Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 20, 1886, Image 3

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-" - " ■ 11 - — - DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN. COLUMBUS. CLOU UFA, THURSDAY MOUMNO. MAY •>it ! SI! NEWS FROM THE THREE STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. ( a *rent Swtoh* with lieos l»y uti Atlinis Policeman t Mint Ron In Jackson County—Boolv County fact*. Kid of Four Thieve*--The N n* in \ltihimiii — Kef'nslim frsORO Tor a I'loriiln Bog -Mood) Work ui Pensacola. ( rtf'.; A pm never kticu •nt fanner of Hart coi; •vk that Abe Lincoln was dead. The engineering students of the university at Athens have finished their survey around -social Circle. Farmers all complain of corn looking bad, and a ver poor stand of cotton. A great many are planting over. Sixteen thousand dollars was distributed aiiM ng the heirs of the Richard Burton estate in Elberton on Friday last. The fire department of Athens will have an in spection or parade ns soon as theeompanies can decide the time and place. General Toombs’ estate will go far beyond wba: Las bi en repoited. A prominent lawyer of Washington says it will reach $250,000. 'Hie rogues who took th»e clocks from the Bap tist and Methodist churches in Fort Valley, some weeks ago, have not yet been apprehend ed. Tillman Shaw, living near Lithonia, has a vio lin I0> rears old. It produces fine music yet. Mr. Shaw says there is one in Henry county 175 years Mr. Carson, of Athens, has a seventy dollar bill ofcontinental money that was issued to his I urroiiifather for services as a soldier of the revo lutionary war. Jim Lester, of Jackson county, was attacked bv a mad dog Saturday. He was walking along I tbt n ad. the dop met him amt at once made an I attack and bit him dn the leg. Lester saw that I there was something wrong, and grabbed the j dog by the throat and choked him to death. Montezuma is nearly surrounded by a forest of magnolia trees, which are budding and bloom- j mg’ hi less than a week these great white flow- ! ( is will be open by the thousands, freighting the air for miles with the sweetest and most delicate perfume. A great many drummers, when trade is dull, take lhe liberty of shipping goods without ever receiving an order for them. One of these liberty- taking -'rummers shipped a lirm in Atlanta ton boxe u of tobacco a few days ago. ami wrote the firm that they took this liberty. The merchant wrote to the drummer that they took the llbert;, of leaving the tobacco at the depot, subject to his order. J. s. M. Carroll, who lives with Joseph Blanks, near Holland’s stole, was in Summerville Satur day. Three years ago a cotton-mouth snake bit him on the second linger of the left hand. The wound is now healed up but there are several large sores on his hand, and it is very feverish. In winter it partly heals up, and he can use it a little; but on the approach of warm weather it breaks out afresh and becomes so stiff that In can do nothing with it. Rev. W. C. Parker, of Mount Zion, has oats ready to cut; wheat, German millet, cat-tail, mile maize, Kaffir corn, bread corn, pop corn. Indian corn, three kinds of ground peas, four varieties of .beans, watermelons, muskmelons. Mioumbersj squashes, gourds, vegetables in vari ety, sunflowers, cotton and tobacco. He has also jdned his wife in the chicken business, and has been corresponding and expects to take a variety of chickens to Arlunta to the great show on January 5th, next. Saturday afternoon about ! o’clock a severe wind storm passed over Montezuma, causing large deposits of sand in the store houses and considerable consternation among the citizens. It also passed through Dooly, demolishing trees ami fences in its pathway. Montezuma was in the edge of the storm, and the people could see the revolving motion of the clouds, hear Hie roar ing and crashing as of heavy cannonading, as they stood in almost breathless anxiety awaiting the decrees of fate, knowing not how soon they would feel its terrible force. The young editor of the Franklin News left his •paper two weeks ago in editorial charge of his sister. Miss Sadie McOutcheon, who called to her aid her friend Miss Belle Hammond, ami the two got tip the finest paper ever issued in Heard county. They must have tired of the work after the firrt week, however, as they published the f*.Rowing advertisement tor the missing head of Lost, a swaybackod, knock-kneed, led, pigeon-toed. hump-shouldered, cross-eyed dtida. Anyone finding this pitiful object wiil please return to the News office, send him to a lunatic asylum or commit him to jail and wait till wo come after him. Such persons should not go rambling over the country scaring people out of their senses. Turner Moon, one of the Athens police, besides attending to the duties of a policeman, lms a*, his c : et little home one of the finest apiaries in the su.u. He took from one gum a few day pounds of honey, which sells readily at six ix ulids for £1 Mr. Moon takes great pride in his boov. and lias all the modern improvements in gurus. His bees arc mostly of the Italian .-.peeies. lb has thirt.-en colonics, and if they all turn out Rkc the colony from which he has just extracted, they will make him a very handsome return. Tin- honey is all made from white clover, which is said to be better for bees than anvthing else. S.nee the stock law hasgono into el feet the white clover is doing finely. It is a great deal Letter for f.- HN than ralllo. Mr. Moon expects to incrcasr Li- colonies, and in a few year.- wiii have lx es to Wednesday afternoon Isaac man, saw Roboi. Wrighi. ail- persuasion, emer a inspecting ho s-ai rested a negro gi\ ing Ills name ns J. H. Richard- s *n. on suspicion if having robbed Mr. oLver Hill, of Dnr.en. Ga., of a ail,or watch and ?'!0 in cash, some time ago. The negro was locked up and Mr. Iliil was telegraphed to come and iden tify him. The grand jury of Alachua countv says: “We arc paying more than our proportion of state taxes in comparison with other iaunties of the state, owing tn the high assessment. We suggest that the h, :,<• ’ n.t\ comma doners ;ake th*s matter in hand and see .hat justice is done. \Ye would also Miggesi that the pay of jim is N an inadequate compensation. At tin* pay it i- a severe burden t> individual citizens te serve the state in this capacity.” At Gaiue.-viRe Saturday John Hardy. Iii*• mur derer of Ned Brown, first degree, made an appeal for his life, as did also his counsel, bv a motion for a new trial, which motion was overruled. The sentence passed upon him was that he lie taken to the county jail uml kept inclose e ninne-uciit until the governor of the state shall appoint a time when he shad be hanged by tlu-neck until dead. Hardy took his sentence very calmly. John Austin, tlie murdcrci of A!e>. Glenn, second degree, was sent to the penitentiary ft r life. Ho took bis sentence calmly and said nothing in his own defense. At Pensacol; Gibbs, n colored man, si other gentleman of cole bar room kept by Ferrell that Weight had stolen a chain from bin went into toe saloon aftu him and discovered ■ the identical chtvn on Wright’s person, iiibbs- accosted the thief and asked for his chain, which I seemed to infuriate him. and drawing a largo i knife he pi tinged it twice into Gibbs’ back, be- I tween the shoulder blade and spine, the blade of the knife entering the lung cavitv ami pro ducing two very dangerous, if not fatal, wounds. Wright was m rested at once and taken to jail. Tin- Standard Silver Dollar. The coinage of the standard silver dollar was first autliorized by the act of April 2. 1792. Its weight was to ho 416 grains standard silver; fineness 892.4; whiJn was equivalent to 8711 grains of fine silver, with 44y grains of pure copper alloy. This weight was changed by act of January IS, 1837, to 1121 grains, and fineness changed to 990, thus preserving the same amount of pure silver as before. By act of February 12, 1873, the coinage was discontinued. The total lumber of silver dollars coined from 1792 to 1873 was 8,045,838. The act of 1873 pr*»- videcl for the'coinage of the “trade dol lar,’ 5 of weight gpainsj and an act passed in June, 1874, ordered that all silver coins should only be “legal tender at their nominal value for amounts not exceeding *5.” The effect of these acts was the “demonetization" of silver, of which so much has been said. Feb. 28, 1878, the coinage of the standard dollar of 412$ grains was revived by act of congress; £2,- (VX),000 per month was ordered coined, and the coins wore made legal tender for all debts, public and private. From February, 1878, to Nov. 1, 1885, 213,257,694 of the standard dollars were coined under the above act. THE WITNESSES. dUH CAPITAL PRIZE, - $1^0,000. r “ HV do hereby certify that ire supervise the <v**» raagement far all the Mi.nthljy and Qiiart.rrtyf l)rairin u s of The Lonisir na State Loti' 7/ pan)/, and in person ran naff.' and router/. £/>-* /)>< '.rings the -rors. « ,r. ' • '' same a.rr darted teith I, \ . •ain.< in good faith toward •'ll po'l>• >. and ire authorize the Co'.rn:+m*Q to live this cry t if rate, iritb far-:.ini ties of ovf at'arhed, to its advertisements.!' A Crippled Confederate Says : I only weighed 128 pounds when I commenced GUINN'S PIONEER, and now weigh I !7 pound.-. I could hardly walk with a stick to support in •, and now walk long distances without help. Its benefit to me is beyond c alculation. I). RUFFS BOSTIUK, Cotton Buvcr. Macon, Ga. Mr. A. H. Bramblett, Hardware Mer chant of Forsyth, Ga., Say.s: It acted like a charm, on my .'gen *ral health, consider it a fine tonic I weigh more than I have for 25 years. Respectfully, A. H. BRAMBLETT. h Mr. W. F. Jones, Macon. Says: My wife has regained her strength and in creased 10 pounds in weight. Wo recommend GUINN’S PIONEER as the best tonic. W. F. JUNES. RELIES 1 . FORTY YEARS A SUFFERER FROM CATA RRH WondeTui to Relate. Doctor's Cortifkato---Ca5e Poison. of Blood I li ne itsc',1 f iriN.VS PIONEER BLOOD UR NEWER ui "eral ea>«*s of '-utancons disease* nl !t*ug standing with tlu* most satisfactory re sult-. set 11 the bappiesi results f<>llt < -V)*! ft!.*- 'left. 1 ite 'UN'S AC!C Tin di-eli.1 ■ been a victim to (\\- In t me .1 suffi it r from SS MV KOKUIM'AI* 1111(1 ge-' were so offensive for the good believe it to M. 1).. Grillin, Ga. mention it it may do some other sutlc vonng fort line from my bard, earnings during my forty years of suffering to obtain relief from the dociors. I have tried patent medicines every one I could learn it' from tin* four corners of the earth, with no relief. And at last i.YT years of age have met with a reim d\ that has cured me entirely made me a new mam ! weighed 12S pounds and now weigh 1 hi. I used thirteen Rut iles of the medicine, and the only reipvt l have is tuat. being iii tin humble walk of Me. I may net Lave tin? liiti’ieiK-- to prevail <m aF e itnnfi suf ferers to use what has cured me GUINN’S PIO NEER FLOOD KF.NKWKR. HENRY CULVER. A Voice from the Lone Star State. G FINN’S PIONEER BLOOD REN EWER lias • a red one of my children of the worst cases of scrofula 1 ever saw. ller skin is as clear as mine, and tin-doctors- say it is a perfeect cure in their opinion. I am thankful lor having tried the remedy. WM. L. PARKS, Dallas, Texas. Swann mi. Ga.. January 20, 1HM. GUINN’S PIONEER BLOOD REN EWER has made several cures of blood poison and rheuma tism among my customers. I most heartily recommend it to sufferers from these afflictions. C. H. ill LI.M AN, Druggist. GUINN’, will sound its praise ft- BLOOD REN EWER. JACOB KRUTE. I am acquainted with the above ease, and n heartily attest it. EUGENE MAY. Druggist, Canal Stre< 4 'oin in in* loner**. IIV the undersigned Haul's and Btmkrrt v/vJI pap till Prizes drawn in The Louisiana Stale Ltilb* terie.s irhieh mat/ he presented nt our counters. .1. II. 044 MINI! Y. ID es. I,i». \al*l linn fik .1. H. li ll.ltltl. l'll, l»res. .Stale NaCI It fle \. HAI,I)WL\, Pits. >,0. Xat’l Ban4c U ATTRACTION 1 Millimi Disiriliutui Tlie beautiful crimson blush of nature, without paint, cun be imparted to the pale cheeks of a sickly and feeble woman by t*ie use of that great female tonic, Sim mons’ Iron Cordial. Sold by John P. Turner ft Hro., Colum bus, Cla. eodcsw . | Instead of going out and killing the | American Indians, when they deserve it- j the government recognizes them as bellig erents and tries to treat with them, and pay car fare for a chief to visit Washing ton. Guinn’s Pioneer Blood Renewer Cures nil Blood and Skin Discuses. Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores. A PERFECT SPRING MEDICINE. PRICE, PER BOTTLE $i.oo. LARGE SIZE. $1.75. ESSAY OX BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES MAILED FREE. IK At the M \roll term of uty four men if.»rd and Atk 1 AURANTII Most of tho diseftfleH which afflict mankind are origin ally cauHed by a disordered condition of tho LIVER. For all complaints of this kind, ouch na Torpidity of tho Liver, Biliousness, Nervous Djspepsm. Indiges tion. Irregularity of the Bowels, Constipation. Flatu lency. Eructations nnd Burning of the Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn), Miasma. Mnlaria, Bloody Flux, Chills .mo Fever, Breakbona Fover, Exhaustion before or after Fevers, Chronic Dinr- rha?u. Loss of Appetite, Headache, Foul Breath, Irregularities incidental to Females, Bearing-down rXLT’T ST&D!GER’S AURflNTII ie Invaluable. It not a panacea for till diseases, but all dlseasea of the LIVER, ^•91 STOW ACM and BC VW F.LS. It the cotuplnxion from a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, it entirely removes low, gloomy ej-irita. It is one of the BEST AL TER AT?VES and e-Ur-.IFIERS OF THE BLOOCTq and la A VALUABLE TONIC. Wholesale by Brannon A Carson and City Drue SI ore. The Best Medicines TO BE IFOTTILTID FOK NEI ItAIGIA. • Jordan’s Jcycuis Julep for Nervous Head ache, • Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Painful Menstru ation. .* Jordan's Joyous Julep for Folic, • Jordan’s joyous Julep to brace up the nerves, • Jordan’s Joyous Julep for all Pain, • Jordan’s Joyous Julep. It is the remedy for Neuralgi STADICER'S For oalo * > all Drue ri J ts :*l’uI bealin/ E' entiiv hi-t.n 1 ladjllfo's lu* n-in William 1*. m iil.-i.e-. citv uUo-r.i ■lice; Dr. M I.. « iut-i'-s Burnett, P. AR-Ail lc: 1 and Tie*-, monevet! ne-n, tlu* first tin. frt.n. L..i • l -. A' • !Bar leleben l..-u< tln i;, fto .i n .'ll! | Ah* object of tlft- w.e • 1 ‘ • • •;u •lev-' .innual meeting n.-.ih ' I 'w uni • an 1 tn-r.- use of capital stock (V AO.'ui, t(, .9» .oom/'uo. Tbi« they have done. o* rest. 1 j is'son '1 <• :ent iy I*-iuglit several tin id dollars v.-mth of c»ty propt ity here. AURANTU ice $1,00 pe» bottlo C. F, ST A DICES?, Proprietor, (40 SO. FRONT ST., PhlladeloSla, Fa. Do j’ou want a pure, Itloom- itig Coniplftxion { If so, a few aupiications of ILuran’s MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart’s cou- teut. U does away with Sal- lowness, Beduess, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imported • mis of the skin, it' ot erco me stroll ashed appear- mice of heat, fatigue ami ex citement. it makes a lady of Til ill TV appear hut TWEN TY ; iiiMlsonaturai, gradual, and period are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. TAKE G0SSYPEDIA 't-nrib* R-v. 1 ft• >r. P snr.ias.-i-s aro remc-dy •'J h -unn..’-. G cum ( oln-iio. It is A!. D. iiddD A CO.. p A P p r 11 y p q u H n 1 111 li u 0 i U p h o i ste ry’ VV kJ.Sloane! pnBiggers H uc RleberrY Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. In< orporated in IHfiR for 25 years tn- the Ijef^lA* tlire for Fducutiomil and Cfiaritable (niriToses with a capital of el.000,000 t'* which v rusem® fund of over 1660,000 1ms since been added.. By an ovonvholming popular vote it.*?® was made n part of the present State Const it tion, adopten December 2d, A. 1). IH7B. Its 4J 1*111I<I Single nmnt»or Itrn w f vv<r^l will take place monthly. Jt never hrates or pones. Look at the following distribution*. IlHItl <h-aii(l Monthly AND THE i:\IT.\OlfiMWRV l|l \l!Ti;i!(,l OfitffRfl lu the A end (ill) of Music, Son <1 r l etns y Tuesdav, .•line 16, lsstL Under the personal supervision navi tna nag ft* ment of Gen. G.T. BEAUREGARD, of Louisiana, & Gen. JUBAL A. EARLY, of Virginia. (lapilal Prize, .^lTD.tMKf •-Notin Tickets are Ten IMIitr* only llutrc^ Fifths,^-’. Tenths, I.IMT OK PIUZKH. 1 CAPITAL PHIZK OF $150,000 1 GRAND PR I/K OF riO.OOO r,n.</(UH 1 GLAND PRIZFOF 20,000 ... 20.004H 2 LA KG K PR 1ZKS ()F 10,0o0 JO.WiO I LAUGH PRIZES OF 5.000 20.000 20 PRIZES OF 1.000 20,iV5O 50 P R IZ It'S (> F 500 2 >,tlCO 100 PRIZES OF .100 W,(MI 200 PRIZES OF 200 ar.flf/tt 000 PRIZES OF 100 . f.0,000 1,000 PRIZES OF 50 . r rf),(Wt» A P PO XIM A T lO N PR IZ Eai. iro Approximation Prizes of $200 |20,000 1U0 ” " 100 10..WO 100 “ “ 75 7,50$ 2,27!* Prizes, amounting to ... ... Application for rates to clubs should be ai/xdl« only to the Office of the Company in NewrOrieiins. For further informal ion write clearCy. giviwtf full address. IMhSiAL N4ITKN. Exprfr?« Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordA- imrv letter Currencv nv Express aC our ty pe use. addressed M. A. IIATPitlV, i \e\v tirkaus. I.n. Oi M. A. I> A I'1*11 IIS’. iisliiiig ton. If. C ? . M.iLe I*. 41. Money 4hxfm puynljift# and address lleghteretl Letters to \ m:\y oitibr. A vs .\\nt>\AL (m>n, my 12 wed seAtw 6t Mew 4frlei»nw. *'2j b -V. "... r;0- f { ;[ if ^ WJ ..Jr* 'WPM< w jwltew V, !"Lt- . j M‘ Ij-t ¥ Iff ■k nli. 11 -.1. ar<l niAvunl FIws CcOd and Two Silver awar'lcil in bss. 1 ! nt tbc Esprisitio/is oU New Orltnns and Louisville, aivi Ir,» ventions Kxp I'-itiun of Loudon. Tlic sui-crinrity nf Coraline crvi.r born f.r wlialnlm.i, luv r:mv been denamstrateiX by over five yeats' experience. I; xs met9 (liiriible, mure pliable, more comn rtabits- and r h-uU A obi eiieep imit dions madf of reriouS Hi'. In nf cord. Nc..c nre gem: ve unlegf "lb:. Waisnhk’s (.'okaumk" i& ennt® On inside ,,l steel cover. FOB SALE BI AIL Lf.ADIKS WEBSHARTS,. WARNER BROTHERS, 353 Broadway, New York Cit#B. FOPL EXGH-A. N Gr ELOIIIDA LAND." TOO.MI1S CBAUEOBO, MAUHAS. i: 1 OKI A I N ANTIOI K an.I l-'IMLNi U i..,i 'V: !criri A !NS,' In n. f: V. |.. r pail , van! Xfj'mvaiA.M J..VK 'eri! r.\ TUACOJIAN n'HTAIN.-. ’.-.'it'i - ■'’iLLiY'lnL •’ " . '■ T pii;r up,van) TAl'ILS'IItV ('uVi.RI.V',.-'. iV'.n: .*] VI p**r yard upward RETONNE COVERIN' ■> tV'dii 25e. j '*r yard upward WINDOW .SHADES made on short notice or CHILDREN TEETHING PITT'S CARMINATIVE, The people of (lain-- tlie financul cot!-::'; n that city savs the *u*\ investitrrte and let tm the old administration All vegetation is m r *;i I - ft] gro' 111 A. ' the dry weather th:-t three week®. The pn vegetable crop is mud the corresponding tine, R. J. Ashton, of OH: urdav. Hi« fine Env 1 the first prizes in the bench shows. His for, second prize-, her*ring offered ^000 0 r “P,abv At JucksonviPe s&t want a staten c city. Tl,o News of j il would t!" well to j -pie know how much iecity in debt, r an unprecedentedly j irty noiuithstr.n ling 'dith.nk for a good •e fiattering than at was in Pnlatka ! iu'.-iitf. “Baby." t Lind ;>nd New A' Is the only harm’, l't)()]) kin. \ n wh:• : is without -.timulaiit - beverage a ..1 wifi j- Nervous Exhaustion, drinks, r* store the a n retivshiim -kep a;. tr..uMe ari-ing f m > <*'■ dive NERVE and It is a delicious cover Brain and r *. for alcoholic • I>\>pepsin, give A single b- tic will pi-, .x* its •. irtue. MANUFACTURED BY MOXIECOMPANY, Atlanta Ga For sole by John P. Turner A kr-... and G. A Valuable Up - Town Property | 1 Hint Hal 1’ian>! ill '! FOR SALE. ; MONEY TO LOVYirST T r Best Medicine on Earth Par Children. !»!(.• <-i"-c.!!c foi Fla.tuknt Colic, •• l - - - hiiitr, ('})• ie: ;i lnfantum,Choifo . aii'l all <li-e:-ses incident to children CITY DBM, STORE'. On City Real INtate. .-t ' ami Ih-mis discount lirst-cla>s JOHN BLACKMAIL wed fr tf Final'.m! \••• . < ipiiaft DEAFNESS \r.- h “CHICHESTEH'S ENGLISH-. 11 The Drijftiiid itiui Only (hiiidne» i H carv-i* ivortliW-Mi imitatlC!L-?a. -V M..N.L..A Wl! a . ; h late- !y return NAME PAPtrt. 1 filch taler 1'hemtiid it*-. viiTia Mud.U it '•yuure, IMillnilu., P-a»» ^jlii b.t Pi iirfifUla e\\\ here. A»X Tor '*4'hh-htut|> i.a" Feuiijroyal I'LL: TuomsumUha