: u' Ihe con rid* eraticn of iho bill having been enter-, ed upon, which led Burrows, f Michigan, to ft quire sarcastically whether there was any , arliamen - ary me'hod, except filibustering, by which the majority ci uld defeat Bl own' s. The iiouse then went into a com mit',ee cf ihe whole on the river and hurbor lit 11, After a short general debate the committee rose and reported the bill to ihe house. The only amendment reported <r >m the committee upon which a separated vote was demand ed was that directing the secretary of war to negotiate for the purchase oi the works of the Monagahela naviga tion company. It was agreed tc— 124 to 44. Under an arrangement made in tne committee. Holman offered an amendment providing that the money appropriated for the improvement of the lower Mississippi (except emb as isrfquired to protect the work al» ready In i rogre-o ) shall be expended iu a con iniLALce and oompleti >n of the works on Plum poiutaDd Lake providence ’•caches. Agreed to--yeas 132. nays 113 Hepburn, of Iowa, mover! to emend by i Dividing that the appropriation for the improvement of die lower Mississippi shall be i xpeudeil under the direction of tbe secietary of war, without the interventon it tbe Mia- sisnippl riv,»r ccmn-lssion. Agreed to ; yta? 126, miLs 167. Htfliun,' mIbo offered an amend- montprovidh g that the improve ment of the Missouri liver from tta mouth to Bioi.x City shall be conducted withfit Che intervention of the Mis souri river eorau-ifcsion. Agreed t<-; yet, 78. : ay 71. After failure cf two motions to rer-oniroll, the bill was passed—yeas 143, Lays l'>2 An unsuccessful attempt was then trade to bru g up the eleotorai count bil', and the bouse adjourned, SEN ATS!. On motion of Sh-:uie.u tbe sen o agreed that, the an’- Chinese, immi gration io.l ana the lull to indemnify Chinese eu’ject.s fur losses by the Rock Springs iiots shall bo the spe cial orders for Monday, Mlsy 10th. On motion of Mr Hoar the Pacific railroad funding bill was made the special order lor Tuesday, May II. Culiom called up the interstate commerce bill. Fry called up the Staten Island bridge bill. Tbe chair stated that the senate had already given a response to continue to the consideration ot tbe commerce i.i/I during the morning hour and throughout the day from day to day umi. Uiapj,.'cd of. The commerce bill was theivfore iaid before the sen ate. Builer rr,posed the bill on four grounds. First, I'eeause oorgn-ss could not interfere wi.h the freight tr. file cl local roads operated wt o’.ly wiitiin sia'o lines, an-.i, therefore, the bill could not cure '.he i-v:1h com pi lined , f, and muil be partial ami discriminaling in dealti.g with tie fulject. Scii, b'cauet. I n pr--fer> n d to leave - he eciu'.ir-u of >.t. m - Jfcc; to tiie ,-e.w. of and c-, .-tp'.di- timi and ■ atee. Third, i-ec-m-e if It would be sim ply Impossible for the people o( 111i noie, Iowa or any other state west to get its produoe to the matkets of the east or of Europe under Its provisions No commeice c uld b< conducted with plices of m re than 666 uiilee dlsiance fri m hi y given polo'. ITii- would be ruinous io the iniert s no: only of the rtdiroad but of the people. There vu. mo getting av ay f>• m tha 1 fact. The neuaie had not heard of auy proposition to regulate river c"Uiiiiercp, Brown said, all!; ugh discriminations by rivet steamboat coir pauii H were worst tbati the other i\ treads. Brown i» number of facts to illuetra statemet Is in this rcepecl. Vance saw no > > Justice u. Oouidcn’i. t'tuenduient. He thought eve: will- teal amendment it fail fm i-.iuiu. oi duipt' justice to tbe pe- pie. Wo bad been warned so often f tiie -.'o iger of int! ifurltig wu.h omnietoe that u was proposed to stop short 'or tbe present tbit: modes' propoutilon ati't then wait and me whether the wot'i* will coma to an end. [Laughtri ] It remtndeb V»-oce of a s.ory. A weiteman once ordered adriukof Jer sey lightniLg:,ai.d see'i g an African standing by gave him a drink, and when asked why he did not take i . inn-elf, r-''>lie' : : ‘If th- t nigger alu’i dead in fifteen minutes I'll take some.'’ [LaugutF- ] The eenaa- w s going to try this uill as amuudrd auo if catachii m did <-ot occur tin senators would tuan.k God ai,d take courage. Railroads were brii giug freight at low lutes from Chicago and maintaining ihtir roaus uy extorting on local freights all along the line. Platt bad heard that tbr ugh freights had been carried at a lone, but from testimony taken by the committee he did not tuiuk h was true. It was done, however, at a rate that it applied proportionately to all freights alt along the liue it would not pay tiie company. Vance replied that they had no right to make up ou short haul for losses oi, long haul, and interposed losny thui reads were built primarily for local purposes and were bound to serve tbeir own locali ties without extortion. If, however, they complied with tnat require ment they should be allowed to meot a reasonable rtquirement of through baffle, otherwise tbe produce of the country couldn’t be brought to mar ket. He illustrated this point by instances VaDoe said he had yielded for a suggestion and got a speec. ; hail yielded for a short haul and got along haul. [Laughter] He, too, would illustrate uy an instance. He had Just been to lunch In the senate restaurant, and had a saudwicli and a glass of miik. Another scu-j-tur ei’.tiug near him had u porter-hr as steak with accompani ments. [Laughter ] If a n-atauraui mar. haii cnarged him (Vane ) as much as he charged other senators, there would have bpen an immediate bieacli of peace in the capltol. [Re newed laught! ] C'okf repressed himself ns unques tionably iu iavor of Camden’s amend ment. Oae serious de'^ct of this bill, however, was (hat K did not r< legate pooling. It was the pooling system, and its discrimination id favor of ’a long haul that kept stationary basic s or Nsw Orleans, Galveston, Charleston and Savannah, where business would otherwise greatly increase. Wilson’s amend ment was agreed to. A great, number of amendments were 'hen submitted end ordered printed. It was umu.imously agreed that a vote should be taken on the mil before adjournment on Tuesday next. Adjourned tiff Mond y. SYMPATHY I-’liR 11!CLANG. Washington, May 0 — The h use conmmtte on foreign flairs to-day hud a resolution into duced by R<n»* reeentative O’NoUI, of Missouri, that.king G ads'--re for ’-.1? elf-rts to ejcuie home rule for Ireland under discussion. No action w<t8 tbe discussion u.dlcat.d a oisj- riitio j on the part of tm c mriiuittee to l-.y the resolution ou ihe iv.bie in toe committee j—u.i, A NEW NATIO - I U\ auU;- i zsd i)* Frs CHATHAM CENTENNIAL The Unveiling of thr r ro zs T':b'cls ot itie Breen Mnumn- ut. Blon i fleraorj Oa-rlir M„U!ng mi KnDtr-«- npi)p<-h~i Viol! 1« title I.Vavcnt — to IU tin It ..*!#, f.o dl-eolftl to tbe ENuentEB-iuN. N . vinsah, M .. 6 -The most prrm- Inem ieature oi to-day’s inodvais ii oomu-atiou with the U album art!-lory cu; ou'divl was the unveiling ct the now or zs tablols on the monument of O.ioere. Naths ini Green, of rt votu tionary foinn. After ilie |>' zr drill V.-y tbo Biis< Z moves nnd finetshlbi- tlon of tnanouvrsa > y ill'- Oltiidel Cadots, cf Charleston, all tli ecaupaulos iu tho encntripmeut, I- am tie* vrlth several local urldtiiry or- bh: zri'.ons, uruiohed in parade to t.ln- quaro in which the monument stands fine day was iragrilflcent nd the Unit of inarch on the streets and open i-paeo of the R'-vedlbK wore throogod wh piopiu. The oration of the occasion wj- delivered by Col C C Jones, t.f Augusta, and was devoted to ihe ctiaraol.-r i.f the bi*- tor:ca’ incidents in the- life ui Gee Green, After tho oration a salute of thirteen sunt wiii, fired !.y tbe Chatham artil lery from ’ha same goes they u led a the unveiling of he monument evat ha t a onntu/y ago. Among tho prominent g-; t em-an on the speaker’s staucS were Gov rnor M-,- D..aioi, Ho*- J fl rs-'t Divi*.. Gen John K Gordon, Gan A R L..,wlon, Mayor fii-ose. of Montgomery, and Mayor Leo .or, or fcJavaumih. At tiie oouoluslon of tho firing of the saiuto caL s were made for Davis, In response to which be iiresr- tre rr p' doun cheer!--g and sp- k*'. It m'*(, bo posslb’e, he said, to speak at, but not io this vast audience Ho conic not find word*, quite io til the ouoaslor This ga;berl"g in sign fiesnt, he usid, as It <?xpre-*aa the sympo’ey the people ol Svvav.usU or.thla ca.: o.j- nia. Bviiut. Tt-e two ortask.en, f(:at of ttieUhathnm ardllerycemoin tat and :i e hoaorlng of tho memory o G-- N t .» aiuelGreoii, were mot., happiiy b.u.uJ- o't together. The c-Iodifs of R'-t! IslatuI and Georgia stood shuulde to shoulder batt ling for iudopandeno In 1776 and St w.»a in that great crisis .»• our biatory that Rhcd< Island gave her son to Georgia to defend the common ptlaoiples of the state sovereignty and constitutional it bar v which lived then, lives now,and widen shall liro foravar, [ipplau ] It is true, he said, that immediately a'ter the iai.e war Georgia seemed for h tlmo to have lost hoi- btrthright. bn she regained her freedom, an-.i wlm Rhode Island, to day, n ands Blmiiid:: to shoulder tn defense ot the eons itu tlon. Georgia threw - por; bar a: ea-i to receive into her bosom that, patriotic son ot Rhode.Islam- [App'auv ] He • lie oast anchor, determined to e-.ay - lorg as Gad spared him to breath* sud here he liv' d and died. Tiro?: are memories that endear h m to the 'date ot Georgia and tc ovary one every where who loves liberty. “In i',70 tbe colonies nrqatrsd ctE-e soverigniy. They revolted trim tho mother OGan try in a desperate struvg e That wue the oauae for which th*-'. fought. Is !t a lost oaube new 7 Neve. !’’ ['deru the old man 'innnr, eb-qiraul and spoke with something like the fire and pelhoB of o' J “Han Georgia,” be cm!Innod, "lost ihe mate sovereign-"!’ whn-ii Rhode Island and she w ? A thousand timij" l- [ Triub crushed to crr-i will rise again, You rnay hold it down for c, time, tut I? wilt rise aga!' ii* Us might, clothed in at! the majesty end r .war that God gave i'. end ->« ill':- U.d- p-nd euca of these, cor sthuslons) liberty, lire state sovereignty which they won in i778 anti which Nnthsniol Green, a son of Rhod.-: lalar.d, helped to w’r, for Gecrgin as well as lor Rrod - t^lar-.d, nan neve; ilia, X thank you for tbe horror of you regard and bops. G d may biossyou ” At the close .1 Mr Davis's remark'. them was a m.ghty surge ut ibn rov-c and tho riexr :: mnirt lira s' 't w filled wi ll vote u e-gcr ’ hand ' f ho -..-I ‘I’ ■ -. . -i great «'ws 'be ru Ii (bft‘ ii" v iu s-o ; danger o' l>iv-» tn I' g e • Nile «-e* c,e«:od, bow. v< r, t*-<- .'!. (t to IL" oariiaaf! *» i". v- veu in tl s c •>- i««« . eucp to i ihe fattli we once entertained iirat and last for the president of the oouiadernr oy If oar u quest In agreobis sed you osr If id us no much pleaenre, will you ki- -I’y ’tie day a- I h nr of rrmett g with the sin'ers who took care of Mo- Davis tn it-66?" Tne meoileg was very , ffeotionate. A recitation snd iiddresson the part of tbe pupils were responded to by Davis, who paid tiro .rihuie .ha-, Uit ic high CftiliPK deserves S; Mary’s Borne wers also vlaited, where Miss Davis renewed her no- quoin-anoH with iho hIhIO superior, Froip 12 t 2o' to-day Miss Davia vrn* preasrt; at tho go mau tnn- dcred in her honor at tns armory of the Kavnnuai-Vo'untenr Gustd) bat- tulton It wa*- uUondcd by the ohivai- ry and'.v of sou thorn auoiety oir« else. Gao Vt Owens, o q, led the ger man With P-’i!, Davi . wore u ivhlta drois with a V- 1 - qast f r -ees In her sash Miss Faonic Gor don, Genera! (1-. rJonV dnugh'or, w re a dove colored dr: -a rt'h ou enormous b*-- quet In her be”,and she osrrlid an other In her hard. To-night a o llliaut display of pyro- tcohulcu Vi’aa wLncoted at the park ox» ttneion. TURF NEWS. Tho Iti’ ‘ipeciat to Enqulrir-wnn. i i xiMiToN K y, M - ii —The ft'en-.h- ei wan lair, the trick hoavj and I ho al oudauco good. First race, uiiie and a 'urlo-1; Wh- hoo w-m, Brovt) 21, F x Hound 8); tim*• 2 061 Si'conu raoc, Robiuiion stakes j auie; Wary wou, Ban NA! 21, The WiJcv 3.1; tim- 52 see nils. Third race, B ibjIx hotul atakoF 'i ml ea, Grimn’dl w-rn. Free Rnigi,- 2.t, Wtl--. 3 1; ll'.rv 2:171, Fourth ran 0 fnrhu i< pWinkedra won Emms, Junnsoi! 21, Fedor 3*f tiiu 1:101 WASH I UTON RACKS. Waihinoton Ata> 6 —'fin .- first day ui irre aprlng meeting m Ivy CLy c. -rrso diow tgotlie,' -n n: eadanoa much larger than asaa* cu au iuaa-t a i rul tiny. First race, dusfii six furlongs, uli ages, won by Favors, Lard Lima olo- odc, Stralhspr.y -hlrdj uu i- L.16I Seowd ra-ra, one tnPe, fur aii ngea, won by Dryuion rple, Duke ot West- mt-iniand second, Hibei-nla third; time 1;<I31, MttlUuis paid t ; 225. Xnird race, uslioual motel handicap, for all age-, 14 mum, wot, wou by Be - sou, Tocunslu 2 Eoreau 3 ; tilL 1:574., HWeeps-akee for turo.< yoar-oid-, R miioe, v/aa vrou bj Spring- fleul, John i.'21 Fran.kla IS 3 1; tlmr 1.09. i jj» stceplachas'-j was h f-ir()0,only oae uorso, Uosiage. tiu'.uhlng, Modoc fell Bird injured bis ruisr, VVUiisms. Mu* tuala paid ?54 )>a ft.imi.iriB, aBumnJ J* tnirut .sei,.J NiiW Yo .ic. Ms., 0. — Wiiuii i,ho Mbit news «ua or idle grentoo. lUio.-osi, to-- dsy, it ctt'j.iol ba satu u.«. it was i_,-j non .rolling n, -.-vest, lu,o ;r j it me o.,... fiioilug oUariiotur of iho Info-, castluii, fifio market v- s-.' Irri-gutar ftl tun opBo- mg, uULuUjfi tne mal-jrlty oi ,Lo mo tive :s. auuwea auvauoes - ,4 i: -tue .aLo- Lickawa-ia. inn iu-**a.e, wa i hotivo ..r early aoaili'gs, and ulutuugo there were ft tu-.v s.'giu tidvaucca in me tirs. few mm, the r-a. ket soon i. i- came weak and oo.-i .' rued ao ifiro'igh- oiu, Laok..w bi this uuio u*mg oin.ap ounua in the .ieotine, lulu v. .a fallow.-d try a quiet and rai.hor firm market until uis tt.eruoon, when ihtre was r, r<; bilt.ion ot Lit sou vi-,y ar.d wi altnesa od vfi.i liras P .iir, Ion Wmi'd. 2 o'01'.lcii !.L.. '/ ti: . UuoLuor limo- i.ional > oil v, nuv the market win ttuuyy and duii du. l ag urn n»si. hour, oiutnng ..ear the iov-ca-,. priotw of the day. M.a- S'JUil i’ai -tic was -.uu ,.;Hy O'.L ft-h, jIj advauui i J i ey C.iauu! e-uvuLCHd 4 fihe - uvsr, Lookaw .un L.uisviiv II ft!.' :SUoi" 11 eauu. M.u v.oi-kB arop WO ahft on. hi ii Era- :i, l. .u auii LiJUi.-j uu per i u ivu li.ifc-1 -1. H-i- 1: . r.iin.; ;i Io a mill oi KC-i iy. u p- volbcffc rec’ grieve'. ruMr-lvi pr> J'-d -re y« mgr F la I h, tl- WO!, -d ftfc-iurn. n ud id i GO 11 . :r ,4” I in . ■--.I r V/iis'- -, of Io wir, < flered .-.u - K.tnt p: ividicq- Ihut the })!.: of Die idi! i-ghiLs! nceivir-g tn a fin for ’.I'Lii f r « longtr ehi nid i.nt be cols rued ■ ■ g :-ry ifiilroad ccuipn i’i uitic-h 'or u ehorti i :t - ( hau 1 . He did this, he said, tn piovent ■ npar: s from bolduigthat the bill (SB th-Y-.>.i-j -'M'.Uis- I F' vo ih'dir au implied nu'b-iii’y to •eraa- .*oi.Ts;- yv-' th* -•-'* r ge a« nuffi f-'r a hm-l ,.f luo ’verylLr’i-g is qaiu-i nffles a* for a haul of 1600 mites i "ne :*■ for i nil! ini h'-r /,■ Iti ci-.L.-ge nger ' -(' A I »a it .ore. rim - an J ( i road gtauitd tin "u on r-iilroud ’ LI If -..r'ii' .- * .a a :'.‘.urn *c IMf.LI’!* .Tfe'i wii.i o iiup&i’y ttrua.u ; to -'V ■ ft'jd the c.-rs an stijl gu...a--’ ly ifiie pc-|i:c. Vfit- s.;- *»*r“ iC-'u-n. to ebiile by the agne- lue.'j, ,1'ucdOL ,ii-if behalf by tne ex-cu ive ccmini’ ee of tiie empire a s» iL’ion, which UlS b:ui uranag ing the s r ks IN MORILIJ 6 — fiuo jrt li»h'- M.lire nnd O :i « tweniy five ecu s iu , a id were to A STRIKE Moeile Al.y bta liivlrt in Iho yatiiss'iuck for p<r hour afui 6 p uay djfcchstgi-u. teub.uth'es were foULd uLd freight is moving a., u ml. A ii< r hern ge.-iua has convrlg ->'rrt “Tne Improved Manifa d Base bar! sfammaiizar.” ios a- for a haul of 1600 Ti e general sui J >c*. of ti e b il >vi-.s h-o disc'j*jS.-d bv Hiri'ls. Mary, In* a- llj, Oituden, I’i-1:, Hoar, Allen Cu l-iio and'r. T. e western ms'iibpiB utgue 1 ihz’ urdcr’liH pro- v sin; s of be bill, as it ,.ow u’sh-la wi.j Cicd.-u’a ampcdai'jut, in wf.-'en- pinducu would ever ti Ii ’i< -pic , Call denied lh.r I (, iuis d- aiLerulment would havi uuy i j iriwus «tf c.. If would n . u- Cfe«8» ireig'it rale; from th v eat, fuve-t .oly ’ "ii ’• .i e-i 'u put" o Ii. d, 'la ' i ii . i si; : .i.i graft nit io-! -i i.i ar'U-r- »f , a rtftdr.bii n -n nik -m ID r t e’w.sri Mi<*-!s '-- b:f. |3, ' x • |’.t s: far 'tl ini- Gnu ft-d Bh.:> 1- Vho, to lo-fei Ir.-MJ M-rrinb's arid Cfiftr- toe ati’t A'brry railr"ud com i-iy thersilro d n>be iin-tju'i.t- id Ii i.-. Elytout Btardb- B -iff, Ala, and t a K idiot,u from New O.ltw n u. lire twin tine In the Uiiectloi* i i Jack- son. Mils. VIn WuJfc dldla 8o'*-'l'.l ir, fi i.«r»i«"n. It dsiMoMa. Vw, M&: 3 —la tbr 20 h qailri »r lie- got.mat 6* -oft-ranCO ot *ne. i>i F, Chur U smrift for dlv.uasfr- vl.-.if conrino"art by D, of A-k >"-s«|' 1 a ft -’ after <•<> na?!3..o.lon of i DnsP.ess, the socrei try cniit i the ilelpgbtta by c. > "ironc+.e f ir th , irmvrtuoiloi of if roiu .’oos A. re-iolu- ttor avis adopted .or :u - .ppoli imem ■ f t romuut -.f t" ( -a p an oy •r : Ich iho end o oirurrfi can bo c*ii>c! ■•-I to oomrtbo ,e 11 be xpi n-.t r of the K»L i, ,» colI j e aeo. A speotul com tot wciil-i .iieve-itthe ctimpu y tram I tvivr on rales, 'fc ported rales of '.he cbi'.igi .g tti'.i-e F i a i ttl of lo.j mil- '.u^Q it c! »t(?‘ d fra haul o; 1001* o.Msh. T iiere w*s ao hiiy 'pjunoi's to cornnierce la ibo'- propr iiitou. Brown oou tern ted that would bu order for be ft-vernmea: of the con- fr,.-B'ee. Ths aisons-'tiiQ i--f tim rules occupied tfca eniliaday’s lese'on, and si,«r laorough revision nnd amend- tuei”. ’hey were finally adopted. ArJ urr,*d. Tli D vi i !l O - sari Mies . -i •• ni, .‘it : d t.l r t ii ic 1 - (4.1- ! v a. Mi -B u .h- -'i^i O *• j - i rt j >. Ii-V I:„- IS.I r :. ' - i n- 1 , -UI : efcfc to ll.Tl) t* ■ - - - J l . ; '•H-.inrr'-ii S o D J'ft g tba d -'’ft th i tr'i-d m*"i-s sun ui eftr c .u'vnnt bsd tie dls-'*'VH l Hh"rt tionor—atilvlng a « *’ a. 'dour* v<-nr (her, I -ie daughter al-K I-, m (• J fl, tie Etn'-.’y boy, (-ap’i- r'-gnisiiy ituring ts'.m D ivts’ i-ts / Ir; tll j ol .y to rcci a I; „ru. to r ns of iho !.I ors fti.rl J.tnvne f, bad 'bo ‘i"n"i of t u:: a 1 u . i -j urn Mn D v” "CD-', urn O I. Ii !('.| u . M ■ S M Vi S 'W I jrrilian gi-is o piece i f u e-’Mi ti a-nred Mill M-uy’s In. nit As oir oi: fro r. iciiig'lair - tnor.g to d i you ri.-v-r . ss-o ud to n-'-.n ia i c" chief v/hoen o.-.u-ie -v.i fathers and brothers .he part of Mre M-,roy to i eg tb", bon--r car convent ana r .<) Ol’l ■y worn, vtd at t) 1b d bare p. aiio' 'a, » . d w( .-Pi n ft. bat < < 1 Wf’-C *i*i,c. j a a FiSUl.'-tilCl jur ma ir.y n pr-rs nal enough to (.ruble a cull, If ! LJ ‘.Oi: will ! by uu: pap'is ■u-p.f (N«j.u i i ri* '-d ♦» Spin*!-.* U-* ■»«»/ • M iii. r A pro .J.... . -i o "■ ■' ■ Lr'f. i-.-nv* i; u vi n \ -j uilior of disi.i..g.*.sn.!A ii... w, ,lv , .on i.-.d i.jyi-.ui — - - only ot-rv. Tl.« is i.vti 6 VI. y. tioas are ..j too. k*.e 'a. t m ->.ia of r.r .B'ese of ihuCTiu Jeru T uJ-ogiorl seni, , -1-cf L . u■ ■ vli o, l'"» iiuo . lj sobs -‘.(I ) l dt*y. 1- v 'T F C-raW turd, for ‘hi y scvt s in .ui missionary iu Oil..ft, t« .-.ere M (.king l" anas i-Jp ir- i'j)"l cua.ige- a id r.'l-rma ii-.i-B ms- sicn iii-j c iiftu.i.u »/•-- Lj id aeael-ju uve'*-• i-x (.' - vs. 'll,.." V*«B furBlili frllUlKB, t 'an vij.:. -• Va M«\ ii — Da.'tvll'o *o- d i / ■ y -ii i-re in - J irl > vuu.1 515 )0)3 »n -rc’lo loii to - at. Allsht.ii a ... u .u- vi | ' I'l-oad fr 'n duep'.r re- ot j* i >h -i/er to DmvU.u r'.f-y firs ml i s ire Airnady i-ulu. r»uau e*iiir urMis-i-r, l COD TA. Ga VIry 6 -P «stc-i Vilh pnii-.c sow m-ury f ur.d g-il 'v '-fmur- di-r in tbe firs d ig.-eo- H< *a n- ■lto'ej for tne mnrttnr of VYn. Vr-iefc The prisoner woe alky defer, ud,