Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 30, 1886, Image 2

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PA F\(iF - SI X ('( .EMEUS. CF.OIU-'IA. SUNDAY MOluNIXG MAY h<>. i ss| i, iiv. »rui must "h Although from t When . Our gre inlowin, the .linm r i 11 in 1 ‘ i i 1 a«1 * 5 pli ; A'* oon .is v on Bet r*r be* iv tli- in memidl :ith. Ami I**:' That gr o’, •c*hind i I llist It Damp "tli Teeth White as Snow! Up lives t ho be st w' Who In.- thf u*r Ami loves f i-"1 an That life is gre.H 11 ie an* in tlx* bun •.* w • you dwell, should i.t-\i"- h. i.vhIc t'•<> :i»(iit: !’ve*i. - • 1 ■ hibt - ill 1* - DE-LBC-TA-LAVE , tho Meteorologists Lav thunder or light nim ’ der is board honont L ■ either come from Lot tin..: on t In fui mi me m Mnoli illness is oirw 1 by th Now to open th * win lows P (>ld rai/s m.1 old ruhbi.’h si. ■ In- Ill othei ily. Harvest or hca distant storm. T1 beat lightning. the twelve miles, while ' h Hoi lildivn are h cannot thiv "it »!' • list a There scents to he rinnati and Chicago i •‘1 don't understand w me so hard to reach. • asy. seeing that you .* itosH, sham, nud wirkc ain’t. 1 can reach yoi touch your nppreHnt i mgs, mayhap*, but >o si I bv in Cincinnati I come in (hicugo 1 could not i newspaper poop odd think you’d » uuch of t lie hallo' nf the world, hut y< iwHpapcr I <■:. smart n*- witty sa • awf’u! hard to torn lidiculL of access. No w*vor;il reporters, I" •h one with a fort.y-ii" i Ins lie Hut “ I was .«itt mg in I Udnioin- s dropped into luncheon. hoard a sweet, tiny tink- • 1!s. When they wore si at- Whon they moved t noir ,n again. I have naked ti ie boy carried in the pocket. Philadelphia, where it is now the rage to carry nmhrcliRH with gorgeous coverings and t.» wear throe garters, two rod ones And one yellow one, and the yellow one is worn <ui the left log. r J’t> the yellow one is attached i little silver bell, like a sleigh bell, for luck.” A New \ oi ker s co’h when two 1: When tl**.v enter, ling invisible silvr #*d the sound wi 1 loot the music began friend if it was a mmiie 1 fsho said they wore from Yen, She Mid. There i« an old lady in the annexed district who makes frantic efforts to keep itbreast of the limes. Circumscribed, however, in her social tphere, and with limited opportunities of (level* opment, this is difficult, and she is compelled to resort to her imagination. Vain t lie effort to‘tell Anything she docs not alrealdy know, or startle lier with information. A few evenings ago she wont to a church sociable, and as she entered I he room one of the young ladies said: “(lood even ing, auntie; 1 am very glad you caiue. Wo are going to have tableaus this evening.” “Yes, I know, I know.” replied the old lady: “I smelt ’em when 1 first came in.-New York I'p-Town light; See that thecDte/n is clean to the brim; fake care unit your dre.■».*, is all tidy and clem: Use your nose to find if there be a bad drain; Very sad arc the fevers that, come in it-> train; Walk as much as you can without ice-ling fa tigue. Xerxes could walk through many a league; Your health is your wealth, which your wisdom niast keep; Z< al will help a good cause, and the good you BEST TOOTH WASH DE-LEC-TA THE WORLD Clou 1)1 i DO'S i- xt lot Jodi Anviou to Mothkhs.—Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing H vm; l* should always boused when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little suM'erer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright ns n. button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu lates the bowels and is the host known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or oilier causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. d&wtf W N \l '! •l.;\|' II ow 10 A Hone, USE OELECTiLB ,i j>M-oinVs Gums. Aloiilli and The Nut-brown Maid uf Merry thought, A winile usually hangs on a girl’s face for fully fifteen minutes after she lias met and spoken to a handsome young man on the street.—itoseleaf. Hemiire lull I'osfeil, “That Miss Mercy is an innocent looking young girl.” “Innocent looking? Why, man, she has spent three winters in Wash ington, and is engaged to be married to a Chicago speculator. Appearances are de ceptive, I toll you.”—New York Graphic. The Most Important Thing Wanting. Rare form," bright eyes fair for head wreathed about With sunniest curl! Child’s mouth and voice like love’s Most tender cadence in the coo of cloves! A heart! Ah, sad miracle!—the heart’s left out! —Paul II. 1 layne. Vfr.ii Wii.i.iii C'ott\ge, Athkns, Ga., Munch s. ISflO. Dear Dr. Brockett; For two weeks before I began using your ‘JJelectamve'’ I hail been .suf fering a good deni from my gums, tongue ami roof of my mouth, a thing unusual with me. J tried several remedies, but with no avail. Then I resorted to your new preparation and found speedy relief. The stute of my throat was also improved. Judging of my own experience. 1 think this mouth wash very valuable, and I most heartily and confidently commend it to public at tention and general use. I beg to remain most truly yours, Andrew A. Lipscomb, D. D. Sore MoiHli of Tli roe Yearn* Standing- Cured in six Hays. To Dr. C. T. Brcckctt: I have suffered for three years with a sore throat and tongue, and had be gan’to fear it was malignant. Dr. Brockett gave me a bottle of his Delectalave six days ago, and 1 have used it five days and my mouth* }s now well, i do not hesitate to advise the use of it for all the purposes fur which it is recommended. John M. Johnson, M. J). Atlanta, (in., Novembers, 1885. Is'ev ’ by i The ha of sugar t il h a entlv, On Ala: 'clock the Ni’lior. rk Vidette, wiiicli arrived at New York from ('it nfue xviis set on fire hy a mefeor nt 1:8ft o’clock on the morning of .May 1. The Vidette left Cienftiegos mi April 22. .She had good .wenther until .May I. when for three days idle whs knocked about by a heavy northwest gale, which was accompa nied by violent squalls, thunder, lightning amt -I the weather modeiatcd and at • a meteor flashed id -truck the bark’s •illinnllv lighted up from stem to stern. The mast took lire a ml in less than ten seconds was in full bla/.c. The mutes and two sailors ran up the rigging, ami after a lively < ussle for five or six minutes beat the lire out. The weather was tine mid the skv nearly clear. The vessel was fn latitude D deg 10.u . longitude 77 deg. I£m^ \ IliipjM Thought. Young with to husband -“i don’t see how wc can get along this wm much longer. Bills come Honors Mmle Knsy and the Bridol Hell.- ft;i<>lt.*J | lie was practical and had been making love on that basis. Rfru was a little that way herself. “Cun you cook?” be inquired. ‘Gan you .supply every tiling to be cook- i i d?” she replied. It was a match. The Bc-T fi’nnfJi M’axh I Ii non At:..-vt.\. (.a., Mai -ing l >electalave Hr • •or (-nt irelv saiislicd. AF ew irnportantOuestions A X i i ;lkax -A.o K.J£! AKD ^.zstsw: ■I l ill .miis:> a ;,ni 11 o• li.j-nidiii foe iJi'lt'i'hilavc i ii siiilicimt Liiiaraiilrc fur f!i<■ following questions about th 1st. 2d. 3d. 4 th. 5th. 6th. 7th. Sth. - of )J in ■ it Willi (li!V ii<« iuivc Ie.- Cl : iTl’C'l liv.-S 1 II.-:' of Did ! jiii* .t ■ a i (111 u no i'!'ully r.x ■il its value u I' the answers ■lalave: 1 *i i \ si- tt 11 i i k i i ill be lo tlie What will whiten my teeth ? Delectalave. What will cleanse my mouth? Delectalave. What will harden and beautify- my gums ? Delectalave. What will purify my breath? Delectalave. What will aid in preserving my teeth ? Delectalave. What will prevent the formation of tartar ? Delectalave. What will neutralize any acidity of the saliva? Delectalave. What will cure tender and bleeding gums ? Delectalave ? Mow does Dolt'diilavv mentioned? i'i- nnn nose ts. above 1886. 1 have bee months, and Inn A. Gray, M. 7). SCULL-HEAD, l* t oi 1c f Mill'd < iinidvr YYasIt. .-her of the Southern iniinlop. II ilk 4 'rust, Hiimirnli. Ik*v.«'ina and All Scolj* Humors fined hy fiitieura. From R. A. Holliih;y. .mb 1 Dental .'Journal Atl.-.n!:. Ik i Ga.. .Mau i' 18. 1886.—Dr. C. T. Broekett—Dear ??ir: , After examining the formula of 1 >eieeta]a\ ( . D an I recommend it as a pieusiuit toilet paid curative , wash. It do?not contain any thing injurious to ; the teeth. Respectfully, It. A. IIOI.LIDAY. D. D. S. u death uboul 11ushu ml tli . .side buy "ig" « i Ie Lost November my littl" boy, aged (lirco yesirs. fell«t the stove u bile he was running, and cut Im bend, and, right after that, he broke out all over hia head, face and left ear. I had a good doc!or. Dr. -, to attend him, but he got worse, mid the dor!or could not cure him. His whole bend. l ire. :ind left ear were ill :i fearful stale, and lie sintered terribly. I caught the disease from iiim, and it sMcad all over my f.tee and a. -ck and vc n got into my eyes. Nobody thought u • oiVhl "vergm better. 1 felt fare we were dis figured for life. 1 heard of the CTticcua Rkmk- J>Jj*-*-. ami procured u bottle of the Uitim iia Ue- smia 1ST, ; box nf ( v-nri <: a cyke of i ’r riocRA s "'i’, mid used them constantly day ami night. A Her using 'wo bolt les of .R bmo LA’ it NT. four boxes of' uxicdRA it ml four cakes of Soap, we were per* fccJly cured t\ ithoui. a scar. M.v boyV skin G jk.w likn din. T.117LT I <A KPT TNG. .171 flnmd fcm-'t. Jer-cy r ity. V..). Sworn io before mi* this 27th dav or Mm-cb, Ds.t. Gilbert P. Uouinson, J. P. Nodkiinv,'Hit.jnriotiN the cl Hi. Atlanta, On.. December 10, I88e.--Having been mnde ucirunin’ed i\ ith the ingredients of Brock et!'k Delectalave, 1 know it does not contain any thing injurious to the teeth. 1 have also used it, and must say it is well named,being indeed a de lightful wash. J. S. Tul'D, M. J>. *r«'f<*rs at to Any To Dr. Brockett : After a of the formula of Brocket without hesitation rccornu tlui; it contains nothing bn the tee! 't and gums. I iu:i jjilrim xamitud 1st. Delectalave wliitcus teeth by thoroughly cleansing them, and not by any ac tion upon tlie tooth structure, as that would injure the enamel. 2d. Delectalave will cleanse the mouth by thoroughly washing it. being sapona- cious and of such a penetrating character as to enter ail the interstices between the teeth and destroy any particles of food or other extraneous matter which would by fermentation pollute the secretions and lender the mouth unclean and unhealthy. 3d. Delectalave will harden the gums by its astringent qualities and by stimulating the mucous membrane to a healthy action. ■Ath. Delec talave will purify the breath by destroying all foreign matter which, if allowed to remain in the mouth: M ould ferment and generate noxious gasses ; also by imparting its fragrance to the breath. 5th. Delectalave will prevent decay. 1st, By thoroughly cleansing the teeth. 2d, By its antiseptic qualities. 3d, By its stimulating effect upon the mucous mem brane. 6th Delectalave will prevent the formation of tartar by dissolving and removing such deposits as would form tar Lax* if allowed to remain. 7th. Dok-ctalave will neutralize acid secretions by its alkaline reaction. Sth. Delectalave will cure tender and bleeding gums by stimulating the mucous membrane by its astringent qualities. (aluv't* is liie I test 1 >(*i 11 i I’ricc lo Hit* A11 it* r i (* 1111 |M*i >j ilc. ussvi'l ]>v ccri iIic;tfk.-. slid hr. ( allionn Kccomnicinls nei < ( , io file Public. Dr. T. (J. Brockett—My Dear Sir: It aflbni pleasure, after a careful examination of ti u - i nla ol your Delectalave, to bear testimonv • value, and to state that its curative qua 1 '- '-. beyond question.! regard it as the nann in,,,\ delightful, and can confidentlv recoi i' it to the public. Yours truly. A. \V. Calhoun, m. 1 Ail Agreeable Antiseptic l>eniilri((. Atlanta, Ga., October 15.—Mv knowledee the composition of Delectalave, inaniifacHirJi C. T. Brockett, D. D. 8.. of this city, and pra« •- acquaintance of its use, enabk s nie to hear t fill testimony to its entire freedom from injur effects upon the teeth, and to its positive \. as an agreeable, cleansing, antiseptic titmif. James M. Baird. M. i Itocoinmcinlcii lor All li Claims. Atlanta, Ga., September 16-Dr. C. F. Brockvt I Atlanta, Ga. M.v Dear Sir: I take pleasure.: j stating to you that 1 have examined the f,.nj | of your Delectalave or mouth wash, and u. I regard it a most excellent dentifrice, i personal experience in its use J can conii lt- reeonuneiKl it for all that it claims. , V. H. Taliafero. M. froiik (Hijcetjonablc 4'hrntieals. Wo claim Elia! Moni ii Wash i*v( r t i'ui'tlKi-. and nmve v I iclccl i I'i arc I ml wo ami \\ O ”() IS W'OI'O NEVER BEFORE SEEN IM THE PUBLIC PRINTS fn Wife ihappy wit fly to t*Jirope.*' Hnshund admiri :\ elevi r lillle imim nut swim ’here, th too damp and "«• 1 w< nt.v-fivu •« n I M i:m i t ail all olii lor i olild ,v *e- of the Ten: \v*ikKST soul-: mi ail e drug ami met!Viuu busijie 4 nily, it to We have no douhiini!' docloi. iior do we have a seciv lornmla. But we Baw <i I'oi-nuila which we arc not ah-aid h show fn any rcpulahh* |ihysiriaii or dcidisl who (!'*sirr lo sci ii. and we have a |irc|iaraion which no docloi would REFUSE TO ENDORSE Atlanta. Ga.. December 12. 1885.—Penr :■ Brockett; j-faving examined and used yo.i: ;r miruble cientifrit e. ! take pleasure in tesidyiii.?; its excellence. Being free from the object!' i. cnemicnls not \mfrequently found in many . parutioiirt upon the market, il limy be ’’sui 1.1 Without fear of those irriui ting a :ni injur: a- * fects upon the teeth and gums incident ’ class- mentioned, it U not only a most agrecT) pn paraiJm. but unites with it’s cleansing eit*.c upon the teeth the intrinsic merits of a c. m-.-uth wash. Yours vu\v truly. Jon:; G. u’lmtstlad. M. M. Most IKIicii'ii] «mt Pr(‘V(‘iHi!i'i D- Air would be 'll. ID* rd’tlK Iw-.rii >.iid in :s. One year -i lit tie girl In *. : bu rn le leg. .vhile tlie phy feed to 'M i'J'll \ BkO reclutt - My Deal Sir: Ku roperty of each ingredient i think you have a plea-ant : W'linii’iN V- n-'itl \V 'immies. ])tihle to petty e •\ arc : n some . G. Holland. P. D. iml they •ate foi eh pu and for ll - . good purchasers, hut "lily hi .-ome reNpecG. t" xvhilc they will dil; te with a lo’-al tr.uioman I'o many minutes up"i* tl" cm»rs nf charging ai extra half penny npo.i his goods, they will no hesitati In accept what is fictitiously described t* them as a 'bargain.' The great organizers of th west of this weak lit pose 'remnant dcrlining in re mv dispatched hy mc's v *i\gers pouncing that the stock is to he price no\or previously known in tlie tram*. Such an advertisement is most IVuitthl, tin* fair buyers • have been known eson to indulge in a combat of] imibrellas and parasols for tlu* sake of securing I that which they consider a bargain. Inthcfai- i lacy of cheapness let the pel economy of the ' rulers of ihe domestic portion of the establish- j incut, and it is a l:i 1 ia«*\ that is found in hut a I l’imples to Serofi ( rruvir,. v.u*; Si pared h> the Pivn senses from .nt 81. Brc- h isli \ (Mir I'oetBi tu Sim iv:iy*i I'nc IM‘-5€*c-!o-Iji \ «*. A I'ltT "lire seeing mir I'm iniilii. I! is llo* result ol twelve yars of vx | iei in ton l. and lies lucn 11 uiemip lily tested liefore il was offered to I in* public. Try one botlle. and you will besoimieii pleased Ihul you will conliiuie its use. Toot 11 of pearl-1 ike whiteness. (; nil is of ruby line. ! Iren I i i wi I b IVagra nee ladeiied. This Ileleelalive will c!(). hi.. October 16.—I liave cardu*r - aiuiiied the fornuda lov the prcpanitkm kie v n Delectalave, originated bv fir. (A T. Br-cIcgl i find it to be comp *scd ofingi- *ni; m- w i <: as the most efficient i*.i pre- outing dccou •*•"*■ uiul rlecav. and poss« sci**g (| Mii iK*-- th ; -u * benelieiaily upon tiio mucous mer.ihrtii'.c -l ■ mout h and gums. f i’!K*:e is nothing in tin- , ion that could i any way prove ban the most deiciato .-stria lures. Tlie combi’.G produces an aniele '••m pi-sing in eb-u" ,< “--• tooth wash that has come under my noth having personally used Delectalave. I let * that any one who mu ? experiences it t; del:. r■' ertect.s will ever continue i;s constani u-e. i *'■ he-itete to give* it my < inpliaiic and uiiqu ud eiuh-mouieiit, and to ivcommend it coutideiu.. t hose s i king an el eg * .it. hi uefieial and reuv ing'ooth iVas’i Me-qK»etfully. Wm. Perrin Nicoi.son. M l it Your Moiitk mid Gums are Sore. HcU'ctalim 1 %v ill fnrr Tlictu Sure. Solid for “How to Curs Skin Diseases.’ POPULAR ‘WHEREVER TTSHir). id and ; ie of capitals by post, iiu 'arcil out at ; % OF AC’UIOS AND 1’AINS. o human sk'll # seems able tv» a.l- is the condition of thousands leviatc s yet knov and elegant antidot lluinmatum, the Gu Fur salt* in t'.oln111biis. Mrurgia. al retail hy flic* following Druggists: Jim. Ryans Lv ! inward. wholesale and ret L Turner A firm. til by M. D. Hood iV Co. and Brannon A Carson. For sale J Cilv Drug Slore. Mold. Carter. Mankin Mouse Drue Stoiv. i si a idard. Ladies ’lull'- ! upon Gold I iidrstru<dibit*. Gold may he said (<> bean cvcrlastin struct ihle. fhe pure acids have no elie H. Air and water are alike prohibited from xvorking its destruction: while to baser metals they are decay, to gold thev are inocuous. But through long ages, and when the rude tool ol t he excavator again brings it to the light, while everything around it has returned to dust from which it sprang: while the delicate form which it adorned has become a powder so impalpable as lapprociable, u bile the strong hone of the s you gaze upon it; mass of shale rust, vhich adorned it. in to hi mighty warrior- feminities : vhile the trusty sword lies i the delicate tracery in gold the finely wrought tiara which encircled thi lofty "brow of the fair damsel, is there in its pristine beauty, perfect as when it left tlu* workman’s hands and became the joy ot her Meeting mo ments. Yes. dais, yews, centuries, have rolled by: mighty empires have risen and fallen: dynas ties that dreamed their power everlasting have vassed away; armies have marched, conquered, ond becoming nerveless with decripit old age; cities teeming with population and commerce become the dwelling place of the owl and the hat: the very pyramids themselves, raised in the pride of power, and destined to he forever, have crumbled and. ure crumbling; and yet the thin filament of gold has stood unchanged.—Sir Hen- Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexiim J Jf so, a few applications of Hagan’s MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart’s con tent. It does away with Sal- lowness, Keilness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases ana imperfect ions of the skin. It overcomest lie flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear hut TWEN TY ; anil so natural, gradual, aud perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. 1UI0XIE NERVE FOOOlGRSNREST OPENING OF TOE SEASON .iHeme Insurance Co, Is the only harmless and effective NERVE I FOOD known wb’ch leaves no after-effects, and j is without stimulant or alcohol. It is a delicious | beverage and \. ! 1! positively leeovtr Brain and i Nervous Kxhaustion, destroy thirst for alcoholic drinks, restore the appetite, cure Dyspepsia, give ] efreshing sleep and immediate relief to trouble arising from nervousness. A single tie will prove id virtue. bot- MANl’FACTORED BY MOXIECOMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. 1 HAVE OPENED THE LARGEST STOCK OF Pattern Hats and Bonnets In all llie styles aud combinations ever shown in this market, and ol such juices as will astonish every one. OF NEW YORK. (Established 1851.) jUUl For sale by John P. Turner A: Bro., ami O Bradford, City Drug Store, Columbus, Ga. cents quart bottle. a put illy Cash Assets, $/,610,116 • Vivi Simmons’ Iron Cordial eliminates from >be system all impurities through the lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Sold by John 1\ Turner & Bro., Colum- iaus, Ua. eodixw PENNYROYAL PULS CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH.* The Jiii.l 1,11,1 Only (Jomtine. ill «nd»l»»y. H. iial.l. . new»f wurthIm lmltatlot.'. “fists: U _particular® ,n letter hy return muti i -'llulire, IMiiludh., j’% koli\ by UruvicUta every wh'*rv. A.k fcr “Chleha^ o L'jg'Jili” VuiJujTOjMi A'tiit ?iJl( CAbrt Union Milans, Mihuis. China Milan.?, English Milaiis, Sat-. I in Straw, Fancy Straw, Leghorns, and an endless variety of School Hals. Ostrich Feathers and Pompons, Parasols and Fans, and everything ajipertaining lo Millinery, to which the ladies of Columbus and vicinity arc respectfully invited. NS URE against loss or damage by Fm ning and Tornado, at rates guarantee as offered by any reliable stoek cwnpai Lightning clause will be inserted in - policies without extra charge. H. CHAPPELL. Age'd. M ■•sa wr C3 fcd Xj] J, I will insure your building or contents agi loss or damage by a TORNADO. t'Vl’LOXE 01! WIND STOP. Positive . Security Agaiust Fire ami Burglars. Boxes for Reuf at S3.00 Per Aiiuiiui. I.J8?; pm r jS ii 4. mAa C0NS71PAj OM, mm 4m Grttherd A Iiein *dy for al' Dipeaces of th * Lilvei . 1 Cacyn, Moiuiu li uml BohpL. A 1 < ir.‘ 1 . Mirk . CoEmliimkt JU. i .»se, one t > t wo i ^ my U dim ')!"). Cashier. Bv careful watching you can reduce the ofloss b.v lire, but a Torn." ’ ’ '■* protection against Wind St Policy is the 1 mui ms or Cyclone JOHN BLACKMAIL Insurance Age: Notice to Tax PafeiSi riiHE Tax Digest for State and County Taxe -. * I now open at my office on Twelfth str ee D apt eod&w3m.^ J. C. REEDY, R. T. R. M*